JustTalking5.info | Is, an alteration to the work which proceeds it. Now, its simply live or die, as a world! |
Justtalking4.info | A summary site of what matters most/ what threatens immediately or worst. |
Justtalking3.info | Compilations choosing to inform with various methods employed. |
Justtalking2.info | Centered around supreme court cases demanding redress of grievances. Proving corruption in the US supreme court. |
Justtalking.info | The beginning survey, a disciplined talk. |
TrialForLife.info | Centered around US federal court, tax case: demanding adherence to democratic authority & constitutional law. |
TrialOfLife.info | Centered around state of IL realities: refusing justice/ corrupt, and supporting "cruel and unusual punishment" upon the poor. |
SoulTalking.info | Confronting initial questions "why". |
CriticalEconomics.info | Asking what is real for tomorrow. |
ComplexDestiny.info | Developments in life and living. |
“Just like the bible” If it seems “out of place, not consistent”/ it almost certainly is. Truth is a law, that does not waver! Each site is a composite demanding LIFE, not money or games: MUST COME FIRST! Download these html sites; so they cannot be easily taken away.
How, did we pay for current costs! “etc”?
Add reality has a list and federal reserve #1 & #2 & #3
Then ask yourself: if nothing but a few forced pennies, have been spent on infrastructure for the future of this nation over the last fifty years. WHO took, or spent the money on fantasy or their delusions? The answer is, “every university diploma” that became “our leaders”.
The battle for your SOUL! Inner walls Critical development Critical personal development Energy made simple Limited capitalism victim defense jewelry World laws sites I provide A testament to Hope
Primary forum/ mine; secondary forum, democracy and law; third forum, scientific, evidence, knowledge based discussion; initial forum, short discussions to enable “living and life issues”. chatrooms 1; 2; 3. For the purpose of you, creating opportunities/ organizing with others (meet only in public places, “safety first”/ no excuses, no exceptions), simple discussion; etc. A primary concern: The extreme light infrastructure (eli), Additionally federal reserve accounting. Review of hospital billing A Beginning
Critical developments in personal boundaries, battles, and life.
The singular function of a human identity, is to create an individual truth; as explained by the decisions that we make for ourselves/ which does include “who you follow/ and what you believe”.
The ability to create personal boundaries is governed by your expression and experience with freedom/ as applied within the elements of sensual recognition, respect for reality, identified threat, assumed superiority, pain and its resultant fears, the creation of love, the discipline of hope, that balance that is “fair play”, and the understanding that consists of rights and responsibilities assigned by truth, evidence, and thought.
The necessity of accepting battleground demands, the essence of change when required, subjecting reality to inspection without judgment, constructing law as the critical link in society, and governing ourselves through democracy: thereby fighting against “rulers”. Is a fundamental called growth. Not because it is a foundation upon which nature rules us all/ but because want, pride, power, lust, hate, and every hideous disease of the human mind does invade our world/ unless we fight against it.
The demand, THAT I WILL BE, “a life, and even a living as designed by me/ rather than you”. Is an expression worthy of experience/ but it also carries with it, the requirement of responsibility for that freedom, and those decisions. The ascension of thought, as is the capacity identified: wherein everything true, is a conception of life/ rather than self. Therein the substance, the purpose, the desire, the essence, and the elevation of life beyond minimal things such as survival in time; becomes a “rebirth”: Into miracles joined.
Given these basic parameters, the more fundamental knowledge of existence; created by living in time, applies the following principles to our behaviors/ decisions/ and purposes as an individual.
We are born, as life measured by time: everyone has an ending here! That simple fact illuminates, through the aging process: anything you missed out on, is lost. Consequently, each asserts a right “to gather all they can get, in as short a time period as possible”. Therefore decisions arise, which possess the process of eliminating the competition by whatever means necessary can be found. The purpose of love or hate is: either to bring life closer to me/ or move it from me, one way or the other. What is critical to this purpose is: HOW, and WHY, I view your life is interacting with mine! Either for or against is a critical participant in that understanding. Consequently, every form of want is subject to the inevitable purpose of either forcing you from me/ or drawing you closer to me.
These are the parameters of personal human behavior. They exhibit the freedom of individual response, and apply social behaviors as a consequence to personal experience. Some individuals are “born to love (life in the essence of miracles: is discovered inside, as something more than self)”/ some individuals are “born to hate (easily influenced, to believe violence, revenge, judgment, ridicule, & power are the answers)”. But each is offered its own decision, and the freedom to make that decision come as true as possible, within their own expression. As their own existence, identified by their own truth. That freedom however overlaps the people within their environment of time, place, and participation: creating the influences which are generated not by us/ but demand our decision regardless.
Righteousness intervenes further by asserting: I KNOW, the rules; and I will make you obey me, by applying those rules to you. Every assembly of “the rules”, is lead by a ruler/ and those who follow insisting our rules (this book) shall be obeyed: WE, are the power here. Religion enters here, subjecting human decision to “the power we create/ which you cannot deny”. Survival enters here demanding: we have a right, that goes beyond yours. Mob control enters here assisting the manipulation of a “herd (we don’t need to think/ we KNOW)”. Mass hypnotism enters here: which is letting the crowd, believe together as if one: “we cannot be wrong”/ we have a right /////!
The elements which rule our world, are limited to: nature must survive/ the environment controls everything else/ freedom is essential to happiness/ resources are the elements we shape into our experience/ and sexual expression is a dominant human trait.
The elements which rule our lives, are limited too: respect defines and decides our destiny/ disciplines shape our journey/ balance determines the extremes we choose to face, even if we did not intend to choose this/ knowledge identifies opportunity/ understanding isolates reality/ wisdom conceives of truth/ and expressions in courage are either found, or lost.
We now examine participation as the distinction provided by mental authority. There are three categories: “the herd”, which will fear, or be annoyed by anyone that does not do, say, or look as we do. These are certain their job is: “to consume as much as possible”/ before life ends! The predator, which believes “I have a right”/ therefore I can play god. These are certain “I am a winner & you are a loser”. The human being; expanded by thought (NOT intellect= “traps”), to achieve an understanding of more than simple survival exists here: so says the evidence of miracles clearly conceived, in life itself. These are able to achieve love.
Therefore the boundaries of a herd are different than the others: their substantive decision is, “we will survive”, because we do NOT differ from the others/ we move together/ we walk together/ we believe together/ we are righteous together, as “we are many, equal to one”.
The boundaries of a predator are: only if you are truly useful for something, can you belong here. If you fail the hunt/ you fail to eat, and are left behind: because this is a “dog eat dog world”.
The boundaries of a human being are: I must think for myself, because I am inherently and literally advised by life, “I will pay the price for every decision, regardless of whether I led or followed or did it all on my own”.
The battleground of a herd is: “I believe.......”/ therefore you must also!
The battleground of a predator is: “I alone, am the important one here/ every contest, every want, everything is determined by my own contribution”. Which does mean you shall be judged.
The battleground of a human being is: in a world of lies, liars, fools, the proud, lustful, powerful, fantasies, terrorists, traitors, and fools. How can true love be found, it is hard, and it can be lonely.
The elements of life are subject to the wants of a herd, their decision moves society everyday; because these make up the majority. Fear contains them/ realities of being attacked, make it so; even from a very early beginning, the ability to trust anything other than “we make ourselves safe”/ by believing and doing exactly the same as the rest. Together we can fight/ alone we are lost! Is a fundamental trust issue that must be resolved to move beyond the herd.
The expressions of a predator construct an ability to manipulate, control, and define fear. Therefore they live with the purposes of fear, and limit themselves to the experience of a war; because their only focus is on the prey. “Its what they do”.
The elevation of life, which conforms to the identity of a human being created by the developments of thought (everything around me is more than I can understand) as the word “miracle” comes to life inside. Conceives of love, identifies with wisdom and understanding, respects the creation of possibilities and participants beyond myself. Happiness therefrom originates, as our own freedom to belong where GOD has given us hope: Beyond ourselves!
The most elemental struggle, is NOT to survive; but to find the grace and beauty of a relationship between male and female that will survive.
Without truth, happiness, balance, and value to your life/ there is no purpose in living other than to fear dying. Therefrom, whatever is the most likely to achieve the values above; is the essence of living, and the truth of happiness.
That said: the realities of living in this time, have clearly demeaned and disgraced both male and female with the delusions and illusions of fantasies without merit/ and lies without any purpose other than lust.
Unfortunately, the struggle to be noticed/ the competition to be established in an honest and honorable relationship/ the foundations of society being demolished for greed, power, and pride for a very few/ the endless testimony, “a gun is the answer”, by media and others/ the failure of respect/ the devaluing of sex/ the foolishness of pride/ and the endless thirst for selfish want: have all compiled into the throes of a dying world. Even in the relationships between male and female.
So then what is necessary to rebuild respect between male and female is: To understand “beauty/ grace/ truth/ respect/ and dignity”! Each is surrounded by the purpose to which they are given that portion of life, which becomes a revelation. Who are you? What do you desire about me? When am I enough for you/ and you me? What binds us together? And when I fail, or you fail; can I be thrown away?
The essence of sexuality, is an expression “in doors”: each is the same for both men and women. To get past the first barrier, is to accept each other as “beautiful”/ or “beautiful enough”. That fundamental decision is limited by your own decision: to acknowledge, happiness is developed/ rather than bought or won. Beautiful is a truth unwrapped in freedom, so the world can see. Beautiful is a search for happiness, that the world may recognize and know. Beautiful is the blessing of reality, governed by the honesty, that I can be enough for you, and you me. Beautiful is the message of life itself, found in your living: that creation itself means something beautiful in us all.
The second barrier or door is: the developmental language of grace or disgrace is subject too, a decision within your words, your attitude, your willingness to forgive or forget or help as life itself needs you to do. Grace is the elemental awareness proven true, that when life needs you honestly/ you are there. Disgrace is discovered in every ridicule/ every want that is selfish/ every purpose without the foundation of care/ and every decision that refuses to share, when life itself honestly needs that to be so.
The third barrier truth; the consequence of trust that builds from the very moment of introduction, to the outcomes related to life in every movement, and every moment that you step in time with me. That you rest upon as the dignity of your own life shared; because you have proven to care, again and again and again. Trust is the essence of sexuality/ the truth of more than lies and behaviors or body. It is the inner decisions, which do sacrifice a little of me, just for you. Every liar steals that confidence to be “everything I can be, because I live in the purity of freedom that releases my soul, to be and feel ALIVE”. Every decision that simply seeks sex, destroys the foundations upon which these freedoms as truth revealed in me exist.
The fourth door: is respect! The literal proof, that I am more than “just a product to be shopped for”/ I am the human being you chose to walk with, because you cared about me. There are no exceptions in this/ and there are no excuses for this: honesty reveals respect, as does kindness, hope, disciplines, courage for life, and a wide variety of values that will prove: life comes first for us all.
The last door is dignity: even if we are in love, life has its own version of how we must live, because it is critically true; when asking for a lifetime, nothing less than soul may choose. Soul is a distinction which gives heart the assignment: “life must come first, for the planet and its creation”. Heart owns body and mind/ soul owns life, if you belong to “GOD”. Therefore only the soul can choose. Even when the heart chooses. Every soul and every heart has a purpose, and a design for their own future. Every human being, that belongs to a destiny outside the lines called time; has a journey they must walk. Every desire is a decision that becomes participation/ but every participation cannot walk the same journey as mine. It is not wrong to want “someone viewed as special, to you”/ but it is not allowed, “to let a world die/ just for you”. There are many journeys in life, where the heart leads us. There are few journey’s in life, where the soul allows more than one. Dignity means: we have shared the best we could/ and must return to our lives separate, even if we love. Life comes first.
Want refuses all discipline/ because it is a liar and a thief when you have lost control over it. Pride is a failure, because it searches for someone to lose. Power consumes; and knows not any other way. Greed never shares/ because it cannot care. Lust defines a fate, shaped by the tragedy you leave behind.
One of the most critical paths everyone will take is: WHO are you? How you search for answers, and define the questions of your time. How you Develop that answer becomes the identity of your heart and soul/ making every decision that escapes the disciplines of your life; “an eternal testimony” to who you are.
Desire reaches for eternity, and fails; because it is not enough. Therefrom love searches within the expressions that exceed the boundaries of time, to become the spiritual ingredients that reshape and control the relationship that is to be “our soul”. A decision of both GOD and you. The life within you is that soul, the environment shaped by desire/ but proven by purpose, when coupled with love. These things share life, and become ALIVE in you, when desire is found in someone who truly does have the same level of respect and purpose as do you. Not a game, it is the essence of eternity, shaped around your shared souls.
In the elements of time, we measure each other, and judge: it is the foundation relied upon as “intellect or mind”. That functional relationship must be refined and defined without judgment to become elemental to life itself. So that the search for living, and the reach for justice/ cannot be deterred by an assembly so small as to be “measured”. We must learn to understand: time is a gift, but heart is a creation of you. That does mean, until the last moment of the last day, our development continues/ our ability to stand and be counted on to help; is determined by those we do not measure, but accept as equals throughout the experience of life. Nature expands that development by returning us all, to the common experience of life and living which is: physical appearance as well as abilities, and mental stability, happiness, and truth/ because it matters to the next generation. Not a game, even though some will lose too much/ and some will win, far beyond what they deserve or desire. Consequently, while life makes us equal, both male and female regardless of any measurement. Time makes us aware, that we do have a responsibility to nature itself/ to participate in “her designs”. Without judging for ourselves. It is NOT a simple thing/ NEITHER is it so simple as the eyes cannot be wrong! Sexual decisions exist lust/ need/ desire/ happiness/ heart/ spirit/ and then soul. Very few will ascend into a purity of love that cannot be separated. It is a difficult journey.
Respect binds us together, when we find the common ground that becomes, “I am your friend”. Friendship binds us together as participants in the time needed to conceive of an opportunity to be more, than acquainted. Friendship revolves around the ability to perceive and enjoy, this one is like me, or is within the boundaries of my own desire for this world. The difference is: as a friend, I do have time for you/ and I can understand your need, even if I have no solution! Whereas an acquaintance means: even though we know each other, I cannot call upon you in my time of need or desire or loneliness/ because you are not there. A bond is formed when respect recognizes, I am your friend/ and you are proven to be mine. A bond is shared, when the struggles of “our desires and purposes” can be formed as one. The reality of what we choose together defines the heart we join into our own creation as “life shared”. When that truth reflects very little of each personal journey or desire/ your ascension into the hopes and loves that do represent the strength of “being alive”/ will be small.
Throughout the definitions of being human, are the realities of society and survival that do push and pull and tear at the core principles of every person. Thereby failure is inevitable, ridicule is constant, pride is a war, and power refuses to be controlled. The end result, which includes want: the definitions identified by, “I must/ I will/ I can/ I would/ I have too; and all the rest which says, BEFORE I DIE, or get too old to care”. I want everything I can get. I want enough sex to know, this is, or is not “the best I can be”. I want enough freedom, to know: this is the best, I could have been. I want enough reality in my life, to know I have lived/ and not been found cowered and afraid. I want the blessings of family, and the end of loneliness/ and trophies too! Each of which and more; are a battleground, within your future. Because what comes next is: “You, or a child (or someone) interfered, and stopped me from doing and being everything I wanted to be”. When that is allowed to become “a trap, caused by you”: you then become the enemy, whether by a little or a lot/ particularly if you did in fact manipulate or control. Others identify feeling trapped, as an excuse to surrender themselves to depression/ I cannot escape, there is too much to lose; to find myself. Still others construct their own trap, believing: I will secretly manipulate and control/ so that I can do whatever I desire; and lose nothing. Because you will never know. “Lies all around”.
Life is not a game. Want is an enemy, that determines the future in every demand that is made. Whether that be sexual, or greed, or power, or pride, or even jealousy, which is: I cannot compete with that one/ therefore I can only surrender or fight. The choice is then, to believe whatever you want/ which becomes abuse, arrogance, and the demand to use the other person, whether by violence/ slavery/ or other. OR, when faced with jealousy, it is necessary to remember: no one has everything. Liars are an enemy, to some degree; you just don’t know it yet. Those who lie, will lie to you too. If you understand/ then you can forgive and forget: because that search reveals the truth. If you cannot understand, then it will eat at your heart, if things were beyond the limits you imposed upon yourself: that means, unless you communicate honestly, more trouble is coming.
Let your heart be the treasury of love, that binds life together. If that is not enough/ then it is time to leave, and find another. Even if it is “scary”. Stop and think/ assemble alternatives to provide, such as someone else for them to think about other than you/ understand your choices. Understand and search out, whatever society can provide for you. Do the best you can, for life/ which does include putting you first in time. If you don’t survive, you cannot love, help, or provide for anyone else; here on this planet.
Always remember three things: to become “married” to another means that you are taking them away from the life they knew to start another description of definition of what will become “together we live”. Ending long term relationships for many friendships, that are nearly as important as you. If you lie, or suggest things like, “I am pregnant/ because I want to be; even though we said no; at this time/ in thought or deed. Or in contrast, if you make a serious financial decision, that affects us both, without me”: trust will evaporate, making sex, or life with you/ a gamble with potentially, very serious consequences. A price too high, to participate in! Quiet then erupts, as people take refuge inside themselves! The same can be said from your lover demanding unwarranted change; “if I cannot be me/ for you”, then we have nothing to share. People then move away from intimacy, while they must protect themselves/ because change can only go so far, before “something will break”; UNFAIR! Too much change, & I then become someone else. Additionally, If you stay for someone, until sadness becomes lust (I want more)/ then you have stayed too long. “Need and loneliness push people to take chances and risks/ to meet people they would not otherwise know”. Consequently it has value, in their search/ or each search for a true companion in “our forever”. The alternative to making someone search for themselves; is if it does not work for them, depression will set in. Loneliness over-running life, can end in suicide/ or insanity. Or, for some: each has the possibility to become closer to GOD, through, “religion or not”. Or perhaps find solace, in even lesser creatures, as love and respect is not limited to “just us”. These are hard choices/ they are YOUR choices: with critical consequences. Particularly if you cannot help them find someone else, “because they just won’t choose anyone but you”. Sex “between friends”/ regardless how little or much; cannot heal the broken truth; “I want more”. Unless you are willing to stay, “forever”. It can however change moments, when life seems too much to bear/ and I need proof of a true friend. People lie to gain an advantage, to use or abuse you. Understand the difference/ because we all live with the results of our own decision. No excuses/ you chose, good or bad, truth is truth.
We are who we are, if that does not work for you: then you should not be married (joined together), even if love exists. That however is your own decision; just be careful, because change can have eternal results, “either good or bad”. Sexuality exists on three distinct tiers/ the fourth is elusive. Sex is simply the game particularly of men/ and this is the prize; it has no meaning other than a trophy. Sex with a purpose fills a need, by becoming the evidence: I do accept and hope for your happiness, by using my own body for your benefit. Sexual romance, seeks the fulfilment of words that become the essence of our desire within each other, as is the expression: “together, we are ALIVE”. The fourth meaning or existence of love passing trust, to become a truth expanding into soul; means we are eternal. We cannot be broken, and live or die as one.
The first steps in Finding someone is “like this”.
1. The more people you meet and know; the more likely it is that you will find someone among them, or through them, because every person knows someone; and that enlarges your own possibilities.
2. Listen to their want/ because what they want determines what your future is going to be together. If they want, or desire nothing, then no passion exists; that will not change until they do.
3. It is the discipline of your heart and theirs; which defines the living that you will express or experience as friends and lovers. Discipline means: “I have a duty, through my desire to belong to purposes beyond myself”. Or, more simply; “the heart of a living soul” survives in me.
4. If you spend your life with someone who shall not become “your lifelong companion”/ even if they want to be. Then you will grow old and alone/ and they may find someone else as well; and leave you without.
5. If you choose perfection/ you have failed yourself: because you are not perfect.
6. If you choose for sex or a trophy; time will surrender that want, when no one else is competing with you. Jealousy will overtake that want, when your trophy chooses someone else. Ending badly.
7. “GOD” is not your servant/ it is NOT HIS job, to find someone for you. This is your life, get on with it & do the best you can. Take the challenge, accept the risk, and be a friend; as that is the only way, with few exceptions, that you will ever meet another friend, or the one you will love.
8. Be who you are, only truth survives, and belongs to life itself.
9. RESPECT each other/ until it is proven without doubt, this cannot be done today. Respect sex as well, it is not a game. Respect gender differences, we are NOT the same. Which means, you cannot believe “you know”: therefore you must communicate as best you can/ or you will discard and destroy the relationship you have.
10. Help each other, you can do something; even if you believe “I shouldn’t have to do this”. The reality is, that a true and honorable friend, probably would/ and a lover must. Because intimacy is born out of true help/ honest choices; for both me, and for you.
11. If you believe, “I have it good, I have it easy, I have everything I want right now; without the commitment to one single other person”. Then in all probability, as the years go by; having chosen no one to build a future with/ you will become lonely. Even if you finally find someone “to fill in”. Because access is everything in dating; and when they all know (male or female), your desire is NOT “for them”/ they will leave you alone. Unless you remain a trophy, in which case: one way or another, you must buy this companion. Time passes, and the body will prove, “this is not forever”.
12. Happiness is, the blessing of time dissolved by the moments which cling to our own expressions in the experience of freedom. When joined by a lover or even a friend, that experience is multiplied, and we become a participant in creation itself; as life revealed. It is our search, to become more, than simply “life in time”. It is our destiny, for every single one who experiences heart/ to search for : I AM ALIVE! Which love includes as, “thank YOU” for sharing that truth, the expression of existence unlike any other/ and building friendship in me. It is “more life”/ rather than time.
Life is not about money or possessions/ beyond the needs for survival: these are merely toys, trophies, or weapons (hate). Which does mean, when you are no longer a child; you will no longer live or think like a child. Everyday, is the first day, of the rest of your life. Everyday, the people you walk with, think about, play with, work with, or live with ARE: the environment of your existence/ with nature itself; if you are so lucky. Think about it, and prepare your existence with “laughter, happiness, and hope all around you”. Isn’t that a better life/ if you can!
There are three rules, to dating: be yourself/ don’t lie/ understand this is your decision, and there are no excuses for making it: you chose. The same goes for sex. Equally, there are NO EXCUSES for not behaving or respecting boundaries: mine is mine/ and it is NOT yours to take advantage of.
There are four rules to every relationship: be prepared, to accept you are not the right one/ nor are they for you. Understand, this is NOT a competition: when life finds you an honest “heart-safe” relationship/ you will know it inside: from there all it takes is truth and time. Acknowledge reality, which means even if there is love; it is not a guarantee of forever. Discipline yourself, even if you know, “this one is right for me”; they too have rights, and their own decision to make if this is true. Not fair, is a participant in relationships; because no one is perfect/ and mistakes will be made. Remember this: not everyone can make a decision that will change the rest of lifetime, “in a moment or two”. Some simply need the space, to understand themselves, and then accept the boundaries, desires, and purposes of being with you for the rest of their life. Love answers in its own time/ not necessarily by your standard of measure! Love is a blessing, hope is a treasury that includes you, or it is not true lifelong love. When that exists honestly, nearly all will return with “I do”. Some cannot, “life as truth, won’t allow it”!
Remember this as well: your body is an invitation in time to the opposite sex/ but no matter how beautiful or ugly, it is not a lock or key. More simply the body cannot open the door, to anyone’s heart. The place where life meets its own truth, and love begins. A moment, that lets me see in you, “a life we might share”/ a moment you see in me, “a life that begins with care”. Because without a future, there is only the present/ the present will fade, and time past is only a memory.
To achieve that moment of life building in you, requires the ability to see, “beyond your eyes”/ by letting soul inside. Soul is a respect, that cannot end! When you have found that moment, love (not lust or want or illusions) walks in: it is then, you have found a “soulmate”. Anything less, is just time spent/ a game that has no real purpose or desire other than winning.
Just so the insane cannot counter with, I WANT includes: “building a special house, car, titles, pride, property, etc”. Just so you know, “sex, without love, or the honesty applied in need: is simply a trophy, or an addiction”.
Building a life actually means: finding, accepting, and filling each other with the purity of purpose, and the foundations in desire, that will become, “We are ALIVE, in each other”. Building romance, is a destiny searched for, when we seek to please each other, “even more than we please ourselves”. That is a decision formed in desire. When you desire each other truly, you will do the work, that lives in the grace provided by each others heart. Or more simply, “I know, or believe you do this just, or especially, for me”; even if it is hard for you. That truth suggests and proclaims, “the honor of love”. Do you have it? If not, the limits of what romance can be, are small.
Marriage is a single delicate flower, surrounded by the barriers of truth, love, and discipline/ completed by the boundaries of trust, hope, and respect for each other. Each is created within the individual participant: to keep the others out. Because we must be, as marriage defines, “the essence of life, here in time; for each other”. That is the price of marriage, and it is not negotiable. Fail to accept it, fail to protect it; and your marriage cannot become “your life”. Many want it that way; it is a choice. Many get married for sex, loneliness, possessions and other plans and purposes that do not include anything conceived of as “the purity of love”. Consequently they cannot journey into each other/ because the door to your heart, does not exist here. True Marriage is, STRICTLY between man and woman/ there is no other.
