
It is a fundamental truth: that leaders create rebellion in their own nation/ by corrupting the laws until they have achieved the collusion of power with those considered wealthy. By destroying the foundations of law and justice; in America that requires destroying the power of law and government that is...


From James Osterbur DATED; 8/7/22 writer: the elemental concept of “disarming America”/ to make people safe/ is beyond contempt. Nothing makes people less safe than having only a few own all the weapons/ and it does absolutely nothing to deter violent crime. As violence is the result of judgment/...


I am reminded; that while male has delivered his message of, “extinction looms upon this earth”/ change or you will die. The reality of a different job has emerged for me; which is to be a “surrogate mother” of some sort for you. Instead of complaint, it is necessary to...


TO: IRS KANSAS CITY MO 64999 FROM: JAMES F. OSTERBUR SS xxxxxxxxx DATED: 3/30/2022 RE: 0966558018 MAR 15, 2022 LTR 672C I am aware, that all tax liabilities both state and federal are paid in full PRIOR TO: 2021 & now 2022; as are you. Instead of your avoidance: at...


Time is an environment, where our own existence is stretched into the moments which reflect our decisions into the truth of our own identity, by the relationships we choose to value and create as our experience and expression of life. By living the essence of our thought; whether it is...


It is the hope of being human; to know truth. Only truth survives. Therefore the desire for truth, participates as the decision to be, or remain alive. The quest is for happiness, because all other things fail the blessing of life, by instilling doubt; that life is worth the price...


In the critical search for truth, elemental knowledge assigns time as the true messenger of fate or destiny: the decision to participate as either, “a failure to communicate”/ or a reality given to the grace of love, through respect. My decision is to communicate, that our reality is an evidence...

for us

My world, is governed by the truth of what is sacred (which means; this value is a possession which can last an eternity); thereby beyond a choice, a true gift, which is always surrounded by, or as love. Love is NOT a sexual act, there is no “making love” with...

for you

In general: there is rarely nothing move vile than a leader (someone who “thinks” for you/ which of course includes nearly all of media). Little more vile than an animal; someone who lives only for want, pride, or power. The curse of evil (I will take it all/ I will...

for me

Something “for me”. Have you never realized, that eyes are the windows of our existence; presenting shapes and color and descriptions we learn as movements. Ears present sound as motion. Touch recognizes, we are not alone here in time. Tongue allows self to be heard. Feet give us movement as...