Reality demands: that we assemble and create, “what ownership means”; the consequence of “mine/ mine/ mine”; and the foundation of truth. We begin in the critical construction of America, over these last 60 some years of which I have been a witness. The slow destruction of the nation itself, has...
A child, should understand the various pitfalls of being human; regardless of the rise or fall constructed in the search for being truly alive. To assemble this; you need to accept the knowledge, that determines each individual behavior/ it is surprisingly simple. WANT controls everything, that desire does not. Therefore...
It occurs to me: that this work, the writing I have done in these last twenty years, previous work prior to that in a fight to sustain this planet, and its life/ “is the only child, or legacy, I get: as this is what I spent my lifetime on”. The...
We turn to passion: the thing all animals identify as wants/ pride/ or power. VERSUS the truth of a human being alive in the miracles of life itself, which is “to construct a path into the formations of love”. They are very different concepts in truth. Passion means: to accept...
We must look, to the realities of what can be done: for a world facing complete collapse, in every conceivable way/ and then war; as the result of “university knows best”. The first line of defense is literally a moratorium on all university, industrial, government, or business experimentation/ and in...
I, live in this USA; “a place drowning in the cost of “university is god”/ a reality of traitors, liars, thieves, failures, fools, and terrorists in charge of conspiring to bring down the nation and this world: by producing the army of a cult, and the collusion of media, and...
stepping stones
The question of moments, is a value shaped by time. Therefore the direction of your life, is by the decisions that you have made/ while the realities of your decision, have then become the essence of why, you are you. Purpose means: without this, I have no direction to my...
It is, necessary to examine the various aspects of animal disguise used by humans in their decisions, to be subversive to the rest. While it is consistent with nature to declare all creatures as either predator or prey, the reality is some are different in that they make neither “good”...
As we look to the realities of this day: we find particularly in America, that no foundation exists in the currency being used. Not one fundamental of truth is applied because of the counterfeiting that has been done; by hiding inflation in the claim of asset increase/ by media denial...
shaping time
Time shapes us, by allowing our decisions to become a part of our identity/ that is different than time shares with us the fate we choose, as determined by the foundations of truth, and its predetermined consequences. We do earn our identity, it is the “visual”: or more distinctly spiritual...