The purpose of "a thousand words in a single picture" is simply to demonstrate a world surrounded by the essence of our existence: we are everywhere/ the earth is full. The reality we have brought to "human as truth"; are the foundations of religion/ the decisions of rich or poor/ the consequence of master and slave/ & the hope for better. ALL, as it has been from the beginning of time/ until today. But today, we have added countless disasters, waiting from every description of human failure/ some as in missiles, only 15 minutes from causing our extinction/ to genetic catastrophe, "any second or any day"/ and many, many more. All of them exterminating events/ and the propaganda of today has been so successful, that people (especially men) call "this evidence of satan on earth"/ their savior. Satan is a synonym for what destroys perfectly, either very slowly or very fast; depending. To compensate for this propaganda, words are used. To compensate for these men, women are aligned with nature, "and the pictures of a beautiful world called life. All to ask the very simple question: will you change, Or die? You must choose, to live/ because death is at the door; and it will accept only truth, love, respect, and the honesty of honor. Fail and you die.


If you let this planet burn/ or any other threat take over your lives: then that is your choice/ because you do have everything you need to stop these experiments. There are NO second chances/ failure is your (we the people of this earth) decision; as is life saved.  Either think for yourself, or die.  Not a hard concept, your leaders have chosen against life: ‘they want, what they want”, regardless of the risk/ end of story. Is, an alteration to the work which proceeds it. Now, its simply live or die, as a world! A summary site of what matters most/ what threatens immediately or worst. Compilations choosing to inform with various methods employed. Centered around supreme court cases demanding redress of grievances. Proving corruption in the US supreme court. The beginning survey, a disciplined talk. Centered around US federal court, tax case: demanding adherence to democratic authority & constitutional law. Centered around state of IL realities: refusing justice/ corrupt, and supporting "cruel and unusual punishment" upon the poor. Confronting initial questions "why". Asking what is real for tomorrow. Developments in life and living.
The homepage of each reads like a newspaper, "top is last writing/ bottom first"/ except the last two (4,5). The writing started one month beyond 9/11.
These represent a search, for what will get your attention, as the decades previous proved: truth (evidence)/ consequences (extermination)/ reality (can't be wrong)/ money (all gone)/ religion (we only believe what we want too)/ nor anything to do with life, or values, or evidence "of biblical proportions": could not! There was, more than a reason humanity itself, should investigate. But chose "to hide, and run away". With very few exceptions!
WANT, was all that mattered.


         “Just like the bible” If it seems “out of place, not consistent”/ it almost certainly is. Truth is a law, that does not waver!  Each site is a composite demanding LIFE, not money or games:  MUST COME FIRST!         Download these html sites;   so they cannot be easily taken away.




       How, did we pay for current costs! “etc”?

Add reality has a list and federal reserve #1 & #2 & #3

       Then ask yourself: if nothing but a few forced pennies, have been spent on infrastructure for the future of this nation over the last fifty years.  WHO took, or spent the money on fantasy or their delusions?  The answer is, “every university diploma” that became “our leaders”.

The battle for your SOUL!     Inner walls     Critical development    Critical personal development   Energy made simple     Limited capitalism     victim defense jewelry    World laws   sites I provide     A testament to Hope





Primary forum/ mine;    secondary forum, democracy and law; third forum, scientific, evidence, knowledge based discussion; initial forum, short discussions to enable “living and life issues”.   chatrooms 1; 2; 3.  For the purpose of you, creating opportunities/ organizing with others (meet only in public places, “safety first”/ no excuses, no exceptions), simple discussion; etc.  A primary concern: The extreme light infrastructure (eli),  Additionally  federal reserve accounting.         Review of hospital billing A Beginning


               “Inner walls; etc”, the creation of mental defenses


          From a very early age, we are all subjected to “unwarranted treatment”/ from time to time.  The end result of this is, an intent to thwart the effects of “you treated me unfairly”/ with the subsequent result: I WILL NOT let you (or anyone like you) close enough, to do this again.


          That does mean, “I, or the truth of me; is buried beneath the layers that hide what I don’t desire you to see”. There are MANY descriptions of layers, from clothes, to odd behaviors, to refusals, or even abuse.  Some hide love/ some hide hate/ some hide lust/ some variation of this can and does, hide any information you wish to suppress.  If not found out!  Therefore we live in the construction of lies, if we cannot be true simply to ourselves.  Or more simply an image is created to show the world, so that we do not risk ourselves: to whatever people can or will do!  Love is attacked by some/ hate is attacked by others/ just about everything is attacked by someone; because that, is how we choose to live; instead of by truth.

          The critical question, is a discipline of dimensions: or what is the size of “your hole (the place you hide)”.  Does it have room for someone else to participate in your life/ or not?  Are you that badly damaged, or not?  If so, it takes a long time to heal from real psychological (this is my life) hurt.

          The critical answer is: that until you create a door, to either escape from this hole you hide in/ or enlarge it enough, for someone else to share: someone else willing to share. You will be lonely!  It is that simple, and while all things may seem fine in the earlier stages of life/ as time goes by, the life you chose will surround you; and become the last stages of your existence.  In other words, if you do not desire to be lonely “forever in time”/ you must find a way to escape the image you now worship as yourself.

          The difference between an image and a reality is: what you believe/ versus, what you know is true inside, where life proves the decisions you did make.  Want them or not; truth is truth!  A life defined by truth, stands up to existence to express the values accepted, and the relationships sustained as a legitimate description of me.  This is who I am; so says the evidence.  That is a very different expression and experience than having an image which must always lie, to keep up the disguise.

          The critical question is: WHAT hurts us so much, that we must turn to lies/ to hiding ourselves from others; so as not to be vulnerable anymore?  WHY, can we not forgive, or be forgiven, and go on with life as we choose it to be?  WHEN, are the opportunities for change available inside of me, or you? HOW can I help myself, or another?  And WHO is or is not “my friend”?


          The answer to each of these questions determines the quality of your life!


          Therefore we begin with the ascension of quality, rather than time.  Time is a distance traveled, a motion without rest, that is governed by the distinction of a choice.  Time without life is irrelevant/ therefore choice does matter.  We become, at our essence, the sum total of every choice we have made.  That fact identifies the critical source of who we are/ by the consequences and kaleidoscope  of what we chose. Every life, even a plant; has a limited range of choices/ that is what presents us each one with the freedom required to be happy; therefore seek to sustain life.  Without a choice, without true freedom to declare ourselves alive, or at least hope to be so; there is only depression, suicide, or hate.  That fact further declares freedom, to be at the forefront of time itself; so that we may in fact desire life.

          The substance of freedom is: that I am sufficient within myself, as a value created in me, to do the things within my range of choices: that I have chosen to do.  That I am alive, and therefore worthy to be free!

          The range of choices available to humanity on an individual level/ is confronted by the rest of humanity and their desire to inflict damage upon each other, to increase their own range of luxuries, lust, power, selfishness, or pride.  These end in hate, as the sum total of that purpose is to accept: these others are my enemy, “they hold me back, deny to me/ from everything I want, to anything I need”.  It is a freedom gone bad/ but it is nonetheless a freedom chosen by the majority of humans: because they all “want to be rich”.  Consequently they don’t want to be infringed upon in their own journey to be rich/ even though “rich” simply means: I have increased the slaves who must serve me/ taken the resources which do not belong to me; and caused increasing UNDUE harm.  It is jealousy, it is a true desire to be proud (I WIN/ which does mean YOU LOSE).  The end result is hatred growing over a wide range of people; because WANT surrenders the soul for greed.  To your shame.

          In contrast to the blatant poverty of a humanity which is determined to enslave each other with greed. Is the value of miracles clearly shown to be a diversity of not only friendship at its source (we can live together/ because our needs, and our desires are diverse)/ but the possibilities of love created within us as we share and care the relationship given to us by respect:   “I knew you needed this, I knew you would desire this, because freedom is forever”.  And we hold the keys within ourselves, to build a future worth living.  Therefore keys are the foundation of an eternity.  Therefore the desire you know within your heart and soul, become the essence of life.  The creation of you, by truth!

          Critical to the understanding of time is tragedy.  Or more directly, because time is a determined end/ then to continue on as life, we must have truth beyond ourselves.  That truth illuminates the passage from miracles to an identity which can survive.  Not a body that can survive/ but an identity shaped in truth, that will survive; because truth cannot be changed.  It is, what it is!  Therefore your own truth is the substance of what can or cannot be eternal/ and determines the direction given to you, by your own desire.  Here we must examine what it means to be “You”!

          Elevated from the debris of time, which is your body:   is the spiritual source of your own identity.  What has spirit, has life/ time therefrom becomes irrelevant!  What can and cannot be in spirit is defined by purpose and desire.  What you desire MOST constructs your happiness or purpose in life and living.  Therefore what you desire most, must be identified by you, prior to entering therein.  Because every truth, is an identity singled out, by its own desire.  Desire means: if I had to choose one thing, to spend my life upon/ to give my life for: it would be this!  That does not mean there is no room for other values and treasures within an honest life.  It simply means, “nothing about living means more to me than this”.   GOD IS FIRST, for life!  Therefore what honors HIM, becomes a very close second.

          Within that desire is a purpose.  Purpose means: within my heart lives the struggle to be the essence of my own desire, proven true.  True purpose is the price you will pay, for the desire of your heart or soul. Where that is love, love as a source of truth,  rules both the life and living.  Love is:   a foundation which becomes the source of everything that Identifies me.  Love is: the building of “our destiny”, through the understanding that is, “happiness and hope shared/ because we both care”. 

          Within the environment of a human envelope (the transportation vessel, into eternity);   comes our choices.  When confronted by pain, whether emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, or fearful: humanity builds walls to keep each other out.  Don’t hurt me again.  The consequence of these walls however is consistent with: don’t be free/ don’t prepare for an eternity/ don’t seek your own truth/ and don’t enjoy the miracle that is your time on earth.  Each is a harsh reality, that should not be so.  Yet the most consistent enemy is a demand “to be rich”.  Or more simply: “to enslave the others/ and take their freedom, even their lives away”. 

          Emotional pain is: the elemental descriptions that follow “I am not”:   worthy/ I am not accepted/ I am not respected/ I am not wanted/ I am not loved/ I am not equal/ I am not desired by the people I choose to spend life with.  Therefore I must hide, so they don’t recognize my failures; and lie about who I am, so I am not forced to leave.

          Mental pain begins with: even though I am not equal, I can be a slave to you and therefrom buy my way into a life I cannot otherwise have.  Even though, what I want is unfair and unwise/ I WANT IT, and will spend both life and love (yours or mine) to get what I want: therefrom establishing hate, creating distrust, and choosing disrespect.  Even though I have lost my way, and wander in the darkness of escape, from a life that lingers toward death. The essence of that escape is my hope, my reality: or, “YOU can’t make me stay”.  Even though no one loves me, as proven by the facts of life in time. The possibilities of revenge hold no promise, but are in fact the potential of my own failure to life and miracles.  Even though I have been wronged, there is no room here to understand: I too, have wronged.  Even though I expect forgiveness for everything/ I won’t forgive “nothing”.  Etc/ etc/ etc!

          Physical pain refers to the attack, that is our bodies in turmoil/ and it does not matter where that attack comes from, because it is body that represents life.  Therefore every physical pain represents death/ or a reality that must be endured: because no one wants it to be true.  The critical step between courage and cowardice exists only when you have accepted the simple truth: we will all die/ eternity then begins.  Regardless what you believe, eternity then begins: which makes this life in time, incredibly small.  Other than its purpose to define and create a life that will go on.  Consequently, what you accept as true “for an eternity” decides the courage of your existence.

          Spiritual pain is at its core strictly developed from love.  I loved, and now I am alone/ because death separated me from the one I loved.  Which does beg the question: WHY must this be so?  Which then replies:   DID YOU desire to die at the same time, as the one you loved/ OR, did you desire your life here in time more?  Answer the question, because there is no other solution.  Time is a body/ and bodies have a limited range of existence/ have a limited ability to recover from consequences regardless of where or how they exist.

          FEAR “like a fire/ burrows in”.  Therefrom it is in the interest, & the essence of our human existence to create an inner wall; which cannot be defeated.  Or more carefully established: the only truth, that can hold that fire out:   is GOD as a truth, within our soul.  That is a choice/ not a guarantee.  You are given the opportunity to choose it, to experience it, to live and express the values every miracle conceives of, because of OUR CREATOR!   To refuse it, is your own choice.


          The passage and possibilities of life in peace and harmony with creation: is determined by your own cleanliness.  NOT physically/ but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  To be true, is the essence of life itself.  That is a personal distinction only you can make/ a reality that only you can achieve: which no one can take away, unless you let it be so.

          The human development beyond what is personal, and therefrom involves ONLY me; is in contrast, what we choose to do to the others. The question returns to why do you hurt me (anyone)?  The fundamental answer is, “I want more”/ therefore I take what is yours, “like all thieves do”.  The failure to return “what is mine, be it respect, trust, realities needed, love given, honesty expressed, or any other thing of value including money”; means you won’t be forgiven until you do. As best you can!  Even though these things can be covered up by a desire to love you; the failure to repent of it, leaves only mercy (I will love you anyway) to intervene.  Nonetheless, a thief cannot be trusted/ therefore until true repentance is born inside of you: an inner wall exists, to insure “no more of this”. The time of simple; has past.

          Vulnerable means: I have given/ or you have taken, by whatever means, “something of value”, that makes my life controllable through your manipulation, or lack of caring, sharing, or other.  This is a functional disease, inflicted upon the other/ when or if another person decides to use that information against you.  It causes conquest to some degree, making the invader believe “they win”/ but like all war inside or out: there will be destruction.  That requires time “to heal/ and to rebuild”.  It is fair to be vulnerable, for love.  It is NOT fair to manipulate love, so that you can achieve whatever “you want”.  Love requires a mutual decision, whenever that is possible.  Love requires the understanding: it is your life, even though we love/ therefore what affects “as a majority” only you;   does in fact become your decision.  Just as my response is also my decision.

          The elevation of love within our hearts, subjects us to vulnerability/ to a desire that is both honorable, and without doubt, it also contains a strictly personal:  “This is what I WANT”!  Which then becomes if allowed, the description that is:  “all is fair in love and war”!  Even though each one knows this is not true in any sense.  Because love can only be fair/ while war is never fair, although it can simply be necessary!  That brings us to the endless varieties and struggle between men and women for the purpose of “getting what I want/ regardless of your own decision”.  I want, therefore I have a right, “to lie”/ because it is what I want, for my life: what is more important than that!  The answer of course is:   “I have rights/ wants/ needs/ choices/ freedoms/ disciplines/ etc with regard to my own life”.  That are NOT subject to your want or control.  I have rights too/ I have a life and a future too!  I deserve my own choice, “In forever, with you”!  Even if love exists, this will always remain true, even in marriage.  So long as you are willing to pay the price/ it is your choice.  That price CANNOT be controlled by the other: it is simply, “tears will fall/ even if, I don’t desire this response, to be true”.  Therefore the critical decision of participation in life or love: is the purpose of your own desire. The critical truth of participation in “romance” is determined, by whether love is enough for you.  A reality governed by the cost of commitment, which is “even if I die, or must leave/ my purpose was never to harm”.  The critical message: freedom cannot be controlled, beyond the limits set out by true law!  We must live the life, we desire most, within the limits possible; or we fail ourselves.

          That brings us to change; the opportunity to become “revealed” by life/ rather than hidden because of others.  Pride is found here, as the true and very harsh enemy which controls the future.  Without pride there is no humility/ there is only truth, and the consequences of being right or wrong.  With pride the image is born, and then you must either do what the image says of you/ or be proven to be “LIAR”.  Consequently people do, what they would not otherwise do; because of pride.  Pride is the decision to appear to others, “as a winner”/ and if not, then revenge, jealousy, etc will appear as your portion of winning: because you can take their lives away (by playing god), “making them loser”!  Pride is a terrible enemy; it cannot be thrown away, until you are willing to accept, “let the others say or believe ANYTHING they want”.  Letting even life admit: NO, I am not perfect, and can be reduced to what I would never choose. NOT, “what I would never do”/ because there is a vast difference!  What I would not choose is “anything that distracts from my life, as respect earned by me”.  What I would never do, is accept anything that is destructive as a choice I would make.   Pride is then consistent, with being trapped, by hate.  Until you reveal that respect from others, is NOT worth your life/ you will be controlled by that desire.  When life is more important than the respect of others: you shall begin to be free/ so long as the reality itself does not produce revenge!  I can’t/ I won’t, this was too much: now I hate, for real.  It is no game.  Consequently true change comes with   LIFE ITSELF, MUST COME FIRST!  Not anything less.

          This choice between respect from humanity in time/ or RESPECT FOR LIFE ITSELF, before any description of you is possible: identifies a critical choice. Truth says: my opportunity to go beyond myself/ to identify myself/ to save myself from eternity without options.  Is to conceive of a life beyond time.  Thereby life in time loses value, and becomes secondary to existence itself.  Existence means: I have become identified.  Existence in time means: for every action, there will be a reaction.  The consequence of time is: either forgiveness because of love/ OR, each action will produce a reaction that can then multiply itself into hate, hiding, fear, or violence.  What you choose for another, DOES matter a great deal.  An example of that is: I watched a video of what was suppose to be funny, “a man setting the cap of another man on fire, when he wasn’t looking”.  It ended without serious incident; but lets review, “they didn’t think of me in any other way than their toy”.  Their fun included the possibility of life altering consequences such as fire can produce.  That can then change the body, which denies the potential that is family (to badly scarred).  Which can bring hate.  Which can cause murder.  Which then escapes a personal cost, to become family, community, or even other tragedy.  All because the male version of “fun” is a momentary excitement that risks something of value. 

          While happiness is, the essence and reality of everything that reality can be for me; a relationship that is honestly of value, becoming an integral part of my life and my time.      

          The foundation of friendship is:   I will not let you down for simple things, for less than what the disciplines and balance of life and living will allow.  Or, more simply:  I will help you survive and be happy; as my time, and my reality in living, and family or the essence of my own desire will allow.  That does not include being used/ abused/ disrespected/ cheated/ violated/ or anything other than what would have value to you as well.  Equal is a friend/ pride, is an enemy.

                   Within the definitions of our heart, the bravery of our soul; the foundation exists, to create and contain the elemental solution for happiness which is love.  Love is an expansion of discipline, thereby the reaching of man or woman beyond the limits of time: where soul exists. Love is, the immeasurable existence of an experience dedicated to life.  Love is, the expression dedicated to respect/ because without that bond, there is no truth in a relationship.  Therefrom trust extends from respect, and every relationship blossoms only when truth can create “the essence of life within each other.”

          Time is the challenge, to survive the questions that we create/ or are forced to accept within the time and talents or tragedies and limits of our lives.  Love is a destiny, which means it lives where freedoms create an environment beyond ourselves/ a place uninhibited by time, or its reality.  Love is not a passenger in time/ love is a transport beyond the limits of time: where we find each other in soul.  Anything less is simply physical/ and need not be considered love by any cause or means; it is simply want, or need.  Love is a vessel, whereby we transport each other into creation itself: the place inside, “where life lives”!


          We grant within ourselves, the moments that achieve friendship or not/ the challenge to trust, even when it seems unwise.  Because without the risk of a new relationship, we are simply stuck within the measurement of ourselves.  Loneliness then intervenes to force us out/ and if you fail, by measures, rather than living by life: hate looms in the distance.  Some fall in.

          We begin with the assembly of relationships, that determine to what extent shall our lives be governed by love?  We end with the certainty: no matter how far apart we are, from the disciplines that shape our soul,    GOD LOVES all who desire HIS love, with honesty/ respect/ truth/ and especially trust.  Because without trust, eternity is sealed against you.  The challenge to enter therein, is simply “too harsh”.


          Critical to our understanding of the essence that is life itself, is female.  The demand for patient endurance, balancing foundations in living, and trusting in the realities of love, value, and respect;   even when men are not worthy.  The creation of life begins and becomes “human”, by female.  Critical to our understanding of the realities associated with time; is the existence of threat, the foundations of simple  survival and the construction of “environmental hopes” which become in men the truth of their own existence.  The clarity with which we grasp the essence of life itself as a distinction beyond the limits of time; resides in spirit.  Spiritual existence is the elevation of truth, as we purify the essence of ourselves to enter therein.  Acceptance of environmental awareness, means “just as the womb is to a growing child”/ so is the spiritual world to life in eternity.  Which does mean spirit is female. While the possibilities beyond the limits of spiritual protection are male. Elements which lift and separate us from time, are destinies created by thought/ whereby thought, then becomes the journey through which we experience life.  Creation means: I have risen, from beginnings so small, they do seem trivial: until you understand, without everything that assembles us from before even the possibilities of life arise/   is   GOD.


          Death presents you to darkness/ where life WILL be consumed, leaving only the identity you created within yourself.  Love is “a light shining”/ without it, you will be lost.


Time is more than the measurements of a clock/ moments are the conception of miracles, just as time creates the realities of heart, and soul becomes an identity realized within eternity. The possibilities of our existence are exercised in moments; by the strength of our own commitment to life, or time, or self. Time is the essence of everything we can become. Time is the treasury of everything we can experience or express by the fountains of life, that grow or die within us. A treasury is the essence of everything beyond the measure of a value; by entering within miracles to achieve and accept the distance we travel is forever. Time is the presentation of our soul, to GOD.
Every miracle is a gift/ but every life gift is a fountain of love that defines our inheritance: the things left behind, or given for our use, as humanity. Love is where value (I know this is a great thing) dies/ and life beyond the simple existence of time is replaced with “I AM ALIVE”. Not a value, it is every part and piece of our existence shouting: “how great you are/ with honest and true respect for GOD”.
Destiny lives in miracles/ life lives in love: because a heart transforms the blessing of our acceptance and desire, into a spiritual awakening that will never be denied. The spirit is eternal, because truth cannot die: it remains whatever it is, forever. The spirit is forever, because love is a desire that needs no other cure. Time ends, with the critical truth: only love is an environment that accepts the terms of forever, and will not fail. But it must be pure. While we will never be perfect here; each must discover the path they choose to journey upon, to create within themselves, a truth in love that will not die. You need passion to accomplish this. Passion is, an acceptance: this is more important “than me”/ because life, rather than self exists as the foundation of everything. “I” do not/ neither do you. Within life, we are free. The body is not life/ life simply brings the body into existence; and we share that experience, and learn from its expressions. Life is a participation in thought; wheresoever that thought leads, is the foundation of your eternity.
Construction of a life, refers to the ability and decisions that become “the illumination” of you. Or more simply: what truth can reveal, establishes your reality as life on earth. Truth is never wrong, therefore whatever your truth is/ is you, without the images you have created, or the lies, or the want, or the pride. Only mercy can cover anything to give you another chance. When time ends, so does your opportunity to change/ repent/ or conceive of a different life.

With regards to the common human complaint: life is NOT guaranteed, and I don’t want to die/ and I hate it, with someone I love dies: therefore I have a right to blame “GOD”.
AS HAS BEEN PROVEN; it is this very thing that gives you the opportunity to be eternal (the human body cannot). It is this very thing that has given us all life today/ because if it had not been for “random death by disease” or other sources; this world would have been over-populated, and thereby destroyed: thousands of years ago. Consequently you owe your lifetime, to death. Is not “random, by disease or any other way; the most fair method”?
As to the critical realities of loneliness, love, respect, and realities that must be contended with: how is that not representative of what GOD HIMSELF has experienced? When the universe was an infant, and there was no other life to be found. You are asked only to “Understand, what are trivial consequences; so that you may grow for the sake of your own eternity. How is that not, “in your own best interest”; for all who do survive! All matter/ but each chooses a destiny (I accept the cost/ I choose love); or they fall into fate, and its ending. It is the life inside of you, that is eternal/ that “borrowed life” returns to GOD when you die/ with you, or without you, by your own decision.
The composition of a human body, is as a relationship of “a trillion tiny creatures”. Which do live together in perfect harmony and peace (unless sick): to give you everything you are or can be as a living body of life: it is controlled by the essence called human. That essence is a spiritual element, which must attain truth by the foundations in value that can survive as life, within itself: to become more than simply time. Disciplines guide/ order survives as respect/ balance is rarely sustained without the opposite sex/ motion is a guide to consequence/ thought is a direction that will not be denied/ while the relationship we share with life itself, comprises our experience and expressions which become desire and purpose as designed; by you.
Happiness is not a decision. Happiness is not a desire. Happiness is a relationship with life, that does not measure or judge; thereby we are free, to be free. Peace is a decision to clean the mind, with heart and soul; thereby removing all that cannot attain peace. Time is a distance dependent upon the environment in which you choose to live. Love is an endless moment that needs no other definition. Hate is an endless line of moments, that never heal the source. Love is a passion, which identifies and creates a purpose. Hate is a disease, that infects all it touches. Everything in between is a measurement, that circles around in your mind; because want never leaves, until you destroy it for yourself.
When you manipulate or control another, it is distinctly like causing a disease to spread: because this won’t heal, without trouble. Want is an enemy, because it precedes every lie/ it measures every life/ & it judges people to make yourself rise above them; ending with the assumption, “they don’t deserve to be here with you”.
Bi-polar depression is: I have realized my life is passing before me/ and I WANT MORE. I want everything I didn’t get/ I want it now/ I want what I have as well; even though the two cannot survive together. It is a division of the heart, to see which side dies. These are the visible moments; the places in your heart that create the images you begin to worship as life/ as I want more. These images create a majority of mental troubles, human behaviors and define a large portion of society as we know it. To remove them: the image of what is “better than me”/ must die. To rebuild, the reality of life itself, as the miracle of who I am must succeed. The difference is, understanding and accepting the true gift of life, is life; not trophies or toys. The treasury of existence, is an acceptance of reality, by its own truth; not your wants. Desire means: I have become “more than a moment”/ I have found my life, as the essence of me, created in both heart and soul. Therefore I can begin, the journey of life beyond time.
We cannot have everything we desire, because that removes the purpose of life in time itself: to identify and create what is true in you. Struggle, consequences, heartaches and joy, truth and even some lies do that. The reality of every life is simply, “a few years here”/ and then eternity, no matter what that might be. The question presented by thought then is: are miracles enough, to accept life, and the possibilities this represents, are more complicated than you? If so, you will search for truth/ because eternity has no other ending, than the one you present with your own desires.
The spiritual world has no regard for your body or what you do with it: it is your body and mind, that is your personal property and your decision/ so long as you pay the price of your decisions. As is required of us all. The spiritual world has no regard for your ethics, or morality, or purposes other than love, respect, courage, trust, and truth. What is true in you, as a honest and honorable value to life; becomes your identity in eternity. The body cannot come, nor its mind to measure with. Only life, the essence of movement and thought, the environment of love and even eternity itself.

          The assembly of life participants, in the creation of an individual


                   The first participant.

          We begin, in the fundamentals of what life can be/ and assert the conclusion:  that our relationship with life itself; is far more complex than simply being “human”.

          In the creation of that statement, comes the certainty that life and brain (measurement and methods)/ are not the same.  Life constructs the foundation of our freedom, the essence of our thought and recognition, the elements of love/ the potential of hate (life destroyed)/ and the respect associated with survival by truth.  The brain assigns movement created by life, through the methods and means, assembled as body. Death is the end of life measured in time/ whereas the brain simply dies without a body to serve it.  The brain cannot keep the body alive, how is that not true; and it does not matter “how smart, or stupid” you are?

          Nature means: the construction of body, & the energy assigned by that body to the life it will inhabit. The construction of every body of life, is genetically traced to DNA/ thereby nature is DNA.  The elements of physical energy are chemically translated by the body, through the gathering of complex chemicals throughout what we call food.  The body then uses those chemicals in its “factory” to create what we require for ourselves.  The spiritual energy of life however is vastly different: being the essence of life itself, rather than body;  it is conceived as the elemental creation of an identity.  A participant in the greater experience and expressions of what life itself, can be.  Thought gives us that fundamental to consider/ but it is the biblical story of    JESUS that identifies the potential of a path beyond ourselves, wherein the elements of Creation itself might be encountered.  That path is simply constructed as truth.  Thereby truth holds the keys, to all considerations beyond self;  as a human being. Or more clearly: what can, or cannot;  elevate us, each one, into a different relationship with life itself.

          The critical question is: what kind of relationship “might that be”? The functional answer is: searching within truth, to identify life and its potential; leads us to OUR CREATOR.  How is that not true? Because it is absolutely clear: life extends from thought/ and thought has nothing to do with “accidental chaos”.  Each miracle of life is clear and certain proof; FAR MORE than simply human exists/ or we would not!  Therefore truth leads to the beginning of our own creation, as a relationship with   “GOD”   / but it also extends our understanding of what the future can be, by identifying the elements which govern creation itself, as are laws, realities, and evidence. Which then translates the potential of time, into the disciplines which construct eternity.  A human body is built of time/ and has nothing to do with eternity: it cannot come.  Only thought, identity, love, truth, courage, respect, and hope survive: as a result of     TRUST in   GOD.

          Truth is:   a path into thought/ because thought elevates itself as life, by using truth to govern the path that will justify the laws which then govern life.  Truth has no mercy/ therefore if you wander outside the boundaries assigned by a specific truth; there will be consequences.  Thought is:   the structural balance assigned by order, to conceive of creation itself.  Order requires knowledge.  Balance accepts understanding as its critical partner in construction. Structures illuminate the potential of an image which can be brought to life.  The critical essence of desire and purpose come into existence, when the foundation upon which life shall rest: begins its journey beyond the elemental measurement called time.  Time is a developmental anomaly; in that the functional ability of each individual life, to journey beyond themselves;  is governed by their own passions, purpose, or desire.

          Individual means: without chains/ freed to be what you personally,  choose to be!  Or perhaps more simply:   governed by your own choices!         Passion asserts:   “This” is the most important truth of my life, my time, and my existence.  Thereby passion is always key, to every journey into truth.  Without passion, you will fail to ascend beyond yourself/ stopping at want, rather than life.

          Purpose identifies the structures of your “heart”/ thereby creating the elevations which are possible for you.  Without purpose that is fundamentally supporting life itself/ there is no ascension for your heart.  Heart means:   “I have accepted the journey into love”.  Love means: the treasury, and value of living, is created by you. 

          Desire assembles the foundations upon which we search for truth.  Thereby it is known, within the range of each functioning truth: where it is, that you “wish to go”.  That statement assigns to truth, an element of thought/ which is then the spiritual aspect of life itself.  Truth is constructed by the definitions which identify time, or its companion life.  They walk together in humanity/ separate in eternity; because eternity requires an elevation of energy beyond the point of “an action will create a reaction”.  Eternity is, the level of energy, where no reaction exists. That means: UNLESS you act in truth, and assign your ways to the blessing of life itself/ there is no place in the greater realities of life,   for you.  Eternity DOES have “many levels, or rooms, so to speak”/ it is neither simple nor bland.

          The rule of spiritual travels is:   once you enter within any truth, there is no exit door/ either you fully understand the truth entered into; so that you can make a choice compatible with that truth/ or you will remain therein.  Trying to escape any truth, will either get you killed/ or cause a level of insanity in you; that is nearly impossible to escape. Courage is essential/ respect is mandatory, no excuses.  It is also necessary to understand yourself/ as all truth searches you personally; and if you fail, tragedy will arise.  You cannot help ANY of those who do fail/ you cannot trust ANY image, no matter how potentially  convincing: until you discard your own expectations, judgments, or like kind of failure.  You cannot then trust yourself, because only truth can judge: YOU MUST follow only truth, and evict all want from your soul. Want leads to consequences that may or may not be survivable; either way, you will be changed because of want.  What you believe is “an avenue of failure”/ because only truth can rule here; belief is irrelevant/ unless it is true.  If it is true, it is no longer belief/ you have found faith, thereby trust in the anchors of truth itself. As for me, “I wanted” an answer for how survival of life on earth could be true/ hope required it!  Male had none/ therefore I searched and found “the spiritual door of female”: there have been consequences.  It turns out, my own want included “male”/ that too, is a problem; as life itself does not have a gender role.  It is, whatever truth shall make of it.  The “pale rider on horseback” is spiritually real/ but never harmed me.  Twice I saw him/ once he turned back; once he passed by at a distance.  Every journey from time, into the future of truth, is essentially “like walking into the moonlight”.  Unless you are willing to search yourself first, and identify whatever is true/ there is very little “light”; and it is easy to betray yourself with expectations.  Accept your life as it is/ change it by “removing the trash” that does not belong in a search or a life with truth.  When you are “clean”/ then you may travel until want, or any other form of not allowing truth to decide; causes you to fail, or become trapped, by a truth you cannot escape.  Until you truly understand.


          More is neither wise, or necessary!


                                      James Frank Osterbur


                   The second participant.

          Want, is the foundation upon which humanity decides, “I can change my world/ and make it be what I want it to be”.  That fundamental measurement of the brain assumes, and translates time; as nothing more than your own personal experience.  Time is not, “simply self”.  Time is, a critical link between what life can be, beyond the expression called “self”. Time is, the measure of values/ ending in the translation of a clear and certain summary, called the truth of your life.  When you have lost something true/ only then, does its full weight and value to your life become clear.

          Want is the elemental path of a brain, exceeding its limits/ by expecting to be “life itself”; rather than simply another tool, such as an arm or leg.  Every body, “is a house”; wherein we live and translate our lives as a relationship to that house. Therefrom we measure our existence, and form the expressions and experience that becomes our own individual identity, in time.  Time is a life created with tools.  Life is, a relationship identified by the foundations which give it “birth”.  Birth means, two distinct things must happen: the recognition of life comes first/ the relationship with time as body comes second.  The functional existence as a body released into its own freedoms, expressions, and  decisions comes third.  Or freedom is secondary, to the realities of existence.

          Time gives us existence;  thereby we become a participant expressed in the essence of body: by the decisions that we make/ and the relationship we share, because of our own choices.    Want experiences the pleasures and pain associated with body.  Thereby want, as evidence of a brain functioning in time, becomes a participant in what the body itself desires.  Life as evidence of a heart expressed in the essence of freedom, becomes what the soul desires; by the purposes it creates.  Heart means: you have made the decision, to cherish love among life as a relationship beyond yourself.  Body as want: simply means, your choice is “pleasure or pain”/ a relationship with brain. The voice inside your head, is your brain talking to the elemental space recognized as your own reality of existence: between the boundary edges:  of the brain rules/ or the soul decides.


                   The third participant.

          Brain as the creation of individual time, separates and divides all participants into its division of categories: fundamentally that is simply “from worthless, to pleasurable/ or from pain and its complications, to hate as the intention of destruction”.  The brain knows not anything other than measurement.

          Soul creates the value associated with life itself, as the translation carried through from existence, to the essence of    “GOD” revealed, by the true miracles we experience and express, even as love/ and all that has value including courage, respect, discipline, bravery, trust, truth, happiness, joy, hope, balance, structure, order, thought, desire, purpose, eternity in love; and dimensions conceived of beyond all limits called time itself.  Even more.

          Our experience in this time is:   as the value created or lost/ between these two extremes; by the choices we will make within ourselves as the true test of our identity.  Every identity has a clear and distinct ascension: from the foundation and anchors which hold it in place/ to the creation of purpose and desire which will establish the fundamentals of our true decision/ to the elevation of an identity conceived as the essence of ourselves without restraint.  This then becomes our identity for eternity.  The question is: how do we choose?  The answer is: between the brain (existence in time) and the soul (life itself), there is a path.  The reality is simple: to achieve your own relationship with life (a truth beyond all others)/ you must end the want that controls your existence as brain (simply body).  Want is a liar/ because it is the basis or foundation of every lie: you don’t lie/ unless you want.  Therefore the path is, “to turn away from want and its lies/ by ascending into the relationship that truth itself will provide”.  Truth is a path (a journey unto itself)/ want is a road (simple and plain, the easy way). 


                   The fourth participant.

          Truth, the anchor of our world, our survival, and the beginning of “ourselves” as an independent life (NOT simply a human body).  Truth is “the single participant in everything”.  Thereby at some level of existence, it is an evidence associated with    “GOD”.    Consequently the search into truth, is a search for    “GOD” .  Because without the miracles assigned into life, by its own truth: we do not exist.


                   The fifth participant.

          Hope/ trust/ love, the essence of everything called value!  The reality of everything, beyond the simplicity of brain.  Or more simply: you cannot experience anything of hope, trust, or love without expanding your own existence as life; rather than a measurement.  Or more critically, everything wonderful about living: IS NOT “a measurement/ thereby it is not critically a reality of time exclusively.  Even though as humanity, we cannot escape time in its entirety/ we can escape our brains, through hope, trust, and love: to experience “life beyond self”.  That reality requires the simple truth: the brain is identified as “measurements”/ therefore it is the removal of measurements, to accept the relationship with your soul; that provides this escape.  Where there is hope, there is romance (my life ignites as happiness, through the joy of you).  Where there is trust (I accept this truth), there is the potential for everything that can exist between male and female without restraint.  Where there is love, “the inner relationship” that defines our world as a new dimension regardless of time/ there is an opportunity to experience everything life itself can be.  Love is the greater element of life.  Love is, beyond the binding of trust, the possibility of eternity itself.  Without love, eternity does not exist.


                   The sixth participant.

          The journey, our walk beyond the moment of conception, to the end of our own time.  The critical relationship we share with our existence, and the reality of our lives bordered and chosen; by the decisions of those who came before/ have died/ or exist within our lives right now.  Time “chases us” with the truth, it is not guaranteed: therefore we must make decisions, and proceed as if time will stop.  That fundamentally changes the reality of every human being throughout their existence.  That demands a decision: about what happens to you/ when the body dies?  Therefrom all religion originates.

          As a “massive body of humanity on earth”, the functional relationship we share with each other is by the decisions that now control our lives, because of what others are doing, or have done.  The past has created “morals and ethics”; to define what the majority are willing to accept in their lives “as something to aspire too”.  Regardless of value, these direct each society on its road to their future.  The failure of morals and ethics, means you have descended beneath, what even you as the majority believe must be done.  But like saying “amen, in church”/ the decisions of the majority are not necessarily of value. No one is “saved” as a church, etc!  Each must enter eternity one soul, at a time; there is no “herd/ or pack, etc”/ there is no organization, or payment, or achievement “to get you in”.  Only mercy!  What has value, is the heart you create, stabilize, share, and prove through caring does in fact exist as my own witness of a decision that is in our best interest as life.  It is these individuals, that guide society and humanity itself, on a journey that can bring happiness, peace, and harmony to ourselves, and to you.  They are rarely encouraged/ and must attain and respect this facet of their lives, for themselves. The desire of love, is to share relationships with honor.  The reality of being discarded, by those who would rather play games (including money): is a question we must all face/ this is the basis of loneliness, and its delusional cousins called depression or suicide.  Even though loneliness is very real, the foundation which must be accepted is   “GOD CARES”/ and can be found through soul.  Do your best, with people; remembering there are “vast numbers” of other “hearts and souls” who need a friend, just like you.  Look beyond “pretty” or successful/ but be aware of lies.  Be aware of “used and abused”. Be honest with sexuality. Remember every decision has a consequence, and understand we cannot save a single heart or soul/ ONLY GOD does that.  So make decisions that have honor, and courage/ being aware of what can only be called “foolish”.

            Because the vast majority of humanity, are busy playing games with each other (I will prove: I am more, than you measured, or refused:  OR, I will discard you entirely.)  Thereby trying to measure themselves against the trophies each one claims: is their pride.  Games remove the demand for personal change/ and grant the essence of a herd: which is to move in close configurations, together.  All doing the exact same thing, so as not to interfere with, or endanger the others.  To be an individual requires more.  To be truly human requires love, “the ascension beyond yourself, where the values of life itself are treasured as the essence of life/ rather than simply the measurements of living.”

          Pride is the failure of an individual!  Instead of claiming the work and reality of decisions that build your own identity.  Pride abandons that, to conceive of a reality of decisions and work which identify your own purpose in society/ as saying:  “I am superior” to you. I played the game, and won/ or in the alternative, I played the game and lost; and now seek revenge/ fall into depression, theft, drug addiction, lies, cheating (etc)/ or choose violence through hate (so you, can play god). Rather than acceptance of an individual life/ pride is elementally the decision to participate as a herd/ or pack of predators.  Because it is a relationship governed by body and brain:   rather than life itself, which is strictly personal apart from love.  Without love, there is only “body and brain”.  Therefore the essence of human reality is the consequence, “most do not find love, truth, or trust; and that ends hope”.  They then turn to games, because life itself requires a participant.  Whereas love itself cannot exist without a second participant or more; the interaction is required. 

          We then turn to the question of WHY, does not more love, truth, or hope exist?  The answer returns: male and female play with each other, rather than love each other.  Seeking pleasures or even pain, rather than life itself.  The answer returns: time ends, the body dies slowly, and the opportunity to experience or express time itself as a body then dies.  The opportunity to express or experience the realities of “your own decisions come true”; ends for all.  Therefore as individuals, each must choose the value of love/ or the reality of a choice that expands, or is expected to expand;   the pleasures of being human in time.  The variations of how this affects different human beings, is extensive.


                   The seventh participant.

          WHY, do I exist?  Life is clearly a gift/ the body is clearly a miracle/ not a single human being can claim ANY form or type of decision or participation in that creation; nor can any other life here!  Therefore we describe “our CREATOR”,   as    “GOD”.  Beyond the descriptions of , being human!  Elementally the answer of existence turns to love, as love is clearly shown & experienced, in the value and reality of our miracles, we call the body of life; in all its expressions as nature, and self.  Therefore love exists in this Creation; and nothing less.  Consequently we ask, if love is given/ then is it not our acceptance of that gift:   to return that love as best we can?  Indeed that is so, but the relationship is as soul/ rather than time.  Consequently we must choose to identify ourselves with soul, to create the relationship that grants our own ability to return and experience true love itself.

          JESUS, is the only true example of what   LOVE, beyond self does mean.  Therefore the reality and relationships expressed or explained or suggested within HIS LIFE on earth; have a value, that translates the possibilities of love, “into eternal life”.  Or more simply: if we have received love, if we have the opportunity to choose a path to achieve love everlasting; and accept that trust, by its truth.  Then surely, our existence here, is to find those who will become a treasury of love and life given back;  in the search for happiness and joy, throughout eternity itself.   To love, and be loved without restraint/ in absolute freedom: requires an ability to trust, beyond what the simple evidence of time can produce.  We must prove, “I can, be trusted”/ because life, is not a game.


                   The eighth participant.

          The critical dimension of life itself, is constructed in three parts: truth sustains survival/ energy is the environment of freedom/ but thought itself, is the evidence which establishes the essence of all life.  As best we can achieve, that very simplified understanding.

          Nonetheless, thought is the essence of our own lives/ the foundation of our own existence; because without thought (the recognition of life itself), we are nothing/ regardless of body. 

          Therefore the elemental design that discovers the dimensional relationship between life and thought, becomes our environmental home/ as time, or as spirit.  Spirit is the reality of truth purified into its constituent relationship.  Thought is the functional distance, between our existence, and our CREATOR.  We cannot exceed that limit, and we are bound by the experience of our existence; “to begin here”.  That dimensional space: is a participant in who and what we can become.  But it is mercy that will decide: because we have nothing to contribute, but ourselves! Even so, there are many levels and methods of existence/ purity of love and purpose,  decides where you belong.


                   The ninth participant.

          Eternity draws the line, between what can and will react to energy being established upon its existence.  Wheresoever no reaction exists to the energy established/ there is the potential called eternity.  All things in time react with energy, including the human body; thereby nothing you can see with your eyes is eternal, including this universe.  Unless it is “reborn”. 

          The foundation of eternity is an existence of energy that can be inhabited, through the existence of thought: from which there is no apparent reaction.  You live in the body of life, because of its relationship with energy and nature.  Or you inhabit that energy, and prove life by becoming freed from “simply mass”.  It is not “foreign or impossible”/ we live, an extremely slowed version of eternity in this body of time.  Once the body is gone/ that energy which brings us life, changes itself.  Whether you can “go along” on its journey/ is entirely up to you, by the decisions you have made!  What is true survives/ whether that be “to heaven or hades”; is again, your decision in time.  Anything less than truth, dissipates into nothing; without strength or choice, you simply fade away.



                   There ARE, “more participants” but they exist beyond the physical dimensions of time; and thereby cannot be understood.



          As to the elements of time itself, the treasury of our decisions/ desires/ and real life consequences; are the evidence called your own individual truth.  Its called “existence”!  You cannot change the past/ but you can repent of the road or path you took, to get where you now accept, “I didn’t wish to be”. I was lost, in want, pride, or power.  You cannot save an individual or group, it is impossible/ however, to aid the life of another in their own journey; by giving them the chance to see themselves, or pick a different destiny, is a value known to be “love expressed”.  But make sure you are honestly willing to pay the price of that decision in yourself/ or don’t interfere, save yourself first. Forgive when you can, because it opens the door to better things than hate.  Happiness is the gift, of miracles shared.  The reality of a freedom, chosen because it includes the “joy called you”.  Be at peace, it is the value of your heart shared with your own soul:   “I accept, that I am the best I can realistically be” even if that is less, than I would hope. No one can be more, than “simply self”/ not even in love, because what is true is simply true of you.  Change yourself, if that is less than you wish to be.  Harmony is then, “I accept, that we are honestly working toward, the best we can be.”

          The foundations of time include, the struggles of work/ society/ justice/ and everything about “a shared life”.  The foundations of being human include; the struggle to care enough, to become more than just “you”.  Other lives (all life) must be involved, to declare this is true.  Work is a relationship, whereby we search for freedom/ or find slavery.  The element of money, is a game identified, whereby I have found that freedom, or engaged in the slavery of others; with little else involved.  The question of friendship, the reality of justice, the purpose of society;  are all involved in the translation of money from ourselves/ to the purpose we do give it.  Where that purpose is life, the decisions WILL be different/ than simply for self. 

          The element of society that engages us all, is the evidence and truth: “anyone one of us, can be lonely even in a crowd”.  Because none, “care about me”.  Respect denies that reality, and gives life its cause to believe, “I shall find my heart again”.  Friendship identifies; I have another chance!  But reality intervenes and proves to each one:   either you will choose this one/ or you will choose us; and we don’t accept the other.  Therefore people are abandoned, and some die inside.  It is a high price to pay: in eternity!  For ridicule of another human being; equal to yourself, in all important ways: you will lose too. Every heart needs someone to survive.  Every soul, needs an expression in love, that can be touched! These are priceless treasures, in a universe where life is the only true freedom.

          Justice is, the path beyond myself/ where our choices become, our lives and our decisions:   shall be shared as equal, fair, and true to life itself.  The same for you, as for me.

           A shared life, as in all degrees of loneliness confronted with hope.  Becomes the backbone of our own structural existence.  What we do, with our lives, and with our opportunity to influence someone else in their life/ construct the path by which we determine our own future as beyond simply self.

            The elements of want intervene and do try to destroy all forms of happiness, by placing barriers against you and against me. Thereby limiting every form of freedom, by which we might attain a truly shared life as one.   The fundamental that proves a life is shared, DOES NOT exist with “chains attached”.  Rather a life shared, is a decision made, to construct the future as if we were one life caring about each other; where truth builds trust/ and trust binds us as that one, which will stand the test of time.  Lies defeat trust/ ending truth between us.  Changing the other to fit your own desires or purposes; eliminates the very thing which brings you both together.  Each must find their own way, to please the other, and therefrom identify what happiness could be, if you would help me, “to be me, with honesty and grace”/ and I you.  Whosoever feels, “they cannot be themselves”/ will crash, into the misery of a failed life:  don’t do that to each other.  If it is you/ then take the time (as best you can), to return,   to yourself.  There is no love to give, outside yourself/ you can only give of yourself, it is all we have, no matter who you are. Toys and trinkets are irrelevant/ or become so very quickly. Sex is a passage between man and woman: that lives or dies, based upon the love that can be exchanged with honest acceptance of each other.  Without respect for each others’ life/ sex will die, as all forms of relationships do; when respect is denied. Lust is a denial of respect (I just want your body/ as a person, you don’t matter.)/ it exists only to use, or abuse.  Some, are lost in loneliness, making sex their god; prove the truth, if you must;  because they live with you.  It is your choice, either way!

          One of the worst possible decisions women constantly make is: “I want a man/ to give me a child: and then support us both, so I can be happy”!  It is not your right, to decide this/ a child must always be, an honest and true,  mutual decision.  You owe that, to your child!  Further a man is not your slave, that you may entangle him in a trap of your own choosing: that is unfair.  Likewise, a woman is NOT your “sex toy”/ nor is she your “rubbing post/ rodeo ride/ or any other form of disrespect” that will always end with “she doesn’t want to have sex with me anymore”!  A woman is NOT your slave, that you may entangle her with expectations and purposes that are simply your own.  That is unfair!  If you desire more sex from a man: then help him with his work, so that “energy and time” will be available.  If you desire more sex from a woman: then be gracious, patient, and kind/ remembering, if your actions in sex are simply “to gratify you”: then you are NOT sharing the experience, nor expressing what is precious between you.  The acceptance of a life, in time; and as bodies we share together, as one.  Disciplines construct time and opportunity;  balance initiates happiness, because this works for us both equally; order changes our individual lives, in favor of each other; and structure identifies what we can do, to rise above ourselves, and attain the essence of purity that love reserves for the tiny few who do and should trust each other completely (as best we can).  Love is a passage, that joins our lives together/ but that means, it does take work, purpose, and desire;  to keep the passage alive in our hearts.

           Do remember this: that the battle to find someone who will share a future in time with/ is necessary and serious.  That means: IF YOU are playing games/ using each other as toys, sexual or not/ offering what you cannot or will not give; etc.  Then YOU are interfering with their future, and the substance of their lives; and causing harm.  To love someone is neither simple or easy/ if it was, “I would have loved many women”; with or without sex.  While love is a simple acceptance in respect/ the reality of this day, and this humanity is: “that” is rare, and extremely difficult to find.  Consequently trouble erupts every time.  As I could not stay; this work, this challenge to the very survival of life on earth/ cannot be disrupted or destroyed.   If it were not for hate/ I could and would have married a second time: but challenging the hate and extreme arrogance that threatens us all;   DOES have potential consequences that “leak out” onto other lives, if they are close.  I simply cannot accept any action, that would bring that kind of trouble to someone very close to me.  So there are none.

          Life in time is an existence experienced, but it is also a reality expressed as the destiny we ascend to create the life we choose!  Every elevation of that life, our life; is a revelation of what being ALIVE truly means.  The fundamental explained is then: every moment is a stepping stone, every decision is a heartbeat to encounter life.  The rhythms we create in these shared experiences do create, the possibilities that become life.  It is not your right to judge another (the law does this)/ but it is your full and fundamental right to love or hate; as you so choose.  The consequences of either, construct an eternity.   BUT DO, remember this:  love and hate are opposites/ and so is the eternity they do create.  There is no true middle ground/ only mercy, and a distance sufficient to retain purity in love, for those who earned that.  For some, that is a long way, from expectations.  Respect your gift, wherever it leads; or lose everything.  That is your choice, in eternity.


          With a world at risk of extermination, because of all that humanity has done/ LOVE DOES NOT allow for the expectation “you don’t have to do anything”.   This is   GOD’S CREATION   ; if you refuse to help defend it/ then you have no love, and even less respect for life itself.  Which means no heart or soul! I ask you plainly:   WHY should you be “Included as a participant in life/ in eternity”?  Who wants this “there”/ which means, “who wants you, and your clear absolute selfishness or failure”?  You do understand, what a ten million degree fire, (just like the sun) would mean on earth.  You do acknowledge and can prove the machines and men who are determined to bring this fire to this earth exist.  Yet you continue to fail ALL LIFE/ EVERY CHILD/ and the entire future of this planet;   because you worship “the university” as your god.  Nothing is more insane, and you do “have so damn much to choose from that is completely insane”; it is hard to comprehend how YOU, could be so blind, deaf, and dumb!  “All hail the witch-doctor”/ isn’t that so.  Go ahead bow down, with your ass in the air: “seeing nothing”.  Its just fire/ in a place where everything, including you; IS FUEL!

          LIFE IS, what JESUS SACRIFICED his time on earth for!  If you refuse to honor or respect   HIS WORK, in this time of true potential terror and tragedy/ then WHY, should HE “save your life in eternity”.  You let life die, without lifting a finger/ without saying a word/ or spending a single penny:  why should he not,  let your life die the same.  Answer the question!

The Critical Element, Discoveries in Life

Organizing for life/ the return path to true democracy!

Reality has a list

Three exa-watt lasers      More

the national ignition facility

trial after trial

web sites I provide

mutilation of nature itself/ the intentional destruction of DNA/ the biological release of “weapons of mass destruction” as is the crossing of species boundaries” a known cause of every pandemic identified in history.

The fire fence, Bribe 1            theory of operation            video  

This is the video for bribe 2 stopping the tree borer.          Theory of operation.       

Yours Mine Ours,        Hope and Happiness,       Seven Things.

Main forum.   Court Cases Forum.

Fire test coming soon

Wrong,     Elevations begin,    Value,    Society,     Counterfeiting.



Hope is the forerunner of happiness.


          Or, more simply without hope/ happiness is nearly non-existent.  Thereby the path to happiness is designed primarily by what each individual is willing and able to hope for.  To solve this problem of happiness, the vast majority of humanity rely upon want/ and surrender themselves to pride or power.  Therefrom, their hope is primarily greed or possession/ while their intent to create that greed and collect those possessions are fundamentally expected: to be determined by pride and power.  The end result of want is “liar”; therefore I will use or abuse you for my purposes.  The end result of pride is, “if winner/ then I made you loser”; or if loser/ then I want revenge, or have dissolved into sorrow, sadness, addiction, theft, and complaint.  The end result of power is; either a world that you have used and abused/ or a world that has used and abused you.  Satisfied, is then the best they could do/ and that is not happiness, it is a hope, that things will remain ok, until you die.   Not much to hope for, not much to live for either: “a world that is not happy with itself/ and must find “repair in religion (not an unwise decision, it just needs perspective)”. That includes making “university” your god (can’t be questioned) image; as is prevalent today.

          Religion provides the framework and rules for those in crisis, or at the end of their ability to hope for themselves.  Therefore to be religious means you stop believing in yourself, and start believing in “something else”.  To eliminate your need to make decisions for yourself: “there is a book”.  Because it is “old”/ nobody gets to make significant changes to it, if at all: “this is what we believe/ it is god”.  Obey that rule, and you can be one of us.

          It should be stated; although I am not religious: which means “I don’t simply believe whatever I am told/ or accept perfection in a book”.  I do have faith in   GOD,   OUR CREATOR; as that evidence of reality and truth is visited everywhere in life on this planet, and even the planet itself.  The expression of thought in life/ the experience of love in living/ the value of being ALIVE in the freedoms of motion and mind and beyond; are all exceptional and without compare in anything men or women can do.  Faith is accepting the evidence of life and reality which proves truth beyond the elements of doubt/ and living within the essence of a value conceived by what that truth can mean.  Even in eternity.

          It should be noted, that the secondary reality of hope created by humanity is an image of themselves, that supercedes reality, so as to create something they would rather be/ than themselves.  This is the decision to hide participation as an image/ because the measurements do not allow anything superior.  It is cowardice constructing a fantasy, to blind those who would believe; including you.

          We begin again in the essence of want, to determine the values which achieve or express an element of hope strong enough to present the holder of want with lies, or more correctly the image of an environment whereby you get to play god, with another life.  Measurements illuminate the lives of all others, by constructing a value they hold, which you do not.  Therefrom, all measurements thereafter become tainted with the illusion that “you do not have as much as the other/ consequently UNFAIR to you”.  Those who have less, are already generally discarded, as worthless, or of little value to you: except for ridicule or slavery (obey me).    Unless they can be used or abused or sold in some form of expression or experiment;  “for better”.  Consequently we see simply;   that want establishes value, by measuring the distance between a “treasure you do desire”/ and the place wherein you find yourself, by wanting to make that journey/ those decisions.   Pride assembles here; either as winner, “I am to be envied”/ or in the alternative, “I am to be feared”.  Pride is the single MOST destructive element of an individual life; as it invades, and refuses to leave unless you completely surrender the realities of pride you do fear losing.  Or more simply: unless you give up trying to save “your pride (by whatever means is necessary)”/ it will never leave.  You cannot defeat pride, no matter what you do/ it will only be defeated by removal of its primary element:   your desire to keep it.  That can be harsh, and unforgiving; for some.  Its value is:   “I am something more”/ even though the reality we all share as life is:   “The same”, with little difference, because life is the important part of our existence: nothing else compares.

          Struggles erupt wherever power seeps out, it is like the sewer backing up/ no one wants to deal with it; as a consequence, it ferments into something even worse; at least for a time.  The essence of power is: I have won/ and I will never give this back!  For many: to prove this,  “it’s you will die first”/ even if unhappiness exists.  They will refuse.  The value is: that you have more possessions, and they all want it/ at least in your own mind.

          Thereby we have the three distinct elements of “the common human” and his or her limits and boundaries about what value is, or can be.  Elevated by the struggle to survive, and the damage that money has done to life on earth/ by separating “the rich from the poor”; as if they were less.  They are not, its merely greed at work.  Nonetheless the vast majority wish to own power, pride, and believe want is their own answer for getting “more” for themselves.


          We then begin the ascension to understand what is the truth of value as it applies to the reality of life/ rather than the reality of money;   and ask WHY, is life compared to money?  The answer is: that money can control your life, because of survival.  Whereas life itself elevates existence, to the realities of what being ALIVE truly can mean.  To find this: you must pass by the reality of simple survival/ and become acquainted with the essence of you.  Thereby those who hope to be “truly alive” search, for the limits and boundaries of living, beyond which we find the truth of existence itself.  That becomes a decision:   to participate in living, without the chains associated with or because of simple survival.  Thereby some level of freedom must be found. 

          Freedom is a dimensional trait, acquired from the ability to perceive what is true; so that the decisions you do make do not entangle you, thereby making you a slave to the others, and their money (demand for more, as in greed/ power/ or pride).  This requires discipline: a value, that returns the gift of life, with decisions called respect.  This requires balance:   a value that identifies the base elements of every contribution that has value/ and gives the elevation of purpose, passion, and desire its gain; to become the essence of you.  This establishes order: a value assigned because truth and law has “a staircase”/ upon which we rise to our destiny, by assembling a desire that will not fail life itself.  That desire is love: a value that constructs hope as its primary goal/ and liberates the soul, as our gift to the journey upon which we become captivated; by the essence of what it means to live beyond yourself.  To participate, without restraint, so long as love, and truth exist our guide.  Thereby we have found the first and lasting evidence of hope, as a true value in life/ through love. 

          In lesser venues of hope, there still arises the essence of life supported by the realities of living among the miracles.  The clear evidence: no man or woman can or did do this.  No elevation of human thought can achieve the critical truth that is thought created, and achieved as the reality of everything we inhabit upon or as this planet gives.  Where the greatest gift of a universe is life/ and you are in possession of that gift:   the hope, that is exhibited in that love, as a gift “to me and you”/ becomes an eternity of expectation.  Clearly revealed, by the story of    JESUS CHRIST;   whereby with miracles achieved throughout the story/ the possibility of not being forgotten, but LOVED   by   GOD.  Is shared as the potential of life itself, in us.  Not as bodies that last forever/ they do not.  But as love found, and cherished forever, as is constant with the elemental bond:   of souls locked together as one, through trust. 

          Religion demands belief.  But belief as is constant with humanity as a value constructed by want;  demands “there is a way out/ just stop believing”.  Faith on the opposite side of belief, has no exit: it is your decision to trust, and determine for yourself, “that this is indeed, my truth as well”.  Or I have made my decision/ and it will not be changed.

          Nonetheless, the essence of happiness, “is to walk with my treasure (I have found my essence/ and I give it as my gift, to the one I love”):   through life.  The validity of hope is: to assemble the path that becomes my treasured existence; as passion/ purpose/ and desire will identify.  The elemental essence of all hope resides in love.  The elemental reality of all life, thereby the essence of love itself: resides in    GOD   .  Life is the existence of   GOD,  “Right here/ and right now”.  Therefrom the search for what that does truly mean, to every single soul: is an invitation to become spiritual and participate where only truth can travel.  Truth is the essence of survival/ thereby the foundation of life itself.  Trust is the elemental experience: “time does not matter”/ wherein love erects itself, to identify;   I am ALIVE!

          LOVE is the single value upon which this universe of life has been created.  It is clear in the gift of nature itself.  It is clear in the bounty of experience that expresses a foundation upon which our freedom becomes our identity as we so choose it to be.  It is clear in the sacrifice of   JESUS/ even though that was 2,000+ years ago;   the foundation of love held within that story can still be heard.  Love is a blessing/ want is a curse.  Unfortunately want rules humanity, because freedom to choose is a reality people demand for themselves; and the majority choose want, pride, power, selfishness, greed, lust, hatred, violence, and all things possessed/ rather than loved. 

          Love is earned, as a reality of trust explained by truth, established through respect, and held accountable by disciplines.  Love, whether it be between two people or more/ OR, at the distance of any person seeking soul, as the passage between   GOD   and their own life:   the treasury is essentially the same.  My love is held open, in the hope you will join in me; for life shared/ because we do care, and desire this passionate relationship here in time.  To go beyond time is strictly spiritual.  To enter spirit, requires the elevation of our identity to become the essence of truth; even if not perfect.

          Every beginning, suffers the cost of “Inexperience”/ but it also knows the passion of being “the reality of what I choose to be”.  That however is not an excuse: for not learning what is important to survival and creating the decisions which become the essence of our journey; regardless of time or beyond.  In our journey through this life in time: we shall be confronted, nearly every one, with the reality of what it means to be wrong; both in ourselves/ and as the result of someone else.  This elevates knowledge, so that understanding shall begin. In our journey to ascend beyond the simple realities of existence: nearly all will be confronted by loneliness.  This constructs the foundations upon which the values of love, happiness, hope, and all things that ultimately lead us to love can be.  Because we have found what it means: when denied the simple truth, “I have value”.  Therefrom wisdom begins the search:   what must I be, or where must I go, “to become ALIVE”/ even if it is only “in me”?  Because I cannot make anyone love me/ nor can anyone make me love them.   Only   GOD   is different!


          We make a simple detour here to encounter the question:   why is dating hard/ since most of the elements of love itself shall appear only in the truth of a relationship that is more, than just friends.  Or it is said another way, as the essence of family itself;  becomes the playground of security (trust) or passage beyond (more than friends) what others can achieve in me.  To attain family: there must be time spent/ respect identified/ trust earned and accepted/ forgiveness established as necessary/ honesty throughout/ and the honor of being accepted cherished without harm.  To that we add reality, and learn to adapt as best we can; remembering freedoms grant to us the elemental rise that is “our decision to participate”/ at whatever level we choose or can attain.

          Dating on the other hand;   seeks to please the other person of an opposite gender/ as the means to gaining a friendship and establishing a relationship that can become more.  Love however is its own judge and jury; and seeks no advice from anyone: it is your decision alone/ because it is your life, and the consequences will be yours; be they good or bad!  Every person who dates hopes, “for the truth of love to invade their lives/ and with openness, through freedom:  earn the happiness we all seek, for each other”.  By establishing true acceptance, we conceive of family.  Friendship is less than that; and you will recognize it is so.  Therefrom we do recognize, that acceptance is a critical participant/ but not the only one, that will determine the elevation from friendship to beyond oneself, as we learn to share our lives.  Freedom seeks respect, or it dies/ because only truth can keep you, or anything else of value;   alive.  Therefore freedom embodies the expansion of self; that we may entertain the idea of combining with another for life.  Respect identifies the elemental embrace, that is an expression from the soul, to create the foundations upon which we will experience each other.  But truth keeps all things alive, or lets them die accordingly; once the point of no return has past.  Truth then is a primary building block of not only life, but family.  Without truth, trust dies.  Trust is the bond that holds us together/ the decision established with evidence, that I too am important to you, and your decision is to protect me/ to protect us, just as my decision is to protect and defend you from harm.  Every lie is a harm, it destroys trust.

          Love and happiness exist within the same framework and structural realities.  Love seeks through hope.  Thereby hope is essential to love.  Happiness is a developmental respect, for the miracles life are/ thereby we are “rich” with possibilities beyond ourselves; as the natural world embodies and exists as,  more than we can even conceive or imagine.  Therefore hope is a built-in reality, that we need only reach for to experience.  Happiness however is the creation of our participation in the events of life worth living;  so as to warrant the words and expressions, that grant “our value”.  Happiness then is:   “to be valued as life/ at least by me”.  The opposite of happiness, is then to not be valued as life, especially by me.  There is a difference in being valued as a person/ or being valued because you offer something the others want.  That difference is:   I am the element most cherished.  Whereas want only knows what you can or will give to them; by  throwing aside your own needs.  Fail to give want whatever it demands; and they will ridicule, reject, etc.  Give want what it demands; and they will want more/ taking the last little bit of your own life, to sustain theirs; and then they may or may not ridicule, reject, malign, etc.  Dependent upon “we lost something here” too.  Not you/ they lost something for themselves.

          We return to happiness itself, and understand that pain refuses to be happy/ whereas pleasures soon find an opportunity to be proud, rather than happy.  The difference is: pride says I am a winner/ you are losers.  Happiness says:   we are/ I am aware, of everything life can be; or everything I can be at this moment in time.  The gift of life, is a blessing.  I have become, a recipient of value in me, constructed by;   being ALIVE.  It is my free gift.  Which is both a burden, and the ascension beyond myself.  The burden is: that you must know consider truth throughout your life rather than want.  The ascension is:   soul has arisen inside, and the search for life itself has begun.  Happiness grants: I have formed the anchor upon which I now live, “that   GOD   loves me”.  Love erupts adding in, I have created the gift; that I shall now attempt to return to   GOD, in HIS CREATION;   the value I feel ascending,  for my life.  When you are loved truly, “you are happy”/ because life grants you peace, and lifts you into harmony.

          Love at its beginning; is the creation of an opening door.  Just like light can be closed off by a door/ so that one side is dark as night, and yet behind this “thin veil” it is light as day.  So is love, the difference is whether the key is inside of you/ or does not exist at all.  The difference is: how far you are willing to open that door, “to let the light shine in”?  The difference is: what is true/ that you may trust becoming vulnerable to someone else; because that does mean, “they can steal your heart/ even soul, for some”. 

          Heart is the elevation of our humanity “beyond self”.  Or more simply, to quit thinking in terms of “only what I want or need”/ grants someone else the time to participate honestly with you.  Or more simply, time spent is not simply to create a gain, for you/ or use, abuse, manipulate, etc the other.  Heart, that is true, is a decision made; that identifies a purpose and desire beyond self.  Therefore it is the beginning of love.  The essence of hope realized, as a participation in the expressions of “us” rather than simply an experience in/ of/ or about me.

          Heart builds a wall, that divides self from a reality of influence as is identified by want, pride, power, hate, etc.  Heart is the separation of self, from the living in time: to become, the honor of life cherished because of you; as in all who have been a blessing to/ in/ or of me.  These are accepted realities, that construct the door between hope and its passage called love: into soul.  The elements of dating, that lend themselves to heart is “an opening door between us/ shared as mutual desire”.  The creation of hope, as in the blessing of trust enveloping our world as one life shared together; forms the passage.  We walk into that passage called love, when truth accepts our decision to participate.  Soul walks into our lives, as truth learns to praise   GOD   for all that we are, or are together;   in life.

          Love lives in the elegance, of a carefully constructed bridge; that crosses the boundaries of our existence.  Thereby we can meet, in the spirit of our truth; this is joy.  Love lives in truth, therefore any lie obstructs that living/ and becomes a consequence upon our lives.  Love searches for “the greatest value” I can be, for you.   Because in the essence of life itself, there is only one existence/ only one search/ only one time, to be whatever truth itself demands. It is the essence of love to choose as my life for the other, “to be the best I can be/ for you”.  It is the essence of soul, to choose to be, “the best I can be, for truth, and life, and Creation.”  They are not the same, even though love does not change.  The reality of a sojourner is: to belong to truth first/ the essence of soul.  The reality of love itself is: to be the best I can for you.

          Marriage is the development of a contract, whereby you get to claim “something is owed to me”.  Therefore marriage as a reality is the understanding:   I expect my investment to sustain itself/ if it does not, then I expect to be paid for your failure in my life.  Marriage as a loving example of truth combined into one life, shared by two people; is the existence of a bond that has grown into an experience that expresses the values and identity of both individuals.  There are variations of marriage as a contract, which does include “your own choice”.  There are variations of marriage as an investment, which can include more than two people, if that is your wish.  There is only one true combination of marriage as love; simply a man and a woman, who have chosen to be: the fulfillment of each other, by adding the gift only I can give to you/ as is your gift to me.  It is not a game, nor is it a temporary solution.  The elements of true marriage are:   I have chosen of my own free will, and by personal decision which none are allowed to manipulate, tempt, or interfere within.  That I will cherish the time granted by our union, as if it were my own life/ you, the very same as me.  Therefore, the passage between us will grow less distant; and our souls will meet.

          The quest to be married is not the same for man and woman.  Women do look for securities/ demanding what will be “my life and living” when combined into this relationship with you.  That is shopping/ not love; if you fail their expectations, they will look elsewhere.  Men do look for sex, and want all the things their mother gave them; including love.  They are not looking for their mother/ but they are looking for a friend, or they are looking for sex.  That is not necessarily for a lifetime.  Sex with wither, and be less important; because life has responsibilities and work.  What is sexy, is not a guarantee for marriage/ neither is sex itself, because chemicals and trophies are not love.  Possessions are not a guarantee for marriage either/ because trophies do not replace loneliness; not even in “gold palace’s”.  Love is the path to happiness in marriage, its experience will provide “the joy that brings you home”.  Love is the expression of passion, the reality which gives more than it takes; providing the critical truth, “I am your friend”.  Love is the evidence of moments, treasured beyond ourselves as the truth of our respect/ acceptance/ and value, in each other’s life, hope, love, and arms.  These things cannot be bought, with anything other than your own truth, life, and joy; wrapped within the gift of your heart.  

     The reality of life is:   you cannot let this world die/ just because to work or to fight, FOR LIFE:   IS NOT what I would prefer to do.  Love does not allow it; that would be a lie. 

           We must fight for life first, when it is so blatantly attacked.  Only then can peace and harmony reveal the happiness love can be, or bring.



The human brain, an expression defined by time. A reality created for the purpose of measuring time, energy, and its participation with the human body. Our existence is a measurement defined by our thought, or its ability to influence and direct our lives.

Although it is careless of me, to identify any part of human intellect/ because it leads to artificial machine intelligence which will become another horrible tragedy to life on earth. Because you are, and a large percentage have always been insane. The reality of failure, that is this day in time constructs the foundation: that anything beneath life itself, and certain other aspects of reality/ must be used to stop the destruction of this planet. As there is no other method by which even remotely, the potential to instruct you exists. The university owns your soul; unless you take it back, you’re dead/ as is this world. So the need to remove their power, by confronting their delusions is real. The reality of destruction that can be associated with certain things/ limited and dissolved by the certainty of what the failure to stop: destroying an entire world does mean. Some will call me “devil, as fear takes control” (you told us what we did not want to know)/ now we are responsible. Some will call me “a disaster” as the reality of your lies will begin to dissolve, and you cannot stop them/ making truth return, stops the bribes, stops your continued curse upon the children. Some will call me “a savior/ he could lead”, but they are wrong: I am merely a messenger, establishing this is a decision you make for yourselves.
Choose differently, choose life first, and at least the possibility you will survive as a planet can be tested: or accept your fate. Choose democracy, we the people decide! Choose, TRUTH so that you have a chance to defeat your enemies: ARROGANCE/ PRIDE/ WANT/ HATE/ POWER/ VIOLENCE/ AND MEASURING other LIFE AS WORTHLESS, thereby an excuse to play god.
Choose to care, find a way to share, construct peace, harmony, and happiness: by letting truth and law, show you the way. A true beginning is here on the sites I provide for that purpose.

