
The challenge of life, is time/ but the challenge of time is living as the essence of life, “being alive”. While all things physical are about time, the foundation of all that life in time or beyond; can become: is as thought will allow. The difference between life and alive...


It is fair to say, “that life has given to me a lot, in this form of existence called a human body”. It is also fair to say; that I owe to life itself, as is the summation of everything truly called a miracle. For that cause, I work and...


Let us begin with, “values shape our lives”/ a reality proven: when viewed as the result of what physical fitness can do; or what too much food will do; or laziness; or other. Values determine where we will put the things; the decisions; that we treasure most. Sometimes, people simply...


The critical struggle here is: to remove the herd of humanity, from the grasp of what has become Satan (the arrogance and belief, that we the universities of men can be or play god). The constant: “yes we can”/ is confronted by the realities of YOU CANNOT SURVIVE, THE CONSEQUENCES...


The constants, of eternity; and our relationship to them, is equal to force exists, because we are what we are. Time shapes us, into the truth of what we can and did choose to be. We then begin with the seven primary elements of force, and how we relate to...


Whether you go to hate, from your want, pride, and power; is a decision only you can make! OR to love, from respect, truth, trust, value, courage, discipline, order, balance, happiness, and joy; is entirely up to you. I have little further involvement in that: I rely upon life/ you...


It is, “the passion of moments” that give us time, as life. Time itself has no passion to exist, it simply is/ only life can accomplish that. So, then why is passion fleeting, or hard to accept as your version of living? The answer is of course: YOU. As you...


We come, to the question of energy; to ask in simple terms, how is this related to the essence of life itself? While there are no simple answers to the existence of thought/ the base material of both thought and life is constructed from the forces used to identify what...

revelation 17

As I am brought back into the Biblical book of Revelation with regard to the link “real change”. I return to the chapter 17; which is by far, the most complex writing of the Bible itself, holding numerous elements that are not fully formed by man. It says “a mind...

art of living

The art of living; is to construct a value beyond self, as will be defined as love. The critical curse to be overcome: IF I DIE, or am unhappy/ THEN the world itself, means nothing to me! Or, more simply “I” am, the only thing that matters to me/ nothing...