
Let us resolve some things, so the blind/ deaf/ dumb/ mute/ foolish/ failures/ traitors/ cheats/ thieves/ terrorists/ and whores have less to work with. Power never shares, because that would initiate friendship, and friends are equals in life and power. Pride never cares, because that would end the game; and...


It is my current belief: the day has come for you to show me something of yourselves; if there are in fact any who dare to step up and defend their world. In this America: the foundation of human behavior for the last forty years in particular has been, "REALITY...

stand up

It should be restated, so there can be no delusions about purpose or participation: That I am not your leader/ not your enemy/ NOT your religious anything; simply "a messenger" bringing to you the reality of evidence, that demands an investigation of the facts will require humanity itself: to change!...


In the assessment of value, that is life on earth as well as the earth itself; the conclusion is, "that our world is perfect, as nature and reality designed it to be". Except for the decisions made by men, and to a far lesser extent, by women (because men rule)....

treasuries 201

Treasuries 201 The ascension into spirit; the value or death expressed by truth. The spiritual world exists as the closest example of what brought Creation into this world called earth. It is, "the remnants of law", that allowed life and planet to exist as they are. That means simply: "within...

treasuries 101

Treasuries 101 The living passion, where life breathes in the grace, and rhythms of a cherished heart, and the blessings of soul. Time grants to our existence, three distinct things: to identify survival as existence/ to construct freedom as the rights assigned by decision/ and to measure the value of...

reality 202

Reality 202 The curse: "mine, mine, mine, its all mine"/ which then becomes: "I am, I want, I everything; or more simply "I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I........I or don't you understand the only thing important about life is ME":?! An identity surrounded by selfishness, is a prison/ because no one else is allowed to...

reality 201

Reality 201 The consistent disgrace, that is human descent into "the barking dog". NO, I have nothing of importance to say/ "but listen to me complain or demand I am important to this work anyway. As is seen in any, and every debate, regarding any issue of importance whatsoever. Or,...

reality 102

Reality 102 When men fear, they create fantasies to give them power over what they fear/ the more fantasies, and the greater their fiction; the greater the threat that keeps them from happiness. Insanity, then walks in. In like cause, the more violent, and constant the games will become. The...

reality 101

Reality 101 We are a world facing crisis after crisis; do to the things that were chosen over these last few decades in time. A life, an economy, or realities which define a world itself: cannot exist upon fantasies, fraud, delusions, foolishness, failures, whores, and lies. They end, establishing crisis...