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work life

It is arrogance, and blind trust that defeats a nation. The arrogance of so many who put their trust in “university knows”/ the blind trust of media, that guides through propaganda; and never real evidence or the right to make decisions for yourself. This nation itself stands on the precipice...

universities and I

The difference between “universities and I”, is as simple as the difference between religion and knowledge. Religion like universities, feel a need to fill in the blanks with whatever fantasy they can agree on is possible. Then declaring themselves “they're gods', chosen children (we know it all, or will get...

you can’t

YOU CAN'T; is a statement of value/ as it points directly to the things which have no possibility of sustaining life or earth. Therefore change will occur/ or extinction will follow quickly; because you have taken the extremes of want, and produced a world that will not survive. The curse...

life safety

“life safety” is the weapon of “government employees”, used to destroy liberty, and confiscate freedoms/ the curse of power, so constant throughout history; as is those who believe they “know it all”/ regardless of a right; a valid reason; or a truth by which the value of their action could...


It is, elemental since time began: that each and every one must decide for themselves, who and what you can or cannot become. Each is born with a definable set of gifts/ each is entitled to use those gifts however they wish, to build a life they chose. So the...

relationship agreement

THE RELATIONSHIP AGREEMENT; between man and woman, as best it can be. As a reality of living between: I cannot, & yes we can; if you agree. Marriage has turned into “a tragedy too often/ a reality beyond our grasp”. Not because people have changed, but because the levels of...


I have spent my lifetime, searching for an exit door: from a world that has created for itself, a long list of threats that will end in your extinction. They are literal, and proven by the evidence, and no amount of truth can deny they exist. Which means: we have...


Since it has been proven true; you have no concept at all, regarding life or body or biology. Although I am thoroughly without a desire to fight for you, or with you anymore (your soul is lacking); some small degree of help is given. The complete tragedy that is blunt...


Something for peace Contrary to the “hocus-pocus” assertion, that people can just pray for peace and it magically arrives. The reality is: peace is built one piece at a time. Prayer is, the opportunity to be heard/ it is not a shopping cart, by which all your wants, can be...


Let's simply ask, “what is the value of a life”? Humanity says: “its all in how you measure it”! But reality does not agree. Reality describes each and every living thing, as a miracle of absolute complexity so far beyond human conception; that we will never understand the truth of...