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The clear certainty of life is: that all universities discard the future as if it were nothing but trash to be abused and refused access, to even consideration of what is going to be/ and in fact already is. Actually even their trash gets more consideration than the future itself....


To examine human life, requires us to understand: primary motivations The discipline required to properly assess motivation, requires the acceptance of a choice: to be animal/ or to be human. The decision is yours. An animal lives within the mental conceptions of want/ pride/ power/ and sex. A human being...

building life 3

While no significant reason exists, to allow hope for this earth or its life; because humanity does not care enough. Without hope there is no purpose in life, and without purpose desire will fail. Consequently, “we must believe (I want this to be true)”. Nonetheless, to understand want, we must...

monkey poop

The MONKEY POOP; a reality of university knows, and leadership led by a university education. As did lead to the current soup of failure, delusions, fantasy, destruction, rape of everything, ravaging the future, poisoning the world, threatening extinction to life, intentional ruin to everything, the insurgency against democracy, the lies,...


The god of death, is a university. Like money, it can be either for good or for bad/ unlike money, the scourge of parasites invading the very foundation of life itself. Altering the balance, disciplines, and order of the planet. The destruction of resources. The plain poisoning of everything valuable...


RELATIONSHIPS; At this point in time, there is no relationship more important than the one you formed with universities, and the cult worship that followed. Not because they are “special”/ but because they are so dangerous and deadly now; as to be the cause of our extinction from this living...


There really is NOTHING in the history of this world, more capable, and more deliberate in cursing all of life and planet itself; than is a university. As has been proven again and again and again. Nothing else, could have or would have created weapons of mass destruction. Nothing else,...


As I live and breathe, recognizing both the function and fundamentals which are the basis of life, continue to be destroyed at a rate that insures extinction comes soon. The foundations upon which all life rests, continue to be torn out as well. Making this, the most destructive generation which...

cursed or value

In the essence of life, the most fundamental gift of all, is an identity. With that exclusion of all else, we have established the border and limits that define our own elemental existence. In that creation, the values, purposes, and desires we form within our own version of thought construct...


The most grievous reality of university deceit/ “the cult of we don't care about any life (but me)”: extends in countless different directions, all of which identifies the fact: that the future of this earth is dead/ and the children are thereby assassinated; because there is no hope, without true...