As indicated by the graph “change in GDP”; depression is all but certain now/ the primary result of your fears. The realities of your debt and hidden inflation; the curse of your choices in following the leaders of “university knows”; who do in fact control everything “power related”, in America....
raw sewage
RAW SEWAGE; the realities of what you chose, or allowed the monkey cult of university to choose for you. Unfiltered, falling out of their ass: disgrace/ disrespect/ disaster/ devoid of value/ diseased/ defiled; “or more simply the rights and realities of a university intellectual in charge.” ODDLY ENOUGH; the university...
eminent domain
EMINENT DOMAIN; and the realities of WHO DOES, own the right to impose their will for the good of society, on the others? This question resides in the framework of the constitution itself: within the following words. Their directive for life, for democracy in this nation is defined by the...
Life, begins to suggest: that I may have indeed fulfilled every form of duty, that was assigned to me; even by the spiritual woman, who joined me inside. Given that possibility, I choose to turn; from time, into the stars that give birth to everything beyond time could be. Not...
work life
It is arrogance, and blind trust that defeats a nation. The arrogance of so many who put their trust in “university knows”/ the blind trust of media, that guides through propaganda; and never real evidence or the right to make decisions for yourself. This nation itself stands on the precipice...
the contract
The power of our DEMOCRACY, is the authority to declare this nation, or state, “is ours”. We the people; are the owners/ the landlords/ and the employers; who both hire and fire the humans “Just like us”. Who are then allowed to provide leadership and decisions based within: THE CONTRACT,...
world of me
THIS IS, a world of miracles; “universities” stole that from you with lies. The consequence of my work is then to reveal what is true, by the evidence of our reality. That is my purpose as a human, being alive. There is no other, among you or in this life:...
The summary conclusion, of humanity itself, in this day, and at this time; particularly as it applies to this USA. Fundamentally proves, without any room for doubt, that our lives are in danger “from a thousand different threats”; of all kinds, shapes, and sizes. A reality shared by this entire...
lawsuit state
When confronted with tyranny, and the complete desertion of both congressional and judicial treason: in failing to do their assigned jobs; which they swore (legally punishable) to do. The fact that the governor for this state of IL has forced tyranny upon any and all business owners in this state/...
A disclaimer means: you cannot change the contract we entered into/ even if you believe, by whatever evidence you want to believe; that it is necessary. ONLY TOGETHER, by our mutual agreement/ can that change legally exist. In the essence of governmental democracy, the foundation of a constitutional contract is:...