You should know and recognize: that dating can carry with it, a wide variety of manipulations, designs, and desires that confront each other with choices. Every lie damages/ every decision, constructed by want; takes away trust/ every purpose that is not functionally FAIR, destroys the beating of our hearts as one. But nearly every dating experience holds some of these expressions; and to be married means: BEFORE you can truly become close, time and forgiveness must occur: to repair the damages done/ to begin again/ and to understand through love, that I am here for you. But only as trust, truth, respect, and the essence that is love holds us together. It is not a price, but a reality of both heart and soul. Together we build/ separate we fall, from ourselves and each other. Communicate, with openness and honesty. But remember unless truth, which builds trust exists: that cannot be. Unless respect is a non-negotiable reality between you, love does not exist.
Dating is a quagmire, once sex beyond simple kissing and touches exists. Because instead of friendship, and resolving the issues of what it means to share our lives as one. Sex adds in a wide variety of “participants (chemicals, needs, wants, demands, etc)”/ all of which now confront your relationship, and demand attention. Sex eliminates most conversation in dating, ending the badge of friendship we share as our decision/ to become “you owe me for this/ need me, or I you, for this/ and does add in the intensities, of pregnancy, disease, jealousy, and more. While it is advisable and useful, to attain “sexual information” PRIOR to becoming joined in marriage “forever (if you can/ we are free to change; even if it hurts)”. Because no matter what, this time on earth: does belong first and only “to you”. Freedom demands it/ and freedom drives and creates a large portion of happiness! You should also know; that sex is a part of marriage, dependent upon what you decide together/ it is a good thing, that keeps you both close. IF you share the rights, responsibilities, rewards, and desires. If you do not, or refuse sex; then reality proves “my body/ my choice” for us both; because life is a one time event. Truth decides.
It should be recognized: that men only want sex, to “play with their toy”. Simple sex is not more for male, other than a trophy. As friendship progresses, all other facets of life and sexuality come into play, for men and boys: it is not a game. You don’t win, by having sex; unless a game is all you want. While people come back to play games/ they don’t stay, to do the work of living! That, is a very different thing. Generally, you will lose, when sex comes first/ because without a bond of trust, created by truth and respect: there is no foundation for love. Love comes first, then sex, then marriage: if life itself blesses you both, through honesty. It does matter to young men especially: if “their woman” isn’t just for their eyes only. Isn’t that true of women as well?
It is necessary to say: that a vasectomy( removing a man’s balls/ to stop the chemical flow and prevent pregnancy) DOES have consequences. It removes the chemicals that make sex pleasurable as well! Consequently, it eliminates most; if not all sex for both partners, male and female If you are “joined together”. That will cause your marriage to deteriorate, as blame becomes real/ and reality itself sinks in, “we can’t do this anymore”. Everything has changed, for both sides of the bed.
Contractual marriage, which should always be called “something else”. As is true of the name, it is merely the legal ramifications tied to a contract broken/ if or when it fails. These are completely different relationships and realities other than true marriage; and are in fact “basically” open to anyone who wants or demands to be legally tied (I will get you; for this failure) together.
Constructing a new society/ conceived by grace; controlled by reality; and defined by truth.
Every possibility for a life and living that can be sustained for humanity, and for the living creation of this earth. Can be summed up in the words: we are now substantially over 7 billion people with no place to go, but this earth/ it is the only home we get in time, FOREVER. Fantasies are worthless, and devoid of sense or truth.
Every possibility, For a life and living that can be sustained for humanity, and for the living creation of this earth. Can be summed up in the words: unless we stop the insane from destroying us all, by experimenting with energies that cannot be controlled, or mutilating every form of nature on earth, or destroying the very foundations which keep us all alive: as is the description of “Satan” on earth. We die.
Every possibility, For a life and living that can be sustained for humanity, and for the living creation of this earth. Can be summed up in the words: without justice, there is only war/ without truth there is only starvation and cannibalism/ without fair play, there is only hatred and revenge/ without equality; “the dead (you cast them into the trash)” will rise to consume you.
Every possibility, For a life and living that can be sustained for humanity, and for the living creation of this earth. Can be summed up in the words: unless you choose for life first/ extermination waits behind the door, and it will open onto you and yours.
Therefore a new society requires the resolution of each participant above with truth, security, stability, and new foundations that will become our relationship with all forms of life, including ourselves.
1. Humanity works for money, which means the counterfeiting must stop/ the bankruptcies must be fair/ and the foundations of society must be moved from “money first” to LIFE ALONE, for this planet IS FIRST. No exceptions. Demanding the currency of each nation SHALL BE TIED to the population count, within that nation, is mandatory. Demanding the currency of any international trade SHALL BE TIED to something distinctly real, such as gold, is mandatory. Taking away the ability of ALL government employees to create debts for the public is mandatory: this shall end. RETURNING TO REALITY is mandatory, no excuses.
2. “Limited capitalism” is REQUIRED. Because there can be no more “rich men”/ beyond the limits we the people create, and enforce with our vote. Because there can be no more poverty beyond the limits we the people accept for ourselves: thereby we create and enforce with our vote the limits that will be allowed. Because there can be no more gross and negligent ownership of properties: we the people shall decide for ourselves, and enforce that decision by laws we create. And a courtroom we own for ourselves as: THIS NATION is ours!
3. World law is required: because there is no more room for excessive and dangerous militaries. NO more allowance for weapons of mass destruction in any form. NO more threatening the earth, its life, or its people. NO more stealing the future, or destroying the resources; to play games of power. The leaders shall obey us, or we shall remove them legally; according to the world laws we the people do create and enforce for ourselves on leaders.
4. By making the minimum of short, clear, simple laws that cover the maximum amount of needs for ourselves: WE THE PEOPLE become our own government. Throwing the trash of laws that failed away; and working out the details in each and any courtroom in this nation or another. When the reality of a right or a need has been justified as correct for this society: it will then be the ruler, rather than the judge. A judges role is to establish “fair play/ justice as is consistent with constitutional law/ and equality, as is publically honest, or “we accept this is fair” for ourselves. Every courtroom shall be judged and graded/ any judge or lawyer that fails our test for society; will be discarded, or penalized and removed from working with the law.
5. Every business or industry shall be reduced in size to one location/ if you own this, or any part of this: you CANNOT own another. You are now part of this community, and their future is tied to your future: which means you cannot simply sell or change or move, without community approval. We the worker helped and created the business or industry along with resources available; WE HAVE A SAY, in our future/ the price we will pay, for your decisions. Just as you have had a say in our community, good or bad: working together, is nearly always good for society/ NOT bad, if want is removed! Giving reality, the future, and truth its due. Every business or industry SHALL be required to give a true and accurate accounting (as best you can, providing access for all to see the methods and means. Providing for every one who desires it to inspect your accounting, and determine for themselves what the future shall hold). So that the children, and this world; are NOT simply sacrificed as is today.
6. The IRS shall be disbanded/ and all employees removed from the work. It shall be reinstated as an accounting firm who bids on this work within their own communities: and they shall be inspected from time to time to assure the rest of accuracy and fair play. Every form shall be destroyed; and every type of business shall create their own forms/ thereby clear, simple, and plain without loopholes.
7. Politics shall be completely rearranged: discarding “lawmaker”, and all its stands for into the trash forever. Replacing that with the “investigators of laws granted by society, to insure they are followed by all/ as intended, and revealed in the written law that is: we the people of this land. No more presidential head of military: WE THE PEOPLE shall declare and vote upon the terms and conditions for what the military can do, when it will respond, what they cannot do; and everything in between. Including all military contracts reviewed for truth and substance/ whereby finding cause, we WILL get our money back.
8. Immigration is: the acceptance by those moving, that their own country of origin DID NOT attain a respect, or participation with justice, friendship, and happiness, FOR ME. The primary problem is OVER-population. When you move, you admit this nation has gone wrong for me/ and I need another! Bringing those same problems here; “as your culture, desires, etc” does NOT make for simple peace or harmony; because now, our own futures, nature, nation, children, & economies change as well. There is a price to pay for many/ whereas it is small and not difficult when there are just a few. The constant of this world is human OVER population. The reality of human life is, “an equal value” is mandatory. But the simple truth of our situation as a world is: WE ARE NOW TOO MANY TO KEEP NATURE ALIVE, as we are/ therefore every single mouth to feed has a cost, and brings the fate of this world into chaos; that much quicker. The end result of that reality is: if you move here especially (every citizen should accept the same)/ your ability to have children must be permanently limited to NOT MORE than two as a woman. If the possibility for men to be included in that arises, without a vasectomy (the end of chemicals released/ is the end of sexual pleasure: women are affected too). Since that day is not here, the men WILL pay women realistically; for their contribution in birth control for life. That is the first payment of an immigrant. The second is: unless you have a working grasp/ literally can communicate with us, in our language/ back you go. The third and less important reality is: unless the nation you come from is practicing real birth control, within its own borders; back you go. The fourth is: if you fail to become a citizen within 7 years/ you fail for life, and must move elsewhere. If you refuse to participate in that journey of change to our ways after four years, you will be returned to your nation. It is the one you love/ go repair it, with our blessing.
9. Medical assistance, is a job; basically like any other job/ learn what you need to know: and the rest does not matter. Rather like high school; a long deluge of nothing useful/ instead it is consistently the means to keep young people out of the work force to decrease competition. Like most jobs; the amount of time and risk associated with the work is, or should be: the determinant for pay. That means we are indebted to the medical staff for adequate assistance rendered. That means the tools, the building, utilities; the administration of the business as in monopoly, is essentially not involved in medicine at all. Therefore while it is fair to assert, “these are high paying jobs for skilled workers who do their job correctly”. The possibility of removing the monopoly that gouges and terrorizes economic life is merely found in removing the current “ways and means”. We will own the patents to pharmaceuticals/ we will own the machines used for health, and their patents as well: so as to insure fair pricing. We will provide opportunities to those who are working to improve medicine, and provide “patent realistic payments” to those who succeed. In addition: To identify what our “hospitals, etc” shall be allowed to charge/ we can and will take over the administrative responsibilities for ourselves. Not as “government in charge”/ which always ends badly. But as a public vote: electing those who will then run the business effectively and with honest purpose as designed by us. Or we will remove them from their office (after a full accounting)/ and replace them with others, who do bid for the job. As a community! Our health/ our money/ our future/ our needs: our right to do so. Because the current method is extortion/ a monopoly or control beyond what is fair to the public weal.
No one gets to be happy, unless they are free. You cannot be free, unless you are able to say with confidence: “I can take care of myself, and family; with some room (choices) for myself”. Without happiness there is crime, violence, hatred, depression, and more. You cannot assemble that unless there is security in society, for a job. You cannot be secure in your relationship to work as a member of this or any society, unless there are jobs for which you can do for yourselves and your communities/ your nation and world. Unless you balance this world with work and life and need, it will end. It is a “woman’s job” to balance man. When that fails, there is tragedy coming.
There are no jobs without resources/ no future for any child either. That means: unless you properly choose for life, and planet first: remembering society and all of nature by its own truths, realities, and needs/ we all die together as one. Life is not a game, and there are few second chances, if any. Being a woman does not make you superior to men/ does not make you wise, or able to balance men or yourselves. That takes respect for the dignity, integrity, and honor of being as nature intended you to be. Not deluded by media, or controlled by propaganda, or defined by images media or others make. Life requires you, “to be true, as a woman was meant to be”. Then you can and you shall balance life on earth.
THE SEVEN THINGS, men should know about women/ women should know about men.
1. Never believe they are “essentially the same”/ they are not. It is a different life, because it is a different body, a different responsibility, and different consequences even though; “it seems a similar act, or life.” Life represents a different decision, which is then processed through a different elemental reality, and becomes gender specific.
2. Never believe sex is the same for her as it is for you: these are different parts and pieces/ acting and reacting with a completely different set of rules; that are gender specific.
3. NEVER believe you own, or possess; any human body, or person. That is your failure, and it is your fraud/ and it will be, punishable in eternity.
4. Sexual love is not a physical act/ it is a spiritual construction, that joins two lives together in the freedom to believe “everything alive” starts with you. The expressions of loneliness destroyed. The experiences of romance: “my life sings” because of you. The reality of trust that must be earned, turns the joy of acceptance into the reality of shared love, because you cared; because you shared your life, & time. These things have absolutely nothing to do, with how many times you can “use or abuse her body, with your penis”/ or plot and plan for his money. But they are directly connected to “touch”, and the intensities that can and do create experiences that remain forever. Learn to do better.
5. Love is a gift/ NOT an earned reward. Sex is a reality of choice, a decision constructed because you care honestly “for me”. Not to use or abuse, or possess: but to join in the essence of life as love shared. Even so, love is not a possession/ therefore it is a passion that owns itself. Love is a reality that must search for its own passions, and follow its own truth. Love will always choose: what has “the most value, what is the most necessary, what truth requires of each one, more than self: for life (Creation itself)”. Passion means: this is more important “than me”/ or not less than equal.
6. Want identifies the lies that will come. Need is a reality that serves power/ but power is a truth that kills trust, thereby removing even the possibility of honest love. Jealousy, is the beginning of violence. Discipline constructs responsibility based upon the values accepted as needed or desirable in life. Religion is a set of rules, that help guide various disciplines; by limiting fear: “I don’t have to know/ I can believe”. Hatred is a decision without the possibility of change/ while anger is a reaction, that does have the possibility of change. Greed “demands, yours too”/ and trophies are put upon a shelf for display (or hidden away so none can steal), even though no one cares after awhile. Consequently, another trophy must be found, for arrogance and pride to be sustained.
7. Passion, is the measure of our desire to conceive and create the foundations which give us/ which give “me, and you” the reality of living and life that we choose to cherish as valued and alive. The purpose of our moments, are then designed/ within that passion. The reality of our work, is then produced/ the consequence of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are risen to the heights we can achieve. Passion exists: even if no one desires to share. Passion, desire, purpose; and their truth: are individual decisions participating in the identity called “you/ or me”. They are not owned by any other/ these are mine. These can be shared because we, or I, choose to care, to participate, and to define acceptance of this purpose by my desire.
Beyond the simplicity of human existence, are the realities of life itself. The essence of everything alive is: that we exist, because we know we exist. While that may seem a simple statement, it is not/ as the consequence of knowledge is a relationship with life itself. Without thought (the essence of our participation in life)/ there is nothing but mass, space, and energy. With thought we perceive of everything, and create value as our relationship to thought will allow. It is thought that constructs life. It is energy that constructs freedom to move. It is mass that gives us time, through chemistry and DNA which is the blueprint of nature revealed. It is space, that conceives of eternity; as it appears to have no end. The critical relationship however, is our acceptance: everything about this planet is a gift to us/ which does mean, LOVE is represented and alive here for us. Because the evidence is clear and without corruption: Only thought can achieve life!
That brings us to “GOD, our CREATOR”. Or, beyond the boundaries of time, and within the substance that is life as time; are the realities of each critical truth, and subsequent law that controls the universe. Beyond the elemental meaning established by, “BEING ALIVE”; are the essence, desires, purposes, and realities of what thought can be.
We begin in the substance that is the seven sides of time: what is risen (up)/ the four distinct directions of the wind (decisions you make)/ what is down (death and destruction)/ and what is inside or the essence of either love or hate (as these are opposites, the essence of your life in time demands: you are ONE, but not the other). What lives in the middle, is lost.
To rise spiritually, is a journey within thought, into the destiny that love defines by your heart caring and sharing in the essence of value accepted; that is “being alive” itself. Joined by the essence of love as your personal gift to GOD, having earned that invitation by critical trust; that HIS LOVE is real. Constructs the participation, that becomes or opens the door called soul; and anchors our eternity in GOD.
To descend is a decision identified by want, and conceived by judgment: that having measured the others, you are “more”/ thereby they are less. That foundation or anchorage into this physical world, presents what is pleasure, trophy, or pain as the relationship that matters to you.
The four alternate directions of a human life are: religion/ hate/ love/ and intellect. Religion is, the assertion I can have anything I want, if I just believe it will be true; thereby I make whatever I want to be “true to me”. Hate is a foundation for destruction, I have found you worthless to me/ therefore I can do anything I want with you. In all its forms. Love is a path, between life, and its Creator: to encounter truth, and thereby experience/ express/ and identify what being ALIVE truly means; SHARED as “my gift” returned to GOD through, or in the caring I give to you. Intellect turns reality into arrogance/ that arrogance into greed/ that greed into empowerment: which then becomes the slave driver of, or too life. It is the comprehension of traps; and can be used either for “good or bad”; because it becomes your choice/ or your assumption.
The essence of thought, is an assignment beyond all forms of measurement: to identify and create the foundations upon which all forms of value does arise. The desire of life is: to construct the means and methods used by truth, to attain the elements of a life that is love. The purpose of love is: to find JOY, AND BE TRULY ALIVE in the discovery of life beyond self. The reality of thought is; a freedom that cannot be controlled by others/ it is your decision, thereby your individual path and constructed journey, to become whatever it is that binds “the heart of your life”, into creation itself. The heart of your life means: every value is a treasure, and every treasure in time, is a moment locked within the soul; that identifies who you truly are.
Time is a creation of measures. Life, is an elemental reality established by thought/ therefore, if your identity lives in thought: then your life exists wheresoever thought can travel. Reality identifies death as the transition between the ability of a body to move and “think (to measure) or choose (pleasure or pain) for itself”. Thereby we know, that if thought is functionally tied to chemistry, and its identity as nature; then when the body dies so does thought/ so then does life. If however we recognize the reality of CREATION ITSELF, as nothing less than the essence of thought, which gives us all the gift of life. Then that thought is life, and it has nothing to do with our bodies: it is separate. Where your spiritual (life inside) identity goes when that life is separated from time; forms either your destiny or fate. The body is a measurement of time. The soul is a reality of life created by thought, and your acceptance of the paths available to search for your CREATOR. This is the inside of life, where only you decide.
SEVEN THINGS you should know about dating and sex:
1. You cannot buy love with sex/ you cannot own another person with trophies/ you cannot be a trophy, or a slave: without damaging yourself. That said, you cannot use or abuse another person without destroying “our relationship”/ because trust will die, as time passes on.
2. You can buy marriage with sex, but it will not last except for a very few; and only then, without love; its simply convenience. You cannot buy a provider for your children with sex: they are not your slave. You can buy them with money, if they want it badly enough; but there is no real love for you or the children.
3. You cannot shop for a husband (I will love you forever) or wife (I will cherish you, in my heart)/ because these are not for sale. Only love can bind you. Look in the mirror honestly before you “go dating”/ and listen with own your heart and mind, rather than “with your eyes alone”. Bad things can happen, when you simply shop for a trophy, or a possession, or a way of life, or a child.
4. A child is not your toy. A child is not “your money/ or your slave”. A child is not your possession/ he or she is, or is intended to be: the elegant reminder of your passion; the evidence of your heart. In dating, It is similarities in life, that give understanding its best opportunity to remain or become friends; a very necessary reality: if children are going to be involved. It is similar disciplines in life, that search for the same values, and respect the same decisions; making understanding simple and plain.
5. The elements of love are these: to find a friend, is to create hope/ hope constructs the foundation upon which we share life/ sharing understands, if there is not caring too: then something is wrong, a lie is hidden here. To go beyond friendship requires truth, which then begets trust. Trust is the beginning of every true relationship upon which time no longer matters: I find you in my soul, there is a place “where you belong”: a time to search has been earned. Trust binds our lives together, when we earn the disciplines of value, that prove this can go on. Value increases our desire for each other, and a purpose arises that gives expression to romance: the passion of finding someone “with whom I shall be free”. Freedom experiences LIFE, beyond the simple expressions of time: to prove “I am ALIVE”. Rather than simply living. Alive means, inside this spiritual world: our hope has become a journey between our souls. The essence of our true reality, then meets.
6. To express sexual compassion, is to understand: “I hear your needs, even if I can only give: this much”. To express and experience sexual passion: is to be honest and true, when hearts meet. To go beyond passion, requires an earned trust that needs no defenses: we, are free, inside where hearts live. To expand beyond self, & live within those moments, rather than in this world of time: “demands an open door”/ and allows spiritually to arise, and find Creation itself. Someone inside must be worthy in trust, or tragedy can strike.
7. In the elevations of love, truth constructs many doors; each of which has a purpose to explain and conceive not only your desire/ but to understand with evidence, the reality of how much is the value you do perceive and accept in me! Only the elements of a value accepted, without restraint, can attain soul. Only soul, can conceive of the gift that GOD has given to each of us. I to you/ and you to me; shared without a price.
Love is a reality that cannot be owned/ it is shared. Life is a reality that is always owned by each individual, and cannot be bought. Heart identifies you, without the consequences of time and people: it is your truth. Soul constructs your relationship with GOD, and in terms of male and female sexuality: the opportunity to praise and worship your Creator. Time has needs. Humanity has consequences. Reality lives as a duty to us all: therefore love for some, simply cannot stay. Even though love can remain in your heart, the reality of us all, is greater than self.
Every lie has a cost.
SEVEN THINGS, you should know about you.
1. Want, is the destructive element that establishes all lies: IF you don’t want something/ or wish to hide it/ etc. Then you don’t lie. Lies are about attaining what you want, regardless of truth. Every lie has a cost, to you/ and the others. People lie to themselves, because they want to be more; therefore they believe, even if truth and evidence prove this is not so.
2. Pride, is the assumption: life is a game/ which is a failure to understand reality. Therefore, the assertion arises with pride: that there MUST be “winners”/ and to make winners, then the others MUST be losers. Pride asserts: “We are the players (the important ones)”/ while you, MUST worship us; because we own the right to influence and control or manipulate your lives. Pride is then a thief.
3. Power, is the belief: I can be “god”. And to prove that, there will be consequences. Power asserts, “I AM judge, and jury”; I know, everything I need to know! Therefore I can call you worthless, and sell/ abuse/ discard/ use/ hate/ or any other device I choose to prove I can be “the devil” to you. Power is then a cheat; it disguises reality/ and hides the truth: LIFE IS THE GREATEST VALUE on earth, not you.
4. Greed asserts, “mine is not enough/ GIVE ME yours”: I WANT MORE. What is not unfair?
5. Lust, is the reality: I want your body, “YOU as a person/ are irrelevant”. That is fundamentally rape.
6. Hate understands: fear, changes the game. Therefore it is the games humanity plays, that bring us hate. How is that not your choice?
7. Love is: “a passage that leads beyond self”/ to become the single greatest contribution to life itself, ever conceived.
SEVEN THINGS about society.
1. Fools who make rules/ destroy peace and harmony, to create war.
2. Fantasies are thieves, hiding the truth; so they can bring lies into our lives.
3. Leaders either rule/ Or they obey the law, and the realities of life, thereby working for society. They do not do both.
4. Courts proclaim anarchy and treason: when they refuse to let democracy rule our lives as is our constitutional guarantee. They establish “traitor” when they demand to rule us/ instead of being our employees. The difference in democracy is: the constitution is our government/ NOT our employees. The law itself, is governed by that constitution, and there are NO alternate interpretations. The jury is to prove “the court, etc; was fair, to this individual/ just as I would expect it done to me”. The public must have power over the judge, to evict as necessary. It is the US supreme court from which all dysentery drips and drizzles upon our lives: they are in charge/ therefore they are the corrupt, they are the conspirators, they are the collusion which fights to destroy the nation itself, by giving everything to the powerful. So we can be their slaves. How is that not your concern?
5. Media propagate power to the few/ fears for the rest: demanding “don’t worry”, even though it is clear “this is a train on tracks, and death is coming”. Their pride is worth more, than your lives: so they sell you, and this world, to death. When did they ever tell you anything you needed to know/ when there was an opportunity to stop the destruction, or protect your lives? Instead you are herded by “the experts”/ fenced in by media itself, because you are separated from everything you do need to know/ pushed and manipulated by courtroom rules, protecting only your leaders, so they can be rulers; hiding their bribes, extreme stealing, and absolute lies. Media hides the destruction: instead of helping, they make certain “YOU, look the other way”. But then that is what you want: “don’t tell me NOTHING/ because I refuse to be involved, and I won’t take the blame, and I won’t pay the price”/ I want what I want, and nothing more. That includes people to ridicule, judge, gossip about and so on. You are, what media has made of you: “take one grain of sand, from a one hundred mile shoreline” / and condemn, judge, disgrace, ridicule, malign, gossip, and be righteous (we are like god, compared to you), discarding whatever you don’t know, or don’t want, or do know as truth; and throw away, any life, or any cause that is not yours. Or, perhaps it is they are, “whatever you made them”. More likely the corruption of power, pride, and especially greed has been destroying you both.
Nonetheless; recognizing, “the others”, can do it to you as well: bringing fear (we can lose our position/ our image). So then we cannot be friends, with anyone; fear them all, “they are like you”. Or hate them, because they can damage you, your image (all the lies) or your world (I want everything, for free). Or, in the alternative: it is simpler for most, to believe in your own arrogance, and use, abuse or even kill a “friend”, or a world, and the future of every child. But: Who cares, to your shame as well!