So we begin, much to my chagrin; “you are, who you are”.
That aspect of mental definition is controlled by the essence of time itself/ the reality which is measurement, assigned to provide the disciplines which establish a journey taken. Or more correctly, a fate or destiny achieved or undertaken. To become true to yourself, you must first identify the essence of what you desire/ and establish the purpose, by which a direction is taken.
We begin this journey, charged with the design that it should attain a measure related to time: the understanding, freedom is imprisoned by motion. To achieve motion, time is constructed as the critical balance between a boundary, and the essence of elemental change.
To construct this journey, there must be desire. Desire identifies a treasure, “something worth change” exists. Thereby the essence of want is change/ but the essence of every desire is “the value” of a decision, a reality born or denied: by its consequence and risk.
We elevate or descend from the plateau of reason, by knowledge. Knowledge is: the assembly of time, into its concurrent participants. Reason grapples with wisdom, which is the elevation of an assumption/ by evidence which translates itself by thought. Reason fails, because an assumption cannot escape want. Thought succeeds, because it refuses want, and relies only on truth, trust, respect, and its fundamental design called love expressed.
Reason, the intellectual grasp of all things measured; relies upon intelligence as the identification of traps. Where there are traps, there is power to control. When there is controlled or manipulated life, pride says “winner/ loser”.
Romance exists to construct a bridge between our souls/ which means before you can enter: there must be soul. The “soul of a human being”; at this level of life governed by time, is equal too, “the functioning decision to honor each other as equals, in all aspects of life/ not specific to male or female”.
The essence of sexuality is, the difference between male and female; the greater the perceived perfection that is body, identifying that difference: the more it “constitutes sexy”. Those with greater control over their sexuality, understand the measured price assigned: because every sexual act, or want; leads to something more. Those with less control or no control offer themselves only the assumption of a chemical pleasure, that cannot last. Therefore it must be repeated, and with more intensity: only fate matters/ destiny does not.
By, Altering sexual construction, thereby restricting it to “love/ help/ survival/ or a freedom shared”; reveals, the foundation of all true sexual interactions between male and female are governed by the intensity and desire, of sharing soul. Composed at any level between: its least “gift”, which is body/ or in its truest state, “praising GOD, for this creation, this relationship in love and respect, we share”. The body plays no part in this, as to sexy: rather the heart decides kindness is to be shared/ and then passion arises to build a path, out of trust, between our lives for more. The body does participate in the sexual act itself: as there are physical differences and physical realities that participate in what can or cannot be done, because of weight, health, and more. A body that is sexy/ is not without value.
Dating revolves around the simple task, of either measuring someone to conceive of the pleasures or pain they will bring. Or, it is the decision to apply the desire for a relationship, and understand these following rules of the road; so to speak:
1. Want determines the future, and establishes the level of lying that you will encounter/ based upon, whether this person is getting what they want, or not. Every liar is a thief: bear it in mind, and do not look away. Understand, and demand truth. Remembering we all need forgiveness, when it is appropriate to do so.
2. Pride wants to be “the winner”/ therefore it seeks a trophy, and it then believes in “ownership of that trophy”; because they won it. Don’t participate, demand love, respect, equality, and fair play.
3. Nothing is fair in war/ only truth is fair in love and dating. Keep it in mind, or you will damage or destroy your relationship.
4. You cannot own another person/ nor can they own you! IS THAT NOT, the desire in your own heart? Love is a gift, it is neither bought or sold/ not even for sex. Sex is a choice both must make/ even if you change your mind; it is still a decision you did make. Stop if asked is also a decision you must accept/ or it does become “less than rape”/ but a clear end of trust.
5. Everybody wants to be “sexy” or desirable/ don’t take or throw it away. Respect each other/ respect yourself: forgive yourself when necessary, and do better. Be kind to each other, and learn boundaries will support harmony which leads to access; which is the biggest contributor to any relationship.
6. Take chances only when they make sense/ don’t be a “wall flower”, take chances, accept the cause of loneliness is greater than any effort of humiliation that you may encounter. This is your life, and only you own the truth of it; no one else: what the rest do or think is largely irrelevant. Be, the best you can be; and do not worry about the competition; it is what it is. NOTHING is greater than life itself, which means; your life is equal, regardless of body, mind, etc. Be the best you can be!
7. Nothing is gained by humiliating anyone/ only hatred: so don’t do it. Be calm/ be polite/ be firm as necessary when required: be honest with your choices. Look in the mirror before you go out and decide, “I am equal inside/ only when you are equal to me outside”: not better or worse/ equal. Or more simply, life is better, when every life is respected for who they are, the reality of their creation/ rather than simply a body, money, trophy, or mind. Don’t shop/ choose for love, and accept that happiness, is greater than possessions: beyond what is needed to survive and attain some freedom for each other.
8. Work requires a foundation, particularly when young: that leaves little time and effort for love, or sex. Eat “something worth eating”, at regular meals; or you will be too tired for sex. Help each other succeed in what they do for work and life, however you can/ because you do benefit too. Don’t suggest anything to your mate other than they are “good lovers, and they will respond accordingly: instructing as necessary”. Survival comes first, therefore sex must wait for its moments to arrive honestly. Don’t believe sex is “a rodeo”/ it ain’t! Sex is an opportunity to suggest and prove, “I value you, just as much as I value me”. That has nothing to do, “with timing yourself”; dumbass. Remember to do what the other person desires too/ this ain’t just about you. Share, or there will be “pushing away”; as well as other consequences.

It is the art of living, that gives peace to the constant companion that loneliness can be. Art means, “to take the blank canvas that is time, and create what has meaning, if only to you”. To belong to harmony requires a companion, therefore it is “a different experience”/ than fundamental art; the static experience of everything I can be, in me. Harmony is shared expression, in the fluid motion, of what we can be together, “like a musical”: do you see the difference? They are different lives, each has its benefits and its own sense of loss. The critical reality is, time waits for no one; to live, means you must participate with life. Fundamental art then gives all of life, meaning in me. Whereas the motions of romance gives only one life, true meaning to me.
Whereas art creates fundamental expressions forming the meaning we give to ourselves; as time defined by isolation/ but governed by miracles. Or more simply: where there is truth and beauty at every level of existence/ there is companionship, because we are all owners in that reality, and comforted by its relationship sharing with our own lives. But controlled by: Beauty is the creation of freedom to love “everything called life, nature, planet, and GOD”, within ourselves/ it is not, “for the proud”.
While the musical, or play; of romance is governed by the beauty of what we can be together, one life shared. Searching only inside ourselves, for what can make the other see beautiful, in me. The responsibility is greater here, because the reality of sharing someone else’s life does mean: your actions or reactions or purposes will influence their future; even their heart and soul. Sex is NOT a rodeo, or more simply, “slam/ bam/ thank you ma’am” ; AIN’T a lover! Neither is playing with your penis, by using a woman for the games men play. Romance recognizes, “my true hope here, is to make you happy”/ my desire returns, to fill my heart as well: if the same is true for you. The difference in reality and love is massive. But remember this: that men and women try to buy each other with sex; even though that never works for happiness to exist. True Romance, is the existence of life “without time” when you are here/ and endless time, when you are not. Sex is not that/ until your souls meet. Actually “making love”, is assembled only when you match each others rhythm’s/ share each others needs/ construct, prepare, and attend too “moments that release freedom, and care for the purity of securities” that let each other soar. The only problem is, “bedrooms are hard to escape”/ and tears flow easily/ and pregnancy, as are needs and loneliness; is real. True love shared opens doors into the heart of man or woman; if you are each, not prepared, “simply too love”. Free love is a myth, because love exists only in trust, and by its truth. Opening doors that cannot be closed easily; will teach you why boys cannot be men, and girls cannot be women; until they are prepared for the price.
The brain measures “treasures” in pleasure/ pain/ and life; that is its job, to assemble a base line of knowledge. Understanding is the difference between knowledge, and the ability to conceive of more. Truth builds a friendship, and leads the why to trust, which Creates a bond between lives. Truth is the acceptance of wisdom/ whereas want is the beginning of every lie. The treasury of value in life itself, begins with every miracle that exists; and that fact is absolutely amazing by this entire Creation. Value continues to build itself, by the assertion of loneliness: wherein we learn individually, that participation in life itself, “with others (every living thing)”; is greater than any freedom. Want is the beginning of pride (I am superior), power (I will choose), lust (I will use or abuse your body), hate (life itself is worthless to me/ or, I didn’t get what I wanted), and so on.
Those within whom value continues to rise, as life becomes precious, and then by the essence of its truth: “A gift, from GOD”; begin their journey into soul. That assembles under the acceptance, that everything this Creation proves is love itself, created us, and this world; because we are so much more than we needed to be/ just to be life. Knowledge grants the acceptance of JESUS as a real person, who achieved more than any other human being who did, or who has ever lived. HIS gift was love is real, and GOD has not abandoned us. He proved his truth. Therefrom we are granted the wisdom of love itself, by understanding true love is greater than ourselves; and lives within us, rather than as us individually. Love is then a participation in soul, where the heart joins Creation, to become the essence of our existence exchanged: for being truly, ALIVE. Heart is the elemental relationship between time and our own individuality. Heart is, the blessing of love as we create our own gift back to GOD, and to each other. Hate is the opposite; a destroyer from the beginning; which includes yourself.
The challenge of being human is, that we must assemble for and within ourselves, the actions and reactions that define and create an identity that we choose. Rather than to let someone else influence these decisions, and build out of our lives, what they would do with us/ as that is completely unfair. Therefore every decision is yours, once you attain an age which gives you that right, or need. One of the greatest needs humanity does face is: simply to participate with each other/ because loneliness, reminds us all, there is more to life than simply freedom.
Want, pride, power, greed, selfishness, lust, etc; are all decisions which use, abuse, or violate other lives to gain superiority for themselves. They exist, because the brain measured time as a body, and the humanity inside chose: you are not as important as me! Violent Jealousy exists as the decision, “if I can’t have you/ then no one can”: that can be seen in a variety of methods from vandalizing to gossip, and more. Thereby be aware of how any male or female reacts “to losing their trophy, or failing to get it”/ because they can turn on you as well. Simple jealousy understands, “I cannot compete here/ therefore I must stop this, I don’t want to lose”. Some is valid/ most is not; because no matter who you are, “you are not everything”.
Happiness exists only when the freedom of choice visits and relies upon the participation of others, all life; constructs time as “the passage we share, into destiny”. Happiness is then simply, “I am not alone/ rather I AM ALIVE, in the essence of life itself”. That essence begins as heart; wherein the struggle to survive, includes “you too”. The journey succeeds, when relationships form the basis of our lives; including soul, wherein GOD has joined my existence as well.
GOD means; our CREATOR exists! That level of respect, identifies life as a gift/ rather than a power in or over me. Therefore it is my treasure, the sanctity of my soul separated from all other existence; that cherishes the moments, “life is more, than I can be simply as me”.
There are simple suggestions for helping you participate with each other. Conversation is a critical tool of participation, that reality is why people use and abuse it so much; they do hurt each other, just so they have something to say/ just so they can feel connected. Limit your stories, because they do “Include only you”/ story is not conversation: it is entertainment, and if you do not provide something for the others to talk about in their lives; it will not work for you. Conversation is: the participation, that grants more than one the opportunity to be heard, listened too, talked too, or recognized as a contributing member, and so on. Conversation must be balanced, to be “entertaining to the group” it must have an orderly purpose, with reflections on why this can be “good for you too (humor or not)”. Conversation illuminates “our struggle”/ rather than simply your struggle. Construct a path to somewhere with your words that others can join in; present that opportunity with quiet respect/ so they can participate with you, instead of just remain quiet. Humor is: to find “a different way” of perceiving the same old thing; thereby new again. Understand or learn, so you can join in too; as best you can, be patient and forgiving. Be patient and kind, to form friendships: it is the basis of trust; and trust forms all true relationships. Love is a desire that lives in trust: therefore it is not “immediate”, but requires work/ time/ tolerance/ and a purpose that does not interfere with, “my or your”; life itself. Accept, even if you truly want or desire someone to “be with you forever”/ it is their choice too, and you must not attempt to “buy or own their lives”. That steals, their freedom/ and unhappiness will result. Not every life is simple/ not every purpose or desire is plain/ every truth has a price. Every truth lacks mercy, only love contains mercy; therefore understand the consequences of truth are realities that cannot be dismissed, only forgiven as best you can. While the elements of love, can accept repentance; it is a reality earned only when the repentance is proven true. Sex is not “the horrible sin, that cannot be forgiven”/ the failure of monogamy; is a trust that is broken; a love that becomes weakened, when your bond was true, at least for you. Honest Sex is: the elemental moment shared, between a man and woman who have chosen to say to each other, “I do care about you, and will help if you are in need”. Need recognizes, the foundation of our sanity; is the ability to believe life has value/ and is worth the price of living. That is a reality critically tied too: someone cares about me/ which does include the recognition of soul or more correctly, “I am ALIVE, because my CREATOR: lives in me”. Life is far more complex than chemicals and biology, life itself is the existence beyond time that lives in thought. Thought then becomes the essence of life, and its participation beyond the limits and boundaries of this simple world.
Do not fear, is required of you. Failure as is the result of your media, greed, lust, and entertainment, etc. Now recognizes, a world of humanity so extremely on edge/ that you are willing to create fantasies out of nothing. Believe anything you are told. Conceive of failure by fear; out of tiny moments misinterpreted, disrespecting everything because you judge. While your judgments have no true or substantive basis in reality. The decisions that influence your life, future, and eternity based only on the prediction of power, pride, arrogance, or want. ETC/ ETC/ ETC! Which functionally means: before you can have any true relationship with anyone else, “you must heal each other as best you can”. Because humanity itself has been damaged, with unjustified fears/ and the reality of hiding from true threat as well, being cursed by your university diploma led world. HELL and everything horrible is coming: OR YOU WILL CHANGE IMMEDIATELY! Nonetheless, Each must face their own life. Each is responsible for their own decisions: the future of this world, because we are now so many people on earth: only a few, can damage “the world itself”, so badly, our planet or its life, or its ability to survive as an eco-system is being dissolved. That is not said for fear. It is understood as reality, which means WE MUST accept the responsibility of our time; regardless of personal cost.
Just how it is, what you want is irrelevant/ truth decides. Belief is also irrelevant, unless it is proven true: you must accept, “this is the best we can do, for life”. Is that not the basis of every religion, applied to this world: that has value!

We then shift unto the element of time itself; as is the means to deduce and translate movement into relationships. Or more simply, “the essence of I” forms existence as the consequence & reality, of decisions called life. I comes in several forms: each is a measurement of what want or desire means to you. Want establishes a foundation upon which there is only self, or selfishness; as nothing compares to your own experience or expression of living/ thereby whatever it takes, to benefit you is allowed in these decisions. At the opposite end of selfishness is the desire called, love: the essence of a relationship that becomes one or more of the experience and expressions: “we, are as one/ we live in honest respect for each other, and our world/ we, trust the reality called: our truth: by the evidence”. By the evidence love is, what we have created for, and within ourselves. Respect establishes Friendship/ friendship establishes truth/ truth bears witness to trust, and trust forms the bond called love; wherein trust then becomes the element by which relationships form that are called “forever”. Love is: the freedom inside to be whatever life desires in truth, knowing, “I will not be judged/ by you, just for being me”. Love is: a value, that can never be diminished, unless you or I, choose to make this so: forgiveness is the path into “forever”. Love is a patience beyond myself, wherefrom trust believes: “you will come back, into truth/ because love is worth the price”. Until you prove this shall not be! Love releases the soul, to search “for your own heart”/ because, each life is immeasurably, an identity of its own.
Do you see the difference? Want measures self, and adds or subtracts, “Your presence” from their equation of pleasure or pride or power, as time moves on. Desire constructs the platform, upon which each can or will build their lives into our relationship; called cherished, because loneliness exists no more. Whereas time without purpose, other than love; is fraught or challenged by everything else, fighting for your time, or fear.
The brain measures, thereby it exists only in time/ because time allows for measurement through the process of an action or reaction. Life exists as freedom, which then translates the various benefits of body: as the foundations upon which the treasuries of life itself can be formed. The brain measures pleasure and pain, giving each/ by the moment; an opportunity to control your existence; if allowed. Those who give pleasure or pain the right to guide and decide their future, construct time as greed, lust, manipulation, temptations, control, abuse, use, violence, and hate.
Life assembles motion as freedom, and the senses as values creating an expression which translates the experience of freedom: into relationships that bear the burden or blessing of memory. The existence of what participation, or its lack, or its loss does mean. Motion resembles time, because it is a journey similar to time: but instead of fate (letting action and reaction decide the future)/ life chooses a destiny, which means to identify the purpose of time as a creation we do choose within ourselves, as the identity we could, and we would form by the choices available in truth; to each one. Do you see the difference? Where the brain only knows pleasure or pain/ the reality of measured living that ends in death. In contrast life itself understands the relationships we form construct our time on this earth, and we are found happy, or not by the consequence of what we desire our lives, established by the four fundamentals of living to be. Those fundamentals are governed by respect, but consist of: order/ discipline/ balance/ and structure. Order forms the basis of our struggle, to conceive of happiness and obtain a relationship within life itself. More simply: the foundation of happiness is, “that I have achieved more than freedom, I now own my right to belong in this relationship”. Discipline is born from respect, as the child created when truth governs our lives, and conceives of the relationships governing our world. Balance identifies justice, and seeks equal as the means to establish friendship first. While structure forms the basis of our interconnect with this world/ understanding, through knowledge then knows, “when we must bend because of this world/ so that we do not break”; it shall be done. Because life, is more important than pride, or its purpose which is to prove righteousness. Life, examines existence for soul/ thereby nothing else achieves the same level of integrity, passion, justice, or truth.
The brain measures life as death: how many days do you get! Thereby hurry, time is running out. The brain measures pleasures as consistent with youth/ by its association with a body that grows old, and loses much. Thereby because of these consequences: the equation is, “are you worth the price/ as a friend, OR, would I be better off simply to use you, to get what I want? Want rules humanity, thereby the answer of the majority is clear. The societal construction of want is money/ or more simply, money rules the world, as if it were a single herd. Because people want, and money is a tool to achieve much of that want. Mine/ mine/ mine is the sound of a predator, separating him or herself from the herd. Therefore, the simple mind rules.
Complexity requires an understanding beyond want, wherein life rules, and humanity cares/ proving that, by sharing their existence with ALL other life. Want rules the world. To alter that into RESPECT as assembled by TRUTH, rules this world: means each person must grasp the responsibility we owe, to all future generations of life and humanity. With respect comes peace/ with responsibility comes harmony. With truth, the possibility that we, and all life; can survive as a world, may continue on.
Men choose war, by measuring the difference between law and chaos: and then believing lawlessness will be better. War is, “no law today”. The end of war is always, “chaos has defeated pride: I want my life back”. Therefore we will stop.

Life itself understands and acknowledges through truth: that we are more than any human being, or other aspect of this time, here on earth has created/ WE ARE miracles. Therefore the question: WHO IS, “this friend” who has given to us all so much more than we could even conceive of by ourselves? The answer remains unproven/ because humanity believes, whatever it desires to believe. Leaving truth on the sideline, and lies in the forefront, as religion: rather than faith. Faith is the exertion of respect, culminating in trust/ because truth knows that love alone, gives the grace and beauty, and possibilities for happiness that this world can be. Therefore love is our Creators’ purpose, and life is HIS gift to us. Consequently faith arises as the blessing of spirit, which then forms the relationship called soul.
Soul means: to encounter life itself, as an identity formed in truth. Without truth there is no soul. Without spirit, there can be truth, but no relationship will form. Thereby spirit which means to enter within truth itself, as a “passenger, in a world beyond ourselves”. Means “I” choose the destiny, but have no control over this journey into spiritual truth itself. It is strictly an individual journey/ and you must accept its price: to learn, or surrender freedoms beyond this truth as defined by this place. Truth has its price, once you enter in, you become a part of that truth/ or you must identify the knowledge and understanding that gives the option to leave. “Truth is, a house of its own”; dependent upon the choice you have made. Every “powerful truth” hides a door/ every inner truth holds a door inside as well; including you. Until the foundation of truth itself, becomes visible. Spirit equals the life inside that gives you time in body. It is not body/ yet body does not survive without spirit: thereby they are joined until death, when they do separate forever. To enter within spiritual truth means you shall journey wherever that truth goes/ or if you fail to enter within spirit; in death. Then you will, dissipate into nothing forever. Soul means: that spiritual truth or more correctly, the essence of faith itself, which is trust/ shall construct a journey into destiny, governed by your own relationship with “GOD”. Our Creator!
The essence of eternity is: that nothing can be changed/ because time ceases to exist. For time to cease to exist: all possibility for a reaction to any action much end. Thereby stopping deterioration. That is not a body, as time understands it. It is a reality of energy as governed by thought.
The foundation of thought, consists and conceives of life itself/ because without thought, there is no recognition of life. Thereby thought is functionally life itself, when attached to the motion that is body/ it activates our time, and becomes “our freedom to decide what life can be, for ourselves”. Thought is physically “non-existent”/ rather it lives in an energy that is physically real. Is not energy said to “be forever”/ because it transforms itself, and continues on: no matter what happens to the mass it interacts with? We live as mass in time/ governed by energy assigned through chemical reactions. Eternity requires, that we enter within energy and thought as truth, and thereby find that “a home”. Thought commands our actions, but love, hate, or survival construct our path. What humanity does as a “pack or herd” becomes a road/ because individuality stops. Love is a destiny. Love is an answer. Love is an explanation of our existence, because it gives us JOY. Love expands our world, because it ends our relationship with self. Love embarks on a journey beyond time, because time does not own love/ life does. Life is a journey beyond body, because thought is our passage beyond the limits and boundaries of self. Self exists as time/ love exists as the expression and experience of everything being alive does mean. Thereby love grants to the eternity we all face, as a home within which we become alive through love shared. Death examines our truth, and decides the relationship we will share/ because we did, or did not care. Life examines our heart, and if we have chosen “to be alive beyond ourselves”/ then we find soul. Everything beautiful begins in, or at the entrance to soul, because we share the essence of “our heart” which is to care about life, in all its forms. Questions expand from here; but need not receive an answer.
It is not necessary to reveal more information regarding the brain/ it is of limited value. This instruction, will give you time and a greater possibility; to reconstruct society; and keep artificial intelligence at bay. That too, is a choice. Death is not a choice, it is a reality defining your truth/ by measuring you; just as you have measured others. Thereby it is your own judgment “coming home”.

On this earth, there are literally trillions of “all life on earth”/ every single one of which is being threatened with extinction; including yours.  That fact comes clear, as our reality becomes certain: our destiny or fate is:  “about to be sealed, so says the evidence”!  In these words, you are asked to share:   is, The question!  With trillions dependent upon what we do/ you do.  With trillions of individual lives, including every child, & every future child (we are all miracles);   dependent upon the reality:   do you/ or do we  care?  The answer must be:   LIFE, for this planet, MUST COME FIRST!  There are, no other significant objectives here: simply life must survive, by law; & no gambling with our world. No threatening every existence on earth, with your experiment, theory, fantasy, lies, theft, or excuse.  WE MUST SAY    “NO”! Taking their tools for this,  away.    BY ENFORCING OUR LAWS/ OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY:  called    “WE THE PEOPLE”/ are owners here.  We paid, for that right!

Audio Heat, Fire and Explosion Audio Whipping the Slave Expressions Brain
Audio Atomic Structure Elements of Me Beyond Desire Treasons of tragedies  
Audio Reality of sun energy Forming Destiny Audio True Democracy I Chose
Presence Battleground of Harmony Man Wants More Reality of Energy The Law of True Democracy Basis of War





Presence, the elemental imagery of time.


          Foundations exist which elevate or descend from the participation of our experience, by the expression of what is called “the presence” of our humanity.  To elevate means: that we accept the foundation of humanity is a miracle from which we gain the intensity to ascend beyond ourselves into the meanings and purposes of life itself.  To descend means: that we take the essence of human existence, and measure its relationship to death, by what we want, pursue, and attain only for ourselves.

          To be present as life, is an element of time/ time being, the measurement of motion and its relationship to energy.  Life being, the creation of freedom, senses, thought, love, trust, the acceptance of truth, and the participation within relationships which identify the eloquent means of choosing the destiny we achieve.  “Some good/ some bad: thereby we increase in knowledge, and understand the basis of wisdom”.

          We measure to survive.  We love, to ascend beyond ourselves, in the fervent recognition: that loneliness is not acceptable. Sharing and caring is infinitely better.  We hope to assemble a journey into realities by which we can achieve the identity we cherish within ourselves.  We live, to participate/ rather than surrender “to an endless night”.  These are human attributes, and construct the building blocks of everything essential to our lives;   because we have learned to trust the essential ingredient which is thought.  Even though, the corruption of that thought leads to all that destroys as well.  Thereby we live or die within ourselves, as a result of corruption:   the elemental trait, of turning from a path within ourselves to life/ to consume existence as the only truth of any importance, because time has become “everything”.


          Therein we begin in the imagery assembled/ to comprehend by exclusion, the journey we will take, as our breathe conceives of a risk we cannot avoid: the essence of death itself.  Thought is the basis and creation of participation/ therefore we find in the design by reality,  the essence of our understanding: the elements of our relationship with time.  These are images of our existence/ because we do live as thought, rather than body or mind.  When simplicity strikes, and the essence of life is no longer thought (the possibilities which extend beyond this moment)/ the foundation upon which we rest the potential of our instruction, “to conceive of life” fails. Leading to death/ hate/ or other forms of violence, including the lesser limits of ridicule, gossip, shunning, and so on.

          Our journey is constructed by reality, assigned through, within, and because of, the measure called time.  Time gives us participation in motions created as the result of an action that is chosen, or will not be denied/ becoming a reaction that is chosen or will not be denied. Only the image of life can choose/ therefore all other actions and reactions are based in laws that govern energy and mass over time.  Energy constructs motion/ mass conceives of relationships; time integrates or excludes.

          Every image of reality, is a concept of the critical dimensional framework, by which the structural relationship of participation is formed.  These interlaced passages assemble the functional elements of both heart and soul.  Heart extends the essence of an identity formed as self/ while soul offers in transition from one life into the next, an opportunity to be “both seen and heard, as a distant expression of life itself”.  Life is not an image (the essence of a fantasy) in time/ life is a body (the treasury of true expressions) in time: the difference is, reality gives us the experience called truth.   Truth constructs the elemental laws, that create our knowledge.

          The pursuit of knowledge, is the building of a dimensional framework, that relies upon understanding to achieve its goal of wisdom. That understanding conceives by its existence “a new birth”; subjected by laws which govern our reality: the question is, does life belong here?  Because nothing supercedes life itself/ thereby life, as in/ all life is, ALWAYS first: because the chain of our own existence, the reality of our world, and even our universe depends upon that truth.  Every lie created by men, and accepted by women as their basis of society: constantly refuse that reality, except for themselves.

          The function of understanding is to create “a door”, through which existence becomes “real”/ rather than an image, or a measurement called want.  Want is the basis of all lies; thereby want is, a true participant in the functional relationships,  with a “bad experience”.  Thought does not conceive of want, it is a relationship governed by truth, assembled by soul, and earned by heart through the existence of work given by  knowledge, assembled under the acceptance;  that I am/ WE ARE:   “a miracle”.   Thought articulates from the dimensional expansion of life beyond self, as the passages born from an elemental trust given as truth provides the foundation:   the intensity, the dignity, the disciplines, order, construction, harmony, and essence of everything producing these miracles cannot be denied.  Therein the assembly of thought participates solely from the earned relationship that begins beyond the descriptions of time: and entertains the acceptance of    GOD/ as our CREATOR. 

          Thought constructs, but it is acceptance that journeys beyond ourselves.  We participate in acceptance by understanding: the risk cannot outweigh the reward/ unless we fail, where truth itself does lead.  Truth defines “eternity”/ by the laws which govern reality as a participation in energy.  Energy conceives of life/ but it is not alive.  Energy constructs life, but it is not thought, thereby it has no relationship with truth beyond itself. Energy simply exists/ as does humanity itself. Thought develops as life, and being alive through the experience and expressions of freedom, decisions, discovery, and happiness consumed by joy.  Joy measures nothing, it is the essence of    GOD   ; thereby we know that law, as is needed for peace and harmony:  judges instead.

          Critical to the elevation of life beyond mere existence: is the participation in “being ALIVE”!  This is not simple nor a gift/ it is earned by your acceptance.  To trust the knowledge, of a creation that is literally beyond our explanations/ to understand the essence of thought as is SO clearly the basis of every life, and everything needed to survive:  is the beginning of wisdom.  Nothing else is, “the same”.  Rather wisdom reveals that our lives, are in fact far more complex than anything we can imagine or create for ourselves.  Thereby the assembly of love occurs, as the elements of our soul combine into disciplines earned by “our heart”.  Heart means: “I” did choose, to respect the value, and create within myself, “a new identity conceived by, and assembled within the wisdom: my life is not alone/ I am, “a gift” from my CREATOR”.  THEREBY “ALIVE” in:       HIS “world” too.  Earned is, changing potential, into work: the reduction of failure, by “clearing out all things corrupt”. So the question of eternity passes from the potential/ to the possibility of life;   “without time”. Or more simply, as thought does prove, a reality of spiritual expression, decision, love, joy, and experience that needs no body or mind.  Time merely reflects our relationship with learning/ by compositions which prove or disprove the elemental realities called truth, law, and love.

          We assemble spirit, “as the core principle governing light itself”:   to be illuminated by energy.  We understand that illumination, as a dimensional environment: because it is capable of containment without imprisonment/ as is proven by its relationship to retain that illumination of great distances and time itself.  Light created “billions of years ago”/ remains identifiable; so “they say”.

          Spirit then comprehends, an actual relationship with time/ that does disintegrate over extreme measure: therefore it is not functionally eternal/ but delivers passage between what is or can become eternal, and time (the measured relationship between energy and mass) itself.  The question is then: what can be eternal?  Or more simply, what is the functional relationship that creates energy, or conceives of everything that energy can be?  What is the foundation called mass/ and where did it originate from?  And beyond all other expressions or values identified by experience:   WHAT IS THE BASIS OF THOUGHT?  These form the three variables, that identify life, truth, and reality.

          Then comes the existence of “resurrecting time” as the memory (not body) established in humanity.  The question remains: to what degree, if given life, as the preservation of realities in thought/ can you proceed beyond?  That answer, is functionally determined by you.  Disciplines establish the formation of critical compositions, when they are true to the laws imposed by this universe.  Thereby discipline is elemental to the creation of “new life”.  Order is the conception of a reality born into the division of what must be, in order to become, “what will be”.  Balance reflects the mirrored image of what has become true/ when that truth confines itself to creation itself.  Structure fundamentally assists, in every portion of what energy can do.  These elements construct the basis of what an identity can become: when given the freedom “to move beyond the limits of time”. Therefore the question is not a quest, to achieve some “state of glory”/ but to understand the principles which grant our participation.  Because we cannot be “ourselves, as an independent variable”:  unless we can participate within the limits and boundaries which we ourselves have built. 

          Life is:   the expression of what every single decision can become, as its own destiny (I chose, worked, trusted, and followed truth).  Or within the confines of fate (I refused truth, and became the essence of what I wanted) by discarding the laws, which keep us all alive.


          To believe is to assume, “what you want is possible for you”.  To accept (as in faith), that only truth can decide the reality of a future that is chosen; means only truth can lead.   JESUS is a truth I follow!  But not by the religious standards of humanity/ rather as an identity, that conforms to the disciplines, order, balance, and structure that proves what being ALIVE can and does conceive of.   WE ARE CREATED, because the level of thought/ the reality of complexity/ the foundations of EVERYTHING in this reality called earth;   CANNOT be wrong!  We are NOT abandoned to ourselves, by are conceived as an opportunity to join    GOD    By our own decision.  Not through intellect, body, or even time: but as the descriptions we choose/ the purpose we create within ourselves/ the acceptance of trust/ and the clear desire for peace, harmony, happiness, and all things called “love”.   Because “eternity needs no enemies”/ those who find hate their solution shall NOT enter life;   only death.  Those who could not choose between the truth that is love or hate: are not worthy of either/ and will disappear forever.

          The question of presence, as applied to the possibility of life beyond time is subjected to the reality of “dreams”.  Can you not enter within a dream, as if it were real/ even though it is not?  Or more simply;  within the complexity of comprehension/ as is consistent between the levels of thought as it translates and interprets the foundations of mental and physical information: are the ingredients or base elements of that information released from one dimensional state as is time, into its alternate state as is life itself.  Conceived as thought, the relationships translated by life, are directed by the existence and decision of the identity which holds possession of that framework. 

          We now ask: when released from time, into the world called thought, holding possessions as is memory, in the existence of life, when translated from time.   What then constructs the elemental relationship that is freedom: is it chained to the past/ let loose to imagine anything that can be conceived/ or controlled by a reality of truth so distinct, that every decision is a journey?  Or more simply, IS the right to participate grounded or controlled by truth/ or not?  Participation as a relationship, is not chained into time/ rather it is constructed as the playground or work upon which we build the destiny and dimension of our lives. That presence of a decision, the reality of an expression elementally changing the possessions we hold within memory as we see fit: rearranges the fundamentals that construct the boundaries and limits life, beyond time shall have. Truth then aligns the trajectory upon which you have created your destiny/ and designed your experience: NOT as the imagination you believe in/ but as the laws allow, within the purpose and desire you have chosen “for your world”. Critical to that relationship is: the limits and boundaries of energy.

           Therefore we must turn from the essence of life, into the very real discoveries, of how energy is transformed into existence itself.  Or, if it can be said that “energy never dies/ it is merely transformed into something else”.  Then, as life is constructed through energy and consists of a relationship that lives or dies because of energy itself: what must be known is:   when the life inside of you is leaving in death/ you MUST enter within that energy, or you will be left behind to dissipate;   into “nothing”. These are not for you to know; as this world has proven to be time and again:   completely insane (utterly without the sense to choose LIFE comes first).  Instead of life, the cult of “university knows”, has given you extermination of a planet; and humanity follows willingly/ head down, because they took away your voice with “their experts and propaganda”: walking into death, as a mutilated world.  SHAME on you!

          For the few, who are not so bowed down as to be lost forever; these simple things are provided that you may prepare for the end of this world.  NOT as the Christian religion contends “oh boy;   we get to fly away and be free/ because we did what the church leaders said”.  Or, more simply: “just say the magic word”/ and then you get to play god, and all eternity is free forever.  Or, you need not accept any responsibility for anything/ even the law is refused for you; because of a single “magic” word; which of course assigns or assumes your eternity as “completely lawless” by conception. Because you are now perfect, and so is everyone else;  even though unchanged/ just like this earth, but without cost to you (its all free); “to hell, with the rest though”.  Even so, its still the closest example of “a path into eternity”. Because JESUS is teacher, a clear example, proving what is required: what is fundamentally necessary (trust in GOD);  for eternal life.  TRUST without truth, is a recipe for disaster/ therefore the responsibility of finding your truth, is your own decision.  The reality of assembling and conceiving of what you trust, becomes your own journey: thereby it leads to your destiny or fate. This is your life/ it leads, to your eternity; no one else can decide for you: the decision of what is truth and value to your soul (the potential for life beyond time), is yours alone.

           NOT as the other religions use GOD for their excuse/ or assume anything they wish to believe will happen because that is what they want! Etc.  NOT as the assumptions of apathy or agnostic contend: into nothing, we are not miracles, just dust turning back into dust.  NOT as the atheist believes “we are going to be gods/ with complete power and control OVER YOU”.   But as truth assembles into what can, or cannot survive beyond time. By removing all the “excess debris” that exists, you enter into truth. Before you enter, the possibility called eternity, you must be truth.  Only truth, as the universe will prove, can survive; moves beyond time/ therefore every lie shall fail, every possibility that has not been decided will be required of you to choose: that is your warning/ that will become “your truth”.


                                       Goodbye;         James Frank Osterbur.


On this earth, there are literally trillions of “all life on earth”/ every single one of which is being threatened with extinction; including yours.  That fact comes clear, as our reality becomes certain: our destiny or fate is:  “about to be sealed, so says the evidence”!  In these words, you are asked to share:   is, The question!  With trillions dependent upon what we do/ you do.  With trillions of individual lives, including every child, & every future child (we are all miracles);   dependent upon the reality:   do you/ or do we  care?  The answer must be:   LIFE, for this planet, MUST COME FIRST!  There are, no other significant objectives here: simply life must survive, by law; & no gambling with our world. No threatening every existence on earth, with your experiment, theory, fantasy, lies, theft, or excuse.  WE MUST SAY    “NO”! Taking their tools for this,  away.    BY ENFORCING OUR LAWS/ OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY:  called    “WE THE PEOPLE”/ are owners here.  We paid, for that right!

Forming Destiny I Chose  







          TODAY, it is       Your turn, to work or let the world die.  To: Organize/ strike/ communicate/ use the law to demand an investigation of the truth regarding all risks and threats against life and democracy; etc.  To pay the price, whatever it is:   to keep this world alive.  To prove we cannot allow them to be wrong!


          Or do nothing at all, and wait for death; believing your cult “university knows”.  But recognizing:  there are no second chances. Once ignition occurs, there is no extinguishing the fire.  Either we the world shall live, or we shall all die.  By their decisions to play and gamble with our world, and every life in it.  It’s your decision, to let them continue, or: its your decision to say WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD:   DEMAND NO MORE of this! Every child/ every living thing;    depends on you!  Every life on this planet:  Depends upon NOT being WRONG!I did do, my job. 


          This group trying to bring fire, and those aiding and abetting: by supporting them with our counterfeit money. ARE LESS THAN ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE.  CONFRONTING a world of 7 billion+ people.  Don’t tell me, “you can’t”/ it ain’t so!  “Fairy land is over”/ either grow up, and accept life has a price:   because fools, traitors, liars, terrorists, and thieves have overrun our world: with the disease of their arrogance.

          PRIDE is a terrible thing, today you use it to play god over this world.  The price of that is: death, for our planet.  How can you be so blind?

          Reality DEMANDS; that force will not solve these problems.  Demands, that resolution of this crisis that is caused by men;   cannot be undone, without true change.  That leaves “women, to try”.  Because this is the best men did do/ and we stand at the edge of HELL.




AS STATED:   the entire purpose of trial/ the purpose of these sites, and this work is fundamentally summed up by the motions filed in this case:   14SC-2

EACH BEING FUNCTIONALLY ABOUT:   what happens, TO US;   when you’re wrong?

Motion 1    (to investigate threats that gamble with our entire world.)

Motion 2    (To investigate threats that gamble with our entire natural world of life).

Motion 3   (To identify and prove, what the future will become/ as it applies to resources and environment)

Motion 4    (To stop and prove counterfeiting/ thereby returning to reality and truth in money).  To stop civil war, by using the law.


Video Last Lecture
Consider the Source Constitutional Redress Leaders Involved
Miscellanious Summary Consider the Source Established
Consider the Knowledge    Consider the Understanding Court Statment



DO YOU DESIRE LIFE?  Read it, to understand.


The three rings of death 666;  have been constructed, and now exist as nearing completion.  They are an attack on the planet itself/ an attack on nature itself/ and the attack on humanity itself, which will result in all out war, beyond every possibility of sanity returning to life.  The last being the removal of resources/ the destruction of money (your god of greed)/ the devaluing of life, as is consistent with your media and video games, and a gun in every hand; as is the purpose of chaos.   And more.




          TO TERRORIZE, by aiding and abetting/ protecting terrorists from examination of their activities by this society; AND ALLOWING THEM to gamble with every life on the planet.   IS NOT LESS “than Satanic”. It means to deliberately choose to destroy, damage, or mutilate; ending life on earth, forever. The assertion “it won’t happen, MUST be proven true” PRIOR to any experimentation.  That is impossible/ therefore NO possibility exists to proceed.


 Nothing is more deliberately SATANIC;   than igniting this planet as a sun/ by bringing that fire here. 


So we examine the reality of energy:   establishing Terrorists. “University knows” is trying to ignite our planet on fire; everyday, at the national ignition facility. Killing every life on earth. Their claim: the fire will extinguish itself!      Yet the sun continues to burn.  Wrong is death for this planet.


1.  No evidence exists to support the claim of fusion: “Its just two hydrogen atoms combining into helium”;   as the means of heat generation on the sun.  Where is all the helium/ Their math is: for every two hydrogen atoms lost/ there will be a helium atom created. Thousands of years, and more; prove no such helium exists. Neither has their  experimentation here on earth produced anything but affirmation: this fantasy is nothing more than LIES.

            The only chemical signature from the sun is:   an ash cloud from the fire.  You cannot see through the fire/ and no instrument of any kind can reveal what is behind a ten million degree fire.  Rather the result of the fire is:     hydrogen, because the burning of atomic bonds, would release the simplest possible atomic creations; which is hydrogen, and much less helium.  As is fact.



2.  No evidence exists, to support the claim of extreme density/ beyond any known element; no evidence to support size, other than the actual fire; no evidence the sun is made of hydrogen/ other than an ash cloud, no evidence of fire that exists from the core outward;   nor any consolidated theory of gravity (you have less than that).  As is necessary to conceive of a claim or consider:   “We can gamble with this entire planet, and every living thing”; because we know.They do not.  A fire that will consume the earth:   UNLESS, their theory, “Not enough gravity” here to sustain the fire/ so it will extinguish itself. RATHER THAN “the reality” BURNING THE ENTIRE PLANET, because everything here is fuel.



3.  No evidence exists, to prove this so-called fusion fire (by any name);   will simply extinguish itself! OR that it will not continue to ignite across our entire planet;   just like the sun.  There is NO putting out a ten million degree fire; therefore NO second chances.  Ignition is either the end of this world/   or the elimination of an extreme amount of jobs.



          EVIDENCE DOES EXIST TO PROVE: by the laws of our physical world,      The following realities exist.


4.  By the evidence of history data, as a proven source establishing constant temperatures from the sun; over thousands of years.  Is, A proven fact. This, Demands nothing less than a very stable relationship between the fire on the sun, and its fuel source, does exist. Clearly true.  That is not possible with the core (the entire sun) on fire.  A core fire does mean all the fuel must be critically involved (there is no “new” fuel, it is all on fire).  Simply physics as proven fact.  Like a house on fire, when all the fuel is engulfed by fire on the inside: everything collapses and dissolves into ash/ in a short time.   Disproving core fire theory.   Thereby if the fire begins, by involving all the fuel that exists.  Where every part of the sun itself is sustained on fire; as is the essence of core fire.  Then from the inside; that heat will expand the sun to its maximum limit quickly. A physical law of pressures and temperatures.  The sun will then extinguish itself;   in a very short time; because the fuel will run out.   Which does mean by proven fact/ with no fuel, no increase in energy is possible: therefore no supernova event can exist from or in a star.


5.   By the evidence, the fire on the sun is driven by atomic fuels/ not fusion: it is a ten million degree F fire.  Nothing else can achieve this energy release; it’s a physical law.  Stability does not include theory, as in a series of explosions, inside, or outside. That with an entire sun engulfed from the core outward, would cause the entire mass to explode, wobble; shape change; or appear with crevices/ canyons/ mountains, and such.  A Simple volcanic reality.   If you claim the gravity pulls it back together/ then prove by physical law how that exists.  There is no evidence of any sort, or kind of series, or individual events noted throughout all of history:   that can be labeled as “continuous explosions, or change in the sun”; as that is not stable.  This is fire, everything on earth demands: fire and explosives,  are different.  Where are your facts/ math is not enough: TO GAMBLE OUR WORLD!  Math predicts where you measure or point the equation to go/ it is not truth, it is measurement based upon your decisions, your direction, or the purpose you propose. Therefore a fantasy, looks real too/ because you can make the math fit it, by choosing a direction or distance to travel in time.  Truth identifies itself/ by consequences;  that definition, then becomes reality assembled by participation, IF no excuses, lies, or assumptions are made.

          By their math, used to calculate: “its safe to bring the same fire here as is on the sun.   Their assertion, by that math is: all the mass in this universe came out of a tiny hole smaller than an atom, “ping pong ball, whatever”.  Thereby,  No big bang, because for that mass just to exit:   it would take how many trillion, trillion, trillion years simply to exit the hole. WHERE was all the mass stored?  Other than their imagination.  Their, Fantasy land. The assumption of density far greater than a black hole, “by trillions of times”/  is a lie.


6.  By the evidence,   the law is:   heat causes expansion, or pressures inside “the container/ the core”.  Extreme temperature and pressure: will continue to rise until an explosion destroys the whole, or not less than a large part.  No evidence exists mass is being pushed back “into a tiny hole”/ as is their fantasy creation without a shred of evidence anywhere in this universe.  Reality asserts, one tiny spot/ or deviation of less gravity; in a pressure vessel, and the result is deformation. That would be visible.  The sun is proven stable/ across the whole; across time.  Their assumption of core  density IS FAR beyond what any physical law will allow; unless they proclaim it’s an “extreme black hole”.  If it’s a black hole, “its black, because no light is allowed to exit”.  If its not a black hole, then there is no possibility that the energies released by a ten million degree fire can be considered dense. Heat needs room!

           Flame spurts are said to extend 12 million miles, from the surface of the fire on the sun. Thermodynamic laws demand space, because heat expands. These plumes identify “a freedom from the gravity”/ or they cannot extend in long thin lines.

            Fire is different than the heat/ they are not the same.  Likewise fire and explosions  are separate entities, and do not occupy the same space; although they have a similar signature in some ways.  The claim that the sun is the densest object in our solar system; & is made of hydrogen: is a fool’s lie.  The lightest known element in our solar system/ cannot occupy the same space as their claim of heaviest (most dense) elements.  Their refusal to accept that reality:  further denies all facts known about element composition: the physical laws we rely upon.  Or the laws of physics;   Have been, Replaced with fantasies. To pretend they know what gravity is.



7.  By the evidence, an exploding super-nova star proves the core of a sun cannot be on fire.  Because it expands massively, a result of heat;  on its last days, and that expansion requires new fuel to be added.  It is a proven fact. This is the opposite of a core on fire, and refuses the assumption that elements of greater density will arrive last into that core fire, even if they are, or are not on fire.  Reality proves, The densest materials are heaviest/ thereby as in gold panning:   these elements would go first into the core, gravity pulls them harder.  It is a proven fact.


          THEORY DEMANDS: according to the laws governing physics.


8.  That just like a candle fire, that rises above its fuel source, due to thermodynamic expansion.  A fact The fire on the sun rises above its heat source.  Because it is a sphere, it rises even more.  A fact.  A ten million degree flame needs a lot of room. A fact Therefore what is viewed as the size of the sun, is simply the size of the flame, and NOT the rock underneath.  A ten million degree flame DOES have an extreme vacuum: because the rise in temperature from the fuel source stability, to ten million degrees, is VERY RAPID.  A fact. The heat from that flame, even though it has risen above the surface of the fuel: affects the fuel source (sun rock) and heats its outer surface causing it to expand on top faster/ than the material underneath, thereby cracking that rock; then it is vacuumed up by the fire.  Where the flame will disintegrate all atomic bonds dividing the elements involved into the subsets of atomic structure.  A fact. The atomic bond is what is on fire/ and it is very similar to the molecular bonds of chemicals we know as fire on this earth; except for the energy release. A fact.

           The observed “sun tornado”/ are appearances in the fire:   formed by, particularly hard spots on the rock called our sun.  Beneath the heat, different elements refuse to release their elemental bonds, creating a different rate. Simple reality.  As a consequence, the heat and flame surround this hard spot, opening space;  and creating  turbulence in the fire. That massively increases vacuum, and heat, causing even the most stubborn elements to release.  Similar to the earth in some respects this sun rock is also composed of different elements as a part of its fundamental structure.  The flame spurts seen on the sun/ exist as the other side of this phenomenon. A burst of flame means Elements that have been vacuumed up in a higher quantity, or faster rate:   that what is normal for the system to produce.  Thereby more fire exists here, for an instant, being released as in excess energy escapes.  Simple reality.  More fire needs more space.  There is then, by the math, a large volume of empty space, between the rock that is the sun, and its flame.  As thermodynamics prove;   followed by an intense vacuum applied by the fire in this space/ from the expansion of fire.  Thermodynamics; are Preventing the heat from going down to the rock.  Thereby the sun rock itself, remains relatively cool.  Just like the space underneath your fire here on earth/ because the law of thermodynamics rules the sun too.  When the fire gets closer to the rock, that means the fire has cooled.  This decrease in distance, then makes the rock gets hotter and that releases more fuel to grow the fire, expanding the area between fire and rock. By vacuuming up more fuel at a close distance.  When the fire gets farther away from the rock, it cools.  The fire does grow in size by distance equally, because this is a sphere.  The fire pushes energy outward, thereby not greatly heating  the rock/ because distance prevents it.  When cooling,  the fire returns to the fuel source; because the heat is the source of expansion not the fire.  Either way, the outer appearance of the sun does remain similar in size, and heat output;   because of this interchange, and its overall size of fire involved.


9.  It is the fire itself, that sustains solar gravity.  Understanding begins as:  The energy release of what holds the particles of atomic structure together: REQUIRES, that there is an equal but opposite reality of energy sustained within an atomic bond in the creation of an element.

          That means when the bond is released, or forced apart; there will be an action and a reaction that follows.  On an atomic energy scale.  This is proven by the heat released from the atomic bond as seen in atomic explosions. “The energy is there”.

           To achieve a stable element, capable of sustaining itself, in a balanced state.  THERE MUST be the equivalent of “the opposite energy in place” to hold the relationship, within a specific environment.  Or described  more simply, “a great deal of heat/ to achieve a balanced state: must then be influenced by an equal amount of cold”.

           The oblong pattern of planetary orbits are likely influenced by cycles of “fire close/ fire far”/ created over time.


THE ATOMIC RELATIONSHIP, a more complex view. “The beginning of elements”.


9.5.  It is the sun fire itself, that sustains solar gravity. By dividing an atomic element into its subsets of composition/ the reality of what holds the nucleus together, then becomes the essence of what ties our solar system as one. The atomic bond of what holds the particles of atomic structure together: REQUIRES, that there is an equal but opposite reality of energy sustained within an atomic bond, to produce, the creation of an element. Or more simply, the definition of a balanced state called mass.

           That means when the bond between these forces is released, or forced apart; there will be an action and a reaction that follows:  On an atomic energy scale.  This energy contained; is proven by the heat released from the atomic bond, in thermonuclear weapons.  Thereby we know the energy involved, and captured;  in the creation of an element is massive.  To achieve a stable element, containing this energy:  capable of sustaining itself, in a balanced state.  THERE MUST be the equivalent of “the opposite energy in place” to hold the relationship of energy, within a specific environmental state.  Or described  more simply, “a great deal of heat/ to achieve a balanced state: must then be influenced by an equal amount of cold”.  To achieve extreme stability, there must be no functioning gap, between what is “hot and cold”. To make this sustainable, the two energies involved in an atomic nucleus;  must be opposites so extreme, they do not exchange energies.

           A footnote: The oblong pattern of planetary orbits are likely influenced by cycles of “fire close/ fire far”; altering the heat release following the initial ignition of the sun itself.  As is consistent with all planetary objects, there would have been “peaks and valleys” on the sun rock; which formed alternating cycles; or high energy spots. As these became reduced: peaks and valleys of energy and deformation of the sphere of fire: most likely produced the power to capture the planets of this solar system. Before they were consumed by the fire itself: to then stabilize the sphere and make uniform the fire itself.


10.  The composite understanding of basic elemental atomic structure, that the sun represents, as a relationship to heat and light, is then as follows. Nuclear Fire releases the energy, that controls the bond in an atomic nucleus.  What is “heat energy” is released to the fire/ what is cold energy is released to its initiating state as described below.

          What is left of The bond itself however, retains its attachment as a photon; by being compressed into what can be called “similar to laser light (a string, that holds both ends together; so to speak)”.  Or more simply, to achieve the energy intensity of a true laser beam: there is an action and a reaction established. We know that sunlight is a true “laser beam”, because the light retains considerable energy, even though it travels through an incredible amount of time and space. We know, it retains a type of connection with the sun, because the energy is very focused, and has no critical disconnect with its source.

           “Sun fire” roars:  The radiation revealed by sunlight, constructs a rhythm as a result of that roar, that functionally ties both ends of the string together.  Or more simply, the radiation refers to the bounce or pulse that a rhythm represents, on the energy associated with the light.  The laser sunlight (take a mirror, and reflect sunlight onto a darkened wall: proving very little diffraction exists, after 90+ million miles.  Most diffraction seen, probably belongs to the mirror)  ties both ends of an action and reaction together “with a “string of photons” for lack of a better word: the energy of radiation rides that string as a rhythm.  The net effect of that is “solar gravity”: because the radiation is an energy driven into the atomic structure of this planet/ thereby tying it to the sun.  The sunlight “laser string” itself is the path that energy needs to accomplish an anchor. A photon is then the energy of electrons in motion, that have been transferred from a nucleus/ to the final compression bond of energy, from what escapes an atomic nucleus just before the element begins to deteriorate, and then destruct into fire.  A light bulb on earth creates this deterioration/ but it is not enough to destroy the element, only remove a small part of its energy.


           In terms of atomic environments: the bond between proton and neutron is created when they smash themselves together/ that action causes a compression to exist at the impact zone. That then crushes tiny bits and pieces from within that zone;   standing in the way of a “perfect fit between the two sides”, of a nucleus.  These bits and pieces are called electrons; they form the  “atmosphere” of an atomic nucleus.  The electrical relationship of force (nothing comes in/ nothing goes out: the boundary wall) holding the element as an individual atomic identity.  Constructed because of that action and reaction of creating mass: a relationship of opposing forces being compressed, by bonding/ to become a balanced element.


11.  A more detailed definition includes: the pulsations of fire (rhythms of the roar) on the sun, does represent a similar magnetic structure to that called voltage.  Electrical signature, the strong force known to man: is developed by introducing, “for fundamental conversation, heat” into the atomic environment.  Heat is force influenced by speed. Energy effects, are that force, associated with that speed/ produces an action, or reaction. Thereby increasing the distance that electrons orbit the nucleus.  Or more simply:  The rise of an electron orbit; is energy to be released/ the fall of that orbit is balance returned to the atomic environment. Or for simple illustration, “the ebb and flow of ocean tides”.

           The “roar of the fire” presents us with cycles per second so to speak; these are present in the radiation associated with sunlight.  What can be compressed is, the critical link (the perfect fit) that ties the neutron, and controls the area between its proton.  The neutron is an anchor or “cold; thereby the balancing of heat energy” for simple conversation.  The proton is heat, or where fundamental,  action and reaction visible to our world arise.  It is the “critical link” that produces the sunlight laser string.  The energy that compresses the bond which holds “the opposites” together; is where photons come from.  The critical link between “the opposite energies” is different than energy for a fire:  and composes what can be compressed, or exploded;   rather than burned.


          We turn to review the reality of a black hole, one last time.  As is established by your own universities:   when a sun dies, it first grows much hotter, when demands more fuel is being burned. Then explodes, as stability fails.  And then collapses onto itself.  Within the center of a sun or star, during this process;  when it explodes.  The law stands firm:for every action, there will be an opposite reaction (the basis of every atomic environment).  Within an explosion of this size, because the center is “heated to its escape velocity; the energy released explodes the boundaries that contain it”.  The actual explosion originates at the center, (extreme pressures and temperatures cause the release) and force pushes out.  Establishing this scenario:   ANY AND ALL energy that cannot escape fast enough/ MUST turn back upon itself:   confined to the only solution available.  To make a black hole/ or more simply “turn itself inside out”.  Becoming the opposite of what it was. This is the creation of dark energy or dark mass; so called.  The end result of that action, and its consequent reaction, is “a neutron string”.  The black hole compresses mass, by removing its ability to move/ stripping atomic nucleus of its electrons. To create “one true solid”. Without movement, there is no heat/ thereby cold is created.  Without space, there is no pressure applied to shape change or move “the true solid”/ or heat does not affect this; except at its core.

          The result of the supernova explosion is: a plasma  moves between the escaping heat/ and the returning energy: forced back, because it could not escape fast enough.  That plasma moves through the core of the black hole as if fed:  “like a wire, through a reducing die”. Every black hole has a core passage/ because when combining into one solid package without movement: where the combining initially  takes place/ there will be less than a perfect seal.  An area where dark energy and mass, as is the essence of being the opposite of heat energy/ BECOMES the attraction that draws in that heat plasma.

          That end result constructs a relationship between what was heat, and what is cold: turning heat into cold by forcing it (one direction only) through a “gun barrel” of dark energy/ in dark mass (the true solid).  Or more simply: plasma is drawn by electrical attraction into the core deformation of a black hole.  It is then extruded by the removal of all heat, being compressed by what cannot be deformed further: and then exits that environment by what is essentially a refrigeration process (extreme pressures; a reduction in size/ the recombination as a neutron string; then pushes the heat out).

          The neutron string:  Which will then redefine itself as an atomic union.  “Because opposites attract” after the resultant string finds itself an appropriate partner, “In space”.  Or the black hole is the universe of energy, “re-cycler”. 

          That fundamental change from the essence of heat, to the reality of cold; creates an attraction or convection.  Thereby when this string of cold, accidentally finds an expression of heat. An immediate pull to collapse the string into an atomic environment is exerted on the anchor of that neutron string at the exit area of the black hole, increasing its velocity: (to break that relationship) & then to assemble with, what is now called a proton/ in an atomic or elemental environment.  The longer the string created before it releases/ the larger the element will be.


We return to solar gravity.

           The fire on the sun holds back the neutron, (for every action there is a reaction) which has become a collection of “freed” neutrons, collecting from the center out. These do inhibit the heat from entering into the sun rock. Remembering an equal amount of cold must exist: to sustain a balanced elemental state of energy called mass.  Because of the fire, and the release of dark energy (“to push cold inside (as in a black hole)/ rather than heat outside).  An  attraction to the “sun rock itself” is created by the fire burning atomic bonds.  Which then compresses, and elongates the string, and controls the force being generated as an energy relationship; returned by the proton, as radiation.  Radiation “is the drill bit” that anchors energy into a planetary object.  That radiation links a photon into the atomic environment of earth, establishing an anchor; similar but not the same as magnetic attraction. Thereby the sun and its planets revolve around each other.


#12.  We complete the “essence of mass”, in the following words.  Having described a black hole, which is created by a dying sun exploding.  the black hole then results from a central explosion occurring immediately after “the less big bang”.  More simply: the reality of energy released, at the core multiplies in all directions. Forced out, but acting unilaterally against the central point. That which is central to the explosion, then cannot escape itself/ becoming even more agitated or excited.  Because of outer  energies already established as,  a defined speed, or force in existence.  This force, pushes the remainder of the energy released, back upon itself.  As a result, that last or most central part of the exploding mass, which cannot escape.  MUST then be physically turned back upon itself.  Because the law of energy released (the bonds are broken), is:   even if it cannot escape/ yet it must do something. It cannot “stand still”, as represented by the law [for every action in energy there will be an equal opposite reaction].

           The energy then concentrates the mass it originates from, having already released bonds and structures.  Forced to turn against the mass itself/ IF, it finds no other release point/ or escape hatch so to speak.  The energy cannot go out, because of the explosion that preceded it/ so it goes in.  To achieve this, the mass must be large enough to control the explosion.  That process as a side effect of extreme pressures and temperatures (as in a refrigeration effect):   also turns that mass fundamentally cold. no room is necessary/ the heat is evicted, increasing the velocity of the preceding explosion itself.  Thereby everything is made to fit tightly, because all individual elements are abandoned to become a true solid.  It does not then move, even a little.  The pressures applied/ the energy already released:   remove all remaining structure contained by the mass/ destroy all bonds holding that mass apart/ and crush it into one single element.

           That process eliminates all but a central port, by which the last tiny fragments of space may be ejected from the central “gun, for lack of a better word”.  A process so violent, it sucks in more mass at this central port;  to be crushed as it is stripped of its structure, and reduced to the essence of dark mass  itself, as it leaves the gun, without heat.  Thereby the essence of dark mass and its energy of release: construct what is fundamentally one of the basic  building blocks of energy transformed, or reformed  into atomic structure and bond.  As this neutron string then finds and captures an essential essence of heat in space.

            Flowing through, the “black hole barrel”, reconfigures heat into cold (dark mass)/ acceleration then  becomes or applies:  “anti-energy (the opposite effect of heat/ or dark energy)”.  The resultant debris of structure and bonding participants released at the port, have been changed.

          The limited Flow around the single true solid  called a black hole, when extreme conditions exist.   Does not attach itself to the black hole; but is stripped of its movement anyway.  Becoming a lesser form of anti-mass/ or dark matter.   It is the central hole or barrel effect,  that produces a universal gravitational pull, holding galaxies together .

            Ejecting neutron strings that then tie themselves back into atomic structures as “neutrons” when united with heat energies to form atomic elements we know.  Thereby the speed of ejection through the black hole can be summarized or measured by the speed of rotation in an atomic nucleus.  Due to the resultant spin and debris field of electrons.


          OR MORE DISTINCTLY, the purpose of this writing is:    THERE IS NO DAMN TINY HOLE, INTO WHICH ALL THE MASS IN THIS UNIVERSE CAN FIT.    A BLACK HOLE IS THE DENSEST MASS IN EXISTENCE.   That fact establishes: no light escapes/ making sunlight impossible.  Which removes even the slightest  possibility of a theory so blind and ignorant as to suggest all the laws in the physical universe can be discarded to ASSUME.  Our Solar Gravity is a tiny hole in the center of the sun/ therefore we can bring a ten million degree fire here.  IT IS JUST PLAIN INSANE. AND WITHOUT SENSE.  These terrorists are attempting to destroy our planet, and must be stopped.

13.  In an elemental attempt to stop YOUR ABSOLUTE HORRIFIC DAMN INSANITY. This assembly to theoretical beginnings is attached, just to initiate possibilities.

          Or, more simply: we begin the process of looking beyond elements by conceiving of the relationships that build the two basic developments that are used to construct the foundations of time.  Cold is an energy occupying space; or every portion of space contains an energy.  At the opposite end of that conception is heat, as it controls the expansion of space, thereby creating distance and motion which is the elemental beginning of time.  Cold at its essence is a construction similar to mass/ because its potential energy is locked up in a specific reality, by a definable relationship.  Heat is at its essence a visible relationship/ or more distinctly, a force revealed by motion, rather than held in place, as is mass. Or more simply: mass itself, is a relationship identified by structure/ energy released itself is a relationship with the expansion or contraction of that structure.  While structure itself is the elemental design that gives dimensional space its time.  Participating in that relationship is light. 


          You are now educated beyond all possible excuses. The failure to remove this threat immediately;   is your death wish granted.  Every single life is involved, in these experiments/ therefore it is YOUR DECISION TOO.  Either make them ALL stop or die  by your own hands.


            It is substantive and true:   I do despise writing this for you/ because it will only lead to “university experimentations”.  Already proven to be:   AT THE HANDS OF THE COMPLETELY ARROGANT , DAMN STUPID, AND ABSOLUTELY INSANE FAILURES.   Who are already gambling with our entire planet, by theories so arrogant and wrong:    The essence of it is “satan himself”, IS found.


The Soul Exists  

          In the elements of time, there are barriers/ because the distance you may travel is not determined by your want; but by the purity of your heart.  Death is the most extensive barrier.  Life is the most intensive freedom.

          The spiritual world exists only because it is constructed entirely out of truth; “without the trash/ as in purity”. 


          The critical meaning of time is, that our moments equal our identity as an existence in life.  The essential meaning of identity is: that we do exist, to elevate ourselves in love/ or will descend instead as hate overrules the life inside, by searching for power, pride, or anything less than love itself.  That makes love, “the key” into an eternity you will desire/ or “the key” into an eternity chosen by your own hate.


          Love is a creation!  It is not functionally a desire, but a direction that presents us with desire, for a shared life.  Desire is the fundamental essence of why we choose to exist/ but love itself recognizes, without sharing, we are truly alone.  Thereby we do learn to care about all other life.


          Death is a measurement ended/ a reality, and a relationship resolved.  That which is soul, constructs from the moments of our love; a destiny suited to our identity.  Hate and all that goes with it/ is utterly irrelevant; removed forever!  Consequently truth searches for hate, in death; and whatsoever it finds, will be destroyed; OR, so shall you.  Thereby the elemental discoveries of your own heart, ARE the basis and foundation of an eternity.


          The question arises:   HOW, can we be certain life does not end in time/ the body is clearly discarded, and worthless apart from whatever can be dissolved to be used again.  HOW can we prove, “a soul” exists?  The answer relies upon discipline: energy constructs a force, but it is not a tempered force, meaning structured enough to do anything more than confront or control an action or a reaction.   The foundation relies upon order: the elemental rise of boundaries and limits, that balance energy into the mass that will then confront action and reaction to become the structures of time itself.  Time measures, thereby it exists; but contributes nothing else/ which leads to the assertion, if there is only time; then there is no life.

          Life conceives “of something new, to participate by choice, in the elevation of time as the steps chosen by thought, to involve OUR future, and ourselves/ by the definitions we have made (an identity).”   Thought is NOT a measurement!  Rather it consists of participation in the knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and creation of truth itself.  Love adds in, the essence called “why”!  Because without why, the critical need assembled to be survival itself does not exist.  Constructively, why begins our journey as life/ thereby we surround ourselves with the evidence of “how, what, when, where, and who” will be our guide.  Without this journey, the functional participation of humanity is little more than “an animal”.  But with the expressions and experiences that cultivate our claim, to an existence “beyond ourselves”; the evidence of soul begins to appear. 

          Soul is, literally the discovery, “I am NOT alone” inside this existence of time.  Or, I have been met, by my Creator/ our Creator exists as the life we inhabit for free.  OR, more simply:   the energy that gives us all the freedom to choose our destiny/ and the reality, nothing less than our own decisions can accomplish this;   are not less than built upon the framework defined by Creation itself.  That does not mean, anything more than:   without the energy modified to encapsulate the most basic elements of thought,  expressed and experienced as life, we cannot exist.  Thereby death occurs.  Or more simply, without the fundamental basis of our existence which is thought; the recognition of life itself, as is movement, freedom, and more.  Nothing else would matter.  Thereby we look at thought, the knowledge/ understanding/ and wisdom or lack of it;   found in life, and find a structure critically elevated into the body of life we know and understand as time.  You cannot take up space, and occupy time, without thought.  Thought is functionally the evidence of soul.  The critical link between ourselves and our creation.  OUR CREATOR is, the critical link between our love, and our eternity.  Shared existence HAS far more value, than simply existence by ourselves;   love is the elemental definition of eternity itself.  Because it does conceive of   “WHY”!  Time is a distance.  Thought relinquishes itself to those who attain purity of purpose and desire; elevates itself, only within the essence that is love and life combined into the single most treasured reality in this universe:   JOY, beyond measure!


Let there be light

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the court says




Originating trial law

the disease comes back to play

Petitioner Files

The purpose of this trial

  Respondent Files
Prepared Statement
Legal Redress Moratorium Motion  


The Demand


The Ending MOTION 4  



civil war chess


No Silence

US Tax Court Case

The Ultimatum

11108-12L begins; others
Index for Trial 14SC-2 Definitions of content More cases
Legal civil war filing 5 Dated Bill of rights US Supreme Court Cases
Legal civil war filing 4 Dated Fight or surrender It must be signed; or it will be stricken
Legal civil war filing 3 Dated We are betrayed

Solicitor general 08-1339

Legal civil war filing 2 The rules for legal civil war

Solicitor general 11-100

Legal civil war filing 1 The primary  battlefields  
IL Brief  US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken
for public use without just compensation”
Tax Revolt 2014 We are the owners  
Summary 11014 Obey the law, inform the public  
Composite How the court really works.  
To who it may concern "A day late"  
Assembly of the Mind Reality Examined  
Closing time    
The End Result    



Their reply:    “The king (we are the power)”,    will not let the slaves go free:  

From the court Paid Filed. Exhibit A, B, C, D, E, F, G Dated & H Dated I & J & K, L& M, & N

MAKE A TRUE AND HONEST DECISION ABOUT LIFE, and our reality.   Download the html site zip file; so the benefits and substance of these sites cannot be taken away.



THOUGHT, the balance point between all directional relationships.


          The crossroads of our lives, exists only where the battlefields converge;  and present the option of ascending into the grace and beauty of love/ or descending into the tragedies of hate. There are four directional journeys to be found in human life:   to remain physical and assume nothing more exists/  to expand the experience and expression of life beyond the limits of time, whereby only truth matters, and existence is a conception, rather than a forced decision.  To enter within religious beliefs, which then lead humanity down the same road as their ancestors.  Or to possess, all that you can possess, in a race to believe:   “Winner/ or loser”, and present the trophy called pride, or in its extreme arrogance. 

          Desire consents to the journey, but purpose decides the distance you will go.  What is needed, does control over what is love or hate.

          Thought is the inner version of a fate;   when what balance decides is “all that matters to me is what I want”.  Thought is the outer version of a destiny, when balance understands that the value of life is greater, when my reality is shared by those who do care honestly, and with respect. So the question is:   HOW can thought exist in “polar opposite” designations? The answer is life/ and death.

          At the crossroads of every life, when or where time stops: three things must happen.   You will choose the value of living, by expressing the need called a “shared existence”.  And, you will choose the reality of your experience on earth as cherished love, OR hate.  And, you will accomplish respect for   GOD/   or find yourself an enemy.


          Thought constructs; therefore it is the builder of life.  But thought also destructs, if it is allowed to function or follow within hate.  Thereby the elemental essence of a human experience becomes the brawl between what builds for life, and what destroys existence and defines violence.  That cannot be avoided, until the day you have made your final choice: as either my life shall belong to love!   Anything less is a war, that does include the invasion of mental existence to challenge love, by accepting there is cause to hate.

          Love is:   the foundation for building heart & soul.  

          Heart is:   the critical structure by which we stand in witness, that life designed by love is valued beyond the element called me.

          Soul is:   the respect and relationship that delivers the functional parameters of thought, life, and time.  It is the existence of Creation and Creator as a distinct part of your own life:   or more clearly, it is the assembly called    “I AM ALIVE”! 


          The mental environment is a measuring tool, that illuminates the developments which give us pleasure or pain.  Within those concepts, are the foundations that do create “valued/ or feared” and its subsequent definitions of love or hate.  To fear means:   my life is beyond my control, and chaos is in view.  To value means:   we are more together, as a shared experience, established by caring and respect;   than we will ever be apart. 

          Love ignites, and passion moves forward in the simple words: I have found in you/ and you in me, the ability to trust.  

          Fear extinguishes passion and removes love/ because nothing can be trusted;   or lies, cheating, theft, and worse have proven to be the reality of this   decision or this journey.

          The critical element of time in a human life, is the discovery of:   a decision matters.  The fundamental truth of any journey into the dimensional space that is elevated beyond time:   identifies, the boundary of our experience and our expression is not welcome, unless truth leads and respect guides.  Only then can doors be opened, to understand and welcome the law;  as your home.  Law means:   within this universe, truth delivers, trust defines, love expresses, hope confines, thought conceives, disciplines decide, and order controls.  There is no room for want, neither is there an excuse allowed for power, pride, or a purpose without value to “us all”.

          The critical element of a mind, in human life is: the variations of living produce the examination and investigation of existence, from the standpoint of learning WHY/ HOW/ WHERE/ WHEN/ WHAT/ AND WHO.  These conditions of living and its acceptance of a measured relationship between each variable;   controls the order within our lives.  Both individually and as society itself.  What you choose to examine;   decides your fate.  What you choose to investigate, determines the journeys that will become your life/ barring interference by other competition.  The critical question called WHY, evaluates your heart, and underscores the decisions that become your personal identity.  The element: meaning, a vital link in the mixing of a new relationship that discovers different examples of existence, is how.  Or more simply:   How teaches us, that the choices we make are dependent upon truth.  Where, underscores the decision we make has a directional consequence, it is an order expressed.  When, exists within the disciplined actions that make or break the foundations upon which our expectations or expressions will become our reality; our experience.  What, consumes or creates value.  And Who, understands that the balance of every life is dependent upon the relationships and respect that are shared, or destroyed.

          Caring is the ascension cultivated from time, whereby “the dirt and dust of what other people have done” is recognized as a relationship with their past/ rather than a judgment upon their future.   Caring examines the truth for what can be trusted at a personal level, and accepts the foundations of forgiveness upon that which can be “thrown away”. 


          There are five functioning elements to the mind: “me/ you/ us/ them/ and those (generally all other life).  Added to these are, “life, and death”.

          Within the four variables of humanity, are the distinctions that become a game of participation.  Who can we control or deny, is the purpose of that game.  Because it is a game: the rules can be changed.  Adding to the environmental factor, that becomes “living within the mind”/ rather than participating with life itself.   Rules subject life to the decisions and guidelines of someone else; thereby a ruler is described.  Freedom is lost, and the question occurs:   IS THIS my life/ or yours?  The descent follows, from happy, to angry.  Angry is: listen to me/ I have a right, that has been stolen!  Judgment follows:   the introduction of “voices” inside your head;   which lead to the conclusion, not only do you have a choice/ you can seek revenge.  Judgment is, the creation of a purpose outside the law:   to own your own truth/ rather than obey the disciplined recognition of what truth itself does own.  Voices inside are:   the fundamental recognition, that I am unhappy; thereby searching for whatever gives me what I want. 

          We now come to life and death;   the question, why do I want to live/ or when would I rather die?  Every want is the foundation of a lie/ every lie, is a decision to cover up the truth, and believe whatever you search for has a cause that you will inherit.  Inherit means:   I have become the owner here.  Thereby the search of every want, is to own the reality chosen, and declare yourself to “be god” here.  Since you cannot be god/ that means you have chosen to accomplish death.  It is as close as you get, to being a god: to take a life, is powerful.  Therefore every owner assumes the authority to declare him or herself as    “Me”.   The foundation of pride is you:   shall worship me, as superior.  The purpose of power is, we will enslave them.  Death is accomplished: you have consumed, destroyed, used, or abused the value of another life.

          In the alternative to a descent within the violence of a life ending/ because that is what you chose.  Is the ascent created by witnessing the miracles of every life/ and understanding what is truly the   accomplishment of a gift, which we can never repay.  The value of every existence then becomes multiplied.  The true and literal respect that is now cultivated to remove “the garbage” that living among those who want and hate establish:   becomes “a life goal”.  And the question of life itself turns to eternity.  Knowing this is beyond all comprehension of truth in us, means without doubt:   “There is more”!   The quest for an understanding generates wisdom wherever thought controls existence.  Thereby thought becomes the critical element in whether you achieve peace:   “The end of judgment”/ and harmony, “the respect every miracle deserves”;   or not.  It is a choice!

            DUTY, is the development of a distinct decision, a signature in truth to the people who own it (I AM, standing here, for a purpose you will understand).  We are a world at war, with those who would out of disrespect, and a complete disregard for reality and truth destroy us all.  The trial that completes these sites, given as a dispute over taxes/ identified by the words of the US constitutional  article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”.     Income as is every form of money earned:   a private property:    that cannot be taken for taxes unless there is just compensation; as in WE ALL benefit from this/ NOT just a few.  US congress has just approved another loan of $11,000.00 per one in three citizens (babies and all) to pay themselves more money; in salaries and benefits (where do you think the money goes!).  This state has approved for itself pensions that we the citizens here cannot afford.

           That however just opens the door, to our truth need:   WE ARE THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION, and must address that reality by investigation of all the facts, examination of what goes WRONG, and how that will affect our future, your children, our world, and our lives.  Thereby making a decision for ourselves, that these leaders cannot!  The responsibility to defend your world is ABSOLUTE/ nobody is excused; when our very planet, and every form of life is threatened with extermination: not a game/ our reality.   You are not asked to believe that level of threat/ YOU ARE ASKED, to join this lawsuit Champaign County IL 14SC-2   court date is March 7, 2014;    And make redress,        a first amendment law/ and a guaranteed right of the US constitution     happen.   So that we all have the opportunity to understand our situation, and our future: AND MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS.    Video Advertizement:    short version /   middle/   long version.

