There is an elegant truth to love, time shapes the destiny; because we choose to create the home we then share. Unlike a house, love lives. Unlike survival, time will not interfere in the realities of what “our love” can be. The value we then desire, is coupled to the...
The value of learning, can only be given to those who will learn/ that is not an intellectual saying, but a personal decision. The extremely critical: “you don't need to tell me nothing/ cause I already know what I need to know”; is a constant disgrace. Because anything that is...
building life
Building life; the essential discovery of time. Life is, the elemental search beyond time, into the living for a value that achieves eternal desire. Desire is then, a fundamental foundation hope; that with life, nothing can defeat the essence of love; an environment shaped by the conclusions of both joy...
The question is: WHY, do we do the things we do? The answer is: divided into these five categories of choice. Two are animal “c & e”/ two are human, being alive “a & d”/ one is middle (it can go either way, or not at all). The underlying reality...
The universities have made your world and this universe “small and insignificant” with their lies; conjuring up fantasies, relying upon delusions, failing reality, and cursing the world itself like an incessant swarm of parasites. Not because they haven't done some things of note (of little real importance)/ but because they...
Eternity is a description of what life can be/ not the description of what life is: because life, is the elemental rise of thought, and its creation of boundaries, order, balance, limits, destinies, desire, purpose, love, discipline, courage, happiness, and joy. When combined as in life on earth; the foundations...
Love is an endless journey, into the creation of what we can be as one. NOT because we are the only ones that matter, but because family is the decision to include all of life itself, as our home. That expression matters, because it is the experience of us all,...
The overview of life on earth is simply this: the greatest of all species is humanity/ and the worst of all species is humanity; because they can experience and express both love or hate, as a deliberate decision. Making life a reality of consequences, that teach the widest range of...
Patterns in all animal behavior, are the result of three distinct things: “what I want/ what I don't want/ and the links which put “the train of thought patterns” in place. Links are how we store the various inputs of information, that occur everyday, and what we chose to be...
As we encounter eternity, the passage is more simplified than expected: it is created in the decision called hope. Hope is not the same as belief/ as believe allows for anything you wish to believe according to your own wants. Hope is not that, as it requires the distinct relationship...