Whether you go to hate, from your want, pride, and power; is a decision only you can make! OR to love, from respect, truth, trust, value, courage, discipline, order, balance, happiness, and joy; is entirely up to you. I have little further involvement in that: I rely upon life/ you...
Lets suppose hate exists! Its rather like a disease, it can attack anyone who is not immune to it; if exposed. So the question of hate is: how do we become immune/ and how do people become exposed to it, even though they have no intention of inviting hate like...
It is noted, and only fair: that the words, “I did my job”/ needs more than a footnote. I fought for this world as a man alone, by the evidence: none cared. I fought for this world by entering the spiritual dimensions of thought, and creating a path that would...
Consistent with need, the reality of what change can mean: comes to the forefront, of what we must all desire, as our lives and society and world of the future. Therefore we search in the distance of our minds, for what can we become; that is not here today. Ultimately,...
There is an elegant truth to love, time shapes the destiny; because we choose to create the home we then share. Unlike a house, love lives. Unlike survival, time will not interfere in the realities of what “our love” can be. The value we then desire, is coupled to the...
The blind leading the blind; is a constant with “university leadership in all ways and means”. As they never consider the reality, never consider the consequences outside their “one little thing”/ and never admit to being wrong, because then they can't pretend to be gods; losing power, pride, and their...
It is, “the passion of moments” that give us time, as life. Time itself has no passion to exist, it simply is/ only life can accomplish that. So, then why is passion fleeting, or hard to accept as your version of living? The answer is of course: YOU. As you...
The curse of money, is a constant in human existence. It lets the powerful be powerful; the proud believe they are more important/superior; and it leads others into slavery and disgrace. While some benefits exist for excess money, they are few. Money is: a tool used by society to define...
ANY HOPE OF SURVIVAL FOR THIS PLANET; begins with, humanity must be changed. Realistically in so many ways, you won't recognize it anymore. I give you the possibility of “one billion to one”/ but hey, its called hope. That would be because: the animals don't want change/ hate does not...
mandatory democracy
There is no need to argue: verified proof however is mandatory, as in just a few weeks (mid august); we will have evidence as to the real threat of covid 19 that exists. IT IS HOWEVER absolutely necessary to separate the cases of death: by the reality of age, the...