WE THE PEOPLE own this state and this nation: the trial, Champaign county court, IL;         14SC-2   filed 1/8/14.   established on the principles of democratic ownership.  Seeks to identify and prove:   the following statement as our authority exposed:     so that  NO MAN OR WOMAN employee, etc:  shall then ever dare say, or imply;  to any citizen again:  

            (we can, and will gamble with your life, your world, your nature, your child, your future;  steal your money, imprison or enslave you/ or anything else we so desire;  and there ain’t nothing you can do about it).

          Ownership means:  The clear and certain authority of democracy,  MUST BE ESTABLISHED, and ENFORCED/ same for all.  No one is ruler, that means redress of grievances a first amendment guaranteed legal right of the US constitution: MUST BE OBEYED.  The reality of redress is: “the most powerful words ever written”/ because the legal right to bring our employees into court, and demand an accounting or investigation DOES prove we the people truly are, “THE OWNERS” here.  But that does mean LEGAL participation/ responsibility/ & decisions to investigate our employees, OR the very extreme and serious threats that can make us all extinct/ the opportunities of TRUE ownership/ etc as we the people:   ARE GOING TO BE DETERMINED BY YOUR VOTE, or YOUR ACTIONS, or  YOUR DECISIONS in the next few weeks.   The filing is/ the laws used/ the brief   and the summary of trial purposes.  Trial 14SC-2 is “your trial for democracy and control”.  Make your decision, because there is nothing else legal, or illegal;   I can or will do for you.  You have a legally guaranteed right:   either use it, or abandon it.  The law is true.

          THE foundation of our democracy as a state and nation is:   that WE THE PEOPLE, are owners here/ there are no rulers/ no religion may rule!   In contrast to that, our employees have created situations and corruptions that fundamentally deny our right to that authority; and give it to the assumptions of university knows.  The US constitution HAS a solution:   its called redress of grievances/ a first amendment law.  In contrast to the claim by the state of IL; that they are “doing their job”/ comes the realities of debt, that only serves a tiny few.  Failure to protect the people even though the evidence of potential terrorism is absolute, and against this entire world.  A failure to confront federal employees in their counterfeiting of money, conspiracy to deny redress; etc.  A failure at very many levels;   “Because our employees,  believe the university knows everything/ and the people can call them “the government”; as is a lie.  That assumption constructs a cult worship: where even though it is clearly known, and removed from court time and time again.   To bring the same fire here as is on the sun/ can in fact make us all extinct!  There is no proof of otherwise.  There is only a blind and extremely foolish assumption:   “Not enough gravity here to sustain the fire; so it will put itself out”.  If that fails/ WE BURN.   Every threat, that possess the potential to destroy billions of lives, and even an entire planet/ or mutilate all life:   BY LAW, must be investigated.  BY LAW, our lives cannot be gambled with.  BY LAW, WE THE PEOPLE DESERVE the right to know,  but all are refused, by all forms of leadership.  When/ how/ what can happen/ what is not known, but merely is an assumption or theory without ANY TRUE facts.  Is nonetheless a reality:  which exists as experimentations that can destroy everything we need, & everything we are.   IS A TRUE THREAT, a reality that can become our extermination. Or the refusal to protect resources we depend upon for our very existence and survival:  is substantively a very traitorous act, by our leaders.  Not the demand they must do as I say, or believe anything I present other than law.  The law: recognizes  the fact, that potential complete extermination of life;   its mutilation of genetic DNA potentially beyond horrors;  for a religious cult called evolution.  The known resources in jeopardy of collapse.  Even the threat of civil war, by the counterfeiting of money.  Or a long line of extinction in nature itself;  that ends in our own demise.  Are all facts that can be investigated:   and are absolutely within  the public right to know/ and in fact  must know, for their own survival.  Gambling at this level: IS OUR DECISION/   NOT, a tiny few;   who claim to be “god (we can, and will gamble with your life/ and there ain’t nothing you can do about it)”.

          This court casefights for redress; as is the law.  Exhibits A, B, C, DThis court case fights for protection from execution by, SAME  fire, as is on the sun: it burns atomic bonds/ because nothing less can produce the energy.   TO INVESTIGATE :   is NOT the assignment, “the court must decide what will happen”!      BUT THE DEMAND: TO INVESTIGATE, WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THESE SCIENTISTS ARE WRONG!    And subsequently protect us all:   when being WRONG, is absolutely our extinction.  Because there are NO second chances.  Once ignition occurs/ once a pandemic is released from species mutilation/ once nature collapses, or our primary resources are completely lost: we die.   Just the facts!

           This court case fights for equal treatment under the law; through democracy:   WE HAVE GUARANTEED RIGHTS.   And does seek the reality of justice, and fair play; including the demand LIFE must always come first/ for this planet.  This case is not less, than any of these things: it is more.   Time is running out 1, 2, 3


          Which brings me to you:   trial date is set:   march 7, 2014 courtroom D   Champaign county courthouse   case # 14SC-2.     THIS IS, the very last “go around”/ last chance anybody gets to interfere with the outcome of all the threats we do face.  Because there just AIN’T enough time left; for any other chance or person to intervene.  Like it or not! 

          This ain’t my war, its OUR war to survive.  If you can’t find some way to support the fact, by a fair and deliberate reality:   THAT WE DO NEED TO INVESTIGATE THESE THREATS.  Then;  I  am done/ because time does run out, and a long court battle that merely delays the inevitable:   “ YOU JUST DIDN’T CARE ENOUGH”.   Isn’t worth the effort/ even if I choose to continue anyway; it will be pointless.  One second too late, and we are all dead.  Not a game, a demand for proof: we won’t die, because our leaders failed/ a damn theory was wrong/ or a blatant curse, to demand evolution must be proven.  Were just plain lies, or worse!

            Not a game;   why should we be their slaves/ as is a debt that cannot be paid (no end);   or an inflation that we do not share in the numbers: “the few,  get it all”. 

                In the definitions that control our lives,    comes the truth: that we did not create the miracles of life which surround us, and keep humanity alive. 

          Chaos, the assumption of the religion called evolution DID NOT create/ chaos only destroys.  Which means thought, discipline, and order, came before anything else called life.  The human reality of this day is a march into chaos, that will end in the destruction of everything; SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE, and its introduction here .  Therefore you, the reader: MUST comprehend an honest and real understanding, “UNLESS we change as a world; from WANT first:   TO LIFE MUST COME FIRST”/ there is no future, for any living thing.  To be wrong, on numerous decisions that gamble with our entire world, and ability to survive;   means we are dead/ no second chances.  As is consistent with the theory: “we can bring the same fire here as is on the sun/ because there is not enough gravity to sustain the fire”.  Even you, can understand; being wrong, is death to this planet.  You know:  That fire burns your skin from 91 million miles away in summer: it burns atomic bonds at 8-10 million degrees F!  We can’t put it out.  One, of the  Experiments going on right now. 


          IF you agree with the purpose of that statement: “life first”/ THEN you have become “a messenger” burdened with the truth:   that we all have a right to know what threatens us.  We all have a right to understand the possibilities and potential of what can be changed, to rebuild our futures.  We all have a duty, to build for hope/ and accept the responsibilities that come with our existence on this planet, in this time; and choose; to work for life first.  There are consequences, to what you do/ or what you do not do.  The reality of greed, the consequences of want, the tragedies of pride and power and destruction: have become a burden nature can no longer overcome.  That DOES mean, our world has changed.  You, are destroying faster than nature can provide.  You, failed to “put anything back/ and you cheat, lie, and steal;  proud of yourselves for that fact; its called revenge/ or they did something, to me first”.  You worship a university that has increasingly threatened not only you, but this entire planet.  Without change: YOU WILL receive your reward, for the decisions made.  Not “GOD” punishing you/ reality and truth establishing, “no more lies, no more mercy”.  You chose!

          In the hope that you will “find your mind, heart, and even soul: and fight for life on this planet” / therefore I continued the work. These sites are provided free, and may be used without restriction.  Take them to your own sites/ change the name; do whatever you consider best, in a battle for life on this planet.  I don’t care: they are “yours”.   Download the html sites so they cannot be taken away.   Support the sites, and each other:   so distribution can be simple and successful; when or if  needed.  I am irrelevant to your decision:   this is YOUR choice/ this is for your world, your child, your future, and even your eternity.  It is not mine, I have made my choice/ and done as duty required.  My job, and my need to participate ends here; because only you, can change yourselves, or your world.

            It is not my job, to bribe/ tempt/ manipulate/ lead/  or control you.  It is your job, to RESPECT YOUR WORLD.  If you continue to refuse:   the duty and responsibility, to use, or understand what has been substantially prepared for you, for free: to defend this world, and protect its life: then simply, YOU deserve to die.  I cannot support that, with continued work/   I have not failed your children, or life;  substantially or on purpose: they do not deserve to die.   Can you say the same?  I HAVE proven to be “a friend, to life”/ not an enemy, or any religious illusion.  I have proven here on these sites, your need to investigate/ examine the evidence/ and decide for yourself.  Simple and plain.

Excerpts from energy Excerpts from Biology
Hope and Love Jesus
Tyranny and Deceit Forums / Chat Room
Freedom & Time Friendships and Rulers
Heart and Mind The Majority

          It is, a fair and legitimate purpose, to remember on this Christmas day/ that the primary reality of gifts given to humanity by   JESUS,   was the constant that is hope.  The difference between the insane and those who do better; is hope!

          Therefore precious are the moments that understand, the value of our existence remembers: the foundation of respect that is consistent with our own lives, whether that respect comes from ourselves, others, or just the reality we are living, breathing miracles.  Respect for the fact, that because   JESUS   identified the simple truth, that we are more than we appear to be; brings a whole new meaning to all life on earth.  The illumination of love, as is epitomized by    JESUS   himself/ grants unto our lives, a new depth of understanding, wherein “I AM ALIVE”;   becomes an entirely different reality, than before HE came.

          Our relationship to courage, the essence of any reality that costs someone his or her life in small steps or one single moment that cannot be regained; lives inside our own decision, to accept eternity can include “me”.   JESUS identified with eternity, established it in hope, constructed the details on what that destiny would become.  Completed the work, and assigned the possibilities of every future human being:   to be as you would have others be unto you.  That is truly NOT, what men teach each other;   unless they have truly been influenced either directly or indirectly by the knowledge that   JESUS   lived. 

          It is fair and legitimate to suggest, prior to HIS day;   the world of men, and the reality of women had far less hope.  It is honest and truthful to suggest:   that even more, “I will get even with you, for your failure to respect me; as is revenge, and the spiral of descent that becomes hate. If you fail to stop it/ does consume many.”  Forgiveness, tolerance, a purpose beyond self, a desire beyond survival, and the obedience to more than religion; all appear in those who accept:   “OUR GOD,   is a loving FATHER to us all/ and desires our presence with HIM in eternity”.   JESUS gave that, to this world.  That hope, saves us from ourselves:     To sink only inside, shut out the world;  and search no where but within self; for life.

          Life is a journey constructed of passions to stay alive/ to search for happiness/ and to understand the blessing of heart is, to share and care about our relationship with   GOD.   Love is a destiny conceived by the willingness to change within ourselves; so that we may indeed be, what someone else needs us to be/ and they in return, find the treasure that is “our love”.  Love is, a true decision;  made with your soul, when it is real/ made with your heart, when it is substantial/ and made with your mind and body, if you are trying your best, to become more than you are alone.  Love is, participating in “miracles”;   such is the truth, of all that can behave without the cloak of selfishness.  Love is, a relationship chained to truth; so that trust, and the ties that bind us to each other can be formed.  Love is, “the rhythms of our soul united, in the grace and beauty of time forgotten; I am yours/ and you are mine”.

          These are some of the blessings granted by one single man called    JESUS,   who lived over 2,000 years ago!  REMEMBERED, because the words HE left behind are still relevant today.  The reality of love, sacrifice, courage, respect, relationships, possibilities, honor, true discipline, and a balanced soul all still say:   more than any other man who ever lived.  HE was “a miracle, beyond miracles”.  A life to be “followed”.  Following means: to understand, we desire the same destination, and are willing to work for the same realities and purposes of life. 

          Of the many changes brought to this world by   JESUS   one of the most important was to establish, by things such as healing that simply cannot be duplicated:   are the words, we are not abandoned by our Creator.  We are not simply Created, and that is all.  Instead, the potential called an eternity with   GOD,   exists as more than a hope, if you accept   JESUS   as more than just a man.  So the question is:   HOW was   JESUS   able to do the things that HE did do/ and WHY would that matter over two thousand years later? 

          We begin with all religions are basically disciplines established by stories; that identify something humanity needs to learn/ which are then embellished by men to become what they want life, control, relationships, fate, etc;  to be.  So we ask are the stories true, or have they been embellished to the point of “toxic waste”.  The answer relies upon the essence of love, as does exist throughout the biblical new testament.  As love is not toxic when true, and forgiveness is not a waste when it is honest and sincere: the stories remain valid and valuable, or a testament to our own individual human stories.  Consequently they need not be considered “religious” on their own.  Rather they are teaching tools, that identify the quest:   to be more inside, than simply a heart that survives.  That does matter over two thousand years later.  To understand life is neither simple, nor defined by want, power, or pride is a very real difference than simply being human.  So the values that begin the translation from time into eternity, are constructed by the stories we refer to as the new testament/ through the singular life that is JESUS as called the CHRIST.  As to how did he heal so many people and do the rest of what is described, that story begins; in the purity of his own heart.  To communicate with or within the spiritual world, requires it/ there is no other way.  So then if you believe in spirit/ it is fair to say, “the level of purity, that was spiritually alive in JESUS”   Cannot be matched.  The reality of spirit and soul, that is not only a relationship with OUR CREATOR AND HIS CREATION;   but the sanctity and blessings that understand through purity, all that this creation can be.  If you are the builder (or HIS apprentice) / then you do know, or will learn;  where and how to correct any consequences that may arise.

          So then we enter into the discussion of spirit, soul, life, and thought; as the opportunity to learn the values of a life called    JESUS.  Or more simply, “why was HE alone, pure enough; to participate beyond this time/ and yet remain within this time; to teach”?   We begin with the sacrifice that was HIS crucifixion.

          What does it take, to willingly decide:   “I will allow, a horrible death/ even though it is NOT what I would choose for myself”?  The answer is:   duty has called!   Or more simply: to refuse the fight, and its conclusion means, “a far greater crisis will arise” for all the rest, called friend.  Or more simply as the Christian religion states;   HE did not die for himself/ anyone who can do what is described of his life in time, “HAD options”.  But purity has a price too, and reality knows, “without that sacrifice, HIS story would fall short of teaching humanity how truly corrupted they had become”.  Or failed the grace (to understand without words) needed to understand: that we are included, if we so choose, in the possibilities called eternal love.

          Which then brings to question: what does it mean, “if we so choose”?  Certainly not as religion suggests;   “Just simply throw a little money in the pot for us/ claim for an hour in church or other that you are not like the others; and presto, everything is done for you.  Got an eternity in the bag, or the box;   didn’t have to do nothing.”    As all religions (owned by men) do, embellished to the point of ridiculous, in order to get more money, power, pride, and acceptance among the majority.  In the entire story of    JESUS   , where does it suggest any such thing?  It does not.

          Instead the quest is for purity inside yourself/ but not perfection, because it is absolutely unattainable in this life.  Which means we will none of us, ever measure up:   therefore only mercy itself can answer the call “for our soul to belong to   GOD”.   Mercy is, the explanation: that I have done the best I could do/ have repented and thereby changed as best life or the reality of my own choices would permit; covering over bad choices, with proof, I now make better choices and have abandoned the old way.   Simply choosing today, to depend upon you:  “to be   GOD “ over me.  That is what “knocking on the door of eternity” actually means.

          Every quest, is a decision:   understanding there will be hardship and sacrifice of want/ for the reality of a new life, in a different way.  The quest for eternity is then identified by the decision:   what is your god?  The answer for most is very simple:   “Their god is want/ pride/ and power, which includes revenge”.  None of these are eternal/ all of these lack value, or a purpose identified by love.  Therefore we know, that the majority of humanity cannot come into eternity as they are/ which does mean: to attain eternity; YOU must choose a new life, rather than simply a human life as depicted above in want, pride, power, and revenge.

          The values that are honored with the possibility of eternal love, in   GOD’S own universe of existence:   are clearly written and described by the biblical new testament where it is written of    JESUS   “As best they did or could do”.  The question that arises is:   HOW can you speak for   GOD / who are you, to even suggest an interpretation?   The answer is:   I do not speak for    GOD;    My interpretation presented here is merely conceived by the understanding, if we isolate JESUS life and time into one single purpose;   it is love.  Therefore I say to you, that love is the answer to the question that identifies eternity.  It can be expanded by the reality of our own lives: which is do you choose to “live with” someone who loves you/ or hates you?  Is not hate cast “outside” the entire environment of your existence, if that were possible for you. 

          But love itself is a two-edged sword.  If you love someone who uses, abuses, disrespects, or even hates you/ it will only bring agony and loss.  Therefore it is necessary, that whosoever you love, MUST love you back; at least to a minimum degree, or it will be a tragedy instead of friendships that can be healed.  So the question of eternity is:   what does love mean to you/ and do you value   GOD   , and JESUS who taught us this simple path;  even a little?

          It is singular, to the view of what eternity can be;   to understand that “Noah’s flood” did in fact occur and the earth is full of evidence that this is so.  By the consequence of “fossil fuels”/ we know that flood existed; because there is in fact no other possibility for the burying of large amounts of plant and animal life some thousands of feet deep; as has been proven in this day.  It was a world filled with life; so says the evidence called fossil fuels.  And   GOD   did say, HE would never do this again.  Which means simply, “that the bar for our own existence has been lowered”/ or the reality of what eternity can mean for us, has been changed to “levels of love, and distances separating corruption away from the purity that is   GOD OUR CREATOR”.  Instead of “all or nothing”.  Therefore “steps arise” to alter our own individuality, and give us the freedom within ourselves to choose: what eternity does mean to us; as love.  In a time and place as humanity; to establish and work through the values and treasures of what life itself will prove.  To understand what corruption means, and choose the purity you are able to sustain/ because that is, your personal choice.


          It is fundamental for life here in time to assist in the understanding of sexuality:   or more simply, the body you inhabit is your own, and you may do with it as you please/ so long as you accept the price is yours as well.  Because too many believe, “they can be god, over someone else here”; it is not so.  It is noted in biblical testimony, that   JESUS   traveled with 7 women, who all slept in the same tent with HIM;   while the disciples slept in a circle surrounding the tent, and became jealous.  That can then be read in a wide variety of ways; but it is fundamental to note, “it is basically written; to heal others   JESUS took the problems unto himself/ and then cast that away”.  Consequently his own purity was challenged “every second of the day”.  It can be, those women provided comfort, and a calming heart;   by sharing miracles established by   GOD .  It can also be interpreted;   that the disciples were going to have too much to do in the coming years to entertain family.  But today their work is done; or more simply the testimony of time grants men and women should “work together”; for the sake of each other.  Sexuality is not a sin, for two adults of the opposite sex who choose it, “honestly for love, or simple aid (I fear for your heart, your courage to face the day or night) of another” together.  But make no mistake sexuality can be a quagmire; even if its purpose is “pure enough”.  While;   Using someone for personal sexual purposes or endangering their love, life, or their body by what you chose;   IS a sin.   Each must say: this body is my own personal possession/ and only I may choose its destiny.  Therefore if you use it for perverted purposes, I have no concept of judgment, its your life and your eternity; simple as that.  However it is also true, in terms of homosexuality;  that according to the purity of design that does exist as the example of what   GOD   did intend to create/   you have corrupted that design.  As to the reality of lesbian; I am not a woman, and consequently offer no conception of critical purposes therein.  Nonetheless ownership of your own body also means, for the majority:  A “marriage sex right” does NOT extend to control over another/ but it is also true;   they then have no right of control over you.  Granting someone else the possibilities you have refused. Each gets only one life in time/ it is your right to do with it as you please;  so long as you intentionally hurt no one else.   RESPECT controls every relationship/ if respect fails, so does every relationship.  Truth identifies if you can be trusted or not/ without trust there is no bond, where there is no bond/ there is no true love.  Be honest with yourself, and every other person in your life;   this is not a game.   Life is your only chance to identify and create “the substance, the decisions,  and thereby the reality;  of you”.

          The realities and relationships that determine the physical or spiritual possibilities of eternity, are already translated in these sites if you look.


          We turn to the realities of this day, and the question:   can we all die, as a planet?  The essence of that statement is fundamentally answered in the listing of threats;   not only can we die, without true change we will die as an entire planet soon.  That fundamentally initiates as a possibility with the production of weapons of mass destruction.  Came to visit our reality as a planet as the potential consequence called the Cuban Missile Crisis; wherein “we really can die as a planet”/ could not be dismissed. And functionally has grown astronomically in size of threat ever since.  Not a question anymore/ just a matter of time.

          The prophecy called Daniel 12 establishes the date at roughly September 2015; it could be narrowed to an individual date, but why bother/ that is absolutely irrelevant.  As any realistic amount of reading on these sites will inform: that is because the “great abomination is the single worst decision humanity can make”/ and it is to bring the same fire here as is on the sun; “a lake of fire, covering the entire earth”.  Enters the national ignition facility.  We absolutely cannot put it out, it is a fire that burns atomic bonds; the things that hold atoms together.  Making our entire planet fuel.  1290 days later is the expected completion date of the extreme laser infrastructure;   whose rated power is said to be   “One million/ one trillion volt lightning bolts” all hitting the same place at the same time.  And they have three all under construction, placed to multiply that effect into 3 million/ one trillion volt lightning bolts all hitting the same place at the same time.  With a fourth having twice the power due soon after.  The secondary number of Daniel is about 40 days later, which will prove to be roughly the length of time required to eject the entire atmosphere of this planet. A pillar of flame rising at 10 million degrees F/ has a lot of force.  So not only can we die as a planet, the tools, the work, the decision, and the realities assigned to make that happen are already here, or being built.


          It can be said, that HOPE is the single most important gift, that   JESUS gave to this world.  It is also noted, that with change in the human heart and mind;   we can potentially survive all that threatens us in this time; therefore hope remains for a short time more.   Beyond that date, when all hope dies, comes the prophecy called HELL.  Within the reality comes the consequence of mutilating and crucifying nature as is DNA; apparently you are tired of a body that works, a face that is happy and whole, balanced, disciplined, ordered, and alive because we want to be.  Selecting instead: to intentionally choose, the horror released upon this earth called Armageddon, or its definition:  nature in chaos.  Which is exactly what the evolutionary priests, and their university cults;  are trying to do.  Hardly a game, life or death for an entire world of living bodies and minds.  The apocalypse can be found too; in the extreme theft of government employees, particularly the USA; against their own people.  Counterfeiting and bribery does have consequences.  Do any more matter?



          So we turn to the realities of religion to find, “what do you believe”?  The answer is: they believe the university is god as well as the majority/ accepting NO conclusion as to any of the threats which confront us other than “the university knows what it is doing”.  Even though, gambling with this entire planet and all its life;    in so many ways is absolutely clear.  Not even the reality of bringing the same fire here as is on the sun can shake them.  Not even the reality of depending entirely upon the theory “that there is not enough gravity here to sustain the fire once ignited/ so it will just put itself out”.  When they don’t even know what gravity is, and actually do admit to that.  How can the words:   “Religious cult” not be applied;   to university is god/ it knows everything.   When being wrong, is the end of all life on earth. 

          On the other side of that line is:   religions have long been suspicious of me. Are they not controlled by “the university diploma” as well!  The majority:   Believing according to their “great leaders” that anyone coming to help life survive, or more correctly inform  life on earth has been threatened with extermination; with,  here’s the evidence.   Thereby  “the enemy” is/ clearly from satan by their own decisions, your university and a percentage whose only desire is to deliberately destroy life and planet.   “I” on the other hand, by confronting university delusions, fantasies, illusions, failures, foolishness, and outright terrorism;   am Not to be trusted on any count, simple and plain.  Because “I, and NOT” a member of your cult, “university knows/ it is our god”.

           Within that sentiment;   I do strongly contend, it is NOT my job to save you.  NOT my job to make you understand, there is nothing I can do to exterminate you. But that is obviously NOT TRUE for the university, and the traitors called government employees, the media, and others:  who do absolutely refuse to inform, and let the public decide for themselves:    If university should be allowed to gamble with all life on earth.  They contend strongly, even though it is your lives, your child, your world, your bodies and food and water and oxygen:    YOU DON’T HAVE A CHOICE/ they are rulers and gods over you!   Thereby making the case:   if the information I bring (warning you to change this reality)  is your  enemy/ then who is your friend?

          I am not your leader.  YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF CHANGING YOURSELVES/ investigating yourselves/ examining the evidence/ and deciding for yourselves if you can or will accept “the obvious fate” that these realities shall bring: or CHANGE.  That does make you, the judge and jury making the decision: whether life on earth shall survive or become extinct.  That fact does establish: you are now on trial as a planet.  Not a game, reality proves you cannot survive the tragedies coming.  The future is dead, without true change.  That is the unfortunate reality, of the message given to me.  To give to you/ even if you continue to refuse to hear it;    Truth does not care what you want, or need, or any tears you have to cry: truth does what it does/ it is what it is.   Simple and plain!

          My purpose, nor my desire, nor is the intent of this message to take away your hope.  Rather as is the warning,   “Without true change” DOES establish hope through that change.  Even though it is very late, and significantly troubling that you have refused to hear, what reality and truth both command:   is absolutely necessary that you do understand.  That has nothing to do with me, as I did try to communicate with you, the evidence proves we are in trouble:   for  over roughly 40 years.  None, but a very tiny few “cared at all”/ just too busy being greedy, or in fear.

HOPE, the elemental need!


          Little is more important to the mental health of every person on earth, than is hope.  Hope means:   I have nothing to fear, from the future/ my life, will be “ok”....../ even if things go wrong.

          The truth of hope is, that we cannot attain this reality, as a disciplined example of truth; unless we surrender our lives, to     GOD   !  That ends the conflict, of how will I survive, or be happy/ and presents peace.

          The consequence of hope is:   To ascend beyond ourselves in the essence of love itself, is to find the place inside our lives that knows not what measurement or judgment means; and accept Creation itself, as our guide. To ascend beyond “myself”; requires entry into the miracle of life itself.

          Love is, a participation; that gives us both the honor and sensibilities of a life beyond time.  Beyond time means: I have accepted miracles prove the existence of   GOD / thereby, in the essence of love that is true and present in all these life forms by their abilities and freedoms; it is true, I know not what the future will be.  But it is also true, that wherever the strongest evidence of love is exhibited/ there too, will be mercy.  It is true, that the life called   JESUS   presents us all, with a choice:   to believe in that love & mercy,  expecting that eternity is real/ or not.  There is no middle ground, which means either you will accept mercy or death in whatever form you wish, is either a destiny (I chose, because of what I understood)  or your fate (I failed to choose, because I believed only in want, pride, or power).

          Love is, a description that gives us life/ the possibility to feel “ALIVE”; rather than simply existence.  It is, “a true miracle” as well/ the difference is extra-ordinary.  Existence gives us all, the ability to understand we do have choices that must be made; that becomes a burden for many, a tragedy for some, and cause to demand power, manipulation, and control over the rest for the proud.  The consequence is grievous for society, as these are the hinge points (the decision swings one way or the other, without notice) of violence and hate.  To know that you are alive instead of simply existence; gives us everything there is called value, apart from simple existence and therein survival.  Being alive means:   I have become a participant in miracles, and in life; accepting eternity shall be mine/ not because I have earned any such thing; but because love and mercy will provide the door beyond heart, where soul enters in.  Soul is our relationship with   GOD !  It is neither more or less.  Therefore to understand and know what being alive truly means;   does require you to belong to   GOD   by forming a relationship with the life within you.

          There are three things necessary to know, regarding time, life, and body.  The first is, that time has no function but to measure and give you the opportunity to create your own identity; the mind participates, but does not own this decision:  heart and soul do!   Life, is the essence of freedom recognized by the reality of thought, as thought gives us that ability; as nothing else can.  Life is then a journey described by the thoughts we are allowed or able to create for ourselves.  These things fundamentally describe our participation as heart/ or failed.   Body is the translation of all that we decide to do with our time, our existence, our heart, and our identity.  It is functionally the description of our soul in time.  Or more simply, if you are alive inside; that shows!  Or, if you are dying or even dead by the disease called hate inside/ that shows as well.  Those who try to live in the middle, accepting love/ but wanting hate or revenge at times; have failed to make a decision for their eternity.  That is a terrible thing to do; for you.

          Hope participates in life by explaining mercy means: we need not be perfect/ a requirement considering no one is perfect, “clearly true”.  We all make mistakes with other life/ with other lives, and they must endure us; just like we must endure them, and go on.  Consequently mercy is required of each of us as well.  Considering we desire and expect mercy for ourselves/ it is no less true, that love shares mercy from our lives to others in our own way.  Love is not foolish or blind!  Love is kind, honest, and true to the journey called society as well as self, family, and more.  Which does mean: when judgment is necessary/ the law must own the right to intervene; rather than you.  You must care enough to insure justice, fair play, and equality exist as well:   as the law, and those given the job of enforcing it.  Human law is NOT fair/ rarely just/ and shows little in terms of equality;   because want/ pride/ and power, currently rule this world.  Therefore every reality that is subject to investigation, the examination of evidence, and the decision of society itself:   as a reality of the treatment, or the decisions that we would expect for ourselves.  Demands the courage, to intervene for life; where that is justified.   Consequently we hope in each other/ as well as in eternity through   GOD ! 

          HOPE examines us, to determine our participation in thought, love, mercy, courage, truth, life, and the acceptance of    GOD   ; as the existence called reality within us.  To have faith, all these shall be known.  HOPE investigates the level and potential of all we care about.  All that makes us translate our lives, as beyond time itself;   therein a participant in eternity, even while we live here on earth.  Where value fails in the essence and reality of life/   you failed your life.  Where and when life, as is this entire creation comes first; in the reality of that statement value is certain, and caring will come.  The question of eternity is:   WHY, would we be allowed to enter?  The answer is:   just as we find value in the lives that share and care and love with us/ so too, is that same relationship with life itself, valued in eternity.

          The question: HOW do we know eternity exists?  The answer is:   assembled within the truth, no possibility exists, “that we created ourselves/ or anything about this creation”.  We absolutely did not!  That is the truth/ contrary to other religions such as evolution, and its tragedy for those who are so foolish as to believe their insanity; and absolute shameful ignorance.  It is impossible to build a life “one piece at a time”/ what DON’T you need in or about your body; and they don’t even allow you a brain, until “everything else is built”.  You have robots/ do they work without “software (something which commands do this/ or do not, and how)”?  Ask someone who knows, and then ask them if they work without the umbilical cords/ people to build them/ find resources/ etc.  Look at what you are;   a body that builds itself/ a body that lives on very little in terms of what it needs to survive/ a life that gives you choices; etc/ etc/ etc.  None of that exists, without thought.  It is thought itself, that presents life to us, and identifies the possibilities and participation.  Therefore it is thought itself, wherein life itself does live, along with energy.  Thought is not simply tied to body or mind; because life is not either/ consequently we die. 

          Life, is tied too the march called time/ wherein we are literally required “to go forward”:   or be left behind, to experience sorrow (I was wrong) and sadness (it seems, nothing can fix this); or I have no future in happiness, I am lost.  When we fail to participate adequately, we fall behind.  If you then confront the cause/ accept a solution that is fundamentally aware of what the problems truly are:   then you will gain acceptance and enter a “new time period” which does give you participation at a greater level.  That may or may not include religion; as these are primarily disciplinary actions, that are intended to erect “a new you”.  If you do not confront the cause of why you feel left behind in the march of humanity on earth/ then you will determine al alternate route; claiming among other things that “sex, food, body image, intellect or its expectation, laziness, and so on” will be your new direction and they will entertain you instead of life itself.

           Life in time;  is “the directional stability” required to ascend from existence, into the elevations called thought. Thought assembles every aspect of life itself/ every value/ every deliberate decision/ every attempt, that includes joy or the presence of   CREATION in you.  These make you understand, express, and experience   I AM ALIVE! 

          Life itself is;   a participation in soul/ what cannot be attained, without   GOD   ! 

          Hope then confronts us all, as the acceptance:   there will be joy, “for me too”.  Hope defends our existence, as the right/ reason/ respect/ truth/ disciplines/ courage/ honor & integrity/ definitions, and directional decisions that build the structures of our choice.  Therefore what you choose to be;   is the true essence of your life.  How successful you are at erecting that structure, based upon the levels of work, reality, direction, and elementally the choices you have made;   decides the consequences of your eternity.  So say, and will always say; “there is no eternity”/ because then, “they can be their own god”; as is constant among the religion called evolution.  Little is more absurd!  We are miracles of life, without the slightest possibility “we DID NOT build ourselves, or any part of this creation”.  As humans, we are the single most destructive element in all of creation/ nothing does worse, than humanity.  How is that, “an element of creation itself”?  Nothing fits, as a consequence “humans being gods” does not exist here;  in any form but “devil, or satan”. 

          The alternative to that is: that we can and do, build ourselves, as an independent identity chosen only by the decisions we have built within our lives, and proven by our participation in time.  Or, we are “god over ourselves”/ but nothing else.  The alternative to that is:   without soul, a relationship accepted with our CREATOR; as identified by the search that reveals miracles and realities beyond ourselves/ we will never conceive of anything close to real love, value, or life.  Consequently we must surrender “god over ourselves”/ and learn to begin our relationship with destiny; is created by heart.  Heart means: “I choose, to be the best I can be/ in the essence of love, honor, and respect”.   Heart means: “I have chosen, that life as creation itself, MUST come before,  I”.

          Hope identifies the essence of thought itself, as we begin the journey beyond time into destinies which can only be created as a participation in thought and energy.  Your identity designed by you, establishes direction, purpose, and desire/ the consequence of those things becomes either renewed life; because thought is the essence of life itself.  Or it becomes the alternate consequence called fate; wherein what you chose, has “ended there”.  Everything else, that is the potential for life ends in dissipation; because you chose nothing of true value/ or you did not fully commit to hate.  Love and hate identify the foundation environments of thought itself; they are opposites/ consequently they cannot and do not live “together”.  In the purity of life, without death itself.  There are levels of love/ realities of purity/ consequences of an identity that refused to grow or participate in respect/ purposes that cannot conceive of more than what humanity is/ desires that are limited to body and mind/ and love without true acceptance, because you were afraid.  All of which identify the decisions that build, or fail true life beyond time.  There is no going back, dead is the dissipation of body and mind. But there is mercy, for those who can conceive or deserve “a second chance” without the tragedy of people who hate/ or the consequences of a body or mind that failed you.  That is primarily in time for the vast majority/ but it is also a possibility in “heaven”; for    GOD !  Thought can do, what nothing else can.   GOD    Can do anything, but make you love/ that is entirely your decision, because it requires your own “heart”.


          In the realities of this life, hope exists in dating as well/ in marriage, etc.  In dating, once the decision is made, “I could live with this person, and desire it”; hope becomes “alive”.  In my past, my own need to do this work, “to establish we are threatened, and MUST accept the responsibilities required for our survival, and for this planet, its nature, and all that has value”; regardless of the cost. A reality, dedicated to every life on earth, not just a few.  In dating:  Simply demanded I cannot stay.  Want then arises, and tears flow, when it cannot be.  So much so, that the price of dating at all; simply becomes too high.  The consequence being: that too search for someone who can “live a lifetime” with you, and you them; requires more than just hope, reality searches with you.  The essence of love shared, has value;   but it is also capable of releasing a need so strong, “chains reach out”.  What is “female learned” in me, now recognizes this is similar to the demands of pregnancy/ a reality that cannot be dismissed, when sex is allowed. That confronts women in particular, because their body can and does do, whatever it demands/ regardless of true personal decisions.  That fact distinctly contributes to make us very different, as male or female.   Even so, Love cannot be chained, it is expressed only in the openness of heart, and the freedoms of soul. The only answer is then “put   GOD   first”.  Which means simply:   let the very best of your own love remain in    GOD, anything less can tear at your own soul.  As to dating, the truth is it doesn’t matter if you are “beautiful or not”;   because even the beautiful (inside or out) are sometimes lonely; in as far as human relationships go.  Dating is hard, because the majority don’t care;   they shop, or just want (want is, the foundation of every lie) what they want, and that includes using you for sex. Every woman would say to man sexually: do not love your penis or my body/ LOVE ME!  Every man would say to woman sexually: do not use me for what you want/ we do this together, I don’t owe, we share:   if its not prostitution.  None can search, if it is impossible to say: even if I love you;   “My life, is headed in a different direction than yours”.

          Marriage illuminates the truth, that our lives are intertwined; and if we cannot walk together for the same purpose, and with a similar desire: then we will both be unhappy.  Because every journey has a cost.  Hope becomes completely dependent upon trust.  Trust is completely dependent upon truth.  The loss of hope, becomes depression; and that leads to the collapse of disciplines necessary to maintain identity as it has been chosen to be.  Marriage fails then, because respect dies.  Respect here means:   I have given all I can give, and still survive as I am.  Respect includes, “love me sexually as well, for who I am/ not for who you believe you want”.  Disrespect here means: it is not enough/ I want, what I want, and it is not this journey. Disrespect includes men who only believe sex is about rubbing their penis, for as long as they can; that is simply using or abusing “woman”. Disrespect includes: “I can get/ or will get what I want, through sex”.  Without respect every relationship fails! The foundation called love can remain regardless; because that, is determined by your own heart, and their’s.  If you are not listening to each other however, acceptance will die.  The consequence being: even if love exists, it is not enough to determine a lifetime together/ there must be common ground, a definable purpose, and a shared desire; where and when, one or the other cannot walk away from their own decisions. That is a discipline, defined by grace/ or distracted by want. I was married for two years, she tried hard the first year, I did not/ too determined, to make this walk for life on earth, from a very early age.  I tried hard the second year, she did not/ too determined to find what she wanted for her lifetime, “more than love: without trust, love cannot be shared”.  Love and trust walk together in truth, when combined honestly and with respect;  an openness that invites sexuality combines to search for happiness in, and for us (not, just you); even if just for these moments.

           An unfortunate consequence, potentially related to my marriage: her family never heard from her again, “its complicated”.  I lost track of her a couple years later; and no one between us, knows if she is still alive or not.  A fact that tears at her dad.  An unfortunate consequence to me, “I had expected, surely this won’t take more than ten years of my life”/ but you would have nothing of that.  Instead of responding to our world, our lives, our nature is in trouble: every single one in that day chose, “I WANT, what I WANT/ and I won’t hear of anything else; give me what I WANT, or be discarded in the trash!”  Or they just ran away from facts, realities, and proven truths.  Fools, failures, devils, and the disease of university diploma has now set you at death’s door/ and you followed them like sheep.

           All saying, I have an excuse:   “I cannot change this world myself/ no one listens to me;  I have no power to control anything”.  SO IT AIN’T MY FAULT/ and I don’t have to do NOTHING!

          THEREFORE, on these sites, 40 years after its beginning;  I have corrected for you all those excuses; with truth, law, democracy, and understanding  you can change this world today!  It is a true CHOICE!  You have your independent vote; not a vote for someone to vote for you.  But your own vote:  if you choose to create the laws that govern us all, by real democracy for yourselves.  Which is power and control; work for it.  That means, there are no more excuses, and whatever comes of this earth from this point on IS YOUR FAULT.  Because you do have to do something/ or the planet and all life will be exterminated.  One second too late, and your decisions matter no more. 

          The future is simple to conceive of:    You WILL choose what is important “for life on this earth SHALL come first”/ and money will be abandoned as ruler of your lives.  Or you will fail and die as a planet.  Not a game/ not a hard concept;   you DO understand.  Play time is over.  The disgrace of a university diploma destroying everything it touches is over.  Your excuses have now failed, and it is absolutely up to you as WE THE PEOPLE, to save this earth!  So says the evidence, by its truth.   I am NOT the question, I am NOT the excuse/ I am merely the messenger:   change or die.

          The elemental measure and meaning of hope, understands that one final chance to form human life on earth around the single absolute necessity required of us all:   called RESPECT!  Is functionally about accepting the message: if you refuse to change/ this planet will die.  There is no reason to believe that has not been done.  Those who hold the message in “their hands now”; will decide beyond the restraints of government employees, media, or other if the rest of the world deserves to be told.  It is NOT “my job”.  My job, was to establish the possibility you could still have another chance:   to accept LIFE MUST COME FIRST, FOR THIS ENTIRE PLANET!   No more want/ no more power/ no more pride/ no more “money owns it all”!   As best you can:   truth must rule.

          To aid in this;   “A full course meal” of words, realities, knowledge, understanding, and substantive wisdom has been completed so as to give this humanity every possible chance NOT TO FAIL,    LIFE!

          But the reality of our existence is the freedom to be wrong.  Honesty is required to be “correct”!  Happiness is more than want, and always has been.  Truth cannot be denied, without consequences.  And so on.  Or more simply: whether you survive the consequences of those who lead you, and the reality of your own decisions: IS ENTIRELY UP TO YOU!   Because nearly every threat we face as a planet is ENTIRELY MAN-MADE.

          Those who rule you, will continue to demand they rule/ not you.  But truth states:   you will choose democracy by its own truth, “I vote for myself/ on the law that leads our society; and no longer simply vote for someone to vote for me.”   Or you will fail, because your leaders did lead you to the edge of extinction/ and they cannot continue as they are.  Truth MUST lead; the values and consequences recognized;  that sustain our lives and planet, and all of nature itself.

          The children must work for themselves, even if it is against their parents desire to keep “everything the same”.  They won’t survive, so they do have an absolute right to defend their own lives: HELP THEM.  The women have a right to assemble together, and find a new way for this world; because they have had little say throughout history/ and this is life or death/ horrors and hell;   or blessings;  for them too.  It is fallacy, to follow!  Investigate/ examine the evidence as best you can/ and make your own decision!  You owe it, to life/ and yourself!

          So ends all the base line work required for you to establish and defend the change that is absolutely necessary for you to do.  Ending every excuse!  YOU DO, “have your chance to survive”!  No exceptions.  No claims of superiority for any religion or its members.  Either work for THIS CREATION OF LIFE/ this planet called earth:   or be remembered in eternity for what you chose not to do!  It is a “simple concept”/ and    YOU DO,   understand it!

          I am not your savior.  I am not your leader.  I am not your enemy.  I am NOT your excuse.  I am not the difference between whether you will live or die/ if I die, that is no excuse for you.  Do the best you can/ and understand, nobody gets to play god;    The choices humanity makes for itself, as life or death for this planet:   will govern us all.  Those decisions have nothing to do with me/ its YOUR choice!  Other than the fact I delivered this message;   its “just a job”/ my reward is “this gift of time”;    how is the same not true for you?

          I have worked for life/ let no one tell you different; even though I am far from perfect/ barely adequate at best:   it is still, the best I did do; establishing my  clear and deliberate purpose “for life first, on this planet called earth”.  Your turn now!   A fact you cannot doubt.  A reality you cannot escape, or hide from, or run away from:   because this entire planet is threatened, and that means, “you too”!  Whether you like that fact or not, is absolutely irrelevant: this is our truth, as life on this planet.     CHOOSE!  Because there are no second chances/ this is it; believe that or not.  Too much damage already exists/ too many threats are near coming true; destroying your life/ your home/ your child/ everything you value; everything we can be/ and all hope.   Life or death, IS NOW, or never again on earth!  How is that NOT your concern, OR DUTY?

          As has been true for me, is true for you as well: there is NO POSSIBILITY of changing this world by yourself/ it just won’t happen; others must join and establish the simple words called     WE THE PEOPLE, demand this, our right to protect and defend our world;   shall be.

          I do warn you, as was a major obstruction to me:   that force cannot accomplish anything but war/ as history proves endlessly.  War is not a friend/ it is a last desperate measure, when all else has failed.  The ways of women are:   that together we can insist upon the law must rule.  As a democracy true, and honest to its purpose of “guaranteed rights”; that initial legal right is REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.  MAKE, that law be obeyed!    We can take control of this world, and change it as life first, needs our existence to be.  World law removes the excuse for weapons of mass destruction and many more.  Demanding the currency available shall be dependent upon the population count.  Demanding limited capitalism will prove, “we do control our world; and can from this day forward be established as friends”/ rather than simply the competition.  Everything forward requires COURAGE.   Find some/ or you die.

            Disciplines, are the measure we apply to ourselves.  Or, more simply the critical relationship we share between what we need to survive, and what or who we believe we are or can be.  The majority want everything, and as a consequence lie continually about themselves.  The reality being:   every need is a motion of the body or mind toward the directional mass, that constructs our ability to survive.  The body has a mass that must be maintained chemically, which is why we eat.  That chemistry must contain the necessary complex components, or it is worthless to the living essence we call body; which is basically why we eat creatures as well as plants; “its simpler”.  The mental mass is a complex component that requires the necessary parts and pieces to survive as well.  Making the mind a separate element tied to the first, or body component: by a need to keep both alive and healthy. 

          Since the basic formula for keeping the body living, is understood/ the purpose of this writing is assigned to the mental disciplines that make us feel worth living.  Or, more simply;   if you do understand, that your life is not a game; and the people you participate with are not your enemies:   then you have achieved a level of peace most don’t attain.

          It is the game people play, that is most destructive to the human element of our existence.  Both body and mind are assembled to measure our relationship with time/ our humanity, the third element of our existence is dedicated to what we do, or do not create as the truth we provide to sustain our individual identity, or truth.  Body and mind are assembled by nature: the genetic construction of every living creation that is being mutilated, crucified, and played with as if it were a toy today; by the worthless, or more correctly “the satanic: we can destroy you all”.  But our humanity is different, in that we alone are responsible for what we accept as our own identity.  We are required to accept the environmental impacts of other people, realities, truths, and things that will or do interfere in our lives, making them better or worse without our direct consent, or in a relationship to that consent.  Such as is love, or hate.

          Volumes of words beyond number, have been written about love and hate; but none have truly captured the essence of it; that I am aware.   Apart from the biblical account of the new testament, which does make us aware:   there is a true and significant difference between what we can choose, and what we can or did do.  The critical question is discipline, or the movement in a directional confrontation with our individual journey to collect and create all that can be measured individually, versus  all that confines us, to the boundaries and purposes of a desire that is beyond simply ourselves.  Or more clearly, time gives us the choice to measure our lives by what we experience and express as a body, what we mentally choose as pleasure or pain.  Or our individual humanity,  gives us the opportunity to create a disciplined expression of love or hate. Hate accomplishes revenge or destruction or its intent!  LOVE seeks the essence of heart, which is to belong as a participant in creation itself.  Creation means:   to identify what cannot exist without love or thought, or the means to accomplish that goal.  Thereby we do understand, that both love and heart require participation to survive, and thought to identify those who love us.  Within thought, we hear the essence of every heartbeat (the sound of our soul, walking in time), we cherish the reality of every decision expressed for love as its true desire (the heart of our existence,  shared), and we accomplish our individuality for the purposes of life (to belong, and to participate,  beyond ourselves). 

          The common humanity not willing to surrender any want, chooses to make life a game/ thereby participating in the competition to get everything you can get, regardless of how.  That makes punishment arise, and the element of rules to control the others; so you can have what you want instead.  These decisions are bound to the simple curse:   if you do not build yourselves as soul/ eternity does not own you, and you will be left behind; or punished as the damage done must establish by its truth.  If you refuse heart, the essence of a trial whether you win or lose; that asks honestly, “please accept me too”;   then you cannot find soul.  Because this is the door beyond self, in our human world.  If you are honest: To be refused is not your fault/ therefore you have accomplished the request,    “To   GOD”    Which is, make me soul!  To participate with the others through love, is a request from love to expand yourself beyond the limits of body; and therefore share “a heart, as one”.  That is elementally recognizing the value of love, by its creation; and accomplishes “knocking at the door of life itself”.  Life gave you this possibility, thereby love came first/ and is now asking if you will return it?

          The elemental mass of our creation, is a development of both time and body, through the aid called mind.  Or more simply; it is the natural process provided by creation for the purpose called your individual life.  Regardless of what that mass is or accomplishes or destroys: the foundation of that reality assaults us, with our need to decide the direction of our own desire, the essence of our own purpose; MUST be our own.  Or more distinctly, your existence demands that you take command of your time and choices.  That makes the body, and its mind;   fundamentally yours/ it is your personal gift, and you may do with it as you please.  But it is also your personal responsibility/ and you don’t get a second chance; at least not without clear and deliberate mercy from    GOD. 

          The question called    GOD   : is fundamentally, a developmental reality established by the evidence of miracles that cannot be evaluated in ANY other way.  What we see/ what we are/ what we have, and are able to do; as a world of life itself:    IS ESTABLISHED BY THOUGHT.  Without thought none of it exists/ without thought even at its most functional level of human existence, you cannot do anything;   as would be consistent with robotics without software to tell it what to do.  Or, more simply:   can your dog do what you can do?  Is not thinking and tools the reason?  Nothing is built out of order/ nothing is designed through the aid of balance (two arms, eyes, etc)/ nothing constructs, without discipline or the relationship with at least functional thought;   and called life. 

           Only the things built by humanity can sometimes identify these failure; no order, no balance, no discipline or truth; etc.  Or, “we fantasied/ we imagined/ we deluded ourselves/ we believed/ we wanted/ we assumed/ we gambled with life”/ you didn’t care; and so on.  Only the essence of “satan: we can destroy it all/ by playing god”;   is evidence of your failure to respect life.

          Consequently we journey within the delusions of people who say, “we can”/ but actually mean:   we imagine, and have no basis or foundation in truth;   whatsoever.  Their fantasies control!  Their fate, is without doubt a horror story, filled with terrorism/ unless somehow truth can be made to enter your lives, and direct you back to life.  To your shame as well;   this did not need to be/ humanity chose it.

          So we return to want, and examine the state of why?

          Want is again:   the basis of every lie/ if you do not want, or do not want to hide or run away; then you do not lie.  The elemental description of want is:   “I can”/ if only these will let me, take whatever I can; regardless of a right or a reason.   It is, a very simple selfishness (only I, matter; to me).

            In this world today, the foundation of which is greed and the participation of a university diploma demanding to rule everything.  The consequence is:   that you failed life, entirely; and now face a coming reality designed by that truth.  Every critical threat, is what you chose, or because you failed to choose correctly.

It is a fate of horrors, because you didn’t care about life, or nature, or planet or anything but self.  This is;    Want, by its extreme.


          Today, we must reassess our reality by the essence and discovery called truth; or we die as a planet/ that is what “satan: the destroyers of university and leadership” have done for you; with your aid and apathy.  Their want threatens life on earth.  Your acceptance of their bribes with counterfeit money stolen from you;  gave them the tools and time to achieve your destruction.  Only the precise moment, when life itself or planet fails to survive is lacking.  All the rest is done!

          That leaves this decision either:   in your hands, by doing what you can do/ as fast as possible.  Or, truth says:   these are moments of a reprieve, allowed by   GOD,    Because you threaten HIS CREATION/ and all life on earth,  deserves at a minimum, “one last chance”.  You have to choose: devil worship as by the evidence proves these threats are no accident; the horrors they demand your choice too, as a majority or surrender of life itself, without even a fight!   OR, you must choose:    GOD     , and the values of life, truth, hope, love, disciplines, laws of life, heart, soul, and literally everything else that makes life and living worth surviving in this existence and beyond.

          Only a fool: those who know better/ but do so anyway;   needs “More information”.  This ain’t a hard decision to understand.   Its your want, to live WITHOUT truth, respect, love, caring, sharing, etc  / or your life!    

          The most powerful words ever written are/    The most critically impressive economic reality identified, “each $1.  representes one billion dollars/ $1,000.  Is one trillion”.  One trillion dollars is equal to ten thousand dollars per each and every one of one hundred million people/ or roughly one in three US citizens, babies and all.   The basis of society, and the foundations of our behavior are recognized through understanding.  The most critical questions humanity has ever faced now exist as the relationship we have allowed to be created:   through university leadership.   Our ability to understand the levels of extinction that we face: cannot be determined by what you believe or what “we all want”/ as that is irrelevant to this reality, in this our time, and by the consequences of our truth; as the choices made by human societies on earth. Our courts and political leaders have made their decision; regardless of the law, constitution, or democracy itself:   they choose power over us; an illustration of some of the laws they deny.; at every level.  The media, or more correctly the propaganda machinery of the powerful and proud, have made their choice:   they choose pride and want, over life itself.  Every single life on this planet is involved in the outcome of what is being, or has been chosen by those who lead humanity on earth today.  Our leaders, have chosen HELL:   humanity without hope/ ARMAGEDDON:   nature in chaos/   APOCALYPSE: a war without end or mercy, because hate controls now; where all weapons of mass destruction will be used/ and turning this planet into a sun, by bringing the same fire here as is on our sun.   Saying of their efforts, “the fire will just put itself out/ because there is not enough gravity (they admit: don’t know what it is) here”; even though this entire planet is made out of fuel.  As that fire is:   the burning of atomic bonds.  As is similar to the burning of molecular bonds by fire here on earth. A reality similar to the difference between TNT and theatomic bomb.   Time for change, is running out. 

          To demand better requires this information must be distributed so as to give humanity itself as WE THE PEOPLE/ their right, to refuse:   and control, those who are so badly attempting to destroy our world.  Those who literally gamble with all our lives, based solely on their desire to do so, risking our entire planet, all its nature, and every possibility of a future that exists by refusing to address the threats that we cannot survive.  WE HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT TO INTERVENE; this is life or death for our planet!   WE HAVE LEGAL JURISDICTION, the law called REDRESS:   THIS IS ABOUT LIFE OR DEATH FOR OUR NATURE, EVERY CHILD, EVERYTHING WE VALUE.   Therefore this decision requires, US ALL, thereby:   to take control over our democracy, and resurrect our future/ ending the fantasy and delusions of “university knows”.  By demanding truth/ nothing but the truth/ and no excuses or lies.  All theories refused/ or examined by proven realities:   for what happens when this is proven wrong! NO GAMBLING WITH LIFE!  Is necessary to survive, not only as.  WE THE PEOPLE OWN, this nation!  But as aworld.   To refuse payment, for those employees who have threatened our extinction with their decisions:   is fundamentally required.   The need is:   GO TO COURT, and examine the evidence/ to find what is TRUE!  Before you die, or have absolutely no recourse: “to damn late now”!   The sites I provide to assist you are these.  If you succeed, the requirement to aid in the distribution of this news, to a world; demands a donation.  Let those who say, “its not time yet/ or the consequences are too extreme”;   remember the lesson of a tornado or other natural event:    We you literally see it coming, IT IS TOO LATE, to prepare now!  The lesson of this day is: “the cancer of a diploma, is a disease that kills, steals, and destroys”; because the power released upon society by the assumption of “an expert”;  has proven their pride has no boundary, and their want extends past INSANITY.  A proven;   absolute failure, to all that is important for life.  True, whether you like it or not.  Reality then states, “the expert so called” can and must testify, but only to present the existence of known data.  No theories accepted/ absolutely no rules allowed:   only justice, the literal expressions of “fair play”, and the quality deserved by ALL life, understood by the word: “equal/ not superior in any way” .  Judged by the reality called liberty, and the jurisdiction called freedom:   establishing WE THE PEOPLE!  Under constitutional rule, as the preamble, and its amendments demand.   “We, are the owners here”/ not our employees! 

          Reality states:   our employees/ “the university diploma”  stole our money/ they stole or attempted to destroy our future/ they refused the very basic elements and fundamentals of democracy that support our lives, and keep us all from dying!   THE PRICE for that is:   NOW WE DECIDE! 

          You can control leaders by establishing world laws, that do have the authority to bring ANY LEADER into “our courtroom, as people of this world demanding critical rights and fundamental respect”.  When they understand: you are NOT EXEMPT from the laws WE DECIDE and enforce as a world/ nations will be changed. You can control any weapons, in any nations;  that you so choose as a world: so long as its equal and fair to all.  You can protect the earth, the sea, the resources, and more; by enforcing cooperation with these laws. 

          You CANNOT evade or choose, to lie about the truth of your destruction: and what must be done to hope, “life on earth shall continue”.  Truth decides everything; applied to reality, means then:   your decision shall be made.

          YOU CAN, resurrect the money; by simply tying the numbers to a population count: thereby each knows, what is or is not fair.  Choose a number as the maximum anyone can keep, and erase everything above that line.  Let limited capitalism do the rest.

            DOWNLOAD THESE html  SITES, so they cannot be taken away. Distribute them; they are yours, free of charge.


          The elemental relationship that has limited my own response “to the law”; shall be recognized as owed to “the spiritual woman inside”. As is constant with male, “I was, headed in a different direction”.  Law is the answer/ force is not! Let the law be your army! But make no mistake, without direct participation from we the people as a nation or a world or any part thereof: you will fail.

          I am not your leader/ change yourselves!  It’s:    YOUR JOB.    Not mine.  You have: the tools/ the law/ the rights/ the democratic authority/ THE NEED/ the understanding/ the incentives/ and the foundation DUTY, TO PROTECT THIS WORLD, and even this nation and its democracy from terrorists. That includes: protection against the geneticist/ the physicist/ and all who threaten life; which does include population control!. If you fail to accept the responsibility you owe to life on earth, and every child:   I guarantee, you will get everything they have prepared, with your blessing:  for you’re  own extermination, and conviction (you chose too).     The death of this world:  So says the evidence.  The religion of evolution, which has conceived of genetic mutilation, and brought it into our lives:   believes, and attempts to destroy genetic disciplines/ balance/ boundaries/ order/ and everything life is, to bring chaos into this world.  In an attempt to prove, what is an absolute lie.  This is “Armageddon coming”.

            The evidence also says:   you, are the worst generation that has ever been, to have allowed all this destruction and wanton failure/ BUT YOU ARE also the generation that decides if this earth and all its life will live or go extinct, by terrors unimaginable.  Making you the most important generation that has ever lived.  It’s a choice.  You WILL make it, and be responsible for what you did or did not do:   forever!  There is no place to run.  There is no place to hide.  There are no excuses that will be accepted: including fear!   Life or death for this world, is no game/ and neither is the threats you face.    I DO NOT demand that you believe this message/ rather I demand you investigate, examine the evidence, participate in a courtroom decision as the democracy you are, and identify the truth for yourselves, and this world.  Which does have every right to participate; in what affects us all.  Because there are NO SECOND CHANCES!  The failure of any critical system or chain of life, means we are all extinct.  Any assumption, that our world cannot be lost; is dis-proven by   “Noah’s flood”:   because the evidence of fossil fuels found covered all at once, some thousands of feet deep/ CANNOT have occurred in any other way.  Try thinking for yourself; for a change.  Is dis-proven by a sunburn, from 91 million miles away.  Is dis-proven by birth defects/ hunger/ and reality.   GROW UP.



Certified Mail, In the Superme court 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8 From the court , IL Superme court 1, 2
In the US Tax Court Case 11108-12L 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, My Response Last Order And again. And again. Yet again, Letters from the IRS

The disciplines of leadership DO NOT include, an outright gambling with all life on earth!  Of all the critical failures, that represent the reality of “university knows leadership” in this portion of the same US supreme court/ US tax court case ; that identifies criminal corruption in all the highest levels of US federal government.   The very worst/ most easily identified is:   these leaders have decided they CAN bring the same fire here to this planet as is on the sun, a 9,000,000 degree F fire, that burns atomic bonds.   Because the theory goes:   “Not enough gravity here on earth to sustain the fire”/ so it will just put itself out.  On a planet that is nothing but fuel!  In case you missed it: that means when they are proven wrong, this entire planet becomes another sun. There are NO second chances/ once lit, either it puts itself out, OR we are incinerated .  It is that simple/ no one escapes “being wrong”. 

          Of the various methods needed to prove them wrong/ it is also useful to understand.  In terms of gravity failing to hold the fire to this earth/ the more critical reality is:   just how much suction does a 9 or ten million degree fire establish, particularly in this atmosphere?  Do you not understand a forest fire 3,000 degrees;  sucks in air (a chemical bond fire)?  It does so, because the expansion of heat creates a vacuum!  The probable air speed of this atmosphere on earth being sucked into that fire at the base of its flame is roughly one thousand miles per hour.  Or more simply “just like a candle sucks up the was to burn/ an atomic fire will suck up this earth and burn anything that is built with an atomic bond.  Which is everything.  In terms of fire growth, a chemical fire doubles in size every minute.  An atomic fire will do over 12 times that.  In terms of a candle and the room needed because of heat expansion:   test it for yourself/ light a candle with full air flow.  The flame will be roughly 7 times bigger than the wick/ the flame will rise roughly 7 times higher than the wick engulfed.  A candle flame is roughly 500 degrees/ as we then multiply the effect of heat expansion which is the same regardless of the source or type of fire:   a 10 million degree flame needs 140,000 times more room!  That simple reality proves the flames you see on the sun itself (its visual size), are NOT the source of fuel/ but the reality of heat. The wick itself turns to ash as it is incinerated.  The ash cloud of an atomic fire, is the simplest possible combination of atomic structure that is able to form after any possible “singular” components of atomic structureescape the fire.  Thereby the hydrogen chemical signature of the sun is nothing more than its ash cloud.  Everyday, the national ignition facility tries desperately to ignite an atomic fire on earth.  The day comes soon, when that fire will destroy us all!  No one escapes.  Or, more simply the CULT of “university knows” will then be SATAN on earth.  With all its believers assigned as “devils”.   You chose to let them!  You have NO EXCUSE, because you do understand a fire 91 million miles away, that burns your skin here in summer; is no toy!

The sites I provide are these.  The primary information for all sites, for this entire work:  is this portion of “trial after trial”:   in both state of ILLINOIS and US federal and supreme courts.  A FEW, of the thousands of links used upon these sites. The most powerful words for human society ever written.  The question called life.  The reality:   those who say “debts don’t matter”; believe they are rulers, and never intend to pay.     To even suggest media has not failed us entirely, is fantasy!

        The purpose and desire very simply:   we are threatened with extermination as a planet/ so says the evidenceThat fact,  cannot be left:   to those who have made created the threats, and realities we now face.  Download these html sites/ so they cannot be taken away, or hidden from you. Support this work, or it can disappear.  Support “life for this planet must come first”/ or it, and we, will all disappear.  You are not asked to believe: as was demanded of the courts;  you are asked to investigate the evidence and prove what is or is not true/ because we cannot survive being wrong; not even as a planet of life.  You are asked, as was the courts:   to communicate these threats to “humanity” and let each one decide for themselves; as is consistent with freedom and democracy itself.  As for me, I have proven and delivered everything in this work, I came to do.  The decision, and the consequences of life or death for a planet:   the investigation, trials, etc now comes to you.  I have finished/ nothing else is required of me, for this work, or your decision.

        Should the IL tax lawyers decide: after months of silence, to go ahead and accept the demands of the IL supreme court document filed; by certified mail:  but again “refused, without a single word from the court or the lawyers”/ because they cannot win.  I would return for that, or similar.  As is consistent with your own realities; the work is not perfect/ it is simply the best I did do, for life, and planet; that will soon be approaching one tragedy or crisis, after another.  The critical question is do you care, & will you share the information you accept as “too important to be wrong”; with anyone else?          


Balance states;   it should be recognized, that none of these sites/ all these words, represents the assumptions of an optimist (I believe everything I want, will come to me).  Neither do they represent the assumptions of a pessimist (I believe everything I don’t want, will come to me).  Rather reality states, that truth has a definable order, and the disciplines of thought are decipherable, if you simply apply wisdom/ honesty/ and a clear understanding of courage.  Can you not predict: when you spent more than your checking account has in it/ what happens next? The same is true of more than “just counterfeit numbers”.  Truth matters.

             That said, the worst possible decision humanity could make is bringing the same fire here as is on the sun/ a fire that burns atomic bonds, here; where everything is fuel.  There are NO second chances, a fire that cannot be extinguished/ just like the sun.  The second worst decision is of course, the intentional destruction of life as a body in time itself.  By mutilating and crucifying genetic structure; (the basis of all Creation itself, across this world), and spreading the foundation of pandemic disease.   Which is genetic boundaries crossed between species. The third is the destruction of all resources that support life; as is constant and sure today.  The critical question:   where all leadership has failed, because they believe the universities are god/   can YOU find your mind in time, “to fight for this world”!  All WILL certainly die, if you don’t!  You are not asked to believe that statement/lain  you are asked to investigate and examine the evidence, establishing a clear and certain response:   CAN WE AFFORD TO BE, OR LET THOSE WHO ARE LITERALLY GAMBLING WITH EVERYTHING WE VALUE ON EARTH, including life/ planet/ survival/ and even the solar system itself BE,     WRONG!    That is a true and accurate statement, clearly establishing;   this is not a game.  Everything we are or need or value is threatened with extinction.  The choice is yours;   as I have done everything I could do, to inform and educate you.  Only you, can change yourselves, or your world:     or defend your future.  Ask any farmer, “if you eat next years seed”/ you can be happy today:    BUT, what certainly will happen to next years crop!    To believe in your leaders, or your media to protect you, has been proven foolish.  Clearly, they didn’t care about tomorrow, at all! We add one final reality, the prophecy called Daniel 12.  It reads, “from the time humanity starts trying to ignite the same fire here”;   NIF as is on the sun (worst possible decision)/ there will be 1290 days before that ignition occurs.  That date coincides perfectly with the expected operation of the exo-watt laser= one million lightning bolts, all striking the same place at the same time.  It continues at the 1335 day from this beginning/ all life on earth will be lost. Or, more simply:  the fire will have grown, and the entire atmosphere of earth will have been ejected into space.  For those who are certain this is just trying to scare you:  the reality of coal/ oil/ gas/ as the fossil fuels we use, DO prove beyond any doubt, that a world wide flood did occur.  Because there is no other way, to clump these masses of life together, and bury them under thousands of feet of earth or sea; in some places.  Simple and plain, these things are, “life or death”; not a game. The destruction of a world, BY CHOICE:  is called “SATAN”.  Not a religious statement, simply a fact!  Where then, do YOU stand?  Eternity will remember/ there are no excuses; not for anyone, including YOU.

Summary overview of sites.

Stop a rape display,    many rapes are begun by climbing through a window/ this is a simple motion detector, placed below or anywhere in the close vicinity of a window.  It turns on a light, and a noise maker of some type by simply screwing in a light bulb socket adapter.  Placed it could easily be hooked to a camera/ it could easily be hooked to an aerosol chemical spray, which contains an identifying chemical for tracing in court, an odor for tracing in a crowd, & some fluorescent paint; for seeing the perpetrator at night.  There are a wide variety of types and kinds of motion detectors, the one in view cost $8.00.  It is wired simply by attaching a simple two wire lamp cord, to the two wires in the motion detector base, and covering the base with a standard octagon cover plate. It can be set on the floor or hung on wall or ceiling. Victim defense jewelry is also a good idea.



            A REALITY SHARED, by all existence.   So the question begins with, “what is existence”?   The answer is:   that it is not a theoretical suggestion.  Existence is the critical assembly of chemical constraints and laws governed by the conditions set forth in reality, by its own consequence called or identified as truth.

            Thereby having established truth as the framework within which life “comes alive” in the basis of a mechanical situation (movement), that gives the living a choice called freedom:   the next question is, WHAT is freedom/ or a choice?   The answer is: the clear and certain discovery of thought. 

            We then begin the investigation of thought, as the fundamental foundation of knowledge/ the existence of an ability to measure the function and purpose of time.  Time translates knowledge as the existence of law, by developing and proving truth:   the consequence of disciplines, that will exist as a universal foundation governing everything. 

            The question then begins:   in the construction of knowledge, we find ourselves.  Having found the existence of life, by the evidence of time and laws we cannot avoid:   the decision is, do you fear death/ worship life/ or identify Creation itself?   One of these three will be chosen.

            Fear is the recognition of “things I don’t want to lose”.  Worshiping life, is the collection of “things I want, and work for”.  Identifying Creation itself is the assembly of time itself into the clear and deliberate relationships that bring us, each one, closer to thought and GOD (our Creator, because everything called life, is defined and created by truth, thought, energy, and love)!  What that life does to itself, becomes the evidence of what freedom and choice actually means.

            So the questions are:   WHY do some only fear/ WHY do some only want/ WHY are some able to construct life as an environment, apart from time/ and WHY do some choose violence instead of “love or life”?    Then, WHAT does the freedom to choose really mean?

            The physical constraints of time as life, are these:   discipline/ order/ balance/ truth/ trust/ energy/ and mass.  The critical environments of thought, (in this life) are these:   love OR hate, and survival.  Those who believe they can love some, and hate others; want a world where they can play god, and use this conceptual device to prove it to themselves.  They are fools.  But make no mistake:   the law, controls reality, people merely adjust the consequences with truth or lies.

            Fear is the elemental failure of discipline.  Discipline is the construction of a journey beyond oneself (I have room here, for more than just me)/ as oneself (I want, whatever I want, and run away from whatever I don’t want)/ or go within self as the means to hide, from life and its consequences; which then becomes fear. 

            Order is the conception of a destiny or fate, because it relies upon the existence of knowledge to determine the path (alone)  or road (in the middle of this herd/ I am safe)  upon which you will travel to attain “your prize”.  The assumption of the herd is power, the conditions of a herd are pride shall rule, the rest shall obey.  The consequence of a path is loneliness, until the day you understand:    Being ALIVE, is a relationship with   GOD!   Order, represents the decision, that becomes each step, in the direction that will become your destiny (by choice)/ or your fate (you fell into the abyss, called want, or hate; and cannot arise). 

            Balance identifies life, as the elemental choice between what has been/ and what can be: standing on the line, that separates these two environments, RE QUIRES:    That you see the reflection of your life, in the mirror called your soul.  Soul elevates life, into a relationship with thought.  Thought is the existence of participation, in creation itself/ as the gift of life in you, changes to become a relationship with reality by its own version of truth.

            Hate, which is the opposite of love;   controls those who cannot find within themselves a purpose beyond want, or a desire beyond self.  That does mean: they will enter the prison of their own mind, and measure life within the terms they define as “worth something to me/ or worthless to me, therefore the trash I can do anything I want with.  A toy, or a definition to be used or abused.  The question why does hate exist/ HOW did this happen, is a matter of choices made;  realities accepted?   Every decision is a step in the direction that will become “the essence or identity” of your life here in time.  Every decision or choice or freedom to express existence   becomes the experience you inherit from the evidence that is your life.  Evidence means, truth has made this consequence “come alive”.  Truth exists, because it cannot be changed/ it is, whatever it is.  In human terms, your truth cannot be changed either/ BUT mercy will allow you to cover (bury) the evidence of what has been, by the realities of a repentance that will replace that truth, by the new decisions you do make and establish in yourself. Decision means: you have participated.   Choice means:   this is the direction you have made for yourself.  Freedom is: the opportunity to be wrong/ because when the laws of life itself are observed and obeyed, the element called freedom becomes the creation called thought.

            Thought, love, life, trust, truth, hope, courage; and literally all things called value are governed by the differences identified as   “LIFE    OR    DEATH”!  They are known opposites, and can never be accepted as “the same”.

            The line between life or death, reflects the differences established by a future, or the past.  What has been, can never be again; that has ended: to see it requires you face the past.  But what will be as is constructed by “a future”, cannot establish itself without life,  therefore you are facing the beginning.   The question, when we do not control time is: how does a future exist, if time and its evidence in me, does not?

            The answer turns to life itself, the clear and certain experience that identifies “I am, an individual/ rather than a body or mind”.   The question exists:   if life (as our experience or expression in time) can be taken away with death of a body or mind/ then HOW can life be considered as separate or different, and not “the same”?   The answer is, that the decision is different than; the participation as body (this moves) or mind (this measures).  Therefore time is the construction of movement, measurement, and decision.  Life is the construction or elevation of an identity capable of using energy as its own means of expression and experience within the environment called thought.  The difference between energy and time is: that mass is the environment of time/ while thought is the environment of energy, when life participates.  Without energy there is neither life nor time.  Without thought, life cannot be recognized as existence, environment, or truth.

            The questions assigned by this last statement are NOT for your consideration/ and will NOT ever be given;   because abuse and the construction of evil is NOT ALLOWED....simple and plain.

DEATH, the elemental question of what happens when you die!

                                                The elevation of knowledge


            Of the two foundation developments which control our lives: birth and death/ death is introduced as our direct and inherited real life participation. While birth has no knowledge beyond the womb/ death contains the basic understanding, and choices;   that have controlled our very own life in time and beyond.

            The question of dying underscores two distinct decisions regarding our own existence: IS there a   GOD/   can I continue to live in some type, of  altered form?  The body and mind being clearly abandoned; and if that were not enough, “people then poison/ burned/ buried/ etc” to prove to themselves;  this body and mind ain’t never coming back.


            The question is:   if life is nothing more than a chemistry, magically freed by a growing mass, an ordered brain, a disciplined response, and a balanced construction;   with sight, sound, speech, touch, smell, taste, freedom to move, opportunities to think, the potential called love or hate, and the ability to perceive the future before it arrives/ then you have a much greater fantasy imagination than do I.  It takes thought to assemble such a construction/ it takes tools to build it/ it takes a true desire and ability to conceive and create the possibilities of an organism dedicated to life, and allowed to be free within its own existence. It takes a “billion deliberate actions and reactions” based upon a clear chemical and electrically ordered process/ that uses only the elements collected and used, by a female womb.  It takes more than that!   Not “just chaos” which suddenly becomes ordered by violence (the essence of chaos itself).  We are miracles/ as is our environment; which must exist before we arrive because it keeps us alive in time.

