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Life is not a game, and neither is this trial.
What can be done, as best you can, must be done. Every living thing on earth depends upon that fact. This is for world participation; because these are world threats of extinction not simply me or you. There is no fact that cannot be discovered sufficiently, for you to make your own decision. There is no purpose here other than life on earth, must be sustained; as best we can. IF YOU CANNOT COMPREHEND ANYTHING ELSE/ YOU CAN COMPREHEND, WHAT IT MEANS, WHEN YOUR UNIVERSITIES IGNITE “THE SAME FIRE AS IS ON THE SUN” HERE ON EARTH. Www.iter.org and there are more. WRONG, is: HELL IGNITES! Wrong is: every life/ every living thing on earth dies: NO second chances/ a ten million degree fire. IS THAT NOT, ENOUGH CAUSE: FOR YOU OR ME OR THIS WORLD? This ain’t no game, are you willing to risk: even a one in one million chance they could be wrong. I tell you true; it is a one in one billion chance they could be right, instead. And you CAN hear in these words: that I am NOT given to fantasy, foolishness, or ignorance: the threat is beyond extreme. CHOOSE!

The note above: elevates the intent to identify what is wrong with adhering to fantasies instead of reality; as is being done throughout this USA. The failure to comprehend threats/ the failure to identify what it means to be a cult: thereby refusing to question your leaders/ the failure of money, because you let bribes decide/ the failure of reality itself as is approaching, because you didn’t want to pay the price for resurrecting what is wrong. Have become a major part in the deciding element of whether our earth lives or dies. So this legal demand and intent is: to rectify the false information, that is being used by terrorists; and give we the people an opportunity to save themselves/ to save their world and their child.
Nothing is more clear and certain of this fact/ of your failure to address and accept the reality of extreme threats. None more extreme than the threats: of those who have built machines, for the purpose of bringing the same fire here as is on the sun.
It cannot be argued, that this is more than: a one time reality of life or death for our entire planet. More distinctly that means, when ignition occurs, there is no going back. They have released an energy, a nuclear fire (burns atoms) which cannot be controlled or extinguished. Your scientists say to that: “not enough gravity here on earth/ so the energy released, will just expand into space.” But their fantasies are extreme, and their theories CANNOT be fully proven: until the actual event of ignition takes place. WRONG, is then this earth becomes a sun. They have already in truth: proven their conception of fusion is wrong, with experiments already done at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, in San Francisco. A fact, that should make you fear: because they still act as if fusion exists/ when proven to be a lie. Because they love their job, and don’t want to lose it.
The reality, when they are proven wrong: they will have ignited a ten million degree fire, that burns literally “atoms” (just like the sun). NO ESCAPE for this world, it becomes another sun. No escape for this solar system, as the creation of another sun, changes it forever.
So then, I trade the entire potential of this lawsuit: for one clear public media enforced; open trial by jury. Which must address, in this trial: the most critical of all extreme threats/ life or death for our world, in a single instant of “we gambled and lost”.

Just so its clear: I have NO political aspirations/ no intent to sue for gain/ NO desire, to be accosted by media/ no intent to be alone in the prosecution of my disciplined right: to protect this world, or this nation through a courtroom. As in our democratic authority, granted by guaranteed legal rights to constitutional redress of grievances.
Or its further expression in the courts, to expand “we NEED TO KNOW”; by your own design.
I DO NOT desire, that my location become some type of tourist mecca to any degree: THIS IS LAW, not circus. You have the information you need to enforce constitutional mandate/ so use it. You get up for lesser things/ so stand up for the entire world, or lose it forever; as that is the price for being WRONG.
MY PURPOSE IS: to aid and abet the clear intent: to keep this earth alive; it is that simple. By establishing a foundation upon which: the investigation of EVERY MAJOR THREAT WE FACE, becomes examined with and by the reality: of what it costs to be wrong.
For the people, by the people, and without prejudice for the answer: to protect life on earth. Rather, than worship a university delusion: that cannot be questioned, so says leadership, over the last forty years.
When faced with realities from which we the life on this planet or your children CANNOT survive: your duty at a bare minimum truth is. THAT WE MUST DETERMINE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THIS GOES WRONG/ before these experiments can proceed. Then as a nation and a world: decide for ourselves, if we are willing to accept the cost. That is LIFE WILL END. By letting the university arrogance decide they cannot be wrong; or proving the price we pay, before they do. This is stop the insanity as best we can: because there is no going back, “to put our a nuclear fire”; just like on the sun. is that not worth your time/ because even if they might be gambling with your world by demanding: “the odds are a million to one”. The reality remains: wrong is the end of our planet, every life, and even the solar system itself. How is that sane? Let them prove the reality of what they do/ let the people decide for themselves; as is the purpose of trial, and its foundation in law: which is democracy itself.
OR, you take this decision which belongs to everyone; at a bare minimum; and play god, by making it your own. Which does mean: in eternity, you will be more than just sorry.

James Frank Osterbur

https://www.iter.org/sci/Fusion   Abundant energy: Fusing atoms together in a controlled way releases nearly four million times more energy than a chemical reaction such as the burning of coal, oil or gas and four times as much as nuclear fission reactions (at equal mass).  More simply understood:  a candle flame is about one inch high.  instantly becomes 4,000,000 times more is four million inches high. Divided by 5480 feet the distance in a mile times 12 inches per foot =63,360 inches. 63,360 inches per mile divided into 4,000,000 inches= a candle flame that is suddenly, 63.13 miles high. There are no second chances!  Who does not understand: an instantaneous expansion by 4 million times more, IS AN EXPLOSION; even greater than the atomic bomb?

This is the basic Trial Video. “talk”;  that would have been to the jury along with the reading folder: to ask for their decision: WILL YOU/ OR will you not, ask the people to decide for themselves if this must be investigated: because the cost of being WRONG, is simply too high. like all other videos I have done “it is simple and plain; so as not to do more harm than good”. Never be a mob/ Choose the law. Then enforce that law or it dies.

True democracy is: a government determined by its people/ within the supervision of rights and freedoms governed by its constitution. It is not, “voting for someone to vote for me”. IT IS, voting upon the critical issues and laws, as an individual citizen:  which then governs our lives, our laws, and our society, as we chose it to be!

https://www.iter.org/sci/Fusion   Abundant energy: Fusing atoms together in a controlled way releases nearly four million times more energy than a chemical reaction such as the burning of coal, oil or gas and four times as much as nuclear fission reactions (at equal mass).  More simply understood:  a candle flame is about one inch high.  instantly becomes 4,000,000 times more is four million inches high. Divided by 5480 feet the distance in a mile times 12 inches per foot =63,360 inches. 63,360 inches per mile divided into 4,000,000 inches= a candle flame that is suddenly, 63.13 miles high. There are no second chances!

I think it only fair to recognize, that passions build a life, by accepting the miracle of Creation itself. There is no alternative to thought, the existence of life itself. Wherever thought exists, so does life; even in energy, when the environment will allow it. Dimensions separate us, into what the differences in energy can support as truth. The decisions we are free to make, direct our lives into love or hate. Chaos supports no life, but it does not kill: violence does that; where hate goes. Love builds the value that is a journey beyond time, because hope is a destiny we will not surrender, if there is JOY.

Time ends the body, yet it is the same body as was life. The difference in dimension, is where the life now lives.

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