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fail or not

WHY, do people get lost; even forever, within the struggles of their mind? The critical reality is very simple: they lose themselves into want! If you want anything badly enough, there is no other focus than that want. Which means, there is nothing in this world, but you, and your...


Addiction is neither a disease (something that enters the body without consent)/ nor is it a primary decision (something I choose); instead all addiction is “an invisible teardrop”, that displays the truth: “I do not desire, the future or life; I believe I must or will live”. Consequently the true...


The university curse is: “that this is the age of man”. More simply, they describe themselves as “the new gods of earth”. And they have set into motion: complete chaos in nature/ energy experiments to ignite atoms, of this earth on fire/ poisoned or destroyed, the water supplies/ tampered with...


THE “circular life”. Or, more simply what is “religious satan in humanity”? In its most limited context: The term satan refers too, “what influences humanity into doing something the others find to be evil, destructive, complete selfishness, or without regard for life or its dignity.” What is far more important...


News:  make the doctors and pharmaceutical providers pay for the opioid crisis/ they are responsible. In case you don’t see it:  the pyramid scheme established by university leadership in government. To create “we CAN have anything we want”/ because the numbers don’t matter. It’s all in a bank account they...


We have escaped the stock market "correction" of first quarter 2018 by the promise of a 1.5 trillion dollar infrastructure spending package by Trump politics. that has failed to materialize to date, and the reality is: unless it does, the so called correction will come soon now; probably in the...


The realities of life dictate, what our future is going to be/ simple as that. The tragedy of human behavior is:  only a very tiny few want anything to do with learning about reality, evidence, truth, or any other value required to make an educated decision. All demand: “just tell...

living talk 8

Living talk #8 The living corpse of university is Satan; looks like life/ but defecates only death, with very few exceptions. Media shouts, “university is god, and will wipe away every tear”/ but the reality of that is: their decisions will make you weep, until every tear is gone, and...

living talk 3

Living talk 3 The foundation of global awareness, as is absolutely necessary in any struggle to survive; even though you do not/ by media rhetoric that allows you to believe “the university will save you”. Is essentially a trial as a world: to conceive of, and identify the realities of...

the elements of men

The elements of man:  identifying the traits that keep life in society the same. Functionally that would mean to isolate and define the substance, lies, disciplines, wants, betrayal, and various fundamentals that do not allow change. We begin with the most simple of things:  men war, because what men want...