questions 1

A RESPECT FOR LIFE, and the automatic creation of every thing living; demands: THERE ARE, “REALITIES OF MIRACLES” SIMPLY TOO SACRED, TO RISK! Because being WRONG, will become extinction for us all. Every body of life owes its existence: 'to the concert of energy” that is orchestrated by the various...

relationship rules

The RULES of every RELATIONSHIP RESPECT guides us all, into what we say or do in response to each other as life grants the opportunity to participate. Love is: kind, happy, truthful, distinct, gentle with its purpose, and desires that our happiness should be shared, because we care. Hate is:...


OF THE MANY CURSES identified as created by “universities play god”; it is the fantasy of fusion that ranks above the rest. The cost of being wrong in that singular piece of pure evil: is an atomic fire, that will consume this earth just like the sun. The consequence of...

center of life

THE CENTER OF LIFE Is the environment you choose to create the foundations upon which you will live, in this life. For me, that center is GOD CREATED THIS WORLD, and all its LIFE. While the word itself is not grand enough, to assemble the proper respect; I/ we are...

rules of life

THE RULES OF LIFE are: respect yourself, not when you are wrong on purpose/ but when you do the best you can; no one does better. Even if they are more capable; the best you can do/ is equal to the best anyone else can do. Forgive yourself, when you...

theology speaks

And the people say: “what could he know”/ the university is god. But as with all things you trust, liars/ thieves/ cheats/ traitors/ terrorists and more are all sneaking in from every side to corrupt what you believe into what they can control. Simple things which are in error, yet...


Mental balance is governed by what you want/ remove that want, (all the things you do, to get what you believe truth will not yet allow) and you will have balance; an existence that can appreciate life; because value exists in life rather than want. Mental order is governed by...

no choice

DISCIPLINE KNOWS: let the law we have made for our own lives and nation and world decide/not male or female, but the values we shape as our own, kingdom of choice. Let that law be true, as best the evidence of our own reality can make it certain; this is,...


Of realities which shape our existence; the one certainty is, ONLY THE LAW, can protect the people. Because the law itself is our army/ our right to demand: no one, is above the law/ all must obey; a valid and constitutionally true, contractual demand that is then made by all...


This does not support critical race theory, but discounts it in all aspects of its construction. The foundation of “race relations”; is dependent upon the availability of resources. Plenty of resources, and everybody gets along. Not enough resources; and people try to remove the competition by claiming “any group” that...