

It is necessary, to develop the realities of “brain versus thought”/ a concept extremely few understand; as they are entirely different realms of existence. The foundation of evil rests upon removing happiness, so that you will be influenced by turmoil. To destroy miracles, and replace them with chaos; is merely...


Beyond the simple things: life has meaning! The reality of human society is;  "if you don't care about me; then I  won't care about you"/ if you don't respect me, or what is valuable to me; then I won't consider you valued, or your life to have meaning.  The prelude...

read this

Throughout human existence, all that is vile, searches for what you are willing to trust; and as parasites do, they creep and crawl into these places: so they can appear as something valuable. While the intellectuals among them, lie/ plague/ cheat/ steal/disease/ and other, unthinkable things (to those with value);...

changing disciplines

Let us consider, the costs of resetting life; in a way that is beyond the abilities of men to achieve. History proves: “this is, the best men did do”/ and reality now states, we DO stand on the edge of our own extinction, because that, through their universities and constant...


Do to the extreme vile disrespect, disgrace, and destruction of massive; “university is god cult worship”/ and their rendition of “everything forms from chaos, strictly by accident”. I have asked and accepted: that we can examine the primitive environmental elements which affect us as human beings here on earth. Because...

life and living

LOVE, is a discipline, not a guarantee. The cost of that truth is: we know not, how long it will last. The value of it however, is literally beyond measure, because without love/ the desire for life itself, will fade away. Therefore the critical question is: what does cause love...


Monkeys in the control room. THE FOUNDATIONS OF LIFE, ARE NOT A TOY! The biggest liar in the human universe; is built upon evolution. LIFE IS BASED IN ORDER, DISCIPLINE, BALANCE, THOUGHT, RESPECT FOR THE LAWS AND ENERGIES INVOLVED, AND LOVE, as is essential to all understanding of why. Evolution...


The challenge of life, is time/ but the challenge of time is living as the essence of life, “being alive”. While all things physical are about time, the foundation of all that life in time or beyond; can become: is as thought will allow. The difference between life and alive...


VERY SOON; we begin the final descent into chaos; that is, “the university serpent, encircling its prey”. Ultimately the serpents surrounds the pit of animals, that have lost their ability to survive/ as they see their world in only a very tiny focus of “its all about me”. The critical...


DEMOCRACY MEANS; WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLACE/ THIS NATION, HAVE formed our own government, by declaring WE SHALL MAKE OUR OWN LAWS. In the alternate view: democracy means: WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLACE OR NATION: HAVE MADE THE LAWS BY OUR VOTE/ thereby becoming a democracy, which proves...