
As is the constant of leadership by university knows: the following table link L.5 was ended with the year 2015; and unless you know what to look for, it will not be found in current documents. Because people began to notice, and recognize: line 19 as total US liabilities...

no return

The right, and the responsibility to change our society as we see fit/ according to constitutional intent. Is as basic to our freedom, as life is to our home. Accordingly the values we represent as our way of life/ the foundation of our laws and our rights as a society:...

eminent domain

Eminent domain: the right of government to take what it deems is necessary, to insure a “safe and successful” society; by establishing what society needs, is greater than the individual good. Which does include the taking of property: when it is proven to be necessary for society itself. That description...


The most powerful words ever written, construct the opportunity to survive as a world, by recognizing reality, as threats which cannot avoid extinction for us all. Then offering solutions: Based in truth, by the evidence of life needs. The critical explanation is: without thought, and the evidence of discipline/ courage/...


Disassembling democracy; is a corruption at its core, directly related to propaganda: spreading contempt for justice and value, by distilling mob purposes. Corruption means: to take what does have value, and cover it up, so that value can be disguised as something else. Hiding the truth, with fiction. In terms...


The most common excuse is: "what can I do/ and then I can't, and I WON'T; do anything, so don't ask"! Enforced with either running away, or anger at being told: the evidence is real, what you want/ the universities you worship have brought us here. Nonetheless: the value in...


The over-riding factor, of a mob The critical issue of life or death for our world is: YOU can't stand alone! YOU, are part of a herd or even pack of predators; and absolutely won't separate yourself from those others who make you feel secure. With very few exceptions! Media...

legal review

       The reality is very simply:  although  it is the job of a judge to enforce constitutional law. When they refuse, it becomes the duty of each citizen to unite; and force obedience to our law, on those who do say “we are superior; the law is only...

last trial elements

This trial, went to court the following day: upon addressing the need to disclose how much time would be necessary for trial, I allowed the prosecutor to see the notebook prepared for each juror, described it would take 3 hours: for trial itself. He read, the first page for about...

leadership 6

Leadership 6 Governing means: “the rich get whatever they want/ unless pride takes control, and weapons rule instead”. True democracy means: we became a nation to evict government/ and become the makers of our own laws. Thereby sustaining this democracy by the unity of our own demands. Constructing freedom/ conceiving...