
The individual decision; a composition of what can I do, as opposed to what I believe will be important to me or someone else (if love exists). There are, three forms of definition by decision:  1. To conceive of a choice built upon the freedom to make a decision.  2....

time measured

Time is the expansion of moments, the fundamental relationship of slowing an action or reaction down to the point of recognition. Courage is the acceptance, that we must move in order to experience or express life in freedoms. Cowardice assumes, that by not participating in an action or reaction that...


The elements of marriage are:  RESPECT/ REALITY/ DISCIPLINE/ COURAGE/ VALUE/ ORDER/ LOVE/ and TRUST through TRUTH. Responsibility is inherent in these things. The critical choice of marriage is, to understand: everything we can be together is determined by our own decisions. Thereby every decision matters; every lie destroys; every exception...


We begin with:  “nothing on planet earth is more destructive, than a human being”/ particularly male! They see life mostly as a goal, a trophy to be won; or, a fight to survive. The consequence of that is: a competition to gain the most first, thereby win/ and make the...


Elevating life! The critical and distinct lessons, of a value unhindered by want, power, or pride! The elements are simple:  don’t want what you cannot have/ do accept the work (the price) required to gain what you can have as your own. The difference is, TRUTH AND RESPECT for the...

love, life, death

Love, life, and death;  the critical elements of time and existence. The relationship we share with existence is, the freedom to understand, we do have the knowledge within us to express and experience the value of what we have been given, as a body of life, in a world of...


The economic truth is: what we value most, becomes our world! What we achieve is discarded, for a new trophy (I want more, LOOK at me)! What we want, translates into the reality of what we are willing to pay/ or who we are willing to enslave! These simple truths...


The development of human existence in society, is determined by three primary, separate influences. They are:  (1) growth as a body and mind, which then measures existence from a strictly “self” reality.  (2) The elements of what I am willing to believe, as society itself has dictated and drilled into...

last supper

The last supper;  a reference, to the Christian relationship between what can be given in aid of those who will find their lives too,  have changed. The reality simplified is:  the value of someone who has changed us/ is then measured against the reality of those who will not be...


I, James Frank Osterbur;  am the sole author, originator, and owner of the works you have chosen to view. Granted in that statement is the assertion of something worth consideration by you, has been given for your own elevation of truth within; or in contrast to that, the assertion most...