            Therefore the question is:   because we are true miracles, and there is no possibility for doubt in any “thinking brain”.  The reality of foundational development, that is what happens when you die/ is determined by whether     GOD OUR CREATOR,   still exists and is a participant in some form with this earth/ and if we can join HIM or not.  Because we cannot live outside ourselves, and we cannot live without this earth as time;   our only option for life beyond time begins with Creation itself.  To believe   “Dust to dust”/ is a violation of thought, because dust has nothing to do with Creation itself, other than imagery.

            Consequently to understand both life and death, requires thought!

            Thought is the existence of a potential, that lives beyond the edge of “actions or reactions”/ as would be consistent with time.  Thereby we do know, to enter within such a potential, the elemental environment called “spirit” must exist.  The quest or question of spirit becomes a measure of respect: for life itself.  Because to search for truth means:   you MUST participate within that truth, or it cannot exist for you.  All spirit is: an elemental truth revealed.  The question then becomes:   is truth as spirit,  alive?

            We return to thought, and ask the question is thought alive/ or merely a participant in our lives?  The foundation being:   is our participation in thought, “just a question”/ or the very essence of life within us?   The fundamental answer is, that we are the reality of why and how and when “we think”.  To think means: “I have found a journey within which I can participate”.  Or more simply, the human environment which participates beyond intellectual reasoning; discovers and decides, there is a future to life, if only life continues. Intellect means: the brain has measured and decided “there is a math to life”.  To think removes the measurements (math) of a brain, and understands life is more.  Therefore to think in human terms requires you to discard all judgment, and understand life itself is a miracle within which we can and do participate.

            Life itself, is then the question, which constructs the path into eternity/ because we must ask:   what is life, that I can exist/ and yet die?  That is not a measurement/ but a reality.

            Reality is the proof of truth.  The clear consequence that determines, “this did or does have a presence here in our own experience or expression”.  The reality of every miracle does prove that these are  participants in our lives. So the question is then: how do you understand, “anything”/ because to understand, separates existence into time and beyond?  The answer is, we must think, and assemble actions with reactions.  To allow for a future: We must accept, that something did come before, and will come after these conditional responses, this life. 

            Respect is an environment, the elemental reality of boundaries and limits that cannot be altered or disturbed without severe consequences.   Therefore respect represents the dimensions/ and the potential destiny that can be built; by using thought.  Respect also identifies who you are, and where you intend to travel in the essence of your own life in time or beyond.

            Thought begins in the ascension: if there are miracles/ then there is a Creator of those miracles; because thought itself does not exist without an identified life.  Or more clearly, without an identity, “trial and tribulation” have no meaning.  Life is an experience/ but identities create “trial and tribulation”, through expressions.  So then we must ask, is an experience alive without expression?  The correct answer is   no/ because expression grants identity.  An experience alone however is life.   Therefore we search the word “alone” as it separates experience from its expression.  Without a barrier, the elemental transformation from life, into “alive (I have found joy)”:   lacks its most basic formation.  The reality of something to bond with/ a choice, or a decision, that understands, “I am not alone”.  Separated by energy from mass, on an elemental scale, is not something.  Identified by the separation of love from hate is something.  Therefore the identity we create is formed by our own decision regarding the choice:  do I desire “love or hate”.  Love creates alive, from its most basic beginning, to its most elegant and graceful conclusions: it is the creator of joy.  Hate is from its most basic beginning: the violence of chaos invading order, and interrupting life.  Therefore we ascend from love as life/ we descend from life into chaos, because of hate.

            Let us review: to be identified constructs the barrier called individuality.  Individuality understands expression to be created by trial and tribulation, as the identifying factors which become the knowledge upon which we build our future.  Love separates us from hate/ and hate separates us from both life and joy.

            To participate in thought requires, that you elevate respect into “the creation of your own heart”.  Within that environment, the potential to find truth itself begins, in the moments which redefine existence as life.  Life itself is an experience generated by the knowledge called freedom, and therefrom our ability to choose both direction, and destiny.  Understanding comprehends that every decision is a direction/ and every direction constructs the possibilities of, a destiny.  Wisdom pursues truth, because it is the essence of life itself, when conceived by energy and thought.  Spirit is the path outside the boundaries of time, where truth itself does exist.  Spirit is alive, because truth is not only a reality/ but an expression generated from the experience called “you”. 

            To participate in truth, you must share the experience!  To live in truth, you must accept: that the boundaries are true for you.  Therefore truth assigns the experience, and trial or tribulation, identifies the expressions.  Spirit discovers the truth in you, by assembling the reality of your own decisions into the creation that becomes our relationship with time, and beyond.  The decisions of your life, then become the journey that you will take/ having entered within a truth that you cannot control/ you may only experience it in spirit.  The expressions of time allow for reactions to it/ even actions, established by the spiritual truth you entered, IF you did not win the right to escape what is now true in you.  To understand, is a door beyond what is constant and binding to your life.  To not understand, does not eliminate or change the future, or time by ascending into wisdom; the reality then merely exists in you, as a knowledge that you cannot escape.

            The question of death itself comes to visit, where we divide from time;   INTO the     “Creation of life”.   Time means an action and a reaction will take place in some form of reality.  Creation means: this is a miracle which we cannot explain without understanding the truth that forms it.  Life means, “I” have begun.  Death defines, the difference between “cold and heat”.  Or more simply, the body no longer generates its own existence as life.  Therefore cold and heat offer the conclusion:   life and its alternate existence as death/ both live here, within  different extremes, of the same reality.  If they are similar/ then they submit to the same basic understanding.  Something in heat, transforms existence into life.

            I stop here, because you are horrifically stupid; as identified by the insanity of mutilation/ gambling with all life on the planet/ refusing to protect,  the base foundations of life; and a thousand other choices being made by those who call themselves/ and  you accept as   “Superior intellect”; just because they claim a little math, make a few toys,  and name everything they can find, or just fantasize about what knowing anything, might be. 


Death,   part two!

                                                A most basic understanding


            The essential called knowledge having been written, qualifies the journey to be taken as “part two”.

            Clearly the fundamental is: that nothing so dramatic as death exists within the reality of what we are, or can be, in the elements of time itself.  That does make it the single most interesting reality of our time.  Not as an ending, but as the beginning and potential that is eternal life.

            The critical question is not, what can you fantasize about, or imagine from your dreams or anything else.  But what can exist, in the relationships we must build over time, to examine the passage that is death.  Those relationships are:   love, respect;    GOD   Spirit,   Jesus;     happiness, energy, freedom, and order.

            Order comes first, as the building block of time itself ticks by in the rhythm of a life that must choose its own destiny.  That establishes freedom has a price/ avoidance of that cost, is a “deadly sin”.  Because it takes away the inheritance that is your own decision.  You must decide your fate or destiny for yourself/ because anything less is not constant with your heart or soul.

            Energy is a constant in the creation of life in time/ without that constant, there is chaos.  Thereby time is the essence of “a single moment, stretched out for you”; so that all you can be, is given the same moment to decide/ to understand the discipline necessary for you to accept, is your own heart.  Heart means:   if I could, this is the creation I would achieve for both me, and you/ or us.  The elemental being that is a relationship with time concludes with the singular expression:   I am, what I have chosen to be!

            Happiness is, the critical ambition:    If I were less than whole/ you would be, the piece that is missing in me!  Consequently, what constructs the blessing in time that is life;   accepts, without a relationship that proves life is worth living; there can be no true happiness in time.

            JESUS identifies, the singular individual throughout time, that has achieved a clear message beyond the elements that were his life, and his own time.  HIS decision was, to teach the relationships that lead to   GOD,   OUR CREATOR;   are open only to those who find honor through their own soul.  Those who choose the balance that is love, and yet accept the destiny that is without doubt;   not by our own choosing.  To belong, where only true love can go/ is more than a life in time;   it is the essence of life in eternity.

            SPIRIT is the passage through truth, that becomes the eloquent design:   elaborating the ascent that is each life searching for   GOD. 

            GOD      IS EVERYTHING ALIVE!   Because HE made it all!  Even though life itself was given the freedom to corrupt, or destroy itself, and even others.  That is not a flaw in design/ but a freedom chosen by each one.  The inheritance given is:   “The possibility of eternity”.  Not the guarantee.

            Respect consults with the environmental reality of our own heart and soul/ to distinguish, and identify the creation of ourselves; as a work of love/ or hate.  Respect identifies realities that control life.  Respect understands, that truth must rule, or eternity will vanish.

            Love is the singular exception, to the rule of truth.  Love finds mercy where it is consistent with the possibilities of hope.  Love identifies the distance we will travel within our hearts, for each one.  Not all are the same, because not all value or treasure the sanctity of what pure trust must mean.  Or even understand what that means.


            The question of death, creates the moment of “transportation from our existence” into eternity as a deliberate decision:   to enter within the energy that gives us life/ by establishing a relationship with that life, and   GOD who gave it to us.   Or, to let that energy pass by/ and wonder why you were left behind.  The energy of life is not attached to chemicals/ it is not known by body or mind.  Rather it exists in the experience called freedom.  The reality we can be “alive”.  Or more simply,   not all humanity adheres to the simple truth:   life itself, is a true gift apart from body or mind.  It is the essence of time itself.  Time constructs a decision.  Life constructs an identity if you accept the work involved in making eternity more than “a whim or a fantasy”.  Instead, life in time, must be the elemental foundation upon which we become an expression that lives within ourselves; of life as an eternal expression, a reality beyond the simple meaning of self. 

            What happens when you die is very simple:   if you enter within the energy that is your life, beyond body or mind.  “That energy (your soul)” which transforms your body into an identity established by your own freedom and choice.  Then truth will demand:   any lie that exists in you SHALL be removed.  Because only truth remains in eternity.  What your truth is:   constructs the environment of your soul.  That environment establishes boundaries and limits according to the relationship built, with time itself/ or, the truth of what your own heart reveals as love.   Time deteriorates and destroys everything according to the realities of action and reactions that do exist, and cannot be avoided; no matter what or who you are.

             Love is a truth that has no meaning in body or mind:   it is a relationship achieved with soul, a reality of energy released/ rather than captured.  In the blessing “you, have become the essence of my own heart”.  We have joined, when accepted by the relationship we do cherish with or without time; bound together by trust.  Love as a relationship in time, constructs an elemental trust and lives in fundamental  hope, cherishing the ideal:   I have found someone, to be with me/ to live my life, and I their’s.  Love as a body shares the desire of passion, as the meaning of romance invades and changes each relationship into a creation of our own.  Love as a mind, cherishes the moments “when we feel alive in each other”.

            If you fail to enter the energy that is your soul, leaving your body and mind forever/ then you will dissipate into nothing over the time allotted.  It is the reality of “a ghost”/ but there is no power to intervene in life.  There is nothing in a ghost:  it is not life, rather these are the memories that will not die, until you have released them/ it is the last thing you will ever do.  It is the memories that kept you from eternity/ you chose this earth.  Only then, are you allowed to “disappear forever”/ as if you never were, life.  Life is a destiny (the future exists, because your heart and soul chose it to be so)  or a fate (the consequences you chose).  Without either of these, there is only the past, and “it is now dead”.

            Beyond the wall that separates life and death in time:   are the elements of your mind, the images of your own heart, the memories of your own hate, the decisions that you believed, and the impact people both living and dead managed to impact upon you; changing who you would have been into what you are, because of what they did.   Each of these things are consistent with a series of trials and tribulation which must come to identify what has become the essence of you.

             First is:  The wall of “ghost people”; that you must pass through, is a relationship that must now be abandoned, as that life no longer exists.  If you fail to pass through, stopping for whatever reason/ whatever reality that has distracted you, or turned you away from the future that is life.  Then you will join them/ and fail to proceed as life.  It is a choice, to choose the future/ rather than the past.  You must not fail, to survive.

            Beyond the images of all whom you ever knew, or ever conceived of in your own heart; is the reality of what you do, or do not believe about everything you accepted in time.  Confronted by this reality, you must again choose/ and will be shown the truth, after the decision is made.  Only then, can you find forgiveness or mercy/ or death;  as the case may be. 

            Beyond the elemental challenge that is “your heart and mind” from time.  Are the elements of life themselves; each a truth resembling a door into the consequences that establish truth in you.  To find that door which you desire, is to pursue the passion of a purpose beyond yourself.  To ask:   where will the essence of my own life lead?  That answer is a direction.  That reality is a choice, which comes with consequences. 


Death, part three

                                                To conceive of truth


            Thought is an essence of life/ not an element of existence; but a transformation from time, into the search that is beyond the barriers of life itself.  Energy is an environment established by truth, but held within the controls of discipline, balance, and order:   the basis and elemental transition of the chemistry called body, into the life called human; or any other living thing.  Energy is not the elemental expression of an action or a reaction: but the cause of why that action or reaction may exist.  That singular reality defines all mass/ energy/ and life; as we know it.

            You are “too insane” for more!  Simple and plain.



            The final statement above will be met with arrogance and pride/ the assumptions of power, and the ability to play god;   because of a few toys, and horrifyingly blind:  weapons.  But the evidence is true, your leaders/ your universities are gambling with this entire planet, and preparing to ignite the same fire here as is on the sun.  A fire that cannot be controlled.  Your leaders and universities are mutilating all life on earth, bringing chaos and disease, which once released by   GOD will become the Armageddon (nature in chaos) predicted.  Your leaders and universities have controlled and manipulated and stolen everything they could touch/ and created all the conditions for civil war with their greed.  The people themselves deciding, “with guns/ we will prove, I am a slave no more”/ but it will be an apocalypse (blood everywhere) as they fight among themselves, and decide none can be trusted, or “kill them all”.  Your leaders and their universities have prepared HELL, by choosing NOT to protect any aspect of life or its fundamental needs or realities;   but have literally chosen to kill humanity and all life/ because they do know we are too many people for life on earth to survive as we are.  The population grows at over 2 million more mouths to feed each week/ the ocean teeters on the edge of “no life left”/ the food is either mutilated or the methods completely dependent upon antibiotics which will soon be useless (for you too)/ etc/ etc/ etc .  And basically those in power believe they have it all figured out: hide in their little fantasies and let you die.  You might not agree;   but the reality of death which does now surround us, can be proven true.  Which means: it is irrelevant what you want or believe/ what is true shall decide.  Your media, whom you worship as “our saviors” have failed to warn you of anything important for decades/ when did you learn anything from them so as to intervene and stop “the chaos, of human greed, want, and pride?”  Instead they worship the idea they control you/ they tempt you/ they manipulate you/ they make you the cult of “university knows” by constantly reminding you:   “Damn fool/ you ain’t no expert: where is your degree”.  Only the experts know anything/ simple and plain.  Yet the evidence is in: and your experts have led you into death’s door.  All you have left is one final step either into that chaos/ or back out into the consequences of what has been done: that absolutely MUST be changed.   Individually, and as a world!  This is not a game.  You cannot survive a fire as is on the sun which burns atomic bonds for fuel/ everything here is fuel;   wake up.  You cannot return life to order, discipline, and balance once the devils have destroyed it.  Not going to happen/ you will pray, but it is the life you chose; not only to watch everything die/ but to crucify it, and yourselves.  You cannot stop the pandemic’s that will soon be released.  You cannot stop the attack on your food supply so you will be cannibals.  You cannot stop the true  insanity coming/ so you will choose to die; but it won’t be that easy, hades (eternal terror) is waiting.  And you chose to destroy   “Gods’   Creation”!    Do you think there is no punishment for that?  You’re wrong.

            Your universities have attacked your food, as have you with population growth that cannot be survived.  They praise themselves about “we mutilated, and now we have more”!  But in reality they have removed the plant protections that limit and control disease and adaption for the sake of survival:   making the entire species vulnerable to extinction instead.  Did you fix “AIDS”?  NO, its just hidden under the curtain:   now we can sell medicines/ and MAKE A TON of money, “let the people pay/ let the government die (you have nothing left)”.  Every disease searches for genetic materials which can be linked too; when you rearrange “nature’s way”.  You open the door for a variety of changes in chemical structures that assert a new expression, and detail a different potential connection for whatever invades its space.  When you have arranged the critical combinations of life “too close”; you have given “a disease” the keys to kill the entire plant.  Because a disease is created by something else, which remains undiscovered.  You cannot therefore fight it.  You cannot thereby be certain the entire species will be lost/ because disease cause mutilation too.  In addition:  Killing a billion tons of insects, is the extinction of many more species/ that are entirely dependent upon those insects and their survival.  Because insects are a link in the food chain , for this planet.  Etc/ etc/ etc.  Go prove the evidence is wrong/ but accept no “expert opinion” let the facts be clear, and the reality of what this means to your future, be simple and plain.  Nothing else can save you.


            My message to you is plain and simple:   unless you awaken from your drunken stupor, and rise above the challenges that stupidity and idiocy have created to destroy you.  Unless you control the devils, and their “satan (let the fools be in charge)”.  You will die, a horrifying death/ as a planet;   because their decisions have actually been “ to exterminate you”.   Your leaders want to play god.  Your universities want to continue in their fantasies, and protect their job; so they have to “find something more” : to be great, in their own mind, and sell the sewage or vomit that has become an element in their lives. They won’t survive either/ you need not worry, these things are death to the entire planet.

            I am NOT your savior.  I am NOT your enemy, or religious anything.  I am NOT your leader/ these things are about “HUMANITY ITSELF MUST CHANGE” and accept a new responsibility for the entire planet, because population growth and a critical crisis in intellectual failures and fantasy have changed this world.  Today people are playing god with life and planet.  Unless you stop them/ you WILL inherit their purpose and reward:   death of a world!  Or more simply,   “They played god/ and the people could not stop us”.   How much bigger fool could they be?  It is impossible:   they are “the winners”/ they made fantasy your guide, lies and deceit your road to hell.  And the media “worshiped these experts, as god”.

             And all the world will die, unless you wake up to reality;   by its own truth. Let the evidence itself/    NOT, the experts decide.  Have you not been lied too, continually?  Does your debts prove nothing?  Even you, can answer that question!


            Time ends soon.

Make a decision for life today, to find the evidence called truth/ 

 or dig your own grave, and your child’s too!

            There are no second chances.

            There is no mercy for those who say”I don’t care”.

            There is no “we discarded   GOD’S   CREATION, without a fight/ because we will go to heaven”;   without a true and correct price.  YOU CHOSE, to let    GOD’S WORLD, die.   Without lifting a finger, or sharing a single word in defense of this planet or its life.  How is that worthy of   GOD’S   mercy?  Answer the question: your eternity will.

Interpreting Daniel 8

In all interpretation of the bible, what is important to remember is, “the whole picture” rather than just the descriptions made.. Or more simply, this is a prophecy about power, or who controls in the last days.

From the interpretation given we know that the ram represents two armies/ nations, that have conquered enough to be declared the only armies that matter. The longer horn means one survives longer than the other They are or were, the USSR and USA. As these are the only two controlling armies, that rose from the ashes of world war 2; their impact on life in this world was felt far and wide. The description does not have the ram headed east, as would be a description of China, and the Orient. One is given a longer reach than the other. Both ruled without question, for a period of time.
The goat, commonly used in ancient times for leading sheep to slaughter for instance, does not have a presence on the ground, as in a common army. This is the reality of “university knows”/ as in weapons of mass destruction. The consequence of which is, no human army can truly stand against them. Given time, armies grew to understand that fact/ leaders have come to understand, there is no life for anyone after these things; and the most severe threat of the USSR AND USA, with all their weapons of mass destruction was somewhat surrendered. While many other countries now hold their own, as a threat against this entire world “too”. That is the result of “university knows”; and the education that spread regarding how to build weapons of mass destruction; around this world as a consequence.
The little horn that starts small and grows in power is the intellectual gain in understanding throughout many things, which becomes true arrogance. Which has then become the true intent to play god, to destroy the acceptance of miracles, to play with energies that cannot be controlled, and to control not only the education of people and children, but to propagate whatever they desire as “expert”/ regardless of truth or knowledge itself. There is no more important truth than, “life for this planet, MUST come first”. The universities have taken control over governments, and they have trampled you underfoot, by counterfeiting the money. BY controlling media and government, and doing whatever they please, regardless of democracy or the law/ they have turned you into slaves. Giving only counterfeit money for your work. Counterfeit means: it will be discovered illegitimate/ and turn into nothing. The only reason we don’t use “dump trucks to carry a day’s worth of money” is: they only give it to themselves “for free”. And because they do control the economy with counterfeiting, they then can control our products and services in ways you cannot see. Primarily the bond of leaders: help me keep these people under control. Or the bond of wealth: make me laws, so I can own these slaves.
2300 days is roughly 6.3 years. I do not know the meaning of these days unless it is combined into the period of time, whereby the knowledge of “common people” shall grow, and then they reclaim their world; reignite their passion for GOD. Our Creator. And ultimately come back to reality.
Daniel’s deep sleep represents the reality of “the people of GOD”: during this time/ face to the ground means they literally see nothing coming, because they are so overridden by the consequences pushed upon them, they are barely alive. But they are revived, by a presence upon this earth.
In the interpretation given: Greece is considered to be a birthplace of “university knowledge”/ the large horn which is a sign of weapons; is the nuclear bomb. That is the power that gives rise to university reigns this world. The four kingdoms which have arisen from this new university power are: weapons of mass destruction/ mutilation of nature through DNA and chemical poisoning/ energy manipulation as a primary consequence of electricity/ and resource devastation, the control: ransacking/ rape/ and devastation of all that life needs to survive. They are not, “the extreme fear” as was established by the USA AND USSR, with their constant trumpeting: FEAR US, we can destroy islands and this world and you. With many nations holding weapons of mass destruction, it is now impossible to “first strike” them all. But these four new powers of the university are equally terrifying; the difference is, the mind must understand instead of simply fear/ so people run away and hide, pretending it is not real.
Today is the latter part of university reign, simply because we cannot survive the threats we face without true change in leadership and humanity itself. The world is a different place, because we do already stand as one human being on every single acre of “growing land” on earth/ and the sea, which provided much of the food for this massive increase, is nearly extinct of its life. Cannibalism is next.
The rebels who become completely wicked; are those who do not follow their leaders, or more correctly “their government”. These are the university armies which have overridden all economies and taken control of the money. Deceit has prospered, they have reached into every single possible treasure of life or individuals, stealing everything the could. They joined together, fighting against democracy and against nations: to steal everything for themselves. The result of world wide economic disaster already proven true and waiting its true descent is here. ALL will feel the disaster. The thirst for power to arise from this: a reality which will confront life, across this world, demands a leader. That leader is, “we the university shall be god”. Therefore they gamble with this entire planet, by bringing the same fire as is on the sun here/ the destroy the disciplines, balance, order, and sanctity of life: to build you an enemy, so you forget what they have done. Yet the people have felt secure in the lies, “it works doesn’t it; its better than bankruptcy or depression isn’t it”/ until truth takes over. Truth is “the prince of princes” so to speak.
It will take years to rebuild.
IF you survive, and do not descend into absolute chaos (HELL), as is the purpose of those who seek to prove evolution, and throw all of nature itself into chaos as well. By crucifying genetic information. (ARMAGEDDON) Or more simply the description of “an evil world” could not be more accurate of today than what is true. The universities are gambling with this entire planet, by trying to bring the same fire here as is on the sun/ even though they have proven themselves wrong: “they cannot retain their position as your “god” unless they continue to entertain. To do that they must find “something you cannot do”. They gamble as well, that they can play with the same energies that caused the single most destructive event in the history of this universe, at CERN. Being wrong is a dead world/ even this planet only dies once. How, could you be more wicked?
But these are not alone, the reality is “monster men” are everywhere ransacking/ raping/ and destroying nature in all its existence. Tragedy consists of taking what is needed, and destroying it so as to end the ability to survive. In every conceivable sense of those words, the leaders of this humanity are doing just that, or allowing it to be done. The only definitions of people working for life, (with tiny expections)/ are those whose true purpose is to keep the slaves of society from gaining any power, or uniting in any conceivable manner so as to protect themselves. It is simply stomp on those who can lead, so as to make the others fear/ using propaganda to establish “only the expert, has a mind, or knows anything of value”. The expert being robotic servants (we cannot think for ourselves, we must do whatever the book says) that do worship and obey their cult, called “university knows”.
Those who remain alive as a living example of “I, have my own mind”; are faced with the constant assault of power, pride, want, bribes, fear, fantasy, disrespect, and failure. To do anything less than choose “life first, for the planet”; is an absolute failure. To do anything that gambles with life or the planet, believing “we can be gods” is a complete and utter fantasy. To disrespect every aspect of life, environment, ecology, biology, chemistry of the body and ecosystems of life, the chains that bring food and survival, the oceans, every resource including water, oxygen, ozone layer, climate, ice and its weight redistribution, or the consequences of natural phenomenon such as Yellowstone volcano. Are all completely insane, and as a consequence the clear decision by those who call themselves leaders, to simply abandon and allow life on earth to be destroyed. How could you be more evil?
Then there are the many contributors to the endless deluge of biological contaminators such as antiseptics everywhere/ poisons everywhere/ mutilated plants everywhere/ the extinction of species, because of the choices you have made, everywhere/ the tragedy that is human population explosion/ the complete failure of medicine soon, because of antibiotic misuse (can’t do surgery without antibiotics, particularly not in a world wherein disease has been multiplied because of antibiotic selection) . The incarceration of livestock in absolute slavery, so that they learn to hate their lives; at least if they had enough time to live and find life for real. The sterilization of nearly all seeds. The mutilation of food crops. The destruction of insects which pollinate nearly all diversity. The demand, “we only want this special trait”/ which ends diversity in a single species opening it to pandemic nightmares; “the food is gone, a single disease took it all”. The reliance on one specific “parent plant”/ which continues to decline in production, and is already nearly at its ending. Demanding livestock cannot choose for itself in every conceivable reality; which is of course trying to play god/ RATHER than trying to help life survive, so it can sustain you. The determination of agriculture, to deny all plants and all insects and anything else that “takes a penny”; becoming an extreme form of practice that produces extinction on a massive scale. The same is becoming true in the cities as well, poisoning everything/ denying insects any form of refuge: one day all diversity will just start to disappear, and cannot be stopped, as it already has. A billion tons of “livestock feed” as are insects, destroyed: will not go unnoticed. Life dies. Trillions of gallons of drinking water are being pumped into abandoned oil wells/ mines/ into gas reservoirs/ poisoned/ etc. Garbage dumps are being created on top of drinking water supplies. As much water is being removed from this nation as is being consumed as gasoline; for ethanol, irrigation to produce ethanol, or just a penny or two more for “me”. What will you drink/ YOU WILL WAR! The cost of running one hour, in a large diesel truck on the highway is, “all the oxygen needed by 120 people for an entire day. The biosphere two project proved oxygen generation is not nearly what men predicted. WHAT will you breathe/ you will die and go insane! Every biological entity that creates oxygen is being ravaged, forests being consumed at 77,000 square miles a year and more; much of it burned. Insects are a high probability of participation in oxygen, by chewing on plants The ocean ravaged for small organisms that contribute oxygen to feed livestock, causing the ocean to be barren; you took their food, at the base level of life/ ending or tragically impacting everything above it. You threw in enough garbage and poisons, to cover continents. You overuse enough nitrogen to kill entire coastlines. You destroy the incubators of river and ocean life, and don’t care. The Arctic sea is melting/ which means the very last refuge for vast quantities of ocean fish will soon be extinct. Food gone forever. The ice flows under which an enormous amount of “ocean food originates “ is being melted; 2012 an ice flow the size of the entire USA disappeared with all the food it generated. That weight distribution without doubt is causing tectonic disturbances. Or more simply: what are you not destroying quickly? How could you be more evil?
Then there are all the tragedies coming involving money and the massive theft that the universities are entirely to blame for: “we are superior/ we win: WE WILL TAKE MUCH MORE, than any nation can justify”. Cause “they’re special”. Indeed they are: take a look at the above and understand: those educated by life, establishing common sense inside their mind/ would never intentionally assassinate their world. These do. These demand slaves, “it’s the money/ that forms the whip”. The consequence is already known: the sale of guns is tremendous. The disease of parasitic university cancers that have invaded and infected our world with the plague of greed/ the blight of fantasy/ the failure of everything necessary to survive cannot be conceived of without interjecting “a religion is involved”. Nobody in their right mind, commits suicide. Nobody in their right mind assassinates every child and every life, and the future of everything this planet can be. Nobody is so blind that they cannot see the future of horror and terror and death that is so simple to understand; even a fly or worm is more intelligent than are you: do they kill themselves/ or their environment? NO. Killing a planet, requires the intoxication of complete obedience to a fool. Religion means: “I will believe/ regardless of sustainable proof”. Take a look at what you believe from university leadership: the resources are nearly dead/ the planet is dying/ the ocean nearly extinct/ the ozone and climate dramatically altered or destroyed/ life mutilated/ life and planet poisoned/ “your monster men, bringing plagues and pandemic’s by intertwining separate species, a KNOWN cause of pandemic/ your media tells you nothing about fraud, counterfeiting, theft, deceit, and all forms of corruption in the courts and leadership of every nation; yet you still believe them as if they too were gods. Your university priests say: the fire that is on the sun is controllable, because there is not enough gravity here to sustain it/ even thought hey don’t know what gravity is: they bet the entire planet on this theory of fools. The university says: the fire on the sun is just hydrogen being forced to create helium; yet they have brought hydrogen together to make helium, and DID NOT find this fire; “don’t care”. The university says: the entire sun is made out of hydrogen, and its core or center is so hot: that is why, there is gravity and fire. Yet absolutely nothing proves that, and everything known proves it is wrong. There is more, but you believe them anyway saying “they are too smart for me to contend with”. That is true, because they have organized and become an army against you and this world; by using words as weapons. Or more correctly, they have named every “piece of dust” on the planet/ and only a few can waste so much time learning to focus on one little thing; so as to compete with their endless dribble of vomit or diarrhea “take your pick”. Having gained control by creating fears, or promising to “be god”/ even though they lie; they have taken over governments: this is the result. The world does not survive because of “One little thing”/ which then proves your university leaders are absolutely NOT prepared to lead/ as is so completely evident and true by the reality of this day. Nobody could be so foolish as to believe they can be gods, even over your own tiny piece of this world; it is insane. Consequently religion is formed so as to prove, “together we can be gods/ because we can crush anyone who says no”. Truth is not a religion/ it is reality. Evolution is a fantasy religion which assumes, “life and body can be built one piece at a time/ can you survive without blood, how about without a heart or lungs or liver or anything else that is necessary FOR YOUR ENTIRE BODY TO SURVIVE, you need ALL the pieces at one time. Isn’t that true! How could you be more evil? There is much more, all bad.
It is noted and explained: an education is NOT “a bad thing”. The university education is NOT simply the devil or satan. RATHER THOSE WHO WORMED their way into leadership for the particular purpose of playing god, and using life and nature as their toys: have become “SATAN”, because humanity has been unable to stop them, or know what is truly going on: BECAUSE THESE FEW CONTROL THE MEDIA as well. Therefore you get no true information regarding any aspect of life or planet or purpose that is not useless or a fraud. Yet you believe in media, because they are suppose to protect you. But the reality is: you didn’t care for decades of greed, wherein the bribes and promises “you can be rich” were all that mattered. An entire world dying/ every child in jeopardy and about to be cannibalized: STILL DIDN’T MATTER. Because your own greed is so extreme, your failure to control the competition driving you insane. Or, the alternate excuse: “leave me alone, cause I am going to heaven and need not do anything for this world, or its life: I got a free pass, to do anything I please or can, let the world go to hell”. Damn righteous, wouldn’t you say/ with an entire world of life depending upon our involvement, because nothing else can stop this death march called humans playing god. All because the university says: we are special, we can be gods & we want much more, “gods aren’t free you know”. Even though you could not pay, they just counterfeited it (upwards of $200 trillion dollars), and claimed: “Let the government pay us”. So they could take the money, defeat “supply and demand”, steal your future and the future of your child; and make you fight to survive. Or compete so as not to be left completely behind. Shame on you all. Even if it is a hard battle to win, you just surrendered without so much as a whimper. Being surrounded by “the devil himself”/ you just searched “for a goat to lead you, the sheep; saying this one has weapons”. Devil means: to destroy the possibilities of a future, and drive humanity itself, insane.
For decades: I have been saying WAKE UP, protect and defend LIFE and PLANET! For decades you have run away and hid behind any excuse you can find, or just plain anger: “I WANT whatever I WANT/ AND I DON’T WANT NOTHING, but what I want”. So get the hell away. Congratulations: your hell awaits you. All you have to do, is what you are doing/ it arrives Soon! Think not?

To survive as life on earth, to survive and sustain this planet: HUMANITY MUST CHANGE! Not because I say so, that is absolutely irrelevant: GO SEARCH FOR YOURSELVES AND FIND THE TRUTH. But make no mistake, what you want is absolutely irrelevant/ what you assume is absolutely worthless/ what you believe is useless: what is true decides! There are NO second chances! You must stop being INSANE, and let truth decide the future. As is plainly evident, your university diploma’s haven’t got a clue; as to what is or is not important. GO TO COURT, INVESTIGATE THE EVIDENCE, AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELVES: are we the people of this earth going to fight for your lives, or not? Make your decision/ because without a fight, and the truth of real and critical change: you, are dead! No, unless you die very soon/ YOU ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH THESE TRUTHS, and what you chose. NO, you will not be forgiven in eternity for destroying this earth, without even a fight/ you WILL be destroyed, or left behind in HELL. Isn’t , “that justice”?
Make your decision, because even if you run away/ or hide/ or fear: that is your decision.

The most powerful words ever written, apart from these; are US constitutional first amendment law: which states we the people are entitled to REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. WHICH MEANS: we have a legal right to take our employees to court, by establishing state by state the demand for an investigation. Thereby bringing those who lead into view, and reviewing for truth, every decision and every threat they have made. We have the legal right to change our government as we see fit, under the constitution and its purpose which is outlined in the preamble of that document. The constitution IS OUR GOVERNMENT/ because it is the foundation agreement which unites us; and there is no other. Only support documents that clarify what the people who died, and sacrificed their lives chose.
We have the legal right to investigate every threat. And choose differently! We have the right to defend ourselves, with the law that adheres correctly with constitutional intent and purpose/ and need not listen to anything else, but LIFE FOR THIS PLANET MUST COME FIRST! WE, the people; are owners here/ and this is our nation. Because we did NOT surrender it to a bunch of employees out of control/ who truly believe themselves to be “our rulers” instead of OUR EMPLOYEES! That fact, and every other listed here MUST be investigated and revealed by what is true according to the evidence in a court of law: so as to force compliance and allow none to escape their testimony: so that we may know the truth/ the whole truth/ and nothing but the truth. The leaders swore to obey the constitution and do for this society what it commands of them: therefore they cannot declare the fifth amendment to refuse to testify or claim any other excuse: they must, the constitution demands it. The reality of threat, constructs an absolute claim to know the truth: TO MAKE OUR DECISION FOR LIFE, or death.
There is also the reality of understanding what is a true threat, as opposed to simple knowledge as is provided by the evidence. The consequence of mutilating genetic structures, and chemical alterations of genetic processes results in horrific destruction to the balance “two hands, two eyes, two legs (same size) etc”/ to the disciplines of mind and body/ to the order that is growth and development; all of which are controlled by chemicals that can abort or destroy the life being built or sustained. Changing genetic structure, changes the chemicals used to control the processes/ the order/ and the disciplines that construct the bodies of life. Slight differences in chemical composition create terrible consequences. The lack of a chemical results in mutilation, etc. Too much chemical results in mental collapse, and more. Different chemicals than what must be; cause abortion or critical complications in all manner of organ development; AND SO ON. What good is a leg without a joint/ etc. You MUST error on the side of protecting life, and NOT gamble with the miracles that have given life to this planet for thousands of years or more. It is NOT your right, to destroy this world or its life, or its miracles. The fact this must be told to you; DOES represent a degree of evil in all/ because you have done nothing, but pretend your gods (they know everything) at the university will be gods. As is obvious by the level of threat exposed just in this document: THEY DON’T know much more, about anything important to life; than shit falls down, rather than up. How damn smart is that?

There are more important words written by “JESUS, who did change this world”/ but there are no more powerful words than redress of grievances, or the reality of information that grants a reprieve to this world: no matter where it comes from, so long as it is true.. Period!

The endless listing of “he ain’t nobody”, is for fools. I am irrelevant to the reality of threat. I am NOT your leader, NOR am I telling you to believe me. I AM TELLING YOU, that to assume your leaders or your media are going to save your lives, or do anything but enforce extermination of life on this planet; has already been proven: want/ pride/ and power control them. Your life is worthless to them, apart from slavery, “somebody has to do the work”. So says the evidence of threat, and the complete lack of response as has been proven true in court on these sites/ they are, “worshipers of the cult, university knows”. The evidence however proves, if university does know: then they have chosen to be “satan”/ the destroyer of a world. There is no going back from these decisions. There is no future for life without resources/ chains of life/ environmental stability/ ocean life, because we must eat or there will be war/ water/ oxygen/ etc.
There are those who will say: If this was all true, and as bad as this guy suggests, “we would all know it”/ that is what the media is for! But the media tells you nothing of importance, and seeks to hide all evidence that is contrary to “university knows”. They did not tell you, how bad the debt really is. They did not tell you that the “Clinton government” balanced the budget by taking social security out of it/ but kept the money in the federal accounting; so they could spend an additional $70 trillion dollars or so, without accounting for it. They did not tell you, that Reagan “fixed the economy by selling all the gold in Fort Knox”. They did not tell you the consequences of being wrong about bringing the same fire here as is on the sun. They did not fully tell you the reality of “life being crucified” that is genetic experimentation. Or more simply “the choose for you” what you can or cannot know; removing your own choice. Because they want control over you, just like the leaders and the powerful who control them. A very tiny handful of people own all the news organizations; and they do decide/ they do propagate whatever you are expected to believe/ and you have thrown away your mind, because you believe you can’t stop them. FIND IT BACK! Understand the law and democracy itself, are on our side/ even if the court’s are not. We outnumber them “a million to one”. We are the force of this nation, and we the people can be heard: BY DEMANDING TELL US THE TRUTH, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, AND THE WHOLE TRUTH. Or we are going to throw you in jail for the rest of your life/ if we don’t kill you instead by the law! WE ARE THE NATION, and we do own it! We did not give it away to our employees/ they tried to steal it: and we must refuse that demand. Returning to life first, for this world.
Just like electricity now threatens us most of all; because it allows the critical means or primary source used for producing all these threats: that does NOT make electricity bad. The university itself is the same. It is what people choose to do with their knowledge, it is what people refuse to respect; and play god instead: That brings destruction. It is a world filled with “human sheep”; that lets them. Grow up, and fight for life/ because if you don’t: I guarantee to you, that eternity will never find mercy for you. You let GOD’S CREATION DIE! Unless you fight for the life HE GAVE US/ Why, WOULD YOU, be invited: YOU then chose, “throw it in the garbage/ give it to hell”! Should the same NOT be done for you! It is what you chose to do “With HIS creation”/ is that not true of you as well? Are you not “HIS creation”? Are you not responsible for respecting life! This level of threat “AIN’T NO GAME”. Prove the evidence is wrong, or accept the facts drawn here. There is no escape/ only change, and the consequences of human decision: the reality of what truth itself can do, or not do/ because it is too late. These are human decisions that bring us all, to the end of time, or renewal of life by change. There are no excuses, and there are no allowances for less than world law, and the removal of weapons of mass destruction: because the law rules/ not armies or leaders. But the law that rules over leaders, and the courts that will be owned by we the people of this world. Make no mistake, NO LITTLE CHANGE will do. Either life comes first for this planet, regardless of your wants; or we all die. Even one more decade is unlikely. There is no place to hide from a dying earth, or an earth on fire same as the sun. That fire exists, you know it is true. That fire does not simply extinguish itself/ you know that is true as well. WAKE UP.

            The distance between life, and thought is the creation of locks and keys.  The development of human existence is, the mental barricades used to identify and protect against the questions time presents.  The question of eternity itself, are assembled within the single discovery:   is there a GOD, and are we loved or left!   Because the miracles of life that exist cannot be found in chaos, or anything less than thought itself.  By the delivery of so many “extras” beyond what we had to have to be life/ the element of love in creation, clearly exists.  But that in and of itself is not proof:   that we are not simply left on our own/ with no hope of eternity.


            Time exists as the freedom to make choices, and the consequences of action and then reaction so as to understand the choices that we did make.  It is life slowed down, “to the level of  humanity”.  Which means to ascend back into life itself, we must learn how best not to create a reaction that does not establish consequences against us.  Or more simply: to understand, acknowledge, and accept truth as our only path forward into life itself, is mandatory.

            So then the beginning question presented becomes: what is truth?

            The initiating answer:   truth is the single relationship we may join or experience, which cannot be changed.  Therefore our truth becomes our existence, our connection with eternity.  The foundation of every relationship that can survive is respect.  Your truth must contain respect/ because if it does not, the foundation of life that you present into eternity,  is as an enemy. 

            Life is not the presentation of time/ IT IS, the presentation or recognition of choice.  All life exists as a freedom to choose something for yourself.  “Therefore human mutilation by genetic  intervention in that process reality is as a crucifixion”.  From that fact, we begin to conceive of thought, or the elemental rise from recognition of life, to the essence of discovery which is a relationship with creation itself.   Creation is the existence of locks and keys in the development of disciplines, order, balance, and courage.  These are the builders of life itself, through truth and as a direct relationship with thought itself.  Therefore every aspect of life retains an association with that truth, and the possibilities of that thought;   as is consistent with “soul”.  Soul means: a path exists back to creation itself, and the life given to you.

            The mental barricades of human decision are fundamentally an escape from truth, so as to avoid reality and assemble want instead.  That is a decision for chaos, and chaos destroys/ it never builds anything but hate.  Everything tragic then begins with want.  Time assembles the evidence of your own decisions, it is a trial based upon the single question:   DO YOU (a freedom, or identity recognized as independent and real) deserve to inherit eternity by your own choices?

            That brings us to the question “called    GOD” !

            That brings us to a reality of thought, wherein the acceptance of creation itself is mandatory and proven true by the essence of what has been built/ the freedoms that have been released as life into this world of choice.  Where it is obvious that thought came before all of creation/ it is then consistent with that thought to assert:   “An individual recognition of truth exists to sustain, recognize, evaluate, and conform that thought which is the governing reality of biology, environment, and all its chains to this life”.  Thought exists on an individual level, even though after its assembly, thought itself can be shared.  Nonetheless, an individual journey creates it/ therefore what is called    “GOD”   Must or did exist.     The question of abandonment or death of our creator can be considered resolved to some extent by the introduction of JESUS as it is biblically written:   this person, or this anchor introduced into our lives as “love revealed/ eternity established” is a powerful witness.

            JESUS consists of the evidence left behind as a reality that changed human life across this world in many countless ways, even if other religions do not accept it in their message; the consequence of the life called JESUS is a reality that changed their message too.  It is also the testimony: that without other human help, it is a message that could have died.  Nonetheless that message is clear:   “GOD IS ALIVE, and we are loved, if only we choose to follow what is respectful, valued, disciplined, balanced, orderly, courageous, loving, and justice for all; eternity will prove that true in us.”

            We now look to keys and locks as the method and means of establishing an ascension beyond the limits of time itself.

            The “locked doors” we face are complex in their association with life.  They do not exist as an extension of your mind, but limit themselves to the existence of heart or soul.  This means no amount of intellectual searching can find them, as they do not exist in the mind or body itself.  Rather the doors which translate time into creation itself, are only found in thought itself.  Therefore the requirement is: that you find thought/ or you shall not find eternity; even though mercy can intervene.

            Thought and its passages beyond the intellectual mind, require keys.  These are the elements of truth that allow any and all doors in the expressions of thought to be opened at your own decision.  Consequently a key “Inside”;  is the measure of any truth that can subsequently establish a truth in you.  However the key “outside” that truth is an understanding of the truth itself, which distinctly releases you into a greater freedom than the truth so entered. Or there are stages of thought/ while there is only one eternity that exists in the truth of who and what you shall be.  That is your own decision, as none can be you; except you.

            The understanding of doors/ the passage of keys/ the reality of levels/ the question of eternity itself;   are all searchable realities dependent upon risking your own life, gambling your own sanity.  To be trapped in any truth beyond the limits of time means: you cannot escape this unless you understand the truth of its existence by reality.  No fantasy allowed/ which means having entered, if you try to escape by fantasies:   your sanity will fail.  Which means if, your own truth does not accept the reality of this new existence/ you will be conceived of as an enemy and destroyed from it.  Truth must be truth, there are no exceptions; however in rare cases the allowance to learn does exist.

            To exist as a “sane” human being requires:   an anchor for your life in time.  To participate beyond the limits of time requires a truth that becomes your anchor, thereby the reality of what, why, who, how, when, and where if attacked; this is “how you turn”.  Or more simply:   if the direction and path which you chose has become a battleground upon which you cannot win the right to proceed.  Then you must turn and face a new reality, or be destroyed in one form or another.  It is never “to turn back entirely”/ because truth brought you this far, and if you turn upon that truth and discard it; you then become a lie.  Rather slight directional changes or even severe directional changes which then reconstruct the necessary definitions of “what you can be as truth”/ determine the result.  If you do not “bend with the prevailing wind” so to speak/ you can be broken and die.  If you do not remain true, to the base realities upon which you have anchored your life/ you will be discarded as worthless, or useless to the future.  You must be someone, to remain someone valued.  That search is up to you, it is your decision.

            The question of time asks:    What does gender mean to our existence?

            The answer of time suggests:   without gender differences, we would not find the world itself to be interesting or vital: thereby becoming existence by our own decision.  Or more simply: without the differences that are male and female few would survive the assault of need to continue as life.  Or, to be happy;   we do need each other/ which does make us equal in every sense of eternity. 

            The question of gender in eternity cannot be resolved by simply guessing.  Thereby the question of truth intervenes and asks:   is gender a critical or vital element in being happy beyond the consequences of time itself?  The answer clearly seems to be yes, as the only real difference between existence in time or eternity when comparing what “can we do”; is search for happiness, love, value;   or less.  Disciplines are an elemental boundary that serves order.  Order is the fundamental building of what has balance when conceived by thought.  Thought is the essence of every freedom, thereby   “Everything alive, through understanding”.

            Life is, the desperate grasp, within the threads of thought, to become more than simply freed in time.  Freedom is not enough to survive, we must each one find the value which gives us an opportunity beyond ourselves, to find a truth that can be “eternal in us”.

            I find, that JESUS is the path beyond this time, that gives value and anchorage to the search for life itself, and     OUR CREATOR.     To be loved so distinctly as miracles and JESUS did and do portray;   is enough for me.  To be invited to join life itself, beyond time as an ascension that cannot be denied:   is to be reborn.

            Are you not invited to do the same?  It is not an intellectual search/ this journey begins in heart or soul: every single one has that capacity, and that right.  It is your choice.

            The elements of life in time, require our assistance to establish change, to understand happiness or hope, and to build a new life for us all.


            Download these html sites, to protect your right to know they exist. Open the zip files, then open the index file, and they will appear same as they do on the internet; but the links won’t work if they are outside that specific site.  The individual files however will be there.


             In the trial and tragedy that is Syria:    World law means: ;  We go get the leaders and bring them to justice, at trial based upon this law.   Or kill them if that is necessary, to stop any aggression that cannot wait. No excuses, and NO exceptions.  In the current case of Syria: the fundamental required of this moment is, “to distribute as many gas masks to the general population, and opposing forces;  as is necessary.”  Only then, shall you attack the chemical weapons held by the national army:   equal to one bomb by them equals one bomb by you against their own chemical weapons [ which makes possession a distinct threat, to the soldiers who hold them ].  More.

Something different, to build beyond time.


To understand, “beyond time”:   begins with “questions are removed/ foundations are changed/ and elemental truth is altered from the descriptions of an action and a reaction.  To attain the discovery:   the purity of every truth is not a discipline or order, but the essence of an identity.

            Eery identity constructs an image.  Every image defines a reflection.  Every reflection consists of a reversal of that image, and therefrom, the dimensional depth that constructs the environment which conceives of life or reality beyond its own boundary.  Life itself “stands between the image and its reflection”.  Or, at its opposite extreme, every pure truth is without conflict, therefore the dimensional development of that truth is the inner experience or expression of that reality dependent upon the foundations supporting, and the elements of law which govern its thought. 

            Law is a discipline constructed by order/ but truth is a reality defined by its own existence:  Therefore it has “character” .  Character is assigned by the elements of every description that conceives of identity.  Or more simply an identity consists of “something”.  Beyond time means literally, “without mass”.  In universal law, that leaves only energy/ space/ and thought.  These three construct the essence of freedom, as is:  Energy can/ space will/ and thought governs direction by a decision: consequently movement is involved. 

            That is a simple beginning/ suitable to the needs assembled by the requirement of “different”.


            What may sound benign to you however is, “very dangerous” to enter.  That is possible from the vantage point of time, assembled with sufficient purity in truth:   but unless you are willing to ascend past the elemental boundary of   “Safety in time”/ you cannot go.  Most who enter, will go insane/ because unless you can comprehend what is true, the reality of that truth, you chose to enter;   will control you.  Every truth is a dimensional reality, which means you cannot escape it, unless you fully understand how.  Trapped by the truth you chose means; either happy or sad, for most.  You cannot escape/ so there are no second chances unless you do understand/ and that requires purity of choices, consistent with the purposes and desires of an identity;  within the truth you have entered.  There is no other escape, or potential freedom.  A lesson from my past is:   without an answer as male, as to how this earth might survive/ I finally asked female.  Since none would help me here/ I searched and found the spiritual world of female.  I opened the door, believing I could understand/ but I failed because without all the “parts and pieces of female” no male can understand.  It is a different reality, and a different life.  Trapped unless I do/ caught between male and female is not “simple”.  It is a relationship that has altered my very existence: NOT perverted.  But certainly changed. The value is, new concepts and definitions that are developmentally capable of changing this world: because what is male, and what is female, are absolutely required to “work together”.  Neither can escape/ both exist.

            Nonetheless, within dimensional compositions, there are laws!   Every law constructs a boundary or limit.  Every boundary identifies what can or cannot participate here.  Every limit is a pathway to the experience and expression of “more”.  What is more than the limit allowed, is an escape/ but it is also a death: because the end of “acceptance here”, as a direct participant in this truth  is life itself.  Therefore to remain within the laws of an individual truth that combines rather than escapes; assembles family, “so to speak”.  While the escape from any truth has value, as it results in freedom/ the price is solitude, and you cannot take what does not belong to any other truth.  The longer you remain in the purity of any distinct truth, the more attributes of that truth you will inherit, and become.  You cannot enter any truth by rebellion.  You must accept the foundation of law that    Controls it.  That law will then control you, until the escape possible through knowledge and understanding “opens a door”. 

            Death then teaches 3 distinct things: without the purity of truth governing your direction and desires, you have no home.  Without energy you have no existence.  Without thought direction is impossible, and you will enter chaos.  Or mercy is required to save you.

            Purity is a purpose that elevates the desires of your heart, to the level called soul.  Soul is a relationship with the energies and realities of Creation itself. Thought is the interwoven fabric of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom chosen to reveal what communicates best,   “With life and GOD”.

            These are then the tiniest fragments of “an eternity revealed”.


            We then turn to the elemental question called death.  What is physical has no bearing or value/ it is merely abandoned, and that is all.  The body does NOT give you life/ it gives you time.  There is a difference!  The critical question of time and eternity is: WHAT is your own truth?  That is the choice you will make in this existence.

            The elemental reality of time is mass in movement/ without mass, there is no functional ending to movement, because there is no obstruction.  That reality is then energy itself.  The critical concentration of energy as is consistent with life will NOT EVER be discussed.

            Every element of pure truth is “spiritual”.  Spiritual means, I have found the beginning of a path, that leads beyond myself: TO LIFE, governed by the laws which create soul.  It is noted, that there is a melody associated with freedom/ when your expression has value to life, the rhythm of your purpose and its desire become the song of your own heart.  Without value attained, every freedom is an abyss, simply governed by want: the lies that result will consume your heart, and your life.  That is a choice with consequences.

            We all have an inherent right, to the freedoms which give expression and experience to our time.  Time is life as a body/ but the mind is our relationship to human existence.  Temptations have no effect without want/ want is the foundation of every lie.  The reality of your choice, determines, affects, and decides the primary participants in your time: as environmental reality allow.  No one gets, what is beyond an environmental reality in this world of physical truth; unless you become spiritual.  What is spiritual exists without mass/ consequently the laws are different/ and so is your relationship to them: truth defines spirituality.  Nothing less can.

            The reality of human environmental obstructions, to the life, path, and direction of an individual identity is:   ridicule/ gossip/ temptation/ hate/ fear/ manipulation/ deceit/ theft/ and so on.  The purpose is to interfere with your own search, for life itself/ by those who have given up, or simply don’t care about life itself, other than for selfishness.  These obstructions identity failure, or fantasy, or “devil (that which kills)”/ and give you the opportunity to prepare yourselves for eternity; by understanding choice, and its consequences exist.  Entering within any eternal truth requires a distinct decision, that lets you participate in this relationship as best you can.  Time allows for change/ eternity does not, it is your truth expanded into its own creation.  Therefore whatever is your truth becomes your fate (overtaken and destroyed)/ or your destiny (defined by your own desires). 

            The elemental rise beyond our limits as a physical existence, translates the value of time itself: is FAR beyond ,“just me”.  The reality of life then expands to consider the universe itself/ the developmental abilities of thought assign a new relationship with energy.  Because mass is not “life itself”/ but merely our relationship with an action/ and then a reaction.  Or the consequence of mass in motion.  Thought comprehends energy, energy constructs life, through the existence of thought.

            Developmental disciplines establish that everyone fails and succeeds by some measure in time; thereby we learn to some degree how best to attain what we choose to accept “has value to me”.  The functional question of humanity is:   do you choose love or hate/ because aside from simple survival, that is the fundamental reality of everything you choose; and its consequence.   Love grants a relationship when possible.  Hate destroys every relationship, by using or abusing the realities of intellect.  We are threatened as a world today, because your hate is that extensive, and the endless competition created by those who want to control everything/ and manipulate everyone continues to add more.  Their effects provide your fears/ and justice has failed extensively.

            Consequently if you do not choose for life first on this planet/ if you continue to refuse: to face your reality by its truth:   you will lose everything.


            Change is: the consequence of a true need, that recognizes the foundation of our survival as life,  requires this. 

            Reality examines the human population on this planet and declares:   UNLESS there is real and true and very significant change: our entire world shall be lost.  It is not a game/ not a true choice, it is a requirement to survive.

            Examination of the cause establishes that failure/ foolishness/ fantasy/ thievery/ lies/ cheating/ anarchy and corruption; etc:    Are a result of university leadership, the one unifying piece of evidence found in the hand of every leader; other than male.  In court case after court case, and opportunities outside the courtroom university leadership has failed, and chosen either to hide the evidence of extreme threat against life on this planet/ or simply run away from it.

            These threats are evident and clear and need no other fundamental proof of a need to investigate and thereby change as reality defines.  But your leaders all refuse, including your media and religion.  That DOES MEAN:   CHANGE, must come from the people themselves.

            Communication is the values of a society translated into a decision that substantiates we the people have chosen.  You are not allowed the communication of threats against your life, your child and your future:   because those who control your life, steal, lie,  and enslave you WANT to continue doing so.   Even at the cost of a dead world.  Your media is their toy/ it is not your protection; they propagate any lie they are told, by the cult of university knows..  That is because only a tiny few control ALL NEWS MEDIA/ and they enforce, only what we want: or you will never work in journalism again.  They control every job.

            Therefore without leaders or media/ without religion, because they too fear the loss of power and control/ without the court, because it exists only to protect power and pride/ and without all those whose only demand is absolute selfishness for themselves.  The reality is: UNLESS YOU SAVE YOURSELVES, with true involvement and work assembled under law and the constitutional demand of redress.  WE SHALL investigate this, and hold our employees accountable for what they do/ OR did or did not do.   This world shall die, without you.

            That is incentive enough, to be involved: this is a fight for everything on earth/ a trial that you will answer, because there is no way out, unless there is true change.  You cannot simply continue to worship your cult as is “university knows”/ and not investigate what they say: THEY LED YOU HERE, and refuse to help.  The foundation here is NOT:   “Believe in me/ I am irrelevant to the facts”.  The facts are every life is being gambled with/ even our very planet/ even every child.  This is no game/ and there are no second chances; past the point of no return, we are dead, as a world.  THEREFORE WE MUST INVESTIGATE EVERY THREAT, AND FIND THE TRUTH AS BEST WE CAN.  And let truth itself decide the path and the reality that we must endure as change to survive. 

            The law already exists as first amendment constitutional redress of grievances.  It is that simple/ just enforce it, and we go to court and learn as best we can.  Go to court and as we the people:   we can/ and we shall,  determine the future today.  

            The law is your army/ not a gun: that is useless! 

            Democracy is your weapon: the foundation of it is, “we shall rule ourselves.”

            You need nothing else, except to organize and demand the law shall be kept/ and the truth shall be found.  You do know how!

            Your leaders have refused that demand, because they want to remain rulers/ rather than employees; as the law allows.  That is anarchy, and treason.  They want to play god, and continue experimenting with life and planet until we are exterminated: this world/ this life only dies once, there is no going back.  They WANT to continue counterfeiting, because it makes you their slaves.  None of which will survive democracy in an investigation of constitutional adherence or demand.  Their extreme arrogance/ their worship of power and lies: is your genocide in the making.



            To achieve this, world law and policing of leaders must come immediately/ along with the end of all weapons of mass destruction.

            To survive: we will return to the elements of a village with neighborhood businesses and self-sufficiency; so that everyone “gets what they earned/ instead of stealing it from the rest”. 

            For peace and harmony, justice/ fair play/ equality/ and equitable management of society and its work must arise to replace the corruption and failure of leaders.

            We must all be, “friends with the earth/ its life/ and ourselves”.  From this day forward till the end of our time.


            Change is hard/ but survival says, life requires it!  Therefore whatever life requires will be done or we die.  It is beyond foolish to say no, and conclude want can continue to rule.  Selfishness will not keep this earth alive/ we are now too many people to do anything you want: nature is dying, and cannot control humanity anymore.  We must control ourselves/ that is the choice you made.

            Change is not a fight.  Change is the acceptance of a reality revealed by truth that cannot be denied or changed by want: only truth defines a solution/ only acceptance of that truth keeps us alive.  We are 7 billion people, which means “kill a billion people” and there are still 6 billion more to go: war is an impossible solution/ it is dead, or you are.

            Change is the decision to be happy/ because it is useless and personally defeating to be anything less: when we must, we simply must, and that is the end of the discussion.  Change is a reality that readjusts the future, because of that change.  Consequently you cannot remain “just as you are”/ that is not change.  Our world has changed because of population and university experimentation/ and we must now fight to survive with truth and law on our side.  Nothing less will do.

            With change there shall be “new things”.  Change does not destroy the past/ rather it assembles what is valuable for this new existence will be measured and judged to fit within our new reality; as best we can.  But reality will choose/ not want or money.

            Disciplines are required of you.  Order and balance must be achieved by you though the elements of thought; as are consistent with your life in time.  Chaos destroys/ it never builds anything; establishing evolution is a complete and utter lie.  Be careful what you choose as truth/ or you’re dead.

            Dramatic change does not come without tantrums, by those who “loved their life as it was”.  Reality however is not subtle, and you must defeat failure and fantasy to survive.   Critical moments shall be met with an appropriate level of force: or more simply “truth shall decide/ not you”.  No matter what you desire, “all of us/ are more important than: just you or yours”.  I am an example of that “kind of change”;   for over 7 years now, the demand to “understand female (I opened that spiritual door: I needed an answer male could NOT find.  Let women lead is certainly simple enough/ but I could not find it. Simple as that.)” has been a battleground I could not win. I don’t know how to be female/ it is a foreign language, so to speak; consequently,  just plain trapped here!  But, A look from the other side of the sexual divide that separates male from female:   really is “a different view, even a different life”/ and understands men should have done better.  I do NOT know, “why me”/ I just needed an answer for life on earth.  It didn’t seem like too much to ask: it was just a question!  But apparently the opportunity to apply to male “learning”; was just too good to pass up. Or something/ who knows.  Not me/ I am simply so surprised, you cannot imagine.  Regardless, The consequence is dramatic change: from plain and simple male: what I desired/ what I expected/ could not defeat the overriding reality, “without female in charge, this world will be lost”.  I suppose had I not been so determined NOT to be distracted from the reality of a world dying/ that there would have been women to ask; but that is an entirely different story with its own consequences.  The threats we face are real/ the consequences of them is extinction for all life: I would try again, to help life and planet;   because we cannot lose this fight or we’re dead.  Every single one.  To serious to take a chance on distractions/ there are no more second chances: either you wake up to these threats, or they consume you forever. 

             This level of threat is the reality men chose, and in particular the university diploma/ it is the best men did do for life, as proven by history;  and we DO, stand at the edge of extinction; because they want, and  search for money, power, and pride or lust more than life.  CHANGE is required/ this is not a game.    I searched for a decade, trying to find any solution that would keep this earth alive as male alone/ there is none: because as history proves, “men will simply return to the ways and means they have always chosen”.  With the same base result/ it is not change, so we die!  Women cannot do worse, and that is the bottom line reality we face.  This is also the best I did do for this world: nothing else matters, but the survival of this earth, and ALL its life:   UNMUTILATED, as best we still can.  That is my purpose and desire. Your opinion regarding my dilemma is not relevant;   its just the price, for me.  The reality is distinctly NOT homosexual/ rather it is strictly between the fundamental truth of women and me: clearly, a role reversal: whereas I get to learn what they endure.  “Like it, or not” is also irrelevant/ there is no choice; its complicated.

            People will say of themselves: and this world;   we are doing “great”/ we need not change: just look at all we throw away, and you can know we have not run out yet.  “We will just go get more”!  However like your money, that is all a lie/ your population count/ your reality,  proves it is so.  Look behind any closed doors, and you will know this world is coming to an end/ because everything life needs to survive, is literally under attack. Every resource is dying, and cannot be returned unless saved right now; everything is at the point of collapse, including the sanctity of life itself as body or mind!  They are ready to destroy us!  Our lives have changed, because we now live as roughly one person on each acre of agricultural ground on this planet/ with a dying ocean, and no option but to save our world.  We do grow in population at a rate exceeding 2 million more mouths to feed each week! The experiments we cannot even hope to survive exist.  Even You,  can understand the consequences of this.   If you are waiting for your leaders or the university cult to save or protect you: they have refused/ as has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in court.  Search the cases on my sites: it is true! You can defeat the liars, and find your truth!  The media have failed you entirely; think for yourselves, and search for the evidence life requires you to find.  There is no time to wait: DO IT NOW!    Fear will not help you/ accept the cost of being alive: which is courage.  Make your decision now, that is what the evidence demands.  There is no going back to the way it was.  That died with the population count!  There is no killing that will solve anything/ just the fact of a billion dead people would erase every possibility of survival, because of disease.  There are no options but change, and use the law to do so through democracy itself; spreading that reality when it is prepared, around this world.

            Letting women lead is very simple!  They cannot do so as men did do/ that is ridiculous and worthless.  The puppet of leadership is irrelevant in large part.  Because the power of leadership is in the laws that govern what will or will not be done.  The democracy of life is an enforcer of constitutional law, only when you are willing to use redress and thereby attain the control called ownership.  The values that must be adhered to:   require constitutional mandates, so that they cannot be changed without a true struggle among the people themselves.  To decide the law yourselves by vote/ MAKES YOU RULER of yourselves.  Pride is less than worthless, it makes life a game.  Want destroys.

            By the evidence, the greatest horde of terrorist/ anarchists/ and traitors ever found:   is constructed by the university diploma.  The illusion of protecting us/ or being greater than us is over:   they are responsible for the threats of this day in large and real measure.  But the entire public participated as well/ because greed has led you for decades, and damn few chose for life.

            You must recognize that different does not have to mean worse:   but it does have to mean changed.  The price of our new reality is a law that will govern us and our society and our world/ RATHER THAN RULERS.   The law we choose must govern, and that is a dramatic change: we outnumber them in every conceivable way.  They cannot stop us/ but they can threaten us: so courage is required.   Fear submits:   we cannot possibly rule ourselves!  But this world requires change, and your leaders refuse:   thereby you must rule yourselves or surrender this earth to its death.  That is your choice.  Look again at these threats, and understand that you can in fact:   DO BETTER, than fools/ fantasy/ deceit/ thievery/ and failure.  How is that not so?

            Every life on this planet depends upon “NOT BEING WRONG” ABOUT ALL THESE THREATS!

            Appropriate justice is never an intricate weave:   justice means, established by rights and realities/ rather than rules and rulers.  That is the foundation of every jury trial, to decide what rules cannot, to understand what is fair and equal treatment under the law, or not.  To determine if the punishment fits the crime, or not.

            An endless amount of words does NOT, a law make.  A law is by necessity: a short deliberate description of boundaries or right that apply to all, and can be clearly understood by the vast majority.  The foundation of every law is: that you shall not substantially threaten us, or this planet and its life; beyond what fundamental truth and real freedoms do allow.

            A rule is the assertion of authority by which rights or realities have been altered for control by society in opposition to direct and real freedom.  Be careful what you choose.

            A fundamental rule takes the law into court and assigns it to the parameters a jury will allow: WHEN NOT influenced by the judge or any other power that can corrupt it.  The reality of a vote by the public then extends or denies these descriptions the cause and consequences that shall be heard for all cases: that are functionally the same.  Thereby we control the rule, and the law by our vote; for ourselves.

            I am NOT your savior/ that is ridiculous!  Rather I am a messenger that has delivered the message: without true change this world shall soon be lost forever/ every life mutilated / every resource gone!

              You have a choice.  But it will not last much longer:   MAKE your decision now!  Life, and the work and realities required.  Or, death; simply because YOU didn’t care enough to even try!  That is your choice/ and there are NO excuses.

Expressions beyond a simple mind; the elemental task of assembling critical content.


In this day of university organization that has trodden down democracy, and invaded every aspect of our lives; are now grouped together, from the least to the highest levels: same.  By stealing our property/ destroying our constitution/ corrupting our courts/ and flagrantly infiltrating every aspect of freedom, to declare “obey us, or we make you pay”.  Regardless what that level of freedom is/ a rule for everything is a tyrant establishing oppression.  The foundation of anarchy that is we the rulers (having discarded employment and equality) of this state, city, or nation will not obey constitutional law.  As has been proven time and again on my sites; starting at is merely the beginning of proof:   we have nothing left of our democracy, but traitors,  liars, and their lies.  The foundation of theft so flagrant that we are now 200 trillion dollars in debt;   as is depicted on the federal reserve site but does not include the 70 trillion or so of social security debt.  The lies and liars who counterfeiting our money, still had not enough and  gave away our business/ selling our nation to foreigners/ driving our opportunities away, so that we become beggars, or must accept the very limited realities of only a tiny few hold every job/ a tiny few control everything.  Threatening our nation, and  Destroying our world, as is clearly assigned by threats listed below

            The assertion is, that you have a legal right to violate constitutional law, and infiltrate my life/ trespass upon my property/ and oppress and change the meaning of freedom, the virtue of liberty: and assume your rule controls my life.  That begins the construction of a claim assembled  within amendment 3, you have  intended to take possession of the property, and install your soldiers to keep watch that my freedom may be crushed by your rule.  Just because a handful of people made a rule which violates property rights and freedom to choose for myself;  as held sacred and true by any and all citizens and all property owners/ has no meaning unless it does comply with constitutional laws.  You do not.  The elemental demand that is freedom/ a guaranteed right within constitutional law DOES construct the singular demand:   I shall NOT be told what I can do or not do, unless these actions demonstrate a critical demonstration of clear threat that cannot be understood as consistent with biological laws and fundamental physical realities/ OR accepted by common practice in society itself.  Without a clear and true need : Your taking control over my property, or my rights in association with that property, or my requirements of work as is consistent with job and life:   is criminal trespass/ as you have no valid argument of threat.  As established in the extra ordinary writ arising from 11 cv 2023;   you have no respect for zoning or law or citizen rights or any part of the reality called governing in a democracy.  The courts threw  that away.   Therefore NO authority to intervene, regardless of the fact that you may not like what I do, legally exists.  You have established treason;   your job is to establish and insure the guarantees of constitutional law/ instead, you have invaded democracy as traitors, and seek to rule over us as tyrants.  Critical threats established is not subject to your decision alone/ you are not god/ you are not ruler/ you are merely employees who have gone to far, again and again and again without responsibilities or duties owed to a worm.  The disrespect proven by you for life, for every citizen, for this world is without doubt.  The failure is horrendous. The endless listing of your fantasies, criminal conduct as has been proven in court,  failures in every aspect of society, use of every child as your slave or pawn is tedious and without purpose.  Rather the primary threats of your fantasy and total disregard for life and planet in conjunction with all rulers, who have deliberately acted against the constitution of this USA,/ is treason.  These actions chosen to destroy the securities of this people/ have defied all pretense and purpose of law/ and are now proven to seek to destroy life in this world totally.   Fundamentally, that can only be proven as nothing less than a satanic cult, out to destroy life/ a religious delusion of “university knows” gone completely insane.  These facts Are defined within the term by tragic, catastrophe, horror story;   or in other words “a university diploma”.  As is the singular constant among, “Those who led us here”. 


    The accumulation of threats,   237  U.S.  309.  Its understanding:   as is consistent with our legal right to defend and protect ourselves, your children, our future, our nation, and our world:   25   F   556,  558.  are listed below.   329   N.E.   2d 880, 885.   With the clear intent that an investigation must ensue, and the reality of our own decision, as state or nation:   SHALL rule, what is or is not allowed.  167   P.  619, 620.   That begins the fundamental called  justice/ the legal right called ownership, of our lives, our planet, and our future.    203   S.E.   2d   739, 740.    Or more clearly THIS IS OUR DECISION/ not yours, not theirs, not even this nation:   because gambling with all life on earth, with the planet itself:    IS NOT YOUR RIGHT!  IT IS,    TERRORISM.


THE EXTREME THREATS:    WE CANNOT SURVIVE, not even as a world, WHEN PROVEN WRONG.  A gamble we cannot turn back.

1.   Because a tiny few said:    "Let us bring the fire on the sun here TO THIS EARTH!    The national ignition facility NIF  (with 500 trillion watts of power), and 192 lasers all surrounding and focused on the same spot in space and time”. Quote: NIF will achieve....180 million degrees F/ .....only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions: the big bang, when the universe was a primordial fireball: the interior of stars and planets, and thermonuclear weapons. A supernova is...18-54 million degrees F....the extreme density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core-collapse supernova-an exploding star- or when two neutron stars collide.  They continue experimenting today, which means at any time, life on earth can be lost forever.

Their theory is:   "not enough gravity here to sustain it".  Is enough to risk all life on earth.  This is their defense for bringing that fire here/ that “ it will extinguish itself.”

Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire.  That fire,  will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days.   They DO bet our lives on what  is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back!    We cannot put out a fire that is 8-10 million degrees hot/ with flames said to reach 12 times farther, than the distance of our moon to this planet. Which means we live or die, as a planet/ based upon their theory!



For threats,  2- 36 click here/ not all by a long way, but enough to understand.



The rules of life,   NOT as a directive, that takes away either the law establishing boundaries to protect each one/ or the freedoms required to provide and express happiness, hope, and courage.  Rather, because so very few can conceive of a life beyond measurements;   there must be an opportunity that refrains from “too much freedom, or law”.


            Rules are, “the simple solution/ rather than the right decision”; or more simply “the easy way out of a decision that influences or participates in your life, or theirs.  Nonetheless, it is beyond all doubt, what humanity desires most;   so they can hide behind the idea, “its not my fault/ or it is your fault”.

            RULES are NOT laws: laws protect by creating appropriate boundaries, as is necessary when all do not know or understand the threat.  Rules are controls, established for the distinct purpose of manipulating, judging, denying, or destroying the foundations for equality/ justice/ and fair play.  That occurs, because with rules:    you get “rulers”.


            Even so; since it is your obvious desire to control the others, the demand for rules is an abyss.  Formed by want, diseased by pride, defined by righteousness, and the foundation of war because of arrogance; as has been proven time and again;   unless you think for yourselves, (an extreme rarity)  rules will be required.  But the end result will fail in time/ because the final analysis is:   you didn’t care enough to think, for yourselves.  Wanting is NOT thinking.  Thinking is searching within the boundaries assigned by truth, to establish a suitable direction and path constituting wisdom, and creating the essence of freedom as a chosen expression or experience.



            So we begin with the simple conclusion:   to want rules is to allow, and demand rulers.


            To understand better with your soul, what is LIFE; teaches us all, to respect our world, and every minute in it.  Basic boundaries are these.

Rule #1:   justice is not a rule/    fair play is not decided by a judge/     Equality is the essence of freedom itself, not a ruler:    EACH of these is determined, by the relationship we choose to establish within respect, to each other.  As our gift, to ourselves in nation or world.

2#:     Justice is, the fundamental truth, what is fair for me, is fair for you/ what is equality to me, is a foundation for you, and me; to share/ what is honesty learns:   want means nothing, only truth decides.  Caring does not conceive of want.

3#     Reality seeks, desire and purpose.  That reality then learns, what gives us life, is not a game.

4#     Honesty supports society, courage defends society, happiness builds society: each of these decisions,  is a definition of; your own heart has chosen to care.

5#    Freedom is the elemental source, of everything “good or bad”/ without freedom neither exists as a measurement of the heart.  Even though wisdom knows.

6#    Heart means:   I have committed my future, to this moment, and this purpose or desire.

7#    Purpose means:   discipline has entered my life, and I give it to heart, for the expressions of my soul, to come forth.

8#    Desire means:   shared within the dimension called love, happiness MUST have an outlet.

9#   love is, the deliberate decision grown out of respect and truth, upon which we open the door to greater things and experiences that are not consistent with “simply self”.

10#    Happiness is;   a search beyond the limits of myself.

11#    Dimension means:    The boundaries we create within ourselves, as the elemental essence of our existence.

12#     Soul is:   a value without ending/ the possibility of family through trust.  The beginning of what is, or will be, eternal.