6. University is the expression: “what you don’t know/ CAN KILL you”. But the people inside that “trade union (keep the rest out, or make them pay our price)”/ are determined, “Only we shall know”/ thereby only we shall have the power, and the pride; to kill/ maim/ mutilate/ and destroy. These are the warlords, preparing the world for HELL: trapped by war/ with no way out; because nature will be lost. These are the essence of SATAN: preparing all of nature, to be mutilated/ exterminated/ destroyed: everything called life will be lost. Because they wanted to be god. They Bring us, ARMAGEDDON: nature destroyed, with no chance to recover. These are the wizards, and storytellers: tantalizing, manipulating, controlling, and tempting you to believe “nothing bad can happen/ because we the university know everything”. Even though that has proven to be the biggest lie ever told, by our reality. The APOCALYPSE, is literally near: soon, “blood everywhere”/ because death surrounds us, and there is no way out; with only cannibalism to survive “for awhile”. To terrorize, to mutilate, to hide truth and its reality; and to believe CHAOS (the destruction of order/ disciplines/ balance/ structure/ law/ truth/ complexity/ and every other building tool that exists) as is the religion of evolution; proves, is their god. To bow down, as their own religion, evolution demands: requires you are nothing, barely equal to a monkey. By the ridiculous claim: no thought at all exists in the creation of life. Life then, has no meaning or value, it is merely stupidity/ married to insanity, and the disease of arrogance: unleashed as an infinitely impossible accident/ where the mind comes last. Only a religious fool, can be so blind!
7. Religion is about survival; when you/ your nation/ or your world is in chaos. Stories exist, that can make a difference; values examined or dedicated to teaching humanity about life, have a place. Find the value, and share it: as truth disclosed, reality revealed: instead of simply your belief. The opportunity to find people who share your concerns is helpful: but religion itself is neither good or bad, until you make it so. Prophecies exist as a warning to all: because they identify both cause and effect; if you understand them. The cause is, what people do/ the effect is: every decision that humanity makes, will have an effect on their future as life on earth. No book is “perfect”/ they all contain words written by men, in the language of men, with the understanding of men: nothing imperfect/ can be considered perfect: that too is a lie. Find the truth locked inside, and reveal that, by using reality as your teacher.
SEVEN THINGS about our world
1. We are threatened, as a world with extermination from this planet. It is a fact, that evidence proves will not be denied.
2. Our planet is threatened by “university physics experiments”: with burning, just like the sun/ with exploding, just like the big bang”/ and there is more.
3. Every life on this planet is threatened by mutilation: by pandemic disease as a result of mutilations; by NATURE BEING DESTROYED, as is the sanctity of genetic information and reality: because the university diploma believes it can play god with life.
4. Our environment is threatened due to ransacking and rape of human purposes: the ocean is devastated, and its life nearing the point of extinction/ a billion tons of food to you lost. Heat released due to fossil fuels are changing the planet itself. The loss of trees WILL release the atmosphere from the orb upon which we stand/ allowing that atmosphere to become like Venus or Jupiter: where the wind blows at 700 mph. Our equator travels at 1000 mph/ by the result of rotation. It is the tree leaf, which stands against losing our grip on that atmosphere. Oxygen concentration in our atmosphere is already declining. Etc.
5. Our foods have been mutilated, and our livestock farming is almost completely dependent upon antibiotic feeds: because one single disease can wipe them all out. Antibiotics will soon fail/ and we grow as a human population by over 2 million more mouths to feed every week; and they grow, needing more. Surgery will end, as will your dependence on “hospital”/ because it is antibiotics that made these possible: NOT the doctor, and you have made every disease worse.
6. Our water supplies are under severe attack in every conceivable way. One earthquake, and the gas released underneath the aquifers can destroy that water for hundreds of millions of people. Our great lakes are threatened with a salt mine that can collapse, causing the greatest earthquake this planet has ever known; releasing the Yellowstone super-volcano. The result of that will be billions dead in a very few weeks/ with all life on earth at the brink of collapse, if not extinct soon thereafter. Not a game, reality as it exists.
7. By chemical poisoning and habitat loss of all kinds; extinction is rampant. The loss of insect life is equivalent to billions of tons of “nature food for wildlife lost”/ and it is the end of major, biological diversity. Counterfeiting money/ overpopulation/ weapons of mass destruction; and coming cannibalism are all just a taste, of what the evidence shows; without true, immediate, and distinct change.
That begins with: men have failed life/ therefore let women try, there is no other way. Men, and their universities, HAVE brought us all here to death’s door. They have failed life itself! Men will return to exactly what they have always done, as quickly as possible; regardless of the consequences as has been proven true: this is, the best they did do. We stand at the threshold of every horror that can exist/ BY THEIR CHOICES. Therefore: Let women try, they can’t do worse!
1. YOU SHALL NOT, allow anyone, anywhere in this world to gamble with our entire planet or its life. No more worshiping “university”.
2. YOU SHALL PROTECT the foundations of life, and its survival by choosing to defend; and taking the tools which threaten life away. LIFE SHALL BE FIRST/ no more money decides. Media shall be dissected and removed from power: by distributing the right to communicate shall belong to the many, and never again to the few. They are allowed only to defend life, and support justice for all/ rather than lead it into HELL, as they have done.
3. YOU SHALL CHOOSE: no more weapons of mass destruction/ establishing world law, world policing that is subject only to that law/ and a world court by which leaders are taken to trial, without exception or excuse: by this world.
4. YOU WILL RETURN THIS EARTH, to as close to its natural state as you can/ subjecting yourselves, to the cost/ the work/ and the realities of protecting the future for your children.
5. THE PATH TO SOCIAL JUSTICE IS: limited capitalism, whereby each is independent and free/ but all SHALL exercise their right to be included in the work and realities of what society chooses to do; by controlling and limiting the rich in all possible categories.
6. THE PATH TO PERSONAL JUSTICE, WORLD PEACE, AND SOCIAL HARMONY IS: Whosoever makes the law, controls the future, and its impact on each life. Thereby WE THE PEOPLE SHALL MAKE THE LAWS that govern ourselves together, by our public vote; as short, and as plain and as simple as it is possible to do. Teaching them to every child.
7. LET TRUTH DECIDE, let human reality understand what it can and cannot do: by investigation of the facts, examination of our reality, & decisions that will determine the future for every child, and every life. BECAUSE NOTHING LESS THAN TRUTH WILL KEEP YOU ALIVE.
These are non-negotiable truths, the failure of any one can destroy the whole life of this earth. Because that is what your “university knows religion (they are gods, who cannot be questioned)” has brought you too. That is what your leaders, and those who follow: have done. Without counterfeit money, much of what threatens would not exist/ without the bribe, much of what threatens would not exist: but you don’t want to pay, for their thievery; so they go free to destroy the world. Without propaganda media, much of what threatens would not exist/ because given their proper opportunity to learn what threatens them for real; allows and provides, people can then respond. But as with all “organized individuals, who intend to prove they WILL retain power and pride”: reality doesn’t matter as much as “ME”/ therefore, DAMN you.
The seven realities of life or death for this planet
1. Truth has no mercy/ it is whatever it is; and what you believe is absolutely irrelevant, unless it is critically true.
2. Every living thing has needs, just like yours/ and if not met each will die. It is a fact of life in time.
3. Past the point of no return there is no escaping the consequences of choices made: that means the planet itself, and all life will die/ if you don’t care enough to change.
4. You can continue to ignore the reality of evidence/ discarding the proof: BEING WRONG HERE, is death to our world, OR, horrors beyond belief. You cannot “wish or pray” for a new world/ you can only rebuild it with truth. You cannot rebuild life after death, is imminent.
5. Religion will not save you; because you sold your worship, and your world: to, a “university knows”. They are a pandemic of failure. Life first does not exist in them as a whole: they are the problem most severe.
6. You cannot want more than this earth can give, or you kill it. You cannot particularly want more possessions, and no responsibility; or the world and its future will die. You cannot want more children, because nature will not survive. Reality must lead, regardless of what you want: what is true decides.
7. You cannot lead as men have led until this day; with just a few in control over everything. Neither can you allow or accept that “its every man or woman for themselves”/ because that leads only to anarchy, and its death of a world. There must be laws that lead, having decided by the public themselves: what we can and will do for life. They must be enforced in court/ and every court, judge, lawyer, and participant must be graded; by public participation. Those who fail justice, shall be thrown out. So that it never gets out of control again.
You can hate me/ even kill me; but it will do you absolutely no good. I did do what I realistically could do, to stop this disgrace/ this tragedy; and all refused.
I did not lead you here, university did. I did not steal your money, university did. I did not take control over your laws and democracy for tragedy, university did. I do not threaten your world with complete and utter catastrophe, university did. I do not change your world/ only you can do that, as one citizen equals one vote: life or death to our world. I did not create your troubles, you did/ and you must then solve them with truth and reality; or they will kill you all. The children will know.
THE SEVEN EXCUSES, we can’t do that!
1. This is what we have to do/ this is what we need to do/ this is what we can do; and anything else is like opening the door to death. Because we do this to survive the game called money/ And take what we want.
Without the game, without the money to interfere; everything will change. Is that not so?
2. Men must rule, they are “like god” compared to women/ so says every religion: so how can that be wrong!
According to the reality of this day, “their god is then Satan, or whatever other version each religion has”. Because we are literally at the threshold of a dead world. Consequently “their god” must die.
3. The university knows everything, “god”/ the media are our saviors/ without bribes and lies we are bankrupt and cannot survive.
What the university has proven it knows is: how to lie/ steal/ cheat/ conspire against democracy/ corrupt the court/ destroy justice (we are the most incarcerated people in this “civilized world”)/ threaten a world, and create a propaganda system wherein only the “expert” can think. All others are merely excess waste, without a brain. You have no right to speak, or think, or say anything. How is that not so? Look at the evidence, these have told you nothing, of importance. Examine reality, and these sites I provide.
4. Religion is our savior, “we are going to, the rapture” (or whatever)/ we don’t have to die: hurrah. Its all great; an eternity with complete freedom and no responsibilities; what could be wrong with that?
Nearly everything for a fact! Religion cannot save you/ it is religion, NOT “GOD”. Therefore it has little or nothing to do with eternity, only you can make the decisions that bring mercy to your soul. How is that not true! The body decays/ how is that “eternal”; it must be surrendered to even contemplate being eternal. WHY would you believe “everything is free and without responsibility for you”; it certainly doesn’t work in this world. Is that not true?
5. Money is everything/ we cannot live without it.
For a fact, money is nothing; unless it is a tool to help you each survive. The difference is: foundations are set to build whatever knowledge and resources will allow. LIFE FIRST is a foundation that builds a future for every life on earth. Money first, is a foundation that has dissolved the very possibility that we might survive without change. Which means money first is responsible for killing this earth, and every life in it; by giving power and control to a few. We can live with power to the people, if you choose life must come first!
6. The food will disappear, we must do what we do to survive.
But everything humanity does in relation to food, “is a knife in the heart to nature itself”. When nature dies, so do you. There are compromises we will have to make/ realities that must be dealt with/ and choices that are fundamental to a different world, and our future survival as life on earth that must be found, and chosen; or you fail.
7. I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS/ I REFUSE; I want, what I want, let the others die or do whatever; just GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!
This is your greatest stumbling block; because you live for want, and refuse life itself in search of “MORE FOR ME”. Therefore nothing can truly be done until “the great investigation of our world, and examination of our lives: which will open the door to reality, as we search for truth itself, in what has been done. And what must be changed. Without proof that is irrefutable, you will fail; because all want more of everything/ and no one wants to pay their debt to this world. Consequently you have come this far, because you lie to yourselves; about nearly everything. Because you steal from your children, and have no recourse to redefine your world or nation: because “university led media” controls and enslaves your lives. Just how it is. The question is: do you care enough about life on earth to even try?
The seven foundations which make change possible.
1. Without respect for each other and this world of life/ there is no hope. FIND RESPECT, with it you can build a different economy, and create happiness instead of competition. It is a choice.
2. Without forgiveness for those who honestly repent, or need and deserve in some sense another try: you will surrender to war.
3. Without mercy: the purpose of love which deems it necessary, because this is a life, and eternity is without end/ to give a little more, and teach even though it is, and will remain at this time UNEARNED. Life is important, therefore mercy does exist. Find what is necessary, but not unwise.
4. Belief is a personal decision that has nothing to do with you/ it is an individual result, both now and forever. Leave them be, unless it is hate.
5. Happiness will defeat greed; therefore do what is important and determined to bring our world into a different society, where people are actually honest friends. Where life has opportunity for all, in love, work, duty, and disciplines that achieve personal growth.
6. Sex is a reality of life, therefore make decisions that are honest and true/ rather than simply “righteous or wrong”.
7. An education has value/ but not as is done in this day: to memorize, rather than learn, LIFE itself, must always be first. To know the law, is to own democracy/ to enforce the law, is to earn freedom. To control the currency keeps traitors and thieves away. To demand true liberty, is to be advised of whatsoever we must know to protect it, and this earth.
1. TO DEMAND THE LAW SHALL RULE US, rather than individual people, or groups. It is a contract, and must contain guaranteed rights for all, that are absolutely NON-discretionary. Or the charge of treason shall be granted.
2. TO MAKE THE LAWS, WE NEED; and no more FOR OURSELVES; as plain and simple as possible. With all interpretations reviewed in public court cases; with the public voting to establish what an individual judge, group of judges, or jury does decide regarding the law. We own it/ we protect it/ we decide, it is our nation and world.
3. WE OWN THE MONEY OURSELVES, it does not belong to our employees of government, and we shall decide by a percentage vote: in individual categories; how it shall be spent, and when credit is due.
4. WE ARE THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT, by taking control over the law; we assemble the right to decide our future; within our truth. The children shall not be sacrificed, or used.
5. The representatives of government, our employees SHALL be required to obey their oath of office/ or face true consequences without mercy. Their new job is: to guarantee, the laws we set into place/ the decisions we make about money and all other aspects of society SHALL IN FACT become true.
6. WE ARE THE MILITARY OF EVERY NATION, thereby we the people of that nation shall declare when war is necessary/ and when war shall stop/ and how much money shall be taken; in accordance with WORLD LAWS , courts and policing to be established first.
7. Every religion other than hate, has a right to their beliefs. It is however fundamental to the well-being of our world, that you take what has value from each one, and construct a reality of understanding: that serves all people on this earth. By establishing WHAT IS THE WISDOM, granted by GOD in this work. That is done, when truth identifies a reality that serves life, rather than owns it.
I did my part, to help you change: I delivered to you this message/ change or you will die. What you do with it, decides life or death; for our world. You must save or destroy yourselves: it is your choice. This is not a game.
For those with a Christian belief: biblical prophecy gives you till September of 2015, or thereabout. I suggest you work for life/ if you truly believe. Because if you abandon life to destruction/ WHY should GOD not abandon you?
Alternately I have interpreted the biblical prophecies and found them to be “very good”. The great abomination of Daniel; cannot be other than “to gamble with all life on earth/ by bringing the same fire here as is on the sun”. Every human being knows, WHAT HAPPENS if they are wrong, and this ten million degree fire does not extinguish itself. Beyond that beginning, the date originally predicted for the exa-watt laser to begin. Examines the reality: Triangulated it is an energy burst of 1 X 10 to the fifty fourth power; or written out its :
(1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 WATTS) of electrical power/ all crashing into each other, from 3 directions. TO CREATE A TEN MILLION DEGREE FIRE, just like the sun here on earth.
They are liars; and not only would do that/ they are doing that: gambling everything on earth, through the assumption: the fire will just extinguish itself! “Not enough gravity to sustain the fire”. Wrong is a dead world, including you, and everything you value! Go search.
Make no mistake THEY LIE, about everything/ including “its completion is farther away than that”. Make no mistake, THE FEW IN CHARGE OF “university knows”: has led us to this moment in time/ and they have proven to be a damned disease, a pandemic responsible for nearly every horror coming. Capable not only of stealing everything in sight/ enslaving everyone they possibly can/ lying about everything they do/ cheating life/ failing and defiling democracy, as anarchists, traitors, treason, and clear terrorism against our entire world. INCLUDING biological warfare, against us all: by the fantasy and delusion in worship of their religion, evolution. Your “university gods”/ are then the evidence convicted to be: “biblical satan”. Or more simply: destroyer of this world. Damn little if anything at all: was chosen for LIFE comes FIRST ON THIS PLANET. Trinkets and toys are not enough: this is life or death of a world!
But make no mistake, those who follow, do so; because they want more than reality lets them have (mine, mine, mine): so they blind themselves, demand to be deaf, and believe in the insane. There is no place to hide or run away; this is about our planet, the mutilation of every life, food/ water/ oxygen to breathe/ and everything of value on earth. Just remember 7+billion people on earth today/ growing at 2+ million more mouths to feed each week: roughly one person standing on every “agricultural acre” suited to growing food. And every other creature needs food too. Those facts alone, are enough evidence to prove what the future will be: without true change. We will work together, respecting one another; or we will all die, in HELL, etc. It ain’t, a hard concept.
You must face your truth, to survive.
To be distracted means: the opportunity for tragedy increases.
Do the best you can,
communicate as reality, and spiritual truth allows
remember: neither you or I can save this world/ we are all part of the problem, and we must all find the solutions together: because everybody is involved. No excuses, & no exceptions.
You are either FOR LIFE, or against it.
The battleground, FOR HARMONY.
Harmony means: the dignity, respect, relationships, and grace which forms the backbone of every society, and every life at peace.
Dignity assembles: the cost of what is the true recognition, of a miracle that is our existence. Since every life shares this same dignity, or relationship that demands; “Not for everything in this world/ could we buy a human life, or any other”. These things are gifts to us all/ and therefrom deserves true respect, regardless of station, looks, abilities, or any other lesser form of value.
Respect asserts: having assessed the reality of our situation, the consequence of actions or reactions that assemble and create our future; the foundation which keeps us all alive is accepted by the truth we find in ourselves. Thereby, wherever there is truth, that can be trusted, supported by life, and constructed as the path beyond ourselves into a relationship for all life to achieve value, friendship, and love. The elements of society, the creation of family, and the foundations of life itself are ascended from what we own as truth. There is no truth greater than life, which means it is life itself which grants: NOTHING less than respect will be accepted here.
Relationships create: the reality of what it means not, “to be alone”! Of all elements that contribute to life itself, it is this one that conceives of love, and cherishes life itself. The essence of value, is then life itself shared. The reality of life shared, is because you cared. The respect and dignity “of you/ or me”; is then conceived by the elemental truth, of our own dimensional creation called trust. Without trust there is no true love. Without love, there is no real possibility for a relationship. Therefore the essence of trust, is the dimensional relationship we grant for the gift of love itself.
Grace means: within these walls that identify my soul, I have found the mercy “to believe in you”. Or more distinctly, the relationship we are destined to form as a reality between us shared: can only be determined by how far trust will allow each of us to go, within that dimensional space called “respect, offered by truth”. Or more simply, the essence of every moment conceived by love, is a place within the identity we each chose, and learned to share. It is the spirit inside, that exchanges love between us. Without trust this cannot be formed. Without truth, no possibility exists for real love shared.
We now consider the realities of human participation in each of these encounters with life itself; and find the majority woefully lacking/ because they cannot trust. Because they want, rather than accept the truth, purpose, and desire of life itself (beyond survival): is strictly “to love”. Love demands that its beginning shall be friendship (I have the time, to participate with you/ and the desire to accept you as you are). Love then shifts this participation in time; as it builds a relationship, capable of approaching, to the edge of an encounter with the spiritual essence of a life, beyond the limits of time. Love explains: that sharing the same space in time as is friendship/ is not enough. Shared Love, examines the purpose and desire of a life, seeking what can be more. True love, constructs “a door”/ within which the very essence of trust can accomplish the foundations, which then give rise to the understanding, “we, are alive” in the presence of each other. True sexual love, is an intimacy created between man and woman; by the truth: we have chosen to achieve, and thereby remain, as life itself within each other/ shared, because we each turn to care “by shutting out the world” beyond ourselves. Not selfish, chosen by love to accept the boundaries of our own world as one. The essence of that reality conceives of a treasury, that then builds a value between us that should never be defeated. Love is a dimensional definition, created by the illumination of what can be “our lives together”/ therefore not alone anymore: our entire experience of life and living has been changed (reborn). Love is, an expression that needs “you” to be complete. Love is, where happiness identifies every truth I possess, is now yours to share/ as is yours will be mine as well. Until you complete that portion of the journey, fundamental trust cannot be shared; “there are only bits and pieces” instead. The value of trust cannot be underestimated within love, it is the passage between souls. It is the bond, that joins our heart as one. The essence of heart then achieves, “I live for you/ or I will die for you”. Love then knows, “I have been born again: because of you”.
When the body dies, or even in some cases when people turn away from this love, because of want. These foundations of living crumble within the other/ because the loss is grievous and cannot be replaced. Love is the single most valuable reality in this universe; nothing can replace it. That does mean, the value of life has been shaken. The only true love that will not die: belongs only to OUR CREATOR/ therefore it is said, LOVE “GOD” FIRST, and forever, so that you will survive. If you do/ then you shall go on as the opportunity to continue until your own day of death, as someone with love to be shared; inside, where your soul keeps you alive. The essence of love demands clear and distinct choices must be made. The reality of love establishes an order to existence, that will not be denied: the physical facts of our reality require survival. The critical facts of our own love, do understand what we desire most/ therefore love creates a purpose, and reality forms a path. Even if it costs more than you would desire to pay.
The reality of human life is want, will destroy love, trust, and truth/ because it is the basis of every lie.
That does mean for the vast majority of humanity, life is a battleground/ instead of an opportunity to enter and conceive of harmony itself. The reality is, “as a backbone” is to the body: each step ascending to the structural relationship that forms our ability to rise/ is a decision based and created by the bonds we share within life, and because of time created. Or more simply WE BUILD our ability to rise beyond simple self/ by assembling the relationships which bear the bond of trust: because we earned these with truth. The most fundamental of all human relationships is parent and child/ husband and wife/ CREATOR and Creation.
We begin with parent and child, establishing that true harmony exists only when respect is added in by both parent and child for each other. Respect IS, “a full time job”/ without vacation period to excuse yourself for being “something else”. As this is true for all relationships, it is the basis of truth that will form the foundations upon which your future will be earned as parent or child. Without respect, truth dies. Without truth, there is no trust. Without trust no relationship exists: thereby you are separated from love itself. These are choices each will make. These are realities each must pay, and will receive “as an investment” from, accordingly. The reality of parent and child, never truly dies. The reality of sperm donor and womb; is not “parent”. Parent means: to achieve and accept, the truth that your own responsibility here makes the difference between life or death for this human being/ at a time, when they could not do so on their own. It is no small thing.
It should be noted at this time, the error and consequence that became a division between my dad and me: so as to give notice none are perfect/ all require forgiveness. Realities in trust cannot be underestimated for good, or bad. This work, this reality of choosing LIFE itself for this planet, comes before all other things/ and all other desires: was NOT, “as my dad would have desired for me”. Since I lived with my parents for this work, returning at about age thirty; this was inescapable for us both. Fighting with all aspects of leadership, was particularly distasteful to him/ fighting with the town elevator was “too much”; as this affected relationships he fought hard to form. Consequently his trust of me failed/ and he began to sneak, steal, and throw away things important to me. That ended my trust of him; and our relationship suffered greatly. A reality governed by the demand: THIS IS the consequence: “important to me” on both sides/ adding in for both sides; “which you did not honor or respect as I needed you to be.” The critical message being: regardless how you perceive what is important to someone else/ it is absolutely important to respect the boundaries, that assemble their life, as apart from your own. Some overlap will occur: the method and means to avoid the collapse of your own relationships are, “talk about this first when you can”/ offer honest explanations later, if you can/ understand the reality of how IMPORTANT this is, to you or me and accept that as fact; so you don’t fall between the lines that govern our friendship, and we both fail. The question will be: is this friendship worth forgiveness? Because if you don’t choose that it is/ your relationship fails. The reality we must all fight for is: to remove ourselves from the reality of our own “importance for life” beliefs/ and find the question itself, so that we may answer it, and find a solution. Because it is easier, particularly when pushed by the reality of what you believe is more important: to simply avoid reality, and then refuse any form of conversation that does or could heal the wound. Not a good plan/ but in my own defense, even though I need none. My work for decades, the reality I “sold my life on earth, for”; life for this whole planet IS FAR more important than anything else on earth: demands no less than whatever it costs. Including relationships that I would have otherwise cherished, and not surrendered. We are threatened; as a world/ this is no game: there are no second chances, and to be distracted can be deadly. It cannot be/ until everything that can be done, has been done.
The realities of husband and wife, are constructed over time: by the things we do, the realities we choose/ to inherit or create this opportunity.
Of the “one thousand” or so elements of living (moments in time shared), that form the basis of a long term relationship/ the most critical realities that determine the ability to bond to each other, are limited or created by these.
