WE THEN BEGIN: ultimately, as life on earth we are equals/ even if some got way too much for their own good, and others got too little, to make life fair. The constant is: that nature allows for individual decisions, opportunities, and costs of being wrong; that is not consistent...
Finding reality
THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION: US first amendment constitutional law: IS THE LAW. Redress of grievances is the law in that first amendment: which proves our democracy is ours. It states: by demanding a courtroom to investigate and prove what is true. WE THE PEOPLE DO; HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT,...
Searching for peace
THE SEARCH FOR PEACE! As a society, or a person: begins and ends with want! Because want is the basis of all lies ( if you don’t want/ you don’t lie). Because want is the foundation of all beliefs (this is what I want). Because want determines all games; and...
The “human octopus”: traitors in the courts betray us all. By claiming they are superior to the constitution/ and may interpret it; or discard it: in any way they please. Replacing democracy with tyrants (nazi; we are god) and traitors (communists; we, the few; are king): as the owners now....
no choice 3
This writing is, now changed to the power of tragedy and disgrace; as is your reality confronting you. Because you would not rise for love. That is a contribution of male; and as such represents a mediation/ or balance between the desires of female truth, and the realities of male...
no choice 2
Power, for good, means: the right to change what is being done/ because the consequences far outweigh your right to proceed. The ascension of values: gives to those who demand this change their authority, because the law of life and world; grant no one the power of hate to destroy...
TREASON; has many variables/ as does terrorism. It is too late to change direction on national and international bankruptcy: you have gone too far/ stealing from every child their future; to throw your trophies away. What is being done for climate change is about one percent of what must be...
Reality demands: truth DEFINED BY WISDOM, decides destiny. Life demands, want creates fate (no longer can you decide, consequences choose now). Your survival is based upon true acceptance of valid and valued: limits and boundaries which transform chaos into peace. The universities declare: “their god (evolution) is chaos/ and have...
Illinois tax Court
Excerpt from https://www.justtalking7.info/TrialOfLife/index.html#tax_revolt2014 IN THE ILLINOIS STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701 To the IL IRS; Box 19006 Springfield IL 62794-9006 JAMES F. OSTERBUR 2191 county road 2500 E. St. Joseph IL 61873 a clear and deliberate citizen of WE, THE PEOPLE. ...
Tax Courts
Certified Mail, In the Supreme court 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8 From the court , IL Supreme court 1, 2In the US Tax Court Case 11108-12L 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, My Response Last Order And again. And again. Yet again, Letters from the IRS