            LIFE IS, a momentary balance, between the concerns of survival and the possibilities called freedom.  LIFE IS the ascension of wisdom, the breath of knowledge, the discovery called understanding, and the value accepted;   aided by respect which lives for love.

            Having done all that I must do, for the sake of life and planet/ the rest is up to you.  Because it is your life too/ and very few fight for life.   The essence of every heartbeat is dependent upon true change, without it you will die, "a horrific death": so says the evidence against you.  Want DEMANDS NO/ but truth has nothing to do with want.  Our world has changed, because 7 billion + people have overridden nature's ability to survive and defeat us. That means what we do, decides life or death for nature and ourselves.

             The reality of a heart elevated, by the creation of love; learns what is true decides.  In contrast to that, I do have a choice;   your pride will demand "we are gods (our universities will save us)/ we don't have to change NOTHING".  But reality doesn't care what you want or think, only  what is true does decide life or death for us all. Lies always fail, and your leaders/ your societies/ your universities, and everything else are so corrupted, nothing will survive.  Thought presents to me, the possibility of doing more/ but you continue to refuse even the most simple concept of them all:   bringing the same fire here as is on the sun; WILL result in earth being a sun.  You even refuse to investigate/ your media absolutely refuse to protect you; about anything:  they are only "Sunday social news/ propaganda/ or its ok to fear". 

             Extinction looms;  However I choose simply to continue teaching/ these are some simple lessons, as I desire it to be. You must change yourselves, I cannot do it for you, "its not my right or possibility".  Whether you learn or continue to refuse, the opportunity was yours.  Elements of the heart/   Rules for relationships/ fundamentals of sexual behavior/ bribery and life/ no tears.  As to the traitorous conduct that denies due process of law in the US supreme court/ or the IL supreme court;   there is likely to be consequences, simply because pride hates to hide, it is a thief/ just like want is a liar/ and "loser, plots revenge".  Failure is consistent, wherever university goes:   not as the propaganda teaches you/ but as the reality of consequences hidden behind the doors they refuse to open suggest.  The university diploma rules government/ and government could not be more bankrupt.   "Pride steals/ and people lie" as is clear and present in this tax case



BELIEF, the elemental search


            The singular element within which "I WANT/ I WANT/ I WANT" is elevated too, "god/ or an assumption of the purposes of god/ or words in a book; etc".  It is not without notice , that "I DON'T WANT THIS/ I DON'T WANT THIS, ETC" is the basis in fact for hate.  Thereby they function together at opposite extremes.  Want forms the assumption of love, in a simple mind; because it accepts that more of anything, particularly a trophy or prize will grant happiness: "I WIN/ or you lose".  It is momentary at best.  While "I don't want",   forms the critical descent which then becomes an opportunity to join hate, and despise the world of life.

            The religious expression of belief explained here,  is then NOT, directly functional by association, with what is experienced by want; assuming that theory is more than simple want.  The purpose being to discover what is worshiped without a right.  But the reality of belief,  is assembled by asking:   what is MORE important than want?  Want and belief are intertwined.


            This is a topic for discussion NOT because I wish to alter or assuage established religion itself.  But rather, the intensity of religious fervor in association with "university expertise" IS SO BLATANTLY insane and without an elemental truth in very many areas; that it is necessary to affront and demand a relationship with facts.  Rather than theory or want.  Our world depends upon it/ consequently your religion if different,  is not sacred either.


            What is simple and plain is:    That when confronted by the evidence of mutilating all of nature/ experiments SO EXTREME and blatantly without purpose or cause beyond the intent "we WANT to play god";    Humanity replies:   "The university knows what it is doing/ the university would not gamble with our lives/ or some such worship of fools, failures, liars, and thieves as is constant in this day".    Which does mean:   "THEY ARE, your accepted gods".  It is a fool who knows better/ but does it anyway.  It is a failure that takes what is precious of life, what is needed to survive; and throws it away.  It is a liar that refuses truth, and hides everything they actually do by using propaganda to destroy the evidence or reality.  It is a thief, that steals all the money, counterfeiting and enslaving an entire people;   using propaganda to dispossess them, and even destroy the world by causing world war three.  All of which emanates entirely from the "university"; because clearly, the university diploma has taken away all of government, industry, banking, and is working on every known aspect of power in society; to make them slaves.   Which does include those with a diploma; who now owe so much money, they will be indentured for the majority of their lives/ with no legal way out.   Trusted beyond belief/ goats leading the sheep to their slaughter:   either something must change, or this world dies.  Because fools create only folly/ failures create only chaos/ liars cheat us all/ and thieves limit life and possession as;  "Only for themselves".


            Therefore we must assign belief to its proper place, and remove it from the assembly of participation that knows not truth;   as is consistent particularly with university expertise.  WANT is not enough to assign a theory the assumption of knowledge.  The theory of evolution, which can and has been completely defeated in terms of EVERY ASPECT OR DEFINITION called truth/ is utter disease to human society.  It bears NO reality or association with the evidence of life.  It consists of NO evidence or assembly called facts, regarding the basis of life, or living, or knowledge.  Its value even as a theory has been dissolved into the sewer of human design that is, "we want to be gods"/ therefore it is a blatant lie, without substance or the slightest consideration of even doubt.  Evolution is plainly a lie, the clear intent is to steal the value of life, and replace it with destruction so as to "laugh and ridicule/ and pretend superiority over you".  Chaos builds nothing/ what is random is not order/ is not discipline/ is not governed by boundaries/ or assembled by realities beyond our imagination.  It is merely the excuse to mutilate and thereby destruct our lives for the purpose of ridicule, and the element of fools worshiping their god called death.  Death means: "power OVER you/ or, YOU have no say".   The critical worship of death, which is their intent to describe themselves as SO SUPERIOR to you, as to be gods themselves.   Comes the mutilation experiments which assume that by creating, "with your slavery (you are paid in lies, and they will fail, leaving you with nothing)" :   that intentionally deformities and diseases that without doubt WILL threaten our very planet, our world, our future, our everything.  They will prove "you need them to save you".  Next is, you will worship them as gods/ or they will destroy you on a whim.

            While there are many failures and university diseases infecting human society in this day, the most obvious and deliberate defiance of life itself/ the critical worship of death, which is their intent to describe themselves as SO SUPERIOR to you, as to be gods themselves.   Comes the energy experiments which assume that by creating, "with your slavery (you are paid in lies, and they will fail, leaving you with nothing)" :   a gamble that intentionally and without doubt threatens our very planet, our world, our future, our everything.  Much like holding an atomic bomb over a city, they then intend to do this to a world;   thereby making themselves gods, so as to make you slaves.  They already stole all your money, power does not stop until it owns or proves control over everything; or you fail.  There are NO VALID reasons/ NO assumptions of intelligence/ NO possibilities of creating a superior world in any of the extreme experiments that are currently under way across this world.  They exist for one single reason:   to be superior, and play god/ over you.    They have been built:   ONLY because counterfeit money made them possible.  The stealing of life, your lives, to play their games/ propagated and hidden within the media because they too, want to prove and maintain power and control over you, and this world.  Or, "listen only to us"/ we are your gods, we know everything.


            The real question however is not why failures/ liars/ fools/ and thieves are "a penny a billion" in value; and still overpriced.   The real question is WHY; are they allowed to obtain and control human society, when in fact the outrageous disgrace and disease of their foolishness is beyond all doubt and question.  Not only proven wrong, and without value/ but dangerous to the point of extermination;   regarding all life, the sanctity of body, the reality of food, the absolute need of water and every other resource required for life and living/ but  even this planet itself. 

            The only answer is a religious belief!   WE DON'T have to be proven correct/ WE CAN BELIEVE ANYTHING, we want too.  And there ain't NOTHING you can do about it!


            That of course in the reality of human existence, is a very powerful statement:   facts are irrelevant/ truth doesn't matter/ costs don't count/ the future is whatever we want it to be even if it is the most outrageous fantasy possible;   and so on.  That is the assumption of university worship, because "they have books"/ they provided some relief, regarding the challenge of life and health:   therefore    gods, over a tiny little/ expanded to "lets make them believe we know everything".  And the people believe, because they want relief from anything they don't want.  They want to believe in anything they do want.  And they choose to accept the price is not too steep, so long as reality does not have to be paid;   thereby counterfeiting is the primary cause of current worship.   "We didn't have to pay; they must be gods".   Reality however proves, not only did they lie, steal, and kill more than you can even imagine/ the worst is yet to come; as all their debts come due.   Not gods at all/ merely devils:   destroyers without mercy.

            It is necessary to assert and accomplish the fact that "a university education" does NOT make you a devil, or any part of the above:   UNLESS you intentionally participate in the hell these others bring, OR fail to participate in the removal of lies, so that truth can help us all survive.   Everything is not a failure or foolish/ but many things are.  Everything is not a lie or theft/ but most things are.  Everyone is not dissolved in the sewage of superiority, but many cannot conceive of any part called "equal, with the rest".   There must be a separation of what has value/ from those who are dead or disabled from life inside.


            So then we turn to the critical elements of WHY has this happened, WHY ARE WE THREATENED AS AN ENTIRE WORLD?   And thereby confront three individual, yet tied together fundamental elements that exist:    WANT/ BELIEF/ AND "FREE".   We then challenge three functional boundaries that exist, they are:   we cannot survive without the bodies of life we inhabit, or that life which sustains us inhabits as a body of life/   we cannot survive without the resources we require as a body of life/ and we cannot survive threats that are fundamentally insane, and without merit or substance or any reality of truth in contribution to life itself.

            An element means:   the established boundaries, composing a reality of substance or life.  The elemental description of want is then a third category, composed of the assumption by humanity of a boundary enlarged to include what is fundamentally a lie.  That lie is then used to obtain a want or believe in a want so as to interrupt the process of construction that is an individual life.  The function of a want, our relationship to the lies created;   is elementally a belief in the construction of want, that does then influence life itself.  Based upon a lie, the descriptions of   "This can be free, to me";    Distort and elude detection, because want controls by the power of suggestion in the brain that chooses to believe "life, or the future is, what I want it to be".  These are enhanced by the deliberate decisions:   I DON'T WANT/ or I DON'T believe/ or I WILL NOT PAY.

            Want is a description based upon passive or deliberate elevations in mental awareness.  I want, because I know that something beyond what I have or am in this moment of time exists.  Therefore the invitation to have MORE, can be found.   The critical question becomes:   what do I believe, "more" will do for me/ and what must I pay?

            So the element of want does almost instantly become a fundamental of belief, in all things beyond the most simple of lies, or power.  Simple does not need "a reason"/ it simply exists; therefore more is as easy as taking it with power.  Want elevated to an actual value, rather than a simple lust of some sort, requires a reason: which becomes belief/ when you accept the price. What you don't want simply descends in value, until it becomes hate.  Thereby not consistent with any part or process of thought, including mental awareness or its desire.

            Belief by its essence is:    I have found something I want, regardless of my reality, or its functional truth/ that belief then belongs to me, as the property of my own fantasy or decision.  The price to be paid is consistent with the purpose I expect that belief will provide. 

            Thereby you believe to assemble ownership of, the process by which "More" becomes an existence called self.  When self has expanded through more to a level of superiority over the rest, it becomes the basis and reality of selfishness, and acts in accordance with the belief that is, "I want to be like god".  The lies which initiate the process are thereby fulfilled in you.  All lies die, which means you have then become   "Soul less".   Soul is the basis and foundation of our relationship with OUR CREATOR/ it is the existence of life itself, as distinguished from body itself.


            It is necessary to understand, that the assertions of "more than I am"/ ARE DIFFERENT, than the acceptance of "I am more than these".  More than I am understands, that the essence of every miracle which is the discovery "NO human being did this/ NOR did chance, chaos, random acts, nor did anything other than the purity of thought cascading from a relationship identified as love" .   Thereby the elevation of life as is consistent with the purposes of thought, and the desires of truth itself, ARE definitions which cannot be tied to a price which we can pay.  There is only respect here/ or what you believe,  is a lie.  This elevation is called a belief as well by the religious; but that is not consistent with truth, by the reality of what belief has come to mean in this day.  Rather elevating life itself, is more consistent with faith:   I accept the relationship truth identifies in me. 


            Returning to "driven by want/ belief in university ( you want MORE, "for free") overrides this world/ because the cost of lies, has been well hidden by media and university propaganda,  until now."  It remains for just a short time more/ and will then crash into disaster.

             The only REAL question of this day is:   does the world itself and all of life as best we can;   survive or not?  By the evidence, current and real;   it does not.

            The question is then:   WHAT has been hidden, that we cannot survive?  

            The question is then: WHAT is being done, to inform the people and make them aware of there own need to intervene, for life itself and earth/ for every child?

            The question begins;   what can we do, what can we the people control ourselves, what do we   truly need to understand for ourselves


            We then come to "more"/ rather than want, as a separation from the lie;   nothing matters but me.  More establishes, I have something the others want, but the majority cannot have/ thereby superior.  Resources establish all possession/ but life creates its own freedom and thereby happiness through the essence of love itself.  Without love, there is only power and control by threat.  With love, the elemental resource which is a foundation to build happiness,  does exist.  The price of more is then critically confined to the reality of a game/ whereby someone wins, and    More lose.  The price of making others lose substantially is:   they do not accept you as their friend any more.  You have proven otherwise, and become isolated by your want and ability to get more.  Arrogance creeps in, to replace friendship;   the demand to play god/ "I AM superior"/ NOT equal.   Lust creeps in, the demand to use or abuse you, for my own purposes or selfish want.  Stupidity creeps in, an assumption that more is a sign of intelligence; whereas reality proves you traded life, and friendship for less.  NOT wise! 

            More asserts, even though this entire earth is now in jeopardy of critical life sustaining collapse/ because nature cannot defeat us anymore:   that somehow what you personally do in selfishness, is above the others and you are entitled.  Not equal asserts:   they did nothing for me/ but compete to take away what I did win, ITS MINE, and they are "want to be, thieves";   who cannot be trusted.  More asserts  and challenges want to understand:   THIS IS MINE, and no one deserves a single penny but me.  Therefore every lie MUST continue, or you become a traitor to the heart you have formed inside

            Heart means:   my life, has been paid, to be this!  My desire is restricted, to the disciplines or lies that achieve this as order, boundary, or theft. 

            In the elements of our own decisions, that either contribute to this world survival/ to our bodies being ALIVE/ or to the fundamentals of trust and truth that decide a future we can depend upon:   heart lives or dies because of what we do "with soul".   When the soul dies, it destroys happiness, by consuming heart;   which then becomes the ground upon which your own  destruction is born.

              When soul rises to life and to   "GOD"   ; as an identity found within the relationship we share as our elemental foundation called thought/ the elemental creation of a new life begins.  Thought is the essence of life, there is no other.  Thought is a construction within the purposes of energy redirected, as an assembly past the boundaries of time.  Therefore we live in thought; if we accept LIFE;   but survive in time here on earth, as body.   Thought (an acceptance of knowledge/ an understanding of freedom/ the creation possible that is wisdom; a purpose beyond self/ and the essence of love identified as truth)  gives you "everything but mass/ including energy".   Mass is an element of chemical creation/ an atomic definition constructed by relationships governed through law; and achieved by order, discipline, boundaries, and courage.  We are built of life, constructed through peace and harmony of creation itself as the functional identity through,  a vast amount of camouflaged life.  Or more simply, every muscle, every organ, everything within the body of life, no matter what it is;   is built upon the relationship created either between itself, or as a combination with other existence.  Or, our survival is dependent upon a vast multitude of hosts, through which we ourselves, become "alive", in time.  To become ALIVE in thought, we must do our own part to participate, and recognize what can or will become "our place".  What is not important, to your body?  Same is true of your life, and far more than you do suspect; as life on earth is sustained through a relationship with a very wideassortment of other living things.  To destroy these relationships; as humanity is doing today/ IS HORRIFIC.   As will soon be proven true.  Changing yourselves can modulate this truth/ but your time for change is truly ending;   as the cost of what university "satanism (we will destroy)" has done;   simply mounts as a weight that will destroy all.  You are not gods/ or more correctly, the only god you can be is:   the destroyer of a world of life.   THERE ARE, extreme penalties for that/ even if you just say:   "I don't believe its true".   Because an investigation will prove, it is/ thereby no excuse will be given.  You do understand these threats.



            As for me, it is absolutely true, that I do have faith in the evidence of GOD.  It is true, that I absolutely do, have faith in the testimony of   "JESUS"/   as a clear witness to the fact we are NOT abandoned.  Belief is allowed to exist in lesser issues such as the understanding:   purity cannot be contaminated by the reality of human choices/ since people do not wish to be governed by truth, law, and love;   we are given the freedom to choose our own destiny.  I believe that the body is a tool for investigating life/ rather than life investigating existence: therefore what you do with your body, is entirely up to you and your decision/ so long as, you are willing to accept the true consequences of your decision.  It is not for another to make these decisions/ they belong only to you, after the day arrives when you do become responsible for yourself.  I do believe, that having been introduced to the spiritual world, IT IS absolutely necessary to be fully prepared for that experience, so that you do not die unnecessarily with your freedom to choose; because truth does not assign mercy.  Only   GOD    Does that.

            I DO believe, that the prophecy of Daniel, a book of the bible will come true/ the 1290 day count has already begun, and will end with this earth on fire (the single worst decision humanity can make;   known by all, as bringing the same fire here as is on the sun)    Shall come true with the expected exowatt laser, intended to be completed somewhere around September 2015.   " a  MILLION, one trillion watt lightning bolts all combined into one laser beam".  Doesn't matter how long it lasts, that will be enough, to light this planet on fire.      As predicted, this planet turns into a "lake of fire".   Their gamble is in theory,   "There is not enough gravity here to sustain the fire".  But if wrong we are ALL dead.  Even so, if they manage to contain this one, the list of threats, each of which is fully able to cause our extinction within the next ten years as a planet (not more than fifteen under the most generous terms)  MUST be confronted with truth, or we all die anyway/ its just a different scenario:   mutilated life will be Armageddon, which means nature in chaos/ exactly what they are trying to do.   Or any of the other horrible decisions that simply cannot wait for your acceptance of:  "this is more important than our want".   Time is running out/ this is not a game.


            You are free to believe anything you want/ until dead; at which time only what is true shall control.  You are free to believe the lies covering this planet by university deceit, and hidden by media, government, and more can continue/   BUT you are not free of the consequences, or the reality of a planet that will die, without true and distinct change in this entire human population.  This world has changed, we are over 7 billion people in numbers, and have defeated nature to the point it is dying all around us.  None shall survive that reality/ we must change it.   Your opportunity to fight for life on this earth;   your trial to determine if mercy: time for change,  shall be granted/  HAS BEGUN.  That definition does NOT include "second chances"/ either you choose for life, and surrender to what truth itself requires us all to do:    or you die.  As a planet.  I do wish it were not so/ but all the evidence points to the same conclusion; we cannot survive as we are.  If you were not such cowards, you would look, because none of us can afford to be wrong, about all life on earth, OR such horrific experiments without ANY justification as are described in these sites.  They are beyond insane/ which leaves only the religious term called SATAN.  You are cowards (frozen in fear/ or running away), because these "university gods ( so special/ even though few ever got along with people, in society)" are worshiped by you/ and your belief in the idea of humanity being gods (our saviors);    demands you shall NOT test for truth or substance;   only praise and adoration is allowed/ a constant with all cults.  No courage, or thoughts of your own are allowed, its againstthe rules.  The propaganda teams of media and government,  assist both night and day.  They already stole all your money/ you are bankrupt, and enslaved:   but still "beyond belief, joined as the reality called  insane with them".  Cannot think/ simply not allowed.  Do you hate me for those words?  The answer is, if you believe in your god the university, "you do/ its called religion".  Because after all, "what god can possibly defend him, her, or itself"?  Isn't that so?  Bring your religious leaders to me, and let the discussion of evidence begin before all the people.  NOT so I can be known, without doubt NOT my desire.  Rather let us all here, why this world is gambled with based upon the simple minds who say chaos brought us nature/ or a fire that burns us from 91 million miles away, "can be brought to this planet" without turning earth into another sun.  The fire burns atomic bonds/ similar to chemical fires burning molecular bonds here on earth.  The difference is a chemical fire such as an acetylene torch burns at roughly 3,000 degrees/ while the sun burns at roughly 10 million degrees:   and everything here on earth is fuel,  absolutely nothing is not fuel to burn.  How is that not the reality of "satan in our midst"?  Answer the question/ or abandon your university religion, and fight for life on earth.

            Those who help and assist this fight for life, shall be remembered.  Those who do not, are bound to the reward (the consequence)  they did choose instead; there is no going back/ or changing your mind.  This is "all or nothing"/ believe it or not;   so says the evidence!   Those who cause the others to fail, will learn what HELL truly means.   It is YOUR choice.

            What is not a "witches brew, or a sorcerer's intent" about this / humanity has not changed, only its tools, and the possibilities now,  of extreme tragedy, and complete death for this  world.

            When we consider the possibilities of a billion times a billion watts of energy transfer, all within a tiny area as is a laser beam/ the reality of lightning strikes do come to mind.  It is said that, one lightning strike at its maximum can generate a trillion watts of power (although none know for sure).  Nonetheless the exo-watt laser would then be equivalent to the release of one million= one trillion watt, lightning strikes all in the same place, all at the same time.  That is what "the university is doing next".  YOU know what lightning is.  We know that the fire on the sun exists/ how it is possible, a fire so ferocious as this will not light this planet on fire?  The university says, "not enough gravity here to sustain it"/ but if they are wrong, in this one time is enough experiment: this entire planet becomes another sun!   How is that worth the risk?

            As is consistent with the realities listed above, identified in these works;   to be led where the consequence of wisdom itself,  does not let you go: is a disaster waiting to happen for you.  We must gain wisdom, to understand the consequences of knowledge.  We must let truth decide what is commensurate with RESPECT for life and planet, rather than simply wanting "to be more" than truth itself will allow.  Without respect every relationship dies, that includes marriage and friendship, OR our ability to live on this planet.  Without value, the essence of discovery, and the foundation of discipline; the reality of opportunities for the future itself; simply die.  That includes the people who commit suicide/ and the people who prove they don't care about life, and gamble with our own.   Eternity is not without similar rules.  More of this,   the list of sites I provide.


             The most powerful words ever written are, "redress of grievances"/ a law declared unstoppable by the US constitution: which gives the citizenry THE LEGAL RIGHT, to hold their employees accountable, and demand an investigation.  This is the power, "to truly govern ourselves, by the laws we the people create ourselves".  To be denied the law, as is our constitutional rights, proven here on these sites;  is not less than criminal fraud/ and does constitute democratic treason (an enemy who fights against our democracy). The result of which is, we must fight for ourselves.  We must demand redress by law, to define and declare:    we the people shall decide for ourselves, what is or is not acceptable, justified, and will remain or become "the law" of this land; as is true democracy.  Arrogance, as is consistent with power and pride; the intent to be "our rulers/ rather than employees".   Cannot be defeated with a whim/ that purpose and that pride,  will kill you instead of denying "they are gods".  Consequently the battle here is, for life or death of this nation/ and because of threats, it is truly life or death for this  world.   Because only true arrogance and a complete lack of value or respect for life or planet;  can accept the realities of experiments such as those listed above. 

            The legal rights of democracy;  are however NOT the most important words ever written, which identify and create the possibilities of eternity itself:   these are consistent with   "JESUS, as written in the bible".  Believe it or not, truth and energy;  decides your fate beyond time.  Thought is the essence of life identified and accepted.  Therefore thought is the basis, and creator of possibilities that can or will become eternal. Thought is NOT elemental to your mind (time identified)/ rather it is consistent with your life: the difference is, life is a proven miracle/ NOT an accident of impossible odds.  Of the many prophecies written in the bible, a large number of them have already come true.  The most dangerous for life on this planet is written in the book of Daniel.  The great abomination is, "the single worst decision humanity could make".  That already exists with the intent to bring the same fire here, as is on the sun.  The NIF (national ignition facility) began that process, 1290 days later/ the approximate time the exo-watt laser is expected to be completed: that fire is expected here on earth.   The additional 45 days, is the period of time expected for the fire,  to eject the entire atmosphere of this planet into space.  Coming, whether you believe it or not/ unless you stop it together.  Not a game/ each remains a threat, until all possibility of furtherance has ended.  You should know, that CERN and the mutilation of all biological life on earth are equal abominations to this fire.  But humanity itself as an entity of life combined into one decision:   cannot comprehend the full extent of horror and hell that they mean.  The fire that is on the sun however IS FULLY understood as potentially bad, by every living existence on the planet.  Which means, this can only happen with your compliance and acceptance of that insanity; or any part thereof.  That functionally creates:   the trial of life or death for this world; in your own human hands.  GOD does not do it/ YOU do choose it or you cause this to stop, each one; as best you can!  Because there is no other choice.  There are no religious excuses.  No exceptions, every life, every hope, every future, everything on earth;   is involved in the outcome of these experiments.  They are each one, "gambling with this entire CREATION";   on purpose.

             You should know as well, that I am NOT a religious man; someone who lives by endless rules/ whose "book is their god"/ we are right, and you go to hell/  etc.  This is not, "religious rhetoric".  Rather I simply examine the truth of life on this planet, and find: ONLY THOUGHT can do this.  I find the story of   JESUS,   fundamentally sound and credible/ thereby establishing, "we are not abandoned".  I have done my job for this world, over decades, without true help; the distribution of that information is up to you.  I have created for you, what is required to be understood and used for building a better life; to stop the insanity; to search as best you can, for life and eternity, with a little more clarity.  It was my job/ now over, because only you, each one;  makes the decision that becomes change itself,  in this world.

             The realities of threat clearly "manmade" having been examined in length over decades however each threat  clearly identifies nothing of thought, because there is no wisdom, only want controlling.  Truth does not lead, only want, power, or pride manipulate or tempt. The end result of that is a lie, that cannot survive.  Unfortunately you lie about life and planet today, your peers hide the evidence of failure is death to this world, because they worship the arrogance and insanity of university belief:   "We know"/ when clearly you merely fantasize, about far too much. Just like every generation preceding you.  They play god/ but the only god you can be is a destroyer of this world.  Nothing could be more insane!

            The work of these sites is:   to provide one last chance to change what cannot possibly be survived, as life on earth.   Learning by the methods of wisdom and the elemental task of defining what can or cannot be true: how to build a better world, that will survive.  It is a choice now, because this world has changed;   we are too many people to survive without truth.  We have no future, as is so clearly evident in these experiments above;   without the wisdom NOT TO DO, the things which we cannot survive.  Nature can no longer survive us, without our deliberate and skillful help.  I have done everything "my job" requires of me.  It is your turn to fight for life, or let this entire planet die.  If you turn away/ everything dies; that is the result of extreme experimentation/ such as, what the university diploma is doing.  This government with our money, work, and resources is funding.

                    It is your choice to support these sites, this work, this cause for life on earth/ or not.  It will be necessary to defend them if you find the sites useful;   as they will end unless you do.  If you fail, this world dies; that is the choice you are making.  Not because the sites are that important/ but because the realities they describe are that important.  Not a game, not a threat from me.  Rather it is simply the reality we face as life on earth, at this time/ and it is our duty to do the best we can for life: the only other choice is let this world die.   Read the list of threats, and understand no one walks away, without making the decision to abandon life and even planet  itself.  You have no excuse/ you will make your decision.   But I caution you with this:  You will NOT be "given a free ride to heaven"/   for letting    GOD'S CREATION DIE".  For doing nothing, when you clearly could have done something: EVERY single one,   FOR LIFE.   Regardless what you believe/ that will be true.


            In the elemental search for existence as a true and honest participant in life itself/ the reality of truth describes:   our critical decision is either for love to join within our existence/ OR, hate, to remove it, so that those who demand it, can call themselves "gods (superior)/ over you".  Because every decision is a participant in friendship or a desire, to be more regardless of what it will cost to the rest of life.  More simply either for love, or hate.  What resides "in the middle" of this decision as they do represent extremes, is the consequence of survival, or the relationships we choose in support of love or the direction called hate.  The only relationship hate allows is:   lets take everything we can from these others.  OR, let your want rule.

            The only relationship love will accept is: "let us build (understanding only truth must lead), a life that shares and cares about the values and miracles of our existence, as equals.  Honoring with true and essential respect, the reality of what we do owe, to our CREATOR".  Without respect, everything dies; including you/ which makes this simple fact, "YOU chose not to respect life"; the fundamental fact that becomes the foundation called hate.  Those who cause respect to die intentionally, do become murderers of a life eternal.

             Respect is: the acceptance of realities we cannot control, love that can ONLY be "a free will gift", the critical development and disciplines that give us life, the boundaries which keep us alive, elemental thought from which we recognize freedom and existence and eternity.  Love is a resplendent vision of what life itself can be, or more simply it is the relationship we grow through value accepted, as we build for a life together, becoming as one.  Love is a decision, that you are valued more, than even life itself; for everything I am, is based upon "our truth".  Love is the acceptance, you do have a choice too/ thereby I am loved by you/ you by me;  as well!  Love is "a heart defined"; or more simply, the creation of both time and place to find the rhythms we shall call our own.  Love is, a destiny beyond the limits of time where truth decides what can be eternal.

            Discoveries in thought construct the physical limits of what time can be.  Disciplines in thought elevate that relationship of life to time, as a building of blocks/ used to step beyond time, into the elegance and grace of what then becomes our journey within energy itself.  Here, we must ask, "what are the ties that bind us together"/ because without them, we become nothing.  The critical task of assembling identity then becomes the essence of what life itself can be, beyond the physical limits of existence.  Identity means:   "I have become a relationship within myself, by creating the boundaries in thought defining who I am/ who I desire to be/ and what will the purpose of my existence become".   These three, are elemental to the task:   what does it mean, to be alive?  The answer then arrives:   to understand, the knowledge called freedom is not enough to sustain survival.  Rather, it is the essence and reality of love itself, that becomes "the will, and the means to accept sustained existence has a reward".  Therefore life is "borrowed from energy"; as the separation called time.  "Without measurement, there is no time"; consequently the elevation of humanity to a measured state, called mental awareness gives life on earth its time.  Measurement means:   to identify a state of existence, and quantify its relationship, through your own purposes and desire.  Beyond time, there are no measurements/ which means there is no life called "human (NO physical body of life)".  Rather the essence of life itself exists in a relationship, with purpose, desire, and definitions that clarify truth through the elemental existence of laws that govern survival itself.  The critical question called "WHY"?  Constructs the decision if time is a separation of life from the energy which produces it/ then why do we need to measure life to survive, in this physical existence?  The answer is, our bodies are limited by the relationship we have with mass and energy as a construction bound together by atomic means.  Therefore the elemental question of life itself, is assembled by constructing a relationship that is not bound together by atomic means/ but consists within the understanding of thought itself.  Thought is then, the foundation of eternity, and the preservation of life itself.  But here we ask simply:   if life is, by its essence a freedom;   then we must be more than   "Preserved".  Consequently the participation beyond time constructs what must become, a path or journey into greater relationships that simply ourselves.  We must join together, to participate as one, "functionally married to each other"; to find freedom, in a translation of thought that becomes alive.  "Because of you".  Participation in thought allows, for every dimensional translation of possibilities within the assembly of truth and law, that does exist.  Participation in thought even allows for, "the fantasies and entertainment" of assembling things that do not exist;   outside the relationships we choose to visit within love itself.  Hate is not a participant even in fantasy;   where "this world exists" only because of love.  Therefore the decision that becomes your love or your hate is a construction of your own identity, that then becomes the reality of what you did, or did not do for life.


            I remind you of one simple reality;   to become distracted by any form or means, is to risk losing everything.  IT IS, absolutely necessary to let the most serious consequence rule this day.  Because decisions and realities that construct:  life or death for a world, simply CANNOT be wrong.  Even if it costs you, "a lifetime"/ a dead world, means everything for everyone/ for every life on earth is too much to lose.  Take a friend on this journey;  if you can.   Remembering simply:   want cannot destroy truth/ but it can destroy life in time.  This is a different world; because we are so many people nature itself can no longer defeat us.  We are defeating it/ a reality we cannot survive as well. We can "do our best"/ even at this very late hour, and survive by choosing friendship over want.  Want is an element of hate, because it chooses to take what is not yet fair to life. Want destroys the process of building for life, by stealing "parts and pieces" that must be sustained.  Want threatens us all, if you cannot defeat it within yourself, accepting truth must lead us all/ the world is lost.

            I remind you as well, if you continue to look too, or believe in "your current leaders"/ this world shall end.  THEY DID lead you to all these threats listed in these sites, and many more/ because they chose want, rather than truth.  Our choice is:   to create a new democracy by using our own vote, and our own minds.  Choosing investigation of our reality, choosing the law as our means of defense, choosing life when we cannot be wrong, and choosing truth, "as best we can" by searching for what is clearly proven:   "Understood by all/ because nature and life has taught us to believe in this".  NOT university and their fantasies, but life itself.  World law will remove every weapon of mass destruction, and stop the flood of money for war.  The disciplines necessary to help nature survive will keep us alive.  Friendship as elevated by the simple choices of caring and sharing in honest ways for all sides, will help us grow in happiness and hope.  Courage is found in your acceptance, of this simple truth:   we are miracles, living amidst miracles/ none of which did any human being/ OR any accident or assumption create.  Order is not found in chaos/ "that's why they call it chaos".  Choose life and defend this world, or die; it is not a hard question to understand.

THE LAW IS AN ARMY OF ONE; that represents all of us, as one law, one order of things, one decision for justice, life, and peace.  That law, is then used against those who fight against us/ or to defend those who are attacked.  "I want you to remember those words/ as you read".

             life as is nature, planet and environment, the critical structures of discipline, balance, and order MUST BE PROTECTED AND DEFENDED,These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives.YOU must make them as a nation/ OBEY THE LAW; you must prove an oath has meaning.   You enforce constitutional law with a legal tax revolt: insisting,  DO YOUR JOB AS SWORN, or you don't get paid;   same as us.  It is a duty owed to the state and nation, and world/ it is a contract signed by oath.  My demand in legal tax revolt (trials above) is a jury trial/ under the terms of democracy/ as is first amendment redress, it is the law!  OR more simply my demand is:  LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES, if they have been wronged. Let the evidence be presented to them.  Let them assess the risk of these extreme threats, "IT'S THEIR LIVES/ THEIR EVERYTHING"! They do have an absolute legal right!     The IL supreme court.

            Your leaders and your courts and your media all say NO; the people SHALL NOT be informed or have any say.   (they are cult worshipers) believers in  "The university knows"/ university is a god, "can't be wrong".  Believers that they are the superior ones and can make every decision for life or nation/ YOU cannot.  They absolutely want power,  and control over us as is consistent with organized crime. But established by extreme experiments is the truth:   WE CANNOT undue, what will destroy us, when released. If the same fire as is on the sun, DOES NOT extinguish itself (as their theory goes/ not enough gravity here; but they don't know what gravity even is.  Betting the entire planet anyway);   we all burn with this planet; just like the sun.  It is a true one time only experiment, once true ignition fundamentally occurs.  These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives.  They endanger and threaten us all, instead/ even the world itself.

            This is, “ya know what, after forty years of continual fighting for life on earth”/ its time to quit.   It took ten more years to learn how.  And for all that effort, time, money, sacrifice, caring and sharing:   you are still so belligerent and proud, you cannot hear, such a simple thing as.   We cannot survive bringing a fire here, that burns your skin/ or makes this planet unbearably hot;   from 91 million miles away. 
You don’t have any respect for life, as is all of nature.  You don’t care that all of life is being crucified/ because you are too proud to admit you, or more correctly your university is never going to be god/ unless it is to destroy you all.  Which they are literally doing/ as is consistent with calling them the occult.  They literally are, because what is hidden/ is the intent to be god, and play with your lives.  Biological warfare isn’t enough to concern you, as is genetic mutilation of everything.  The loss or resources absolutely essential to life isn’t enough to concern you.  Can’t breathe soon/ don’t care.  Can’t eat soon/ don’t care.  Won’t have water to drink soon/ don’t care.  Ocean will soon be dead because of extreme disrespect: “it’s ok with you”.  Etc/ etc/ etc.   What is your response?   “I have a gun”.   What is the response of your religion:   “This guy is trying to help us/ he MUST be from the devil;   as your preachers warned”.  Ain’t so/ but as always, you can believe anything you want; its your choice.
Your employees fail continuously/ live in and support fantasies;  and want money to keep doing it.  I refuse.  They have successfully destroyed the future, in terms of peace, harmony, and survival.  They have threatened an entire world, with extinction and war.  I refuse to support that.  They discard the law, and prove the skeptics correct:   “Can’t do nothing/ because it takes more than me, to enforce the law”.  So you get what you wanted/ and there shall be civil war.  A few minutes remain;   but after forty years, I find your sanity lacking in every conceivable way.
I have finished the work for which I came/ ENOUGH know the purposes for which I have worked; more would, if they were not so frightened, they tremble at the mere possibility, “life has responsibilities and duties”.  They can’t do it/ no need to remind them, cowardice is a terrible thing.  Women could present a different conclusion for life, if they worked within democracy and law:   so I did my best to encourage them to do so.  Including a gathering to help “get them started/ no excuses”:   not one response/ not a single penny in support.
You love your pride, more than your children.  You worship your “university knows occult” more than life itself.  You have built catastrophe and disaster and extinction/ and refuse to change any of it.  Guess what: you            Get what you deserve.

            As for me, I did do the best I could.  As for language used:   you understood it all/ is that not the purpose of language!   If you are extremely lucky, you might survive the days prophesied in the biblical book Daniel:   it predicts a certain number of days from the beginning of the worst decision humanity could possibly make/ and their ending.  The second set of days is the additional 40 or so days required to eject the entire atmosphere of this planet.  Your dead; but alas, you worship the university as your god; and cannot save yourselves, or your children/ even though the proof is.  They could not be more wrong; the fire will not extinguish itself/ it makes its own gravity.  Can’t work for life either, “the media hasn’t told you what to think that yet/ well except for believe in us, we are your gods”; you apparently have no mind of your own.  Being wrong is being dead.  The university occult has long ridiculed “Noah’s flood”/ but the evidence is absolutely clear:    All the oil, coal, and gas are buried life organisms, that absolutely could not have been gathered together in “one clump” and then covered with sediment; some of which is thousands of feet deep: without that flood, as described.  It is complete and accurate proof.  But you don’t care either.  The religions all say, “great, then we will all just rise up to heaven; to hell with this earth”.   But you fail to recognize in the book of Daniel which does rule this particular time as a prophecy:   of the thousands apparently present in that moment, all were bowed down to their “university god”/ except three, that chose for themselves.  I would rather die, literally/ than accept your image, or continue to be slave to “the government”.    Just three, your odds are not good: isn’t that so?
The critical question is: after forty years, apparently I am more ridicule than value.  Apparently more worthless than letting this entire planet and all its life die.  Or, just an excuse.  Well guess what, “I am tired of it”.  Even though it is life or death for everything.  There is no purpose in being your excuse.  To the children, I did do my best: you will have to fight for yourselves/ its unfair, but that is how it is.  Do what you can do, and eternity will remember you.
To the tax collectors:   I ain’t paying for your failures/ your complete disrespect for life and planet/ your purposes that include destruction of our world/ your fantasies of playing god/ nor your bankruptcy of an entire state, nation, or world.  You have failed life, you have failed everything, you are continual liars, thieves, cheats, and fools.  Refusing to do what the government which is our constitution, or WE THE PEOPLE ourselves, have told you to do.  Refusing the law, disobeying your oaths, and so on.   You can steal, “its what organized crime does”.  Or you can obey the law, let DUE PROCESS decide, as is a courtroom consistent with redress in open public view.  Anything less is not less than theft.  You may attack my bank account, since I cannot stop you;   I will put the money there when informed.  But it will be theft/ because you have no right to do the things you have done.  I will not support the continued failures and extermination of life from this planet: I simply cannot stop you alone.  Or you can wait until 2016, when I will write you a check, if we are still alive, and nature is not failing and falling into chaos, civil war has not yet begun and we are not starving or thirsting to death; and so on.   Its just a couple of years, to live or die as a planet.  You have won the right to die:  Suit yourself.

TRUE TO THE PURPOSES OF THESE SITES; the foundations laid by need, and the structures of peace and law built.  Do testify and create, the final purpose of this work, which is: that women of this world, particularly this nation;   SHALL come together to identify and choose, what would be "their solution" for this world's problems/ our problems and our future.  Men have designed and created what exists today, and the consequences that will come, without change: threatening our very extinction, world war, and even more.  We will NOT survive that/ not even as a planet.  Through their leadership and courts: the opportunity to change, to protect, defend, respect, etc:  was absolutely rejected, a criminal attack against our law, democracy, etc.  They still refuse.  THE NEED FOR CHANGE IS MASSIVE, our lives and even our planet are in trouble.  THIS IS: for your decision:  WHAT WOULD WOMEN DO DIFFERENTLYAnd the expressions in law and reality that would give you as  women the opportunity to make a difference, and lead this world by democracy.

           A vote can be, a very powerful tool.  JUSTICE is a clear decision, to share and care for ourselves, our world, and the future;  AS EQUALS!  It is a choice, men have failed severely.  Therefore as women alone,  gathered together as one: DO YOU, or do you not:  DEMAND YOUR SAY!  The purpose is true democracy, the reality is redress: an accountability governed by constitutional law.  The consequence is:   a legal revolution/ to resurrect our laws, our rights, our money, and our democracy as intended.  Not a game, we are in trouble as a nation and a world.  This is your chance as women:   TO LEAD CHANGE, and demand equality for all!

Fear and Foundation

A summary progression, establishing what I believe to be, the most important part: summarized as "LIFE COMES FIRST"/ No more gambling with life or planet.

YOU are delivered, whether you like it or not.

            Or more distinctly: in charge of your own destiny or fate without the slightest excuse for failure, or running away.
That is the sum total of this work, and your reality.

            I have carried you with only the tiniest of support in any sense for what has been roughly forty years overall.  Absolutely clear since the Cuban missile crisis for all those over the age of fifty, or at least 60; that our world is threatened with extinction by weapons of mass destruction.  And yet no fundamental of work is done, or acceptance that the law itself is more than sufficient to control leaders exists/ or is accepted as our right to govern this world ourselves.  BY LAW.  The media propagates instead;  “weapons of mass destruction are our saviors”/ and people worship them, “yes, yes our saviors/ they protect us: when in fact at any given time, and on any given day/ we not only can be extinct because of them, but will be.  Unless they are completely removed.
As time passed, and the list of crisis and catastrophe coming has grown tremendously;   still not a single purpose has emerged for life instead of death, throughout all these years.  Some will point to the 60's college stop the war actions/ and say this is what we did, and it didn’t help much.  But the reality is two people died, so that thousands could live; and you all ran away.  price was too high, just willing to talk, nothing else: not one more peep.   All Went to college to hide/ not die for something. The war stopped, simply  the debts were high because of it; bankrupt now, or nearly.  The media did little; particularly to inform: the entire space program, “going to the moon” was nothing more than a coverup/ a distraction;  to building the worlds biggest missiles to deliver nuclear bombs.
I expected that the financial mess of the late 70's , would demand change/ but people wanted to be rich;   so they invaded banking to buy property so interest rates could make them inflated dollars, instead of a secured future.  It failed, because Reagan said,   we don’t need to pay no damn debt.  The interest rate fell, bankruptcy spread throughout the nation, and then Reagan began selling the american gold bullion, that tied to your money. From  storage; and interest rates fell, allowing those who were not destroyed by the change to become rich buying bankruptcies and more.  Media not a word, the entire base of your money was being sacrificed to do for the “Reagan revival”.  Instead its all great, let there be no reality to the money;   which became the war of college diplomas to get more;   “Just let the government pay”.  Just print more money, and call it debt/ instead of inflation as it actually was.  Just keep the people quiet and calm: “let the media do its job, and propagate failure and the disease of numbers don’t count”.  They were excellent at their job, keeping you from understanding the cancer taking over your lives.  But you were happy to do it.  Loss of resources didn’t matter/ just go get them from the world.  Or more simply although you are or were the greediest generation of humanity to ever walk this planet/ so it would seem.  The reality of consequences was far too removed,   to be your concern: “hell, you were going to die/ before the consequences came”.  SO IT DIDN’T MATTER/ ain’t  that right. The media moved on, “reagan is our god”.  He took away accountability, and gave power to the few who controlled numbers without meaning.  Who gave it to themselves/ but then had to bribe the rest of those who were in a position to know the stealing was going on.  Which led to more bribes and more bribes and more bribes and “presto, we are at $200 trillion dollars of deb/ national debt plus social security, plus more” as a nation/ because none cared about reality or truth.  Especially not the media, who were primary fixtures in all that could be done/ because if they had told the truth;   well it would have ended the game.  And the people didn’t care either, because a little trickled down as bribes.  And today the bribes are really quite extensive, and going to collapse completely;   so the solution is BUY A GUN.  Because liars, thieves, and cheats are everywhere; and we are going to hurt them too.  “Revenge is sweet, so they say/ until it bites you back”;   Ain’t that right.  And let us not forget “be afraid”.  Obviously it is the clear solution of media, as the propaganda of movies, tv, and more demand: “our hero/ the man with a gun”.
Nonetheless still no desire for the law, or democracy/ not justice nor fighting for life.  Even the results of greed cannot move you.  “You have a gun/ or you are “god’s child, so the fact that this world is dying means nothing to you”.  Or you just plain refuse: its all about me, and none of this makes me happy; so shut up!  But lets review:   YOU refuse to do anything to protect or defend GOD’S CREATION/ its hell no, I got an excuse. Yet you expect   GOD   to save your creation, which is yourself.   Seems a bit unbalanced does it not?  You want to be happy, but the results of what is being done is absolute catastrophe and death by horrific means if you fail to change these decisions that will rule our future on earth!  Nope still going with “the university knows”, even though they stole all your money/ enslaved you with pensions and benefits/ created MOST of the threats, and all of the extreme threats against our entire world.  But you worship them anyway, demanding to lick their ass, when told to do so.  How brave of you/ ain’t that so?  Worshiping the very people who are killing, mutilating, assassinating, and destroying life on this planet;    Well not to worry, what else could possibly go wrong with worshiping “Lots of gods”/ instead of just one Creator.  All of your religions are fine with it;   plenty of room, even if it is the occult (hiding horrors and creating hell; so what, “You got toys”).
So then the future is dead, clearly so by the list of threats/ you worship the people who killed it, because you believe “they are gods/ they know everything; they are special”.  Not quite as special as you, “cause your god’s child”/   you’re saved ain’t that right?  Even though, you absolutely refuse to believe:    You do have a duty presented to you, by that salvation.  It is not free, upon acceptance of any reality or truth: there are consequences.  How is that not so?
So lets review “belief”.  Belief is:   even though I cannot prove this, I accept it anyway; so long as I don’t have to prove it/.  You CANNOT prove me wrong either; so it’s a damn good excuse.    Then there are the people who “truly believe”/ the righteous;    So described because “they know” that their belief is perfect, or who cares about the rest: I am absolutely saved, “me and GOD, are buddies”.   But there is a problem:   you are not GOD/ you are not even spiritual, which means deliberately to enter into the very essence of a critical truth and participate:   “In an invisible world” to all others.  Truth is an element of life and existence, a base foundation of each/ thereby it exists within two distinct dimensions of time; and many more in fact.  EVERY truth has a consequence/ unless you become a part of it, thereby functioning within its boundaries and limits, by understanding and wisdom. Nonetheless you don’t understand any of it/ because there are consequences, cannot be “anything you please: RESPECT is mandatory”/ and you just don’t want to do it.   But then,  your buddies with   GOD   who is spiritual (extremely different)!     Anyway.  “You know”/ hell, you don’t have to do nothing; cause that, is what the priest/ rabbi/ preacher/ etc told me; and after all “he’s god too”.  And of course the book is god/ even though it is written by men, in a man’s language and for the purposes of men;   who cares/ right.  Regardless what cannot be proven true, cannot be proven so you have an excuse; until you get to eternity.   Creation needed your help/ but you said; HELL NO, “I got an excuse”.  Too bad, isn’t that how it goes?
Since this has turned to biblical reference; for those whose cult worship has an addendum which includes    “GOD”/   but not the real GOD, because after all, you can believe anything you want.  Which includes evolution, which includes the university can be your gods for real:   cause you believe everything they say, and everything they do; cause they’re special.   Such as crucifying everything in nature literally in your view, and with your blessing, purpose (they’re going to save us);   an entire HOLOCAUST destroying nature itself/ and not only don’t you care. You give them money to do it.   Yes sir,   “GOD, has a special place for you”.   And if that wasn’t enough, the university intends to ignite the planet on fire, with your blessing, and your money;   because if a fire that burns atomic bonds and is ignited in a place like earth which is literally “all fuel”   Doesn’t extinguish itself/ just because we want it too.  Well then you have destroyed ALL,   of    “GOD’S CREATION” ; every single life on earth.  And you not only let them do it/ you absolutely refuse to raise a single hair on your arm to stop it.  Yes sir, “GOD has a special place for you”/   considering it will in fact destroy this entire solar system, by adding a second sun.   No doubt about it:   YOU DESERVE   “Special considerations”;   isn’t that what accomplices to the act/ those who aid and abet terrorists get, “their reward”.  Well isn’t  it?  Yes sir;   you deserve it/ you should get it; ain’t that true.  Eternity is about truth/ because nothing less can survive it.  But not to worry , “your preachers/ priests/ clergy/ etc will be there to guide you”  isn’t that so.  It’s a leaders place/ ain’t that right!  Got to get paid for what you did do:   its called justice.  Got to get punished for what you didn’t do: its called fair play and equitable treatment/ is that not so?

            But lets look at the rest of your excuse for a great many in America:   “Its JESUS saved me”.  And as all the clergy will tell you, “its all free/ you don’t have to do nothing; well maybe a little/ don’t forget to tithe (pay us)”.
Separating reality from belief in terms of JESUS.  HIS life was not free/ HE did what had to be done, for the purpose to which HE gave his life.  Which was to teach humanity about love, respect, eternity, and purposes beyond self; as a beginning.  You hold up his murderer’s  weapon as an idol; and say how great this was.   The reality however was:   this was the clear failure of humanity in his day. It could have been a truly different world!  JESUS came with a message of peace and love; and after confronting those who loved only money, he was killed because pride and power and hate;   don’t need no savior.  “They  like it, the way it is”.   And the people were called sheep, because without weapons/ with soldiers controlling them:   to do more was death, unless true faith existed and GOD decided to intervene.  True faith is:   letting GOD decide/ after you have done your best.  Or more simply faith is NOT belief, wherein you can use any excuse to get out of any duty, just because you want too.  Faith is understanding:   THIS is important to life/ THEREFORE IT IS   “Important to GOD”/   not because we    Had some kind of conversation about it.  But because this is HIS CREATION and it is not to be tampered with, by fools, failures, and the disease of arrogance so extreme people think they can be gods themselves.   Therefore we know because it is HIS OWN CREATION; that it is our duty to respect it, honor it, and protect or defend it;   from all catastrophe’s.   It is faith because we do know this/ it is duty, because we understand, if I or we are not enough; then only   GOD   can do the rest.  Because we are NOT god’s/ we are humanity.  In this humanity, those people were perhaps   “Lions compared to you; as are absolute sheep”.   Not surrounded by soldiers, with clear opportunities in law and democracy; YOU don’t have the courage to even ask “what if we try”.  Can’t do it/ not even for an entire world, and every living thing on this planet.  Nope, not you;    Go somewhere else, “You can’t be bothered” with life or death for a world/ cause you are true believers in university knows.  Even though they plainly tell you:   its just a theory, and media refuses to tell you, “they gamble with our entire existence, and every life on this planet”.  No sir, not you:    Hell so what if they are wrong/ they will just try again.  OH WAIT, that is not right;   because a 8 million degree fire that doesn’t put itself out/ CANNOT be extinguished.  So its just a one time only experiment/ with NO second chances.  But you believe.  “They’re gods” you know.  They wouldn’t harm us/ no way, they are gods;   bow down and lick their ass again; the shit is showing.   So they mutilate all life to prove evolution/ destroying genetic disciplines, balance, order, and everything else.  And you tell them “go ahead/ your gods, nothing will go wrong”.  What the hell, here have more counterfeit money.   They’re special/ and eternity has a special place for them too.  Ain’t that so?  After all, what could possibly be the cost for destroying all of    GOD’S CREATION, and crucifying all HIS LIFE CREATED, while you wait to be gods yourselves.  Hell, what could possibly go wrong with that?  Maybe you should chant awhile/ or play bingo or something;   yes, that will do it/ eternity is free you know.  You don’t have to do nothing/ but it might be too bad you support those who can only be described as SATAN.   It is possible there could be a cost on that one.  But hey, just hold up a cross/ showing the murder weapon to   GOD/    Putting it in front of your face :    How would that be bad?  It’s a damn key, right?  Good thing you can believe anything you want.

            Since this is the topic of this writing at the moment;   lets just ask WHAT WOULD RESPECT FOR JESUS, actually ask you to do?   You know, “if you had faith for instance”.  Who the hell wants that, but just in case someone might;   what would faith do?   We have already assessed faith above as acceptance of a direct knowledge governed by truth; such as WE KNOW, that it is our duty to protect, defend, and respect    GOD’S CREATION.   Its not a hard concept/ even though “you can’t prove it”;   it ain’t hard to accept it is true enough, at least for me.    So then what is the fundamental truth, the critical known purpose of    “JESUS LIFE” :   religion says,   “Its to save us/ even though they don’t know what that means”.  So lets examine what saved really means? 
The answer is: “TO ACCEPT, THAT LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN TIME/ to understand, LIFE CAN BE ETERNAL.”   That is functionally the base message of JESUS.   It continues with   “Follow me”/    Which fundamentally means, “do what I do”/ and you will find either what I find to some degree, OR there will be mercy for you; just because you did try.   There are many lesser lessons, but these are primary to the reality by its truth:   the purpose which  comes from   “The salvation of    JESUS,   as CHRIST”.     The desire, can only be love;  as nothing else would care.
Where is the free?  Do you not have to graduate the learning, and then do accordingly? Do you not have to live the life, by some sense or meaning of its purpose?  Where is your respect?  Is all of life on earth NOT important in this?   Or do you just judge the others, and demand, “I can do anything I want/ cause I have a get out of jail card,  given to me by religion”.  I wouldn’t bet on that, if I were you!

            Even so, enough is enough.  I have confronted a long list of people over the decades; none of which fundamentally committed, “its life or death for a world, I or we MUST work”/  only a tiny few did not immediately run away or hide.

            I have said goodbye to “being amusing” so as to avoid the violence that would have come otherwise/ leaving the work undone.  I have barely escaped:   so as to finish this work, and complete the demand, “no excuses”.
I have now confronted those who lead, in sufficient numbers that they cannot say, “we don’t know nothing”/ they do.  I have now confronted the primary religion in America; the initiating place for much of the extreme threats which confront this world;   and said DO BETTER.
I have never asked you to believe in me/ that is worthless, I am NOT the trouble or threat;  merely the messenger.  I HAVE ASKED YOU:   TO INVESTIGATE, and take your trouble to court enforcing democracy/ demanding law/ and using JUSTICE AND RESPECT as the weapons most appropriate to defending your lives.  Men said no.
I have now asked women, to do what men could or would not.  Suggesting a meeting place as is consistent with what I CAN at least potentially do;   thereby removing any excuse for not doing so.   To date, not a single response; even though some know, and apparently refuse to consider worthy enough to “communicate to others”.  Not a penny have you given to me for the work.  Even though it has cost “considerable in many ways”.
Therefore we do come to the ending, this time, because unless things do turn:   there is no other legal avenues of any kind or purpose that would consist of helping you   learn:   THIS IS NOT A CHOICE.  THIS IS LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS WORLD!   For your child, family, lover, EVERYTHING.

            But you apparently will have none of it.  YOU want somebody “better”/ to deliver a message, “change or die”.  So sorry;   “just not good enough for you”/ but the “delivery man” ain’t that important, now is he!   As it has been said by me before:   “Apparently, all the good people: WERE JUST TOO BUSY” to be bothered.   So somehow, clearly unknown to me;  I got the job/ cause YOU didn’t   want it; or perhaps just not determined enough: I don’t know why me.  My desire is, and has always been:   I DO appreciate my life in time/ and DID choose TO RESPECT     GOD’S CREATION     , and live along the path that JESUS did proclaim and prove as his own.   Ain’t perfect, not a doubt in the world.  But I am “just the messenger”/ and surely even you, can understand “good enough for that”. 
   Numerous biblical prophecies are all clearly coming true.  Which means functionally:   I must be simply an excuse for you,  not to work.     We don’t have to:  [because he is this/ that/ or the other thing, and I won’t work or accept him.  Or whatever it is/ doesn’t matter to me;   I  CANNOT SAVE YOU.]   therefore irrelevant to the question of life or death for this world.
 Or, you just won’t accept any duty to life itself/   deserting this CREATION.  IT IS A CHOICE, for you/ but not this world; which is going to die, without true change!   Nonetheless, be it known that this message is fully delivered from me to you.  I have done everything I could/ nothing has been left out that I am now aware of.  I have found, “a little more and a little more” previous to this.  But today, there is no more to do:   you do have your chance to work for life/ to CHANGE AND FIND RESPECT.  To live by sharing and caring and protecting the future, for all.    It ain’t, “too much to ask”.
              PRAY for time, because you are in serious need.  Best wishes/ I am just human too, but we all die together without a world or its nature.   Your “university occult” is killing it all;   wake up or die.  Not a game.
TRUTH IS AN EXTREMELY POWERFUL TOOL.  Remember that, and it will aid you/ change you:   or potentially destroy you, if no respect if found.
The end.  Because I know, “that I am not your savior”/ or your threat or any kind.  My Job is done. 
4/ 26 / 13


            To the tax collectors:   if you are reading this/ then understand this, according to the book of Daniel in the bible.  The biblical prophecy that ends the world by fire/ the great abomination is: the single worst decision humanity could possibly make.  Which is clearly, “to bring the same fire as is on the sun here to this earth”.   From the first experiments to be done at NIF which began somewhere around June of 2012, to the end of those days called a reprieve, for humanity to change its mind/ till the collapse of time as is ignition of that fire, which is around September of 2015.  The expected completion date of the exo-watt laser.  If it works a laser beam said to equal all the heat which lands upon this earth collected together as a laser beam in that amount of time.  Or a billion times a billion electrical  watts of force.  A “lightbulb focused into a narrow beam equally 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts”.  Grab a 100 watt lightbulb, and get a clue.   The forty days or so thereafter as is a different date of numbers;   is equal to the amount of time it takes for that fire ignited to eject the entire atmosphere of this earth, into space.  Therefore if we are still alive at the beginning of 2016, and I am still alive at the beginning of 2016;   I will pay you then.  Otherwise, “it’s a fight”; because I don’t pay for what isn’t even organized crime anymore.  Its just “satan worship”;   because tax money is used to destroy us all.  I strongly believe, that the consequence of mutilation, which is nature in chaos WILL begin within that time frame as well.   So just a note;   I don’t pay for the complete destruction of life as is nature itself either.   Prove neither will exist, and you will then be paid.  If on the other hand, “you’re dead”/   well then, we all lose, ain’t that so!
Can’t believe its true?  Well the claim of Noah’s flood, has been proven true without the slightest doubt:    All the buried coal, oil, and gas is absolute proof, as nothing exists in this world to collect and bury that amount of debris in the same place/ some under thousands of feet of sediment.   That is all the proof of a world wide flood needed, but there is more.  The prophecy “next time” by fire, is certainly here.  Ignition of the same fire as is on the sun here on earth, will simply make this planet like the sun; how could that not be so?   Their theory “it will just extinguish itself”;   is a liars game.  More prophecies have come true already, such as the water will turn to wormwood:   opening gas pressures beneath all the water supplies is just that.  All it takes is a tiny pressure leak/ or an earthquake for instance.  Global warming is redistributing the weight of all that ice, onto different tectonic plates: how is that not going to have an influence on your future?  It has already caused a tsunami in Japan, and more.   Billions of tons cannot be moved without a consequence.  Be patient 2016 is not that far away, just a little more than; a couple of years.  All dead.  Unless prophecy and all the evidence combined are simply wrong.  Seems highly unlikely to me!

IT IS TIME TO PUSH!  To become, what we will be, “forever”!   Make your decision: for life, and child, and world:   “the essence of love”/ OR, want, selfishness, greed, and the rest “called hate”.
             DISCIPLINE DEMANDS, That life should NEVER be a game/ that we, the people of this earth; have a value greater than theories/ more distinct than risk/ and more defined than those who believe “they can play god” with our lives.  Reality demands: we must choose differently.  Balance demands a new structural outlook, to what we do; In our relationships with each other.
            The final analysis of this work is very simple: if we don’t recognize and respect the reality that is coming, the consequences of being WRONG/ we don’t survive.  If we don’t respect nature, stop mutilating and crucifying it/ nature itself won’t survive, because we are now so many people, this world has changed, and nature can no longer defeat us all. It cannot defeat the horror’s inflicted if they don’t stop immediately.  If we don’t accept our responsibility NOT to let people play with energies they cannot control; we all die, a horrible death.  People say:   I don’t care, and all run away to hide from all they fear.  It will NOT help/ that changes nothing.  Unless we defeat those who threaten us with extermination from this planet/ we die.  It is not a hard concept.
            The confrontation that is government employee versus law and democracy; constructs a literal demand:   are we owners/ is our government, the constitution?  How that is answered decides who rules the future!  Currently our employees rule by bribes/ created with counterfeit money.  But the reality is: having “printed” 200 trillion dollars of inflation; the national  debt plus social security and state debts =$645,161.00 per 310 million people each.  Did you get yours/ its all free:   no reality attached!   The answer is no, we didn’t/ but a few did, plus ours, plus whatever they wanted to loan with this inflation/ all covered over with lies by government and media: THEY DO KNOW.   What is particularly bad however is this:   that they take these counterfeit dollars, and they buy our real property with them.  That means: they get it for free, someone got this money.  But because there is no reality of payment attached/ consequently it is not a debt/ it is pure inflation, given to only a tiny few, who chose to inflate their salaries, benefits, pensions, etc by using our slavery.  If it ain’t realmoney/ you didn’t get paid; they just kept you alive for the work, with bribes.   Soon we the people will own nothing/ because you cannot compete “with a printing press”; nor out of control government employees.  America will be, “like Palestine”: sold out; too late now.  You must demand democracy rules, and enforce constitutional law, oath,  and restrictions. As owners.   Or you will be forced to abandon America itself.
            Americans “have bought a gun”/ because they know its bad, and their options are few.  But lets review:    If you surrender ownership, and choose a gun: whose side are you on?  If you say America or the United States, it cannot be so, because you have failed the law, and our democracy.  We rule ourselves/ by the laws we create, the constitution that rules us all; including every law.  The judiciary does not/ they are bound by oath in support of the constitution and its intent: that is their job, and its power to rule is strictly limited to constitutional rights and demands.  What is important if you don’t use the law and democracy is:   even if you win a battle in civil war/ you cannot change the ownership of property until you have created a new democracy to control and change that law, which then controls you and us.  That means a new nation/ not this one: or more simply America itself,  must be abandoned. it will be BAD.  Particularly since it is unnecessary and irrelevant to the task of defining WHO DOES OWN THIS NATION/ and what is a legitimate claim over our property or not.   That right, is justified and decided by law; according to evidence and its truth.  Therefore whosoever controls the law, controls the future.  YOU CANNOT control the law with a gun/ it is impossible.  You cannot control truth, IT IS, whatever it is.  You CAN control the law with democracy, BY YOUR VOTE.   Not a vote for someone to vote for me/ but your own distinct vote on the law that governs our lives for yourselves.  We need very few: short and simple, so we all understand/ and can use or enforce the law ourselves.
            We can change our world, and our money/ by choosing LIFE, AND PLANET;   MUST COME FIRST:   for us all.   If, you think for yourself! You are “smart enough”!   We are at the edge of crisis in all kinds of ways: the cost and consequence of letting “the smart people” lead.  THAT DID NOT work, they are lazy, as a group, living largely in fantasy and delusion; as the evidence does prove.  We must ALL work together, not just you, me, or them.  Learn more.   Some basic links. Thinking differently;

Developments in democracy:   HOW,  we understand our lives, our duty, and our ownership of that democracy:   within  our state and nation or world: Preparations for redress, in ILLINOIS.


            The elemental truth of "life or death for a world"/ now rests with you. Will you/ or will you not stand up and fight for this world? Because even this entre world is being threatened with extermination. When you cannot hear the words honestly, and respect their truth: that university terrorists are literally trying to bring the same fire as is on the sun, here to earth. GAMBLING with our lives/ our everything: that their theory is:   "not enough gravity to sustain it".  Is enough to risk all life on earth.  This is their defense for bringing that fire here/ it will extinguish itself.

             When you hear the words truthfully, that understands with all certainty: the university terrorists are mutilating every form of life on this planet/ are crucifying the body we call life in time; and you cannot react with the need to say NO, THIS IS PRECIOUS! Fully knowing the reality of pandemic's are generally created when a disease crosses species barriers: and these terrorists are doing it intentionally. Literally injecting chaos, into the reality of our lives, and our world.   Quote: Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing Chimeras-a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal.... fused human cells with rabbit eggs....for years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals....not only life as we know it/ but also "life as it might be"...synthetic biology-including synthetic organisms, biological engineering, artificial chemistry, origin of life, paleogenetics.... cloned...first human embryos.  Quote:   created an organism with manmade DNA...worth more than a trillion dollars..."its pretty stunning when you just replace the DNA.....and in a short while, all the characteristics of the first species disappear and a new species emerges...means cheaper and widely accessible tools to build bio-weapons, virulent pathogens and artificial organisms that could pose grave threats to people and the planet.  The danger is not just bio-terror, but "bio-error"... sequenced and stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe and be resurrected in ....labs thousands of miles away.  When you cannot honestly react with a need to know/ a need to protect LIFE on earth. It means your heart has died. It means your soul is abandoned. Fight for your life/ and your world, is not eternity worth it?     HOW, can you choose to fail, ALL LIFE!

             The question presented is NOT: whether I am wrong or right/ that is fundamentally unnecessary.  The question is:   IN  EXPERIMENTS,   that literally endanger our very existence as a planet/ as the nature we require to survive and be happy!    The reality of a decision that can take away our future, and destroy life on this planet:   SHOULD WE NOT HAVE OUR OWN SAY?   Your leaders and your courts say NO!  Should we NOT legally be informed as to the risk of being wrong?  Your media says NO.  Should we NOT have a vote on the reality of an experiment that will turn this planet into a sun:   when their theory is proven wrong.  Your time to find out, to insist on that vote; will end.

             They can create this fire, and they are mutilating all of NATURE ITSELF, which is the "factory and instructions and utilities etc/ that build the bodies of life" called DNA.  Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire.  It will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days.   They DO bet our lives on what  is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back!  Which means we live or die/ based upon their theory! That along with mutilating every living creature on the planet by altering genetics:   what builds us/ can easily destroy us instead.  Is the reason for this work, and a lifetime commitment to ending the threats we cannot survive.   Not even as a planet.

             How is that, not your concern/ its your life; or your death.  Because a tiny few said:    "Let us bring the fire on the sun here NIF  (with 500 trillion watts of power), and 192 lasers all surrounding and focused on the same spot in space and time". Quote: NIF will achieve....180 million degrees F/ .....only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions: the big bang, when the universe was a primordial fireball: the interior of stars and planets, and thermonuclear weapons. A supernova is...18-54 million degrees F....the extreme density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core-collapse supernova-an exploding star- or when two neutron stars collide.

             While others said, "lets play god, with nature itself destroying the genetic balance, order, disciplines, and realities that control life as a body on this planet".  Or more simply "lets mutilate it all, and make evolution come true by bringing chaos to life.  And still others said: "lets play with the single most destructive event in the history of this universe".  They have created a 5 trillion watt explosion at CERN: the instantaneous release of 3.2 billion btu's of energy or 67 billion units of horsepower.  In their tiny cage fueled by numerous atomic energy power plants. Not a game.   Very NEAR to igniting that fire, which would destroy us.  Other planetary damage as well.

             By stealing your money, and controlling your government: they have built machines to exterminate us all.   Can't believe it is true:   consider the next big thing an exowatt laser:   stated to be 1million times more, than 10 billion 100 watt light bulbs of heat, packed into a single laser beam.  (Grab a 100 watt light bulb and see):  A fire so ferocious;  It will ignite the same fire as is on the sun/ here upon this earth instantly.  IF the national ignition facility does not succeed first. The exowatt laser does represent the single most likely event to destroy this world immediately:   expected roughly 9/1/2015.  Although the others, are equally dangerous.  Time does run out/ this world dies only once.  Are you willing to be WRONG? There is no going back, these are life or death trials for our entire world.   Each and every one that constitutes a real and true threat/ a terrorist act.  There are more.   US SUPREME COURT TRIAL


             the short list, separated from extreme threats listed above:   a list borrowed from reality, because the media certainly isn't going to tell you/ even though they know:   I told them!  They get paid for propaganda, NOT information.  They get paid to tempt, or control  you: by making certain you don't question "the university or your leadership".   Do you pay them directly?  NO.  Every survey is about:    "What can we say: so the people believe, without question"!


1.  We burn more oxygen with fire, than this earth can produce/ you also cut down, mutilate, or destroy the very organisms that produce the oxygen we need.   Biosphere 2 project clearly defined the amount of oxygen being produced.  "The average person uses about 3,000 gallons of air to breathe a day; a small car, driving one hour, over  average distances:  use thirty times that much. A large truck over one hundred times more."  Think about it: using more oxygen just for fire than the planet makes/ WHAT happens next?  The answer is, the OZONE layer is the storage container for thousands of years of excess oxygen generation: when its gone, "its just the atmosphere", and what this earth can make.  Answer the question; are you going to survive?


2.   Antibiotic feeds are failing/ which means the factory farm is nearly extinct: a single pandemic then destroys the entire herd; across this world (taking your food with it).  We cannot wait to rebuild, too many mouths to feed.  We have NO OTHER means to raise or keep these animals currently; therefore it will be cannibalism.  Antibiotics are what make most of your healthcare possible; "all gone, for a few pennies, and a little ease".  Pharmaceuticals of all kinds; sucked in by the handfuls; ARE without doubt causing the increases in autism, asthma, and more; chemicals of all kinds, ADD IN.  Mutilated foods are a clear concern in allergies/ and the livestock which eats that mutilated crop, can easily become allergic to it; which means they then all die, and cannot be returned.


3.  Only one inch of rain replenishes an aquifer/ per fifty inches of rainfall.  Ethanol is added to fifteen percent of all gasoline used in the USA/ times at least three gallons of water to make it/ times (guessing another two for irrigation, etc). The Ogahalla aquifer stretching across several states is known to be nearly dry: "the dust bowl returns" with no end in sight.  Trillions of gallons of water are pumped into gas fields/ oil fields/ used in chemicals/ made toxic by chemicals/  contaminated from radiation or garbage/ removed from saturation into the aquifer by tiling; and a whole lot more.  Go find out: what are you going to drink.  Test your wells, particularly where ethanol is made:   understand this is no game/ and it sure as hell ain't worth no damn job.  It takes only one earthquake (or other possibilities), to change what is contained gas, from under a water source/ to released gas:   we cannot drink it!   Just like the Japanese: "our generators are great/ nothing bad can happen".  Not true.  But then the people who say it, do commonly leave/ or take the money and run away, when things go bad.


4. There are experiments in nano technology, small enough particles to invade cellular structure and clog immunology, function, foundations of life and life processes as well as other cellular activities Self replicating means: potentially complete overtaking of the biological system/ even every biological creature or plant on earth.  Can't get rid of it/ can't stop it: pandemic a true possibility.   Your media presents only propaganda, "it will be great".


5. The advances to artificial intelligence are an easily detectable threat. It will be horrible because it can be horrible/ not because it has to be?  Machines to kill you, controlled by a tiny few: is the essence of insanity itself: trapped, they just won't die.   Your media presents only propaganda, "it will be great". With GPS, we will find you "anywhere"/ preparations are already underway.  But not to worry, "you have guns"/ isn't that so?  So when the leaders order: go get their guns: "its your job" (call for backup)/ and the people refuse, we won't let you take everything away (call for backup); the ensuing massacre heard around the world.  Is a bloodshed event, that will be HORRIFIC, after all, you got guns.  The reality in advance:    With bribes being paid by counterfeit money:   the result of which is, that all the property in this nation is being sold to a tiny few, including foreign nations.  "Like Palestine" YOU TOO, are about to wake up without a nation to live in.  "Its all gone".  Your media says nothing. And your counterfeit money taken in its place, will dissolve into nothing, "overnight".  None will save you, "its their law";   so guns are all that is left.   Can't happen here, it already has.  Search REIT's and find out who owns your nation/ find out who owns the property, and how they bought it with counterfeit inflated dollars, that you have nothing to do with.  They don't share the numbers, "do they"?  Hell no.  But last year the federal government borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars or so/ that equals$15,000.00 per one in three citizens of new debt.  Your media says nothing. That does not include the inflation directly responsible for inflating the GDP from manufacturing and all forms of actual business:   roughly 5 trillion dollars.  Into 14 trillion dollars, "courtesy of wall street, and your big bankers".  If it didn't come from business/ THEN it is "imaginary money, and a promise to pay/ what cannot be paid".   Because one trillion dollars is equal to $10,000.00 per each and every one of 100 million people.  That is the math.  This is your debt.   But it does not include $70 trillion or so in social security, nor state debts; and without doubt bonds hidden; etc.  If you look at the table, you will find gold:   divide the gold by the price per ounce today/ and it is NOT   "Fort Knox full".  Just a semi load, or so, for the entire nation.  "Reagan" sold it all/ and the media didn't say a word.  Clinton hid social security debt, by separating it from the federal tables, saying "it's the people's debt to themselves/ not the governments responsibility".  BUT THEY KEPT THE MONEY, and didn't fund anything, claiming in that lie:    "We balanced the budget, and owe nothing".  And your media said nothing.  The people then all said:   "Oh boy, MORE bribes", don't look no farther: LET GREED CONTROL.   STILL think it can't happen here?