1. A majority of Men: desire a trophy, and fight, beg, or whatever is necessary to attain it. Some limit that trophy to sexual intercourse/ some want to display the woman herself/ some want to own her as a possession, so long as the others want her too! The reality of most: Not so much to prove to women that they are acceptable/ but to prove to men, that they can take or do, what someone else cannot. “I win”/ or at least compete as in “me too”. In lesser societies governed by the prison walls of “intentional blindness”: women are considered possessions, and men throw their potential eternity away because of it. WOMEN ARE, A CREATION OF GOD, completely equal in status, truth, wisdom, and by reality with men. Never a possession, not in any context, nor for any cause or purpose: they are free, as any and every man intends to be. Trust fails.
2. A majority of women: conceive of what life and living will be with any man/ discarding love as the primary source of their decision to love or marry. Thereby “shopping”/ rather than building a life together by shared work and mutual respect, responsibility, and the decision to care about each other. The intent is: “To own this physical time”/ rather than love within the heart that gives us the spiritual treasury shared, as the experience and expression: “to be ALIVE”. Trust suffers.
Realities of life that are functionally “programmed in”/ are critically or substantively valued by nature itself. Therefore the fact these things exist, is not as elemental to the relationships of life/ as are the consequences of a decision that does not arise above “the simple survival” of life. Or more distinctly you were never intended to descend to the level of “an animal”/ but conceived of by thought, to experience and express the elemental rise, of a decision beyond self. Thereby rising to the purposes and desires of love, truth, trust, and all that gives value to our existence. We are, more than simply the presence of our body in time/ we are, the elemental truth of an identity searching for life itself. In all, that rise above simple survival and want.
We now look at what people do, to achieve their own objectives/ to control their own future, by using you.
3. The foundation of failure is composed, by the following intentional discords that fully intend to take away your opportunity to choose/ by using or abusing whatever form of decision I have available: TO MAKE YOU, choose or accept me.
The rhythms of a true relationship form themselves, by the decisions we each accept within ourselves, as freedom rejoiced/ NOT the decisions we demand from others.
A) the elemental offense begins with: to convince yourself, that you have a right to manipulate/ tempt/ control access/ abuse/ deny/ disease/ use/ or in any form disguise and transform the reality of another life, into what you want them to be, or do.
B) To abuse someone else with lies, thereby leading them into situations and realities that they did not deserve.
C) to manipulate their decision with anything other than friendship, love, justice, truth, reality, purposes for honest and honorable life, or desire.
D) to tempt with sex of any kind/ to use anything other than kindness and compassion because you care. Establishes this is not about sharing life and love or friendship: which can only mean it is a subversive tactic to take control and divert your life for their purpose. Men and women are equally guilty. Sex is neither good or bad, between adult man and woman who honestly choose it for each other. But it DOES have complications that can be extreme in terms of damaging or blessing one or both lives.
E) to control access to what is needed, to what is desired or required for someone else’s future/ just because you can: is evil. To take what you want, regardless of the other is rape.
F) denying the right to choose for yourself, how and what and when this “our relationship” shall form as a bond for each other/ is a failure of friendship. Thereby a reality of broken trust, that will cause more damage to your own purpose. Consequently it is failure, to demand that you have the right to possess/ rather than they have the right to be free. Love is a choice/ not a contract.
G) to force someone else to accept “your disease”/ is to hate them. Or for lesser versions, this is to demand: “I will make you, the same as me”. No love exists, it is simple revenge.
H) to use someone else for your own personal gain, is to decide they are a tool/ rather than a person. A tool has value/ but it is not “your friend”.
Summed up: every life must be built, from the decisions that we make/ even if those decisions are forced upon us, what we could choose, we did choose. Thereby every failure has “mutual overtones” that do establish this failure is shared, unless extreme. Every friendship that is built upon sex, will die as a relationship; unless you both earn the trust that is required for bonding lives. That is a mutual decision/ but it does not mean, “at the same time”. Every lie, causes grief/ and destroys trust because it ends truth. Every demand to possess ends freedom: freedom is the foundation of happiness. Thereby you are killing the joy that could be hiding inside your heart, or theirs; you must find courage, to be honorably free. You must find patience, to understand every life has its own path, its own purpose and desire, and must find the value “in forever”: before they can commit. The body belongs to you/ let none dissuade you: it is yours, to do with as you please. TO ACCEPT the consequence of your actions or reactions: does determine your future, and will influence others. To be wise means: that every relationship has the potential to become “life affirming/ or not”. To achieve “a message beyond ourselves” means: that self must be discarded, for a greater purpose than just you. Where love exists, that enveloping reality controls whatever our lives together shall be.
Harmony exists within the framework, or structural integrity of a decision, that individual accepts the responsibilities we share as life on this planet must come first. Whenever the realities of LIFE FIRST, particularly for the planet and its future are not accepted as the foundation of society, or individual relationships: the damage done will be extensive/ the reality can turn deadly. Just because, you didn’t care enough, to respect the life we share. Failed, the reality we must care about, is more than “just you”.
Drama is the means people use to say: PAY ATTENTION TO ME. Its purpose is less direct than harmony, which means to accept each as they are/ Unless it is hate. Drama requires, YOU must think of me as first in your life/ in this life; because I demand it, or you owe me that much. Consequently we learn, drama forms in selfishness; but consists of the reality, that no one can divide themselves so severely that all achieve an equal opportunity in their lives. There must be “special people/ as is the evidence of true love”. There must be, the possibility to earn that right, and achieve the development of a journey shared. Consequently drama creates and defines a choice/ identifying a reality for your own decision in this moment of life. Drama is neither “good or bad”; it is fundamentally, your choice/ to look a little deeper, to achieve and walk a little closer; or not.
The Critical Element, Discoveries in Life
Organizing for life/ the return path to true democracy!
the national ignition facility
mutilation of nature itself/ the intentional destruction of DNA/ the biological release of “weapons of mass destruction” as is the crossing of species boundaries” a known cause of every pandemic identified in history.
The fire fence, Bribe 1 theory of operation video
This is the video for bribe 2 stopping the tree borer. Theory of operation.
Yours Mine Ours, Hope and Happiness, Seven Things.
Main forum. Court Cases Forum.
On this earth, there are literally trillions of “all life on earth”/ every single one of which is being threatened with extinction; including yours. That fact comes clear, as our reality becomes certain: our destiny or fate is: “about to be sealed, so says the evidence”! In these words, you are asked to share: is, The question! With trillions dependent upon what we do/ you do. With trillions of individual lives, including every child, & every future child (we are all miracles); dependent upon the reality: do you/ or do we care? The answer must be: LIFE, for this planet, MUST COME FIRST! There are, no other significant objectives here: simply life must survive, by law; & no gambling with our world. No threatening every existence on earth, with your experiment, theory, fantasy, lies, theft, or excuse. WE MUST SAY “NO”! Taking their tools for this, away. BY ENFORCING OUR LAWS/ OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY: called “WE THE PEOPLE”/ are owners here. We paid, for that right! |
Audio | Heat, Fire and Explosion | Audio | Whipping the Slave | Expressions | ||||
Audio | Atomic Structure | Elements of Me | Beyond Desire | Treasons of tragedies | ||||
Audio | Reality of sun energy | Forming Destiny | Audio | True Democracy | I Chose | |||
Presence | Battleground of Harmony | Man Wants More | Reality of Energy | The Law of True Democracy | Basis of War | |||
WHAT IF: “The world of humanity” did not exist simply as “all things determined by human want, pride, or greed?”
Would there be real love?
Would hate be gone?
Would there be truth, as the essence of our lives?
Would there be, a reality of peace/ harmony/ and happiness?
Would there be, RESPECT?
Each of the functional descriptions completing the realities assigned above, by our existence apart from nature itself. Are the building blocks of society, the relationship realities we define as human. As they are today, that reality is largely, divided by want/ controlled by greed/ and develop as a direct relationship to pride. As they could be tomorrow, as created without that want, greed, and pride controlling nearly all human life, expectation, and decision. The world would indeed be a different place.
Would there be real love?
Demands an understanding of what real love is. Demands an acceptance beyond what body or mind can do; they are functionally tools, by which we reference our thought, and its action or reaction to the decisions we make as individuals or society! Love constructs the creation of “moments beyond self”, that conceive of greater things than just you or me. Love considers the elements of time, as the discovery binding us together/ because we have learned what loneliness can mean, therefore we do venture into trust; particular as youth. Love answers, what is the essence of our lives, with the ascension from time into the possibilities of eternal happiness; by our decision to be “alive within each other”. Thereby we rise or fall together as one, when love determines “our world”. Wherever there is truth, there can be trust to achieve this construction, and know its eloquence; as life lived in time or beyond as soul. Wherever there is life, the potential exists for decisions that identify the acceptance of soul.
So then the question of real love is divided upon the single development called truth! Wheresoever truth exists, love can follow. Remembering for every heart: “That choice of love, belongs only to me”/ until we rise together, as one rhythm in time. That is the essence of soul, a relationship identified by the purpose of our love created and conceived, as one life joined together.
We may now assemble the elegance, of moments chosen by love/ accepting, our lives are locked in the message shared: “I will live, for you”. Only the failure of respect, can change that. Love does not die, respect does. Relationships do not change substantially/ trust does. Failure, begins with the demand, “I will have what I want (even if I must lie)/ regardless of your own decision, ability, or desire”. As is selfishness, and its effect of Subterfuge defines; a theft of trust.
Love lives within a soul/ thereby it has achieved the gift of eternity, even if you have yet not. Respect, is the treasury of all that is valued in you, honored by you/ then, shared with me. That is fundamentally, a reference of this world, and its effects on your own life and mine. Relationships divide or create our existence in this world, by its reality. Trust however divides our soul, into the decisions that are then governed by heart. Trust that lives, honors soul first and forever. Trust that dies, seeks the barriers that separate and demand: this door, into me, is now locked forever. The lack of trust kills family, destroys relationships, and refuses forgiveness: thereby “I choose to be alone”.
Elegance means; I have walked the path of life, to find I am in the midst of these flowers/ “the essence of beauty, by the passion of graceful and delicate lines, woven by the taste and touch of the opposite sex, into the fabric that becomes, my heart and soul”. Therefrom the elemental search begins, and the foundation of moments that change and control the decisions of my life, or yours: exist “from me, to we”; thereby “I”shall never fully die/ so long as you exist. Foundations express the creation of “male and female joined by love”; as more than a simple decision/ as never, want shall invade. Want is a design, that leads to liar, therefore it cannot be trusted as true. Joined by love is a treasury, bound between us; as what we capture from each other (you let me see, you chose me without a price)/ to return that truth, by combining it with our own gift of love, time, life, and work.
We then touch, the presence of a moment, when time stops to reveal “this person, could fit into my life”: or not. That is not a simple or limited participation, it defines the elemental basis of “a future together”. It is the functioning reality, of who can or cannot; become “a part of me”/ or my decision to become, a part of you; if invited to do so. These moments construct “our definition of us”. That passage, comes only when it is clear and certain: some element of the life, desire, and purpose inside; explaining your world by the knowledge of this existence already; created by fact: can join in mine. This is the foundation of a relationship: that we are not so different. That reality assembles we can find our own common ground together. This is not gathered in little things, but consists of expressions and experiences that do make us both believe, something more for my life does exist in you. Something I have to offer as a gift to you; will be acceptable in your own heart (the place inside where life itself is born). Life then touches us with the essence of our desires, the purpose of our decisions, and the blessings of someone with whom the rhythms we both create inside, may join in harmony.
Every life is a rhythm of sorts, or more simply “we gather our decisions together in time/ so that we may express these, into the experiences and expressions that complete our identity”. Every decision is a push/ every experience is a pause/ every expression has a price that pushes back: how we reflect on this process changes the heart, binding it, into the identity we create. Thereby when you touch someone else, to become a part of that process which forms their identity: you do change their life, you do change their rhythms of existence, and you both bind that reality into the identity you do share/ or failed to trust, either good or bad; for each one. Sex alters touch, by removing the foundations required to build the truth between us “as a bridge between our souls”. Simple sex uses both body and mind by altering our experience into “just your experience/ lust intervened: which means, you were not truly involved in my experience; just your body.” Complex sex; which seeks to honor or respect the others needs and desires, because situations and realities sometimes DO need more than talk: confronts truth, and asks what can or will you share honestly, because I care. True love combines sexual expressions and experience with the simple participation in trust, through respect, by its relationship with truth. To cherish each other, thereby becoming one in spirit, rather than just “body parts”/ is to create the essence of everything we can truly be as people combined into becoming just one life together. Only trust can do that. Failing truth to prove that trust should exist allows/ when it fails, allows: that the damage is done, even lives are lost; because want intervened.
Want is the foundation of all lies: you don’t lie, if you don’t want.
People don’t listen, if they don’t trust. People don’t listen, when want, greed, or pride control their lives: unless they want to use you in some way. It is also fair to say, some aspects of life and survival consume the available need to understand; thereby little room is left for “less important things”. Which then does cause some people, to insist and pretend and create the drama’s which construct: “Pay attention to me, FIRST”. That too, is a participation in selfishness, when it is fundamentally unnecessary, or untrue.
Relationships fail, because discipline dies. Discipline is the relationship we do share and accept: as the path that forms a destiny we chose. The lack of discipline establishes fate: “I didn’t care/ I didn’t learn or accept what reality teaches”: Therefore my life will be governed, by what I did not know. Reality intervenes in relationships, because survival is not as simple for the vast majority/ as the want, pride, or greed most prefer. Each of these has a cost assigned by the reality of our relationship. Becoming the center of “someone else’s world”; is tragic, because that removes the independence of each other, to form a demand “that you must then do this, for me”. That simple choice, constructs both use and abuse. The demand of “ownership”: is not shared love; it is not defined duty; it is a relationship changed from the potential for love, to become something less. Such as food, shelter, lust, pride, or any want defined.
Shared love examines the heart, searching beyond myself for the passages, that cherish what we do value as one. Every passage conceives of order, thereby it is the essence of desire, and the foundation of purpose. These then create a destiny between us, or shared by us/ as a place only we can go; a reality chosen where we do become “as one”. The duty you owe to yourself, before every other relationship is a very simple truth: “my eternity belongs to GOD/ my heart belongs to love/ my work belongs to me/ but our journey together can only be accomplished when we truly love, share, trust, and care about each other. What is true about each of these things constructs our home. They are the directions we will choose to go, because they are the elemental foundation of our lives.
Real love is then, “a participation in tears and joy; granted by the realities of time; but chosen by the elements of our true desire, as the treasury we become in each other’s life, or to each others life. The place value knows, I have found trust, and it will bind us together as one: if we so choose. Reality knows love cannot control eternity/ only truth can do that. Thereby it is not love that governs every life, but your own chosen participation in that truth/ by the eloquence of your desire, and its purpose for life. Love gives us hope, life gives us freedom: do you see the difference?
Would hate be gone?
The foundation of hate: begins as a decision, or more correctly as the delusion: “to find you worthless, to me”. That then proceeds to the valley of deception, whereby the second decision is made: your life, is worthless to us all/ followed by, since you are “the trash”; I can do to you whatever I please. Deception is: the construction of selfishness, using you “for bait”/ thereby cause for this predator to exist. Added in, is want, the purpose of a lie to further establish worthless: because you have interfered, or been judged as an obstacle to me or my purpose. O, it can simply be you exist/ denying to me the expectations that I want more/ and you interfere. True or false is irrelevant. That constructs the excuse: you shall be used by me, as I desire it/ because you owe me. Payment is erected regardless of the method or means: to make you do what I command. (Payment suggests; owed, for my tolerance of you; “finally worth something” to me).
Focused upon, what it means to become an enemy now confronts whatever I want, by the consequence of your reality; that does or could take anything I need to accomplish my own want. Or I assume would or could defeat what I want, thereby an enemy. The purpose of abuse adds in deceit, the addition of ridicule supports violence, being used creates the thirst called power. Reality confronts as a decision, and “voices” then suggests, “I OWN YOU”/ and everything about you; and need not pay one damn thing to your own life. You are my slave or simple possession! (A conquest of war)
When that loses its value: the question of “nothing left but trash”/ becomes the decision to hate (you are abusing my life/ the toy is now worthless), thereby establishing the purpose of violence: to destroy what is not mine. Most of the time some form of death or torture aids violence as fear. Thereby using fear to destroy the sanctity of life, by proving power: “I CAN play god over your life”. As the identity, the reality of “better than you” in someone else, becomes your hate: power is defeated, and violence overruns as the sanctity of your own life drains away. Power, Or any other method which allows you to pretend “god” over the other(s): leads to death. Death destroys value in this life, thereby proving “today” you won the right to say: “I am NOW more than you. Power always, wants to be god ( a prize), I am more! That fails life, thereby knowing; you will never get “everything else your want demands”, means you fall into the abyss where hope dies. Hope constructs a future. Life constructs the possibilities of happiness and understands it is freedom which grants the potential to experience “the treasury” of all life can be. Hate destroys that, in you too.
These things do not disappear without be shoved beyond the limits of our existence. Or more simply hate never belongs with love; they are opposites, and cannot join each other as life, or in life. Hate is death by decision. Love is life, by truth, trust, and values beyond self. Do you see the difference? Want becomes the excuse for every lie. Hate is a decision/ that cannot be turned back, once past the point of no return. Anger can be turned back/ because it has a cause, other than want. That cause, can be corrected, for life rather than self. Selfishness cannot correct itself, it must be abandoned. The question of a trophy, rather than a human being; borders on hate/ but is mediated by the simple truth, our biology is programmed for the clear purpose of enhancing the next generation.
Would there be truth, as the essence of our lives?
The most critical question of every human truth is: what is the price, “I/ or we” shall pay? The truth itself, by understanding: demonstrates the cost, of measuring life/ rather than respecting truth. Thereby reality bears no price in truth: that, is a human illusion. There are truths assigned to the existence of our humanity, that are not worth the price we must pay to correct them/ usually because the others simply refuse: want, greed, or pride controls. Illustrated: it is, A herd cannot be stopped with “just one vote”; therefore tragedy and lies continue until the herd itself is stopped, and must retreat or turn, or die. From these descriptions, we find simple truth lives in two distinct relationships with our lives as human beings or as society. What we can or cannot do together/ and what I can or cannot do on my own, is dependent upon reality or the price assigned by others . Although truth does not change based upon human desire or need/ the reality of what price we are willing to pay, for change: can & does. Past the point of no return, no amount of human tears or decisions will change that reality. The essential ingredient of want and all things selfish: fundamentally, controlling society throughout history is: GREED (more for me/ I want yours too). Pride embellishes greed/ want lies for the purposes of greed/ selfishness exists, “because I want more for ME”. Thereby without want to control humanity particularly as the herd constructed and controlled by selfishness demands: critical change is defined by its own truth/ and will rearrange society and life. Rather than your personal want, truth decides, life, and reality: must be respected. The difference is massive, and constructs or destroys all realities that can be changed: as we face now, and for even the possibility of a future.
Functionally, That means: humanity decides on its own, if there will be time for a future. Simple human truths of failure and fantasy, must be paid for/ consequently change will be established. To this date, as a majority influence: men have decided what society and humanity shall be. The resultant answer is no, this is the best men did do/ it is what they want as a majority who lead: but it is the university that controls, primarily by men, in this day. Consequently change cannot come, if men remain in charge: this is, as a majority, “their choice”. But nature now has its own price, and its own reality: proving “either change for life and nature itself, or you will die without mercy”. The price is then severe/ but alas, humanity remains deaf, even though the evidence is true and conclusive and without exception: men refuse, to this day. And women are, without the courage to try. That means we all die. Just how it is!
Nonetheless, we turn to the essence of truth, without want in our personal physical lives. Becoming aware that simple sexuality is both want and a truth controlled somewhat, by our biology. That means we must accept the choice, we are pushed. To participate in the solution that stops “a chemical demand”: is very different than adding value to life. Adding value to life, OR “I have meaning, I AM, the essence of a miracle”. That fact aids sexuality or takes away the value of our humanity: because the failure, “I didn’t matter enough”/ is a theft of your personal “treasure”, identified inside. Thereby sex matters, and the reality of why, at its essence: determines, supports, or creates a portion of your own self worth.
Here, we must assemble the reality of relationships to define an answer that is personal value, with or without the approval of others. We are “the owners of our own body”/ therefore we are the authority in charge of what we do: the body is our own, and no contract of any kind can change that. Alone, we own the prize that is our humanity. We are required to pay for that prize/ we are required to make decisions for that prize/ we are allowed the freedom to make mistakes, and all that being human does mean. Or more simply: to gain age and compassion/ to know sex is not free: is to understand, this treasure/ this source of my heart revealed. Takes from me, “a piece of my own life”, as my gift to you. Not physically at its source/ but spiritually as our own truth expressed, “In, or with you”. Thereby “life” becomes “yours to keep/ or to return: multiplied by the blessings you offer me too”. Or not! Every gift is freedom revealed. That means every true sexual gift, has no price. However; Those who refuse to return anything, will leave you “empty inside” when too much of the value in me/ has been lost. Even so, when it is YOUR CHOICE to participate, to ACCEPT the reality and trust the outcome: it is your own loss/ and you must not blame the other. That is their own choice as well. You cannot buy a human being with sex. You cannot own their possessions or make them your own slave with sex; even though you have needs, etc. Where there is love, freedom does rule. Where no love exists, it is your body: to sell it, assumes a contract. No love attached, that would be fraud.
The consequence of “a loving truth” is: sex should never be taken lightly/ it is far more mentally and spiritually true, than it appears. Given that, the body sometimes has a surprise inside {desire controls, rather than decisions}, for even the beginnings of what was never intended to be more than “a little happiness, for me, and/ or you”; can change. Every situation is then different. Every form of violence is not allowed.
To understand happiness, is to conceive of time, as a purpose beyond self. All happiness is shared! Which means, unless you are willing to invite other life into your existence/ which does mean you must or will care about every living thing; every aspect of creation itself: and in particular that which participates with you. That is the price: You will not experience true happiness, and know without doubt “I AM ALIVE”/ unless you honestly do care. Therefrom happiness IS shared with life (not necessarily human), sharing & caring is required, to build: a path to happiness in you. Life is its own friend, because we exist not only as body and mind/ but in spirit as well. Once untied with spirit, we are never again truly alone. “When you die, something that made you alive, leaves”/ is that not so? That is called spirit.
The development of happiness is then assigned by friendship. So then we come to understand that friendship is considerably more complex at its source, than simple acceptance by “a herd”/ or even any other human being. Friendship is the participation, of a life/ beyond self. That becomes a life without measurement or want, when it is true. That truth constructs the path to spiritual awakening. Or more simply, the essence of friendship is acceptance/ the reality of living as a friend, or being a friend: is the decision to participate in time with each other, without cost, “I am free, for you”. The reward for that is life identified, by its love. Love gained, travels back within self, to find & give something more of me, to you. Selfishness takes love, and uses it, to achieve a greater value in self: I am “the important one”.
So then we return to sex, and what becomes “the failure of simplicity; physical reality”. It requires nothing more than a body. What is true of real and honest sex, is the demand for respect. Without respect there is no friendship; that is simple and true/ and needs very little definition. Caring understands respect may or may not allow you “sexual freedoms or rewards”/ but it does promise a shared life in time. You will know happiness, with love. Unless you refuse to accept reality, and choose want instead/ that never ends well. Without respect, sex is functionally little more than rape, if not your direct decision. But this decision occurs with both men and women; as people are being used, abused, or abandoned as pride and power intervene. Want controls simple sexuality in both men and women; tears follow, lives can be changed or lost. Want demands control, because it has a purpose for your body called lust: I want to use you. Or more simply, “YOU the person, do not matter/ only your body does”. Therefrom a greed forms, “to take yours too/ and use it, steal it, or believe it as a prize; is mine”.
The second failure of common simple sex is: that I can pay, to make you mine/ with whatever I say, do, or I believe you want. Removing want, eliminates this failure: let truth decide sexuality. Truth means: our relationship is ready for more than want. The education here, is worth the trouble of keeping your distance until trust can form. Even when trust exists, the reality of life for each one is a choice: today may not be “the morning, I am prepared to promise a lifetime”. Or, More simply: both men and women believe they can find a price the other will accept, commonly with simple sexual or financial rewards. I will buy/ I will slave, or enslave/ I will provide this sex/ I will sacrifice/ I will join or surrender or whatever it is; “just to make you mine”. When that is understood properly, you will know: there is no possibility of ownership, in love! It must be earned! It is, and it will always be, “a gift, from me to you/ you to me; returned because we care about each other”. When corruption exists, as it often does. To reassemble our friendship as a price: is to believe I can be bought. That is slavery for someone. Even though some can become addicted “to the prize”: it will not gain you, a true marriage. Wherein both live for the other, because our love leads the way: is the path of truth..
