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The distinction from only a messenger, to "family involved" asks for a slightly different respect. The need for knowledge either destroys/ sustains/ or enhances every life; therefore some additional definitions are necessary. I am still just a messenger, but more simply human too, therefore family. The relationship prior, is "work related", therefore not subject to contemplation from me: it is my job. I find now, that as the work comes to a close, issues such as these must also be addressed. Power because it is a simple persons treasure, "he or she will make you do it/ whatever these want. Lies because it is the hidden persons treasure, "they will do it, even though you say no". And hatred, because all these plans backfire, and the result is critical loss. Power is a "fool's paradise"/ because like money, happiness fails wherever these goals exist: to survive, the fool turns to pride and jealousy, that they may not "see themselves as dying". Power & money also do exist as tools of society, whereby the experience desired by that society the most, may be shared or inflicted upon the others. LIES AND LIAR result here, as selfishness invades power & money to steal love & hope/ and demand hatred because they are drowning in themselves, and need your love & hope to survive. Your happiness makes them jealous/ your love is the evidence of their failure. Love is the relationship you possess with your soul. Therefore the honesty & openness of miracles HAS CLEANSED your mind, and truth allows the treasure that is your life to be shared. People who choose power, cannot own these things: they are not for sale/ you must earn them for yourself. Therefore to be "equal, in their mind" they literally do search for ways & means to corrupt your existence/ that your mind may be next, and your happiness may die as well. THIS IS stealing & revenge. Revenge thereby means: to choose hate, and act as a terrorist (there are many ways). This tragedy of satan, has thereby removed your life, and left only the reality of a terrorist: those without hope, those who desire to be god themselves. Satan means: defeated by your own measurements, the failure called revenge has consumed your soul/ therefore your revenge is the door to an experience from which there is NO ESCAPE. How can you escape from yourself/ life can keep death from you, therefore the torture you prescribe is the torture you get. Life is not an environment called body or mind/ not even soul, by its common definitions. Rather life is, by its very first beginning, "the understanding of knowledge". This is true by recognition rather than truth/ the consequence of "more direct knowledge" is your extinction/ as you have no true respect! Therefore only relationships without power, or in defense against human decisions for control can be discussed. The human translation explains environment as the physical expression of my own experience; the assertion of life as the sensual recognition of body & the freedom to use energy for your own body or against another expression of life. There are 4 distinct failures in this translation of your history. Freedom is not the control of energy/ but the "control of yourself": IF you use energy without thought, you die! The demand to choose for yourself or against another, demonstrates the essence of predator & prey. This in turn alters the comprehension of freedom and challenges the victim of simplicity to either go along or steal personal freedoms by devious methods. This presents the group with the intent of laws, rulers, & enforcers (controls); because the flock or herd does not tolerate individuality. The critical definition that limits HOPE, & thereby strangles the expression of truth by confronting everything, that cannot be seen or touched, controls then the conceptions of love, and thereby removes the honesty of MIRACLES. This forms the basis of human behavior, "that if only what can be seen or touched is important/ then all that matters is what I see or touch". This environment of "I", now exists within the terms of selfishness & power exists as the relationship used or abused to assert, "I". The earth is now FULL! This cannot be understated, therefore all the behaviors, all the rulers, & all the beliefs that have "turned to dust" throughout history, ARE being confronted with the truth, that cannot be avoided: NO LONGER can humanity simply move away: AND NO LONGER, can you solve the realities of distrust, damage, hopelessness, & selfishness, BY MURDER! YOUR OWN WEAPONS, will not allow it. You will learn better or you will die.
