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camels back

In connection with the writing labeled “prepared (you had your chance)”: we will further that discussion with the comprehension of survival. UNLIKE, what survival shows, etc will tell you; to survive, the primary knowledge that you need to understand: is where you are/ in relation, to where you desire to...


In the fantasies of our day, the university delusions are extreme, excessive, and without basis in fact or reality. Such is the constant puke and sewage of evolution; a world of humanity sharing in the curse, “we don't need to respect GOD “. But let's review: evolution says “millions and...


If, we examine the elements and essence of life itself, the values which arise are astounding. The reality of a composition even in its most minimal form of life, is simply beyond comprehension: because the complexity, requires a very significant amount of thought, to even conceive of the possibility called...

silent rage

In the reality of our time, the essence of change is simple; as it has always been. Those who want power, pride, control, lust, manipulation, superiority, and all the other elements of hate. Do so, continually trying to attain that, by destroying peace, harmony, justice, life, love, and value. And...


Spiritual means: inside the barrier, between life/ death/ and eternity. It is a place where truth meets energy, by the consequences of law. Law governs the universe, and it holds truth as its ultimate witness as to the facts. Truth is then the foundation upon which all judgment, or mercy...

nuclear base lessons

Of the many basic lessons, that must be achieved in order to understand nuclear realities, the most important are these. That energy: the transformation of time into its base construction: that is what does move vs what does not move. That reality of movement/ as well as the ability to...


It is clear, no cooperation from women will be coming to resolve the reality of what changes can occur to make human society better. Which leaves the decision to me: as all barriers to extending life on earth MUST be eliminated, so as to give the maximum potential for life...

too late

There is, a singular moment in time and space, when the existence of life begins. But it does not continue, unless everything that is necessary for survival, exists with it. So that the realities of choice can survive, the freedoms of existence. This is particularly true of nature, in its...


The critical question is: are you willing to die, for wants you can no longer have? The reality is simple: we are now over 8 billion people on earth/ each one fighting for all they can possess. Each searching to be “the superior one”/ or to prove I am equal....


Justice, is the very essence of hope; as it creates the journey of our lives. Without hope we die, because the critical part of living, is to find a solution for life. The value, as is a solution for why should I continue to live: is fixed upon the identities...