
In the relationships we seek between male and female; the most consistent reality involved is: WE DON'T seek the same things; until much later in life. It is elementally true, and fundamentally correct: to understand, that unless we “walk the same path/ and seek the same things throughout the value...


We all try to be happy, but most fail, because they choose want instead. To want means: you must try, what you would not otherwise do, to get what you want/ or keep from losing what you want. To achieve this; people play games with life and planet; discarding respect...


In this world of fools, liars, cheats, thieves, traitors, terrorists, Satan worshipers, and failures: “the balance scale” of life and death appears in view. Love and respect; each being valued by each other; builds life and living by sustaining this natural world/ survival rests upon the balance itself/ and tipping...


Mental balance is governed by what you want/ remove that want, (all the things you do, to get what you believe truth will not yet allow) and you will have balance; an existence that can appreciate life; because value exists in life rather than want. Mental order is governed by...


Of all the things life teaches us; the very most important “could be”/ that we must be accepted, in order to obtain eternal life (the reality of an existence beyond death in time). So the critical question is: WHAT must we do, to be accepted/ and WHY are so few...


we are surrounded with threats of extinction. Far beyond war. MAKING A TRUE CHANGE; IS NOW, OR NEVER. The cost of refusing to bring or allow the leader “who wants to be Hitler”/ his day in court; for a nation and a world. Is the cost of world war 2...

elevating life

The foundation of “motherhood”, is a very simple one: to protect, identify, conceive, cherish, construct, and support the lives of those given to me; so that they too become able to do the same for their children as life goes on. In a dying world, most of that is no...

my job

Basically, for nearly fifty years; I have put my life aside, to fight for this world, and all its life/ even if, it did not look so; preparations are required. Throughout that time, someone be it organization or whatever has been constantly standing in my way; with the foundation statement...

right to rule

THE RIGHT, to rule; can be examined very simply. NO, group of human animals (herd) volunteers to be led into unhappiness/ starvation/ slavery/ or any other form of want that is not desired by the vast majority. NO group of people, some of whom are alive as humans being alive...


The foundations of human society, the realities of history: is once survival is questioned, the human animal arises from its sleep. If survival is accepted, the human animal arises to play games, and enforce “yes I can”. IF HOWEVER LIFE is accepted: a human being alive in the grace of...