Critical to your survival is SHARING, selfishness must die, and honest care find your soul. If you do not, hatred will arise and kill you quickly. Critical to your survival IS TRUTH, and the discipline of "putting back, all that you have destroyed". If you do not, the earth will die: and without it you are extinct. Critical to your survival is FREEDOM, and the acceptance of individuality: because without happiness, you will fail. LEARN to accept/ rather than judge. Learn to help, rather than accuse/ confront/ or attack. Fantasy is not freedom, it is surrender/ life is too tough: help them as best you can. Critical to your HOPE, is the experience of understanding & knowledge/ for these grant discipline & order, and assemble peace. Learn the difference between life, and a simple rock. Critical to your future is, the recognition of resource, & THE VALUE AND HONOR necessary to protect life on earth: even when you must surrender want, and the failure of excess. Excess means: you have surrendered life, and chosen want. Want is selfishness, without cause. Critical to your eternity is the dimension called RESPECT! FOR IT IS THIS ENVIRONMENT, that translates your life, "by the nakedness of your soul". More simply you cannot hide anything, be true/ "clean house"/ understand the miracle of you.
Therefore your life, this earth, & existence itself is in your own hands. JUDGMENT DAYS have arrived. Not as you have expected, but as the reality of your own ways, decisions, & definitions of life. If you lie, then you are playing a game; and I guarantee, YOU LOSE! IF YOU search & accept truth, then life will show you how to survive, and help you to grow into more than humanity believes possible.
But reality WILL decide!
These anchors are: the creation of love/ the creation of truth/ and the honesty of "I". Each must be assembled prior to all of life's true blessings. CREATION means: The participants which do NOT belong, have been removed. To achieve the consequence of an opportunity called harmony. Harmony expresses creation and life journey's on. The creation of love therein asserts: the essence of the man or woman reveals the existence of a desire, the passions of friendship, and the decision of life: to build or to fail. Therefore love requires responsibility, friendship demands discipline, and life accepts only those with sufficient respect to assemble a relationship and achieve the intensity of a life called shared! The creation of truth asserts, the essence of living is based upon the participation with energy/ NOT the control of energy, but the relationship designed by thought, and achieved by reality. Truth thereby completes the process by communicating the development of foundations upon which life may build. This too it then, the elimination of all lies, that life may be present in energy/ but energy shall NOT be present in life. This is a critical force. The creation of "I am the truth", as it displays the intricacy & intensity of individuality arrives from: the essence of your personal participation in the complexity of honor. Honesty achieves the possibility of honor, but only miracles and the interpretation of life can build honor. Honor means: I have come home; discarding time and its values as without salvation! I CHOOSE the relationship that gives me, LIFE! Honor is then the acceptance without reservation or concern of "the life inside of me/ soul". This is also called TRUST, because love has entered your existence, and your life, through your acceptance of soul.
Do not think to measure or learn in common ways/ it is the boundary itself that is important therefore not your mind. You are warned; if you destroy the boundary, you destroy the environment and all that depends upon it. IF you understand the influence and force, you have begun the journey as life, in the existence of thought. The earth warns you about boundaries as well, as there are things both large and small that will "eat you" here/ beyond the wall, these also exist: you must be prepared. This warning is not about your abilities, courage, or desires: HEAVEN IS prepared for your protection from all things. Thought through the relationship and energy you achieve, is instead about the freedoms you shall possess, or not. As family I say to you, do not be lazy! Understand this is your participation in energy, dimension, & life. If you lack sufficient training in the developments of patience, decision, composition, & respect/ then you will regret. The questions of day to day living are: how do I make myself happy? You don't, reality insists only love and the value of life can do that!/ how do I make someone love me? You can't, it is a decision only they can make!/ how do I deep from being bored? Respect says, participate honestly, learn quietly, be generous with yourself, and accept perfection is a "fool's goal (because perfection cannot accept humanity)". How do I gain eternity? The answer asks you: WHY do you desire life? It is your desire that "asks, seeks, knocks, and gains entry if life is to be granted to you./ How do I desire life? The answer assembles the composition of a miracle and inside where only you exist, Comes the creation you build, called "I AM ALIVE"! Here in the honesty of discipline and the courage formed from respect; the soul grants to you desire./ How do I choose life? The answer assigns responsibility and hope recognizes TRUST. Belief says, I ask to be: Faith says, I belong to thee: Love knows that no decision to harm exists: and life explains, my soul and I SHALL SHARE this journey of destiny, "one day at a time".
