Work End
ONLY, In case of a “real world need”; all further work for www.justtalking7.info or www.brainfirst.info shall appear on www.workend.info (not open at this time) none is intended  or expected. Sealed so you can work with these as best you can. IF, the site becomes active sufficiently to warrant a need (donation for costs/ or advertising to pay): that will appear on the www.workend.info  site. You decide/ a full accounting will be given. DO NOT be deceived/ only as described.   THIS WORK, is not perfect/ but it is sufficient to your need.  YOUR CHIOCE:  LIFE OR DEATH, of our world. BECAUSE as the constant of history proves true:  MEN ALONE, will fight for war.  Male “like I have been”; will rise for truth. Women will decide for themselves!

The greatest disgrace in human existence: “is a believer”/ (NOT religious). Because you can believe anything you want. And want anything you believe in. but reality is not a belief/ it is a fact of our existence as is determined by truth. These are truths, that require your acceptance/ rather than your belief.


all the fossil fuel you can afford to buy, and more! / BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: global warming will kill you, and every future life, including your own child. Global warming lifts weight into the atmosphere, and global winds/ detaching the atmosphere from this planet will soon take control; ending life on earth. Fossil fuels release HEAT, and pollutants/ BUT THEY ALSO CONSUME OXYGEN; which is a finite element, that is not made; but used once. Currently at an extreme rate. For absolutely nothing of real value; such as driving a vehicle endlessly/ or flying in a plane, or a thousand other things: the cost of which is “HELL: we cannot live here anymore”; and must die.


all the children you could want, and complete control over life! / BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: overpopulation is killing this earth/ life extinction has multiplied to an extreme rate/ all plant an d animal and everything: other non human inhabitants need to survive. have been lost. This world is filled with pollution/ poisons/ weapons of mass destruction/ garbage mountains. AND THE WATER YOU NEED TO SURVIVE, IS BEING DEPLETED EVERYWHERE.


to believe and do cult worship universities as god! BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: believing in them has led to all the misery that is coming. From genetic chaos in nature as is Armageddon. To the ignition of “same fire here as on the sun”: as will be “Hades: the lake of fire/ consuming this planet”/ to its explosive conclusion; as will change this universe.


all the resources you can find, and then throw them all away! BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: you have no brain; because this is a finite world, and you have chosen to create HELL. The oceans are filled with your garbage; hidden from sight/ but all that life feeds over a billion people; and it will soon be gone. As you have destroyed their environment with your ways. As is you want to play god, and believe as the universities taught you to believe: that there are no consequences for you. But truth knows there is; many of which can never be turned back to life or world: as is the crucifixion of everything: because humanity did not care.


the money you have to mean something. BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: that your government employees lied, stole, betrayed, cheated, terrorized, failed, fantasized, deluded themselves with “experts”/ and claimed there are no consequences for us. BECAUSE WE WILL DIE/ BEFORE THE DEBTS COME DUE. THEREFORE MAKE THE CHILDREN PAY; was “the universities solution”. As is the constant of universities in charge.


to believe in whatever you want death to be. BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: there is no truth in that, and the reality of “an eternal life”/ fails in you. Because that is what you chose; as led by the universities who claim evolution is god. But offer the only evidence they have: “this looks like that”! Which means absolutely nothing; but sewage is found here.


to believe in trump will fix it. BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: he has played by the rules first/ but threatened NOW he wants to make the rules; as hitler did do. Biden has no solution beyond spending money that does not exist; and giving the entire world over to “university expertise”/ as is the end of life. These are of course OVER STATEMENTS/ because without their army of insurgents (lets kill democracy): neither one can succeed, in what they do. That is done with: “discarding your law/ and replacing it with mine”; to take whatever we want. As is the constant of US government today, and their claim “debts don’t matter (let the slaves pay)/ and counterfeiting gives the nobility (university is god) their power; as is the communist takeover under way). “the university solution/ enforced by media blanketing you with their propaganda”! Just take a look at the consequences, “believers all around”; and add another million more costs/ for the failure they installed.

You want:

to survive and be happy. BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: you did nothing to keep your world alive/ and everything the universities could find to insure there is no future. Hiding every truth/ denying every reality/ poisoning every future of life and earth: because they did not care, as the majority in war against this earth and all its living existence. Because they do believe; they can play god: [but can only be Satan]. To your shame, you let them do it.


to be done with this job, as you continue to fail life and earth. BUT THE CONSEQUENCE IS: OUR WORLD IS DYING, because of human existence and decisions. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO SAVE IT: and that is teach you to care. But you are believers/ and the lesson of believers is: the evidence does not matter/ truth does not matter/ consequences do not matter/ failure does not matter, “until its you”/ fantasies are embraced: humanity SCREAMING MINE, its all mine/ delusions are constant/ and the universities are your chosen curse, sacrificing your children: by choice. Ending with terror/ as death stalks you with extinction. So the reality is: while I will hope/ because hope is essentially the living part of life. I am not a believer; in you.

Yes it is: “just a little more”/ but you kill my world of life in time too. And that: is after a lifetime: trying to make you stop. Finding only greed and selfishness instead of life requires truth.

I paid: revelation 12:1-2 (standing on what is foreign “moon”/ the child to be born is: “change this world to law leads, not leader”. Change this world to limited capitalism; to end the tyranny of money is power: is “from me”) & 17:3 (riding the beast called “man, is me”) comes true/ in me; and the spiritual woman will now decide. Because believe it or not: what is male “seems to be locked in a small glass box”/ and completely unable to participate. As she decides for me; now. “its complicated”! I have no clue how it ends, or what now? “He”, literally “seems done”/ evicted to some degree. “I never would have guessed”; simple as that. Nonetheless, my entire lifetime has been spent on the reality: you are choosing extinction/ and even love does not survive that, on this earth. SO, it is a fight to the end; men will war. Only women can stop them, by offering law, with truth decides; not you/ with justice and fair play for all. But apparently, its not my fight/ anymore. “she decides”.

Nor do I know; “it you ever find your brain”/ in the sewer of beliefs indoctrinated, and created by; “university is god”. Or fate takes control/ as the consequence of your actions: becomes our world is EXTINCT! Because you want “no reality” in your lives. SHAME ON YOU.