The third failure of more complex sex is: I WANT a child! Or, in more simple terms, you are to be the means by which I prove I can, or I will have a child of my own. NOT necessarily “yours to share”, I simply need you. I want/ I pay/ I own: IS a simple transaction/ with complex realities. Love is not within that realtiy. A child is not your toy, or your possession! A child is the existence of a decision you are required to make. The reality of a truth called duty and desire, inside you. A child has many needs, not the least of which is: YOU are intended to be the GROWN UP. Not another child, a parent whose purpose is not a tantrum, and whose reality is not governed by loneliness that won’t go away, “so that you not, intend to possess that child”/ to drive your own troubles away. Love is a gift/ when you cannot HONESTLY share your love, then you cannot receive the gift of love even from your own child in return. Consequently the cost is high, if you are not truly ready for real responsibility. The child has more needs than you: remember that, before you make decisions that cannot be undone.
The fourth failure of more complex sex is: those people with sexual diseases so grievous/ they are going to change your life too. Must not be allowed to choose not to care. Revenge is an anger or a hatred, that consumes your life/ refuse it. When sexual disease is transmitted on purpose, when that is true, when that decision is made: the foundation of its purpose is violence/ the reality of its desire is hate. It is a criminal offense. The consequence is, most of the time: THIS HAPPENED TO ME/ without my consent. NOW SHARE MY fate/ know my anguish and pain: because I want, to make this happen to you too. The purpose is revenge, even though you obviously had nothing to do with the cause, or their own decisions. It is a heinous crime, when the predator knows, and it is “deadly or truly awful”.
The fifth failure of complex sex constructs the following statements. “I HATE (or angry, afraid, fear, owe, paid too damn much; etc), or I refuse to respect, or I have chosen, this life is more than I can bear; so I want to be the opposite of what I am”; change me. Or, I want you, to believe “body is a choice”, thereby Perversion is acceptable. Wanting to replace “nature” with your own design/ or more simply “to play god with self”; and refuse reality itself, are all definitions of power and pride, applied. The most common cause is: I am sad/ I am lonely/ I was hurt badly/ or, I just want to prove something “to the righteous”. I was trapped, controlled, deceived, tempted, threatened, raped, or refused (and I paid). Or, simply I want to be more; etc/ etc/ etc! The want which controls this, is complex/ the reality is not. It assumes sex is an answer: “to confront you: to demand your choice, with my choice”/ to demand sex is my answer, and it makes me equal/ or it makes you owe me. While truth proves it is only a physical condition that does not last. Freedom says: sex is your own choice, because it is your own body, so long as you realistically damage no one that doesn’t choose the same: therefore it should be free. That eliminates love/ therefore it is functionally just about chemicals and control. When your decision is NOT to “respect the nature you were born with, or each other”; that is your choice. But That does mean, your decision is to be respected, you so have a right to your own decisions, about your own life and body. So long as it is not forced on other life: they have rights, to choose too. Freedom is freedom, and it is precious/ but liberty understands: everyone else; has rights too. Our job as humanity: is to work our way through the tangled mess of human want/ pride/ and power; thereby assembling a greater purity within ourselves, by understanding what these things mean to happiness, hope, love, truth, and all that can be valued on earth. To be “better, than you are” is ridiculous/ we are who we are! The alternate reality of that is: to achieve wisdom, by experiencing knowledge and expressing understanding through choice, the foundation of a new and better life begins, in you. Respect yourself/ accept your body, mind, and limits: because anything less is fundamentally insane, and leads to grief.
Using sex as a weapon, or as a selfishness unleashed: that is so wanton, it is little more than death warmed over. Is a ravaging of life, that will find you in eternal hell, at death. Don’t attack each other/ particularly as male against female! The male: “adam’s apple” is the weakest, or most vulnerable point on any male, the testicles are next/ simply do the best you can, and fight for yourself/ you are worth it. Don’t use or abuse each other, we are each life/ NOT possessions to be bought or sold. Remembering a life worth living/ is a life worth fighting for. Understand, GRIEF: is Freedom allowed on this earth, even if eternity does not. “What GOD does not accept is discarded forever”. What humanity insists is “its right to choose”/ HAS CONSEQUENCES. The difference is, humanity is either free/ or it is not: thereby tragedy exists without true human consequences in time: BECAUSE that is freedom unleashed. Your choice/ your truth/ your reality. Nonetheless, for those who fail badly: eternity has its own price, they will pay. For less than “the worst”; Mercy can be found, if truth knows you repent. Beyond time, is eternity/ although the elemental truth of some human beings; it is a terrible price to pay for someone else’s freedom to do horrible things. The price to intervene requires: for “GOD” to be involved, means there WILL be change. It is not an option, and that invades all human freedom of decision: because truth controls life in eternity, and time. Humanity only controls itself. Purity or perfection, is not “part of being human”. That does mean: For “GOD” To come close; puts all humanity “under judgment”/ instead of the individual, when confronted with their only reality and decisions. That too, has a high price on simple freedom, the right to define yourself. Therefore each decides his or her own fate or destiny/ each chooses their own eternity.
We then turn to complex sexuality as participation in love: not a want, but a relationship governed by the desire to be friends, or more. Every sexual act between a male and female is an acceptable participation in bodies of life. So long as both agree “this may or may not be done to me, or to you”. Nature limits and allows all things possible, as your own decision or right: it is your body, make your own decisions. It is your own life, accept the price or don’t participate. Sexuality is governed by the desire for love and respect, even at the least levels it is a gift/ thereby NOT a “debt owed” (you chose, I accepted, etc); for either sex. Both are the same/ so long as pregnancy is not involved. To “steal a child/ or force a pregnancy”: is rape. To play with heart or soul, as in pretending anything you promise, or assume: varies with the reality of the lie. To change your mind during sex, is a reality with costs; some criminal/ some not.
The critical element of youth and age is simple this: if you are not prepared to pay the true cost of your decision/ then you do not own it. Consequently it is not your right to proceed. Health/ work/ realities not involved with love or passion exist to intervene: be patient and kind, so that “a warm and friendly fire will kindle itself”. Fires can lay seemingly dormant a long time; and still “be alive”. Help each other survive and do well/ it is important. If you must/ then let the other leave with honesty, and a purpose that does not include you. That is the least, we do owe each other/ freedom and truth demand it.
The relationship we share with our bodies is very simple: it is “our distinct gift”/ and whatsoever happens to it, is our reality to bear or rejoice over; because that is simply “the way we are”. It is, extremely disrespectful to yourself: to want, demand, or assume that any of us can be different than what we are as a body. The body is our house; good or bad, no “changing property” is allowed. That functionally means; NO ONE, is worthy of ridicule; a gift is a gift. What you do with that gift is one, of your true decisions. That choice represents our individual freedoms, and none of these realities “are yours to pretend, they make a difference to you/ they do not”. Each freedom is mine. Each price of that decision is also mine/ not yours, therefore you have no say, or rights in me. What we do for or against each other is OUR decision/ these have a distinct price in love and reality of both heart and soul: which means BE CAREFUL, or pay with your own eternity.
The mind is a separate playground, which confronts us all by the reality of choice. It is neither simple, nor plain; as the cost of confronting yourself, can be severe. What is distant, conceives of a relationship with life/ thereby a journey MUST be taken to achieve ANY form of passage between what exists in this relationship as time/ and what forms life itself, as a spiritual eternity. That journey is a relationship formed between, or as a bridge, between heart and soul. Soul is the spiritual element of life that is lost when you die. Heart is the elemental journey inside yourself, to determine the truth, and establish the identity of who you are willing to become/ and why. The mind measures, the heart chooses, the soul conceives: therefrom thought exists! Therefore we ascend into eternity, by finding the passion to become: ALIVE within ourselves as a participant in that thought. Or, descend by refusing its discipline/ truth/ and trust.
The critical element is neither self, nor time/ rather it is the essence of your own deliberate truth, composed and created by a relationship governed in your soul. The eloquence of love, is a passage into the greatest existence this universe has participated with: LIFE ITSELF. Not by the structure of any decision/ not by the purity of any passion/ not by the truth without clear and deliberate trust: but by the essence of everything thought can achieve, when LIFE “knows our name”. Or, more simply: when we have identified ourselves to GOD , as is the treasury of everything we truly do value in this life. The foundation is laid, to become what eternity can then offer to you. Purity assembles the quest, “to attain truth”. Passion constructs the journey to be trusted. Trust offers ourselves, without restraint or a price. But love understands the essence of ALL happiness, will always and forever, choose GOD first.
JESUS is the example of what true faith, and absolute trust/ conceived in thought, and born through love, can mean. He is, “my teacher/ my savior/ even by the essence of the message he brought; a friend beyond the meaning of time itself.
This time, and this place: are the evidence of what true arrogance, absolute simplicity and disgrace, the failure of respect, and the sewer that is simple delusional fantasies brought by humanity against life itself; has become. Biblical prophecy gives all of humanity until roughly September of 2015/ either to change, or to die. I find no reason to disbelieve the evidence.
You should recognize at this time; that all non-confrontational behaviors are individually assembled by the question: “why/ or why not”. Rather than, the endless list of excuses used by humanity to ridicule or assume. As the time grows closer, whereby all of humanity must choose to fight for life or accept the possibility of biblical accuracy/ or simply the reality of people who have chosen to gamble with all life/ resource/ planet/ and future becomes more plainly “satan (destroyer) on earth”. UN-common, Behaviors will arise. These are largely, the people trying to survive into eternity. As there are no second chances.
James Frank Osterbur
6/ 23/ 14
IN THE EXPRESSIONS OF LIFE, the days before death/ become our final statement of time, to this world. The definitions of who we are, multiplied by the reality of our decision to find love or hate.
Expressed as “I”/ but written as all.
“I am”: the desire of my heart, woven in the fabric of my soul.
“I am”: the discipline of mind, fabricated by sacrifices of life.
“I am”: the tragedies I have endured/ the realities I brought to our existence.
“I am”: the love that gives me hope.
“I am”: the respect that lives inside as my reach and purpose reveals.
“I am”: the moments that endured.
“I am”: the expression that lives, beyond the limits of time: as is truth.
“I am”: the mental anguish, the foundations of “being alive”, and the decisions which became the experience of my time.
“I am”: the anchorage, chosen by me/ as trusted and true.
“I am”: the child, and the life; that became the essence of me.
“I am”: everything time built, with my help.
“I am”: the destiny, that gave life its purpose.
“I am”: the creator of my soul: the decision to accept GOD . Or deny.
“I am”: the critical passage, that searches for life itself.
“I am”: the simple and plain reality of my own truth.
“I am”: the worker, that builds an eternity for me.
“I am”: the essence of romance itself/ when life is shared, by the reality of “happiness blooming” within.
“I am”: the honesty of a lover, when trust forms the passage called trust. This is the bridge between us. The bond created when the world doesn’t matter anymore, because “we have found each other”.
“I am”: the discovery of time, without want/ if I accept the price demands, “Without pride”.
“I am”: the value of creation, because love exists within me/ the most valuable treasure in this universe.
“I am”: the footsteps, that lived because I chose my life.
“I am”: the sound of every heartbeat, every kindness, that became my humanity.
“I am”: the measure of moments I could not erase.
“I am”: justice, the essence of every right.
“I am”: the decision I shared, the relationships I kept, the forgiveness I gave, the determination of my desire, and the eloquence of my own truth as one life on this earth: changing reality. By defending you.
“I am”: happiness revealed/ the inheritor of a beautiful world: we must save.
“I am”: the decision which cares.
“I am”: the possibilities beyond time, in each and every one.
It is not the body or mind, that gives anyone soul: that exists only, in what we cherish as love, truth, and trust.
It is not what we believe, that guides our heart/ but the anchors we hold as true. The purpose and desire we hold inside, as “real”.
It is not what other people do, that defines our world of life/ it is what we choose to do with that experience; whether inside or out.
It is not the things we win, or the realities we lose, that governs true friendship; but forgiveness/ because we must, none are perfect.
The elements of prejudice and all it means; are governed by what we expect/ rather than who we are. Judgment designs an enemy. Neither life nor body can do that. Want is an enemy revealed.
Sadness reflects the truth: I chose not to accept/ or turn away, from my own desires. Or to surrender my own purpose, rather than fulfill it. “As best I can”.
Every relationship of love, is built upon respect. Nothing less will do.
Everything we fight for, with, or against; requires a decision from us/ that decision determines what we then expect. Defines a direction we will follow; either alone as is a path/ or together with “like minds” as in a road.
Love and hate do not live together: hate fights/ love defends. People deceive themselves, to believe they can be both. It is a lie.
Every honest religion is a discipline/ not a savior: only truth can do that.
Every search for life itself: is a catalogue of consequences: created by the effects of what society, parent, life, and time teach you. You must find yourself/ you must respect yourself, even if no other does: before you can find a single “greater truth”.
Pride is a terrible enemy/ extremely hard to remove: but that removal holds the key to everything beyond time can be.
Spirit is the essence of truth itself. To find it, “demands purity, respect, and unwavering purpose”. To enter it, requires everything you are; at risk for forever.
We bind ourselves to each other, “with trust”. Therefore every lie, between those who claim, or do, love each other fails them both.
We live within this world by our work, our acceptance of realities we cannot change: the care we take to provide for ourselves and our future. That can overwhelm any relationship: therefore true patience is required. When love is worth the price. Fight for your time, but remember your reality! We all forget/ when faced with survival.
The true elegance of any moment, is not cherished by possessions/ it is known by the lives we touch.
Happiness constructs our integrity, “life is worth this price”/ but surviving sadness discovers our dignity, even when no other agrees. Because life is neither simple, nor plain.
We all make mistakes: move on. Learn as best you can.
Dating means: I will be kind.
Loving means: I will share, and care, and sow in my heart respect for you. A responsibility that grows, only when we cherish the moments apart. For that, time requires your patience. Life requires your decision: demanding what is “Most important, to you”.
Kissing, is the elevation of “meeting in the middle of our lives/ NOT our bodies”; to give the artistry of our soul, time to belong within this moment.
Sex is, “accepting the risk”/ while to love sexually, is to ascend beyond ourselves, and find the expression: “I AM, alive in you”. When that achieves the essence of ourselves united: you have touched “a spiritual world”.
Only the parent knows, if they did the best they could for their child/ only the child knows if that was enough. None are perfect, all fall short; both sides. Love does not need to be perfect/ “only true”, for us.
Divorce, “legal or not”; is a purpose to divide/ a reality of choice delivered as “I need time, to heal myself”; on both sides, “the middle ground (the place we communicate, the reality of how we define ourselves” , has died”. Or more simply, “I must choose myself, today”. Anything else, “is a predator (life is only about me)” in the house. Love is a gift/ it is never owed. Slavery is an excuse/ the clear attempt to buy, what cannot be bought!
Whether it is the beginning of life, anywhere in the middle, or the ending of our bodies in time: every moment is a decision that reveals the essence of our heart/ the sadness of our soul/ the purpose of our desire/ or the message we give to each other, “elevating destiny”; because we cared.
These are your own choices. Even if led/ you then chose to follow.
MERCY LIVES IN THE HEART, where love repents of failure/ and begins again as life earned through respect. Same for all!
No life is the summation of a moment/ every life is the creation of moments that reveal our own description of what is true, by the essence of love or hate, within yourself.
Loneliness, is the separation of heart/ from the reality of time. Or more simply, “when we believe, or have evidence to prove; survival means divided from the life we earned”: there will be loneliness.
The passage of time expects, opportunities will arise, to participate honestly and with friends. The failure of that, becomes a relationship with fantasies/ or an education in fears/ or a reality of searching for more, that can endanger your life. Be fair with your life, understanding the realities of others, are governed by their own needs and desires. Even if it is selfish/ each must protect themselves first: if you fall, or fail; then you can help no one else.
The reality of growing old: is the acceptance time is ending/ because the body or mind will prove that is so. Thereby we each know: these are the last chances you will ever receive to change who you are, for an eternity. To decide what love means to you? To accept life itself, is a gift you must surrender to the young/ because they “need your place”; for their time.
The essence of being lonely, “is I”. Thereby the reality of not lonely, is “we”. The critical construction of reality, beyond self, is then: to accept the foundation of eternity, as is governed by human knowledge, “becomes JESUS CHRIST”! HE IS, the evidence/ thereby HE IS “Your savior”; by the existence of a relationship between GOD and HIMSELF! As is proven within the writing by realities testified too, no other could/ or has ever done. His teaching is: “We too, shall have that relationship”/ if we share the two commandments given. HONOR AND RESPECT GOD! Love each other, as you would yourself. It is not free. You must choose, and then do the work, accepting trust. By learning truth! Not simple belief (whatever you want, or are taught). Rather faith: I not only accept, but trust, what I know to be true/ as are these miracles of life surrounding us all.
LOVE is the decision to cherish “your soul”/ friendship, is the decision to “cherish our time together”. The difference is eternal.
It is apparent that I am not worthy of your acceptance of this evidence presented/ as the years have proven true. The courts, leaders, cult followers, media, and more insist: “I am nothing but an irritating toy, or game”.
Or, is it simply, “everybody in power, or who has counterfeit money ABSOLUTELY does not want to give it back”; and like leaders everywhere, refuse to surrender their pride. Choosing and willing to risk destroying this entire earth, instead? Because they don’t want change. They only want, what they want.
Life on earth will die without change, it is certain; that is not a game. Reality decides, but the evidence knows, truth cannot be defeated. Because time will not share its destiny with lies.
Nonetheless, I now stop being your excuse; leaving you with this option, “if you believe THE UNIVERSITY, CANNOT BE WRONG, about the threats listed here: there are more”. Then “they are gods” to you.
If you believe WE THE PEOPLE CANNOT ALLOW EXPERIMENTS GAMBLING WITH ALL LIFE ON EARTH, TO BE WRONG. THEN it is entirely up to you, to change your future.
I will not greatly participate in that need anymore; you have no respect for me/ therefore I am a problem to you, establishing an excuse. Or, “consider the source; he is a fool/ he spent his life for nothing”.
Some would say, not even worthy of giving a warning or a solution to any of us; because after all, “I am just a common citizen”. Nothing special, “like a university diploma (he memorized the book, like every good cult member does)”. Or, he ain’t one of us.
AS STATED: the entire purpose of trial/ the purpose of these sites, and this work is fundamentally summed up by the motions filed in this case: 14SC-2
EACH BEING FUNCTIONALLY ABOUT: what happens, TO US; when you’re wrong?
Motion 1 (to investigate threats that gamble with our entire world.)
Motion 2 (To investigate threats that gamble with our entire natural world of life).
Motion 3 (To identify and prove, what the future will become/ as it applies to resources and environment)
Motion 4 (To stop and prove counterfeiting/ thereby returning to reality and truth in money). To stop civil war, by using the law.
Video | Last | Lecture |
Consider the Source | Constitutional Redress | Leaders Involved |
Miscellanious Summary | Consider the Source | Established |
Consider the Knowledge | Consider the Understanding | Court Statment |
Identify the reality that without true change as a world; we are going to die very soon. Not a game/ not a threat/ a fact revealed by the evidence we cannot discard or deny; without facing the reality of a future we cannot survive. This is about all that does not have value/ but consists of a threat, and the absolute need to recognize that threat, and change the future that we have inherited from those who lead us today. A necessity for hope, simple as that. Powerful, because as is clearly proven in trial after trial; our leaders, our media, our courts, and our universities utterly refuse to protect and defend and define democracy for the purpose of LIFE MUST COME FIRST. Not money.
For clarity: NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT words ever written; because these offer little in love or eternity that cannot already be found written of by the words and work of JESUS. A biblical figure whose life did transform a world by proving all that has value.
Therefore the assembly and intent to identify and establish what must be investigated. Realities of our time that must be examined, to prove what happens when this goes wrong; which means WE CANNOT allow any to be wrong. Then comes the democracy asserted: to prove we will NOT let this entire world die, which does require the law. Redress of grievances: bringing our leaders to trial, under the authority of constitutional first amendment rights. Is that power!
1. Because a tiny few said: "Let us bring the fire on the sun here TO THIS EARTH! The national ignition facility NIF (with 500 trillion watts of power), and 192 lasers all surrounding and focused on the same spot in space and time”. Quote: NIF will achieve....180 million degrees F/ .....only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions: the big bang, when the universe was a primordial fireball: the interior of stars and planets, and thermonuclear weapons. A supernova is...18-54 million degrees F....the extreme density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core-collapse supernova-an exploding star- or when two neutron stars collide.
Their theory is: "not enough gravity here to sustain it". Is enough to risk all life on earth. This is their defense for bringing that fire here/ that “ it will extinguish itself.”
Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire. That fire, will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days. They DO bet our lives on what is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back! We cannot put out a fire that is 8-10 million degrees hot/ with flames said to reach 12 times farther, than the distance of our moon to this planet. Which means we live or die, as a planet/ based upon their theory!
From me in opposition: So we begin again on the theory of gravity that the sun is extremely massive, and thereby the anchor itself, in solar construction; as mass. Thermal dynamics, or Thermal expansion means that the fire seen on the sun has grown apart from its source fuel/ because it must, or be turned back upon itself. Consequently the fire by expansion lifts from the surface of its fuel. As is plainly seen with a candle. The sun is not, “the functional reality of its flames. Instead clearly we know by thermal dynamics; that the energy has expanded enough to allow room for itself on top of the flame. Heat expansion requires it/ the greater the heat, the more room required. Because this is a sphere, we know that the expansion is even greater than what would normally be seen here on earth, because there is no place else for that expansion to go, other than out. Like a flame on top of a candle/ the heat expansion rises above its fuel source, by a substantial amount even at a temperature change of roughly 500 degrees F. Your scientists proclaim that the aurora, outer edges of the sun’s flame are millions of miles long and millions of degrees F hot. That means, the actual mass at the center of the sun CANNOT be anywhere near the mass they believe it is/ because thermal expansion will not allow it. It is a law of the physical universe.
Lesson five: your scientists theorize that the mass of the sun, is extremely hot at its core. They base their entire conclusion about gravity on this illusion. However the facts cannot support that theory, in any shape or form. If the core was on fire, then the entire mass is being consumed, all at the same time. IF THE ENTIRE MASS is being consumed at the same time/ as is a house on fire, all at the same time: it will be reduced to ashes quickly/ and will not be sustainable for long periods of time. We know the sun is relatively speaking: about as hot as it was several thousand years ago, by written human history; therefore we know that the relationship between a sustainable fire, and a fire that is literally out of control is determined by how much fuel is being burned/ at once. To retain its fire at a constant level, for these thousands of years: it cannot be consuming all its fuel at once. Rather that fuel is suctioned up, in the flames above.
Lesson six: in the reality of a supernova, as your scientists state, “they know”. The first part of that reality in time and space is: for the flames of a sun to grow in size and heat. Therefore we know, that MORE FUEL is being burned. Simple as that, no other physical force can cause this effect/ therefore proven true. For more fuel to be burned, there must be fuel available that has not been involved in the flames before. That means the core cannot be burning as your scientists say/ unless they can prove as they suggest: the heavier materials are last to be burned at the center core. Which would mean: somehow the lighter/ less dense materials such as hydrogen would be burned first. That is contrary, and in open denial of gravitational pull/ and thereby unproven or dis-proven by their own theory. Because heavier materials sink to the bottom/ center first; is that not so. Consequently for a sun to burn as they say: it must consume the heavier materials first/ because that is what is available at the core. Leaving only less energetic materials/ with less gravitational pull for last. So they have defeated their own theory. Even so, the composite description demands a major explosion at the end of this cycle: without “dense explosive materials” how is that possible? Again proven wrong. When only the lighter materials are left, it is simply a flame dying out, smothering itself so to speak/ and the mass that is left; turns cold.
Lesson seven: your scientists declare, “that the sun is made out of hydrogen/ a gas”; because that is what their spectra-graph shows (lines that show a chemical signature, in a machine dividing the physical view of light). There is no doubt as to the fact that the most common “release of ash” so to speak, during a fusion fire is the least massive or most simple combination possible in atomic environments. Because everything else has burned away. Not a lot of pollutants coming off the sun from that fire/ which means nothing escapes, but the simplest elements, most of which can be reformed as they escape. The simplest elements possible to reform; are hydrogen first, and some potential helium. Or more simply the sun is NOT made of hydrogen/ the hydrogen seen is simply the result of the fusion process, the reassembly of what is left: its “smoke” if you will/ which turns out to be hydrogen.
So then lets review: your university diplomas/ with your political leaders providing your money: are gambling this entire planet and all life on earth/ BASED UPON the simple theory, “there is not enough gravity here on earth;” to allow fusion fire to continue burning. They consider it to be, an explosion that simply continues on as fire/ rather than an actual explosion that expands so rapidly it cannot be contained as fire. Which means to them that such an extreme gravity exists, a pressure so immense that it melts the core; which holds the fire to the sun.
The critical review of fire however, even here on earth where we know the difference between a molecular fire, as is common fire/ and a molecular explosion as is seen in such things as TNT, are not the same. There is a difference between an explosion, and a fire/ the energy release is entirely different. Which means the situational realities are also completely different. They assume that a thermo-nuclear bomb is fusion released; because of the energy/ rather than a fission bomb as is considered to be the first atomic bombs used. However, where is their proof?
