the door

So, let’s open the door, turn on the lights, and assess the damage. The extreme failures and foolishness of “university knows, cult”; found everywhere, is rampant/ horrendous/ disastrous/ and deadly. The curse of their extreme arrogance, absolute greed, and boundless selfishness, has known no boundary whatsoever. The way back, to...


DEMAND TO KNOW: WHAT HAPPENS, IF THE 10,000,000 F.   FIRE, does not extinguish itself  !   NO, second chances? ONE second too late, & We all burn! Unless, you can put it out/ the same fire as is on the sun:   IS NO GAME  !!! The universities say:  we will try...


  Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL     VS         JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR Dated:  7/20/18   SCHEDULE of the courtroom drama. For the sake of brevity, the certainty of knowledge, the realities of discipline, and the purpose of order; a rundown of the details that are intended to occur at trial,...

democracy enforced

In Trial: 2018 TR 5950 STATE OF IL     VS         JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR Dated 7/ 17/18 The demand on this courtroom is: the constitution must be enforced! That constitution guarantees “first amendment redress of grievances” as power to the people, to govern themselves. Not by individual decisions, but by the authority...


In solidarity with life, the quest is to find more, “than time”. The difference is, that life builds a discipline through order and respect/ while time reacts to that discipline and order by demanding: you shall not remain as a body for living. The quest is then simple: to attain,...

time identified

Time, is both life and death, in human existence; a reality that cannot be avoided. The question is then:  as we measure the expansion of one/ why do we create a contraction called the other? Or more distinctly, we are given the grace to conceive of more than we could...

life and living

The elevation from life to living, is at its core a relationship with learning how to be alive, in a way that brings happiness, hope, respect, discipline, order, courage, balance, wisdom, love, and truth into your own existence. These are neither small nor irrelevant realities, in the values, of what...


DISTANCE, means to remove the variables, the elements, and the time from your experience of life, and express the measurement called your soul. Eternity is the profound understanding, of a change that cannot be undone! Therefore it exists, in you; as the moment your soul becomes measured. What can or...

trial statement

                            The introduction IT IS, fundamental to this trial; that a reality of assembly be presented.                                   Trial: 2018 TR 5950 I, James Frank Osterbur: have in fact spent my lifetime in pursuit of methods by which this planet will survive. Extreme threats do exist. Redress of grievances IS the...

homepage 3

The “scientific disguise” is: “how else can we learn”; which simply means, “they are destroying something/ measuring something/ or naming something”. While that held few catastrophe’s in the past: TODAY, their intent is to invade all of life, energy, planet, and everything else. Because the university graduate is many; and...