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Of all things human, hate is the worst; it breeds everything chaos. Which means anything caused by human chaos, begins and lives because of hate. Given that truth, the reality of chaos that we face as a world confronted by our own extinction: is the universities hate you all. They...

the herd

The consequences: “let's choose to murder the children, by assassinating the future”. As every intellectual knows, without true change there is no future; so let's take everything we can get, “and have a party, to play, as if nothing is wrong”. And so they did, led by university, with all...


The abyss of university fantasies and delusion; is clearly revealed in all kinds of realities that are avoided as if they didn't exist at all. Which means humanity is led into a trap of their own making; which will encase them in the grave. While they pretend “kindness and grace”/...


this is the last real financial statement of value produced by those employees in US government. https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/20150611/accessible/l5.htm  

facing truth

As I search for the values which you will recognize as necessary to understand; the constant is, that you want what you want, and nothing is going to change that until you are forced to accept the consequences you do not want. Only then, as history does prove, are you...


The creation of an elemental mind: one that develops through the purposes of a mob (I want, what I want), rather than an individual constructed by the desire of life, which is to be truly “alive”. Is the reality functionally described by judgment, which means not only to measure, but...


The difference between us, is very simple: you believe whatever you want to believe, worshiping university as gods. While I search for truth, without any preconception; opening doors/ lifting rocks/ picking through the garbage if absolutely necessary/ and understanding the only solution to be found: will occur with respect. If...


The reality of bias, is without doubt, the critical element of most human behaviors. You believe, therefore you need no other information/ no evidence or consequence of thought matters; because you already have your answer. It is exactly what you expected it to be. That of course is rarely true,...


Frameworks, within the human psychosis of what is, or is not important to life/ as determined by want, and the need to hide from reality. Are elementally at pandemic levels, due to the cost of “university knows” leadership that denies, belittles, destroys, and denigrates the value of life at all...


IN REAL WORLD TERMS; where reality lives. The slavery that was established in America was not simply that. Rather history says: IT IS the people of Africa that gathered their own to be slaves, and sold them; to work in America. Where the alternative as is constant in human history...