
There is, one last element to this fight for our world. As has been proven to me “endless times”/ I CANNOT be “your savior/ your leader”; as that would put me in direct competition with “JESUS”;  if you are a believer in his life. I would never choose to do...

time and energy

Something to remember me by: Time, is an environment, that gives the body its movement. Life is a reality of existence, that allows experience to be achieved, and expressions to be warranted. Combined they represent the value of what freedom can be. Separated they are the essence of energy (the...


A final piece of advice. The heart lives through its desire, desire builds passion, and chooses destiny as the purpose of your life. What the heart shelters from the world, becomes your sanctuary: the place where what is precious survives in you. The heart is an environment you create with...


As is consistent with all the other sites, videos, or whatever generated with regard to this purpose: they are free to all, without restriction. I will not pursue any legal actions. Other than you must respect the fact they are “free to all”/ and you may NOT do anything to...

spiritual question

The spiritual question: IS this, a message from GOD about the ending of our world/ unless you change what you are doing? The answer is: if all the evidence of your reality proves that time on earth is coming to an end/ then how could it not be so? Nothing...


The actual speed at which an atomic nucleus turns, can be determined with an atomic bomb. If you know the explosive yield, such as 20 megatons/ and you know exactly how many atoms was inside the atomic fuel that exploded. Then you know how much energy each atom represents/ its...


The pride of power proves now, to have first amendment redress of grievances surrounded on all sides. They are to be congratulated, none before them have made an entire world “loser (at least in this battlefield)”; as is the purpose of pride. The judge protects his rules/ the prosecutor his...


The people at who are trying to ignite “sun fire” on earth. CLAIM THIS: Their energy source shall release 4 million times more energy than any energy source here on earth in use/ 4 times more than fission of atoms.          The tokomak at ITER is built to provide...

to me

To me, While I cannot conceive of whatever eternity shall be without a definable and distinct “gender reality”. I am, NOT gay/ not transgender/ not other. But critically changed by “a spiritual woman” inside. There are some things I do know, because of this. I am not “strictly male anymore”;...


There is a critical question left:  how do we know, given that death removes the element of energy/ that any form of truth within us, could survive? To answer this question requires a level of understanding you do not have, and I will not release. Even so, there are basic...