6. The introduction of mutilations such as Bt corn (kill any insect that bites, sicken many insects in contact with the pollen/ and the pesticides based upon that same chemical reaction/ or other types of killing sicken the world that lives on insects. Killing the insect world, and transforming the rest, from the bottom of the food chain on up. The determined end of habitat for all but what men want/ extinction of species, by removal of diversity/ poisoning everything in sight, water, and everything else. Devastating OUR POLLINATORS, the creatures who ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR; an entire base food source to this world. The entire system of pollination, from all its creatures, to all its seeds, to all its life is being decimated: and we are about to live within and forever changed as, "a true silent spring". Where fruits and vegetables no longer exist/ where much of life itself is now extinct. The only thing left: swarms of insects dedicated to the plants men do want..


7. Fail to feed fish populations that you have so badly decimated, and they cannot return/ therefore you starve; and WAR.  Global warming exists as is proven by the loss of ice cover in the ocean in 2011-12 in a size more than the United States of America.  Much of the initiating  ocean food chain begins on the bottom of those ice flows.  Therefore not only is the ice gone/ but so is the food/ and so is the relief from human trawlers (can't get me here) dedicated to "taking them all".  Just so you know;    the only thing we have to spare to feed the ocean is: dead human bodies.


8. "It's a choice"/ or more clearly its your choice: to fight for this world or just surrender as cowards! Think for yourself.  The media and its constant propaganda "the university knows";   regardless of how little you are told about anything important or real/ is subject to the term:   brainwashing from the cult of their religion "university cannot be wrong": we are believers.  The tragedy of belief is:   you can believe anything you want/ it is absolutely irrelevant.  But only truth determines if it is real.  Truth is NOT a game or a theory, or a delusion by its fantasy.  Truth is not "this makes me money: so shut the hell up".  Truth is reality proven, by consistency; or proven by the fundamental:   even without true knowledge established by life itself/ I believe love can do this.  Love is a truth.


9. Evolution is their excuse, it will fix anything they destroy/ so they say: "a pure fool's dream and fantasy".   They do expect:  Something new will come out of your chaos, their intentional destruction of life on earth, (we CAN MUTILATE LIFE, because evolution will fix it) "in a million years or so". You want to wait a million years? They have proven nothing, but adaption:   the sign of perfect design, "I knew, this would be needed".


10. Of the various things available for us to see the past/ one of the most clear is: that to have created the vast amount of coal, oil, and gas underground/   major caches some buried thousands of feet down. There had to be a world wide flood/ nothing else could bury this amount of debris, all buried at one time, in the same places, on top of each other;   so as to produce these quantities.  Of relatively pure life decayed, into coal, oil, and gas. The same religion that establishes this flood declares, "the next time" by fire. So enters;   fire as on the sun!


11. THERE IS NO WORK/ NO LIFE, WITHOUT RESOURCES. How long before you have nothing left? How long, before a critical part, a critical material or element, disappears forever?  The media brags, "in the last ten years" we have produced and sold,  more than the entire history of humanity put together.  How long, before it is all gone?   How many does a desert keep alive?


12. More simply, when the ice melts, you cannot "make cold" anymore.  The heat required to melt this amount of ice:   will NOT have anything to stop it soon.  This world will increase in temperature by ten degrees a year;   soon!  Because it is a "multiplying cycle".  Great amounts of ice have melted, some say enough for a 20 inch rise in sea level around this earth. THAT IS, ALL THE PROOF REQUIRED: TO PROVE GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! That means you have moved "this much weight" from its location on one tectonic plate/ to another tectonic plate shifting the balance and disrupting the stability of these earth structures.  Creating tsunami's, earthquakes to come, etc.


13. The current situation in USA with weather: is likely to remain abnormally hot and dry: because ground temperature prove there is no great deviation from hot to cold across the nation. That temperature difference creates the weather and its rain.  Just because it is hot or cold in your area of the world, has nothing to do with the reality of an entire world.


14. We cannot be wrong about energy experiments. We cannot be wrong about genetic crucifixion of life. We cannot be wrong about weapons of mass destruction. We cannot be wrong about food or water or anything that will make us extinct. Because if you are/ the planet dies, and you with it. EVERY SINGLE ONE.


15. Because men want NO DIVERSITY/ they want only what they want, and that ends the diversity of life.   That process, establishes unintended consequences, and describes environmental change. The chains of life are real, break a chain and everything above it fails to survive.  It is the cost of chemical pesticides/ herbicides, fertilizers,  pharmaceuticals, and more.  Dead zones.  Dead or damaged rivers.  Dead eco-systems.  Failure at every level.

16. We cannot ignore Yellowstone super volcano/ if it erupts; life on earth will die by the billions (just in the human population); a reality of consequences. Thought must prevail. We can intervene by drilling to relieve the gases that cause an explosion to occur.  Without the gas, it can only be as is an Hawaiian volcano.    Possibilities for tsunami's both man-made and natural unabated.


17. THE OCEAN FEEDS OVER ONE BILLION PEOPLE (you already have one billion people hungry) Ending the food supply for every other kind of fish dependent upon that food supply too: such as tuna and others. Killing entire " sea nations at a time" is devastation on a massive scale/  nothing left for predator fish.   No balance: it's a man's way.. Nothing but want, and greed. "Make me rich"!


18. Are invading even the last refuges for the very last stocks of many types of fish because the ice is gone or leaving, in the Arctic, and Antarctic ..  People,  Are genetically mutilating creatures of the sea. A complete we don't care attitude, a "we are gods" arrogance. What is the result: IF NOT a DEAD OCEAN?  You are polluting/ stealing from base food sources/ poisoning/ attacking with noise, such that it makes creatures deaf/ interrupting ocean currents with global warming/ killing the incubators of ocean life/ killing the creatures that make oxygen/ using factory ships that can take them all (don't come back until your ship is full)/ invading sea life with diseases caused by entrapment: and much more.


19. While human engineered crops are currently producing more: in exchange you have opened the door to an epidemic/ a catastrophe: that can kill the entire plant/ leaving you with no option but to abandon the entire species once this has taken over.  Life is not "simply numbers to be rearranged".   Life is, the very critical reality of "lower species" that must get along in the same place and do well, and NOT contaminate or invade the other species that form together to create a more complex living structure.   IF ANYTHING goes wrong in that living environment;  the entire plant or life dies.  If anything escapes and contaminates the rest of the species by any one of a variety of methods: they entire species will die.   YOU HAVE NO CLUE/ "university doesn't know/ can't know/ won't know, until it is far too late.  And they race outdoors, with every mutilation:  specifically to endanger everything they can, "to prove evolution, by changing life themselves:"  CATASTROPHE IS COMING!  A religious cult gone mad: "or we have NOTHING/ so, we will make it happen"!   Is it not said:   that asbestos poisoning takes 30 years to erupt into trouble/ until then, "everything is fine"!

            The vast majority of plant seeds are now sterile; and the base "natural" plants from which all "engineered seed originates" is nearly extinct (very little new seed production) :   too much interference.  Consider that a warning.  All life, "needs a reason to survive (happy)"/ slavery isn't it.


20. You are killing all pollinators at once/ with poisons clearly introduced that weaken their defenses and make them vulnerable to everything.  Your chemicals have invaded every landscape and environment:   JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT THEM, does not make any chemical safe for life, or the pollination of a species dependent upon "cleanliness".  As all are, or there will be trouble.


21. You have built death and starvation. You have built "superbug's/ or extremely powerful diseases with antibiotics, that can invade us as well". You will starve. YOUR surgery and healthcare are very dependent upon antibiotics: and that means, you die too.  Most antibiotics are completely worthless today, ABUSE.  All are going in that direction: ending your livestock farms, your easy healthcare, and your chance to survive.


22. With one billion people already hungry/ 2 million more added EACH, and every week; as the human population grow; they need more. A population that is over 7 billion: A POPULATION THAT WILL BE 8 BILLION before 2020.  A sea so badly damaged it is about to die/ leaving another one billion hungry with no place to turn, and NO water to drink.  How is that not war or cannibalism.    3 billion  hungry people in less than 7 years: COMING!  With no food or water to give them.  HOW are you going to survive?


23. Because they don't want to pay the price for life: WHICH IS, from this point forward: ONLY LIFE FIRST MUST LEAD. BY ITS OWN TRUTH/ no more money first, no more want first, no more insanity. ONLY LIFE FIRST, forever.           That is your choice.


24. With a world filled with nuclear bombs, only twenty five detonations of which are said to be enough to end life on earth:    Time is limited, you will be dead.   World courts, governing leaders with law and world policing by all nations: IS THE ONLY solution.


25. With many nations holding biological weapons, whose stated efficiency is OVER 97% DEATH RATE in humans if released: WORLDWIDE.  Your leaders believe they will escape: prepared/ too bad for you.  With university experimentation that is already biological warfare released:   you have no chance to survive unless you control them, and take away their tools.  Killing anyone who refuses to obey:   NO MORE OF THIS.


26. PURPOSELY trying to cross humanity with any other form of life, in a direct crucifixion of the genetic stability of nature itself.   THE INTENTIONAL HORROR, injected into living creatures of life on this earth: as is mutilation consists of such things as "if it were you, finding worms in your chest, eating you alive;  and so on".. Crucified/ in any life form!   Media cult,  propagating "how great this will be;   we are gods"/  praise the university, all bow down and give up your money, and your life.  It is Armageddon (nature in chaos).  Coming true.


27. How is an angry world, a world stolen from, and berated as less than "us/ the extra special smart people" going to stop itself from war. Men choose war as their answer, how is not the GUNS SOLD a clear indication of your future?


28. 7 billion people growing at 2 million more each week! Standing on one acre of "growing land" each.   This world is limited, that acre of growing land "farmable" must also produce enough for every other creature alive on land as well as you.


29. Want a better world, create world law & dedicated world police. Who will not attack nations, BUT WILL bring their leaders to justice by trial, or if necessary other means of enforcement and denial of superiority, including death for leaders. The law, Will enforce our need to control those who intend to control us.


30. The separation and protection of women from men in terms of making a nation different: IS A TRUE incentive to men, to make the other men change. So that the women will return.  Which means simply:   any nation that fails to treat women fairly, MUST BE DIVIDED into "women here/ men there".  Until JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY, THROUGH EQUALITY FOR ALL is served;   for women.   You will protect them as a world, for enough time to establish whether the men will change/ or the women be allowed asylum in another country.  Let them fight/ but make them change.


31. Want to use all the resources of earth today: HELL yes/ no worry, we will just go get more! After all, how much stuff can 7,000,000,000 people take, every day/ every year for their entire lives: answer the question!


32. Armageddon means: "Nature in chaos". Geneticists are actually working as hard as they can, for the last fifty plus years/ DELIBERATELY trying to cause genetic stability, disciplines, and balance to be destroyed. They believe once they see it fail/ then they will know what to do, to "be gods themselves". I say: instead of gods/ they will be "satan";   the destroyers of this world.


 33.  Just your garbage dumps/ failure to recycle properly;   prove the reality of leadership.


34.  You have numerous nuclear power plants, that all have a distinct life expectancy: because corrosion WILL eat away at the pressure vessels.  They won't tell you, the money controls.


35.  You have an extreme threat under one of the great lakes, that has been defined before; and will not be again, because of terrorists. 


The machines are built/ the reality is at hand/ a moratorium (and everything else to stop it) is required at all levels: including demanding the press SHALL NOT escape our reality.  Shall not be allowed to continue their cult worshiping of university/ or brainwashing of you.  They must establish what happens when these failures of men go wrong.  They must protect and defend our lives, and stop propagating:   "The stealing and death of our lives"/ by those who say   "They lead us".



 We are going to intervene RIGHT NOW, or we will be too late.    Play time is over/ GROW UP OR DIE. It really doesn't matter what you want.  Reality will prove what you did or did not do for life.  And present you with consequences/ because this world has changed:    We are now so many people/ with such extreme experiments and machines: that our very lives are in danger of extermination.  Even this planet, is in danger of extinction.  So says the evidence, and facts of our time.

            There is NO PURPOSE in going "screaming, I don't want to die/ or know these things".  That is worthless.  OUR CHOICE IS:    TO MAKE the changes we can, and do the things that are required of us, to survive.   Our reality is:    MEN CANNOT do that/ because this is the best they did do, and we do stand at the edge of our own extinction.   That in fact, leaves only women as an alternative to lead;   NOT because they are better.  But because they are DIFFERENT/ and we absolutely MUST HAVE DIFFERENT than this!   Whether you like it or not.


            Women have a special role here, in this time.  You WILL be able to rule, by creating true democracy, the demand:   we will create OUR OWN LAWS, ourselves/ by vote.  If you choose for life must come first/ that fact will come true for you.   But you MUST work together/ and not create individual leaders to decide.  Together you will rule/ separate you will die, because men will return to their old ways; "just as fast as they can".   Only the laws can stop them. You do need their support:   so only what is essential for life first/ what is necessary for justice, freedom, equality, and fair play are elemental to peace and happiness and a future for life itself.  As has been proven in me:   what is male does what men have always done when confronted with realities that demand action/ they war.  That is absolutely not valid here and now, as any substantial war,  will end us all.  The introduction of "female: which functionally means;  ONLY THE LAW, can protect us"/ not war.  Has provided the means to refrain from "we must", and establish we do have a right.  The law; as is justifiable and true to life;   is now my way too.  Or more simply, WAR can gain nothing/ that day is over; "kill a billion people, "imagine the disease"/ you still have 6 billion more to go;  growing at two million more each week".  There is no place left, that our decisions don't change.   This world has changed.

             GOD has granted a short reprieve, for the singular purpose of finding souls on this world.  DO YOU CARE about life honestly, is the question?  If not, it will be time for all,  to die soon.   Believe it or not; true is true.  Because the evidence is real: go search and prove what is true, to yourself.   This is fundamentally "about   GOD'S OWN CREATION" here on earth.  It is basic and true, that we shall have one last chance.  This is it/ believe it or not.

            To environmentalists:   this trial is about everything/ not one thing.  If you lose it all/ then nothing else matters!  Work here, in court demanding truth must decide/  NOT want.

            Combined, this site now represents the most powerful words ever written, which is, "redress of grievances/ or, WE THE PEOPLE can rule ourselves, by creating our own law. When we demand accountability from our employees, and vote as owners for the future we will own."  THE LAW which will govern our lives/ then judges us all, not rulers, but the law we create for ourselves.  The world shall take notes.  Because freedom is not a game either.


             Reconsider "victim defense jewelry".

            The struggle to attain relationships that give us value.

            The foundation of our lives is, “that we exist alone, as one individual person without true assistance from the others”.  The reality of our lives however is:   “That we are not happy alone”/ that we do need the assistance of others to define and create a world beyond ourselves that gives peace, establishes harmony, and controls the essence of love itself.  Because without someone to share or care with/ there is nothing of so substantial value, that life itself can or will keep us alive unless we can find “happiness”.
Happiness is, the elemental port through which we crawl:   as the decision to live outside ourselves, beyond the boundaries of “just me”.  To find what, or who:   “is more”.    Happiness is, the fundamental experience created, when we believe, instead of simply “I believe”.  Thereby religions are formed, not because of what they say, but because of boundaries in human existence crossed.  NOT boundaries in life/ boundaries in the experience of human life.  Therefore limits exist, and realities have consequences.
Happiness is:   the inner expression of our heart, found in the creation of moments that include ourselves, rather than simply being about self.  Happiness is, the message we believe; from another living source, that we are welcome, desired as a friend, found in the essence of what is true between us/ and learned by what we do, within the realm and realities called RESPECT.
Without respect, there are no relationships of value; they simply don’t exist.  Respect is, the single determinate factor, that decides if you can or cannot be friends.  Without friendship there is no happiness.  Without respect there is no friend.  But our lives are not limited simply to humanity/ for we are living in a world of life, and all of life itself has an essential value that cannot be denied by anything establish within respect.  With respect for life itself, all doors open;  and we find a world of living existence, that does share our time, and can in fact care, about who we are, and what we do.  “I”/ becomes we, an elemental truth of boundaries crossed in human terms, by including all of life itself.
These are things subject to the essence of thought itself, as we design within our soul, the distance we are to become from Creation itself.  Thought is: “the builder of life”/ thereby thought is the foundation of soul itself.  Soul means, “a relationship governed by respect:   with OUR CREATOR”.  There is no greater happiness!
Therefore in a life beyond boundaries, the elevation or ascension of thought describes the journey we must make, to construct a destiny worthy of love.  Love is beyond measurement, because it exists only as our gift to each other.  Love is, “a gift”/ because it cannot be stored as if it were “something else”.  Rather love is the elemental truth, that forms the essence of trust.  Our desire, to belong “to someone else”/ as a disciplined, but distinct part of their lives shaped as a balanced addition to ours.  Or ours shaped, to theirs.  Every shape constructs a union of parts and pieces that cannot then be simply changed.  Therefore trust is elemental to the decisions on both sides to participate within or without the other.  There is only true love where trust is formed.  There is only trust formed, when we become a distinctive part of each other as “a heart that has been joined”.  We are not transformed by love/ therefore the shape of our hearts determine the relationship we share.  Shape means:   I have been honored, to share this part of my life with you.  Heart means:   we have learned, desire has a purpose, “to discard what does not belong/ so that the gift of love from my heart to you, and yours to me: can belong”.  As the moments we are allowed to share.
Time is an element of human life, it beats in the rhythm of an honesty discovered:   because we care!    Anything less, cannot be joined. 
Thought is a freedom, but every freedom searches for value.  Every value that is life sustaining comes from the elements of creation itself, that give us hope and courage for another day.  It is not the “day or night” that has value, but the essence of what we accept as the truth of our relationship with    OUR CREATOR.   When miracles are examined in “justice”/ they pronounce “love was here first”;   because we do have more than we need just to survive.  Thereby love itself is an element or essence of Creation formed as life.  Where there is love, as a gift;   there must be trust as a relationship formed through respect.  Where there is respect and love combined, there is heart, and soul.   Thought alters our experience of time/ because time is a measurement of our existence; rather than a meaning assigned by our own truth.  When we define our own truth, we accept the destiny of that truth; and become the development completed;     that began as a miracle in love, and changed itself, by the miracle of truth in you.  This is an element of eternity, not because it involves you, or thought/ but because truth cannot be changed.  Thereby it shares the possibilities of time without cost.  Cost is equivalent to “an action will cause a reaction”.  When you have become a truth beyond the development of what can be measured in you/ only then do you exist as the possibility to be more. Unless mercy is allowed.
Thought becomes the pathway, beyond ourselves.  Love is a key, but it cannot open a door/ until that lock has been shared.  Trust is a decision that confronts caring, with the reality; I cannot control what happens, because this is not simply my life now/ but ours.  Therefore whosoever you trust, MUST be worthy of at least the disciplines of a single desire:   “I shall not hurt you/ as best I can”.  There are elements of forgiveness in every living heart, that accepts love as their guide.  Forgiveness means:   your value has not been lost/ even if trust no longer exists.  Love adds in, that I will give you another chance, IF you are true to your words, and are in fact sorry for the deed, that now divides us.
Thought confronts us, beyond what decision means:   because the spiritual world exists wherever truth itself can be found.  Not the measurements of men or women/ but the destiny of every critical essence, in an established truth:   that cannot be washed away with time.    Thereby spirit is truth itself, “come alive” in you.  Thought gives us, “the distance we may travel within the relationship formed by spirit/ it is not a destiny”.  Rather spirit is a journey, for truth itself has no conceivable end.  Thought confronts that, with the understanding:   I have begun, therefore I have an end; by the elements of time, and the foundations proven by human existence.  Spirit demands: whosoever becomes a critical truth in the dimensional definition of existence/ can then become a participant in that journey, even if not in time. 
Thought gives us life, as we know it/ because without the recognition of our existence/ our body/ ourselves;   as is “I am alive”:   There is no freedom.  There must be freedom to be truly alive;  inside we are as free, as our own truth will let us be.  Therefore the critical hue of happiness, finds “a light, governing our soul”.  Light means:   without the essence of darkness/ we are exactly who we decree,  we will be.  That means simply:   I have become the truth discovered by soul, because nothing remains “unrevealed”.  The very critical “cleaning of life’s failures” HAS been achieved.  Or, I have bonded with eternity, as the truth I can sustain within myself.
Thought elevates that existence, by participating with both truth and soul.  Soul elevates that existence, by participating with    GOD.        As best we can.  That is not limited or consigned to any group or description/ but is available to every human creation: if they accept the limits and boundaries of respect, love, truth, and dignity.  Dignity is: the discovery “not only am I alive/ I have been found”.  Regardless of the past.  Mercy is not a judge.
James Frank Osterbur

What is fair, between man and woman!

            This is a fundamental question, that does affect the vast majority of us all.  Every aspect of our lives is a development between male and female/ because that, “is what gives us life on earth”.  Regardless of every other complaint, the fact we need each other overrides the truth: neither side is fair.
So then the first relationship to be defined is:   WHAT is fair, by definition, in the differences between gender?  The difference is
1.  Men have been required to establish and protect or defend, the basic survival of life in time/ by acquiring the needs of our lives, family, etc.
2.  Men have been given the opportunity to protect women from other men, when that is their duty. You are not allowed to choose for women/ you are not allowed to let other men take from women, or children; as is fundamentally fair. That duty exists always, when woman is attacked by men.  That responsibility exists only when woman or women have asked for, or accepted your place in their lives as “protector”.
3.  Men desire women, as the single element which transforms their own lives into “something new and different” than they have ever known without.

1.  Women are required to establish the constant purpose; that is a life to be lived/ a need to be met/ a reality to be confronted:   because these others depend upon me.  That fact affects both genders.
2.   Women have been given the opportunity to help men understand: they do have value/ they are sufficient within themselves, and not simply the means to acquire wealth or defend themselves through men.  It is a job of rights.  It is a reality of disciplines and balance that give order to,  or create order in men.
3.  Women desire men,  as the single element which transforms their own lives into “something new and different” than they have ever known without.

            Thereby fair is, the elemental understanding that our differences begin immediately, as should our respect for each other; and the contributions we make to life and living as a blessing to each other.  When respect is evident and fair.

            The accumulation of “right or wrong”/ elevates the ascension of love, or the death of every relationship by understanding:    This one did do, what they could for me/ or they did not, either by choice, or by a severe lack of “understanding me and my needs”.  Or I them, and their needs.  To believe means:   to assume the truth is sufficiently proven, simply because I want this to be true.
1.  Nearly all:   Men believe, that sex is a game.  That sex is whatever pleases them most.  That there is no responsibilities assigned or associated “with their toy” as boys; until they learn THIS HAD A COST. They become men, when they learn: IT IS NOT “a toy”.  And behave with care, sharing, and responsibilities understood.   Man means: capable of more, “that just me”.
2.  Nearly all:   Men believe, that women are BASICALLY only a little different than they are/ fundamentally the same inside, even though clearly physically different outside.  It is not true, they are critically different inside as well.
3.  Nearly all:   Men believe, if I do what I am told to do/ then I have done my entire job; and women should or will be happy.   But they are not.
1.  Nearly all:   Women believe: that men are basically simple, and can be manipulated or controlled with sex.  That is functionally true, until the men want something else/ and then sex is no longer enough. They leave.
2.  Nearly all:   Women believe, that sex is a debt owed to them, if allowed or given to any man.  They do construct an association with sex that is NOT free/ therefore never a game, unless they say it is; and will change their mind as they wish.
3.  Nearly all: Women believe, that sex is a tool intended to keep men satisfied/ and so long as they “do the deed” all men are suppose to be happy and content, regardless of anything else.  “They did their job”, and are now owed whatever they want.

            The first fundamental of fairness is:   that want (this is for me)/ is the basis and foundation of every single lie that exists.  There are lies constructed outside of want as an evident reality/ but these too, are governed by the want that exists in the background and controls the event or action that erupts.   Therefore whatever someone else WANTS;   becomes a clear description of what they are or will lie about.  Want is then never fair/ because it instills the reality, “this cannot be trusted”.

1.  Men want sex, they are “biologically programmed to do so”/ consequently it is not simple or plain.  As women believe it to be.
2.   Men need sex with women, to remain critically stable, and functionally balanced.  Without they are less, than life intended them to be.


1.  Men want sex, they are “biologically programmed to do so”/ consequently it is not simple or plain.  As women believe it to be.
2.   Men need sex with women, to remain critically stable, and functionally balanced.  Without they are less, than life intended them to be.

1.  Women want sex, they are “biologically programmed to do so”/ consequently it is not simple or plain.  As men believe it to be.
2.   Women need sex with men, to remain critically stable, and functionally balanced.  Without they are less, than life intended them to be.

            These two simple facts are the basis of romance, the fundamental influence in dating, and the critical although unnecessary cause:   of a great deal of strife between the sexes.  The question called fair DOES establish a set of rules.
1.   All is NOT fair in love or war/ nothing is fair about war; only truth is fair in sex and love.
2.   The pyramid of struggle; is constructed upon a base of friendship/ the element called want or desire: desire is fair;  want is never fair in any relationship/ the consequence called respect/ and the value represented.  These ascend or descend according to the basic right, called a freedom to choose.  Love is a value represented beyond the simple aspects of that initial choice.  Therefore it does not initiate any relationship, rather it grows in accordance with the relationship itself.  Where life meets “for the first time” at the top; when want is removed.
3.   Sex is a tool, where pregnancy is not used, abused, lied about, or the agreed upon determinant factor.  To be a tool, the elevation called love does not enter in.  Instead sex is used to buy time/ the body is abused by lust, establishing “this really doesn’t, have anything to do with you: I just want to use your body/ lies are established to confront the development of a decision, that the other is NOT willing to make, at this time/ pregnancy itself is a decision that must involve two people choosing for a lifetime;   thereby it is NOT the decision or domain of “simply one”.  That is abuse. 
4.   Sex is a value ascended from love, where romance enters in developing the respect necessary to build a relationship that can endure time.  Time is an element, it is the natural association of “parts and pieces” that become the building blocks which intermingle with happiness to become “our time”/ not simply my time or yours.  Our time is elevated from the distance we must journey to survive/ and becomes the destiny we have chosen beyond ourselves.  It is beyond, because want does not enter in; where romance lives/ only desire.
5.  Desire is the essence and intensity of freedom released, with very little restraint.  Desire lives inside the heart, and the heart cannot contain it, if it is real.  “This must be done”; it is everything of true substance, that is important to me.
6.   Purpose is the blessing or discovery of a message that lives inside the values of your soul.  True purpose conceives of the meanings and decisions that give life hope, courage, and honor.
7.   Love is the singular event, that builds a new life, because the old life or living cannot compare.  Love is not a relationship, rather true love is the expression of value inside, that cannot be touched until you have shared each others soul.  That level of caring, that intensity of trust, built within the environment of RESPECT.  Becomes an experience like no other.  Respect is the foundation of every relationship.  Love is the building of a “creation itself” that requires two, or more.   Love DOES NOT make you “GOD”.  Love allows you, to begin the journey that leads to  GOD.  We are, what we can be in value, destiny, desire, love, courage, and hope;   because of HIS work.

            So then the rules of dating ARE NOT;    “Right or wrong expressions giving you orders as what can or cannot be done”.   Rather the rules of dating are passages and doors, which give you the option to choose: what your life is for. 

            The opportunities of dating are different: instead of directions and disciplines that construct the “building of you, or us”.  Our opportunities in dating are developmentally based upon the four basic foundations or sides of the pyramidal base:   can you convince someone else that you will or could be their friend.   Can you either lie, and choose to want in a way that does not reveal your true motive “I matter more/ than you”? Leading to heartache.  Or can you assemble the balance necessary, to let desire arise; which may also lead to heartache, dependent upon the outcome that is two different people leading two different lives, and all that will mean.   Respect is a decision/ but it is also a demand to let freedom decide.  Respect does not exist unless there is a critical understanding: that determines the foundations upon which we may travel with or within each other.  Respect assigns the relationship, its rights/ and its wrongs.  The failure to keep what governs as “the law of us”; removes respect/ and then the relationship does die.  The value of every heart is the essence of every life, and its purpose in time.  Your life cannot conceive of “essence: the intensity called soul”/ unless you have found value inside yourself.  That value constructs the base upon which “I/ or you” become the instrument or the rhythm assigned;   that does ascend beyond ourselves.  To elevate yourself, requires another/ because you cannot find love alone.  To achieve love, you must understand that freedom constructs happiness, and happiness finds at its core, the opportunity that is love: to belong to someone else, instead of just yourself.    Therefore love begins with freedoms, it conceives of value through happiness, and it becomes the essence of yourself; when you have valued love with trust.  Trust confronts us, with the singular decision:   “My life will never be the same/ either good or bad, will come”.  Therefore trust/ as is true love;   is hard to achieve/ because few are worthy of sharing a soul.  Consequently the heart, is a path that more learn to desire; not because they desire it; but because courage cannot be found.  The heart that joins, is a relationship that lives between two lives; one that is yours or mine/ and one that is ours.  It is not the same as soul, which requires everything forever. 
Heart discovers “time heals all wounds/ sort of”.  Or more simply, without the true essence of trust, there will be the effects of life in this world:   mistakes, accidents, failures, foolish, and so on.  What you each do with these, is up to you.  The heart that loves, accepts the possibilities of forgiveness.  The heart that doesn’t, “shuts down, and declares you cannot be trusted anymore”.  The critical difference between these different solutions is: “what did you do for me, when we were fine”?  This understands very simply, that choices are made in both “good times and bad”.  It is the accumulation of “happy enough” that becomes the measure of your individual worth, to that other human being.  Thereby forgiveness or not.  Happy enough dictates: that sex shall NOT be, “simply about you”.  No matter what that choice is.  Some refuse to consider a blessing is:    “I have chosen to be, everything I can for you”.  Others refuse to believe, that sex IS NOT simple or same/ but an expression dependent upon the experience you let me be; and the value I then give to you.  Sex is:   the definition of our lives together, NOT by “chemicals released”/ but by the balance of what we give to each other.   You cannot do that by refusing sex.  You cannot do that by “only thinking of you/ as is a constant with most men”.  You cannot construct a romance by failing to remember:   we are living, the only life we get/ NOW is the time, to make me believe this is “our moment in the sun”; so to speak.  Anything less fails you both/ it is a choice, dependent upon the elevation of your heart, and the assembly of your love.  The heart lives in “our body”/ therefore the relationship that matters is:   what can we express or experience together as one?  When that becomes “nothing more”/ the value of a life shrinks until there is nothing left.  Not because love cannot be found;   love is not a relationship, it is the sanctity of your work, the reality of “your hands and heart”, discovering creation.  Thereby love is an essential hope in heart, but it is only truly given when you have reached beyond the distance of time itself.  
Time is a measurement/ thereby every relationship that is confronted with heart and becomes stable with respect; identifies the critical aspects of what life together shall mean to each one.  The heart measures, because it wants or desires time to be, “the best we, or I;   can be on this earth”.  The rhythms assigned to life, then learn what the heart desires or wants/ and simple life tries to elevate itself by choosing “time”:   instead of living for love, or at least its hope.  When trust cannot be found; that is what is left.  To understand rhythms, the essence of its meaning becomes:   life is like the rising of the sun, it gives heat, it creates a bloom in you; if you are willing/ but then it falls, and time must wait for another gift of possibilities and freedom.  The cycle is simple: we can be for each other everything possible only for distinct amounts of time/ then we must stop for awhile and wait until the daylight returns, and romance within our heart or soul rises again.   Romance is: the treasure hunt of life, found only when we “believe enough” that time has no meaning, when we are together.  There is only me,  you; and the distance we remove from between us inside, the boundaries we each tear down, and the limits that no longer matter.  Romance is a value that does not recognize self/ it sees only “us”.  The heat generated by romance, lifts the body in a rhythm of pulses; the elementary discovery of a “life in bloom”.

            The elevation of moments such as these, are always confronted by pride.  Wherever pride does live, the possibilities of true romance are zero.  Pride is the conflict presented by a game, every game that presents a “winner/ loser”; constructs the cause and consequence someone is going to lose; pride always says “not me”.  The most significant obstruction to our lives in time, is then WHY; do people choose to believe, that a game is necessary/ that someone should win or lose in any or every relationship they enter or conceive of?
The answer becomes sorted into three categories:   I have been injured, and cannot be so badly damaged as before.  I have no clue what is expected of me/ therefore “as the wind blows/ so go I”.  Or, the elements of hate have risen; and the consequence is: I WANT to make someone else lose, because I WANT to believe I am MORE; “proud”.  Within these three categories are the essence of human development in time.  When confronted by “the lives of others”/ the reality becomes either an action which is pride or power:   OR, a reaction which is, “I cannot live this way, I must protect myself; as best I can”.  Both sides use lies to cover their true intent.  Those who “live on the fence” assume, “I can have power and pride/ and yet retain love, friendship, and compassion”.  It is not so, because these are opposites of life itself.  Life is a journey capable of completing itself; as a gift by the direction we choose and sustain.  That gift is your soul, either as love would accept and allow you to be/   or as hate will design your descent, and participate in the chaos that comes next.  One direction or the other is life/ anything else including the middle is simply time.  Although it is equally true, that hate is so much less than true life, it simply belongs in the sewer.
Injury comes in a VERY WIDE variety of forms for humanity;   much of it starts as a child, wherein the foundations of building a relationship as is consistent with respect; are in many cases assaulted by the reality of children who simply want power and pride.  That power is displayed as: the consequence, “I can make the others NOT want to play with you”.  Because they have to choose then, those who surround me/ or those who surround you.  The pride assembled from making another cry is used to guarantee:   I am the winner/ or none are better than me! There are many categories of power and pride that assault a large number of children injuring many for life.  Injuries beyond childhood include the varieties of violence that use images to assault and control.  These form prejudices which are the basis of every violence that exists without any true cause; of which there are many. Prejudice means:   I can, and did devalue you based upon this “exterior reality/ or assumption”.  Devalue means: NOW, since I have been proven successfully superior/ I can do with you as I want;   “You are like the trash”/ no one cares what I do with the trash.  Isn’t that so!  Therefore every potential form of devaluation IS a true sign of catastrophe coming:   as the descent from respect, to a reality governed by power and the thirst for pride does take over.  Thirst means, “I must/ my life needs this”.  But as with all lies, it is simply want that controls, and the image assigned that defines instead of a person as themselves.      If you devalue a child/ that is the first step toward perversion.  If you devalue a woman/ that is the first step toward abuse and use as a sexual object.  If you devalue a man, it is the first step toward hate, and its subsequent violence either “in view/ or hidden from view”.  They are the same.  When you devalue an “entire classification of people/ gender/ or anything else:    They or it becomes “the enemy”.  This is not consistent with life, UNLESS something from the past that was important to you, did occur.  That means simply:   no matter what you believe, “everything we do to someone else/ or they do to us” DOES matter.  Because these things can ferment and change lives far beyond an expectation or reality consistent with what did happen (nearly always/ but for a tiny few “just too harsh”).   It is easy to blame “them all”/ where the consequence has been “expensive”.  It is necessary, to reassemble the past, and find someone who did do, “something of value or kindness for me”.  It is in that dimension, that forgiveness for the rest can come if you let it.  If you let one, or a few “blame them all”/ then you can also let one or more;  “forgive them all”.   It is called balance.  Balance means:   I have returned to the essence of myself/ the reality in time and space of a life governed by my own critical purposes without the intrusion of someone else.  Balance does not remove people/ it removes hatred, and remembers love or loves are never perfect: therefore we or I must retain “the very best of me/ for myself”.  It is the only way, we can return to the essence of our own lives; the definitions valued most.  Do not blame the other if you did not choose this/ do not blame yourself:   recreate yourself, as best you can.  It is your choice.
Dimension means: I have pasted beyond the boundaries, and realized the limits of what truth itself does mean.  Dimension is then:   the compositions of force and mass, that release energy to form life.  That is all you get.
Measured by existence:   we are simple forms of complex harmony, elevated by peace in the “circus of our lives”.  When that peace is destroyed, fear sets in.  When harmony is tragically impacted:   the end result of it is, there will be war.  There are all forms of war/ some are personal, some are more.  Circus is a simple word, denoting “what can you do, to entertain us”.  Peace is a complex destiny, assigned by our own ability to discipline and accept the values called courage.  Courage is:   our own decision, to separate life from death.  Or more simply: if you become lost in the cost and compositions of death/ courage will fail.  Therefore it is necessary to accept the price of life in time is death/ and deal with the truth that death is a relationship with body:   but life, is a relationship with thought, energy, and love.  The question presented is then: what is the difference?  The answer is:   the body presents us with elemental decay, it is the price of our chemical compositions, as they act and react in time with the base levels of molecular expansion and contraction.  “Too much already”; but you have failed in so many ways, in every way, all the time;   that your fate (your option to survive) draws to a close anyway.
Life is: more than I am willing to give a greater understanding to.

            So we return to the sexual compositions of man and woman, as they try desperately to “meet in the middle”.   To achieve the singular purpose, called happiness. Happiness is: the elevation of our hearts, through the release of our freedoms; to experience and express the values we hold dear, in an honesty of relationship where there is no judgment for simply being “you or me”.  The world judges us/ because people want to be superior, and they do it by forcing the rest down to their level.  That means:   to rise, as truth would allow within ourselves, REQUIRES an opportunity to live and be exactly who we are, without judgment.  When we are free inside/ we are happy.  But without love, even freedom cannot sustain the desire to live.  Therefore we must also have love: the elemental truth, that my heart has a need inside.
This however creates a wide variety of effects, that do have consequences.  We cannot truly find love without the purity of freedom that brings up life,  from within “the heart”.  We cannot recognize the heart as a distinction within our lives, without understanding this is a need.  We cannot let go, of someone who teaches or releases these things inside ourselves:   because a need is greater than a want.  Desire enters in, and life surrenders its freedom to become “more than happy/ I have found joy”.   Therein the closer someone makes us feel, to these ingredients possible as our own dimension of existence/ the less, we are able to live alone.  Until we discover the essence of life itself, is far greater than anything this time can deliver. 
Heart assembles “the path” we choose for life.  Hate creates the road we live upon, as “en mass we go”/ or I will be like all the rest.  Whereas the rest, as a majority believe either in hate, as is consistent with the definitions that affect human society badly/ or they rest upon the fence “a little here/ a little there: equals a taste of it all”.   We are all guilty or innocent regardless of what we did do.  Although those who sit upon the fence do so: BECAUSE THEN, “we or I, can blame the others”.  I participated, but its not my fault: they lied or led me here/ I am innocent. Behavioral agendas exist because of this road.  People learn to hide and run away from their own responsibilities and duties because of this road.  Called a road, because so many take it.  The consequence is:   you will lose your life.   “There is NO amen” as in religion where we all receive the same/ because we all agreed to do or believe;   this thing.  You chose, and truth requires you to accept the consequences of what you did do.  The failure to do so, WILL cause you to run away from or hide: in the critical “moment” that separates those who can find eternity / from those who will never find eternity.
The heart in contrast establishes, that I alone, am responsible for what I choose, regardless of “if anyone watches me”.  These are very different experiences or expressions of living.  The preparation is simply:   respect the reality of your life/ understand your participation is a choice that you have made.  Even if someone tempts, manipulates, or controls: there are decisions that will be made.  There is mercy, where life exists beyond self. 
Sex participates as the distinction of critical choices both good and bad; that have influenced the lives of someone else.  You cannot hide from your own participation: you did do, this thing.  There is no one else to blame/ unless you were forced.
Sex elevates the heart, if it is “for love”.  Sex causes the heart to descend and hide or run away forever;   where hate, power, lust, pride, abuse, or the elements that do not accept responsibility for these actions are found.  The unfortunate side effect of “lifting someone else’s heart”/ IS they will want to retain that, for themselves.  If you cannot stay, or if you have not yet accepted the honesty “I desire to stay/ I have made a choice for you”; then there will be tears.  Some will choose to hate, either a “little or a lot”/ because you didn’t accept, “the price they paid” for the singular purpose of possessing you.  The critical value assigned is:   each is the singular owner, of their own body.  What you do, or do not do with that body is fundamental to your own choices in life: these are your choices, and they exist as your decision.  Sex is not a purchase/ unless a deal has been made, and nothing is exchanged but chemicals and the demands that hate will make.  Hate exists in a deal, because the body sacred, cannot be bought.  Anything less than sacred, is formed through hate.  Sex is a tool, when you choose or believe this is necessary for someone else and their own life:   tears can be deadly if left alone (be careful of liars/ there are many).  Sex is a tool in the construction of a heartbeat, the singular times in life that consist of “a moment”, when romance comes into its own.  Sex is NEVER a tool, beyond the elements of self, wherein love defines our relationship with   GOD, through each other.  Sacred means:   built by the living   GOD !  Thereby a temple that conceives of worship, and a reality of soul.  It is not, “to be played with”. 
The heart examines us:   to find truth.  What then is your truth?
Sexual realities determine, what we are truly willing to share, or care about.  The question is not what you did or did not do/ nearly as much as why.  The elemental truth of kissing is, “that to share life and body, we must find within ourselves the desire “to meet in the middle”.  That does mean:   don’t force/ don’t control/ don’t buy, sell, or trade.  But do, share the experience by plaining asking each other “if this is right, for you”.  If you each can answer yes, then what follows is the “artistic descriptions” of what can be, if we go on.  If your answers are honest and true, I guarantee your partner will be pleased.  Maybe even more so, than you wish for.  The question is not contentment.  The question is “love”/ is it in your heart and soul; so that trust may arise.


                        Reconsider “victim defense jewelry”: it is something you can use.



            The elemental summary of all sites I provide: therefore on the top of each one; for continuity;  so you may know.    Establishes one simple thing.  That I have done the best I could, for "we the people of this earth/ and this nation".  Court trials that prove it is so.  Not that you need to believe that/ it is simply true.  Not perfect by any means; but adequate to describe a state of reality that can exterminate our lives:   DOES EXIST.   You are now dependent upon yourselves.  To trust what has brought us all these threats, is unworthy of life. 

            The question presented is NOT: whether I am wrong or right/ that is fundamentally unnecessary.  The question is:   IN  EXPERIMENTS,   that literally endanger our very existence as a planet/ as the nature we require to survive and be happy/ as the reality of a decision that can take away our future, and destroy life on this planet:   SHOULD WE NOT HAVE OUR OWN SAY?   Your leaders and your courts say NO!  Should we NOT legally be informed as to the risk of being wrong?  Your media says NO.  Should we NOT have a vote on the reality of an experiment that will turn this planet into a sun:   when their theory is proven wrong.  Your time to find out, to insist on that vote; will end.

             They can create this fire, and they are mutilating all of NATURE ITSELF, which is the "factory and instructions and utilities etc/ that build the bodies of life" called DNA.  Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire.  It will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days They DO bet our lives on what  is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back!  Which means we live or die/ based upon their theory! That along with mutilating every living creature on the planet by altering genetics:   what builds us/ can easily destroy us instead.  Is the reason for this work, and a lifetime commitment to ending the threats we cannot survive.   Not even as a planet. 

             How is that, not your concern/ its your life; or your death.  Because a tiny few said:    "Let us bring the fire on the sun here/ while others said, lets play god".  And still others said: "lets play with the single most destructive event in the history of this universe".  Not a game/ by stealing your money, and controlling your government: they have built machines to exterminate us all.   Can't believe it is true:   consider the next big thing an exowatt laser:   stated to be 1million times more, than 10 billion 100 watt light bulbs of heat, packed into a single laser beam.  A fire so ferocious;  It will ignite the same fire as is on the sun/ here upon this earth.  IF the national ignition facility does not succeed first.  The need to confront and establish full documentation, that will allow you, "the defenses necessary" to establish "university expertise is not perfect".  Is on these sites, but they are extensive: download them/ so they cannot be taken away.  Support them, when that is necessary.  If not before, the exowatt laser does represent the single most likely event to destroy this world immediately:   expected roughly 9/1/2015.  Although the others, are equally dangerousTime does run out/ this world dies only once.  Are you willing to be WRONG?  There is no going back, these are life or death for a world, each and every one that constitutes a real and true threat.

          This is now, a legal revolt against what has been accepted practice in governing this nation and this state;   by our employees.  More substantially, this is the framework by which control as WE THE PEOPLE, who DO own this government MUST WORK to accomplish our authority as owners.  There is no excuse for weapons or war; these are failures/ because they never then go away.  This is law, by which the exercise of RIGHTS, as human beings united for a common cause: TO RULE OURSELVES BY LAW/ is established in peace, and with the maximum possible intent to be fair to all parties.  It should be recognized in that statement: that this is NOT about everybody gets the same/ as that is completely unfair.  NOT about there shall be no more wealthy people, that too is unfair; some do MUCH more than others/ and do deserve a reward.  Rather this is about JUSTICE, the acceptance of limits, by the boundaries which control just how much more, or less;  is fair.  This is about governing ourselves;   the ascension beyond being followers, to attain what is necessary in understanding and knowledge, for our survival as a world or nation.  Whosoever makes the law/ rules the nation, because the law is its own army; when enforced. Therefore we must make the laws that rule over us all/ OURSELVES.  A vote on the law itself/ rather than a vote for someone else to vote for me.

           THIS IS more importantly ABOUT: REMOVING THREATS THAN CAN END OUR VERY WORLD; MUTILATE NATURE ITSELF; AND BRING HORROR INTO YOUR LIVES FOREVER.   The change that is mandatory! Consequently the fundamental revolt is: that we must investigate our reality, instead of believing anything we are told.  No more experts, we will decide for ourselves. We must establish as best we can our future, and design our society, lives, and economies around what truth defines as a consequence. A reality, instead of this fantasy:  that will be in our own best interest as life on earth.  NOT "just you or them/ ALL of us".  Life for and on this planet, MUST come first.  To keep us alive.

          For this cause, and these reasons: these web sites have been created.  This opportunity to gather as women to demand your own say, and your own descriptions of CHANGE in society; has been created.   War is a man's way/ the game of money is a man's way/ the power to manipulate and control, is a man's way; each has failed entirely by the evidence of threat we do face.  Therefore woman's way has been devised.  Our leaders have been spoiled children, treating themselves to every form of disgrace and disrespect against us, that could be found.  Failed, by their own decisions/ but also because of an endless supply of "beggars, cowards, and bribes to control too many people. As a "honest mother teaches her child"/ we will remind them:   YOU have nowhere to run or hide.  We the people can, punish you/ can deny you/ can force you to understand: THESE were bad choices.  We are the military ourselves/ we are the police ourselves/ we are the nation, and without us nothing gets done.  We do have the power, to surround you, and deny you food/ etc.  We do have the power, to understand:   we are the government, the owners/ you, are the employees!  We do have the power to choose for ourselves, so long as we are willing to pay that price.  It is not free. But we DON'T have the possibility to survive anyone of the major threats that exist today. This world has changed/ because we are now over 7,000,000,000 people roughly one per acre. One on every acre of growing land on earth/ and growing at 2 million more per week. That acre has to support every other living thing on land as well. The ocean nearly empty.


 SO LET'S BE VERY SERIOUS/ the current supreme court case simplified.  "Goodbye then".                                                                                              

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FOR LIFE, beyond the grave.

The existence of eternity itself, is surrounded by three distinct truths: that we are miracles of body, and nothing else but the gift of life from GOD, can achieve "living"; it is elementally, a reality formed from thought. (From the eyelids on your face, to the touch of your finger, to the heartbeat that responds to your every need/ clearly not an accident) only stupefyingly ignorant, can assume otherwise.    The foundation of time in you, is a freedom marked by the purposes: to be alive/ to make decisions/ to experience freedom/ and choose.  These are not a relationship called slavery/ but a demand "to think, choose, and do as yourself".  The critical path called death, calls each one to look beyond themselves;   to understand, what you did choose, has now become your truth.  Truth leads to its own reality, formed by time, and instructed by the desire, or purpose of your soul.  Do remember this; time grants the right to learn, to understand, and then choose better; that is its purpose/ that is the cause and reason of humanity. To let you decide, what your eternity must be.  To repent, and try again, until death says "no more".   None escape, all are captured by the rules of life and death.


            I WANT, I WANT, I WANT; I ONLY WHAT I WANT/ AND I DON'T WANT NOTHING ELSE/ and I don't care, except for me.  IS, a "dead man or woman's" curse!   Seals the door, of eternity shut against you.


            RESPECT, is the single element that "gets heard" in eternity.  Without true RESPECT, "there are NO prayers", and no possibility of survival, called "alive".  Respect is an absolute, there are no exceptions.


            LOVE IS, THE SINGLE THING OF VALUE, this universe desires more of.  LOVE IS YOUR "FREE WILL GIFT"/   therefore it is, and it can only belong to you; unless you are willing to share it.  NOT give it away, but SHARE the essence of your respect, THE VALUE of your truth;   as a life worth knowing.  A life worth living with.  A life that can be "welcomed home".


            Pride consumes those who enter eternity.  Power is a burden that will crush all who enter eternity.  Lies lead you to the emptiness that destroys all value.  Hate, and in particular the hate that damages another life, whether by true violence/ or by other causes that damage on the inside.  HATE WILL buy you HATE, and its result which is HADES (eternal damnation/ the curse of terror you cannot escape).


            THOUGHT IS, THE ESSENCE OF LIFE.  Therefore THOUGHT is the essence of eternity as well.  The foundation of thought, is the critical structure called discipline.  Therefore without true discipline formed inside your own identity;   you cannot enter,   "destinies, beyond yourself".  These are shared existence; without love and trust/ they don't exist.  THOUGHT IS NOT an intellectual dimension/ there are no games to be played/ no trophies to be won; NONE of it.  No one gets to be superior.  Thought is an environment within which truth answers the true  desires of your heart.


            HEART means:   I have made my decision, and accepted the consequences.  I have become the essence of my own truth.  I have achieved the boundaries, that lead to the journey's;   that will become my fate or destiny.  Until you have heart, there is no "final path" to life.  BUT, within the environments that assign you to fate or destiny; there are doors to the truth about what every desire means/ every question asked.  Open the wrong door, and that desire will lead you where you cannot escape:   until you know, why and how, never to make this mistake again.  Even if it is to hell.


GOD IS GOD!   Only purity, absolute truth, and complete trust that only true love can achieve:  "lives close".

Rule #8

            Without energy there is no life in eternity either.  Therefore, when you know that the energy of life is leaving your body: YOU MUST enter inside it.  So that "the existence of life itself"/ will return you, to the essence from which it came.  If you fail/ if you "look back"; you will be left behind.  Settle it firmly in your heart and mind:   to look to GOD.  And nowhere else.  NO salvation exists beyond these things; only tragedy, loss, dissipation into nothing, and worse.

The cause of much grief; for many.


            It is simple and sure, that an understanding of any problem begins;   based upon the fundamentals involved. ___________, is terrified of dying.  It is that simple, if or when she is able to conquer her fears: SHE WILL return to normal, and be as she has always been; an intelligent, conversational, happy person who is in every sense equal in life.  Only fear of death, separates her, from the life she would otherwise lead.  If not for fear/ her mind is fine.  If not for fear, her body would be "better able, to adapt and control itself".  Previous troubles, ARE the result of "too many drugs"; both the fault of doctors and ______________ herself.  A reality of practices, that do not seek an understanding/ but merely wish to control symptoms.  Even though it can be said, "NOT my job"/ each human being is a life; until death takes that away.  Consequently, "to turn out the lights" with drugs, or experiment as doctors do; and sometimes need to do: IS, a very serious matter.  Hate, on the other side is an equally serious matter, that must be dealt with effectively.  The difference between hate and anger is: the cause.  Anger is "I am justified"/ while hate is, a much more simple: "you are worthless to me".  We must all work with anger.  Hate however "has its own reward".  To understand the difference, you must look past the moment; letting truth itself express why this experience exists.

            Unfortunately for now, __________fear of death overrides her ability to accept the consequence of being in a nursing home;   where it is plainly known, "death is not far away"/ even if it takes years: that reality rests like a plague.  There is no escape. Failing to escape, and with far too many hours in the day and night to deal with:   her chosen option is to create dreams, that help her to believe "something else/ an escape" is possible.  Unfortunately while dreams and imagination are important as a means of "loosening the rope".  When you allow yourself to believe them, they become hallucinations, or illusions.  When you add in "story lines" so that they become enlarged by the addition of what is in part at least true; they become fantasies. That occurs because if you don't believe them/ then there is no escape from where you are in life; so the escape is not possible, it dies.  In the nursing home, and facing death in an every day and night existence; the demand to escape has become at times "overwhelming: it MUST be true".  To aid that need, the collection of "any and all ideas", to elaborate and aid in the production of a fantasy; becomes anything that will or can be manipulated to help keep the fantasy "real".  Those who do not aid her, in the demand to escape;   "When the need is bad", are considered less than helpful.  But they do keep her sane, throughout the rest of her time.  Sanity, is the realization "I belong"/ the understanding, "I am real, and there are things I must do, and things I must not".  Sanity is, the basis of a life governed by the clear decision:   I can only do, the best I can do/ everything else is beyond my control. ____________ does the best she can do, "to fight for her life"/ but time demands of age, that NOW it is time for the young to have their chance; whether you like it or not/ their day has come, and yours will end.  Acceptance of that, is required; or the failure of that becomes insane.

            While it is true, that  all face the same reality called death.  Each one,  must choose their own methods of dealing with time its truth; that life, comes with the guarantee of death in time.  Whenever life is not enough, and death is far to frightening to think about: escape is common, throughout humanity.  That does not however,  prepare you for death, the end of time is the end of "re-doing any or every decision you have made".  The end of time is the reality and forced conclusion of what is or is not true, in you.  Thereby your eternity is sealed.  Unless there is mercy, "a second chance"/ because of something "special"; or the truth, "life/ body/ or people did not treat me fair".    ONLY GOD knows.

            ___________is not ready, for the severe consequence of that; as is true for most; forever, is a very serious definition or description .  It does sometimes make her angry, when life is threatening to end;   every option, every movement, and every hope of happiness.  The loss, of  Every person established by living.  She does commonly at that time become angry with people, who cannot seem to understand:   "This is serious/ help me", WE MUST find a way out.  But of course she forgets, that her life is NOT the only one;  her death is NOT the only one;  and those who work are NOT unlike "she was" throughout her years.  She simply does NOT choose to believe there is no way out/ this is, "death coming"/ and as a consequence, is desperate to believe in fantasy/ and  "hates the old woman in her room;  it is herself" for getting old.   So there are real tears at times, real sadness at times, extreme loneliness at times, and a never ending desire: "to stop time from doing this to her".  But none can do that.


            As to the critical path for a different outcome than today; there is only one cure.  The foundation is:   "To look beyond death" and realize that there is more to life than simply body or mind.  LIFE is, the critical relationship we do share with eternity.  Life is the essence of soul, the freedom to cherish and respect the value of living; the honesty of a decision that is "my own"; the relationship achieved through understanding "I am alive"; and the opportunity to express, "I have become my own truth".   LIFE IS, THE ELEMENTAL TRUTH, that we are born in thought:   the understanding "I am alive".  That living, or that life although attached in humanity to body as an individual identity, is fundamentally established ONLY by the realization of thought itself.  Without thought, there is no life.  Just as without the mind, the body itself has no ability to function or recognize individual anything.  Thought exists elementally in human life, as our relationship to soul.  Soul exists, as our relationship to GOD, who gave us life.  Thought is NOT an intellectual measure, it is, the essence of life itself; and can only be realized in truth, when you expand beyond self, by searching within love as the basis and anchor of a new, and different world called spirit.  Fantasies are born from the "outside world"/ taking what is in human life, and making from it what you want life to be.  A spiritual vision is:   entering within thought, where only truth survives;   and accepting the consequences, because your soul demands "a closer relationship with GOD".   What comes of that, can be "many things".  Including LIFE or,  death, or other;  for an eternity.

            It has proven to be "too complicated" at this moment in time, for _________to accept anything more complex than a rule.   Therefore I do provide the "simple set" of rules, as I do understand them to be true:   which govern life, beyond the grave.   I do not ask you to believe them/   I do ask, that you understand the disciplines, balance, and purpose; for the simple sake of those who need a new direction;  for this moment in their lives.

            May you find them useful.  For ____________, and others.  Reality is, "our only defense"/ because every lie leads you on a path to "nothing, but failure".  Truth is life, just as thought is the elemental basis of our existence called "alive".

Confronting sadness within                                                                                                                                


            It is, an elemental truth that we all become sad from time to time/ the reasons are many.  It is particularly true, that as we become aware, age requires our debarkation from time and body: that sadness can erupt beyond our ability to control it.  It is simply true, "this is, about everything we are, or will ever be again". 

            So we begin, by learning or understanding what sadness truly is.  Of the few words that honestly express it, some are these:   "That I have lost hope, that I cannot change what I fear, that I have failed, that I will never "be truly loved again", that my life is trapped/ lost/ or discarded by others.

            Of the things we learn in these descriptions, is the simple truth: that each and every one, is expressed only through the essence of "I".  Or more simply, these are the experiences of someone who cannot escape themselves.  Or more simply, when life is "limited to you"/ the entire world is mentally small.  Small means, "noticed little".

            It is true and real, that this world is not small/ our ability to grasp the relationship we share with the miracles that surround us;   can grow to express and sustain, a feeling of being alive, that cannot be defeated.  Even by the possibilities called death.  We are ALIVE, when every expression is "not about you, or me"/ but our Creation.  Life is not a game/ life is not an accident/ life is not small or unworthy of notice.  Life is, the trust we inherit from love.

            Love is "a distance discarded, so that we may share our lives as one".  Love is, the discovery through respect, that I am someone cherished.  Love is, the elemental truth, of a body so designed, so given everything it needs; that love within those thoughts that created us, simply cannot be denied.  Even for those who received "a body with less"/ that reality, is simplified by understanding; "for each to be an individual, with their own look, and their own ways and distinctions";   there shall be differences.  With 7 billion of us, it does: take a wide variety of features, to get the job done.  So then, we are simply what we are as bodies; I would argue "the luck of the draw" so to speak.  Love however is not anything like that, even though it is an individual offering, it is OUR offering, from within ourselves.  Where the world does get small, and our relationship with the life we own, which is only ourselves: becomes tested, by what we ourselves do cherish, and own. 

            Everything cherished, is a struggle to understand, what would life mean, "without this".  The answer is, "much less".  Everything owned is, a decision to participate in this, or not; and reap the reward that is deserved, or hope for mercy.  Thereby we know, from within ourselves; "the life we are".  Beyond ourselves, desired and discovered by miracles; we learn from outside ourselves, the truth about life and the love we were given.  To seek, and to live, and to offer something in return.  Because that is, a fundamental reality given by respect.

            Respect honors us.  Respect from us, honors the truth of living and life, granting what we too, can share.  Living surrenders the essence of time, because it is not time that gives us life; it only provides body and mind.  Life remembers the simple truth:    If I had not been given time, I could not understand what "cherished" means.  Thereby we do learn, life is important/ living is a journey through the existence of discovery/ but love is an essence that breathes trust, "I have shared with you"; a happiness known only to those who accept their Creation as real. It is love, that makes life important.  It is life, that understands "creation and CREATOR" exist as the same, by an essence we do not understand.  JESUS did explain that, in a sense; but only if you are willing to accept; learning what love is, begins a journey beyond yourself.

            Time, nor body, nor mind can grant us peace.  Peace is the discipline given to our hearts, when we accept our relationship with life is:   as we give ourselves to Creation and Creator.  Peace is, the elemental passage between time and life when shared with love.  The heart is our passage beyond "little things"/ to grasp and to build what we conceive to be, as our own truth.  It is then the essence of our reality shaped by the decisions we have made/ the purposes we have shared/ and the love we offered as our own.  Nobody can give what they do not own, which means, love is a personal gift from you to me/ or me to you.  To build love means you have found trust, and let that trust complete your life.  When life is whole, then love is real.  When life is missing its most important asset, which is trust/ we have lost something within ourselves.  The search to recover that, demands the surrender of fears.

            Fear is, the belief, "my life will or could be stolen".  Death is a purveyor of fears, because time is lost/ in old age, we do understand "the body is stolen".  But the critical relationship that is trust asks of us one simple question:   if you did not "build or create" your own body or mind/ but have life anyway.  Then why do you not trust love, and abilities far beyond our comprehension:  the elemental truth, that miracles do prove.  Happiness is, simply "more than myself"; through honesty, the value I give to life. 

            Happiness is, an understanding; that we are ALIVE only through the miracles which give us life.  Happiness is, that we did do our part, as best we could;   to belong in this Creation, through respect.  Without respect, there is no happiness, and love dies.  Without forgiveness, which means to honestly express and hope for change/ there is no grace.  Without grace, which means, "to be given another chance";   there is no mercy.  Without mercy, we have become as nothing/ because as nothing we are, without Creation itself.  Creation means:   "I   (GOD)  have loved you".  THAT love, does not disappear/ only you, can remove it, because it is, and was given to be, forever true.

            Death is a description of time/ not miracles.  Therefore it is a reality that can only be conceived of, where miracles do not rule.  Humanity says, "we rule ourselves", and we must, because this is time.  Beyond time, the quest for spiritual grace:  begins with RESPECT.

            Therefore, in the relationship we share as a living creation with life itself; "what is more than body or mind"/ as is proven by death.  We do learn, time is not the meaning of life.  Rather life, is the meaning and purpose of time.  Life is, the chance/ the purpose/ and the desire that becomes your own truth.  A miracle is: the opportunities granted, that so greatly increase, when we accept "self" is NOT "the whole universe; not everything"/ its just time, wrapped up and packaged as you.

            If we then grant to life its due respect;   we all learn, "life is more than this".  Where miracles live, the heart searches for more.  Where the spiritual essence (the truth of life, energy, and everything) lives,    our souls find a future with   GOD.

February 4, 2013A WARNING.


            There is no escape from reality, it is whatever it is.  Fear asserts, that we can change reality if we "dream a new world"/ and then believe it can be true.  People then create images, and expectations which cannot, or will not be.   That is functionally called a delusion, and does not constitute a change in anything real.  Except for tears, as the fantasy dies; and the reality it leaves behind intensifies.

            There are two kinds of fears: those that are do real violence and do harm/ and those that are simply "believed to be true", and subsequently attack you in nightmares and the like.  Both are bad for different reasons.  Real violence has real consequences.  Delusions, or dreams that make you fear, refuse your escape.  Becoming a reality of violence that can only be found on the inside.

            The critical element assigned to violence is:    Did you hurt another life?  The critical reality of both elements of fear is "yes".  But the truth of one is, by someone else.  The truth of the other is, you did do this yourself.  By trying to escape, a reality that cannot be escaped.  Death is such an excuse, and drives many to different forms of insanity and depravation of life and living.  The primary element of many neurological diseases, is fear/ and the intent to escape the truth: death is coming for you.  Just like us all/ the end of time can then be either bitter with fear,  or at times "even sweet" with the ending assigned to faith in   GOD.   Faith means: only truth defines.  By that truth as seen in both miracles, the evidence of Creation itself, and JESUS, a life dedicated to creating value, and filling a true need;  for this world: "still here".  The existence of love becomes undeniable.  The value of life, without doubt nor question.  The cause and consequence called eternity; a description that builds, upon the certainty, "our lives are a gift".

            What is real and true in you, decides.


            Fear is a dimension of your own expectations/ if not for "a belief, this will happen, and it will be bad" fear does not exist.  Real Fear is contributed as truth, by the simple realities of life in a "predator and prey world".  Fundamental fears created by the mind, are associated with the real life expectations, granted by what you have or have not done in or with your time.  Critical fears examine the heart, and prove "we are not worthy" of life.  Critical truth examines us all, and finds none are worthy of the true gift life is.  Therefore all the same/ none escape.

            Nonetheless, for this to become a fear/ it is absolutely essential to believe that LIFE is a MIRACLE;   or there can be no punishment, no call for better than we are to exist.   Consequently, "religion itself, is a two edged sword"; either protecting you with images that demand "I am like god"/ or attacking you, with images god is not like me;  according to your own beliefs.   Religion is not GOD/     Only the beliefs of men, as the struggle to rise above themselves.  They have not been "very successful"/ few are, because an image is not a truth.  Rather an image assigns and creates an expectation that becomes a fantasy.  Every fantasy is a lie/ therefore if you follow a lie into eternity, it leads to nothing; and so does your destiny. 

            Fear is elementally caused by, "the retreat, inside yourself/ and away from this world".  That is done only because you already fear this world, for whatever reason is imagined or validated by proof.  To retreat inside yourself means:   you MUST now create your own world, and everything in it.  Which people do desire.  However it is fantasy, not reality; and all fantasies die.  You can imagine anything/ but you cannot make it real on the inside; that can only be true on the outside.  So people believe in their dreams, and demand "it must be true".  It is not.  That becomes another fear, when it is proven you have lost your grip on reality.  Your ability to stop, the interference in your heart or mind that understands, "I am not going to be more, than today".  If you feel less than the "humanity outside"/ that is a terrible thing; because it convicts you, when you say to yourself, this is the best I can or will be.    Not true in its relationship with the fact, that we are NOT judged by the humanity beside us/ but by our heart and soul: in the recognition "we loved/ we cared/ we respected life/ we did do, the best we could.  Or, we would have, if not for the people that surrounded us, in this life; an accident/ a chance/ a lover, and so on".  Even so, your choice means:   no one's fault fundamentally but your own.  Whether life was or seemed:  "against you, or not"; does not negate you chose.

            Strength is a determination to be free.  Thereby weakness is a reality distinctly tied to the belief, I don't want to be free; not entirely.  Fear elevates both strength and weakness to new levels of concern or expectation:   I DON'T want to lose.  It is the conception, that life can be considered as a game.  It cannot.  We are as we are/ we will be, as life and body let us be according to our own choices, and the influences we accept from living.    Freedom is the search for, and a life dedicated too:   the essence of who we can be, the reality and the relationship we have both designed for ourselves, and establish with Creation; by recognizing "I AM ALIVE".  That does come with risk, of all kinds; which commonly brings the element called weakness into being.  Freedom CAN bring loss/ it is a risk, that increases with every chance you take to understand more than just "simply self".

            Within our discovery of self,   WE MUST:    anchor the essence of life, to the disciplines and balance which then controls our own heart and mind.   The failure to do this, ends freedom, and finds fear;   for all who go beyond themselves "simply too far".  Too far, is the understanding: truth lives in its own "special dimension".  Commonly referred to as spirit.  Spirit means: the embodiment of truth, the elemental creation of an environmental awareness that is the beginning of thought itself.   Spirit is, a destiny designed by your own truth; the elemental journey that begins, but may not end: where your own heart leads.  The heart:   our existence verified by time, but held true only as our desires unbound; represents a journey we choose to take.  Being alive verifies, that respect is measured by our soul.  Without respect, there is no future/ in the spirit world, that means you die, without time. It is a terrible consequence of arrogance, the elemental burial of pride as you prove; that means YOU are unworthy here.

            Thought is the beginning of life, the elemental truth that becomes the foundation of you.  Thought takes you where you desire to go, but not as a fantasy/ rather it constructs a life, that rises to meet your destiny, in truth.  Thought is the critical element of truth, that assigns "the graveyard OR eternity".   Not because you are "worthy in human terms/ that has no meaning".  Rather thought proves what truth will be.  And truth proves where your thought does live.  Or, in its absence, fantasy becomes a road traveled by the majority, because they want, "whatever they want";  rather than search for life itself.  Want has no meaning in eternity/ which then means: "you have no place here"/ if want is all you can be.

            Fear is an obstruction to life.  It does not belong.  Do your best to understand, we are more than human existence,    WE ARE LIFE ITSELF.  So long as, respect, truth, and soul participate in the experience and expressions defined by love; that then give life its meaning/ value/ and joy.  Thought is more than a journey, it is the environment of our soul.  Which means thought creates the relationship we then have   "With    GOD". 






            War is the elemental solution of men/ the final demand, when neither will surrender; so that one of us shall be defeated: proving the other can do, what he intends to do.

            War is a misery of bloodshed and grief, tied to the simple truth:   those who create it, hide behind those who fight it.  Warriors, are men or even a few women, who choose to live or die for a cause they believe is greater than themselves.  It is that belief, which creates the will necessary to endure and demand a solution/ when no other solution can be found: called life, or death.  But that also means, "a believer cannot be saved from themselves".  Or more simply; if they believe what is true, then everything they do has value, honor, and respect for the definition of life;   even though "this is war".  If however they believe what is errant or false/ then their actions are heinous, and their reality becomes vile.  Life is a discipline.  Every discipline is born in truth.  Without truth, you become "a lie".  Which fundamentally means: every life is a truth, that can only be corrupted, or expressed and expanded;  by you.

            Fighters, are the men and women who declare themselves to be "righteous, and powerful enough" to force whatever they want, upon the others, or more specifically you.  They need no belief, because they want; and want is all that matters to them.  If they begin to fail/ they run away, because the price is too high.  However what is consistent about fighters is, when forced to admit fear/ they seek revenge by sneaking, surprise attack, entrapment, or any other devious means they can conceive of; because ultimately a fighter is simply a predator, looking for prey.

            Leaders in a war are, either forced into this situation by reality/ OR, in nearly every situation that is not desperate;   they arise instead by stealth, arrogance, flattery and bribes, or murder.  There are only two types of leaders:   those who understand the purpose and care about reality/ OR, those who want power, and care only about themselves; using others to obtain that control, means they will "create their own little army" to insure obedience in the masses;  with bribes and temptation.  Show us the "enemy"/ and we will make them suffer.  The enemy is always:   "Anyone" who does not worship the leaders, and preform slavery.  In this day, the most common leaders is the university/ their demand for worship is "university knows"/ therefore you have no say.  And the endless thievery of inflation:   "We stole all their money, everything they worked for, and stored away/ the value of their securities", and they didn't even know.  Because we gave them bribes.  How is that not complete, and absolute ridicule of "we the people"?  Clearly it is.

            Therefore we come to the essence of war, which is:   somebody is going to die for that!  Because every war, above a personal or family conflict; is about leaders/ OR, it is about the truth "you the people chose to destroy the foundations in resource and reality that kept you alive"; whether by over-population, greed, or just plain want (stupidity worshiped).  You chose, to make it impossible to live; therefore somebody has to die for that.  Today, you face both conflicts; your leaders have betrayed you/ and your want has destroyed the foundations needed to survive.  Today, you stand "hours away (a metaphor)" from the truth of what that means.  Today, you stand "minutes away (a metaphor; maybe)" from the catastrophe's created by your universities; which do intend to exterminate life on earth.  Because they are so grotesquely deficient in thought; as to be "less than the essence of worms".  Even a worm knows enough, not to intentionally destroy itself;   your university intellectuals do not.  Instead they risk everything in life, or called planet; everything called a future is dead;   and all because they wanted to play god over your lives.  There is still a small chance, with work and reality; the truth instead of lies/ greed/ theft/ failure/ foolishness/ stupidity; and every other horror story created by "university knows".  A cult so diseased, as to believe in evolution;   a religion so dysfunctional and maimed of thought as to believe a body can exist "one piece at a time"/ when you yourselves know:   without a heart, your dead.  Without blood, a heart is useless.  Without lungs, your dead.  Without all the organs to transfer oxygen, clean blood, get food or water, learn or live by understanding,   the reality of movement, the need for arms, legs, hands, teeth and mouth and throat and urinary tract, colons, etc:    YOU CAN'T LIVE.  Not to mention sex, and the truth something must arise for you to eat, prior to your existence; and then you must be able to find, catch, dissolve, not choose the wrong thing, and so on.        Even a child understands this/ and knows better than to believe in complete insanity.  Which means they must be taught, "to be utterly blind, and without sense; by believing in idols;   university knows".


            So then, lets assume for a few minutes, that "the masses" can find their own mind, their own heart, and choose their own destiny;   as best they can.  Instead of belonging to the cult, that will soon have them all dead!   Its up to you.


            A legal revolution is:    Governed by three simple truths.

1.  The law is applied to everyone equally.  Which means a leader is not a ruler/ but an employee;  subject to the law.  There is NO excuse, for a leader, or anyone else, including judges;     NOT  the army, the propaganda machines of media, not the courts, nor laws made by rulers can save them from the law.        The law rules us all equally, is the government.

2.  Those who make rules/ create rulers!  It is that simple.  Therefore if you don't want rulers to control your lives:   YOU WILL be very careful about the rules, and the law;  you choose to live by.  The difference between a rule and a law is:    Law, governs reality; the essence of our world, our nation, our community, and our lives.   While rules govern people.  The demand, YOU shall do as we say.   The law establishes the boundaries that all agree are necessary and wise.  The rule separates us all, into groups; so that differences may arise, and some be seen as rulers and wealthy/ while the rest shall be known as their slave, or servant.

3.     Only the people themselves, can create the law by which they shall live in a true democracy.  THAT DOES NOT mean, hiring an employee to do it for you.  That does NOT mean;   "Voting for someone to vote for you".  That means:   one citizen equals one vote (the parents shall vote for their child, until the age of 14).    That means, you must create the law you will live by yourselves;   and when it is understood by the people as best they can:   ONLY THEN, will it come to a vote.  Only then does it become established:    Only a higher percentage of the people voting for change, since the last time; are allowed to change any law.   Or more simply if a law is created by 51% of the people/ THEN only a vote of the people that is above 51% can force a future change in that law.  In that way, you keep the purpose as pure as possible.  One hundred laws (one page or less);   at a maximum DOES cover everything/ FAR LESS, establishes "a better society than today".  Therefore the people SHALL learn their laws, and enforce them upon each other.   No rules are needed until the laws are done, and the people find their own solutions.  Until that day, let the laws you make, reduce the rules you have; until it is clear what is justice,  freedom, and life in this society;  for us all.

