final copy

CHANGING THE WORLD: by law, by vote, with wisdom. This book is sent to you, for your evaluation: strictly because the price of losing our world, destroying our nature, igniting atoms of fire; just like the sun on our planet, mutilating the bodies of life, risking all sources of food,...

wall street

To whom it may concern from James F. Osterbur. Since it is a true reality, the consequence is to be far worse: for not being prepared/ than to be “slightly in advance of an economic depression”. I do present you with this warning; reminding you as stated directly below, when...

shapes j,w,b

RELATIONSHIPS; the realities which shape our existence, beyond self. We participate with [job/ boss; neighbor or not; and so on.]” The definition of shape extends to the consequences of what an environment or its reality can offer us; and how we then must fit ourselves into that opportunity. Rather than...

shapes r&l

RELATIONSHIPS; the realities which shape our existence, beyond self. We begin with the least of these, which is “landlord/ renter; [job/ boss; neighbor or not; and so on.]” The foundation of landlord is: that I am here trying to make money from this property (from the sacrifices which made ownership...

not a game

The value of living, a reality dependent upon the decisions that you will make/ because survival is not a game. The constant curse of being human is: that we are surrounded by those who only desire to be “an animal”. None are more delusional to the question of whether human...

baby and more

There are a variety of small and large catastrophe's to life; dependent upon who you are, and any given moment in time. One of the first to invade a life is with infants left behind in a car for instance. To alleviate that problem is a very simple thing to...


Of life, and death, and spirit; the essence of our discovery, that leads then to life “I care” or death “I refuse to care”. In the valuation of life and living is the certainty, that we are neither a mass without choices/ nor a death without loss of those choices....


This is a world of shouting/ at least a nation of shouting; because each wants more than they have, OR, they utterly refuse to share anything so others can be equal with them. The end result is chaos that grows over time to become the basis for war, prejudice, and...


If there is a goodbye, it is this: that do to your pride, the demand for ignorance over respect for life, the disciplines you lack, and the order you are constantly fighting against; we have ceased to be friends. Not enemies; simply no longer engaged in a fight for our...


As has happened many times: the spiritual woman inside, insists that our reality here on earth is too critical, not to be engaged in this last effort to save a world: by making you aware of your own reality. In that development of truth, I have only one “weapon of...