mother 8

MOTHER 8 Reality proves: I have shaped my life in time, around the singular issue of “this is a dying world”/ and that fact must not be allowed to continue. But selfishness and greed, consume you; and reality is discarded by the reigning university cult, that lives entirely for fiction,...

mother 7

mother 7 In the elemental trial for life or death of this world; the constant is, “that I have no value/ the university is god”. As is the reality of every cult. In return, I say to you; that I need no value in your eyes. BUT INSTEAD, I remind...

mother 6

MOTHER 6 Reality says: if a mother in concept/ then advise to every person is important. TRUTH defines you, and shapes your path into eternity; even if you believe otherwise; it will be truth that decides. Truth demands discipline; because truth does not make excuses; it simply is what it...

mother 5

MOTHER 5 Reality says: if a mother in concept/ then advise to every female is important. The constant of value is truth, because by truth we do understand what our future, chosen by love can be. There is no substance to a life chosen for “possessions or trophies or toys;...

mother 4

MOTHER 4 Reality says: if a mother in concept/ then advise to every male is important. The first level of truth is; that your penis is NOT your friend/ because it can do more damage than you imagine: therefore you must recognize it as a tool, and prepare to use...

mother 3

MOTHER 3 Of critical matters, regarding the sustainability of society itself: we must encounter the reality of economic collapse. Whereas the public believes everything is good/ the reality of fantasy money counterfeited from US currency failure: WILL override human expectations/ just like in 1929, or worse. The only alteration to...

mother 2

MOTHER 2 In the elemental trial for life or death of this world; the constant is, “that I have no value/ the university is god”. As is the reality of every cult. In return, I say to you; that I need no value in your eyes. BUT INSTEAD, I remind...

mother 1

Mother 1: The foundation of male is: to search, to push for laws must control us all, to accept the limits and boundaries of what truth can or will provide. Thereby securing a future for life, by living in peace, harmony, and happiness. The foundation of female is: to accept...

change is needed

Reality states, that I remain too aggressive as driven by male/ and if there is any hope of reminding you: that we cannot run away from the threats which WILL make us all extinct. Then even greater concessions, must be given to the spiritual woman inside of me: “its complicated;...

primary elements

Everything about nature is valid, true, distinctly real, fundamentally ordered, constructively disciplined, and ultimately necessary. While the decisions of men and today women as well/ and in particular their universities: are either little, none of the above. That fact alone denies any possibility from humanity playing god, as in particular...