

Destiny is determined, by the desires of your heart. Every desire is a direction, and every direction leads to its own version of a destiny. Therefore the heart shapes your own personal world, by allowing the desire you choose identify your decision to participate as self, or beyond self; by...


The critical truth, of our situation, as nation or world is: even though few recognize it, we do stand on the edge of extinction; because of what universities in particular have done. Do they not lead: who can argue with “FEAR COVID”/ AS a direct result of university knows, and...

this site

This site, is dedicated to the truth; that our world is being jeopardized: by leadership, and where the bulk of those ideas come from. Nothing is more elementally certain of that, than what is found here. In terms of covid the CDC tables: found below are evidence of that, “not...

adding on

USA Economic failure looms, BECAUSE THE UNIVERSITY EXPERTS, DECLARED A PANDEMIC! But if it is not a pandemic/       THEN IT IS, AN INSURGENCY; designed to ridicule and remove the middle class from its own power source which is “small business (this is coming)”. OR MORE DISTINCTLY, “the communist...


The critical struggle here is: to remove the herd of humanity, from the grasp of what has become Satan (the arrogance and belief, that we the universities of men can be or play god). The constant: “yes we can”/ is confronted by the realities of YOU CANNOT SURVIVE, THE CONSEQUENCES...


The summary of American time; over the last fifty years; where immigrants from all over this world can be found is: with the realities of debt and money: let the children pay/ they don't want us to be bankrupt either; that will affect them. LET THE DAMN CHILDREN PAY/ who...


The constants, of eternity; and our relationship to them, is equal to force exists, because we are what we are. Time shapes us, into the truth of what we can and did choose to be. We then begin with the seven primary elements of force, and how we relate to...


It is now, in this America: the reality of our lives; that we do stand in the breech between life or death for our nation, and in large part even for our world. Did you not want to be important? Congratulations, you have been found “the worst offenders: in complete...


Preventable adverse events are a leading cause of death in the United States. When extrapolated to the over 33.6 million admissions to U.S. hospitals in 1997, the results of these two studies imply that at least 44,000 and perhaps as many as 98,000 Americans die in hospitals each year as...

homepage 3

The value of your body is priceless: simple as that/ get a little pain, and you know it is true: which makes NATURE a value without measure. Being deliberately destroyed by humanity. a three part series:   ADDED ON FOR CLARITY.             ADDED ON TWO   ...