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great leader

The essence of a human being is time, the reality of a human being is choice:  “to be what I can be/ or not”. the value of a human being relies upon love/ but the consequences of what a human being will become are dedicated to want & pride; a...


Insanity is the pit, into which hatred shall fall! The lesson to be learned is:  don’t let hate consume you/ step back, decide truth itself must lead. Defend yourself, from all things hate! Even if, the reality is unfair. The question is:  why does insanity exist? The answer almost entirely...

war games

WAR GAMES;  the insanity of men, playing with pride/ by leveling cities, mutilating life, raping the environment, and destroying all possibilities for peace.  As history proves:  “its what men do”! The unfortunate reality is, “with men in charge/ NOTHING HAS CHANGED” over thousands of years in proven time.  Absolutely nothing...

news of the day

NEWS OF THE DAY, as I see fit to respond 2018- to whenever I stop 1/3/20   Iran doesn't have to win, to kill millions/ or ignite a world nuclear war, followed by the release of biological weapons. it is not a game, and the US has far exceeded a realistic...