reality states

Reality states, that if the burden of evidence/ the essence of knowledge and understanding, already displayed here on this site is not enough for you: to accept the need to do something for your world, your life, your child, your future. Then nothing can touch your life; as you have...


Spiritual means: inside the barrier, between life/ death/ and eternity. It is a place where truth meets energy, by the consequences of law. Law governs the universe, and it holds truth as its ultimate witness as to the facts. Truth is then the foundation upon which all judgment, or mercy...


The constant of man, when threatened by anything is : “you can't scare me/ I will scare you: I will do even worse”. Their ears shut/ their eyes go blind/ their minds fuse together in one continuous scream for war: kill them we must not fear. UNLESS they truly are...


In the disciplines created by our own values, the foundation of what we choose to accept, believe, decide, or attempt are all determined by the relationship we share with the others. This is ultimately, the essence of a herd/ or a pack: dependent upon the animals/ creatures involved. Every animal...

nuclear base lessons

Of the many basic lessons, that must be achieved in order to understand nuclear realities, the most important are these. That energy: the transformation of time into its base construction: that is what does move vs what does not move. That reality of movement/ as well as the ability to...

no return

The right, and the responsibility to change our society as we see fit/ according to constitutional intent. Is as basic to our freedom, as life is to our home. Accordingly the values we represent as our way of life/ the foundation of our laws and our rights as a society:...

internet crime

In the interest of life and society: the question of internet extortion/ criminal disease; arises as a plague, needed to be dealt with effectively. There are only three things required. the reality of money.1a. Whereby the means to remain hidden is taken away. The bit coin can be removed from...


Failure is a word applied to all those, whose entire contribution to life and living: “was criminal or religious” at best. Criminal being an intent to describe and demand: the laws of life mean nothing to me. Whereas religious means: by banding together in similar wants, we can create our...


It is clear, no cooperation from women will be coming to resolve the reality of what changes can occur to make human society better. Which leaves the decision to me: as all barriers to extending life on earth MUST be eliminated, so as to give the maximum potential for life...


Time, is a delicate thing/ conceived of, rather than owned. Which does mean: existence is determined by what you accept as true/ rather than what is consistent with the evidence of time itself. Truth is an indicator of thought, and thought is the destiny of participation in value. So, I...