brain first

WWW.BRAIN FIRST.INFO copyright case 1-11897968091 Reminding each: you can't meet a friend/ UNLESS you meet a stranger first. The quest of life, is to understand: regardless of circumstance, living is the gift of a miracle/ as is everything Created: that lives here on earth with us all. We should rejoice:...


There is an elemental truth to life, do not surrender to want; because it can surround you with lies. Making things which are not important, responsible for destroying the realities and relationships that are important. The quest for happiness, is bound within freedom; but if you choose poorly, that freedom...


Time is an environment, where our own existence is stretched into the moments which reflect our decisions into the truth of our own identity, by the relationships we choose to value and create as our experience and expression of life. By living the essence of our thought; whether it is...


It is the hope of being human; to know truth. Only truth survives. Therefore the desire for truth, participates as the decision to be, or remain alive. The quest is for happiness, because all other things fail the blessing of life, by instilling doubt; that life is worth the price...


Time is more than a measurement, of distance or desire; it is the acceptance of our hope, the cherished moments by our own design, the value of love, and the essence of space which gives us respect for the miracles of who we are. While time measures humanity, by its...


We all try to be happy, but most fail, because they choose want instead. To want means: you must try, what you would not otherwise do, to get what you want/ or keep from losing what you want. To achieve this; people play games with life and planet; discarding respect...


The true value of life, is found only in love: the foundation upon which we build a life shared, because we did choose to care. The foundation of hate is: you chose not to care or share, because you chose to believe want, pride, and power was more important than...


Let us confront, our existence as society. Our experiences and our expressions of life and living are confronted by the definitions of our society/ and thereby what we choose for that society to be; within the constraints of our environment, and by our laws. Becomes the elemental foundation of our...


REALITY DEMANDS; that we assemble the disciplines, order, balance, and respect that is necessary to make “the gender wars” dissolve into: life should be happy. TO ACCOMPLISH this demand, the cost of being human is analyzed to construct the values that make happiness appear, as if by magic. While there...


In the construction of life, truth and value reign as supreme; because without truth there is no life/ and without value there is no purpose to living, and suicide results; when hope is lost. Each of these are then highly important to a human being alive in time. Hope exists,...