grain elevator

To whom it may concern TOPIC: the consequence of weather change in this year 2019 has delayed planting sufficiently at this moment to insure a wet corn harvest. Which will entail significant amounts of drying to be done. The current owners ship through Royal, roughly an area of harvest one...


To: Mirika from Jim Osterbur dated 4/29/19 Since you are studying to be a obgyn doctor; it occurs to me that some veterinary medicine may in fact be of some interest to you. Although vet's either don't know or don't use the method as near as I know. The critical...


The seven elements, of actively searching for a “romantic partner”/ husband, wife, or friend. You do have to be noticed; which means, you do have to be more than a “wallflower”. Tattoo's (wall paper) are a very poor substitute for life. Do whatever it is you can do, that is...


The ladder of man; the rise beyond animal. The fundamental of all human existence, whether male or female is: that we begin our lives by recognizing an action or a reaction delivers a consequence. But that is the same as an animal experiences or expresses; with a very similar brain...


The value of life, is to recognize all that was a gift to you! Because in the realities of truth, nothing was created by human, other than our own individual truth, by decision or consequence. To that end, it has been my life's work; to accept the duty, of respect;...


Some keys, to the discovery of disciplines and order/ balance as intended. It is without doubt, that we learn most often, too late in life to make the changes, that should have been made: for all life to have been better, for each one. That means simply, that our lives...


I, am going to offer humanity some advice: there is nothing more destructive, than the reality of university decision, as it applies to this world. They seek to remove us from our dignity; they seek to remove us, from our own survival by freedom of choice; they seek to replace...

the curse

The university is a curse, because it brings together the people who say “we can do this/ even though it should not be done: because we CAN lie, and create fantasies to pursue our arrogance”. The end result is: only very rarely does this succeed, as a value to life....

the note

THE NOTE: to IRS, social security/ President, and various other outreach or media elements. from James Frank Osterbur regarding social security #__________where needed. dated: 3/ 20/ 19 I am informed that social security needs to be advised, by the IRS; if I acquire an income of over $25,000.00 in this...

summary elements

The summary elements of my work, as is testified too; by the last twelve writings. Lends itself to both life and death as a relationship between what can and cannot exist beyond time. Death is the ending of time on earth. Life is the miracle of existence, that is governed...