One day a man delivered an old piece of junk to the property and asked to leave it short term. Ten minutes after he was gone, "a thousand or so, cockroaches swarmed out of it. It had to be "like an invading army". I was dramatically opposed to chemicals, consequently within 2 months there were 10 thousand cockroaches/ they were everywhere, falling off the ceiling, it was bad. Chemicals were then used & other methods with only limited success. The consequence was: "ANYTHING that resembled a cockroach egg, was to be destroyed, no matter what". This happened in spring, a time of year when the big moths came. Their cocoons look a bit like a very large cockroach egg, and not taking any chances/ I destroyed these too, without knowing what I was in fact doing. The big moths with 6 to 8 inch wingspans and beautiful pictures painted on them, were always a delight to me/ but since that day, NONE have returned. THE LESSON: be careful, don't guess/ KNOW or don't do it. To fail here, means fragile and wonderful things may forever disappear from your life. Don't do it. I painted a car once, intending on a "good job", I purchased a can of paint that said "professional use only"/ reading no further, I figured means "good stuff, a better job". I was wrong, it meant, very hazardous material, will kill you, or damage you for years if not for life. The question here becomes: how much will you spend for a pretty paint job? The answer, not a hair on my head: just work. The failure of retail and government to properly label, IS INEXCUSABLE, as I too inherited "youth disease"/ too much inexperience, to little knowledge, prey for the aged. The lesson be cautious wherever money is involved, they don't care. I thought to buy beer (as a youth, to get around the law), from a "mafia connected person" once, made the arrangement for very little money/ was cheated/ but was prepared because I knew where he lived. Demanded the beer or the money, only to find instead he was offering drugs, and guns. I quit/ but the trap was clear, and it is obvious how many fall in. It is obvious how many are driven to crime, simply because society shut a different door. There are reasons you don't deal with "criminals"/ leave them alone or report them to the police. As a youth, reality taught, if you personally consider the "price too high, you won't pay"! Such was the case when the possibility of losing a drivers license for simply having alcohol in the car, caused the decision to endanger the lives of 2 other people who were with me. I had previously declared to myself, "I will risk my life as I see fit/ BUT I will not greatly endanger any other life"! This proved invalid, when the penalty was inappropriate. The lesson is: rules do not work/ they merely challenge humanity to HIDE. You should know, sexuality will never bring you a true husband or wife/ only the opportunity called time, and the problems called emotion. My ex-wife could never trust I would stay, after plainly indicating while we were dating, that I chose to go away, at a prior time/ this resulted in MANY realities with consequences far and wide, that ended in divorce. The critical question of being husband and wide is NOT, the ceremony or ring or church or papers. The critical answer is the honesty of being who you truly are, in the presence of another, who will honor, respect, & help you define the truth that is your life, and then our lives together. The price of marriage is someone "sees the truth in you, at least a little". The cost of marriage is: change as only truth can define it, determines love/ IF you change for lies, it becomes a destruction to the relationship, and you will pay. Of my life's MANY failures, one that I do regret is "sacrificing the needs of the strong one, for the build up of the weak one; where true needs were not present". WE ARE ALL EQUALS, and if life could be rerun, I would change this and confront the weak ones to understand their decisions/ which they made themselves/ and then support strong and weak as the same. A decision is not always necessary. It was a BAD error to choose one over the other. Reality says, to all, face your own truth, forgive the consequence of your own insanity, understand the beauty of your soul inside, and your invitation to life eternal, and HEAL! It is wrong to "steal from the others", for they deserve the same treatment, and have the same needs; they just chose better. It is necessary for each one to acknowledge the relationship we have with knowledge, it is a foundation of truth, & thereby truth allows us to decide. You do not decide, unless you choose to be "a jackass", and cause strife, pain, and suffering in everyone around you. Truth decides because anything less is a power of lies. Truth does not demand, truth merely presents the information & you decide if you accept the decision truth presents to you, or you demand you own lie instead. PRIDE IS a terrible thing, Because it tramples upon the others, and gives you loneliness/ do better. The penalty of hatred is revenge/ the penalty of revenge is the influences of power/ the penalty of power is simply, "the doorway to hell". Back away from hatred, and seek justice. This is your duty/ THEREFORE, instead of political caucuses, political conventions, or political debate: There should be justice forums, justice leaders, law conventions for the masses, & fundamental redress of the people over ANY legal issue or right! The leadership of the nation, comes from here. LEADERSHIP means: dedicated to the equal & fair treatment of all. Life means, "where truth achieves wisdom, it rules/ where reality allows a respect for the consequences of truth, it shall mediate with honor.
