
The price of family is truth: because nothing less than truth can survive. The price of individual freedoms is discipline governed by truth: because without an identified purpose, to define the path/ and truth to direct your decision; you WILL become lost and afraid. The price of love is trust:...


In the creation of life, the certainty of time is, that the body will become “a living tomb”/ as its ability to do anything, or even survive itself, becomes apparent. More distinctly: a body that no longer accepts your command/ while a recognition of life exists; is more prison, than...


Tactics and decisions, made by the people who want us, as life on earth: dead. The constant curse, is a university education. Nothing is so vile, as those who hide the truth, so they can continue destroying the very foundations of life on earth. Because that is “pure evil”; the...


To: whom it may concern Having been through a similar process of life, married to someone who wanted me/ but wanted me to be someone else (what she wanted me to be) as well. The reality of heartbreak is known. The lesson to be learned is a simple one: never...


It is, “the ultimate intellectual chaos”; to assume the entire universe is neither more or less, than understood my own perspective. The descent into: I am alone/ I am god/ you are devil/ and so on. All speak to the same intellectual thing: that life, is nothing more than self....


Critical to the overthrow of governments, is the communication or power to achieve this end/ by controlling either the people with propaganda, or their leaders with the assembly of a cult. Every “nazi” inspired group (lets be a mob); requires a leader such as hitler to create a persona of...


Disassembling democracy; is a corruption at its core, directly related to propaganda: spreading contempt for justice and value, by distilling mob purposes. Corruption means: to take what does have value, and cover it up, so that value can be disguised as something else. Hiding the truth, with fiction. In terms...


The foundation of life is spiritual, or more distinctly, it is based upon the elevation of truth, into the realm of thought. What can be translated into life, is then the culmination of truth and thought. We will NOT be discussing that, “ever”. It is however true, that in presenting...


Of the values and realities of this world, comes the clear conclusion: that as a group, we are the worst generation ever born. The foundation of that complaint would be 1. You choose to gamble with this entire planet/ even the solar system itself: based upon unsubstantiated theories, fantasies, and...


let's look, at reality in ways to fix the various problems that exist; for simple living, rather than endless threats. Its a game, unless you conquer the threats/ but nonetheless, the reality of living itself, is no game. So, just for the sake of writing, "lets talk". A reality of...