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If, we were to consider; the conception of life itself, we would be required to assemble an energy which could sustain itself. Because without motion, or at least the potential for motion; there can be no purpose or desire or hope. Therefore we know, that the elemental rise of life,...


Promises are the playground of heartbreak; the belief, that you will receive something you do want, in return for whatever it is you give in return. Promises fail life; truth lets each survive. Like the saying, “there is always free cheese, in the rat trap”/ the cost of a bribe,...


THERE IS NO GOING BACK; from critical genetic mutilations by university scientists. EVERYTHING WE NEED/ EVERYTHING WE DESIRE AS LIFE OR BODY OR FACE OR LIVING IS THE RESULT OF NATURE/ NOT MEN OR WOMEN. The most vile creation of our existence is a university diploma; by their incessant demand...

july 4

Making Water video (6min). Shaping destiny, requires foundations to be formed; or you fail. In order to do that, you must anchor yourself to the laws that cultivate life/ rather than destroy it. There is no belief in “the law”/ as want is not relevant: only truth matters to law,...


As we look to the realities of this day: we find particularly in America, that no foundation exists in the currency being used. Not one fundamental of truth is applied because of the counterfeiting that has been done; by hiding inflation in the claim of asset increase/ by media denial...


We examine the difference; by asserting “time is like a tidal wave”/ it exists on top of the water, but is moved by energies beyond its own capacity to control. As humans we stand on that wave like surfers do, in a body of materials, that will encounter the shore/...


SURVIVAL FOR THIS PLANET, and what is left of life itself: is now limited to one single decision; because you have failed the conception of thought, and rest in the horrors of university; as believers do. In order to dethrone the university as your god/ and make the cult of...

time 1

in all things fundamental, to the search for survival in this date and time: are the soldiers quartered in every house/ that are media, news, or entertainment. There to make you fear/ to scare you with images of death and rotting corpses/ to inform you that a gun is your...


SO, LET'S CONSIDER: what truth really means, in terms of the planet! And Identify this fact, along with all the other facts that threaten our extinction/ this is possibly the least visible. The truth is: this earth turns completely around “noon to noon/as proven by facing the sun”; in 24...


The summary of American time; over the last fifty years; where immigrants from all over this world can be found is: with the realities of debt and money: let the children pay/ they don't want us to be bankrupt either; that will affect them. LET THE DAMN CHILDREN PAY/ who...