

REALITY KNOWS: that we the people of this earth, have come to the end of the road; in terms of choices to be made. Either we stop the insanity, and protect life and world; or it all dies, and we become extinct. Given that level of consequence; as determined by...


THERE IS NO GOING BACK; from critical genetic mutilations by university scientists. EVERYTHING WE NEED/ EVERYTHING WE DESIRE AS LIFE OR BODY OR FACE OR LIVING IS THE RESULT OF NATURE/ NOT MEN OR WOMEN. The most vile creation of our existence is a university diploma; by their incessant demand...


In the realities and relationships of male and female, the most distinct differences are internal. Man shapes his life, to achieve freedom while participating to earn survival; by all means necessary. Woman shapes her life, to achieve securities, and thereby establish survival, by participation. The critical difference is body: man...

july 4

Making Water video (6min). Shaping destiny, requires foundations to be formed; or you fail. In order to do that, you must anchor yourself to the laws that cultivate life/ rather than destroy it. There is no belief in “the law”/ as want is not relevant: only truth matters to law,...


Hurricane Ian: reveals, that single family dwellings in Florida should be dissolved/ as reality pushes the cost of climate change is "high-rise buildings" designed to survive; more intensive storms. The reality of resource losses declares; we cannot do this anymore. as is the constant of all university led disasters, such...

help wanted

values beyond limits To: whom it may concern         help wanted is a two way street from: James F. Osterbur dated: 6/ 13/21 regarding: it would be best, if I could find some help for working; roughly 6 hours a day/ 5-6 days a week; at a variety...


Values beyond limits LIFE suggests to me, that it is an appropriate discussion at this time, to conceive of destiny; by its relationship to thought, and therein approach the basics of what life is, or is going to become; within the realm of eternity itself. In contrast of that are...

no excuses

CHANGE is a description identified by a choice; to either stop/ or go in a different direction than you are. The liar hides his or her deception in fear to make you move/ or hides the cause of fear, to make you believe no threat exists. The thief wants you...


In contrast, to the claims of “university can play god”/ are the realities of life and existence: which prove they cannot. Regardless of the cheer leading called media. Once again, one such demonstration of “university failed to understand” is: the creation of chemical elements. The very limited view of that...


The essence of change is; “a foundation that has been moved”. Or, more distinctly; when the realities of your life have been shifted to reveal a new direction, must now be taken. The cost of change can be dramatic and undesirable/ but the failure to change is far more tragic...