A lesson to be learned is: you must train yourself, to be yourself; anything less allows others an opportunity to make you fail. Pride is the enemy, in both them and you: because for them your failure, lets them believe they are more/ while in you, it is hope that...
fair play
The foundation of all male and female animal behaviors is: WE WANT MORE. Since resources fail that, men chose to play games. With the singular purpose that “just one” of us gets to win/ the resources are now mine. Which allows that so called winner; to take control over the...
The elemental truth of our lives is: that with weapons, or lies, or theft, or betrayal, people can change or misdirect our own decisions, thereby altering our own fate or destiny: until we recognize our mistake. Weapons are used with rules, “we can select only you/ thereby causing you, great...
In the relationships we seek between male and female; the most consistent reality involved is: WE DON'T seek the same things; until much later in life. It is elementally true, and fundamentally correct: to understand, that unless we “walk the same path/ and seek the same things throughout the value...
We all try to be happy, but most fail, because they choose want instead. To want means: you must try, what you would not otherwise do, to get what you want/ or keep from losing what you want. To achieve this; people play games with life and planet; discarding respect...
In this world of fools, liars, cheats, thieves, traitors, terrorists, Satan worshipers, and failures: “the balance scale” of life and death appears in view. Love and respect; each being valued by each other; builds life and living by sustaining this natural world/ survival rests upon the balance itself/ and tipping...
Mental balance is governed by what you want/ remove that want, (all the things you do, to get what you believe truth will not yet allow) and you will have balance; an existence that can appreciate life; because value exists in life rather than want. Mental order is governed by...
Of all the things life teaches us; the very most important “could be”/ that we must be accepted, in order to obtain eternal life (the reality of an existence beyond death in time). So the critical question is: WHAT must we do, to be accepted/ and WHY are so few...
we are surrounded with threats of extinction. Far beyond war. MAKING A TRUE CHANGE; IS NOW, OR NEVER. The cost of refusing to bring or allow the leader “who wants to be Hitler”/ his day in court; for a nation and a world. Is the cost of world war 2...
elevating life
The foundation of “motherhood”, is a very simple one: to protect, identify, conceive, cherish, construct, and support the lives of those given to me; so that they too become able to do the same for their children as life goes on. In a dying world, most of that is no...