LOVE, is a delicate embrace, that never settles for a lack of respect. Kindness exists, because the fire which kindles our desire to participate in harmony and peace, will never be replaced with pride. Hope, is the decision, that practices the values we accept as our destiny. While distance is...
the evidence
THE EVIDENCE, against university theory! The sun produces energy by consuming atomic fuels. We know that is true, because we know no other energy source known to humanity can sustain that long term expenditure of energy. Reality proves it is so/ when gambling the fate of everything on earth: we...
the law is
The law is: that every life shall die/ there are no exceptions. Eternity then comes, to be whatever it shall be. So the question is: what is life/ what is death/ and what can that eternity be? While you may fear death, and try to hide from it: every single...