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We must assemble, the conception of what it has meant; to worship universities as god. Conception means to intertwine two distinct identities into one construction of time. It is always the result of actions and reactions; which were beyond comprehension, in truth; by the conjoined couple. As each action creates...


The cost of every weapon is: whatever can be used by you/ can be used by your enemy as well. Whoever the attacker is: gets to choose how that is expected to go. Consequently, all the hidden weapons/ guns/ etc; are more of an enemy than a friend. THIS USA;...


Values beyond limits LIFE suggests to me, that it is an appropriate discussion at this time, to conceive of destiny; by its relationship to thought, and therein approach the basics of what life is, or is going to become; within the realm of eternity itself. In contrast of that are...


It is, necessary to examine the various aspects of animal disguise used by humans in their decisions, to be subversive to the rest. While it is consistent with nature to declare all creatures as either predator or prey, the reality is some are different in that they make neither “good”...


It is necessary, to develop the realities of “brain versus thought”/ a concept extremely few understand; as they are entirely different realms of existence. The foundation of evil rests upon removing happiness, so that you will be influenced by turmoil. To destroy miracles, and replace them with chaos; is merely...


The foundation of democracy is: that we all surrender to the law, that is fair and justified to life and earth and a future for every child. That makes the law our superior, and in that moment it does become the government of our lives/ regardless of the rest: the...


NO, I DON'T hate the universities. YES, I DO despise the insane and horrifying death march into extinction, that is the curse; “university is god, etc”. The only method to stop that insanity: is to make them "people, like you and me";  again. The vile desolate disgrace, that is covid...


Reality is not so simple/ and life is not so blind; as a human being driven by want, belief, or pride! These three fundamentally establish all the basic behaviors of humanity; with only the direction of love or hate; to alter or change those decisions. Want is the decision to...

raw sewage

RAW SEWAGE; the realities of what you chose, or allowed the monkey cult of university to choose for you. Unfiltered, falling out of their ass: disgrace/ disrespect/ disaster/ devoid of value/ diseased/ defiled; “or more simply the rights and realities of a university intellectual in charge.” ODDLY ENOUGH; the university...


We look now, into the future: to recognize, there is only complete catastrophe as designed by “university knows”/ or there will be true change, as is consistent with all life deserves respect, for this entire planet; and the health as is distinct sustainability, without sacrifice for and of this earth...