2. When you hear the words truthfully, that understands with all certainty: the university terrorists are mutilating every form of life on this planet/ altering life as they themselves describe. Fully knowing the reality of pandemic's are generally created when a disease crosses species barriers: and these terrorists are doing it intentionally, “EVERYDAY”. Literally injecting chaos, into the genetic (NATURE IS, the building of a living body) reality of our lives, and our world. Quote: Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing Chimeras-a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal.... fused human cells with rabbit eggs....for years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals....not only life as we know it/ but also "life as it might be"...synthetic biology-including synthetic organisms, biological engineering, artificial chemistry, origin of life, paleogenetics.... cloned...first human embryos. Quote: created an organism with manmade DNA...worth more than a trillion dollars..."its pretty stunning when you just replace the DNA.....and in a short while, all the characteristics of the first species disappear and a new species emerges...means cheaper and widely accessible tools to build bio-weapons, virulent pathogens and artificial organisms that could pose grave threats to people and the planet. The danger is not just bio-terror, but "bio-error"... sequenced and stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe and be resurrected in ....labs thousands of miles away.
NATURE ITSELF, is the "factory and instructions and utilities etc/ that build the bodies of life" called DNA. Not a game, every living thing is at risk! Balance “two hands/ two eyes, etc. Disciplines, including thought, eye focus, “sewage” realities. Order: if your muscles are not grown in a specific sequence, and through a distinct pattern: “nothing works correctly”. ETC! Evolution is “chaos controls everything; WE SHOPPED, and picked out anything we wanted, it was all free”/ a religion without substance or merit: a fools fantasy! What did you build out of chaos? Thought alone builds. But reality knows: what builds us/ can just as easily destroy us instead.
Quote: "Building an evolvable physical self-replicating machine is a grand challenge. The main problem is that the device must be capable of hereditary variation, that is replicating in many configurations-configurations into which it enters unpredictably by mutation. Template replication is the solution found by nature........replication must be maintained by preventing side reactions such as spontaneous ligation, cyclization, product inhibition, and elongation of staggered ends. The last of these three results in every lengthening sequences in a process known as the elongation catastrophe. The extreme specificity of structure required by the monomers is indirect evidence of some kind of natural ......prior to existence.....life.
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: as is the reality of the last paragraph made above: biology is NOT a simple mix of chemicals in a pot, stirred/ it is not numbers to be rearranged. Mutilations cannot be undone. Pandemic's cannot be reversed. Lives destroyed, bodies of life horrifyingly mutilated intentionally: is crucifixion of life itself. Biological weapons can kill 97% + already, of humanity. These things are biological warfare against us released by university and others: with your money! And propaganda demanding your support.
With our money, and with support from our universities, and leaders: these exist.
3. Consider the next big thing an exowatt laser: stated to be 1million times more, than 10 billion 100 watt light bulbs of heat, packed into a single laser beam. (Grab a 100 watt light bulb and see. Imagine the heat of every person on earth 7 BILLION of us/ holding 1.4 million : one hundred watt light bulbs EACH): A fire so ferocious/ PACKED INTO A LASER BEAM; or more simply their expected release of power is equal to one million/ one trillion volt lightning strikes (the kind that explodes one hundred year old trees to cause a forest fire) all hitting the same target at the same instant. And they are building three of these in Europe situated to triangulate each beam so that the sum total is 3 million/ one trillion volt lightning strikes all hitting the same spot at the same time. That it will ignite the same fire as is on the sun/ here upon this earth instantly; is certain. The exowatt laser does represent the single most likely event to destroy this world immediately: expected completion; roughly 9/1/2015. Although the others, are equally dangerous. Time does run out/ this world dies only once. Are you willing to be WRONG? There is no going back, these are life or death trials for our entire world. How much more information do you really need?
4. Scientists said: "lets play with the single most destructive event in the history of this universe". They have currently created a 5 trillion watt explosion at CERN: the instantaneous release of 3.2 billion btu’s of energy or 67 billion units of horsepower. In their tiny cage fueled by numerous atomic energy power plants. Not a game. Very NEAR to igniting that fire, which would destroy us. Other planetary damage as well.
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: Their reality at CERN: is an environment of extreme atomic de-stabilization/ coupled to an electron mass so extensive: that it can allow a completely different state of energy suspended outside of time. That electrons WILL retain its connection here. Or more simply: even just one impact that escapes the consequences of time in this experiment, can multiply and influence changes in every other proton that is going through that energy, causing it to grow. The stage is then set with a cloud of electrons set apart from the nucleus of atomic structure/ considerable lost, to the surrounding environment; but what remains is "determined". Three things happen when "a train wreck of protons" above the energy levels called time are caused to exist. 1. The orbital reality of electrons is moved to chaos, but still connected. 2. The critical structure of a proton/ neutron relationship is changed to become aggravated: relieved of disciplines called time. 3. A separated environment establishes its own rules and laws.
The answer is: that a big bang did not happen without structural disintegration. That means: SOMETHING "sliced and diced" the mass to be blown apart prior to the big event so that everything could go at once. That means in real terms "a proton" so energized no physical resistance could oppose that force, existed against it. But tied by "electrons", this force moved back and forth through the mass at tremendous speed. Thereby destroying atomic order (time itself), a little with every pass. THIS is what they do!
Separated from extreme threats listed above: but still able to damage or destroy us all. REFUSED TO INFORM “the people, and let them decide”, by leadership, courts, and media.
1. We burn more oxygen with fire, than this earth can produce/ you also cut down, mutilate, or destroy the very organisms that produce the oxygen we need. Biosphere 2 project clearly defined the amount of oxygen being produced. "The average person uses about 3,000 liters of air to breathe a day; a small car, driving one hour, over average distances: use thirty times that much. A large truck over one hundred times more." Think about it: using more oxygen just for fire than the planet makes/ WHAT happens next? The answer is, the OZONE layer is the storage container for thousands of years of excess oxygen generation: when its gone, “its just the atmosphere”, and what this earth can make. Answer the question; are you going to survive?
2. Antibiotics are failing/ which means the factory farm is nearly extinct: a single pandemic then destroys the entire herd; across this world (taking your food with it). Close confinement DOES NOT work without antibiotics in feed. We cannot wait to rebuild, ANY livestock herd or flock/ and probably can’t. Too many mouths to feed. We have NO OTHER means or substantial methods left: to raise or keep these animals currently; therefore it will be cannibalism. Antibiotics are what make most of your healthcare possible; surgery without is worthless for most/ the disease will get you. "All gone, for a few pennies, and a little ease". Pharmaceuticals of all kinds; sucked in by the handfuls; ARE without doubt causing the increases in autism, asthma, and more; chemicals of all kinds, ADD IN. Mutilated foods are a clear concern in allergies/ and the livestock which eats that mutilated crop, can easily become allergic to it; which means they then all die, and cannot be returned. Your “experts” are a tiny handful of people guessing: and being paid well, to guess as they are told/ or as their religious university cult demands, “believe in us”! Consider all your “pharmaceutical, bad drug: lawsuits”.
3. Only one inch of rain reaches or replenishes an aquifer/ per fifty inches of rainfall. Ethanol is added to fifteen percent of all gasoline used in the USA/ times at least three gallons of water to make it/ times (guessing another two for irrigation, etc). The Ogahalla aquifer stretching across several states is known to be nearly dry: “the dust bowl returns” with no end in sight. You lose “a billion bushels, and more”. Trillions of gallons of water have been pumped into gas fields/ oil fields/ coal mining/ used in chemicals/ made toxic by chemicals/ contaminated from radiation or garbage/ removed from saturation into the aquifer by tiling; and a whole lot more.
Go find out: what are you going to drink. Test your wells, particularly where ethanol is made: when will it go dry? The aquifer collapse. Understand this is no game/ it makes war. The reality of opening pressures beneath an aquifer: sure as hell ain’t worth no damn job. It takes only one earthquake (or other possibilities), to change what is contained gas, from under a water source: to become a released gas: we cannot drink it! Just like the Japanese: “our generators are great/ nothing bad can happen”; you are now very vulnerable. As tsunami’s prove. But then the people who say it, do commonly leave/ or take the money and run away, when things go bad. No water means no life.
4. There are experiments in nano technology, small enough particles to invade cellular structure and clog immunology, function, foundations of life and life processes as well as other cellular activities Self replicating means: potentially complete overtaking of the biological system/ even every biological creature or plant on earth. Can’t get rid of it/ can’t stop it: pandemic IS a true possibility. Your media presents only propaganda, “it will be great”.
5. The advances to artificial intelligence are an easily detectable threat. It will be horrible because it can be horrible/ not because it has to be? Machines to kill you, controlled by a tiny few: is the essence of insanity itself: we are trapped, they just won’t die. Your media presents only propaganda, “it will be great”. With GPS, we will find you “anywhere”/ preparations are already underway. But not to worry, “you have guns”/ isn’t that so? So when the leaders order: go get their guns: “its your job” (call for backup)/ and the people refuse, we won’t let you take everything away (call for backup); the ensuing massacre heard around the world. Is a bloodshed event, that will be HORRIFIC, after all, you got guns. The reality in advance: With bribes being paid by counterfeit money: the result of which is, that all the property in this nation is being sold to a tiny few, including foreign nations. “Like Palestine” YOU TOO, are about to wake up without a nation to live in. “Its all gone”. Your media says nothing. And your counterfeit money taken in place of titles and property, will dissolve into nothing, “overnight”. None will save you, “its their law”; so guns are all that is left.
Can’t happen here, it already has. Search REIT’s and find out who owns your nation/ find out who owns the property, and how they bought it with counterfeit inflated dollars, that you have nothing to do with. They don’t share the numbers, “do they”? Hell no. But last year the federal government borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars or so/ that equals $15,000.00 per one in three citizens of new debt. Your media says nothing. That does not include the inflation directly responsible for controlling the GDP numbers, from manufacturing and all forms of actual business. By changing roughly 5 trillion dollars of actual work and products. Into 14 trillion dollars, “courtesy of wall street, and your big bankers”. If it didn’t come from business/ THEN it is “imaginary money, and a promise to pay/ what cannot be paid”. Because one trillion dollars is equal to $10,000.00 per each and every one of 100 million people. That is the math. This is your debt. Federal reserve table L.5. But it does not include $70 trillion or so in social security, nor state debts; and without doubt bonds hidden; etc. If you look at the table, you will find gold: divide the gold by the price per ounce today/ and it is NOT “Fort Knox full”. Just a semi load, or so, for the entire nation. “Reagan” sold it all/ and the media didn’t say a word. Clinton hid social security debt, by separating it from the federal tables, saying “it’s the people’s debt to themselves/ not the governments responsibility”. BUT THEY KEPT THE MONEY, and didn’t fund anything, claiming in that lie: “We balanced the budget, and owe nothing”. And your media said nothing. The people then all said: “Oh boy, MORE bribes”, don’t look no farther: LET GREED CONTROL. STILL think it can’t happen here? Dumbass.
6. The introduction of mutilations such as Bt corn (kill any insect that bites, sicken many insects in contact with the pollen/ and the pesticides based upon that same chemical reaction/ or other types of killing. DOES sicken the entire living world that lives on insects, or lives on the results of insects. Killing the insect world, IS transforming the rest, destroying “the bottom, as we know it” of the food chain on up. IT IS destroying a vital link in the chain of life on earth. Cities and yards the same.
The determined end of habitat for all but what men want, IS the extinction of species, by removal of diversity/ poisoning everything in sight, water, and everything else. Devastating OUR POLLINATORS, the creatures who ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR; an entire base food source to this world. The entire system of pollination, from all its creatures, to all its seeds (sterilized or mutated), to all its life is being decimated. We are about to enter and live within and forever changed as, "a true silent spring". Where fruits and vegetables no longer exist/ where much of life itself is now extinct. You cannot take the food, the homes, sicken, alter or injure reproduction, breaking apart the chains of life and more: without extinction. As is so evident today, and will accelerate. The only thing left: swarms of insects dedicated to the plants men do want: MORE poison.
7. Fail to feed fish populations that you have so badly decimated, and they cannot return/ therefore you starve; and WAR. Global warming exists as is proven by the loss of ice cover in the ocean in 2011-12 in a size more than the United States of America. Much of the initiating ocean food chain begins on the bottom of those ice flows. Therefore not only is the ice gone/ but so is the food/ and so is the relief from human trawlers (can’t get me here) dedicated to “taking them all”. Just so you know; the only thing we have to spare to feed the ocean is: dead human bodies. The ocean feeds over a billion people/ you already have a billion hungry/ and another billion coming before 2020.
8. "It's a choice"/ or more clearly its your choice: to fight for this world or just surrender as cowards! Think for yourself. The media and its constant propaganda “the university knows”; regardless of how little you are told about anything important or real. Is subjected to the term: brainwashing from the cult of their religion “university cannot be wrong”: we are believers. The tragedy of belief is: you can believe anything you want/ it is absolutely irrelevant. But only truth determines if it is real. Truth is NOT a game or a theory, or a delusion by its fantasy. Truth is not “this makes me money: so shut the hell up”. Truth is reality proven, by consistency; or proven by the fundamental: even without true knowledge established by life itself/ I believe love can do this. Love is a truth. The elemental threat is: that you have been led, (you are told what to think/ rather than understanding or investigating for yourselves) and we do stand at the edge of extermination from this planet. Because your leaders “believe” in university knows. The evidence proves them entirely wrong, in terms of: LIFE, and our DEMOCRACY in every decision, MUST COME FIRST!
9. Evolution is their excuse, it will fix anything they destroy/ so they say: “a pure fool’s dream and fantasy”. They do expect: Something new will come out of your chaos, their intentional destruction of life on earth, (we CAN MUTILATE LIFE, because evolution will fix it) "in a million years or so". You want to wait a million years? They have proven nothing, but adaption: the sign of perfect design, and clear thought: “I knew, this would be needed”. Evolution is the basis of genetic mutilation: “We can do anything we want”/ without responsibility, TO LIFE! IT IS “A PURE (what could be worse; but do remember above) THREAT OF EXTINCTION”.
10. Of the various things available for us to see the past/ one of the most clear is: that to have created the vast amount of coal, oil, and gas underground/ major caches of organic debris had to be accumulated. Then some buried thousands of feet down. The ONLY KNOWN mechanism to do this is: There had to be a world wide flood/ nothing else could bury this amount of debris, all buried at one time, in the same places, on top of each other; so as to produce these quantities. Of relatively pure life decayed, into coal, oil, and gas. The same religion that establishes this flood declares, "the next time" by fire. So enters; fire as on the sun! A religious prophecy or not: we do stare at “it is coming true”! “Lake of fire, and so on”.
11. THERE IS NO WORK/ NO LIFE, WITHOUT RESOURCES. How long before you have nothing left? How long, before a critical part, a critical material or element, disappears forever? The future assassinated, along with every child! The business media brags: “in the last ten years” we have produced and sold, more than the entire history of humanity put together. How long, before it is all gone, with 7,000,000,000 people demanding, wanting, and needing every single day “for a hundred years or whatever it is they live before they die”? How many does a desert keep alive? Your life too.
12. More simply, when the ice melts, you cannot "make cold" anymore. The heat required to melt this amount of ice: will NOT have anything to stop it soon. As simple as “your glass of water cannot be cooled without ice”. This world will increase in temperature by ten degrees a year; soon! Because it is a “multiplying cycle”/ the more it accelerates, the more it accelerates. Great amounts of ice have melted, some say enough for a 20 inch rise in sea level around this earth. THAT IS, ALL THE PROOF REQUIRED: TO PROVE GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! That means you have moved "this much weight" from its location on one tectonic plate/ to another tectonic plate shifting the balance and disrupting the stability of these earth structures. You do this with mining too. Creating tsunami’s, earthquakes to come, etc. The major impact on global warming is not only burning fossil fuels/ but air conditioning: heat to generate electricity/ more heat to remove the heat. Blaming greenhouse gases is just an excuse to remove responsibility: “It’s the planets fault”. Dumbass.
13. The current situation in USA with weather: is likely to remain abnormally hot and dry: on average/ because ground temperature can prove there is no great deviation from hot to cold across the nation. That temperature difference creates the weather and its rain. Just because it is hot or cold in your area of the world, has nothing to do with the reality of an entire world. Our weather will change, is changing, entirely because of human impacts. We are “Tearing our only house down”. Shifting weather patterns/ changing food production or water resources: causes massive “human movement”. The world is full/ which means war will come.
14. We cannot be wrong about energy experiments. We cannot be wrong about genetic crucifixion of life, or mutilation. We cannot be wrong about weapons of mass destruction. We cannot be wrong about food or water or anything that will make us extinct. We cannot be wrong about oxygen. We cannot destroy the ocean life, WITHOUT true consequences to humanity. We cannot be wrong: Because if you are/ the planet dies, and you with it. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
15. Because men want NO DIVERSITY/ they want only what they want, it is the search for money: that ends the diversity of life. That process, establishes unintended consequences, and describes environmental change. The chains of life are real, break a chain and everything dependent upon it fails to survive. It is the cost of chemical pesticides/ herbicides, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and more; interrupting life. Creating Dead zones. Dead or damaged rivers. Dead eco-systems. Entire chains of living organisms dead. Pollution without recourse. Radiation as well/ already more than you know, or can imagine. Failure at every level.
16. We cannot ignore Yellowstone super volcano/ if it erupts; life on earth will die by the billions (just in the human population); a reality of consequences. Thought must prevail. We can intervene by drilling to relieve the gases that cause an explosion to occur. Without the gas, it can only be as is an Hawaiian volcano; no explosion. There are Possibilities that can be changed to intervene; for tsunami’s both man-made and natural.
17. THE OCEAN FEEDS OVER ONE BILLION PEOPLE (you already have one billion people hungry). Factory trawlers that “take them all”: are Ending the food supply for every other kind of fish dependent upon that food supply too: such as tuna and others. Killing entire " sea nations at a time". It is devastation on a massive scale/ nothing left for predator fish. The tiny few left are defenseless. No balance: it's a man's way.. Nothing but want, and greed. "Make me rich"! Don’t come back, until the ship is full! The list is very long, regarding human tragedies created upon the sea and its life;
I will let those more educated by studies of fundamental science: NOT theory; inform you, with regard to critical decisions. As is consistent with all descriptions here.
18. Ships Are now invading even the last refuges for the very last stocks of many types of fish: because the ice is gone or leaving, in the Arctic, and Antarctic .. That is extremely bad; the next generation lives here! People, Are genetically mutilating creatures of the sea. A complete we don't care attitude, a "we are gods" arrogance. What is the result: IF NOT a DEAD OCEAN? You are polluting/ stealing from base food sources/ poisoning/ attacking with noise, such that it makes creatures deaf, effectively killing them/ interrupting ocean currents with global warming/ killing the incubators of ocean life/ killing the creatures that make oxygen/ extreme garbage dumps / invading sea life with diseases caused by entrapment: and much more. None of which is sustainable, all of it a man-made disaster.
19. While human engineered crops are currently producing more: in exchange you have opened the door to an epidemic/ a catastrophe: that can kill the entire plant/ leaving you with no option but to abandon the entire species once this has taken over. Life is not “simply numbers to be rearranged”.
Life is, the very critical reality of “lower species” that must get along in the same place (same body) and do well, and NOT contaminate or invade the other species (and their needs) that form together to create a more complex living structure.
IF ANYTHING goes wrong in that living environment; the entire plant or life dies. If anything escapes and contaminates the rest of the species by any one of a variety of methods: the entire species will die. YOU HAVE NO CLUE/ “university doesn’t know/ can’t know/ won’t know, until it is far too late. And they race outdoors, with every mutilation: specifically to endanger everything they can, “to prove evolution, by changing life; themselves:” CATASTROPHE IS COMING! A religious cult gone mad: or evolutionary priests demanding, “we have NOTHING/ so, we will make it happen”!
Is it not said: that asbestos poisoning takes 30 years to erupt into trouble/ until then, “everything is fine”! Think about it.
The vast majority of plant seeds are now sterile; and the base “natural” plants from which all “engineered seed originates” is nearly extinct (very little new seed production per plant) : too much interference. Consider that a warning. All life, “needs a reason to survive (happy)”/ slavery, and prison; isn’t it. Or it accepts suicide.
20. The extinction of multiple species in all categories of life is consistent with: “You changed everything/ WE CANNOT survive”. Reminding you again: You are killing all pollinators at once/ with poisons clearly introduced that weaken their defenses and make them vulnerable to everything. You are affecting every species dependent upon insects and pollination; including you. Your chemicals have invaded every landscape and environment.
JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT THEM, does not make any chemical safe for life, or the pollination/ reproduction of a species. These are dependent upon “cleanliness”. As all are forms of living within specific boundaries/ and if not consequences occur. There will be trouble.
21. You have built death and starvation searching for easy money/ we will control it all. You have built "superbug's/ or extremely powerful diseases with antibiotics: that can invade us as well". You will starve. YOUR surgery and healthcare are very dependent upon antibiotics: and that means, you die too. Most antibiotics are completely worthless today, ABUSED. All are going in that direction: ending close confinement livestock farms, your easy healthcare, and your chance to survive. Because the factory farm is not going to quit on its own, until disease takes it away: TOO LATE. Healthcare will simply rise dramatically in cost; as will death.
22. With one billion people already hungry/ 2 million more added EACH, and every week; as the human population grow; they need more. A population that is over 7 billion + people: A POPULATION THAT WILL BE 8 BILLION before 2020. 9 billion, by 2028. A sea so badly damaged today; it is about to die/ leaving another one billion hungry with no place to turn, and NO water to drink. How is that not war or cannibalism. 3 billion hungry people in less than 7 years: COMING! With no food or water to give them. HOW are you going to survive? What will war use, if not weapons of mass destruction: “Just too many, kill a billion people/ STILL 6,000,000,000 to go”/ and growing. And that does not include disease, or the release of biological weapons. It will be chaos: hell on earth.
23. Because men don't want to pay the price for life: WHICH IS, from this point forward: ONLY LIFE FIRST MUST LEAD. BY ITS OWN TRUTH/ no more money first, no more want first, no more insanity. ONLY LIFE FIRST, forever. That is your choice. Or the world itself will die/ taking you with it. The consequence of that is: we must find “different leaders”; or the ending of us all, is plain and simple.
24. With a world filled with nuclear bombs, only twenty five detonations of which are said to be enough to end life on earth: Time is limited, you will be dead. World courts, governing leaders with law and world policing: to enforce OUR LAWS/ we the people. Supported by all nations, as policing power: IS THE ONLY solution. Which means we must have one single overriding language; so we can all talk and understand: the deaf know best! What is important.
25. With many nations holding biological weapons, whose stated efficiency is OVER 97% DEATH RATE in humans if released: WORLDWIDE. Your leaders believe they will escape: prepared/ too bad for you. With university experimentation that is already biological warfare released: you have no chance to survive unless you control them, and take away their tools. Make all, just as vulnerable as everyone else. The consequence is: Killing anyone who refuses to obey: NO MORE OF THIS.
26. PURPOSELY trying to cross humanity with any other form of life, in a direct crucifixion of the genetic stability of nature itself. THE INTENTIONAL HORROR, injected into living creatures of life on this earth: as is mutilation/ consists of such things as “if it were you, finding worms in your chest, eating you alive; limbs simply falling off; “order died/ balance ended/ disciplines destroyed: and so on”. This is.... Crucified/ in any life form.... the intentional killing by torturous means! The Media cults, propagating "how great this will be; we are gods"/ praise the university, all bow down and give up your money, and your life.
Functionally: It is Armageddon (nature in chaos). Coming true.
27. How is an angry world, a world stolen from, and berated as less than "us/ the extra special smart people" going to stop itself from war. A humanity reduced to slavery by the extreme prejudice of “university over life”, in all ways and with all money, opportunity, and soon to be property. Men reduced to slavery; choose war as their answer, how is not the GUNS SOLD a clear indication of your future? You threaten yourselves, or more correctly your “university gods” have proven to be devils in disguise: taking far more than life can provide/ and sharing nothing. Removing life must come first for this planet! That is a threat.
28. 7 billion people growing at 2 million more each week! A world of people, that ARE: Standing on one acre of "growing land" each. This world is limited, that acre of growing land “farmable” must also produce enough for every other creature alive on land as well as you. Crop land that can grow nothing, which means it is not even an acre now. The children will grow, and need, want, and demand MORE.
29. Want a better world, create world law; to govern leaders/ & dedicated world police, to intervene where life and law demand we must. Those, who will not attack nations, BUT WILL bring their leaders to justice by trial, or if necessary other means of enforcement and denial of superiority, including death for leaders, if necessary. The law, Will enforce our need to control those who intend to control us.
30. The separation and protection of women from men in terms of making a nation different: we are equals. IS A TRUE incentive to men, to make the other men change. To change themselves: So that the women will return. Which means simply: any nation that fails to treat women fairly, MUST BE DIVIDED into “women here/ men there”. Until JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY, THROUGH EQUALITY FOR ALL is served; for women/ and for all. You will protect the women; as a world. For enough time to establish whether the men will change. IF NOT, those women who refuse to return, shall be allowed asylum in another country. Let the men fight, give them weapons/ but make them change: where it is necessary. The women MUST make their legal demands clear!
