the jury papers

The JURY PAPERS: The ultimate reality of our democracy, as intended by its creators: is that we the people shall rule over ourselves! We do that by laws we create. We do that by employees we hire, to do our bidding/ NOT theirs. We do that by keeping the constitution...


Time, is an open door, beckoning each one  to participate as if there is no other option. Passion creates a purpose, while desire understands the meaning of why. The soul lifts and separates all those who can become, “the essence of love itself”. The heart shouts, I am here, when honest love is...


Throughout history, men have fought wars; simple as that. Their purpose is simple as well, our environment/ our nature in this place, can no longer feed us all. “Too many” were born/ or something significant happened. Governments were then formed, and the reality became similar with one exception: instead of...

time 2

In terms of discipline, the fundamental of thought that allows me to conceive of: the uniformed army (we all got a diploma/ and you don’t belong unless you do) of university can be wrong! I offer this as a challenge to your brain.  Kinetic energy is formed from spin speed/...

10th filing

IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E MAIN ST.  URBANA IL 61801 Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL VS JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR 2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E.  ST. JOESPH, IL 61873 DATED: 5/26/18           10th filing There are three distinct elements to redress of grievances as a democracy. The first establishes, that this shall...

9th filing

IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E MAIN ST.  URBANA IL 61801 Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL VS JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR 2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E.  ST. JOESPH, IL 61873 DATED: 5/26/18           9th filing   While the list of threats, when detailed to any degree would fill a thick...

8th filing

IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E MAIN ST.  URBANA IL 61801 Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL VS JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR 2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E.  ST. JOESPH, IL 61873 DATED: 5/26/18           8th filing Discipline dictates, that some degree of measurements should be used in this matter of do...

7th filing

IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E MAIN ST.  URBANA IL 61801 Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL VS JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR 2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E.  ST. JOESPH, IL 61873 DATED: 5/25/18           7th filing Constructed from the realities of our time. Just a tiny dribble of news. When 8...

6th filing

IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E MAIN ST.  URBANA IL 61801 Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL VS JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR 2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E.  ST. JOESPH, IL 61873   DATED: 5/24/18           6th filing   Because you have limited abilities to concentrate on any element of threat; as...

5th filing

IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E MAIN ST.  URBANA IL 61801 Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL VS JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR 2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E.  ST. JOESPH, IL 61873 DATED: 5/23/18           5th filing Reality states, whether you read the filings or not: they are presented to you, as...