
In the constant of human existence; one of the most vile is gossip/ because it consists of a tiny bit of evidence, that is then blown into damages that cannot be repaired. Numerous examples of that, have been seen in my own experience; and it is a tragedy to and...


There is, no greater failure, for a world: than to believe WAR IS greater than LAW. It is not, even though hate rules war; which means it can be unavoidable as power invades life, with the propaganda that turns animals into a mob. And a mob into an army of...

mental health

There are, three distinct realities to the base line of mental health: LOVE, is the essence of all things valued, and it begins with friendship through respect, and its reward as is hope. SURVIVAL comes next; with "I am too busy for friends or family"/ I must do what I...


Tragedy is the name given to those who fail life and self, and fall into an abyss of power and hate and pride; so as not to see reality or truth. The consequence of all who accept evolution as “their god”. There are literally only three definitions allowed for a...


ANIMAL; the assertion and platform of university knows; instructing all people, to be as basic and devoid of intelligence as you can be! Their purpose of course is: that you abandon decision and identity, so you can then participate as the herd, who only hears a leader. Every portion and...


By design, the destiny of life is built upon your own individual search, for what is or is not the identity of your truth. Into that definition of who can I become; is the consequence of “university/ media manipulation”. Or more distinctly the secretive selection of “social change that is...

courtroom redress

TO: IRS KANSAS CITY MO 64999 FROM: JAMES F. OSTERBUR SS xxx-xx- xxxxc DATED: 3/30/2022 RE: 0966558018 MAR 15, 2022 LTR 672C I am aware, that all tax liabilities both state and federal are paid in full PRIOR TO: 2021 & now 2022; as are you. Instead of your avoidance:...


A lesson to be learned is: you must train yourself, to be yourself; anything less allows others an opportunity to make you fail. Pride is the enemy, in both them and you: because for them your failure, lets them believe they are more/ while in you, it is hope that...

fair play

The foundation of all male and female animal behaviors is: WE WANT MORE. Since resources fail that, men chose to play games. With the singular purpose that “just one” of us gets to win/ the resources are now mine. Which allows that so called winner; to take control over the...


The elemental truth of our lives is: that with weapons, or lies, or theft, or betrayal, people can change or misdirect our own decisions, thereby altering our own fate or destiny: until we recognize our mistake. Weapons are used with rules, “we can select only you/ thereby causing you, great...