Leadership 5 Challenging the cult: MEANS, every courtroom in this state of IL and this nation called USA: CANNOT discard a valid argument for protection of its people; by proclaiming. WE, THE JUDICIARY cannot hear a case of university theory or otherwise; because we are not educated to be the...
The pride of power proves now, to have first amendment redress of grievances surrounded on all sides. They are to be congratulated, none before them have made an entire world “loser (at least in this battlefield)”; as is the purpose of pride. The judge protects his rules/ the prosecutor his...
bright spot
In all this world of trouble coming beyond compare with all of history/ there is, ONE SINGLE “bright spot”. Overpopulation grants us the one wish we could not achieve before this time: we can remove our rulers from us, and become by its essence free, to be what we choose...
The fundamentals are: That first amendment redress of grievances is NOT: a right to go grovel and beg our employees for change. That would means we are ruled over/ instead of democracy as is to rule ourselves, as we the people; by law, through constitutional restraints. First amendment redress of...
public dissemination
Although trial initiates on a tiny tax matter/ the reality of trial 2018 TR 5950; set for September 11, 9:00 courtroom L is: that twelve jurors from Champaign county ILLINOIS, are going to decide if WE THE PEOPLE, want to govern ourselves over specific directions/ decisions/ threats/ and other employee...
the law of redress
THE LAW of redress is: That as a democracy we the people have a legitimate right, and fundamental duty to oversee our government employees; our reality of living; our basic needs as the future will require; our own protection; and our own decisions for a life that is consistent with...
The keys to redress are: To assemble a legal right: to call the people together, for a vote on specific issues which confront us all; as a democracy. Realities of our state, nation, or world that threaten or alter the basic concepts of our constitutional purpose in democracy as...
media summary
THE FUNDAMENTAL DECISION in this trial, scheduled for Tuesday September 11, 2018 courtroom L Champaign county court. Trial 2018 TR 5950 9:00am is whether to accept true democracy or not: This is the foundation upon which humanity itself, as we the people: rules over life, society, disciplines and order as achieved by...
public instructions
The critical relationship between the public and democracy itself is a courtroom: to enforce our own decisions. The critical test of law, in this democracy is: CAN this be identified as within constitutional boundaries and purposes! The critical decision of the public itself in democracy is: shall we, or shall...
Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL VS JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR Dated: 7/20/18 SCHEDULE of the courtroom drama. For the sake of brevity, the certainty of knowledge, the realities of discipline, and the purpose of order; a rundown of the details that are intended to occur at trial,...