Taking every threat of extinction into a public, world courtroom: is the only way, to remove the theory, assumptions, belief's, idiocy, greed, failure, power, and more from reality. NOT because the courtroom works for us, as it does not: they protect the powerful, and the powerful DON'T want change unless...
Talking, the fundamental most human of all. It is my understanding of human existence; that we must individually identify our own distinct decisions/ as that is in essence the value of our contribution to life itself. Love is the result of your decision/ as is hate/ as is everything in...
electric lines
anchor petition This is then a legal beginning, for the removal of all unnecessary field anchors holding the electrical distribution line, throughout this USA/ this state of IL. (STARTING 1/29/20) initiating brief, startup printing; anchor petition pdf Electronic petition, please sign to show your support/ IF, you are farmer, landowner,...
The realities of government, and its impact on society; a pointless demonstration of facts, because you are so GREEDY and WITHOUT honor; that a voice of reality or truth cannot enter in. That literally has to wait outside, until you open the door to your heart; if ever. To your...
The most diseased words, in the human language are: “how insignificant we and this planet are, when looking at the entire universe”. How very little of that is true/ instead it is, “the seed of stupidity and failure itself”! LIFE is never insignificant/ it is the essence of the greatest...
The horror of fools in charge, men who demanded “we can play god”. Just as the universities said: we have escaped our boundaries, and now make our own decisions. So, today with all life on earth collapsing around us as extinction rates begins to multiply past the point of no...
If I must come to the edge of leadership/ then you must learn to assemble the value of life, rather than the curse of being a, “human animal”. The difference is: humanity is based upon want (nothing matters but me)/ while being alive is based within the creation of all...
Blankets, the decision to hide from reality, so as not to take any blame for what happens in the future. That is why leaders exist: don't blame me, blame them! That is why prejudice exists: don't blame me, blame them. That is why bigotry exists: “lets blame them.” It really...
Your university cult gods (we cannot question them): have failed in all major ways possible, relying upon assertions that simply do not exist/ and failing to recognize realities that do exist. Such as: with regards to the sun: they can only see the “ash cloud”/ released by the flame. They...
In the final days of my work, here in time; the reality of it is: that you want what you want/ and you don't want what you don't want/ and nothing matters regarding the truth, that your want, is ending with extinction across all life forms and even the planet...