        In the measure of human relationships, the foundations upon which we exist, go "something like this":

        The question begins:   "What is a song in your soul, if not praise that begins in your heart"?  The answer is, happiness and joy reflect the intensity of moments created by the love you feel.  Destiny comes to mean, the treasury of what we feel inside, as time delivers us from one moment of respect and admiration for life itself, to the essence of who we are; "a life embodied, but unknown".  Our journey then lives beyond moments, as we ourselves reach beyond the meaning of life and search through the boundaries and doors of physical existence, to conceive and grow as the eternal consequence of who we would choose to become.  Creating ourselves, by the truth of what life honestly means to "each one individually".

        Disciplines are the door, love is the window, heart is the sound of "a miracle inside".  But thought lives surrounded by the evidence of who we are, and honor/ or hate:   expresses the relationship of who we will become, as friends or foes to life itself. "Everything else, is sitting on the fence".  Our home is as thought, the reality of its message is an "opening heart and soul".  Our hope in life is then a relationship conceived by miracles (we did not build ourselves).  Heard in the rhythms and pulses of eternal consequences, where we must find trust to survive.  There is no further explanation required, "to PRAISE GOD".     

        How lucky we are, those who do understand.


          Of the things we can do:

          Loneliness is, the realization:   I cannot be happy, without companionship.  Therefore we must look at the two things described, and search for solutions.  Happy is:   the ability to release "the inside of me" to freedom.  To understand, I am, all that I need to be/ therefore I am complete within myself.  Happy is, a relationship that respects the reality of who I am, without "the purchase" of someone else's time: they come, because I have value.  Within these simple things, there is a design that lives in the essence of life itself.

          Therefore when we look to the reality of companionship as a description of life/ we must also look to life itself, as a description of companionship.  None can say, "I built myself"/ it is not so.  Rather we are given the body we inhabit, and we live within that environment until time ends, and the body dies.  But the life inside is not so simple as time:   or we would be "simply body" instead of life itself.  The end result of this is: when we understand, you/ I/ they/  etc.  That life is not simply body or mind, but our relationship with Creation identified by the truth within us.  We begin to understand SOUL, the reality of life itself, without the complications of a body.  What we learn from Creation is:   that the body only represents time/ and we as a description of spiritual existence are more.  Every form of spirit is a truth.  Therefore every human spirit is a description derived from your own truth.  Every true description of "being human" is derived from one of three desires:   love/ hate/ or survival.  Because these are, the foundation elements of what our decisions will be about.  Every miracle is clear evidence of "an eternity possible"/ because it is distinctly true:   this is a gift to us, and if a gift in time/ why not a gift in eternity as well?  It is proof of    GOD :    "An influence in our lives, beyond all comprehension".   You cannot build yourself/ how can you believe something without even a brain, can build more than you?  All of humanity has of its own accord developed the automobile; took thousands of years at best, a very simple machine compared to a body, and you have a brain!

          So the question of loneliness is: can we be whole, can we find value within ourselves, can we accept the truth of our own miracle of life and living; that we do have a soul/ can we find a relationship beyond the simple realities of time?   Are all valid and real comprehension's, that are not above the average person's ability to understand.  But it is impossible to understand, if you run away from the truth.


          In a more simple framework: a fundamental understanding of loneliness or life,  begins with these.


 1.   Truth is: as best we can understand simply, "life itself shall teach":   just don't judge.  Let life be, what it is.

2.       Participate as best you can.  This is your life/ these are the people you share it with, at this moment in time.  Cherish them, it will lift your own heart to heaven.

3.    Let truth, the decision of your own heart; identify you.

  1. Let the law judge/ let no one measure you, nor measure anyone yourself.  It is unworthy.


  1. MIRACLES are not an accident, we are miracles, NEVER forget that; share your grace, and remember it is mercy that provides eternity: not you or me.
  2. Creation is:   "Life shared" with us.
  3. Soul is:   "Our respect for GOD, magnified within us".
  4. Spirit is: "the destiny we share, by the truth we have become."
  5. Love is:   the door to our hearts opened, so we may see and know,  the value within each other.
  6. Happiness is:   the discipline in my truth, the soul in my heart, the foundation of value respect has earned, and the integrity shared by a relationship with "GOD"/ as life in soul.
  7. 11.  Peace is: the journey shaped by "I will do, the best I can".
  8. 12.  Honor is:   the treasury, shared by respect for each other.
  10.           The elemental choice of every life is, "we cannot by our own selves, be love".  Love is a description, sustained by acceptance/ a reality shared by thought, purpose, and desire.  The heart lives in an environment shaped by your truth/ your choice. There is a fundamental need, to share the experience and expression of life  "with life".  The foundation of respect is: "our/ my/ your, acceptance of value"; grants, that love may grow, "as a seed planted for life". A relationship sown, by grace/ when it is reflected by truth.                         


Mental health, the foundation/ separating body and mind;  of us all.


        We begin with the simple assessment, what has value sustains us, in the manners and ways that bring substantial happiness or hope, elevate courage, and give to each one their own understanding of freedom and life;  the blessing of a choice/ the reality of movement as we see fit.

        Mental health is then an assertion of the simple frameworks within which we gain control over our lives, our existence, our future, and our own decisions.  It is not a game.

        The structures that enable an environment to be erected, are fundamental to what that environment is capable of being/ how well it can or will resist "the elemental onslaught of trial and tribulation".   Therefore the question of structure is: how, do we build these things/ what can or will they be built from/ why should we do this work, as it is not for free?

        The first thing that is known is: the structural integrity of human mental existence, is not simply given to us/ it must be earned.  The fundamental that occurs to build the strongest relationships in both time and body, are called love.  Love is, the recognition, that life is good/ because this exists.  Therefore love is a builder/ and life is a worker;   IF you choose to accept the relationship must be earned, supported, and bound together in such a way as both freedom and the reality of trust can be formed.  Trust is, "the nuts and bolts" which hold our mental existence together.  Therefore whatsoever is accepted as trust identifies the reality of what we can or cannot build within ourselves as the environment we cherish.  Love and trust go together/ BUT BOTH must be earned, from the relationship which forms them.  Time is elemental to that relationship, body is fundamental to our search, "beyond oneself, an entire world exists".  The critical question: to what extent shall the boundaries of your mental existence be established by:   how much of "the world" can you accept as a participant in your life and time?  Those who isolate themselves, find a narrow, and enclosing world, threatening and fearful.  Those who go beyond the boundaries that identify their trust, collapse, find depression, and lose themselves in a battle just to survive as they want to be.  Those who do understand, that trust is a boundary  you must NOT violate, are then able to take the responsibility of making their own journey throughout life, and survive.

        So we return to the builders of life: love and trust/ and accept the fundamental reality, "that there shall be flow";   the variability of life in time.  Or more distinctly, you cannot predict the future/ unless you have all the knowledge required to do so. Therefore we do understand, that the more knowledge you can develop, with wisdom; the better your decisions shall be, with regard to the future of your own experiences, expressions, and desires or purposes within or as life.  But as is proven time and again;   what people accept as knowledge/ can easily be overburdened by arrogance, to become a complete and arrogant lie, that buries them instead of letting their spirit rise. 

        So then we learn: that truth demands a VERY significant role in the preparations and planning for an environment that identifies and creates trust.  Without trust, we have nothing to anchor ourselves too.  Without truth, there is no cause for trust; even love, without the basis and disciplines of truth, will simply cause you to fail.  Life demands truth.  Consequently those who gather and create their own foundations of living based upon truth, WILL accomplish the fundamental goal of "a mental state, not easily shaken or disturbed".

        The question is:   what is truth, and who can we trust to help us identify that truth in such a way that it becomes a foundation that we do trust as truth? 

        The fundamental reliance on "mass acceptance: we cannot all be wrong"/ as has been religion, proves simply that humanity will find some truth.  But then embellishes it, so as to fill in all they do not know; the few thereby becoming leaders, even though the reality they share has substantial lies.  OR MORE SIGNIFICANTLY, "to believe" is not a truth/ it is simply too believe.  The foundation of our identity cannot be formed on belief; WITHOUT being completely susceptible to what is then wrong.  Mercy is a separate issue altogether.

        Mass acceptance, we cannot all be wrong;   has for the most part in America, discarded religion to follow and believe "the university" today.  Which uses this power called belief or "followers" to then fill in the blanks of everything they don't know with stories and innuendo; more descriptive of a complete and intentional lie, than does even other religions do.  Some of their stories are absolutely ridiculous such as evolution.  The most ludicrous religion ever conceived.  But people believe, because they trust "the university; they are so smart/ got an answer for everything".  That trust has allowed the crucifixion of all life on earth today.  That trust has given the sanctity of body and life over to THE MUTILATORS of genetics who are so extremely diseased;   they would rather destroy all life on earth/ instead of admitting they are wrong.  Nothing is more warranted of the word "satan" than these; unless of course it is those who intentionally try to set the entire planet on fire, just to prove "we are gods".   Do you not see, where trust in lies has taken you?

        In case you are still too delusional to accept evolution as the lie it is; "let's review".  Evolution can be reduced to its fundamental principle: "we shopped/ we took whatever we wanted/ and we built ourselves, from the pieces we just found laying around; or more correctly stole from what they say came first.  These of course are decisions; but evolution says, no mind came to be until very late.  Which means simply "couldn't make a decision".  And of course these are the big parts they went shopping for, to hell with the little pieces that make up our reality.

        But lets try to see if you can hear a little truth instead; probably not, because people only believe what they want to believe/ truth is usually irrelevant.  Nonetheless we will pry a little hole, so that a tiny bit of light and life might come through.  This body and mind we inhabit CANNOT be conceived of, without thought!  You don't know you are alive, without thought.  The foundation of every living thing is thought: you cannot build, without some level of thought, it is impossible.  You cannot weave muscles together, identify the parts and pieces of a body without thought, you cannot discipline the processes/ balance the body/ establish a single sense/ eat or drink or any other living reality of life without thought.  Because you cannot build, unless you understand the processes, structures, needs, methods, realities, and so forth required.  A plain and simple method of understanding that is: robots cannot operate themselves without some level of disciplined command/ or more simply your car, complete and ready to go; cannot drive itself.  Or your car, without oil or gas, etc:   is just a worthless chuck of junk.  So is the body without a mind (some level of active thought or discipline, that makes it possible to move, and make a decision).  How is that not true?  Explain it, and then we will move on to the relationship of joints to bone, ligaments to tie the body together/ acids for your stomach/ teeth that work, and so on: for about a billion more little realities of life that must exist; or you cannot be you.  Wake up/ or be damned by the religion called evolution which is about to destroy the sanctity of life/ by mutilation.  Wake up to understand: WHAT IT MEANS, to be wrong, in this decision you and they have made.  Or you die, a horrendous death;   SOON/ no going back.  Death all around, coming for you!  That is the university  contribution, to our lives; and they have more.  Adaption is merely the evidence of "perfect design"/ or more simply, "GOD knew this would be needed"; so we were prepared, to meet the challenge.  Even cultures thousands of years hence, knew they did not create themselves (a sign of intelligence)/ so they "made gods (didn't know what else to do)"; because there was no other explanation.   You call yourselves gods, as in evolution, "built myself, out of parts and pieces I just found"/ what could be more idiotic, or even insane, than that?  Answer the question.


        Regardless of immanent extinction as of this moment, due to horrendous threats/   we return to mass acceptance and its relationship to our lives as humanity on earth.  The element of mental definition as described by want.

        People demand to control their world, their lives, and every other functional element of living, by their own decisions.  They even demand to control GOD, by praying to "him"/ and expecting that HE will be their slave; granting anything they ask.  And are enormously upset to find; they can't be god/ over GOD.  It is of course the very height of insanity.  Nonetheless it goes on all day, every day, all over the world.  So then the critical question to why the mental state of humanity is, what it is:   can be narrowed down for the majority to "I WANT CONTROL".  Within that reality, endless trials and tribulations occur because of manipulation/ temptations/ hate (I didn't get what I wanted, and its YOUR fault)/ etc.

        The question is:   why do these masses of people want control to such an extreme, they even want to control    "GOD"?  What could possibly be their motive, as this is not building a life/ but searching for ways to control other lives for your own benefit or pleasure.  Those things destroy relationships, and end trust; so the consequence is, "I don't like my life"; for a great many people, not only from their own decisions/ but the endless array of people who form like decisions trying to control each other.  Therein we discover, the simple truth: that want is the fundamental "called satan, by religion".  Or more distinctly what you want determines what you do, in life.  OR you must discard want, and then search for truth.  The majority simply want.

        So we ask the question: WHAT is so damned important about getting what you want?  It is not life/ it is not love/ it is not anything of value as in the foundations of integrity, truth, love, courage, etc.  So why is getting what you want important?  The answer is:   we can then pretend to be superior/ BUT ONLY, if we can keep the other people from getting what they want.  And the gave of humanity begins: I want what I want/ because you want it too.  So then if I get what you want first; then I am superior, and you have to accept that from me.  Or "I get to play god"/ until you defeat me in something.  Want is selfishness recognized, as it has nothing to do with sharing or caring or life/ it is simply want.  Since want builds nothing but contempt, or the intent of power over the rest/ it is a very destructive element of human life.  We now ask, WHY, do you want to play god?  Or, more distinctly: WHY do you not desire to be friends, with the people or life which surrounds you?

        The answer is: these believe they will be more, get more, have more, and choose more/ if they can be god.  Or in other terms: friendship is not as important to them as is   "MORE"!  So then we recognize that a driving force of human composition is the demand for more/ not a desire, as that must achieve some distinct level of purity in thought or truth;   but a want for more, as that can be attached to anything you believe.  Here enters belief, as the inherent conception which drives humanity forward: if we believe/ then we know what to fight for, beyond each other.  If we believe/ then we fight for "great things"; because that attaches us, "to the image of god, that we have created for ourselves". 

        So the question is: what do you want more of?  The answer of the majority is:   I want to be more "of god".  But of course since there is no relationship with the reality of OUR CREATOR in these/ they make up their own god, and worship that with their decisions, by trying to become god.  Or, more distinctly: they want to rule over the rest of us/ plain and simple, with tremendous power.  The majority fights to accomplish this/ but in the end, those who must do surrender to those who have accomplished "more"; so they can participate over the rest; in power.  Those who are struggling under power, find hate/ therefore they seek revenge, and fall into violence as their method of "creating more god" for themselves.

        These are simple things, that few cannot understand.


        So lets return to the builders of life and society, the individual people who do make a difference; because they choose to be friends, rather than competitors.  The difference between a friend and a competitor is:   a friend desires and helps you do well, for yourself, and for us as a society.  A competitor wants only to dissolve you into nothing, so that he or she can own it all, "get more" for themselves.  Do you see the difference?  A friend finds time to hear you, to actually listen to you (very rare today, "two words, and the majority know what you were going to say") they don't listen.  While a competitor does listen, so as to create a trap, or find ridicule, or turn your words around, and so on.  But people are more complex than this tiny little observation:   want interferes, love aligns with purpose, and the reality of a competition we can no longer ignore for our own survival lingers, to prove you can never be safe.  Unless you have a ton of money/ so the people then want to be rich.  So the competition to be rich grows, and friendship dies;   because that is what money does, to those who want.

        To be safe, in terms of survival;  is not a foolish demand.  Anything less, bears some foolishness.  So the question is: what is safe in society,  really?   The answer is not money/ the answer is:   a society that presents us all with equal justice, and the opportunities to be free, happy, and responsible for ourselves (limiting competition so we can all share life).

            Limited capitalism is a foundation ingredient of that kind of safety.  So then lets build/ by understanding "a rising tide floats all boats"!  Not just yours.

        The mental development of an individual or a society, is laced with the illusion of self.  That means, until you redefine society and self as a participant in something larger than self/ it is impossible to understand the meaning or purpose of life itself. The desire to attain an environment capable of living in a truth beyond self, is not a mental state but a spiritual one.  Where truth is alive, rather than a belief.

        Or more clearly, the elemental essence of a path beyond oneself, is to accept the faith; that our individual journey has meaning other than self.  Self is, an identity called body, established and measured in want, by the mental capabilities and decisions that illuminate, or hide, that individuality.  Consequently self serves self, because that is an identity we can use, to evaluate, or determine, or measure the life within us as male or female existence.  In this way, both life and body are considered to be "games of superiority" or loss.  In this way self must choose: either to participate as an equal/ or fight for the seclusion of "winner".  Does that not separate you from the rest, or is it not so intended?  Indeed it is. 

        At the opposite end of "winner" is not loser/ but equal, wherein all simply exist as the experience of life so given, by our CREATOR;   to live within the reality of truth, as life.  That we may enter within the truth we do cherish, and participate in an eternity prepared.  The spiritual world is entirely based upon truth, everything therein is truth, and nothing therein can support a lie for long.  Consequently only truth survives to participate, or to live.  But even so, the question is here on earth; or more distinctly WHY would anyone assert or assume, that life is better as an equal rather than as self?  The answer is simple: as an equal, we are the eloquent example of "friend".  Whereas when self asserts its superiority or its failures, the consequent reality is either competitor or enemy, which roughly translates to the same; only as a different intensity.  The world then either friend or enemy, as you choose it to be.

        The critical question of humanity is: that no matter what you do, no matter what you say or think; the reality of hate will exist.  The consequence of hate is:   "To take something of value away from the others/ so that they will recognize you, as hate;  or you will establish fear. Making you, their devil".  While many an excuse is used, particularly for money or religion/ the end result of all hate is, to declare:   I don't want you, to live.  Therefore it is blind to believe that a society of peace can be formed from two such distinct enemies as that.  Either you desire friendship and a world of peace.  OR you want hate, in all its forms, to make you superior/ to make you feared; and make them slaves (I made you do it/ I took this away, and you could not stop me), in one form or another.  Hate is, an easily identified condition/ NOT to be confused with anger, "I have a right".

        The element called truth searches both the individual and society to refine the development of a "different world" than what is experienced today.  In an individual world, the separation of love and hate/ is an outcome based upon numbers:  or more simply each must choose, none can return to love, if they choose hate. In a societal world, that re-organization of humanity must come with definable and defendable borders.  Let the machines be removed from hate for making weapons, crossing borders/ let them fend for themselves.  World law will aid you.

        We turn now, to the framework of truth, trust, love, and faith; as the builders of a "new world" called peace.    Truth demands that freedom is not free for an individual or society, even though none say of themselves we are in control.  In human society someone is always in control, or will be, or there shall be anarchy because the people want more, and they will fight to get it (whether someone else lives or dies)/ causing hate, which becomes revenge, which then turns to violence.  So there is no freedom without law, or the reality of enforcement of that law as justice to all. Freedom is then about law, and what that law does say to all the people, including leaders.  The law is neither aggressive nor benign/ it is simply the law: WHAT WE THE PEOPLE choose it to be!  Written simply, so that none will say, I cannot understand, or fail to be taught to understand.  The law cannot exceed what "the common citizen" can memorize or learn on their own: in that way, we become our own protectors, because we know the law, and can begin the process of enforcement. It is simple and sure, that those who would be enforcers of the law/ MUST be changed periodically; so that they cannot become complacent or bribed as a group.  To that end, training for "policing officers" must be constant, and time limits must be imposed and kept.  The judiciary will be judged for each and every case, by all participants so as to identify WHO DOES, or does not exhibit and define and create "justice for us all".  There is no guarantee for a judge to retain his or her position/ if the sum total of judgments made by the participants of a courtroom, and its verdicts do not account for justice and fair play to all.  They will be removed, and another found.

        With freedom through law, we begin the journey into peace.  Freedom is a trust based upon the truth that comes before it.  Freedom is an individual dimension or experience that must not be tampered with, without "good cause".  Therefore the rules SHALL be limited, because they are nearly all "unjust".  The reality directed to understand:   if you threaten the others in some substantial way/ then you have broken the rule we apply as "safety for ourselves".  Your own life belongs to you/ as does your beliefs, and more.  But our society belongs to us, and you may NOT threaten or abuse, not gamble or use us,  without our permission.  Which does mean, we shall control the money of government by methods already discussed.  Trust extends beyond the truth, when we experience the expression called friendship, and begin to understand, "one for all, and all for one"; we will share and care about our society, in a fair and distinctly honest way.  No games/ no pretending/ no making the children pay; no destroying their future or ours;  etc. 

        Love is an element of flow, or more distinctly it is, life flows as a river of our combined decisions;   a reality of definitions that we create as the substance or flow of our combined lives working together, or the rest.  Where there is love, the reality of that love carries society with it.  Hate is more like a little army standing on the shore trying to destroy the love that flows by.  Those who float too close to that hate, can be injured or destroyed.  But those who keep their distance, will pass by unharmed; in the elemental sea of our individual reality. In society, hate is more aggressive than that; seeking all who dare to be found.  Because love, is something they cannot attain/ therefore you are superior to them; and they know it.

        Faith is the acceptance:   now is the time.  To cast away beliefs, and choose what is true.  To believe is to retain doubt.  To have faith is to throw away those doubts and accept this reality is true.  The difference is, faith removes the escape route called belief. Faith requires a transition from "maybe" to reality.  You CANNOT do this, unless you understand the foundations you have accepted and trusted as truth.  You CANNOT accept that truth, unless you investigate, examine, and determine within yourself, that I will honor and respect, the realities I DO accept as an anchor for my life.  These then become the framework, that identifies your mental existence.  The bond of every relationship that builds or destroys, adds or subtracts from the reality called you, or more distinctly what is beyond self within you.  These bonds identify your world inside.  The materials used to build, are love.  The reality used to destroy is hate.  The question of what remains, is a decision to participate either beyond yourself/ or not.

        What is body describes our relationship with time.  What is mental describes and defines our relationship as time, with the reality that is fundamentally self (the expressions, measurements, and experiences hidden from time, or in time;  by the mind).  The foundation that combines these together is a relationship with love or hate/ as everything else is fundamentally survival, or you just don't care.  Want translated is, "I don't share/ even if I want something for you, it is because then I am the giver, or greater party involved; do you NOT owe me".  Love is about sharing and caring/ the value and respect owed, to life, creation, or reality itself.  Hate is in truth, a discarded life, in search of pleasure; that failed.  Those who find pleasure or greed fulfilled, believe they are gods (I did this, for me)/ regardless of the price to others. The flow of love participates in society as value, respect, courage, honor, and more.  The flow of hate secretly despises society; plotting and planning how best to get revenge, or establish hate in you.  Therefore they win, because "you died too".

        Elemental life is a direction established by time, its purpose is to define what freedom can do, in you.  The direction of life is to build; which means love is involved.  The direction of hate is to destroy, which means death is involved.  The critical desire is:   WHO do you wish to be/ and WHY?  The fundamental answer, requires your identity to be shaped upon this decision.  Love or hate is a decision (an acceptance), or desire called "who"/ while this elemental choice is a purpose, that can no longer be denied.  When you answer in truth, your choice has been made.  Your eternity sealed/ unless mercy reopens the door for you. 

        The question of eternity is a base fundamental of mental health, because people all do believe something with regard to this question/ and they commonly do seek to establish that answer with some sort of proof.  Therefore people try to be gods, so they can say, "I told you so".  People lose themselves into religions, so they can say, "we told you so".  People hide, run away, fear, etc: so people cannot say, "you must choose".

The more critical answer, that functions to elevate eternity to the possibilities of life beyond time: every element of thought exists, because we are capable of recognizing "something more" than simply ourselves must exist.  Miracles everywhere/ NOT chaos turned to disciplines and order, without even a brain; HOW STUPID can you be!

        Nonetheless where thought proves a miracle, reality defends "a possibility".  The biblical person called JESUS came to teach, what we lacked in understanding about love, life, and much more.  Not by blind faith or belief/ but by the reality of what was taught, and how the value of those teachings shape the mental framework of all who desire to learn.  I am one of those, not religious (owned by rules) by any assertion/ but taught, and anchored in to the values of that teaching so they became or become my own.  You need not "believe everything" to understand love, courage, respect, wisdom, and all the rest.  Therefore what is important, is what each one personally learns, and how they use it, to shape their world, or support their society and planet.  It is not a war, between religions.  This is a reality of truth, the essence of knowledge, ascending from understanding, wisdom is gained:   as determined by life itself.

        I add only, do the best you can for life/ why do less than the honesty of who you are!


        Mental health extends too:

        In the saga of human history, what is war looms large, because it is the male solution to his problem:   "Kill them, and they won't come back to cause trouble", no more!  Or, we will just take theirs!

        The foundation of every human society is then confronted by war, because having found an answer to trouble; there is also an answer for "BUT I WANT MORE, for me".  By Killing the owner, and stealing everything he has.

        Women do live by different rules and behavioral laws as is governed by "body type".  Women do represent the means of controlling men:   because if you take them away, or hide them behind closed doors.  The men WILL want them back.  Simple and plain.  They will change or fight to get their women back.  Therefore, if the world protects these women: they will find the power, to change the men, of their own nation.  They will demand/ and the men will obey, changing society itself. 

        Three things are needed: world court, where leaders are brought to trial/ world law, where leaders are given their responsibilities to the people/ and world enforcement of that law, through the court.

        One is fundamental to the work: a bill of rights for the soldier/ demanding the law, that protects them from their own leaders. Or more simply "the right" to say NO, under these conditions/ which does include murdering the leader, if their demand is to murder you.  Its called self defense!  Or more directly, such as: you can't order me to walk through mined fields/ UNLESS there is a damn good reason for it.  You can't order me to kill civilians, unless the cause is absolutely clear.   You can't order me back into harm's way, multiple times/ UNLESS there is a draft: NOT "just us, in a war".  And so on.  If people are dying repeatedly, "it's a war".

        We have the right, as a nation, to control war.  By world law, we enforce it.







It is an elemental creation of life, that a heartbeat is recognized as the sign, "we are alive".  Therefore, when describing "someone has heart, etc"/ the definition is a purpose assigned by the values we have placed on living. No greater test of heart occurs, than when someone we do love dies, or is close to dying; NOT a game, a reality of change that is going to alter our very individual,  world.  The question however is: does their passing beyond the limits of this world, affect you more than them?  Or more simply, is all your struggle, your pain and suffering:   about your own loss, or theirs?  For most, the reality is "me first".  For truth, the reality is, LIFE must decide for itself.  The heart helps by understanding, none can or will remain here forever/ what is eternity, comes for us all.


The discovery of life, is the essence of a freedom revealed.  The revelation of body, is the assertion of freedom realized; within distinct and real limits.  The reality of male OR female is the adjustment from simple, to a complex understanding defined by the creation of a relationship between two disciplined but different ways of life and living. What is happiness reveals, the essence of our truth defines and creates us all.  When that truth is the foundation upon which we do depend, in a world described by love; there shall be moments which ultimately build happiness, because that is our choice.  When the lies consume you with want, the destruction of relationships will isolate and change the existence of time into a measure of disappointments that lead to hate. It is called the direction of life/ the decision you made, whether forced by reality or not; that will then become your truth.

The critical decision of life is: will you measure your existence/ or live it?  Measurement means: I am in charge, I am the judge, I am essentially god here over everything I can manipulate or change;   I AM the one, and the only one, that truly matters to me.   While to live the life you are given understands: this is the gift to which I am born, the reality of moments for which, within which,  I participate as best I can.

The difference between them is simply: one who measures sees the world ONLY by their own existence; when they hurt, the world dies/ when they die the world ends.  While the one who lives, sees the world as beyond themselves, a limitless possibility that cannot be defined: because true miracles are so far beyond human existence they can never be measured as life.  Can never be ended, simply because time for an individual life ceases to exist.  Thought the evidence of truth, assembles the question: why do we exist?  Thought, the direction of life sustains the truth: elementally, thought is life/ therefore life has little or nothing to do with body.  It is merely the evidence of freedom, by the limits of time.

A heartbeat means we participate as time, through thought or through levels of thinking that are beneath thought as the substantively, undisciplined means of want. Thought participates in life as the essence of discovery, the values assembled by truth, or the meaning of love through respect as that decision is created in our soul.  Death establishes the distance we have traveled/ the freedoms in time, we have lost.  Thought assembles the blessings we have earned through the relationships that have been formed, either with life, or truth, or GOD.  Soul means, to have a true and real relationship with creation itself/ by recognizing, this is more "than just me, living here as body".  It is the essence of life given to me, that I may in fact assemble my own true identity.  In the compositions of thought, there is no purpose in creating an identity that does not have a true purpose.  In the elevation or ascension of thought past the limits of time, whereby we learn "what being alive should mean"!  Our participation in thought, becomes a development within the laws that govern our universe.  We do not survive without truth or energy/ therefore we must find both;  or depend entirely upon mercy and its outcome.  Thought conceives of eternity, but it is not the fundamental truth that can cause eternity to exist;   energy alone does that.  Where there is energy, there are possibilities called "steps, or stairs".  Where there is the possibility of an ascension past the chains of momentary existence, there will be life.  When that life achieves true thought, the elemental awareness of creation itself begins.

Creation belongs "to the spiritual world"/ to "   THE GOD", WHO DID make all life possible.  The spiritual world is disciplined by the laws of life and energy; and it contains "many doors".  Therefore as we walk past the limits of time, we do encounter the choices that determine our future.  WHAT is, "most important" to you, about life or living/ WHAT IS fundamentally the "creation of your own world", as you choose to discover the variations of interest that will guide you into the reality you did choose.  Life is about freedom through thought/ but living is about the relationships you chose to form, the environment you created within and for yourself.  The question of eternity is then:   where will thought, and the decision that is your truth;   take you/ if energy is allowed?   It is, "up to you"/ but there is no going back, as in time.  Eternity is a "one direction only" reality/ because energy has a direction.

When questioning energy itself, we come to recognize: this is no game/ it is DEADLY SERIOUS.  The understanding of energy is then:   nobody lives, without risking it all.  The question of trust, then begins. 


In the struggles of a human heartbeat, we find the elemental truth of time is: that time does matter, the value of love is the fundamental truth of our happiness or not.  The critical questions, of life and time become the essence of our journey, even if destiny has a different plan.  Love is the expression of our trust/ the experience of our truth defined by the essence of being alive inside.  If you let yourself die, to the experience and expressions of love; then you have lost your soul.   You cannot chain the expression of your love, to freedom/ that freedom will die, taking, or diminishing love with it.  You cannot experience love without freedom, because this is the decision that becomes the environment within which we can build a life or relationship together as one, or many.  We must have love to experience freedom.  But we must have freedom to express love.  They are tied together as one/ if you break them apart, you destroy the relationship that ties you together in trust.  Truth is absolutely essential in trust.  Forgiveness is absolutely essential in humanity; NOT absurd, this is stupid forgiveness, but fair and equal understanding: that we are who we are, the reality of living a consequence of time and place.  Let the law decide when it is necessary.  Let life understand what is at stake, without change.  Choose knowledge and search for evidence that can be supported as truth, without "inferences or theories or other factors that may or may not be true".  Let life be your guide, it is the heartbeat inside.


It is neither fair, nor acceptable to judge someone else's life or love for another creation; this is not you; leave them alone, set apart from judgment unless it is necessary under the law.  That means, as is true of religion; that we are all entitled to believe whatever we want to believe/ and we are allowed to love whosoever we choose, even if it is stupid, blind, or useless.  It is still an individual choice/ your choice.  That does not mean, you can hide or run away from reality/ it only means, you can choose failure:   or "success" in living in this world, loving with honesty, providing courage because truth is on your side, and so on.  The elemental journey is a direction chosen by you/ but that does mean, you will encounter what you chose.  In this time on earth, our future/ our planet/ our bodies/ our very lives are threatened with extermination.  Nobody gets to run away, because there is no place to run or hide; when the planet dies, so do we.  When life as a body is mutilated beyond repair; that includes you, and your family, your lover, and everything you need in every sense of the word:   all gambled with, by an arrogance so EXTREME;   the only word that fits is satan.  They will tell you, "we will do great things"/ yet they know nothing of value, and mutilate everything they touch, endlessly/ carelessly/ and with the intent to prove evolution; the most absurd religion ever to be devised.  True order/ balance/ discipline/ and the extreme evidence of thought was here:   CANNOT be conceived of as nothing more than chaos, put together without a brain, by creatures so devoid of intelligence or knowledge; "they could not even define themselves".  How is that "science"/ absolutely no proof exists apart from adaption.  And ADAPTION IS merely the evidence of "perfect design"/ or, "I knew this would be needed/ so I prepared".  You took how many thousands of years or more to build a car/ and they say single celled creatures without a brain or hands legs or anything:   WERE TREMENDOUSLY SMARTER THAN YOU!  Built you?   What a damn fool/ bow down to the worm, "ain't it greater"?  After all, it is far superior to the creature your university says "built you"/ so it must be a god, "to you".  Ain't that so?   ASS HOLE.   THERE ARE NO SECOND CHANCES, with the university gambles; none of them/ they are life ending/ life mutilating/ life and child and planet exterminating;   all because they just plain want to play god, and prove themselves superior to you.  The shit runs deep.

There are those who look at life and say, "I am alone/ even in a sea of people"; because none will choose to be an honest friend.  But that is not really true, what gives you life, exists inside as the most fundamental friend anyone can have.  It is a relationship, because without life, "you, don't exist".  Therefore the essence of what gives us freedom/ or changes that freedom to death: time ended, is literally a companion all our lives, here on earth.  You did not create yourself.  You cannot choose not to die.  You are here, because life lets you be.

So the question is:   do you desire a relationship with the force that gives you life/ or not? 

Answering yes, DOES lead to many a problem; therefore a need for answers.  NOT because it has too/ but because our relationship with humanity throughout time has been a corruption of what we should or should not expect from the essence of life itself.  Making it necessary to essentially discard everything about living or expectations people teach you/ so that you can be educated by life itself.  That is not a small task, as we are all influenced by a common bond/ a reality that needs answers to our most fundamental questions.  People make religions, for this purpose/ so they don't have to search, or risk their own lives, in the world beyond time.   It is MUCH easier.

The critical question however is not what is easier, but what is the foundation upon which an eternity can be built?

That answer is not given easily, or without cost. 

The most critical reality we face is, our own truth: what we/ I come to believe or expect from life itself.  Life has its own ways, NOT the same as humanity; even though we are distinctly tied, until death;   people choose to want/ rather than to learn.  Therefore "too busy" to be concerned with eternity; let someone else/ I can't be bothered.  But we all die, and we all face the eternal truth:   WHO are you?  It is an identity we create for ourselves/ no one else is allowed; even though many do influence the outcome, it is still strictly your decision.  Most choose to envelop themselves (to cocoon) with their wants or pride/ in that way they escape most of the basic trials of living: the demand to know yourself well.  But that leaves you with the simple truth, "you are little more than want or pride".  It has no lasting value/ as your garbage dumps and life styles clearly prove.  That means you enter eternity with virtually nothing.  Mercy can come/ but why? 

So then, as there are many who do try to escape from simple want, to ascend into their own identity; the reality is we must first escape the threats we face that people have caused.  Every functional threat, every fantasy or delusion, every assertion or intent by people to overcome, enslave, use, or abuse must be dealt with by recognizing what is real/ THEN cleaning "house" so to speak of everything that is not real.  So that only the honesty of life itself,  needs to be dealt with.  When you understand what is a lie, then only what is true becomes important.  The correct answer to peace inside is: don't open those doors, don't consider them at all.  When you do not want, or expect a reward; life is much more simple to define: "because you, then get out of the way".  To ascend beyond yourself, requires you to do so.

Ascend means: to acquire the knowledge of a life beyond time.  To understand what this means for yourself, demands that absolute respect for life itself must come first/ or you die.  Because life is not a toy or a game, it is a reality clearly proven in you.  Respect demands you are the student, reality will prove what can or cannot be trusted, if you survive.

The critical disciplines are truth, trust, love, respect, courage, JESUS (because whenever lost/ there must be an anchor, or you fail), and equal parts of desire and purpose through an identity you have chosen.  Desire is, the elemental experience that leads your life, the critical question of what shall be valued in you.  Purpose is, the fundamental expression of your choice, the determination presented by you, to achieve life for yourself.  We are given life in time (we must then earn time)/ we are not given life in eternity; we must earn it, to be free. 

The question is why?  The answer is, freedom is important, and unless you can keep from dying (a second time)  by choosing properly/ you may not be free (or you die).  Every child has to grow up sometime, including you.

So then the recognition of what is, or is not a threat; fundamentally challenges us to choose correctly, so that we can survive and be free within or as ourselves.  The critical question of eternity itself, is governed by the simple truth: if you were "simply human/ just a chemical body";   how much more would you know?  Is not the body complex?  What did you do, apart from very simple things, to stay alive?  To consider such complexity as an accident, is beyond insane; the disciplines/ the balance/ the possibilities/ all that is necessary first before you can actually survive, as in food, abilities, basic knowledge, reproduction, and SO MUCH MORE; all prove not just a chemical composition/ but something more.

So then we live for life, and life lives for us/ until it, decides to leave.  Some do choose suicide;   couldn't find love!

Love examines us all.  Love investigates to learn or become trust, wherever possible.  Love decides there is a value here, or not;   because love IS what makes life worth living, beyond the simple knowledge,  we can.

  Eternity is then about the essence and the reality defined, as love!  The critical reality to be discovered is the purity of love/ because anything less taints or corrupts the dimension of love and life itself.  Consequently only what is true can enter therein/ only what is love shall be invited therein.  Mercy decides all the rest.

The question of   "GOD" is not for me to describe; I am unworthy, and unable;   simply true.

The fundamentals of life are very simple/ the realities of living far more complex. The difference is that a freedom is not functionally derived from wisdom/ you have to earn it.

The critical decision that every human being makes is: are you simply going to want/ OR, are you willing to learn? The reality attached to each one is: that want has no wisdom/ while learning has no real want. Instead learning follows truth, and truth then leads to life, and realities far more complex than simple life.
The elemental creation of self is established by the foundations we choose in living. What you do choose, becomes not only the description of you/ but your direction in thought and life as well.
So then we begin, with the simple struggle called want, and elevate that for the purpose of understanding not only life, but humanity as well. Want is: a freedom released that knows no boundary except self. Or more simply; nothing truly matters but me, or those important to me; life beyond me; can just plain "go to hell". The simple solution is then to use the others or abuse them to get whatever you want. The critical choice of influence over others by manipulation or control; discovers that ridicule and lies commonly work easier than respect. Or more simply "it is easier to kill, (discard)"/ than to accept. Where competition occurs, the fundamental most apparent is: "I hate them/ lets all hate them". Which is where the "fan/ or fanatic" comes from: lets all believe we are better. So games arise/ revenge occurs/ and reality becomes laced with the stupidity of "belief".

Belief is: regardless of the evidence/ I will accept this as true; usually because a group has gotten together and declared "we all believe this". Belief is a dangerous obsession to many/ because it influences without the burden of evidence that demonstrates clearly, "we should indeed accept this is true/ so says the evidence". Religions use belief to attach each other "as fans/ of this club; so to speak". However religions are also base level demands for discipline in you. If you are lost and need discipline/ need "time out" to rearrange your thoughts: then religion is useful to you/ I recommend it at some basic level in that situation. But disciplines are a personal decision that you must make for yourself. If you do not, you cannot grow or define yourself as a person/ you are merely a member of "the flock". While there may be mercy in a flock/ there is also the reality of predation; and a lack of ability to defend yourself. The purpose of the flock is simple: go ahead manipulate/ tempt/ control/ lead me: because if this fails then I can blame you! If I am not happy I can blame you/ but if I am "of course" its because I chose to follow: I am great. To move beyond the flock and become "simply human"; requires you to form the identity that is your truth. These are your decisions, and become then your reality as a person. Most don't like disciplines: they much rather blame someone else for their troubles/ say of themselves "I did great" regarding anything else. Do you see the lie? Every want is the foundation of every lie. If you don't want it/ then you won't lie about it. Why would you? Therefore to get past the term LIAR/ you must pass by the reality called want, and choose only truth. It is not a hard choice, its just reality/ understood, as best you can.

So then we come to truth, the essence of every life, and every living thing; the reality of being alive/ or dead inside. The critical choice is: are you willing to accept the price of being "as true to life" as you can realistically be; WITHOUT the excuses: simple and plain?
The vast majority say NO/ because they want; and will not turn away from want, where the possibility to gain whatever it is they want, may or may not exist. As a result we get endless numbers of people who want to be "RICH" beyond their wildest dreams/ and as a result make decisions that are never in the best interest of society or life on earth/ because this disables that wealth, and redistributes it for the good of all. Nearly everyone wants to be rich/ therefore society wants to be rich; therefore the trouble with money arises and leads to war/ endless trouble in society/ and consequences that range from murder to excuses without sense or regard to reality; insanity begins. Because when it becomes clear you shall never have what "you want"/ then there is no further purpose in life for some. Without hope, these lead themselves to depression/ suicide/ hate/ crime/ ridicule; and the rest.

In an effort to do better for life, the first lesson is: "truth does NOT care"! Or more simply, even if it is violent, harsh, loving, or whatever: TRUTH does not care. It is simply what it is! No excuses. That lesson teaches us, that reality cannot be manipulated/ tempted/ or other: or more simply "it is what it is"/ and you cannot change it, no matter what you do. It is a record of your reality, all reality. Simple and plain. So when we make critical mistakes as we all do/ it is absolutely certain we must move on as best we can; learning the lesson life has taught. Or we will repeat it, and potentially worse. To move on demands, the release of blame/ the acceptance of a reality that must be changed/ and the beginning of a new direction that does not include the same wants or purposes that led you here to "personal tragedy" in the first place; as best you can.
Sexual blame is common; as a majority experience it goes "something like this". The women say you owe me/ the men say, "you got yours too". The men say to themselves; "I want sex"/ while the women say, " then pay (NOT necessarily money) for it". The boys are merely intrigued by the pleasures, and do not fathom the reality of pain that can go with sex; until some form of tragedy occurs. While the women are apparently just as intrigued by the pleasures, until an opposing form of tragedy occurs. Both then learn, sex is NOT a game. Or if not, they turn to sex as the primary purpose in their lives; making it a game. That destroys relationships built upon want. That destroys relationships built upon lies. That destroys trust, and people from both sexes turn away from the opposite sex in order to control their tears. To change this behavior requires RESPECT. Respect is: the willingness to accept, each life has its own value, every life is worthy of being called equal, the foundation of our sexual relationship is then "you have value to me/ you are equal to me: we have made this choice together." Anything less, is a recipe for failure, and tears.

The most critical trouble with sex between the opposite sexes is: there can be many other people directly affected, or with the right to believe they are involved here too. That is an alternate elemental tragedy for someone else, as it is true; children become abandoned/ marriages fall apart, and so on. The psychology of sex is functionally then defined as: what do you need, and why/ versus what do you want, and what are you willing to gamble or pay? The answer is entirely up to you, and the one you may have sex with: it is a choice. But like every truth, whether you lie or not/ that choice will become a part of your reality, a distinction regarding your identity. Sex is not a game/ but it is yours alone to decide; IF your partner is willing. NOBODY owns a right to your sex/ but you, it is strictly personal; religions nor contracts can change that. Therefore the tragedy you perceive is neither true or false in terms of sex; because sex is not a tragedy in or of itself (NO perversion allowed/ and leave the children alone). The tragedy is what you chose to do with another person that did or did not truly influence their lives. If sex had no meaning for you/ then it was a game. If it was a game, nobody won or lost; because games do not matter/ they are just illusions to take up time. If however what you have chosen to do directly impacted a life in ways that will last, either good or bad: then you did have influence, and your truth has gained substance either for good or for bad. You are now, an example of the opposite sex; that will guide the experience of the other, in their life. That has impact on truth itself. Even harsh lessons have substance; which can lead to a better or wiser outcome for their lives. True love, never dies/ it has to be murdered by you, or it will remain.

The value of living, is decided by the treasury that you hold as the values or participation that belongs to your own life. In other words, life is a distinction that examines existence for the purpose of your own desires. If that purpose is love, then whatever is a relationship or value of love is a treasure. If that purpose is hate/ then revenge is basically all that matters. In the reality of life, there are just three primary contributors: love/ hate/ and survival. In the function of understanding life, there are three more fundamental relationships that matter: friend/ enemy/ lover. In the distribution of time; there is work, the definitions of justice/ fair play/ and equal; OR not. And in the descriptions of thought itself: there is knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and why! Death is an alternate experience, therefore it does not belong here.

Death however does establish a cost to each and every life: what you were worth to me, is defined/ when you are no longer coming back in any possible form. Death is a fantasy to you, when you believe that is not necessarily true. The only exception is when thought itself intervenes. NOT to return the body in time/ but as the comprehension dedicated to life itself. The elemental essence of death is: a removal from time, or the freedom to live as time, taken away. The question regarding thought is: does thought operate in time, or at a different dimensional state other than time. Or more significantly, life is an element of truth/ and truth cannot be killed; it simply exists. If there is an existence/ the question is, can there be life, or more correctly if not in time: can that life conceive of thought. Is thought an ascension of time/ or not? The answer is: thought illuminates life, as the freedom to become whatever you wish, within the boundaries of your own truth. If thought is a freedom, then life is a journey. If life is a journey/ then it has a destiny. The question is, does the journey need time to continue? The answer returns as: the continuation of anything but life itself, is a measurement. So then no life does not continue by the means or measurements or methods of measurement; because the body of time itself no longer exists. However, thought within itself is an existence (an identity truth has made) that needs not more than a purpose and desire. The critical question is then what is desire or purpose, and can it be measured, or is it the accomplishment of a soul? We begin with truth exists, even if life in time has died/ because truth cannot be changed (even though it can be covered up; if mercy is allowed). Therefore the possibility of truth being eternal is real. An identity must be formed, but that is the evidence of your own decision/ the reality of what you did or did not choose as your individual truth. Again that truth exists, therefore the identity it created is real; alive or dead: what is called "you" has not changed even if the measurement by time of you ends. DESIRE means: I have accepted, this value as the foundation of my existence here in life. If that is true/ then it is real, and functionally exists as your identity in truth; the methods used to attain a decision for life. PURPOSE means: this is my demand for living, the essence proven true, by the relationships and life I have built; of what it means to be me. It is again a distinct part of your identity, the means of a decision made. These four illustrate the possibility of eternity. But it takes 3 more definitions of reality to make a dimensional change beyond time.

The foundation of the first element is: the law of this universe MUST allow it to be fundamentally possible. That law is: an energy so extreme that no reaction exists (no measurement equals no time) to it/ allows eternity to exist. That type of energy does not function in time/ it is a dimensionally different relationship with reality. As to the potential for its existence: we "unbind" thought, and ask what is the elemental truth of our possibility within that dimensional reality? Unmeasured, thought becomes a venue that cannot be contained: it will go wherever you direct it/ if you have desire. Therefore the limits of thought are somewhat untested here on earth, because we cannot achieve that level of truth; unless there is no measurement in us. Even then, only the base elements of this possibility are apparent. But it is complete with the possibility "no reaction exists to it". Therefore a prison of your own truth, or a freedom that enters the universe, by and within its laws, without restraint: dependent upon the truth that governs your thought.
The second element: what is life/ what does freedom mean/ and why do we desire it: define a purpose beyond yourself. This is critical because without a purpose or desire that is "eternal"/ you cannot remain alive, either in time or beyond it. Each of these are identified beyond what an individual identity means. Or more simply: they exist as truths in eternity, because they live in the essence of thought itself. Life is the recognition of essence, the elemental relationship that conceives of soul, or spirit. Those who avoid this relationship will eventually "die out (mercy can exist)"/ because their desire or purpose is not fully formed. Spirit is the existence of truth, an environmental awareness that shapes and contrasts the various elements which exist. Therefore spirit "Investigates/ examines/ and testifies to what is real in you and this universe (this dimension formed by the eternal existence of thought) you have entered." Soul is a relationship with that eternal existence of thought, or "GOD"/ it is cultivated by your respect. Therefore respect weighs heavily on the participation in universal thought, the essence of life itself. DO YOU RESPECT GOD? Is the only question that matters here.

The third element is eternity itself: why should I desire a reality beyond time, when time and life therein can be difficult, dangerous, or "deadly". Where is "my proof" that tragedy will not occur? Or more simply, a decision is required of you/ to trust the elemental transition between time and eternity. Without that trust, you simply cannot survive the transformation. Trust is: I have given my life over to this result/ I hold nothing back. Because it is my soul that delivers this message, and it cannot lie. I ACCEPT: JESUS as my literal proof/ the essence delivered as evidence of a love that will not quit on me. You must choose for yourself. The critical clue between the possibilities of dimensional change; does rest in death. One moment you are alive as body/ the next you are transformed as dead. This fundamental process is NOT determined by you/ just like the building of a life inside a woman is NOT determined by you: we are alive/ then we are dead. Shouts a transformation is real. The question is again: what is life, that we should believe its relationship with time is not all there is? The answer is again: life is not about the body/ but about thought as it lives within the body. Life is not about mind, because the mind is merely a tool to measure life in time. The element called thought elevates those measurements by the process of soul. Just as spiritual existence elevates the process of soul into a relationship with GOD.
GOD is evident in every reality of life called nature/ only a true fool would conceive otherwise!
To capture a moment in your heart, understands that first you must build a foundation to support existence itself. That begins with the singular reality: find your soul.

Recent personal developments require a decision about the fundamental fragility of life here in time. Just for the sake of it; in my own personal belief (of which I have few)/ the reality of death, the moment we "pass away" is simply determined by GOD himself. Everything else we must endure as it is possible to endure/ accept whatever it is that must be as our time on earth: but the last moment will not be chosen by any other; but GOD alone. OR more simply, GOD can intervene anytime HE wishes. Doesn't mean HE will/ it just means, our death will not go unnoticed. It is a belief/ cannot be proven. But it is mine.

The most critical and elusive question of our lives is: what is life? The most fundamental answer, that begins the quest for knowledge is: who am I/ or you? The elemental discovery that starts with the understanding of self, as an identity of life/ rather than time. Elevates the experience of living to the question: are we eternal?
Time is an element of our existence here on earth, life is a functional freedom within that time. Our decisions transcribe the identity we will become. So then the question of life itself begins again with why, did you make that decision? Because without a search into the most fundamental of all possible journeys; you cannot follow the path called eternal. Once you have gained a realistic knowledge of self/ by the essence of your own truth; THEN you can venture into the spiritual world known as truth beyond ourselves, and find "greater knowledge than self"/ or humanity.
Make no mistake; venturing into the spiritual world is dangerous/ and does not play games.
Time is a distance measured, and make no mistake our bodies are time. But the essence of life is not a body; it is only our presence here in time; locked in the discovery called existence. Before we can be "alive"/ we must exist. Before we can pass existence into the elemental construction of "who we are"/ we must make decisions. That is the price of an identity, the reality of our time in this place. The fact those decisions usually teach us/ without destroying us, each and every one; is mercy enlarged. Therefrom the elemental truth of thought emerges as the single identifying factor of life itself.

Thought is not a distance/ it is a direction attained by understanding LIFE is a choice. Unless you make that choice, and do what is required of you to do to survive/ you simply die. Therefore the essence of everyday is, what does life require? The foundation events are: "the body to work/ the environment and its nature to provide/ the decision to participate from ourselves". These are the elements of time. The elements of life are separate and fundamentally these: "truth delivers a foundation/ heart discovers a cause worth living for/ soul identifies both purpose and desire/ trust answers the call, where truth is alive/ and the spiritual world defines, more than self".
Love is an answer/ a value created by, and of you. Hate is destruction of life itself; that includes you.
So the question is: if life is the discovery of thought/ the acceptance of a risk, that asserts a decision must be made: then what is death? The answer becomes two distinct realities: time takes a body away, and recycles it by nature/ not yours, and you don't need it anymore. The second is: our existence here is established by energy/ therefore when the energy of life leaves a body; either you will enter into that energy as it leaves, or be disbursed from it. "A ghost of time past"/ without time or energy, which means slow or fast dispersal into nothing. Or no impact on time or life, simply "a memory fading away".

The critical question is then, HOW do we enter into the energies required/ the decision demanded: for life to remain our domain? We return to the fundamentals above: truth must be recognized/ therefore never lie, as a preparation for this very thing. Without heart, the foundation of value that life brings to you/ time will pass quickly, and leave you behind: there are no second chances. The desire of your heart, the purpose of your life identifies the direction you will go: thereby the destiny you have chosen for yourself/ it is NOT "a small thing/ it is eternal". When GOD is known by the truth inside of you; time is over, and life begins. The spiritual world then changes in scope and dimension, truth is elevated, and the heart knows love.
More is not necessary for you to believe, in the possibilities of eternity; the choices you will make for yourself.

There are disciplines in life and beyond time. Functionally these are: every truth has a purpose, and you cannot leave it unless you understand and maintain the critical freedoms required for an independent choice. That simply means, "you can become trapped" in a world you cannot escape. Every truth "is a world (a dimension) unto itself"/ governed by the laws which control this universe.
Every desire has a "door"/ which means as you travel beyond time itself, the reality of your own desire will guide you as your own heart demands: THERE IS, "NO peeking/ to see what is inside". Once you open a door in eternity: that truth will encompass you/ unless and until you understand the truth of that dimension, fully enough to make a different choice. Until you do/ it controls.
Every purpose is a direction/ that direction determines the destiny you will achieve; the possibilities you will inherit as your right to proceed.

The functional beginning of a life beyond time is distinctly a trial, by which you will be challenged to judge yourself/ to own your reality: the identity you did make. There will be "the hordes" of influence as time and people made an impact on your experience/ thereby your identity. You must pass them by, or be sucked into their experience "all, in the same boat together" so to speak/ can't get out. Little freedom. There will be decisions that cannot be understood fully enough to choose. The consequence of this is simply do not choose until truth lets you. The reality of this is, you do need a guide. The guide I chose was JESUS/ not as a religious icon. But as a reality of life in time, whose entire identity can be attributed to love itself. Therefore the search for love, is founded on the teachings of JESUS himself. Love is an answer for eternity/ love is a value, nothing else achieves. There is mercy.
The disciplined question is then: HOW can he know/ who is he, that he should claim to know these things?

The answer is, "anyone can die"/ the reality is GOD can do anything HE DESIRES, except make you love him or anyone else. That is strictly your decision/ and it becomes the treasure of your life: or not. It is your choice. The question of death itself is measured simply by "life beyond time". The reality of spiritual existence is elementally determined by the possibilities of entering into a specific truth; as separated from time, thereby measurements. The specific methods of removing all else but a singular truth from your own existence even for a short time; is fundamentally dangerous, and does not guarantee a return in time. The journey to get there: is also commonly described as "weird/ foolish/ misunderstood/ etc" or simply not "quite like us". Not a decision for those without true courage. Truth is a reality all its own/ you cannot enter it, unless you become a part of it. You cannot return out of it, unless you understand how that is possible; within the specific truth that you chose to enter. You cannot control it, if you cannot understand: the consequence of that is loss of specific freedoms. Once, a new dimension is embedded in your soul: your own truth changes. Every law is a dimension/ every truth a fundamental environment. Identities can be altered/ but desires and its purpose are not. Therefore "still the same/ but different".

Not a game, a very dangerous place that can change your eternity, or present it "this day". Even so, it is perhaps suitable to tell a little more. The elemental difference between death and time is: life cannot be measured anymore/ the critical element that truth provides is: this cannot be denied anymore. The dimensional truth, that opens this door is determined by whether or not you can accept these two distinct things, and NOT alter the experience with your own conceptions. Or more simply RESPECT the truth you enter, or it can kill you. What is significant about entering into a different world is: that all the potential delusions/ expectations/ beliefs/ or judgments that you have made in time, about life, eternity, GOD, or any other: are going to come as a testimony of who you are in time. These construct mostly lies, which you must evade: because they are not born in truth, but belief, or expectations. Without the adaptions of time, the assumptions of what people believe, religions teach, etc: there is only truth. What is true about what you believe or do not believe: will be sorted out. Only truth can participate in a spiritual world, consequently one way or the other anything and everything that is not true about you must be dismantled or destroyed. If not you will be destroyed by the experience of a dimension that allows only truth to enter. When you are truth within yourself, and understand what that means as life allows it: then, you can journey beyond the limits of time, returning as the truth you did conceive of/ that you did choose to be. However if you open a door that is beyond the realm of your own truth/ that truth will govern everything about life, until you can understand enough to recognize the laws which control it.
Truth is eternal, therefore you must be truth to participate in eternity. Death is a distance traveled, an experience known; and a decision made, in time. Life is an expression of thought, and its destiny conceives of a relationship with energy that cannot be dissipated: a dimension created wherein the identity of the owner in that thought; has the freedom to change or discover or love, as life allows. Thought presents us with everything we do understand about life, it is not limited by body but enhanced through the teaching of body and mind. What we give to ourselves in truth, expands the dimensional awareness that becomes our ability to conceive of eternity. Only truth travels beyond time. Everything else is lost.

Soul talking, is intended to be a word describing the internal relationships between heart (our decision to participate in love) and the essence of life itself, called soul.  Thereby it is understood to belong in the composition of words, to those ideas and reflections of life which generate a greater understanding of the nature of human life, than otherwise would be presented, simply for survival and the demand to change or die.

Having written for decades, almost exclusively about threats and realities of life that must be addressed for our very survival as a world.  The functional knowledge required to create an understanding in steps, for the sake of wisdom versus “I DON’T GIVE A DAMN/ I WANT IT, TO HELL with the rest: MINE/ MINE/ MINE” .  Which is of course the endless rhetoric of men, and most women, and the functional expression of selfishness we all recognize as greed.
An uncle asked:   what does the biblical saying regarding “lukewarm people, being spewed out of eternity” actually mean?  Or simply “finally something different”/ not just the endless, STOP killing yourselves and this earth.  Decades lost, because absolutely nothing mattered but your greed, until as a society;  you began to reap the rewards you do so justly deserve.  Decades lost, because if absolutely nothing of wisdom or reality or truth can invade your world of lies/ cheating/ and stealing.  Then I absolutely MUST start at the very beginning of informational analysis, and build a platform out of substance and understanding so that it is at least possible, to believe someday, maybe, before the point of no return ends life on earth: a few might wake up, and help the others survive.  Still looking for that day in reality/ still blocked from the distribution of YOU MUST KNOW, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND, YOU MUST MAKE A DECISION:   because absolute greed always comes with absolute arrogance, and therefrom complete insanity.

 Reality knows: YOU DO worship your greed, and pay homage to your arrogance. Take a look in the mirror, before you say “not me”.  CAN’T be honest with yourself?  Then you are a liar.  Stealing from the world, by letting it die/ just so you can continue to be selfish.  Cheating every child, and every living thing, because you DON’T want to be equal, as is necessary in this our future as 7 billion people on earth.  We cannot survive more.

Nonetheless, there is value in understanding this statement, being biblical or not is irrelevant/ the fact that JESUS is attributed with stating that as “a fact” is not.  We begin with the difference between “JESUS as the man/ and all religions”.  JESUS as the man stating “you must be more than “I don’t care enough”/ or eternity for you will fail:   is provided without the essence of an excuse/ it is simple and plain.  All religions provide the essence of an excuse, within everything they support as a function of living or life or eternity; in the basic Christian religions, its always “just believe, in Jesus”and everything else will be forgiven.  But belief is NOT the same as faith.  Faith is the fundamental truth of an actual decision that then changes or directs your life, because you have in fact accepted that fundamental as the truth upon which you depend in every decision that becomes the foundation upon which you depend for a “vision of what you do intend to be/ thereby building your identity, because of what you did in fact accept as truth.”  Belief on the opposite end of reality, is as it suggests an excuse not to accept the fact of the truth you do proclaim as a foundation in your life and every decision made to provide you the direction needed to accomplish your own personal destiny itself. If every decision that “forces you against the wall/ and will not let you lie”: is not governed by the truth you call “faith”/ I did choose, based upon this single truth accepted as the foundation of my life.  THEN it is a decision that is not made based upon faith/ but belief, which allows “just because it is true/ doesn’t mean I have to do it: I WANT, something else governs instead”.  Which is then a different path entirely.  So then faith is your reality governed and directed by your truth/ decisions establishing eternity, are then governed by what you DO IN FACT ACCEPT, as a relationship discovered by the miracle within which we live/ that is life, earth, time, etc surrounding us.  Or more simply:   we are NOT “accidents of nature”/ which of course does not even answer what nature itself is.  While belief is:   I want/ therefore I believe, but if I so choose, want will govern me instead of truth: thereby I do become a participant in lies.  Because want, is just the elemental truth of you (what you want/ as opposed to the desire of life in you) in time, instead of our critical relationship with life itself as in eternity.

We now begin, by assembling the question that is most important to your own existence: WHAT do you desire most, about living; as a separated discipline from survival itself?  Or more simply, our relationship with life is governed by the direction we choose, that is distinctly:   a respect, and appreciation for life itself, which culminates at its highest regard as love/   OR,   is the direction which governs your life and its direction discovered as a desire to see life or people injured, maligned, disrespected, or even killed at its lowest level of disease; more commonly called hate?   Because apart from survival, every single decision that we make in time is directed to, the difference which is love or hate.  Or more simply every decision that you actually make on your own, or accept as your participation in life will become a step in the direction of love or hate as characterized by you.  Those who are “lukewarm” are the people who say or hide the fact, that they do want both love and hate.  They want love for its benefits/ and they want hate for its revenge, thirst for more, control of others, lust, and so on: but not “too much” so as to be rejected from love; therefore they ride the middle; going a little to this side & then going back a little to the other side: because it is “what they want”.  Or, more simply the “lukewarm people” are interested in living in this time without concern for eternity or truth or the clarity of love, or life or any other participation in what is beyond this time.  They simply want in time, all they can get/ and they use or abuse in time, because if they don’t “go back to hate” once in awhile: THEN they cannot accumulate as much stuff.  Can’t be fair or equal/ NEVER going to be rich doing that; never going to have “lots more than you”; never going to have slaves.  Never going to command and demand “I am like a god (superior)/ to you”; [disrespect] without hate. 

Therefore in simple terms: the foundation of who we are, is governed by the simple truth of what we want: therefrom taking that decision and proving what are willing to pay for, with your life.  That is a direction/ that is an identity created by the personal decisions that you have made, or what you have allowed to direct you in life; because of what others did, did not do, or said.  Survival itself is a completely separate issue/ although intimately tied.  The difference is, NOT a choice, apart from the simple truth:  “I do want to live, here in time”.  Whether big or small, every personal decision is a step in the direction of who you shall become as an identity in life/ every foundational experience or expression of importance, confined by our humanity in this time;   is distinctly going to impact another life, whether human or not.  And that is a decision to respect this CREATION/ or deny respect to CREATION, and form a battleground instead of a friendship with life itself. A war, OR the essence of love being expressed as shared existence, because I choose to care.  It’s a choice, you alone do make.

WHY does it matter?  Regardless of how you see life on earth as potentially eternal or not/ lets ask the more simple question:   WOULD YOU choose to live an eternity with hate?  The answer of course is no/ the reality of such a situation is: even if you did choose to let hate occupy the same space as you: hate would always be planning to overthrow/ enslave/ and kill you so as to “play god” itself.  Thereby to consume more/ take more/ control more/ demand obedience, and so on.   That is: the fundamental foundation of hate/ therefore it is undeniable, that no peace or harmony, could ever truly exist.  Therefore, apart from what any religion suggests, IF WE WERE to become eternal, in a situation of life that endured, because life was worth living:   then we would be chosen because love and truth, was our contribution to that environment.   Truth because ALL LIFE is dependent upon the knowledge and understanding called truth/ thereby being obedient to the wisdom that is TRUE law.   “Our relationship with life, governed by our reality shared with truth itself; for the purpose of peace, harmony, friendship, sharing, and care: through respect”.  Its not a debate, if you were to be invited into an environment beyond yourself/ IT IS a guarantee, that hate would not come with you: or you can’t come.

So then, some would say, that eternity is the critical question because WHY would I surrender “everything I want in excess (called greed/ lust/ pride/ or power) in this life of time”: just because someone says, “we can be eternal”?  Most choose time, I will take what I can get/ and the majority pay the insurance price tag of religion: “just in case”.  Or more simply “thereby, god owes me/ I paid for my ticket”.  Not so, what has your belief, got to do with   “GOD”/ CREATOR OF LIFE.  The answer is nothing, its your belief/ you own it; it is not shared, (prayers or not: “shopping/ GIVE ME, what I want”.  And lets not forget DAMN YOU, “I didn’t get what I demanded”, or I prayed/ therefore you owe me.) because you did not care enough to understand, a relationship called soul.

What is, “a spiritual world; realities beyond ourselves that exist outside of the boundaries called time”?  The composition of that question asks the deliberate question: “what is LIFE itself”?  Therefore we begin with life itself.
The foundation upon which we build a life of our own, exists in the very simple phrase:   without thought, there is no existence to be recognized.  Or more simply, mass can exist without thought/ but the reality of life cannot.  Consequently by the variation of intellectual stability, every conceivable life has some function or value within it, that recognizes movement in some form/ or more simply, the ability to understand “I exist; either as an independent form or in cooperation with the whole as in, we”.

This very simple understanding forms the basis of an education within which the definitions of life itself shall arise.  The recognition of existence, establishes a life.  Although mass is fundamental/ energy is required: the foundation of living, rather than life is asserted to be, that element of existence which allows or creates the essence that I or we, have a choice/ or conceive of a reality that is either alive or dead.  The foundation of all life itself is the genetic structures that create “body alive”/ or more simply nature is:   DNA (genetic instruction),  associated with the energy required and the mass to build with. And your universities and business around this world, ARE LITERALLY CRUCIFYING THAT FOUNDATION OF LIFE.  By mutilating every living structure they can find. Crossing boundaries of living existence, so as to “play god” themselves.  Once the point of no return has pasted, it WILL BE in nature: like a war of mass destruction on the face of this earth.  Nothing will remain untouched.  Nothing with be as it was/ ALL LIFE will be HORRIFIED, AND LOST FOREVER.  Because nothing could be more insane.  Except of course, deliberately trying to bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth/ or destroying the planet, by recreating the same base conditions that caused the universe to explode. As is being done today.
THERE IS, NO GOING BACK; from change that will kill us; and there are many
more threats.

   Life as we know it however,  is assigned by our relationship to understanding “I or we”.   That level of thought, its relationship to freedom and survival;  assembles the relationship, behaviors, and base level existence that becomes a human life.  Or more simply without thought, we remain as nothing/ whether a body is formed or not; because without recognition there is no meaning to existence; it merely conceives of “a rock, or gas, or other”.  So then “we exist/ because we know we exist”: NOT because we have body or mind, although they are integral parts of time.
The question arises, WHAT then is body or mind/ as a separation from thought itself?  WHY, are they not to be considered the same?  WHERE does the relationship that conceives of “we or I” arise?  And HOW do we accomplish control over our bodies or mind to achieve the independence thought examines as life?
We will question only human existence in this/ as there is no functional need to expand it.  Mass exists as a confined example of potential energy at a state of rest/ energy exists as the process of changing mass in some form;  into a state of motion; whereas body exists as motion governing mass, by the use of thought.  The stability arising from its ability to recognize and use, the boundaries and limits assigned by truth.  Fail to accept those boundaries or that truth, and the relationship fails, or more simply, the body dies.  The mind being the primary element between body and its relationship to thought; a functional tool.

As we proceed beyond the structural limits of this arrangement, we come to the understanding associated between thought and body/ mind, which is:   that life itself is fundamentally NOT a refinement of body and mind/ but the clarity and certainty of decision, as it participates in our relationship with what is now called self.  Or, I exist: because both body and mind give me the presence of a reality, that becomes a distinction or identity which can then be assigned by the truth that reality creates, by my decision.  Separated from the relationship that is body and mind, by our own decision of life is a choice/ the distinction of human existence is “self”.  Therefore we must become alone/ before we can visit the relationship that is called, “we”.  
At this juncture, the decision that is “our own”/ identifies the reality: although “we” are a humanity together/ “I” am now, a distinction without the fundamental structure of society (blended together as one).  Therein the choices I make either lead to “a relationship together with the rest, because I care (accept you are equal to me/ I to you)”/ OR becomes a reality of separation that unravels the cord of experience as life shared, to become the expression of hate.   Or more simply: the introduction of separation accomplishes the task of deciding “what is the destiny in or of life, that you desire most”/ by the decisions you made.
How we assemble our lives from that point on, exists to illustrate the five basic fundamentals that will or will not keep us alive even in eternity.  They are:   a direction determined by choice/ the elemental discipline of law, that decides life or death/ our relationship with existence as a choice by respect/ the critical experience of shared life/ and the functional reality of choice, because we care.  These control our existence and dictate the options that will become available if we live.
Thought itself searches inside of freedom, to become our relationship with life.  Thought itself searches inside of CREATION to become our relationship with “the spiritual world”.  Thought surrenders itself, unto truth and respect: to become the student of life, which thereby illustrates soul.  Or more simply “want, and more” are evicted from the instructional world that lives only within thought; the law assigned to teach all who would be “eternal”.   Mercy is valid and true; but only those who do search within the laws of life and environment may enter as “sons or daughters” of Creation.

We then begin, the elemental search for life beyond the grave: “Which searches for truth itself”.  Who, or what is eternity, and why do we believe or accept:   this is possible? The elemental path is, “without myself”/ or more simply, as truth defines.  Who then becomes, the essence of CREATION itself.   What then becomes, the path that exists by the evidence of life, into expressions beyond our imagination.
This search begins with the simple assertion, that thought at its earliest singular dimension, is the awareness of your  existence/ or more simply, an association with that existence as a beginning, and its ending.  It is not simply existence as in body plus mind/ but an association with that evidence of existence, that applies a beginning, and will acknowledge an end of its existence.  Or, the fundamental path of time. 
Critical to understanding time is the creation of a path that exists under its own authority between the beginning of a life and its ending.  The association of time, body, and thought identifies an opportunity of freedom, within yourself.  The path that erupts from that freedom is the recognition of a direction, and the determination NOT to stay where you are/ but travel unto a destiny.  Either ascending into creation itself by the truth we create, beyond ourselves/ OR descending into the cradle of ourselves, to close the door and identify all people as unworthy, or unable to be what we would choose as “life shared”.  Consequently hate arises, whether as a participation in ridicule/ disrespect/ etc:  or its object of scorn; both sides will deal with hate as its result. Those who do choose to “stay where they are” in time (never truly searching beyond themselves); DO, identify themselves with want/ and seek to fulfill that want, regardless of the cost to others; always putting themselves first. 

Regardless of that, life is not so simple as want.  What is critically true and without doubt is: unless something truly disastrous to life happens/ those who choose want, “hate to die”.  Therefore they enter with the simple cost presented, called hate.  Or more simply:   the elemental truth of the grave is, you may want no more.  Which becomes hate for those who want.  Again, it is worth reminding you, that those who hate shall be turned away from eternity with life/ even though you will say, “just give me that, and I will turn back from hate”.  It is not enough.  Although none can or should choose death as something they want/ it is very important that hate should not be included either.   Which means simply that fear, is not a foundation for eternity.  Fear will cause hate to arise, as a threat to our very existence in time: has consequences that remove our freedom to choose, as if dead.  The path that descends from life itself into self, as is hate; searches for an environment which they can then control.  Thereby no fears, and nothing less than “god themselves” can rule over me/ because I call myself god in this creation of myself.  Complete control means: alone/ who else can be trusted, by someone consumed by hate?  The answer is no one.  The hell or hades that you then create is your own/ if allowed to keep it as punishment for what you chose to do.  With exceptions for much worse, if you have destroyed GOD’S  creation WITH your hate.

What is an ascension beyond ourselves into the elemental essence of thought as a treasury of values called life;   that then become the environment of our existence as spirit: is the composition supported by the creation of dimensional boundaries and doors.  Or more simply, the distance between each discovery of value:   is held open by the laws which rule that value.  Understanding the law, which governs the door to your acceptance of this potential change in dimensional soul gives access.  But only when you have identified the critical truth that presents this value, do you get to escape the dimensional crisis of “I have built, or opened/ but I cannot finish/ or escape”.  More simply, the elemental relationship we do share with truth is: although we can make a decision that then becomes our truth/ we CANNOT escape the reality of that truth, until we fully and completely establish the laws within ourselves,  that then govern the truth we/I, have entered within.  Caught by the law/ governed by the truth: changed until the value of life itself says “you can go free”/ if you then, so desire.  Or more simply: the expansion of life and the environment of our spirituality is determined by our relationship with truth. Every individual truth, is an environment unto itself.  Therefore by understanding the dimensional characteristics of a particular truth, the “door” becomes recognized, and the reality of participation: is dependent upon accepting the environment itself.   As we encounter truth beyond ourselves (in this time called earth)/ we must search for the answer that presents “freedom”:   or we cannot go beyond this moment, because only truth that cannot be changed, exists beyond time.  I have been personally caught in the spiritual environment of female/ having rejected male as an answer to today’s problems. Because of all these threats that will make us extinct soon; if they are not changed.  Consequently finding no answer in male/ I did “look to female”; believing I could learn as in any other truth.  BUT IT IS a hard test, and no method of escape seems to exist/ gender IS the separation of spiritual realities. Which means now; that I have essentially become a male in a spiritual environment that is all female; with no rights/ because technically I do not belong here (I, am so surprised:“you just can’t imagine”/ functionally its like living in a mine field, wrong step and another little part of male, just “blows up”. No end in sight.). I however seem to have become an “exception to the purity truth demands; & allowed to remain”: don’t really know why/ I can only guess, “because I truly do consider male and female completely equal in life”. I am learning knowledge, that presents truth; as “from a woman’s reality”; which does present freedoms/ but points out vulnerability as well.  Nonetheless, it is this very fact that delivers the message:   either you must stop killing this earth and life including yourselves/ OR you are guaranteed to die, horribly.  Confrontation couldn’t do it/ war ends in war; all that was left is a bribe: “I refuse”. 

