
Images, are based in; “two distinct conclusions”. Within thought, you are as beautiful as you believe you are/ but within reality, by the definitions of lines, shapes, dimension, and other variables; you are as people see the relationships of body and mind to be. Without body and mind; you remain...


A conclusion: having fought with you for nearly fifty years, demanding stop this. Yet it is fair to say, I do have an element of understanding; as to who you, the vast majority are. Animals never stop wanting more; change means: “be human” instead/ and all the universities scream: NEVER....


At 69 years old, I have finished my work; and looking beyond today, I find a reality of isolation no longer needed. Because it seems, that I am finally done with this work. Given that, along with a list of “bad ears, half bald, less than perfect; etc”. It would...


Men rule the world: by power over peace. The constant battle-cry is: we will make them fear/ and then they won't dare to attack us. But as history proves, nothing is a greater lie than that. The only change presented is the atomic bomb/ but biological weapons are even more...

center of life

THE CENTER OF LIFE Is the environment you choose to create the foundations upon which you will live, in this life. For me, that center is GOD CREATED THIS WORLD, and all its LIFE. While the word itself is not grand enough, to assemble the proper respect; I/ we are...

rules of life

THE RULES OF LIFE are: respect yourself, not when you are wrong on purpose/ but when you do the best you can; no one does better. Even if they are more capable; the best you can do/ is equal to the best anyone else can do. Forgive yourself, when you...

begin here

CHANGING THIS WORLD, requires an understanding that is significantly different than male in charge. Or more distinctly: to remove the human animals from our lives: we must remove “want/ pride/ and power”; as the beginning ascension beyond self. Self is the essence of greed, selfishness, arrogance, apathy, hate, disrespect, fantasy,...


And the people say: “we want what we want”/ while all the preparations of universities around this world say; “we will take it all/ and then kill them, before they kill us; for destroying life on earth”. The cult of universities worshipers then scream: BELIEVE WE ARE YOUR SAVIORS/ DAMN...

laws of life

It is an elemental truth, in this crowded world; change must come immediately, or our world itself will collapse under the weight of human decisions which cannot be justified as true, to the essence and realities of both life and living. This planet has limits and boundaries which have kept...


We come to passions, and the existence of time versus eternity; to conceive of compositions that are functionally beyond complexity. Or more distinctly, the question of change, and how it alters the identity of one life form into another. In the spiritual world, the area beyond death and between eternity...