31. Want to use all the resources of earth today: HELL yes/ no worry, we will just go get more! After all, how much stuff can 7,000,000,000+ people take, every day/ every year for their entire lives: answer the question!
32. Armageddon means: "Nature in chaos". Geneticists are actually working as hard as they can, for the last fifty plus years/ DELIBERATELY trying to cause genetic stability, disciplines, and balance to be destroyed. They believe once they see it fail/ then they will know what to do, to "be gods themselves". I say: instead of gods/ they will be "satan"; the destroyers of this world. WE CANNOT FIX, “WHAT THEY ARE DESTROYING”! That means it is a life or death question for this entire world. Are you going to stop them entirely/ NO exceptions. Did they fix A.I.D.S.? No, they just made it possible to infect more!
33. Just your garbage dumps/ failure to recycle properly; prove the reality of leadership. “Lets throw it all away”.
34. You have numerous nuclear power plants, that all have a distinct life expectancy: because corrosion WILL eat away at the pressure vessels. They won’t tell you, “just before the explosions occur”: there are always excuses. They don’t tell you when toxic waste sites are full. They don’t tell you anything/ and the media joins them, because the money controls. The people with money will leave; just too bad for you! You must participate in understanding and reviewing the evidence/ and you must pay the price for intervention; whether you like it or not.
35. You have an extreme threat under one of the great lakes, that has been defined; and will not be again, because of terrorists. Solutions are at least in part; somewhat available.
36. Of all the failed schemes and declarations, “we are the superior ones”/ that have clearly brought us to the cliff edge of extinction for an entire world: little has been more destructive than, “let one, or a tiny few” speak for all. This has become, the “land of the expert, and the media” ( a monopoly, 18 N.W. 2d 905, 908. as have others invaded our nation, to rule)/ we have all failed ourselves; because they chose. INSTEAD OF TRUE DEMOCRACY WHICH IS: LET ALL, “speak for one”!
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) still rings true: “Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consist with the letter and spirit of the constitution are constitutional.”
Everything here, that I provide is free/ use it however you wish; but NOT by restricting others. It is necessary, for you to contribute to these sites and take responsibility for distributing their purpose: LIFE COMES FIRST!
Their reply: “The king (we are the power)”, will not let the slaves go free:
From the court Paid Filed. Exhibit A, B, C, D, E, F, G Dated & H Dated I & J & K, L& M, & N
MAKE A TRUE AND HONEST DECISION ABOUT LIFE, and our reality. Download the html site zip file; so the benefits and substance of these sites cannot be taken away.
DUTY, is the development of a distinct decision, a signature in truth to the people who own it (I AM, standing here, for a purpose you will understand). We are a world at war, with those who would out of disrespect, and a complete disregard for reality and truth destroy us all. The trial that completes these sites, given as a dispute over taxes/ identified by the words of the US constitutional article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. Income as is every form of money earned: a private property: that cannot be taken for taxes unless there is just compensation; as in WE ALL benefit from this/ NOT just a few. US congress has just approved another loan of $11,000.00 per one in three citizens (babies and all) to pay themselves more money; in salaries and benefits (where do you think the money goes!). This state has approved for itself pensions that we the citizens here cannot afford.
That however just opens the door, to our truth need: WE ARE THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION, and must address that reality by investigation of all the facts, examination of what goes WRONG, and how that will affect our future, your children, our world, and our lives. Thereby making a decision for ourselves, that these leaders cannot! The responsibility to defend your world is ABSOLUTE/ nobody is excused; when our very planet, and every form of life is threatened with extermination: not a game/ our reality. You are not asked to believe that level of threat/ YOU ARE ASKED, to join this lawsuit Champaign County IL 14SC-2 court date is March 7, 2014; And make redress, a first amendment law/ and a guaranteed right of the US constitution happen. So that we all have the opportunity to understand our situation, and our future: AND MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS. Video Advertizement: short version / middle/ long version.
WE THE PEOPLE own this state and this nation: the trial, Champaign county court, IL; 14SC-2 filed 1/8/14. established on the principles of democratic ownership. Seeks to identify and prove: the following statement as our authority exposed: so that NO MAN OR WOMAN employee, etc: shall then ever dare say, or imply; to any citizen again:
(we can, and will gamble with your life, your world, your nature, your child, your future; steal your money, imprison or enslave you/ or anything else we so desire; and there ain’t nothing you can do about it).
Ownership means: The clear and certain authority of democracy, MUST BE ESTABLISHED, and ENFORCED/ same for all. No one is ruler, that means redress of grievances a first amendment guaranteed legal right of the US constitution: MUST BE OBEYED. The reality of redress is: “the most powerful words ever written”/ because the legal right to bring our employees into court, and demand an accounting or investigation DOES prove we the people truly are, “THE OWNERS” here. But that does mean LEGAL participation/ responsibility/ & decisions to investigate our employees, OR the very extreme and serious threats that can make us all extinct/ the opportunities of TRUE ownership/ etc as we the people: ARE GOING TO BE DETERMINED BY YOUR VOTE, or YOUR ACTIONS, or YOUR DECISIONS in the next few weeks. The filing is/ the laws used/ the brief and the summary of trial purposes. Trial 14SC-2 is “your trial for democracy and control”. Make your decision, because there is nothing else legal, or illegal; I can or will do for you. You have a legally guaranteed right: either use it, or abandon it. The law is true.
THE foundation of our democracy as a state and nation is: that WE THE PEOPLE, are owners here/ there are no rulers/ no religion may rule! In contrast to that, our employees have created situations and corruptions that fundamentally deny our right to that authority; and give it to the assumptions of university knows. The US constitution HAS a solution: its called redress of grievances/ a first amendment law. In contrast to the claim by the state of IL; that they are “doing their job”/ comes the realities of debt, that only serves a tiny few. Failure to protect the people even though the evidence of potential terrorism is absolute, and against this entire world. A failure to confront federal employees in their counterfeiting of money, conspiracy to deny redress; etc. A failure at very many levels; “Because our employees, believe the university knows everything/ and the people can call them “the government”; as is a lie. That assumption constructs a cult worship: where even though it is clearly known, and removed from court time and time again. To bring the same fire here as is on the sun/ can in fact make us all extinct! There is no proof of otherwise. There is only a blind and extremely foolish assumption: “Not enough gravity here to sustain the fire; so it will put itself out”. If that fails/ WE BURN. Every threat, that possess the potential to destroy billions of lives, and even an entire planet/ or mutilate all life: BY LAW, must be investigated. BY LAW, our lives cannot be gambled with. BY LAW, WE THE PEOPLE DESERVE the right to know, but all are refused, by all forms of leadership. When/ how/ what can happen/ what is not known, but merely is an assumption or theory without ANY TRUE facts. Is nonetheless a reality: which exists as experimentations that can destroy everything we need, & everything we are. IS A TRUE THREAT, a reality that can become our extermination. Or the refusal to protect resources we depend upon for our very existence and survival: is substantively a very traitorous act, by our leaders. Not the demand they must do as I say, or believe anything I present other than law. The law: recognizes the fact, that potential complete extermination of life; its mutilation of genetic DNA potentially beyond horrors; for a religious cult called evolution. The known resources in jeopardy of collapse. Even the threat of civil war, by the counterfeiting of money. Or a long line of extinction in nature itself; that ends in our own demise. Are all facts that can be investigated: and are absolutely within the public right to know/ and in fact must know, for their own survival. Gambling at this level: IS OUR DECISION/ NOT, a tiny few; who claim to be “god (we can, and will gamble with your life/ and there ain’t nothing you can do about it)”.
This court casefights for redress; as is the law. Exhibits A, B, C, D. This court case fights for protection from execution by, SAME fire, as is on the sun: it burns atomic bonds/ because nothing less can produce the energy. TO INVESTIGATE : is NOT the assignment, “the court must decide what will happen”! BUT THE DEMAND: TO INVESTIGATE, WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THESE SCIENTISTS ARE WRONG! And subsequently protect us all: when being WRONG, is absolutely our extinction. Because there are NO second chances. Once ignition occurs/ once a pandemic is released from species mutilation/ once nature collapses, or our primary resources are completely lost: we die. Just the facts!
This court case fights for equal treatment under the law; through democracy: WE HAVE GUARANTEED RIGHTS. And does seek the reality of justice, and fair play; including the demand LIFE must always come first/ for this planet. This case is not less, than any of these things: it is more. Time is running out 1, 2, 3
Which brings me to you: trial date is set: march 7, 2014 courtroom D Champaign county courthouse case # 14SC-2. THIS IS, the very last “go around”/ last chance anybody gets to interfere with the outcome of all the threats we do face. Because there just AIN’T enough time left; for any other chance or person to intervene. Like it or not!
This ain’t my war, its OUR war to survive. If you can’t find some way to support the fact, by a fair and deliberate reality: THAT WE DO NEED TO INVESTIGATE THESE THREATS. Then; I am done/ because time does run out, and a long court battle that merely delays the inevitable: “ YOU JUST DIDN’T CARE ENOUGH”. Isn’t worth the effort/ even if I choose to continue anyway; it will be pointless. One second too late, and we are all dead. Not a game, a demand for proof: we won’t die, because our leaders failed/ a damn theory was wrong/ or a blatant curse, to demand evolution must be proven. Were just plain lies, or worse!
Not a game; why should we be their slaves/ as is a debt that cannot be paid (no end); or an inflation that we do not share in the numbers: “the few, get it all”.
In the definitions that control our lives, comes the truth: that we did not create the miracles of life which surround us, and keep humanity alive.
Chaos, the assumption of the religion called evolution DID NOT create/ chaos only destroys. Which means thought, discipline, and order, came before anything else called life. The human reality of this day is a march into chaos, that will end in the destruction of everything; SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE, and its introduction here . Therefore you, the reader: MUST comprehend an honest and real understanding, “UNLESS we change as a world; from WANT first: TO LIFE MUST COME FIRST”/ there is no future, for any living thing. To be wrong, on numerous decisions that gamble with our entire world, and ability to survive; means we are dead/ no second chances. As is consistent with the theory: “we can bring the same fire here as is on the sun/ because there is not enough gravity to sustain the fire”. Even you, can understand; being wrong, is death to this planet. You know: That fire burns your skin from 91 million miles away in summer: it burns atomic bonds at 8-10 million degrees F! We can’t put it out. One, of the Experiments going on right now.
IF you agree with the purpose of that statement: “life first”/ THEN you have become “a messenger” burdened with the truth: that we all have a right to know what threatens us. We all have a right to understand the possibilities and potential of what can be changed, to rebuild our futures. We all have a duty, to build for hope/ and accept the responsibilities that come with our existence on this planet, in this time; and choose; to work for life first. There are consequences, to what you do/ or what you do not do. The reality of greed, the consequences of want, the tragedies of pride and power and destruction: have become a burden nature can no longer overcome. That DOES mean, our world has changed. You, are destroying faster than nature can provide. You, failed to “put anything back/ and you cheat, lie, and steal; proud of yourselves for that fact; its called revenge/ or they did something, to me first”. You worship a university that has increasingly threatened not only you, but this entire planet. Without change: YOU WILL receive your reward, for the decisions made. Not “GOD” punishing you/ reality and truth establishing, “no more lies, no more mercy”. You chose!
In the hope that you will “find your mind, heart, and even soul: and fight for life on this planet” / therefore I continued the work. These sites are provided free, and may be used without restriction. Take them to your own sites/ change the name; do whatever you consider best, in a battle for life on this planet. I don’t care: they are “yours”. Download the html sites so they cannot be taken away. Support the sites, and each other: so distribution can be simple and successful; when or if needed. I am irrelevant to your decision: this is YOUR choice/ this is for your world, your child, your future, and even your eternity. It is not mine, I have made my choice/ and done as duty required. My job, and my need to participate ends here; because only you, can change yourselves, or your world.
It is not my job, to bribe/ tempt/ manipulate/ lead/ or control you. It is your job, to RESPECT YOUR WORLD. If you continue to refuse: the duty and responsibility, to use, or understand what has been substantially prepared for you, for free: to defend this world, and protect its life: then simply, YOU deserve to die. I cannot support that, with continued work/ I have not failed your children, or life; substantially or on purpose: they do not deserve to die. Can you say the same? I HAVE proven to be “a friend, to life”/ not an enemy, or any religious illusion. I have proven here on these sites, your need to investigate/ examine the evidence/ and decide for yourself. Simple and plain.
Excerpts from energy | Excerpts from Biology |
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Hope is the acceptance of a life without substantial fears. Thereby we know it as a foundation upon which we build the life we desire to own, and the purpose I intend to live, as a creation in time. Life is a decision, but without hope for a future/ there is no decision to be made. Consequently, a long list of mental illness arises from the lack of hope. Time “stands still” without the substance and directional stability of hope/ where there is no decision, life is cast adrift, and fears will enter in. Wherever there are substantial fears (the descent from stability to “running scared”), the end result will be: entering into an existence, where you do or did not belong. The difference between a substantial fear/ established or greatly supplemented by you: OR critical fears, established by someone, or something else, with a clear ability to harm or kill. Is, your participation in the relationship being created; if you help them make you fear, if you let them make you believe in fears such as “your own body will kill you, unless you obey my warning, or do as you’re told”/ then you are failing yourself.
Hope is then elevated by the understanding of truth; as it is extremely foolish and blind to simply believe what you are told. Truth assembles knowledge, and understanding presents evidence; so that your own wisdom can rule over your life. To believe in others is NOT consistent with the foundation of every individual existence. We are constructed, “to make our own decisions”/ to be responsible for our own life in time. You cannot do that, by simply listening to others direct, tempt, control, manipulate, lie, cheat, etc. You MUST make the effort to become aware, of life; and choices.
Life is either an ascension from the elemental state called wanting/ a descent into the elemental states of pride and power/ or a deliberate decision to discard all warnings and remain “simply human [to want, demand survival, need, and expect control]”. The warning of life is death. The reality of death is, that you have made all the decisions you are going to be allowed/ and whatever eternity will be, for you; HAS been established. Hope understands that knowledge clearly defines all life on earth as a miracle of design and construction that cannot and is not even slightly “man-made”/ and is certainly not an accident. Hope understands, and wisdom concedes, that it does not take long for any human being to recognize when constructing something for themselves: that without thought there is no construction of anything/ without disciplines of body and mind, tools and resources, nothing will be built/ without order and the design that understands some things must come first, and some things must come last; that balance is essential against the forces involved. Therefore there is no accident here, life itself is, “a grand plan, created by truth, ordered by wisdom, built by expertise beyond anything on this earth, and fundamentally conceived by love”. Therefore wisdom allows, that the essence of thought, and the reality of energy controlled with disciplines, balance, and order have become the reality of our world. Which brings us to death, and the consequences of what does true love fundamentally mean?
Truth is the critical key to life/ without truth, the fundamental realization of laws and reality combined into one single expression: Existence cannot be. Therefore whatsoever is true, is a foundation building block of our existence. Love built upon the elements of respect, and trust; become participants as we desire them to be, within the concepts of “heart and mind”. When we have “heart”/ the very critical concept of truth and trust has been met; we become alive inside. When we are alive inside, the essence of love itself becomes our existence in time; whether hidden or not, it exists as the foundation upon which we survive. Without love, where heart is alive/ the mind measures and dies; bringing its debris to the surface, which is depression, failures, perversions, lies, cheating, stealing, and more. Those who have failed to “create heart inside”/ live as a mental creation called “simply human”. Or more simply, they continually measure existence; and assume that life is a game, a struggle, and a reason for pride, power, or hate. Instead of “alive”/ they want.
Thereby we know, that truth in the desire of our existence combined with the purpose of our creation as we accept it to be: becomes the elemental choice, that is either for love, or want. So the question is, what does DESIRE mean/ and WHY does purpose exist?
Desire is the elemental truth associated or assigned by the quest to participate among the others with love. Thereby desire is the critical and real decision that isolates want, and removes its effects; according to the actual decisions that control your life in time.
Purpose is a functional trust, that lives inside your decision to participate among the others, establishing the foundations upon which you accept and determine the disciplines, balance, and order which WILL then shape your existence, in time.
Together these represent “the essence of you”/ and establish the consequence called identity for you to consent for, or deny. Identity controls the deliberate direction that becomes “the days of our lives”. Identity further manipulates, the expansion of those days into our participation among the others. The identity of others, forms the background or environment upon or within which we live/ just as we form theirs. The question “called night”; adds in, the reality of what can only be called “risk enlarged”. Or more simply, when we cannot truly see what our environmental risks are doing, the potential consequence to our lives is greatly enlarged. Those who refuse to let you see “even a little” inside their own reality, are hiding the potential called hate/ or the reality called fear/ or the decision NOT to participate anymore, because someone has done undue harm.
The question called love arises, as the enlargement of possibilities in me, because of you. Therefore the one you love will be recognized as honoring the freedoms of life, and giving you the opportunity and the acceptance to be what life challenges you to be. Love however does not recognize hate, or any partition of that fact/ they are extreme opposites, and cannot live together as one. Love can recognize the vast majority who “love the fence”/ not wanting to commit either to a life called love; or a life refused called hate. But to choose one of these “fence sitters” limits everything about life/ including you. Because they don’t want, and want is the foundation of all lies. If you don’t want/ or don’t want to hide something: then you don ‘t lie!
Therefore we do understand, that want constructs the foundation of lies and liars and thieves. Because they choose to live in the mental environment of time/ rather than the spiritual existence of love beyond time, as the essence of life itself; “Hence alive”. That is a severe restriction on the realities of love. The elemental existence of a human body does NOT allow for “simple love”. Rather it constructs a base foundation for all life, “that you will seek to accomplish living with truth first/ even before love. Because without truth, we all die”. It is not an irrelevant clause in the contract that identifies you, for the consequences called death.
Death examines the soul. Thereby, in terms of reality ONLY TRUTH can survive. That is a very significant reality, wherein even love is put to the test/ and no liars can exist. The question of all humanity is: HOW, can we live beyond the grave/ when it is so clear from a dead body, that this life, and that body which is our presence here: has been entirely abandoned!
The critical relationship called soul, answers that with this simple understanding available to all: only thought constructs an identity, or recognizes its life. Therefore thought is at its essence: life, when combined with the energy required to participate. Both mind and body are physical forms of chemistry designed for the particular purpose of presenting humanity with the freedom to choose its own destiny. What is life, participates in thought to determine the direction and composition of your portion: in what is called soul.
Soul is the determinant value of your relationship with creation itself/ the fact that you are alive, and know that is true. Thereby soul establishes RESPECT for that creation and its CREATOR, by giving you the opportunity, “to give something back”. What we own as life beyond time, is our truth combined with our love and trust. That is all. Soul is the path between time and eternity, where life itself has come inside of you/ it exists, from the moment of your conception, to the end of your days. But only you can search for that path, and choose to journey upon its decisions, to encounter GOD ; as best you can/ and as mercy will allow.
To believe that life is simply a chemical body or mind is to discard the simple truth: that we are miracles, rather than simply chemical accidents (a fools paradise). Truth demands the evidence, failure assumes a result based upon as is “evolution: We built ourselves, went shopping for new stuff, and just picked it off the shelf for free”. A mental failure without the slightest element of truth in it. Proven by simple testing: can your body survive without all its “parts and pieces”/ or do you need everything at once to survive. The answer is, you need it all, “right now”. The pitiful delusions of adaption/ are in truth: merely the evidence of perfect design, “I knew this would, or could be needed/ so I came prepared”.
Love is an answer, that identifies the value we have been given in “this body/ and this mind, applied to you”. Very few have less than what they need, or the freedom released in them to search for happiness and life. All those who have less; have been tragically impacted, by human decision mutilating life, even if it was not intended. Today HATE is mutilating life/ just to prove it can destroy LIFE ON EARTH. Shame on you for letting them, without even a complaint/ accepting every lie, and every propagation of tyranny and hate as is now in control of your existence. Take life back now; or it will be gone forever. No second chances; the tragedies lined up, and ready to fall upon you, are far too extensive.
Go to “PUBLIC court (we own the right to know this)”: therefore, WE WILL examine our leaders, their university delusions, and decide for ourselves/ what the future will be; as best we can.
The quest for a new life, for humanity on earth; REQUIRES, that truth must lead. It is that simple, there are no other realistic complications other than respecting what our honest reality, and a clear purpose to enable the future to survive, will allow.
Men want leaders, to tell them what to do; it’s the easy way! Don’t have to think/ don’t have to learn/ WON’T take no responsibility upon themselves for a decision; so its all your fault; can’t blame me. Although leaders do not exist without their followers making that possible.
It is NOT a leader that makes the difference in our survival, happiness, peace, securities, or any other aspect of life and society/ not even governments. IT IS TRUTH THAT DECIDES, what our future shall be. IT IS TRUTH that becomes a journey beyond our survival in order to enter into real happiness. IT IS TRUTH that identifies love, and allows the respect required for it to grow into relationships that form the bond called trust, and the realities called discipline which fundamentally control our lives in society, family, and all forms of value. LIARS exist, because people WANT more than they deserve, or nature allows, or will let the future be a friend; etc. Leaders fall into pride; and pride quickly becomes an enemy; because it makes life itself, nothing more than a game. Leaders find it necessary to establish power, and with power comes the manipulation and control of humanity and the intent to play god with nature or planet. Because without power, freedom does what it desires/ and the people with pride are far too righteous to allow that. So they make rules/ discard justice/ and claim, the only fair play in life is whatever they say it is: or equality is for fools.
So the quest for a new life is equally chained to the evaluation of leaders, and how we the people can rearrange our lives and society: with the very least amount of influence possible/ that can then interfere with our own freedom and needs. How do we protect nature and planet from those who will destroy it, if we don’t?
Evaluation begins with truth itself: how do we define it, how do we create it, how do we establish a relationship with our lives that cannot be invaded by our enemies, how do we become critically attached to truth itself; so that we can survive.
Truth is: NOT measured! Or, more simply, “it is, whatever it is”! Simple as that. Therefore it is essentially knowledge identified by the consequences created, or the realities of action and reaction that have been isolated enough to know, “where this road or path will go”. Truth is more fundamentally known as “common sense”/ although that sometimes lacks the ability to perceive or accept the limits, boundaries, balance, order, and disciplines necessary to identify the true cause or relationship that has been created. When we are able to understand the constant, which establishes direction/ only then do we learn what it means to protect ourselves or establish foundations in trust; as is expressed by laws governing life and its relationships to energy and mass; from what we can or cannot do. When we ACCEPT and understand the critical fundamentals of our survival, at least in the minimum sense: we become not only able to survive, but protect ourselves from nature and humanity. Building what our hearts, will give to life/ rather than simply taking “all you can get”; as is this day.
To evaluate leaders requires: that you understand with clarity the purpose/ rather than the assumption, or expectations; upon which you have been led. Every directional march, HAS a purpose. In America; that purpose is rarely revealed, because it will be attacked and betrayed; unless it is treacherous, filled with lies, and contains the necessary amount of bribes. It will then be communicated as great; and the masses, will be tragically impacted. But the primary purpose of GETTING ALL WE CAN, by the few who then lead, which does include media; has been met. They stole/ lied/ cheated/ committed treason; and benefitted by taking our lives, securities and fundamental resources as do keep us all alive. Nope, “just didn’t care; or too filled with want and arrogance to see the trap”/ so, to hell with you! Not true of all leaders, but from the evidence provided by this day: clearly the majority. To “lump everyone, into the same category” is fundamentally prejudice, and bigotry; as would the statement be “all blacks are bad/ all whites are bad/ all women are bad/ all men are bad; and so on”. It just isn’t true, but there can be similarities that construct consistency; either for good, or bad.
Expression is the assembly of a purpose, composed from desire, that functionally is intended to experience: listen to me/ pay attention to me/ do what I say; and so on. Each of these are constructed as elements or the stairs, by which people become, or prove they want, to be leaders. These are also expressions of fundamental need, when attached to truths that cannot or should never be denied without a real and expansive investigation and further examination of the facts called evidence. It is not wrong to be a leader/ but it is not right to lead, unless it is truth you yourself does follow. It is not wrong to follow/ unless it is want, lies, cheating, treason, and all the Tragedy manipulation/ control/ abuse/ lies/ failure/ fantasy/ or a desire to play god, can achieve. That ends in anarchy, death, extinction, mutilations, and war. As is consistent with the realities of this day.
The functional disgrace and disease of society is: “I WANT, more than truth will allow/ I CAN take what I want, with or without you/ YOU ARE WORTHLESS, measured and judged by me/ AND, YOU HATE, nothing you can do, to change my decision; you, are condemned (these are the living dead; if the law does not decide)”.
Law is not what people say. Law is constant, a relationship with truth that not only identifies knowledge, but understands its relationship with life, and time. Law does not judge/ realities of the evidence does. To understand: refusal to intervene in the directional movements that will become tragedy, or an even worse tragedy for life/ Is cowardice, sharing the disgrace and disease that lets life die.