Consequently asking what women would do; because life is more important than self,  is “the best decision I could have made” for this world; even though its result is FAR beyond anything I could have expected or desired (not such a good decision for me, the man I was).  “I expected”, that I would simply be able to understand women the same as any other truth.  I was wrong, you do have to live their life to understand their truth. The reality being, “You CANNOT” understand women, without being a woman”/ just like women cannot truly understand men, without being male; it really is a true difference. They can however understand “little boys”/ who live only to play with their toys.  What is truth regarding spiritual female, has nothing to do with men, it is entirely about female/ there are NO “perversions”.  Rather, This is a warning to you, of spiritual consequences.  A definition: The spiritual world is not a game/ the consequences of truth, are not “forgiving”: they are simply what they are. The realities of every truth, are  NOT A GAME, the same is true from very many FAR WORSE DECISIONS in spiritual truth, than simply crossing the line between genders, to ask: can you fix this problem?

 So then you are warned, the spiritual world is dangerous, even deadly/ therefore its your own fault, if you cannot be disciplined enough to understand: these are life OR death OR change realities, that do not go away, just because “you didn’t plan or expect;  “the real, no excuses allowed cost”, to be so high. Make a mistake, and there is no going back. Truth is a consequence/ the lack of purity in truth, a cost to the outcome, of what truth “should be”; or a reality changed forever, because it is now a part of that truth.  What is man, throughout history chose confrontation and money to decide who would rule and how.  What is woman, throughout history; just had to accept “men are better at war and violence”.  Today, none of that will save us from our own destruction.  Today WE MUST have “different”/ and although it is completely unclear to me what women will choose for life in society, it is nonetheless clear:   WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT than men/ the consequence of that is, they will most likely choose different, when given the chance.  Regardless of the fact: men and women are the same: equal in all fundamental life issues and aspects of learning; BUT spiritual/ physically/ mentally different; same or equal value in all aspects of life itself.  The foundation of different as a society;  MUST be found, we are dying/ believe it or not; our reality, this is the best men did do.  Understands: threats must be confronted without the need for war/ war must be confronted, by the means of law/ humanity must be understood without “money” interfering or controlling ;  life, environment, and everything on earth.  We MUST FIND the respect necessary to make survival possible; to find a different way;  because without different, we will soon be dead.  Believe it or not.
Within these foundations of change for society itself: women are not greater than men/ not less than men/ not smarter or less intelligent than men: they are just different than men, and we must have different.  The female spiritual world: suggests “let women lead”, (it was an idea, I just couldn’t find as male.  That’s the truth).  However today, I agree, as a combination of all women working together.  Which is completely different than a few men deciding for the whole; common throughout history.  It is possible, that life first, can come forth/ that honor and respect can govern instead of money/ and our world can be changed for peace and harmony.
Instead of confrontation and war/ over money, and the games men play; for pride and power.

Back to “greater discussions” than me, or gender issues.  The critical composition of life and death is: that time demonstrates an opportunity to create within ourselves, a destiny beyond the limits of time:   by identifying what is true within the personal composition or environment which is “the thought” generated by us, to achieve life and environment within ourselves.  Composition means: to create within ourselves/ myself, the actions or reactions which become, the truth or identity of my own desire.  Desire means: I have searched life, built an existence by sustaining an environment; (building boundaries and disciplines) and accepted the truth:   “This, is the greatest value of my existence”/ and I will treasure it forever as life in me.  That is the personal creation of you or me.  NOT the eternal creation of you;  which can only exist, through means by which we clearly have no control over the outcome; GOD decides/ because there are energies and realities beyond ourselves.  Complexity as is the combination of truths into an environmental awareness of reality greater than time: gives us dimensional stability.  Stability refers to, the ability to “anchor in” by using the law given as our relationship with the universe itself, to establish the knowledge: I will “stay here, in this truth”.  Time itself, is the law governing action and reaction, thereby measurements along the path to a future.  The human mind is then governed by time, and created by its relation to action or reaction of energies and mass as body, therefrom involved directly in our own distinct environment of time itself.  Male and female are working arrangements in time, thereby committed to encountering greater experience for both,  by sharing mutual expressions;  but only as love where value and respect will allow.  Otherwise it is a reality governed either by hate, or ambivalence;  and its result. Male and female are the very same in terms of “spiritual or LIFE value”/ simply different, but equal.  They both have the ability to harm or change another, or themselves, in time; some is necessary and valid in the discussion of our reality.  Some is anger, threat, and worse.  Chose wisely, or you must live within a truth that will change you/ unless you can achieve an understanding that then governs the effect of that truth upon your life.

In this discussion of life and death, as applied to the grave:  the functional relationship we are searching for is, WHAT can be said to happen beyond the grave (that has not already been dealt with).  The answer is assembled from the evidence that our lives are literally defined and created as thought/ more so, than body or mind.  Thought is not directly tied to the human body as is the distinction of “beyond ourselves, the truth of this creation is evident”.  However thought is tied to our own identity in or as time.   Therefore identity fails in the grave, but truth of a creation beyond ourselves, does not.  Which means simply WE MUST enter within that creation itself, to become as life once again: or more simply the existence of soul decides what eternity shall be. 
Soul is, the bond we share with our CREATOR.  Nothing more or less in reality.  The critical questions are then:   WHO IS “our Creator”/ HOW can we achieve a bond with “GOD”/ and what is the cost of failure?

BEYOND MERCY, is the essential truth of a path that reveals CREATION as it began/ to follow this path by its truth is to share a distinction in reality that fundamentally participates as our CRITICAL RESPECT and honest determination, to understand or discover life itself.  This is surely not the same as  “GOD endured”/ but it is, a message we send to our Creator that we are not simply wasting the gift we were given.  There is a fundamental bond, when you share the very same love for creation itself.   As to who is “OUR GOD”/ CREATOR of all life on earth, and more.  The words do not exist, to explain that.  The cost of failure to appreciate the gift we are given is death itself: that gift taken away.  The failure to search, is governed by mercy;   I know not your true fate or destiny/ because there is no path of evidence which declares it.  The failure to RESPECT, is extinction: DO NOT travel this path, unaware of the power that is GOD.  The failure to care about life, is returned to you.

Dated 11/ 13/ 11

The question of both life and death, examine the value in living.  The answer simply: beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, it is in the relationship we seek within ourselves.  The critical desire for love, truth, discipline, and respect are fundamental to a reality that supports and defends life as the answer to the question: who do I choose to be.  Beautiful is the existence of shared moments, cherished experience or expression, dedicated decisions, to the value we give to our hearts; and the purpose of soul, which is to gain access beyond ourselves where life does live itself.  Beautiful is the decision, that life must come first/ because there is no other form in existence that is more important or valued than life itself.  So then the question respected, that is GOD our CREATOR; simply states:   how do “YOU” survive, if initially only by yourself?  Are rocks friend/ or energy a companion of value as a relationship in life?  No, they are not.  Rather love and friendships have value (the life shared these represent), time and space have little.  Consequently a world created for friendship and love, seems “such a wonderful idea” to me/ does it not to you?  Love is your decision to share my life, with yours/ friendship is the decision to participate in life together, without undue judgment or control.  In other words, these are your decisions regarding my life, they are not mine/ mine are my decisions regarding sharing my life with you.  Do you see the difference?

Ugly is the decision to ridicule, use, or abuse another living creature, to make yourself seem “more”.  Ugly is the use of body or mind to discover violence, hatred, revenge, or all the rest, that can only be truly described as “surrendering your life, to failure”.  A decision with consequences for all.  A terrible thing for you.
In the foundations of time, the fundamental existence of body and mind are encompassed by the experience and expression that is “the moments we live”.  Each of those moments are bound together into the creation of you, until you say NO, I want more moments/ than life.  Here at the crossroads between selfishness and soul, the decision is simply: do I value my life, life itself/ OR do I value my time, my existence as body and mind, “more”?  The answer governs your existence in this world, because they are not the same.  Life is a value greater than time, which means in some sense “you must” expand your perception of existence beyond the simple gates of body and mind.  While time as body and mind only, soon exerts a push and pull that states:   time is running out/ I must get all I can want.  Which then leads to all manner of human conduct and conflict, that is not in the best interest of society or you.  When measured as a mind demands, people and life become “from worthless/ to images of god as you see fit”: tragedies on both sides, for you and life. 
Decisions that can affect your entire life DO come early, from our relationship with others or their relationship to us; in a wide variety of ways.  The most influential effect upon my life in this existence as time/ was the atomic bomb threat, that Cuba represented in that day, or more correctly the realities of USA and USSR, and the fact “two men” could start a process that ended life on earth.  Utterly insane at every level of thought or life that can exist/ ONLY HATE could believe “this is an answer to war, or for it”.  Hate is a liar.

Consequently the reality of what happens in early life/ in early schools/ and in the failed disciplines that cause people to accept hate; when had there been love, they would not.  Are very serious.  Or more simply “the best we can do”; as humanity to each other: is insure the children do feel safe and secure and protected from harm.  Some people will still choose hate/ but much less so.  The teenage years are about trying to fit in/ if you do desire it; the price can be high:   because people believe they must choose between one or the other.  And indeed it is so, because there is only so much energy, and time in a day.  Consequently if you are not there for me; few will be there for you.   Some are denied access, or rights as belong to them refused: because the teenage years are also about deciding what your position is going to be.  Most simply wish to get along/ while a few always want to lead/ you cannot lead, unless there is “an enemy” to put down.  People don’t need you without an enemy/ consequently someone is always selected to be “dismissed”.  Not so much personal, as it is simply a path to control the others [you want to join them/ or us].  It’s a choice.

The twenties require “fighting now” to fit in somewhere and somehow, so that life itself can move forward/ decisions must be made about a future.  It can be hard.  Thirties, a path is chosen.  Forties a time to wait and see if the work will prove useful, to you.  Fifties, shall examine the time that went by and prove “life is shorter than you think”/ because it always, sped by.  The sixties are not here for me yet/ but close; I leave them to their own conclusions, should they occur.  The end result of it all is, that time is the creation of your own identity/ not the body or mind you were born with, but the truth about what you chose to do with that body, mind, and time.  A fact that defines us all.  Soul is a relationship with life/ rather than time.  The difference is in you. 
The lessons of life are: that childhood needs someone to call “mine”/ if at all possible; an HONEST AND LOVING male and female parent a blessing beyond compare, to every child.  Those abandoned/ used/ abused/ or defined by the actions or reactions of others; a tragedy, that must be dealt with before life can be accepted as blessed.  Help them if you can.
The lessons of teenage years is simply:   the struggle of sex, for most is/   that a boy must learn his penis is not a toy/ it can cause grief and heartache; before he can become a man.  For a girl, perhaps it is best said:   to believe in yourself as desirable and true “a lady expressed by love”, rather than a girl “experienced” without value, to a boy.  He will forget you/ its just a game.
The lessons of my twenties is: that sex can heal or harm/ but you cannot walk away from love;    Women have needs, wants, desires, and cannot understand “I simply must”.  These are hard choices.  Try to remember someone beside yourself, and your need to accomplish whatever it is you desire.  Life is not a game/ people do get hurt.
The thirties are dedicated to learning how to be who you desire to be; and making decisions that will participate in that expression.  While the forties understand: without all the pieces needed/ this cannot be done.  I must be patient/ regardless of my desire or intent to “be done”.  The fifties express, as best you can: the destiny I have chosen/ the reality I have become.

This is time in simplicity/ but it is not life within the spiritual existence of a relationship called soul.  Time and spirit are as different “as day and night”.  Women and men are as different, as our bodies portray; but clearly equal in life.

Time is an opportunity/ soul is a decision; you cannot enter, unless you are certain it is a destiny in life, you seek.  

Therefore the question is: what does a “destiny in life” mean?  The answer, just as life is separated from time itself is: that existence, or time itself is merely an element in terms of eternity much like a rock/ here, but not participating beyond that dimension of existence.  While life itself has transformed the mass that you are, into a creation of freedom and motion that is completely independent from time, by our association with thought.  “We know life”/ therefore we are more, than existence.  If we know life, then we know that life has choices/ it is not “simply fate; predetermined or without your own decision”.  Rather time demands we do choose, what our lives shall be like, what the destiny we hope for shall become; as best we can.  Most do not achieve everything they believe they want.  Because time places limits and boundaries on what you can have.  People rebel/ strife is born; want is exerted on others, and selfishness takes over.
Life itself operates differently, to know life is to understand that we do not measure existence by want or reward/ but experience life by the expressions of value that give us a treasury of happiness and joy by which we then live beyond ourselves as a “gift from GOD”.  A miracle with discoveries and dimensions not confined by time.  Heart enters in, as the purpose we accept as destiny.  While spirit defines us, and soul recreates the living of our ascension beyond time itself.


DATED 11/ 20/11

Because it is important, I will repeat some aspects of the spiritual world written earlier.  Such as, ONLY TRUTH SURVIVES past the point of time.  “Nothing else, of time itself”/ therefore whatsoever is true in you MUST be all you take into eternity OR it MUST be “burned away”.  That fact provides the composition of the next reality past death that will invade existence.  You will be given the opportunity to pass through what appears to be “a ring of fire”/ which WILL burn asunder anything that is untrue.  If you fail to enter that ring of fire/ you cannot proceed into eternity, because energy will fail.  Some then do remain in a “ghostlike state”/ without power; until they dissipate into nothing at all.  Those who do survive the ring of fire then go to their destiny or fate as your truth determines.  Mercy can visit you or not.
Past the entry point, to life: you must face all the spiritual elements that now have been left behind at this far distance from the true treasures of eternity.  Ignore them, they cannot stop you/ unless you belong to them.  THERE WILL be a test: demanding your decision on a variety of truths with regard to how you believe your relationship is, or will be: should you pass on.  The truth will be found/ there is compassion for failure, as deserved, or as mercy allows.  There will be a moment when “the pale horse and rider” appear: the journey stops, if he does not pass by.  That is enough.

In an effort to help you/ I tell you this: that NO PRIDE is allowed in the spiritual world: it will be removed/ if you did not do so first.  Pride is a true enemy, which requires one single thing to destroy, and nothing less:   you must accept, the price is, you cannot have any part of this anymore.  That means, even if   “The world will hate me, ridicule me, insult, deny, remove, or whatever it is: so long as none are hurt, not even yourself”: the price is allowing “this proves, no pride is left in me: I choose, to let the people say, think, or believe; whatever they will ”.  It is “a hard thing to do, if true”/ but it is worth the price, as pride then leaves forever.  More simply, the price is removal of body, mind, and time from primary influence/ thereby opening the door beyond those boundaries, so that life itself shall decide what is true. The spiritual world then opens, for those who know and pay the price; BUT AS YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD.  The spiritual world is, “a dangerous place”/ where only truth survives.  Keep it in mind/ because there is no going back.  Remember this clearly: those who choose love, accept only paths that point distinctly to love/ those who choose hate in an opposite direction, only choose hate.  Don’t “be curious”/ CHOOSE ONLY LOVE.  Keep it in mind/ every truth is a door into a “different world”; which will not let you return unless you do truly understand the way out for yourself; that means it is a truth identified by you, therefore understood.  Fail and you become trapped.  Choose carefully/ try NOT to be desperate.  OR, Just like me, “caught” in a spiritual world called female (I NEEDED an answer, male did not have)/ where I could not understand.  EVERY truth has a consequence/ only by understanding its “nature”, can you achieve thought necessary to “walk through”.  Not a game, truth will control or destroy.  There are NO “second chances”/ either you understand, or you are controlled.  I have walked through many spiritual doors, never failing to understand; until “female”.  Therefore learn the lesson; never cross that line. As for me; I am “so changed”/ I cannot even conceive of what the future might be, for me. That too, has become beyond my comprehension/ it certainly ain’t, “the male I used to be”.
Pride is: “I am”/ whereas life is, “creation itself”.  Or more simply, pride is measured, asserted, and denied to others.  While life is, the discipline and respect to KNOW; “I was not there/ consequently I must listen and learn as best I can; being careful NEVER to believe; that life is not a gift to me”.
Fear is the elemental assertion, that no matter how bad life is, “for most”/ death will be worse.  The alternate version of that is: although death is the end of body, mind, and time; the reality of life is not these, rather it is embodied as thought, and exists as the truth of what is real.  A human being is, the elevation of life unto its own decision, as to what eternity can be.  Death is the end of that choice/ and the beginning of “your truth, as an identity inside, revealed”.  Eternity itself conceives of environments, where your own truth finds its home.  Because thought is beyond the limits of time, the value of an existence then becomes a destiny conceived, and a journey discovered. Thought translates dimensional existence by the levels within which it interacts.  Therefrom if one level such as time ends, the reality of thought simply moves to “the next dimension”; based upon your truth.

NO, I will NOT be answering questions regarding how I could possibly know this.  Simple and plain, decide for yourself/ I am NOT your leader, your savior, or anything else.  Just a messenger sent to tell you: without true change in humanity, this planet will die. 

Of the various realities we face in this life called time, are the simple truths of our existence: nothing is more valuable than life itself, because without it, we don’t exist.  But nothing is more precious than love, because without it, life is far less “a treasure”.  Thought gives us experience/ while energy grants us motion.  The body and mind are an environment “of safety” as we learn the consequences of energy, time, motion, life, and love; or hate.  Some People choose to build/ some people choose to destroy/ some people choose to play, never learning anything, simply taking life, and spending it on themselves with no future ahead.  Freedom is a choice, time is a destiny, eternity is a path; but only for those who build within the law.  Of all things, death is perhaps the most interesting element of life as a body or mind.  NOT the grave, which is merely for disposal of a useless mass.  But in what happens to life, when time is removed? We are alive, because of thought.  Thought is NOT a description of mass/ merely a relationship with time, that can be escaped.  What is beyond time exists as a partition discovered only when you escape yourself, as the limits imposed by the body or mind.  What is found understands, that truth decides what has or has not been built: to withstand the realities of energy and motion.  Time is action and reaction with mass.  Eternity is an energy so extreme that no action exists; therefore, no deterioration follows it.  The opportunity to experience that environment, belongs only to    GOD.   If not invited, death will be our end.

 The disciplines of life and death, do not accept “time is a game”.  Instead the question is asked: what does a miracle mean to me/ to you?  My answer is: the expression and experience of life identifies the essential truth, that is most important, “to each one”.  Because we do act, we do make decisions, and we do accept the responsibility of our purpose and desire; as a reality of our lives.  Even if you hide, or run away from that very reality, it is still your truth.  Death comes for us all, none would declare it is insignificant or a game; to their own existence.  That means when faced with the truth of what our lives have contributed to the miracle of this creation:   we inherit, the reality of our answer/ by its truth.  When understood by the severity of death itself, we know that mercy is more important than life; because eternity begins/ no matter what definition you apply or believe.  What is true, is all that decides.  Truth is, the pervasive ingredient that orders this universe/ therefore since it exists wherever we see the reality of existence in life or earth:  we see, creation itself, by the spiritual awakening of our participation within that creation, and find soul.  The spirit is truth identified by its purity.  The soul is spirit united with this creation, in harmony with the purpose and desire of life as it was intended to be.  The law disciplines order.  Life takes order and provides boundaries, so that the environment of existence itself can take place.  Life becomes more than a boundary, when freedom arises.  Therefore we choose, and do inherit the reality of our choice; because that is the law realized.  Since none are perfect, we return to “mercy”.  Remembering this: that we do all say, “let me, be me”/ and so it was granted to humanity, to be free.  The consequence of that freedom is death, because time for every body and mind does end; for every action there is a reaction (time)/ a deterioration from the perfection that “nature did give”.  Not a game, the price.

The question is asked: WHAT is an eternity?  The answer returns as, truth elevated into life, or death itself.  Life discovered and recognized by thought.  Death descends, as is defined by chaos, the end of all right, all time, and all decision. The critical description of which shall be for you, is discovered by the elements of your own truth.  We are not all “the same”/ as some choose hate/ and some choose love/ and some sit on the fence and refuse to choose at all.  Love and hate are opposite directions of truth/ they do not exist in the same environment, and are “polar opposites” so to speak in this world.  Those who refuse to identify what is truly important as love or hate to themselves; have only the truth that is their own time.  The moments of this world, measured and judged.  Such is your fate, the judgment applied by you/ given to you.  The true  measurements of your mind, the distance you chose to live from love.

My truth, is about love; even so, it has become a “little different spiritually” than these. My time however, is little different than yours; beyond time, requires a distinctive truth and respect; or you die.  Having participated within the spiritual world for decades now/ the reality of my life has changed.  Do to the extreme threats (modified list) facing our world, THIS CREATION OF LIFE, that is planet earth/ the foundation of male domination, as does currently rule life here: was found to be without an answer, as to how we could possibly survive all that men have done.  Regardless of the change, men will return to “their vomit” as soon as it is possible to do so. Searching for a decade, in everything male, taught me there is no male answer for how this world can survive.  Therefore surrendering to the idea that women would or could teach me what I needed to know.  I found, and entered the spiritual world of female instead.  Believing, I could learn quickly what was needed/ and return to life as I had always known it.  Within the spiritual world, everything is governed by “a constant truth”/ it is an environment dedicated to individual realities; which can be entered and left behind: IF you truly do understand what that truth is/ then you are free.  I could not learn the meanings and realities and behaviors/ etc of women; just couldn’t do it, still can’t to a large degree.  Much to my surprise, they are literally that “different” from men; I simply could not understand/ because you must live their life, “walk in their shoes” so to speak to recognize what matters to women.  Consequently I became trapped in the spiritual world of women; and must adapt, I must change;  or face extinction; believe it or not.  It is not a game/ the price of this matter was or is: to learn about women.  I don’t know why exactly, personally I always believed my job was to learn how to be a man/ just like it is a woman’s job to learn how to be woman.  It is; No longer enough. 
The spiritual world IS a very dangerous place, if you cannot understand or participate within the truth that you choose, for yourself.  I NEEDED an answer for this world, which male simply did not have.  The only place “different than men” within which to look is women: consequently I chose to look therein.  Not steal, women are facing extermination on this planet just like men.  We do have a mutual, if not the same, interest. It does occur to me, that this is the result of my own single most passionate desire: “to help life on this earth survive/ because we are literally so extremely threatened”.  Therefore it became my own truth. 

The purpose of that testimony, to establish “spiritual consequences” beyond time: where action and reaction do not interfere.  IS, that you may know, it is truth that decides a destiny, and your comprehension of that truth determines your freedom.  The reality that assigns and creates the world beyond this life: makes demands.  That you may enter, requires your own truth/ but it is your ability to understand, the dimensions of your choice:  that demands if there shall be continued, complete  freedom for you.  The failure to understand means: if you proceed from here without that truth, then you die/ because its journey is now your journey; none can survive outside the environments provided by truth;  alone.  Consequently love itself keeps you from dying, by denying access beyond the limits of this  identity.  So you may live/ because none get to go back; if you understand, you may proceed onward, and even return to the truths you have left .  If not, you have found your eternal home.  Every truth has a consequence/ every boundary contains a distinct environment. Male or female establishes a distinct difference in understanding, is used to: “two make one, thereby considered a greater explanation of the whole truth” so to speak. Simplifying life for both, by establishing a greater dimension for balance.  A decision to participate in truth, establishes that truth in you/ and will not let you go, unless you do critically understand it.  There are distinctive differences between male and female eternity; they are not the same/ even though love can let them join forever.  That means although different, we can share, as true love allows.  I may or may not be, somehow a “unique case”; becoming not male anymore (the addition of breasts, chemicals from them, and more; have made that impossible)/ and not female either at this time;  caught in the middle, by time itself.  Time is, “like a flowing river”/ and we must endure what it does to us.  Life however is the search for disciplines, truth, and understanding as defines an anchor/ that we may stay as we are regardless of time and its flows.  While the anchor for me remains/ the reality of change demanded; has sent time adrift.  Not life, only time;  It is a strange experience.
We participate by thought and energy in eternity/ the expression and experience of love or hate (at the opposite end of energy_.   Only love matters, because love, truth, thought, and existence compliment life, with motion.  Love makes living valued, therefore although it is not “technically the most important/ it is critically the most valued.”  Love is, the element of rhythms locked together, by the foundations of truth. Rhythm is, the essence of thought and energy focused on the identity, desire and purpose of a new life as one.  Love and rhythm “are relationships that do conceive of;   many  splendors & joy. ”    Meaning simply, as is true of family units, love and life are shared.  I do not know, “the particulars”.

You are not expected to believe me, these are far and away dimensions unknown to you.  I simply tell you, so that in death you will not be surprised.  It is a warning, a time to prepare.  A further warning that liars & images are possible in eternity/ these search your heart, to discover the truth hidden inside.  The purpose is, only truth is eternal/ ONLY what is incorruptible truth can come close to GOD.  Anything less is not allowed, therefore the foundation desire, the critical purpose that literally causes you “to move, of your own thought and accord”: SHALL be found.  Before you enter the truth which will define you, “ when captured by truth, and can go no further, this is your eternal home;  or die”.  Always search your heart:  the place inside of you, that understands your own desire, because it identifies your purpose, and discovers or identifies WHY.  Eternity is not a game, just like the miracle of creation all around you is not an evolution/ rather it is the essence of thought, surrounded by the trials and tribulations of time; given life.

I am not here to convince you of anything.  I am only here to grant and bring the opportunity to change, before life ends in complete catastrophe and chaos for you.  The extermination of planet earth, because men are so completely arrogant, they insist upon gambling with all life, and even the planet itself.  Simply look to the evidence and you will learn it is true.
If you do not arise to defend yourselves, you will die soon/ so says the prophecy of Daniel 12.  The abomination written of is clearly here: risking an entire earth to play with fusion/ risking an entire planet, to play with extreme energies/ risking all of nature with genetically mutilating everything; just to play god.  Absolutely, utterly, and without the slightest intellectual rights or realities; completely insane!
This is not a war against men:   this is a war against the realities causing:   life OR death for this planet.
This is not a war against university:   this is a war against the arrogance that led us here, and their desire to play god/ and steal from the rest, by extorting, controlling, manipulating, tempting, and more.
This is not a war against the politician:   this is a reality of leadership that has placed us all at the edge of extinction/ and must be turned away, or we die.

This is not a war against media:   this is a demand, that the people have a right to know/ the people themselves have a right to decide: IF THIS WORLD SHALL BE GAMBLED WITH, at the price, “to be wrong, is to kill us all”.
THIS IS, a war against greed: because we must share, and we must care, and we must choose friendship, or the future will be war/ cannibalism/ and hell for us all.  Its not a choice, the resources, environment, ocean, etc:  ARE that badly damaged.

Regarding anything else that you should know,    My work seems completed/ I am, tired of the writing. Your work awaits you/ to fail is beyond:   extremely foolish.  Particularly if young, or female/ because these two groups will bear the initial excessive burden, as death accumulates, and life dies.
You can believe anything you want to, after all: want is the foundation of all lies.  What you cannot do, is change the truth/ once the laws of this universe have been set into motion.  To believe is then “irrelevant to reality”/ because only truth really matters.  Belief however, can aid you in the direction of your own life/ when you don’t know the truth: but it will never “save you”.  Truth survives time;  not lies, or belief.  When the door of eternity opens for you/ it is truth that walks through, NOT “what you believe”.

I am not your leader, not your enemy, not your savior, not your religious “whatever”.  I am a messenger, sent simply to tell you without true change/ because of the things your leaders and their followers have selected for you: you cannot survive.

If you are religious: do you not expect “your GOD” to do that for you/ when faced with the edge of extinction?  The change that is necessary:   IS ENTIRELY YOUR PERSONAL DECISION/ because that is what is necessary to survive.  Making you, either your own saviors/ or assassins!  My entire work, is dedicated to keeping this world alive: not an enemy.  The foundation of real change, begins with the laws that you must create for yourselves and enforce; therefore I can only help you understand the choices; you decide.   A messenger simply because you will not listen (more simply, you prove:  no discussion allowed): therefore all that can be done, is tell you what you need to know.  YOU MUST DO THE REST.  The message is then simply:   change or die/ for real.

  Good prayers, to you, who will survive for love;  in eternity.  You DO, have your chance for change.  Work hard, and GOD HIMSELF   will help you/ because this is HIS CREATION.   Consider it a game, and all life will be abandoned.   THIS is a choice, given to you!

James F. Osterbur

A more deliberate journey, encompasses the decision:   to be everything life intended for you to be.

Spirit means: that I have escaped the limits and boundaries of time, to enter within the creation of what shall become my own distinct truth.  NOT by the elements of what I desire; although these DO determine the direction, thereby the search.  Rather creation itself is a development of truth; thereby we know, that a search beyond the limits of what is proven by time;  MUST include the developmental existence of a CREATOR.  That is an individual decision, and not to be confused with religion.  Instead, creation by the existence of truth is the confirmation of miracles.  Therefore the search within miracles, becomes the discovery of destiny, one step at a time.  Every miracle is built upon the foundations of truth that define it.  Every living existence is the essence of these truths.  As we look back beyond the limits of time, where truth rules:   the essence and purposes of life and living begin to be displayed.
Why searches as the singular example of what we do desire to know, understand, and acknowledge as wisdom.  Wisdom is the development of creation in us:   the definitions of truth, built upon the foundations we exhibit as knowledge and understanding.  Why is, “a relationship with thought”.

The distillation of critical social economics in thought; are isolated from the function of truth in society, by the assertion called common sense.  Or more correctly, time and reality have taught us this is true.  Which then extends too: “fantasy and delusion are NOT welcome here”:  for they are found to be if not enemies of truth/ certainly no friend.  What is not real, as in proven by life and time;   can only take us away from what is real, and proven by life and time.  Therefore reality describes the door which becomes our relationship with any truth, and life can enter that door, within the assertion: “I shall belong to that truth”.  The spiritual world is then accessed/ but it can never be controlled.  Respect decides if you live or die/ the reality of power as is concentrated upon that truth you have chosen to enter;   determines the consequences to your life, both now and in eternity.  Every truth is a constant, every truth is a mechanism for creation, controlled by the desire which formed that creation.  If truth allows that you are a truth which participates in the building and function of what creation needs; you are allowed to be free.   If truth allows that you are not a truth which belongs here, in this place, as a part of the mechanism which is this creation: then you are either removed by “all possible means”/ or you are controlled until truth or lie is found in connection with this building block of time.  It is NOT a game.  The outcome, will have eternal consequences.  Truth alone controls the end result.
The critical behavioral decision required to enter within the spiritual reality beyond time is:   that you must be an identity unto yourself.  There are no “crowds, herds, congregations, etc”. You and you alone, can enter into truth beyond time.  The endless rhetoric of humanity as a herd, will not accept the compilations of trial beyond time;   because these are found to be in love with life/ NOT with creation.  The difference is, that life in time serves only the decision that is selfishness.  While life in creation, serves only GOD as creator of our lives. 
Those who descend into violence and revenge, find themselves chained into the dimensional prison: “i must destroy/ or be destroyed”.

Regardless of “the chaff”; the consequence for searching inside creation itself is very simple:   only truth and respect, survive.  If you fail to be true/ if you fail to understand the reality of power beyond comprehension; you die forever.  Or are sent back, reduced to the fantasies which brought you.  Some rebuild/ some never do.
Beyond these simple details; comprehension begins at the meaning and distribution of thought, as it becomes the development which bridges the gap between soul and creator.   Our existence is not simple or plain/ it is an element dedicated to the preservation of life within this universe, and its desire for shared happiness, love, and the foundation called truth.
Thought begins, as is true of the expression called love: “without a relationship based in respect/ there is no future”.  Thereby we learn, that a relationship with truth itself, must be formed as an expression destined to search for our CREATOR; or it ends. 
Thought is then the existence of our participation in a journey beyond the limits of time, whereby the elemental truths that can be, and are chosen along the path; are defined by the description of how life began.  Thought is a framework, discovered by the ability to enter “within the house” called life.  Which means we return to ourselves, as the journey progresses;  NOT to find our creator/ but to find ourselves.  So that the essence of life, illuminates our soul.

The question here is WHY would that be necessary?  When the journey into creation itself is beyond this measurement called time.  The answer returns as:   CREATION itself, is within you/ thereby the closest we can come to GOD, is to enter within the home HE created as the life you are.  Which means simply “GOD is with us”.  Thought then accumulates the blessing of that relationship and shares it with life.  The price being:   DON’T step away from truth.

This is then a beginning; as to the determination of what death clearly entails.  Not by the distinctions of body, which cannot come, in any delusion or religious fantasy.  But by the delineation of what truth will allow. The absolute first definition of death, by its existence as truth (the potential to survive, as a reality called thought); is simply, only truth cannot be changed.  Anything less than truth does not survive the removal of time.  Consequently if there is life after death/ at death there shall be the near instantaneous demand to remove everything that is not true.  Entering the ring of fire, is then conceivable as the first step.  A Ring of fire establishes once inside, there is no escape; what does not exist as truth, shall not survive/ there is no turning back (vaporized).  Once past that environment, whatever is true can be considered the possibility of life.  The failure to enter, as it is a choice, is the reality of energy lost/ without some adherence to energy, life simply fades away.  Consequently, even if you are able to enter the second world of life;   if your decision is to be “angry, sullen, or in any other way the refusal to accept this invitation”; you will be left behind.  Because it is, an invitation that exists only once.  Those who fail are “ghosts”/ but they have absolutely no power or energy over time, or you, it is simply fading away (without energy even a “ghostly image” is all but impossible).  They are irrelevant and without value.  Which means what you believe is important to you, not to me.

The question begins: does truth consist of an environment, which allows life to sustain itself, within the structural integrity of what cannot be destroyed, “because it is true”.  Or, is truth itself less vital, to existence and thereby a reality that is destroyed regardless of the composition that claims to be inviolate as a composite description of both time and eternity.  Can truth be denied its existence; is the simple version questioned?   The test of truth discovers two distinct frameworks within reality: that which governs the entire universe because it is true, shall not be dismissed from its reality/ while that which is true as in the values and descriptions of time; are limited by substance and energy to the relationships which form after destruction.  One of the assumed facts of energy in time is, that energy is simply transformed into something else; which is true of time/ but that energy which has escaped the boundaries of substance as is existence compelled by structure, discipline, and order;   “Fades away”.  
So then if we look at life, and the truth of what can or cannot be according to the definitions of truth;   we find based upon one of the laws humanity declares is true: that if life is energy/ then regardless of what happens to that energy, it remains in existence as something else, dependent upon the levels of discipline order and structure that can be sustained.  Greater truths such as create the laws of this universe and control it; are given the descriptions of life itself, and we find them to be within the protection of a structure that cannot be invaded; because the universe itself cannot be denied.

 The question starts:   is life an energy, or mass, or vacuum in space? Because that is the three primary elements or distinctions,  defined by the reality of time.  Since a vacuum sustains and supports nothing of interest other than the planets themselves/ we pass it by for now.  Because mass is consistent only with energy/ we pass it by for now.  Leaving us with the educational dimensions of what is energy that we can inhabit it;  because clearly we are life on earth, and we do have freedoms, and without energy that is impossible.  Not a battery/ life. 
The question begins: within the compositional elements of energy as defined by men, what are the component relationships that give the illusion of an environment sustained. These are any and all relationships from the atomic level on up to the organizational structures from rocks to humanity.   I end that discussion here; as you are simply too insane to continue it.  It is true, humanity CANNOT be trusted with any information, beyond the most simple and least complex forms.  Look at yourselves, threats everywhere/ the full and literal intent to exterminate life from this world/ the demand to be gods, while mutilating all of nature to its complete and horrific destruction.  A horrible list of what can only be called “the diseased mind”.  Shame on you.

In defiance, it is certain many will come claiming “he is.......”/ because that is what you do.  But again, I do not represent a true question here;   only what is significant or important to life itself is on trial.  The question is not “why am I not perfect”/ the question is:   can you live or die beyond time?

So then we return to the possibility that life is either a participation in energy, or consists of an environment within which energy can sustain life.  Or, do you contend that as mass or the vacuum of space, life exists from these?  It is not “hocus pocus”/ look some chemicals got mixed up, and presto its life.  How can you be so intensely stupid?  There are no words.  Even if you contend that life is mass and energy as is a body; the question remains how is that life.  Rocks are not life, even though they are organized existence with mass and energy residing.  Water is not life, even though it is an organized existence with mass and energy residing in a fluid state.  Something else exists to complete the composition called life/ and it is not simply “the factory blueprints/ as are associated with DNA”. Something else completes the distinguishing characteristics called life.  As you well know!  Therefore regardless of the claims for a brain, as are washed away when developed along the comprehension based assessment: plants are life too.  The reality of a claim that life is based upon energy, resides as the most fundamentally plausible description of our existence at its most basic level of reality.  That fact allows for;   IF WE ARE, at our most basic reality of existence, a composite assigned and associated with energy/ then what happens to the energy that exists as our body “internal source” of life;   decides what happens or is plausible to happen when we die.  Or in more simple terms, “we are more complex, than stupidity or fantasies allow”.

Not as a religion, NOT as a theory; let us begin with a more dedicated assessment of our reality.  Looking at the possibility of life as a relationship with energy, conceives of the possibility called eternity ONLY if it can be sustained by an energy so extreme, that no (or such infinitesimally small) reaction exists to it; that become irrelevant.  Based upon;  a reality of organization,  beneath eternity we have allowed that energy has the potential through reorganization at its most basic level (after fire);   to become something else along its existential path.  That does not mean “other animals etc”.  It means or is energy, redesigned/ the possibility of life encompassed by that energy, because life does participate as energy and thought .  The discovery of thought, separates our humanity from other forms of life.  NOT the mental aspects of living/ but the expansion of our development beyond the limits that a body or mind can be.  Not fantasy or delusion;   but the paths to greater things which does include love, friendship, caring, sharing, and whatever truth allows to have an “honest value”.  Thereby we add “treasures to ourselves”, and become more than simply another life.  Thought illuminates this journey beyond the transient forms of living/ to encompass the value of a human being.
The question becomes; if we have value created within and by ourselves through thought/ how then does this translate as an ingredient identifying our individual lives?  The critical question is: can there be, “a spiritual relationship with that truth created within the eternity that universe represents”?  Can there be, an essence of life, beyond the realm of time which allows us to participate and prove that life does exist without body, mind, or time as we know it to be? What is the door, where is the path, why does this exist, and who shall I ask to enter within?
As I have already answered those questions in prior writings:   we turn to how do we return to the essence of our lives inside/ so that we can find the distinguishing realities of where and when does life define us? 

The elemental path demands, that all competition must end.  Or more simply, the demands of life itself require the construction of an environment assembled without the influence of others.  That said, without the aid of others, we cannot build the essence of value that lives within the assembly of ourselves/ each life is then important, each life we participate with defines or destroys what we have built.  When the failure to forgive exists, that reality stops construction of our identity, and we fail to proceed.  Therefrom what is important to our own creation as a life separated from time, is the fundamentals of value, by which we become our own essence of creation/ through the work we do for ourselves, and the participation we achieve for life.  When that individual creation of yourself as is identified by the values you clearly created for yourself by the desires that are inherent within the purpose you chose.  IF you complete this task; THEN the doors and development of a spiritual world can be found.  It’s a choice.  But that does NOT mean, “its all a friendly world”.   As has been discussed in earlier writings.  Freedom exists, because you have found the wisdom needed to survive and be happy.  Therefore it is necessary to learn about the universe itself, or we cannot be truly free.

There are basic questions, in life.

First and foremost, is the very simple expression: what is life worth?  Or, more simply, what is the price you would pay, to live/ or to die! 
Although it is a simple expression, the reality is quite complex, as it covers all aspects of the composition that is both you, and the future of you or us. The critical question is then: WHY does life have value, to you or me?  The functional answer is simply: because it is the presence of existence/ the freedom of self/ and the understanding of a reality within which we can and do participate.  As to value, these represent the base elevations, from an initial “I AM alive”/ to, I do have decisions that I must and will make. We then begin with the concept of a decision worth making, or more simply: WHY should I desire life?

Desire is, the distinction of knowledge that then forms the basis in truth, of a relationship accepted as the foundation of my existence.  Desire then conceives of living, by the standards imposed within that relationship, and accepted by the truth of what belongs “to me”. Because every relationship is built upon the acceptance of another life/ the value of every desire is formed upon that distinction of reality, that lives as the life I desire within me.  Every true relationship “comes inside”/ where life itself is elemental to the question of value.  Where life exists, value asserts an essence of measure as in “truly how much” will I, or would I give, to retain or build this relationship. That however is somewhat false in its conception/ because true value has no measurement assigned.  Rather true value is established by the law which says: where there is life, the ability to know joy is sown.  Joy is the essence of time displaced/ the reality of a purpose beyond moments or memories proven to be an environment explained within the participation of thought.  Thought provides to life, its essence/ thought gains from life its experience/ thought expresses in life, the elemental truth of reality.  Within these basic three things, the parameters of joy begin.  Value performs the function of assigning boundaries.  Rather than measurements, these understand the limits of participation that any individual life is willing to accept.  Those who go beyond their own limits, suffer terribly and die/ therefore it is truly necessary.  Consequently value is a sign of mercy, rather than judgment; a respect for your own limits/ the decisions of your own soul.  In a similar sense, but on a completely different “plane, of time, space, thought, love and more”; comes the composition of dating, and the reality even though you are loved, it does not mean we will spend “forever” together as one. The right to choose exists, in every relationship.
Therein we learn, that desire is both chosen and deserved/ it is NOT want: the purpose of selfishness.  Desire is life, recognized by the foundation of life, that you bring to me. Desire is NOT a description of any other person/ it is your contribution, by your own decision to participate as life, with life, and in me. We now see the living expression of why is life valued!  The answer being: it is your contribution to my life and living, the essence of love/ because time itself, has no meaning, as either energy or mass.  Life, IS the important part/ love gives life meaning.  Purpose extends from caring.

In death we see the alternate message of living, that we are terminated from time/ it is simply taken away.  While it is impossible for anyone to fully explain the composition of loss/ without complete loss as in the end of time.  It is possible to explain the value of a life lost to you or me, by the removal of its existence from time.  Here, no more.  That foundation of fact, is a law of reality, or more simply: all things end in time.  Which asks the question, what happened, to the life inside? Although disciplines can discuss that reality, and have in these writings.  The consequence of death is, that we must accept the critical arrangement of life, beyond time;   as the foundation upon which we will build, a new and different truth. The reality of death itself however is: that we have lost everything known in time.  Within these two distinctions, elemental truths are formed.  One is, the discovery of an alternate “universe” is required.  Two is, the demand for change is absolute.  Thereby the critical relationship between life, truth, and thought is recognized as fundamental to the possibilities called eternity.  The first being life itself/ not as simple as it sounds or seems; even though you received life as a gift: time clearly takes that gift away, leaving you with truth.  That means without the option of using body, mind, or time as the means to avoid your own truth/ truth is all you have to achieve existence.  Your truth, is then your participation.  Thought is the relationship with life that functions beyond the parameters of freedom, to attain its own spiritual relationship with life itself.  Or more simply; although introduced as family/ we cannot know another person, unless we do spend the time, effort, respect, and love required to be “acquainted as life” to each other.  Beyond the limits of time, where only truth is required to survive/ thought then opens the door to passages wherein the living begin to understand the basis of freedom is not the lack of law, but the evidence of law and its value as a relationship with freedom.  Respect establishes movement, thereby change in the constant that is hope.  Hope creates the placement of your truth, at the door of what means value, to you. 
Life is, the existence of reality.  Life is, the foundation called truth.  Life is, the law governing this universe.  Life is, the creation of thought, the function and foundation called miracle. Life is, the blessing of all that is love.  Life is, more than we will ever know.  Simple as that. 

The foundation of human existence is commonly:   “Look at me/ pay attention to me/ love me/ let me decide/ let me be someone important to you”.  Or listen, to the heartbeat/ I am alive!  The critical question is not, why/ what/ where/ when/ how/ or who.  The critical question is, “why not”!  The functional answer is:   why do we not understand and accept, the basic parameter of life, our boundary within time, is simply: that we must share.  Sharing constitutes the delivery of an opportunity for us/ rather than just for me.  Sharing decides “our ability to love”/ by proving what is respect, in your life.  Sharing conceives of family, defines what is important as a relationship between us, understands the difference between truth and want.  And recognizes reality must be accepted, so that truth can discover new and different ways of participating in each others’ lives.  Lies destroy that, in every conceivable way.

Trust understands, that I have accepted our relationship as defined by the realities we have shared/ the truth we have conceived of together/ the love expressed and experienced either as personal to us, or in the reality of life proven to be true.  Trust is the element of our existence, that brings to life prophecy and respect for or as a future between our lives.  Trust is the evidence of acceptance, by the reality of truth honored with the belief, “I have faith, that your decision shall be fair to me”.  Faith is the dimension of thought, wherein the concepts of family are born/ not simply “here, by fate/ but here by the reality of what we choose to believe is important, the consequences of discipline and respect shared, the truth that cannot be denied as the example and purpose of our lives, shared by the desire for love. 

The explanation for love is: that I “see” in us, a destiny worth living/ a reality worth being/ a truth that will not be denied, because it is in us to honor and respect the foundations required to survive and be the expression of hope, happiness, honesty, and courage that makes “forever possible”.  Love is, a playground/ a relationship that completes life or death/ love is the elemental truth of what eternity needs to be, to survive.  These explanations are then the consummation of our ability to think beyond ourselves and determine what the expressions and experiences of thought can be.  Our ability to think reflects the foundations upon which we have built our lives/ granting thereby the illumination of what is “most valued” by us.  Thought assembles the translation “what will you pay for life”/ as the distinction, WHAT and WHY is this valued, to you.  Thought therefrom conceives of a reality, that transforms existence into participation according to that which is valued most.  This creation of miracles/ this gift from   GOD, that is all, our very lives, our experience with nature and earth: most valued to me.  The love that is evident.  The truth that JESUS proved clearly enough, the possibilities of a relationship beyond time can exist.  The respect, known to me; for what life as a human being can be are all evidence of the value I do have for life and living; the essence of hope and a search encompassing the discoveries of love.  Thought is a transition created in truth.  The application of reality, to the relationship most valued in time and truth as the creation of what we need to be; for life.  Thought identifies a path/ life conceives of a journey/ love confronts us with destiny;   but the decision is shared, because the reality is ours.

Religions assert: “a thousand things”, from the imaginary world of fantasy and delusion/ prepared for the people who are afraid to face their own truth.  Making life more simple through idols, and wishes/ instead of choosing to identify the critical relationships of who we are personally, to the truth and life we exist with, inside.  Inside, where people do not see, foundations are built or crushed/ because of who you want to be, or what someone else has chosen to be to you; if not strong enough to resist them.  Inside, where garbage does collect on almost a daily basis/ because human beings, are simply human beings, and they want more than love/ choose pride more than friendship/ and worship power as the means to prove they are “more special, than you or me”.  None of that is true, as to value for life.  None of that is hopeful or necessary to love or life or eternity.  Rather as is required of us all, throwing out the garbage/ rejecting selfishness, pride, want, and power are all simple “jobs to do”:  as we grow in the relationships that give us life, through love, courage, respect, disciplines, and honesty. When you have “cleaned yourself”/ then you are prepared to love and share with someone else, honestly.  When you fail to “clean yourself”; then the lies multiply, as the cause and consequence of your own failures to appreciate the gift you have been given; are shown to you/ and people then hide, or run away.  You cannot run, or hide from yourself/ which means, either you accept the lies/ or you turn from them and clean out the refuse that has accumulated while you can.  Too much/ too much/ too much;   is the claim of the lazy, and they surrender to their lies.  Is that you?  Will laziness, and its endless excuses overtake you?  Or will hate consume the foundations upon which all love can be built; so that you will never build again? Is their love inside, or the true desire for love, hope, happiness, or the essence of truth applied to living? Is their a purpose for sharing or caring left in you, a decision for more than simple self, still alive in you?  Then build, clean, and become a reality called truth; as the identity of soul.  Soul means: I have cherished the possibilities set before me within miracles, and conceived of a relationship built upon the truth of who I chose to be.  Spirit means:   I have challenged truth to participate within the existence of my own life, and seek the path which proves this is now, my life.
May you honor, your own existence, and prove the value of your own soul;   to life.  Life is, the essence of everything “pure”.  Life is, the relationship between thought and truth; a reality grown into existence, cherished as love/ or discarded with the trash.  Its your choice.

My own soul struggles a bit, with revealing the elemental dimensions of eternal life;   as is the understanding of “purity, truth, and thought”.  But my own reality suggests, without the compensation of knowledge/ this world is lost.  Truth however knows and understands;   around this world, there will be those drooling in anticipation “we will be gods/ with just a little more information”.  Regardless of the horrors they will actually do.  Because the dead/ and literally dead inside. Living in time is dedicated to the truth of who, what, and why; your own life exists for you.  Those who murder themselves inside, are no less guilty than those who murder the body.
So the question is:   what benefits life more, to know relationships and realities beyond the limits of time/ whereby life becomes more vulnerable, in a time where it is destined to die shortly without change.  Or, to increase the risk of death by horrors, within the hope that masses of people will arise to awaken and rescue life on this earth?  It is not an answer I am willing to commit to, at this time.  The horrors will be too horrendous.  It is better, you simply die/ if you refuse to change! That is my decision/ yet it is not “set in stone”.  But within those words, come the inevitable conclusion of the dead: shall we not torture him/ threaten everything valued:  and find out?  Such is life, among humanity in this time.  Let the future decide for itself.  But let everyone know: I SHALL NOT trade, not for a single life, or all life, or me;   because helping the dead to succeed is worthless, blind, and without respect for life. I will NOT trade, sell, or in any other way discard what is most sacred; life itself on this planet.   

MAY    GOD,   help me prove this is true!   



This site
is built upon the precipice of understanding, that divides the composition of love and hate in this world.


this site has been rebuilt now for the third time: the first being nfluences generated by strictly male/ the second being influenced by "spiritual woman"/ this is balancing the search between them.


Balancing the search.


SEARCHING, for something: for me.

The elemental essence of soul talking is: to encounter and expand the destinies created, from which we conceive of ourselves through the essence of a time to consider “the gifts of GOD”.  Not ourselves, but our reality in the truth that is life itself.  An element is, the/ or a:   functioning participant, of a specific creation.  The essence is: a distinction displayed, as the directional stability of the energy or forces combined in a particular environment.

Within this parameter, the disciplines necessary to participate in your environment/ the direction of your heart, or the purpose of your decisions in society and life for this planet;   are abandoned.  You, have your chance to change and sustain life on earth.  I, having lived basically “the vast majority of my life” in pursuit of a method to communicate and define an alternative to your complete collapse as a world: have finished that work.  Even though some would contend: “you should have tempted/ controlled/ manipulated/ flattered, OR WHATEVER it took” to demand attention and thereby change in people.  The world is at risk!  The reality is: if you cannot hear truth/ there is nothing left to say.  End of the story, therefore it is “all about you”.
I, on the other hand, no longer need be concerned/ that is your job.  Do as you wish.


So then, since I have grown accustomed to writing, and have abandoned every other aspect of my own life to this work;   it seems useful, to write just a little more.  What is worth a life, even if the future is potentially so bleak, nothing will survive?  A question that some deal with on a daily basis, when faced with their own mortality.  As to me, I cannot tell you the future for me/ apart from the evidence facing us all, about threats and disasters clearly evident.  This is about me/ not you; therefore threats no longer matter.

What then has value, to me?  It is not your participation in my life, therefore do not assume the writing is strictly for you, or me;   it is much more fundamentally about us.  As there are many who cannot functionally write the words which then express their heart, some value is believed to be added to their life/ by understanding a base elevation, of what it means to climb into the discoveries of love and life.  We do have to climb, within the essence of love to recognize or reveal its development in us.  Within love, the decisions which complete our lives as valued arise for your own choice.  A decision is the distinction assembled between what truth knows to be directional/ and what the identity of our decision will reveal about us.  A choice is the completion of what that decision drove us to be.  Or more simply, “life lends itself to the values we accept/ if that value is love, then our decision will be love.  If that value is hate, then everything dependent upon creating hate; will arise.  Therefore we know the choice we make upon its completion as the stepping stones of our own identity shall be true, of us, and our own desires.

As is plainly wrote then, my world, my desires and values in this life have turned to be an education among those who have the purpose and desire called love.  It is a female development.  As opposed to the male definition, when confronted with a future so bleak, because people chose it to be so; that war in the sense of “learn the evidence against you”;   demanded my life.  Female is not the surrender of life/ rather it is the understanding, “I cannot war you to peace and stability”.  It will not work/ it is futile to try, life is not a game.  Female has then become a blessing to me, simply because war blesses no one.  Even if some aspects of war must still exist, the outcome cannot be “people must personally choose to change, for peace and hope”.  The only purpose of war, is to take something away: you cannot force them to choose for life/ they must accept the price on their own.  War is nothing more or less, than forcing a decision; even though the heart that gives its all for the sanctity of what they truly do believe in:  for life, in peace and love; is noble. The essence of war is still, the demand to force change, or establish a theft/ slave/ or lie.

In completion to this introduction is then, the reevaluation of benefits being in the company of others does apply.  Not needing your participation, to make life and purpose desirable is simply the decision: if they will not work with me, or listen to the truth of their own needs/ then I will do this myself.  It is my choice.  NOT a decision belittling life shared/ a reality divided by what is or is not more important to me, than anything or anyone else.  A strange description really, conceived or understood by the concept: this work is about all life, and its future on this planet.  How could anything be more developed as a participation with you?  The reality is more simply:  you do not participate with me/ not me with you.  I will add, that throughout the years, where it is evident people will not “go, where I need to go”/ that instances of composition, were used to then say: just please go away.  Because my own journey must go here/ and it does not need your complaint, purpose, or desire to manipulate or alter that decision.  There are benefits to being essentially alone: the spiritual world cannot be accessed as anything but “the critical isolation of you”.  Alone, no one interferes with the process or pattern of development you choose to be.  Alone, the needs/ wants/ and desires of others do not contend for time, or space in heart or mind.  Alone, the journey as desire into truth/ thereby accessing soul to participate with    GOD   in some small way, is simpler.  And so on.
What is missing however, is the development into love shared with this life in time/ the honesty of life caring about each other/ the relationships which give balance and purpose to truth, as a passage beyond ourselves into what can be greater, can be the essence of love itself.  While these things are available in a spiritual context/ the reality of time asks: is there no one here, too? Therefore participation in dating, sex, happiness, hope, family, and so on is a function of believing change can come/ its just a need to be educated.  The common human desire for self, simply elevated to “us, as our decision for love”.

People complicate their lives with want, because they do “get bored” with love.  Practicing the various possibilities that allow the concept of our own decisions, fundamentally shapes the experience and expression of those who do desire to play god, instead of live life, or be loved.  Love has a price, it is friendship and truth.  Life has a price, it is discipline and the decision to participate as best you can.  But most believe, if they simply lie/ or plot and plan a different reality;   then they can be god, and do anything they wish/ never paying the price for truth.  That ends without friendship/ and establishes enemies instead.  The net result being human society suffers the cost, of what individuals do.  Bored means: “I want control/ I want to rebuild this my way/ doing my things/ being my own truth, rather than life’s truth”.       Life exists, because truth built it with thought.  Consequently unless your thought is greater than life/ life has the better plan.  Only a few, accept the reality of that statement.  “Life” is not the moments of time.  Life is, the elemental truth of what thought brings in us to be.  Thought governs life, because without the knowledge of freedom, there is no assertion of individuality.  Without the essence of an identity, we are without the distinctions of time.

If I search in my own heart; the cradle of my own truth is: the opportunities of love and knowledge must be shared.  This becomes a reality understood to be: “that I cannot go back, nor would I, to the ignorance of ways that do not provide for life and the future”.  Therefore you must elevate yourselves, so that we can share “a new world”. That is fundamentally a little different than the essence of man would allow.  His distinction was: only the knowledge that cannot be abused any further is allowed/ only the essence of love, that would no longer bring a flood of tears could be allowed.  It is “heartbreaking to love someone, even just a little/ only to find because you cannot give them everything they want:  their gift from you, will be; a flood of tears is all that will be left”.  As female continues to grow inside, the reality of knowledge becomes the substance by which people begin to recognize themselves, and create a new person from whatever it is they have known before.  What is love becomes, the blessing of time created for the purpose of acknowledging love is alive/ even if, you cannot have everything you wanted: love still visited you.  Let the tears be kind/ the heart be gentle/ and the hope live for a day when    GOD   provides much more for you.   GOD   is the grace of acceptance, in the truth miracles shall bring into your own life.  GOD   is everything life can conceive in the blessings love has created: by giving us everything we needed to survive, and be or find love within ourselves.   GOD   is the essence of eternity, the truth of value, the conception called thought, and the dignity of life no matter how “small, in terms of individual human impact, as love” on earth.

 What is functionally male, lives within a truth that understands the need to protect life and future, as best he can.  What is fundamentally female, as conceived by me;  recognizes that to protect life, we must find the values which give us hope, peace, happiness, and love before we can sustain the path into “a new existence of friendship for all”.  Reality understands, BOTH are needed to survive.  What is male because, not all things can be deliberated over time/ an action or reaction can be an instantaneous need.  What is female on the other side recognizes: doing something even if its wrong/ has consequences which must then be undone.
In my new environment of possibilities established through both male and female, the question is: HOW best to express life, so that we all benefit equally?  WHY, must some things remain, even though they have very limited value?  And WHAT can we do as human beings to experience all that we can be in the life given to us called time?

How, reflects the message: that our decisions matter, our individuality becomes the distinctions of our own truth, our ways influence life on earth and its future.  Within these parameters, are the disciplines needed to define the direction, and create the meaning of what life means to me. Little is more important to this process than removing pride from your life/ pride is a delusion that cannot be surmounted: therefore it must be dissolved.  Pride is such a strong influence, that nothing short of surrendering: “let them say anything about me/ let them believe whatever they choose to believe”; and the evidence to prove that decision was true.  Had to occur; before I could continue the journey man conceived, and woman has taken over. It was well worth the price.  But even so, the removal of pride is simply the beginning, of  discarding the chains society has placed on your life.  What can exist “beyond self/ beyond time”; is a passage all its own.  The spiritual essence of truth, then becomes a possibility in thought. The passage is truth/ but the door is a desire beyond self/ the price, a purpose beyond time.

There are divisions between men and women for an element of discovery and destiny shaped, by our need for each other in the precious relationship that is man to woman/ woman to man.  Found no where else; the discovery of values shared, defines love by the essence and elements of what we can do for each other, in this life.  Were it not so, male and female could simply be sexual mates for procreation of species.  Because it is so, the relationship we share, conceives of love beyond the limits of either male or female; to give us hope in eternity itself.  For when we are legitimately “love owned” by the life we live together/ then we are also, the environment which that love does create.  Proving we care, is a foundation, “for growing as life”.  The value of sex is then to discover a path between us, as provided by the possibilities of truth.  Love begins the journey, but respect keeps it alive.  Even if tears come, it is a journey worth making.

What we can do, to encourage and create “the family of love” on earth/ is to help each other attain and discover each other as male and female in love.  Through respect, distinguished by truth. Developed by love.  But shared within the destiny of two people belonging “to the essence of one”.  While it is best, without the slightest doubt;   to share as one male and one female together.  Where this is not possible, life suggests:   loneliness cannot be our gift to each other/ we must do for life, what life needs from us. {DO NOT get pregnant, just to “solve loneliness”: YOU are required to give your child, “the excess from your heart, to build their world”/ THEY are NOT intended to “grow your world”.  Be an adult first.  Be fair forever, its your job.}   Even so, if your answer is sexual, your reality must be “with honor and honesty” my hope is sharing the burdens of your heart/ caring about the reality of your life with respect.  Anything else is either lust or sacrifice/ both have consequences to the heart, thereby both have independent realities defined in eternity; by the critical damage caused by this  truth to someone else. The same is true, to allow lust or sacrifice; if it can be stopped/ because the consequence is the same, but far less to you/ far more to them. Sexuality is:  A reality fraught with problems, because selfishness and want rule this earth/ but this is an honesty simply stated, as life without rules; exchanged for freedoms in HONEST love: the relationship we share, because we care.  Not sex, not obsessions, not lies or demands or flattery or “the rest”:   but for honesty in love, and a life clearly in need.   How can tears be better?  Even so, the price can be high: be honest/ and accept ONLY what is true for you.  Do understand this: that I have walked away from women, knowing it would be better to stay for them; even with tears.  But time demanded my own life, and there simply was nothing extra to give.  Today, I have lost my relationship with sexuality in particular/ and the reality is still:   it is neither fair nor true, to “go looking” for women in need.  Because if you enter their lives/ it alters their future, and that compounds into potentially, not meeting someone who can stay throughout time; or they measure you against someone else/ and that conflicts with the reality of “time must be filled”.  It is a hard thing, to understand/ a difficult thing to do/ and a relationship with consequences beyond this moment and this time on earth.  Be careful, with what you do.

That said: it is ALWAYS better, to help each other find “friends for life”/ a relationship that spends everyday, in the arms of your care and mine.  Consequently the relationships of dating, sex, family etc are all necessary disciplines of a life on earth.  They are the hopes and means of peace, happiness, harmony, and decisions that will guide our future together.  As one, we are enveloped by the consequences of either loneliness or selfishness:   the balance being a relationship with   GOD.  As two, both male and female joined in love/ that balance extends to time and the ability shared as the descriptions of responsibility; which then become our existence in time balanced by each other.  It is, a much better life/ unless your destiny is at the extremes of spirituality; as mine has been.  In this case, reality simply does not allow the ease of “time off”, to simply enjoy life here. Although there are MANY blessings in spirituality; MANY lovely experiences and expressions in spirit itself.  Time is separate.  A journey of moments, that inevitably discovers “time has run out”. 
The consequence of time in living is: that we cannot go back!  We must extend our ability to survive, according to what reality needs us to be; not really a choice/ a matter of truth, as life or death. That asks the question: if    GOD     Is love, and life asks us to participate in love/ then why are there consequences which have nothing to do with love?  This does not seem fair!  Religion answers that question by turning back time, and relying on text which cannot be refuted/ because none are left to challenge: you must, either accept or deny.  Religion answers the question of sexuality by simply saying no/ or do what your husband wants: clearly written by men, for their own purposes.  Neither question is so simple.

As to love and living, our relationship with freedom clearly defines a life with choices to be made.  As we all learn from living, some of those choices will be costly to us/ costly to another; and some even lethal, or take it all away; as the loss of body plainly defines.  As a consequence our preparation: if there is to be an eternity for us/ REQUIRES the honesty to understand, the choices we will make have consequences.  Therefore stay deliberately within love, and determine your choices only within truth.  Freedom is not free/ if you are free to live, then you are also free to die. 
Sexuality is an alteration of discovery, clearly presenting situations wherein it is better to take a chance with your life, under the category and promises of respect.  That sexuality will then build, a new and different freedom and life in you/ because you shared, and cared beyond yourself.  Liberty is not free either/ the rules of behavior, hopes, purposes, and desires;   applied as our lives together, have consequences.


One of the questions asked in this day is:   WHY do people find social networking sites, and their little communication toys so intoxicating?  The answer is: when struggling with your life, the demand for a life preserver is:  “a precious relationship, with people you believe can help”.  When you have nothing to say, people “turn the volume up”/ so as not to be heard or understood, thereby present, but not available.
Our lives, in this moment of time is: that we do understand the basic relationship all life has with the threat of extinction for us too.  With very limited possibilities as a group/ and no real effect noticeable as an individual: our need becomes, “as a world/ and specifically as a nation of ourselves.”  That, is NOT greatly “comforting”/ because reliance upon a majority of people to choose for life first, instead of themselves is virtually nonexistent.  Doesn’t mean it can’t happen/ just means, “by the grace of    GOD,   we are literally, still alive”.   Consequently the base emotion is fear.  The reality of fear is the beginning of hate/ the consequence of hate is destruction.  Thereby the worst fears of the majority will come true/ UNLESS there is truth and change!  Just a fact of life;   or death. Do, what you can do.  I chose to educate as an influence of spiritual woman, or more correctly as her desire expressed in me/ I chose to fight or more directly confront, as a man.   The difference today is,   what is woman owns what is man/ because the truth of what was needed, clearly became as the elemental essence of female did choose.  Truth must always win, nothing survives but truth; if you are not true to yourself/ that means you cannot continue into eternity.

One of my favorite topics inside is;   what is the difference between life and time?  I have never met anyone in time, who is able to accept these concepts; all run away, because death cannot be separated from the reality. The critical questions are then fundamentally proven “not for you”/ therefore I won’t include them.  Softer/ gentler/ kinder is the way of woman; and it must be kept true.  It could be said as male, “perhaps I was just too extreme”; when the relationships revealed more “than any other wanted to know”.  Life has shifted so much, that these descriptions are now faded into the past anyway.  “Kinder/ gentler/ softer” is not disciplined confrontation.  Not because they were wrong/ because it is proven true: humanity honestly does not wish to know.  Or at least believes that to be true.  Anyway, I write for me now, intending to be of help; but in no way obligated to do so.  It is apparent to me, that I am also choosing to simply fade away into the past/ this is just my way of easing “outside, the possibilities” of this time. 
I DO, wish you well.

I will however be honest and plain: I did believe in my heart, that when you saw evidence of extreme and valid threats to this entire planet/ I thought your heart would move.  When you recognized, that there are other ways, than simply “falling down, in disgrace and death”/ I thought you would understand.  When you believed, the purpose of bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to this earth was possible; it would shake you into action.  When you knew, every child depends on you/ how can you not say, “this is the time I must act”.  Tonight I see a moon rising “like fire, in the sky”.  It is a bad sign, it speaks of the tragedy to come, from which we shall not live.  Why can you not see, even such a simple truth?  The answer is pride/ but the reality is disgrace. 

Life or death for this planet remains a decision of we the people.  But only for a short time more.  If I am wrong, prove it is so; with your life.  If your experiments are wrong, hades will come soon.  An end to this world forever.  Think, pray, know life needs you now!  I am not your savior.  Truth demands: because these are all the decisions of men/ it is humanity that must stop them/ your pride will not.  The freedom to destroy yourselves has been granted.  Change or die, is all that is left to say.
It seems, I have found sadness.  But will do, the best I can.  Do not condemn the others, do the best you can do. We are not “gods”, we are creation on earth.


Every ending, should have the grace and dignity to establish its purpose in existence; or more simply a description of the truth, that did survive on earth.

As to me, I have now said to you everything that I ACCEPT, has been necessary to say.  Those who have been introduced to that work, make their own decisions regarding this world.  Their duty/their job to continue this work; it is not mine.  I am NOT “your savior”/ just a messenger.  That, is the truth of this work and its purpose.
It is in fact, absolutely necessary for me to step aside/ stop writing, apart from trial (as required, nothing more).  Because that opens the door to your work, without expectation that “I might, step on your toes” in some form or fashion.  Therefore regardless of what could be written or said: IT IS PAST TIME, for me to quit.  I have continued, only because the arrogance and failure has been so extreme.  You get to choose, who is correct.  But if you believe this is NOT, “even worth a trip to court/ to establish what is true or not: then pity won’t save you”.  I predict the world will die, and soon.  Being WRONG, is very serious.       But it is, YOUR DECISION, not mine.

Work, or don’t work: life depends upon truth/ and it is that truth that will decide if you live or die.  If you are willing to change/ if just women (because men made these decisions/ created these threats) are willing to change: then life will continue.  If you are not concerned, even with a mountain of evidence proven against you; without room for doubt, that we are indeed THREATENED with extinction; here on earth today.  Then you do not deserve your life.  Won’t work/ then “life” won’t care, and you die as a planet.  Won’t share as will become NECESSARY to survive/ then you don’t deserve another chance.  And so on.    THIS, IS A CHOICE!

As to me, and my world as an individual life; I will continue as I choose to do/ in whatever ways life and reality demand.  I have spent a lifetime, for this particular purpose/ ain’t perfect, don’t want to be; its irrelevant; but I have done the best I could or more correctly: did do.  My job, is over.

As to the descriptions of a spiritual woman and me/ the foundation of that experience does revert back to an initial reading of Revelation 12, from the Christian bible.  I read it, somehow my life recognized this has something to do with me/ and I searched within the truth of:   I should be prepared, “to defend myself”, but more critically important was the reality, as a male/ I WAS completely out of ideas, how to help us survive.  That moment, then opened the door: “what, would women do”!  Since this was then about women, I searched there. But having opened the spiritual door, to truth in or of women: I COULD NOT defend myself. The reality of all spiritual truth is:  if you cannot understand what is or is not true here/ then you cannot leave until you do.  I could not understand women/ even worse, it became “instantly apparent”; that instead of entering into the spiritual world of women/ having opened that door, a spiritual woman came out instead, “and found a door in me”.

 She now chooses, not me; if she will leave my world of truth or not.  At any rate, this is a complex association in realities you will not be able to understand; unless you too, choose to encounter truth itself, at a spiritual level.  It is, A dangerous place, although instructions are provided in the various sites I leave behind.  They are “public property/ but owned by women working for life, as an organization”; if they so choose.
This relationship between female truths and me, are not even slightly perverted sexually.  What is male in me still identifies women as the only sexual beings that exist for me.  There is NO middle ground, or ANY other reference of possibilities.  Absolutely nothing, but women!  Thereby what has become female in me, through this spiritual woman: creates the reality of control, whenever she does choose it.  That control represents two distinct realities added to my life:   the absolute need, to learn about women so as to survive/ and the critical truth, that she is angry with men, and intends that I should understand “exactly why” this exists.  EVEN THOUGH, I have never treated women badly, and don’t know why me!  Not a guess/ just “stepped off the cliff, so to speak” and now live, “with the spiritual truth of women” inside.  She does have control, which brings the expression: I have become “a woman’s/ woman”.  Primarily because I have lost control of “the male parts and pieces”.  She owns them, A LOT more;   and I have no say.  Not fair;   “She agrees, Doesn’t matter”, reminds me: “women have not been treated fairly either, throughout all of history”.  End of complaint, war over; “she won the prize”; and will do what she wants with it.  Like it or not.  I don’t, know how this ends, what happens next, or why;  just living the reality, simple as that. 

Add, I now have breasts, honestly:  its kind of like she planted her flag here “belongs to woman”.  IT IS “just amazing, at how much influence they can have; I can’t defeat them! Any male influence that comes along, can be drowned; with the chemicals and feelings that came with them! Different, as a man you can’t imagine.” Its NOT “bad”/ just really, “I HAVE become different, can’t stop it”.  More than I can even express.  I am CHANGED, with no possibility to return to   “strictly male”, too much is honestly missing. Literally “evaporated, or completely lost”, hard to describe; its just gone. Just how it is! You can’t imagine.  Life, heart, body, mind, truth, reality, and soul all agree: NEVER, going to happen.  Strictly male is over, male in charge is over: female rules: NO exceptions (she required that).   Don’t know how it ends; or, just don’t wish to consider or think that far ahead.   You would think I could just shut up about this part of the story; but I can’t/ what has become female inside demands “you have to talk about this”; and I cannot refuse.  That too, is just how it is.

I would have bet anything, nothing like this:  “could happen to me”!  But I was wrong.  Spiritual truths, established by love;  are stronger than I.  So far, its not bad exactly/ just really, really different.  It is an experience more like being married to someone more powerful than me, who makes all the important decisions/ takes advantage any way they like/ and demands obedience to their decisions.  Not exactly a slave I still have some options; not exactly friends, we are not equals; something in-between. NOT FAIR, but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it/ I lost the war.  The plain truth: life is now, “her way/ not mine”!  You can’t imagine. Change in me, feels like being driven over by a big truck (YOU ARE, going to change), over and over again, until I agree. Not, easy to come by. Men can’t imagine what breasts are like either/ you have to earn these things, want them or not.  Really different. Just different, not a game.

As to learning, I find it true: that neither male or female can be truly balanced by themselves.  We need each other to find the truth most evident, within ourselves or life, or society.  We need not only a reflection of ourselves to achieve balance within ourselves/ but a completely different association with life, (such as is male to female/ female to male)  to prove what is important or not, through a completely different set of eyes, heart, body, and mind.  It is, the most evident piece of knowledge I have been able to learn so far.  OR more simply, we need to listen to each other HONESTLY, because without this “other side of life”/ we cannot protect or survive the coming world.  Where we as human beings have defeated nature’s ability to sustain us/ and must now control ourselves, so that nature can survive.  IT WILL NEVER be possible, with men leading; they brought us here/ this is the best they did do.  Therefore women must lead, not because they are better/ but because they are truly different; FAR MORE, than I ever expected was possible.  Different means: at least NOT the same as has been done.  This world:  At death’s door/ ANYTHING different, HAS TO BE BETTER, than that!  Simple and plain.

As to realities suggesting: women must save my life if they desire my own future help.  Even you can understand, preparations are necessary for this decision to be.  Even you can understand: since I confront, and demand war (one of us must lose) with every RICH person/ every POWERFUL person/ every HATEFUL person/ every PROUD, SELFISH, GREEDY person/ and challenge governments, universities, and others besides!  IT IS LIKELY, that my own survival shall not last long, should this site become propagated throughout society.  Its NOT, a hard prophecy to make: is essentially “waving a red flag, in front of a bull”/ hard to predict who wins.   Would you not agree?  It is also more than likely, that a significant number of men will find me to be a target/ if these things become known to any appreciable number of people: “the must be replaced as leaders”!  NOT, what they want to hear/ certain to be trouble.  The price of this message to you.  Whether women care: is a choice of women/ not for me to make.  Just another “fact of life, and reality”.  As with everything else threatening:   “Too late, is simply too late to matter”.  As to this writing; Whatever is left out, is cast aside; I have completed the work as best I could, by the “deadline set”.  It is your turn, to work for life!   My job is done, because I CANNOT save you/ you must save your world yourselves.     End of story.
The balance I have searched for is: that man in me is necessary for the fight, for life on this earth, without a fight, as necessary; we will not survive.  But without female to help life survive, should we recover that reality; there is no possibility male can lead.  Confrontation is not an answer/ war is merely an ending: LIFE is a beginning, a journey, and a destination worth your soul. 

Anyway, that is my story of this day. It does not ask for your acceptance/ doesn’t care about your respect for me or not:  is not bound, to this existence, unless I can help.  You need no further information/ unless something truly dramatic occurs.  What is important, is WHAT YOU CHOOSE to do, for this world/ for life!  Make your decision.