as the cost of your failures continues to increase; my decision to participate with you continues to decrease/ and your counterfeit money is being discarded; as not worth my time. Your society being the failure of fools, an army of cult worshipers showing their mask as the emblem of their...
If, we were to consider; the conception of life itself, we would be required to assemble an energy which could sustain itself. Because without motion, or at least the potential for motion; there can be no purpose or desire or hope. Therefore we know, that the elemental rise of life,...
The march into world war 3; is little different than the German nazi march of world war 2. The Nazi party wins: by the people being tired of the cost for world war 1; all agree, “let's take what we want/ we don't need no damn reality”. Jews are targeted:...
We must assemble, the conception of what it has meant; to worship universities as god. Conception means to intertwine two distinct identities into one construction of time. It is always the result of actions and reactions; which were beyond comprehension, in truth; by the conjoined couple. As each action creates...
We MUST assemble: the methods of changing society in order to keep it alive. YOUR lessons from history, are confined to island life/ and the realities of this is all we have. Some of those islands chose cannibalism, and war, and rape/ some became a primary lesson in “paradise” on...
In the concepts of a world that can survive, “filled to the brim with humanity”/ there are foundation elements which cannot be avoided. Drinking water must be protected and divided properly. NO water/ EXTREME WAR; as would be “the apocalypse; blood running like water”. Every resource is the means to...
JUSTICE IS, a complex construction of values that shape our world, into the truths we adhere to most. That makes justice the assembly of what specific portions of humanity want to believe. From war, to believing anything you want, to people doing horrendous things in all ways, shapes, and forms;...
Promises are the playground of heartbreak; the belief, that you will receive something you do want, in return for whatever it is you give in return. Promises fail life; truth lets each survive. Like the saying, “there is always free cheese, in the rat trap”/ the cost of a bribe,...
The cost of every weapon is: whatever can be used by you/ can be used by your enemy as well. Whoever the attacker is: gets to choose how that is expected to go. Consequently, all the hidden weapons/ guns/ etc; are more of an enemy than a friend. THIS USA;...
It is, the elemental need of humanity, to understand what is, or could be; beyond this life in time. Few search, the vast majority believe; because that makes them feel safe in their beliefs/ and religion proves “we, not just me; believe this is our truth”. But alas: belief does...