People "follow the money" but it is not for the reasons believed. Instead money represents the methods and manners with which other people treat you/ it represents pride & the power to control. Therefore the quest for money is simply about your relationships with other people, and your personal demand to make them "look at me". "a fancy car, or any other machine or whatever, is nothing but work without an audience." Consider then the consequence of all your schemes, all your plotting & planning, all your toxic behaviors; that are without pride or prejudice. These are about friendship and respect/ even though these are not for sale, only liars will be attracted, yet you pursue them as great treasures. Pride says, "its all about ME, who cares about you". While power says, "I WILL control or manipulate you, whether you agree or not". These are the destruction of friendships, of respect, and contribute to the destruction of your own happiness, values, and hopes. Don't do it. Change government, by removing the power, & establishing respect rather than pride, And the world will know you happiness!
Salvation means mercy, therefore it is the degree to which you do succeed in truth that matters/ not your failures, but WHY.
Consider then the consequence of all your schemes, all your plotting & planning, all your toxic behaviors are [without the dimension of power or pride]/ just about friendship & respect. These are not even for sale, yet you pursue them as if they were. Pride says, "its all about me, who cares about you"/ while power says, "I will control or manipulate you, whether you agree or not." These are the destruction of friendship & respect, a destruction of your own happiness, value, and hopes. Change government, by removing power & establishing respect rather than pride, & the world will know your happiness.
A relationship between specific pleasures or pain, and the expectation of an "owner involved/ because I cannot do this myself", develops into the various superstitions and so forth, common among many. The critical question thereby divides by 3: Why are you failing and need the excuse to "escape your life"? Why do you feel insignificant and unable to do the things you do? Why do you believe no love for you, can exist? The first is an exercise in measurements. The answers are: YES you did do that/ YES you were wrong/ YES you did damage another life/ and NO you are not automatically damned to hell because of this. The questions are MANY, but these are the answers! Examined, excitement is escape from the reality of your own decisions. Even the dangerous forms are used to limit the fundamental experience of living within your mind/ because concentrations allow for mental processes "without interference". It cleans the head for a little while. Sexual forms deliberately reduce mental experience by displacing the mind with lust/ thereby stopping the decisions of a relationship, the hopes of love, and the decisions of love/ by HIDING in the simplest place of all "Animal behaviors". Other forms are really demands to look or listen to me/ because my mind is ill, therefore you must help me, from being myself. The critical understanding in each persons life is "your decisions" have placed you here. Your need is for discipline, your work is to accept understanding as reality proves it to be, & your hope is forgiveness because if you continue to judge yourself or hide, you will be lost. As to the quests for power, pride, lust, & selfishness that YOU have been worshiping in your heart/ SURRENDER THEM NOW! The value of your life cannot be measured [certainly not by your mind], only death allows the first insight of true value. Believe in your life, for you too are a true miracle! NO excuses, you truly are. Therefore let the day honor your behavior and make someone happy, the senses of your body bless your life, and the honesty of real passion convince you, "where miracles exist, ONLY endless possibilities can be defined". The reality of love cannot
participate where pride, selfishness, lust, want, greed, or power exist.
NO EXCEPTIONS, they are complete opposites. Therefore to the extent of
your own behaviors, you do reap the reward you have worked for. CHANGE,
CHOOSE LOVE, and let time, honesty, & honor bring you opportunity. WE
ARE EQUALS/ you are not better or less, & neither are the others. Look
in the mirror honestly, before you hurt another/ and know as you judge, so
shall you be judged. |