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The definitions of human life and behavior are these: ARROGANCE: is the sign of people who believe they can have love and hate, and control it all, because they believe they are superior to the rest. So pride grows, as is proof I need to make another “loser”; to enforce...

lies fail

As I finish this work, realities come to mind that I cannot dismiss without understanding; “even if the biblical prophecy is errant”/ the consequences of what humanity has chosen are clear. Extinction comes soon. The human race for want, all scream: “it can't be so/ NOTHING bad will happen in...


The constant curse of man is; “yes, we can”/ because the vast majority never learn more than: I want to be rich! When someone wins, soon the others will war; as their ability to compete ends, and the constant of slavery begins. The majority of Women learn to manipulate men;...


Failure is a word applied to all those, whose entire contribution to life and living: “was criminal or religious” at best. Criminal being an intent to describe and demand: the laws of life mean nothing to me. Whereas religious means: by banding together in similar wants, we can create our...

the curse

The university is a curse, because it brings together the people who say “we can do this/ even though it should not be done: because we CAN lie, and create fantasies to pursue our arrogance”. The end result is: only very rarely does this succeed, as a value to life....


We have come to the last few days, before biblical prophecy ends mercy. That fact identifies a critical truth, and is supported by the critical realities of threats we cannot survive. The curse of university knows; as has been the driving force behind all the primary human created threats we...


Tactics and decisions, made by the people who want us, as life on earth: dead. The constant curse, is a university education. Nothing is so vile, as those who hide the truth, so they can continue destroying the very foundations of life on earth. Because that is “pure evil”; the...


Of the values and realities of this world, comes the clear conclusion: that as a group, we are the worst generation ever born. The foundation of that complaint would be 1. You choose to gamble with this entire planet/ even the solar system itself: based upon unsubstantiated theories, fantasies, and...


OUR humanity, now sits within the vessel known as the titanic/ and we have already hit the iceberg. So the question is: "can you stop saying you are gods long enough/ can you stop demanding nothing can sink us, because we are so damn smart/ can you conceive of a...


RACISM; both more and less than you think! The foundation of racism is simple: these can be divided from us as different. It is, no more or less than that; which means color is not the standard/ it is simply the easiest method of defining different. The purpose of separation...