We come, to the question of energy; to ask in simple terms, how is this related to the essence of life itself? While there are no simple answers to the existence of thought/ the base material of both thought and life is constructed from the forces used to identify what...
universities and I
The difference between “universities and I”, is as simple as the difference between religion and knowledge. Religion like universities, feel a need to fill in the blanks with whatever fantasy they can agree on is possible. Then declaring themselves “they're gods', chosen children (we know it all, or will get...
revelation 17
As I am brought back into the Biblical book of Revelation with regard to the link “real change”. I return to the chapter 17; which is by far, the most complex writing of the Bible itself, holding numerous elements that are not fully formed by man. It says “a mind...
real change
Since you utterly refuse to help, or participate in any honest way: I will write for you the fundamentals of what must change. Apart from all the massive threats that curse you with betrayal, horror, and “every bad prediction from the Bible”; there is endless more. More than I would...
We do, need to discuss the critical fundamentals to life or survival or eternity; because the monkey cult of “university knows”; has been effective enough; to take over your world. To your shame! Included in that death march, TO UNENDING CATASTROPHES; is the reality of the sewage monster, called evolution;...
Let us examine want/ rather than the elements of life and love through thought, and the dignity of desire. Want is an animal/ the elements of life and love are the essence of being human, alive by the dignity of a life elevated beyond the simple things or survival of...
Did you know, that time shares life with existence? It is, a far more interesting construction than it appears. But the question is: why share it with you? Answer: my life is turned upside down, or inside out; and I now have little to do apart from waiting to see...
fairy tales
FAIRY TALES: by the numbers. The DEATH MARCH! (alas, there are so damn many; this is strictly about energy). YOU ARE REQUIRED; to understand, I can be wrong. But your universities cannot: because they threaten our world with extinction, if they are not perfect/ the very first time. IGNITION of...
We look now, into the future: to recognize, there is only complete catastrophe as designed by “university knows”/ or there will be true change, as is consistent with all life deserves respect, for this entire planet; and the health as is distinct sustainability, without sacrifice for and of this earth...
art of living
The art of living; is to construct a value beyond self, as will be defined as love. The critical curse to be overcome: IF I DIE, or am unhappy/ THEN the world itself, means nothing to me! Or, more simply “I” am, the only thing that matters to me/ nothing...