The fundamentals of life by the values of living within grace (we are miracles, without doubt), balance (we do have responsibilities to life, and ourselves) , discipline (truth does matter, just as much or more than life itself), and order (without truth all die, we must cherish the laws of life) ; are achieved within the expressions of love (I have found a home) / hope (there is cause to rejoice and feel alive) / respect (justice, fair play, equal responsibility, and the honesty required)/ trust (I have found a true friend, as best I can) / truth (this is as important as me, or you) / responsibility or duty (what must be done for the sake of us all, for life itself; cannot be dismissed without cowardice) / courage (fear is an enemy, not a friend) / happiness (makes us whole, “we must share it; to understand it”) / family (demands you care too)/ wisdom (expresses understanding through knowledge, but only truth defines through thought; it is a destiny)/ and honor (to belong within the identity you create for yourself, is freedom deserved).
The quest for a different life means: I WILL accept the price, and learn the methods and ways that give us all; The grace and blessings established, “to feel ALIVE!” At the elevation needed to ascend beyond the pettiness of self, and join the living existence called an eternity: you must truly comprehend; that all life (including yours), is more important than just yours alone. We are, the seed of a new generation in eternity; the elemental rise of life required to participate beyond a simple self. That is the dignity of this quest, and its purpose.
Time is not a destiny, it is a journey. Time, is a measurement that lives within the decisions recognized by the living; in the assertion of freedom, & the reality of an individual command called movement/ the critical essence of that movement called direction, is a decision.
The critical element: we are not “what we believe or want”/ but what we accept as true. The foundation of that statement explains, that what we do believe assembles the path that we walk individually, because belief is an individual acceptance. While want is a fundamental assertion, that I am more important than truth/ therefore I can do, whatever lies will allow. Truth itself however controls what will happen along the path we have accepted, and want will assemble the consequences of our lies. Even if it takes until eternity to pay! We are “what we want, and what we believe IF, that is all that can be assembled by your own mind.
Destiny begins as: the relationship we create with our lives, within the life we find called heart/ and the disciplines or freedoms explained as thought, which live only within soul ! The mind establishes fate: what happens within the measurements you have made. The heart conceives of mercy and finds love. The soul determines destiny, because it alone illuminates eternity.
Destiny by its essentials, are the construction of thought, the expansion of disciplines, the relationship chosen called love or hate, and the fundamental of life itself, that is given by GOD. Called soul, this fundamental experience examines your own participation in the journey of time. Time thereby constructs the measure of your movements, by its expression in your relationships with life. That fact progressively illustrates and defines, the identity called “you”.
The question most asked by humanity is summed up as: HOW do I get MORE of life and everything called value by me; FOR ME? The answer is: stop wanting more (to hell with you/ I am more important), and identify what is true: that begins with the reality, “friends are better than enemies, or being alone”. That functional expression becomes a relationship with soul, which then invites the possibility of a relationship with GOD : if you find life itself, rather than possessions or want; has value.
The question asked second most by humanity is: WHY did I get less, or must endure this tragedy, or have failed in friendship, or have sacrificed my life when: others do not; when others need not experience or express these things? The answer is: freedom assigns the reality, “we must pay the price for what we choose/ or I chose; to do”. We must do, what duty commands life requires, or we all lose. That is the cost of being free. The reality of body and even mind is constructed by the choices being made; whether recognized or not, that affect our biology. These include chemical contamination, even once; and many more; both for you and the next generation. That makes the freedom of human beings, the reality of bodily or mental failures; not necessarily your own. The reality of freedom includes choices made by the others, as they are free as well. The consequence of failed trust, is failed friendships. The reality of failed respect/ is the consequence of calling another life worthless (judged), and that ends with tragedy! Sacrifice means, I must or the cost will be greater, even for me; that is called duty/ and it respects a decision that intends honor. The reality of choice means that people have the right, to reject you/ to reject themselves/ to ridicule/ and to assume judgment, just because they can. Again; its called freedom. What we do with that freedom constitutes a choice.
The question is asked: WHY, did GOD not put limits on freedom, and make this world a better place? The answer is: eternity is looking for those who can accept the price of freedom, and choose for the sanctity of life itself, as duty and respect require of us all. The reality of cost, the consequence of people who hate: reveals and teaches what destruction, and the failure of value in you or anyone else, does mean. Therefore you do get to choose, based upon the evidence, rather than an assertion or expectation or imagination.
The question assembled: i (personally) have looked back at my life, and found “less, than I would hope for”. The accumulation of time thereby judges me, of no great value to life itself! I would argue that is consistent with us all, such as “there are mothers who did do the best they could under the circumstances of the day”; only a child knows if it was enough. Or, people who did do the best they could for work and job or business; and so on. That which is personal; is NOT a description of this message, “without change our world dies”; as I did do the best I could. But this is NOT a personal fight, and what I do alone is NOT enough. This is simply “my job”/ I don’t know why, other than being willing. Or the choice made: to demand this world shall not, be lost: without a fight. Rather it reflects the reality of choices made, “to work only for life” on this world; instead of common human developments, that are personal to me. “Changes would have been made, if not for the severity of this work; the destruction of all life on earth. As to the value of this work, it is fair to say: the edge of extinction looms, and the obituary for this planet is already written, in the words that describe what the same fire as is on the sun will do, to us all/ along with all the rest of threats as they exist today. While I do find that saddens me some, it is literally your choice/ not mine. I cannot change you/ only you can do that. Without change we all die, which means it is up to you. Only you can care enough even to try, to investigate, or to share the information that determines if we even have the possibility of a chance. That, is your job: because there is no place to run or hide, you must face it/ or let life die. Want is irrelevant. Even so, as to me; every life needs a purpose and a direction to establish their own identity; it is somewhat hard to say, what that would have been for me, if the situation were different. Love is the “best”/ why not then “look there”.
The answer for all who love, and fail “the best we could be for the people we do love” is: that we all search and sometimes turn the wrong direction for a distance. We all fail to understand the true consequences of an action or reaction. We all “become stupid” from time to time causing pain or heartache for someone else. We all damage each other from time to time, intentionally or not as we do demand to be heard. We all fail to listen correctly on occasion, and so on. Very many men are consistent with the description “slam/ bam/ thank you ma’am”; regarding sex; forgetting the woman involved. Many women use sex to get whatever they want. The critical relationship we share with “strictly the truth” called value is then limited, to our relationship with GOD. Truth makes us “alive”! Therefore what is true, dependent upon the truth, with/ as/ or of our own humanity, is the best we can be. That cannot be judged by ourselves! Love is an element of life, but it achieves happiness with honor. Without mercy, none achieve true joy.
The question assembled from hate assumes: That revenge is greater than life/ because revenge lets you play god, over the others, or at least one. That power achieved in control, manipulation, temptations, lust, or other is pure disrespect accepted, by you. Established: Because “your choice” beats theirs, into submission; “so you play god, and win”. Hate lives without “heart”; it searches only for “winner”/ therefore it cannot find soul.
The answer identified as “our hearts being shared as one”; illuminates the fundamental of value itself. The critical relationship formed, when we not only receive, but express and experience the joys of not being alone. With someone who honestly cares, about “I”!
The critical reality of sharing and caring and relationships that form and cement into time shared/ changing life itself into “we are one”. Understands, the basic measurement of time: that we are allowed only the one true desire that completes our distance as the journey to what we hold most dear. Life does not separate truth into its component parts, to hold true desire with your soul, requires choice. We must Understand the fundamental assignment of purpose cannot be disassembled and survive. Understand, that the foundation of desire is, what we value most in both life and time; because we must choose, to find the meaning of life within one expression that identifies “myself”.
The answer called marriage, begins with the clear and certain knowledge; that things must change, to assemble what will become our lives together. Sharing that decision teaches, love cannot be explained with mere words, your actions/ your reactions/ & your choice to accept “My decision matters too”; identifies the price called “our lives together”. Caring assembles the simple values created without measurements, that live within our soul. The heart expresses these values as love. These values construct the essence of family, and its relationship to the existence of our trust for one another, called “home”. Trust assigns and commands: that we will be fair to each other first/ because that is our duty, and our honor owed by respect, for each other. Truth demonstrates with consequences, that to hide from our own reality, is to shame the respect we owe to each other and ourselves. Want, is the foundation of all lies/ pride makes life a game/ power asserts, “you, are akin to slave”.
The essence of dating is NOT “A job resume”/ it is NOT, a trophy (all the people see, and say winner) or a prize (I own you, or you are a gift to me)”. Rather, the foundation of friendship first, is simply: to do unto others, as you would do so to yourself! The consequence of dating is: “That I search for the creation of a new and different me, a relationship that can dispose of what life has been: so that we can begin again, in the essence of who we are together”. The reality of dating is: that we CANNOT dispose of “our lives as an individual” to become something entirely different/ and in fact must not; because to join as one requires its beginning to be “two”. The purpose, or truth of dating is entirely different: “that we search for love, which is the elemental discovery “life beyond self” can be found, in you. To belong to each other in love, simplifies the question called heart? Heart is “a human creation or creator”, establishing the values that can build a home, feel alive, identify love, and share truth, trust, respect, and more. Because I have not wrapped myself in sorrow and distrust/ the consequence of failed relationships. The elemental relationship that must be formed in every single possibility called love is trust. Without trust, there is no identity shared. Without an identity that can be shared, we are without the claim, “I, or we belong”. A bond does not exist To trust another means: we can be stolen from/ the treasury of that theft, is the essence of trust itself; that I can be vulnerable to you. To belong within the values that protect and expand our lives, beyond self, IS a very valuable treasure. To lose that essence of self, that ability to trust/ is to cry, and find “I must rebuild or die”. But make no mistake: trust is a decision that you make too; it is NOT simply “all their fault”. Realities existed, that led you both to bind together, which is a trust identified. That fact, has flaws; but love or the intent for love is not a flaw. People are flawed: therefore Put GOD first, and let destiny decide if the journey of your life can be shared, and with who. Be particularly concerned with want, pride, and power; as these have no place for you other than as a trophy or prize or slave. Do not “want” for yourself/ it is a failure, to life. Let truth decide.
The journey of our existence here on earth is a measure of the disciplines (the right to decide) that we accept and attain. Some worship freedom/ some worship duty/ some worship hate/ some worship love; and more. But our individual journey’s all come with one identifying consideration: we will belong “to someone (a value beyond ourselves)”/ or we will belong only to self (none truly matter, but me).
The relationships we share in that journey deliver the message: I am, a participant in your life/ and you, in mine; whether this is chosen or not. That fact creates the foundation of what can or will become “our existence” in society, family, or world. Why we choose the things we do, becomes our most expressive identity
Destiny examines our thoughts, and holds them “up to the light”/ so that soul may be found. Fate does not/ it hides our “thoughts” so that none may see what we secretly want. Thought is, a passage and a door, through which we become established by the truth we have attained in the creation of ourselves. To be truth, requires a clear and simple dedication to the relationship shared with GOD / that is life itself. Not measured in time, not measured in love or facts of living or dying; but created through the essence of life itself, as we search within the elemental transition beyond time, to create eternity. This is called “a spiritual world”. Eternity is not fundamental assembled by the demand “of a prison”/ whereby you cannot leave. Rather eternity is: the critical relationship we do hold with our own thoughts, and the absolutely critical reality that GOD decides what our freedoms can be. Mass is not eternal, as a consequence only energy and life may apply. As we grow in understanding, so then do we grow in freedom and choice. Energy unless dissipated into space, so to speak/ does not die, so to speak; but can be transformed into something else. Life is a relationship with the truth that creates and sustains it: truths cannot be changed, merely covered up if allowed; as a consequence “truth is at its foundation an eternal thing”.
Participation in the environment called thought, relies upon two distinct relationships: without trust we die/ without a relationship formed by respect for GOD , we die. IT IS NOT, more complex than that; although reality states: our fundamental search in a spiritual world, as living bodies of life, begin with JESUS ! All love begins with JESUS as well, assembling the statement: unless we give love “without a price”/ it is not truly love. Without respect here too, the elemental mass (you brought humanity along, in your soul/ on a journey that cannot be mass) that you will carry throughout eternity; leaves you “grounded: limited to expressions or experiences that are human defined”. The quest, for a life beyond the existence of time; must discover three things: thought translates our lives as a miracle, with or without mass to measure/ thought grants the elemental venue that transports our existence, with or without our direct consent as a creation freed/ thought defines creation itself, as a possibility we share, but can never attain independently; therefore it can or does, participate directly with “ OUR CREATOR “!
That makes thought the essence of eternity, and the foundation upon which energy does or does not exist a participant in thought. Even elemental Thought thereby conceives of “everything” wonderful/ but includes the potential of hades (punishment), hell (the chaos you chose), armageddon (nature in chaos), the apocalypse (humanity turning to revenge) etc.
The possibilities of thought compose a question: WHY, are there different genders/ and are these separate or same or equal or what, in eternity? The answer relies upon the information gathered as humans: that we are literally, alive and happy, in so many ways, simply because male and female exist. These are opposites of the same existence/ which makes them equal, and without doubt the same as life; but not the same, as an elemental description in time. We are different, but equal. That fact adds greatly to our lives, both male and female. But includes, the failure to communicate well. The Refusal, To choose love rather than want or pride becomes a tragedy for many lives, both in male and female. Those directly affected, and those who must endure the consequences of what someone else decides can be affected, for the entire rest of their lives. Reality does not divide or separate all who are affected by truth; it merely states: truth cannot be changed, either repent/ forgive/ change/ or accept the consequences of your own existence.
Discipline states, by the example of my own life, that the two women who had access long enough to, “find a way; to bend the rules” applied by my own decisions: held to want, “believing all is fair in love and war”. And with it chose to demand I should change the path I must walk/ and choose them instead. That did not work well for either party. Not because love didn’t exist, but because love is not the most important reality of life. Love is the greatest value of life, but only truth keeps us alive. The truth of a world approaching crisis is greater than love. But the lesson is: that want cannot sustain any relationship, even with love involved. There must be not only a path that we can walk together as one, by “our independent choice”/ not just yours or mine. That is a journey shared. There must be a truth accepted, about what is critically important to me, and to you: or time will separate us. Otherwise, a gap will appear, and our journey will divide; because the elemental purpose of our lives cannot be changed unless we do that to ourselves.
As for today, Order states: that without a clear and deliberate renewal of respect and outright friendship between both sexes for each other/ there can be no hope of renewal, and thereby survival as a world. We are FAR too many people for any other way/ we are too broken as a planet, to survive. We must find desire and purpose in each other (the possibilities of happiness), without inflicting more destruction on this earth. To achieve a beginning in that direction: requires, that sex must be understood as “a relationship conceived without boundaries between us/ a time and participation created that accepts: I shall be, alive in you”. That desire: Shared by both. That does not mean, “you get to do anything you want”. Rather it states: when sexual decisions are made, “the essence called trust has already been formed; the desire to share equally within the boundaries of respect are permanently accepted; & the desire to care honestly has become the purpose of each heart”.
Balance exists, as the treasury of love revealed. Both time and reality accomplished in the simple words: we are, as man and woman together, the possibility of love without restraint. Cherished between us, in an environment created by sex: is an eternity found when purity expresses the value in my soul, “is GOD , and you”. Without GOD we are nothing, merely “sand in an hourglass”. With GOD , the very essence that is life itself inside, to make us feel alive: accepts, the relationship we share is without equal, for you or me; anywhere on earth. That fact is neither small, nor simple. Neither is it “cheap”.
Love establishes, that I have chosen you to participate in my own life. The quest to make that love real, asks for you to do the same! Until reality proves this can be so, love is merely a test, asking for answers to be given. What is true, defines love! Love is not to be divided by food, or want, or possession. More simply “food, money, possessions, etc; cannot be greater or equal to me or you”. Rather love lives by forming a bond that will not be broken, except by death: it is our acceptance of each other without a price, judgment, or demand. Love cannot control, rather what binds us to this earth, must be broken: so that we can expand beyond ourselves as a new creation shared in the existence of love. Love recognizes reality, and lives within the truth that is life in time. This is our humanity, and we must respect its boundaries in all but the essence of a spiritual awakening.
Spirit means, I have found my soul, and entered. Soul means, I have searched within life itself, to bind my relationship by choice with LIFE/ as my CREATOR designed me to do. The elemental awareness that is thought, identifies the passion and purity of our own participation in soul; and asks, “what is the foundation of your true desire”? The answer must be: I have found life, and seek to be truly ALIVE; therefore, to enter within spirit. The quest to identify self, and expand beyond the limits of time, are then possible. It is however also true, that no part of want or pride will be accepted; these are enemies to life and love and respect. These do not belong. The essence of spirit is: to find our participation, in a relationship searching with GOD; “For the best we can be”. To join sexually as male and female in true love, is as close as we get, to “the same” on earth as humanity in time. By honest and equal participation; our love, adds to that purpose everything we can attain, without being truly spiritual.
The question exists: WHY, are the realities of sexual participation, here on earth; so much less than intended by Creation? What must we know, to become better friends? The answer relies on three basic factors: You want, instead of love/ you search for possessions instead of trust/ & you participate in lies, rather than insist upon the truth. But added to these three are: the critical demands of loneliness/ the fundamental demands of a chemical body/ & the desire to be “chosen”; or the tears assigned when “no one wants me”. Each of these participates in dating. It is not simple and plain, because the consequence of all that hate, etc; does exist.
From my own experience, the reality of loneliness is by far, the most powerful of all reactions; even when you don’t honestly recognize how lonely (desiring love, rather than separation) you are. What is simple and plain, can suddenly turn into a severe want, or more correctly desire to attain and control another life. Not without love (I desire honestly to be with you): but That, can turn to want. Want can and does often turn into a decision; to participate in lies, as a means of control; such as is consistent with “I’m pregnant ( no need to worry about having sex now)/ and if you wait, I had an abortion (not pregnant)”. Or, “Everything is safe”/ and then “I lied”: Tampering with a condom; tampering with what can tears really do; and so on. Men do it too, in alternate forms. Then comes the realities of sex (physical complications), controlled by “body size and shape”; it does make a difference. But more importantly, having sex can result in a child resulting in a lifetime: each person needs to desire the other honestly and with passion. If a child comes, unexpected or not: their life, their body, etc; will, or at least should depend upon both of you, for many years. What you personally need to be happy or content with sex, and so on, is an alternate issue of time, and reality. The questions of “too heavy or too thin, too emotional, too proud, etc” can easily change regardless of “this moment”. There are no guarantees!
In a simple world. The difference sexually between men and women basically is: women search for security, by finding happiness through possessions, “I have”/ men search for adventure, by finding their reward, through strength, “I can”.
The difference sexually between men and women basically is: While men have no real considerations of time in a relationship/ women have a clear understanding, that a child must be born within a realistic period of time. Therefore, Women want, and they do use every means available to identify who will, and who will not be available for “parenting”/ or at least “a stud”. It is wrong, to delay their search: this is a woman thing, nature gives them the right! But it is equally wrong, to make a parent out of a man that is not yet fully developed, and able to be a parent. That turns out badly too. Truth and acceptance of reality is required! A critical reality of current propaganda is: that a vasectomy doesn’t matter. Bigger lies are rarely told. Without the chemicals of sex, “it will become just hot and sticky work”. If your desire is real, but sexual passion is not honest (I want sex for you, as a life, an important person to me/ but the truth is, my desire for sex is lacking); you will find that out; even if it is a beautiful girl. Passion must come first. Thought translated into, “To share with you love, is a treasury of my life”/ Must exist first. Love is not a game/ neither is sex. Love is not an action or a reaction; or a body viewed. Love is not a measurement. Rather love is, “the place we meet inside our hearts”; to share this moment, called time, with honest hope and true respect.
Passion exists as, “the decision” to open a door within your heart; and ask to be joined.” Unless that exists, only lust can desire sex. To open a door within your heart demands at least the minimum required of trust (I am safe here, with you). Without trust, you are sacrificing the ability to remain true to yourself. To sacrifice means: “If not for this belief, want, etc”/ I would not do so! Thereby what you believe/ rather than know as truth, controls your life. Some will say: I know what I believe is true/ but in reality these are opposites in composition. Belief demonstrates a willingness to accept, regardless of the evidence, or dismissing the fact that the evidence is not conclusive. While reality knows truth to be in evidence, the plain and simple fact; that I need not believe, this truth is understood and clear. To survive your heart, the essence of what you have built; that requires trust, for the purposes of love: requires truth! There is no other way.
Happiness, for those who love in time is: the measure we apply, as we search not to be alone. If that is simple and plain, then so is your happiness. If not, happiness becomes a complex relationship that is rarely satisfied. Joy is, the relationship we do share with our soul; “ GOD” Is involved. Every measurement will be found lacking the truth required, to sustain the difference between life and death; because it judges life, rather than accepts the value within life itself. We are more than alone/ we are miracles sharing this world. Life is, “the passage forward”/ wherein soul comes to joy by knocking at the door beyond time. Or more simply: if we measure ourselves, rather than share our experience and expressions of life; we then fail the essential ingredient that is motion, rather than death: To accept hope. There is no greater hope, than to accept: GOD loves me too! Simple and plain.
Death removes all hope/ life gives it back. That statement confronts eternity, it lives in the evidence that is JESUS. The question is not: where is my proof/ but where is our truth! Established by the consequence of “what no one else has ever done, in thousands of years; in terms of healing”; there is consistency with the claim, “More than simply a man”. Established by the consequence of words that describe a true dedication to one purpose and desire on earth: to define what love and trust honestly is! The evidence is clear, that HE in fact did that very thing; and the world did benefit. His legacy presents us with a choice: to accept the foundation precept, that eternity does exist/ or to reject it, and assume whatsoever we want. I choose to accept, what thought can define.
Motion behaves “in a rhythm”. Time is measured by a distance. No more will be given, as to the simplicity of how an eternity might be described. What has been given exists, because we do stand at the very edge of extinction/ and you must wake up somehow. In contrast “to your benefit”, the more deliberate the relationship identified with life or energy itself: as a means to say, “You must wake up”. Becomes the reality: the worse each and every prediction or prophecy, as a reality depicted is rejected: The harsher your end times, will be. Restraint is lessened, but not withdrawn.
Happiness for those who do not love, but use life to abuse their decision to control, and present power: is judgment! To enforce judgment and their influence; they create rules, trying to control everything and everyone as they desire society or you, to be! Their purpose: I am, greater than you/ or, you are worthless compared to me; as these both assume, “I am then; Like a god”. The creation of want, is a human tool providing impetus to the desire to lie, steal, and cheat. Want gives a cause, regardless of a right. The reality of pride is a game, used to predict or prevent: I will win/ NOT you. If that proves untrue; then Revenge as is hate transforms losing that game into “I will win”.
As the search continues to find: YOUR mind/ heart/ and soul; for the sake of this whole world. The reality of questions turn. No longer “they are blind, deaf, mute, and dumb”. Instead the clear elements of brainwashing, the fundamentals of religious delusion, and the consequence of religious embattlement as is the endless schooling to demand: This religion, “UNIVERSITY KNOWS” shall own your heart, mind, and destroy your soul. Or you will be reduced to “worthless”/ and described as an enemy.
One of the clear illustrations of that is found on these sites and within this work: is the evidence of human robots. Owned by the religious reality of “university knows”: have been presented with the evidence of many threats, that is well founded in reality. Time and again this is presented, in various ways/ and all fail. They cannot perceive any portion of the threat or its truth or its reality. Instead as “perfect robots (do not think for themselves); they merely find, all reference to anything but “university knows” is an enemy. Or, simply assume; ; no thought is required, their gods have spoken. This is the mind under absolute control. In the same way: We then turn to the reality of democracy and the consequences of freedom and rights: which are matters of the heart, because the law controls us all, or we have been invaded, and traitors rule. Time and time again in and by various methods this is presented to the human robots of governmental employment; and each fails completely and deliberately: NEVER once accepting their position as FOR WE THE PEOPLE, under constitutional rule. Rather they do prove without the slightest doubt; that their function, and their job is not to accept justice, right, truth, equality, or a purpose called democracy: BUT TO DO, whatever the powers that control their desire to rule, demands of them. As to soul, how terribly few have even the slightest clue! So we turn to the people themselves, and find the propaganda machinery of “university knows” has been extremely effective. Not because it is adequate to the task/ but because the total picture of an invasion that stole your ability to think for yourselves with bribes; from grade school on up; which controls the “old world religions” as well. Has simply sucked the life from you, by destroying your freedom to choose for yourselves, demanding “we are the experts, which means we are your gods”, and transforming society, by creating “they are, the ruling class”/ leaving you with want, greed, lust, and a growing hate. Toys and trinkets be damned: find your mind. How little does it take to recognize and react to: they are deliberately trying to ignite the same fire here as is on the sun. CLAIMING, “it will just put itself out”. On a planet that is nothing but fuel. Even a worm, has the intellect to understand: this ain’t no good idea. WHY NOT YOU?
THE ANSWER IS: you are a cult, of what by the evidence can now only be described as “devil worshipers”. And the religious all say: “That ain’t us, we are like god/ we are saved/ we are the great ones/ we are not like the others, god saves us” and so on. So the question is asked: “Which god”? And the answer replies: the one we worship! By the evidence that is “university knows”; or more simply, the people most responsible for every threat that exists today. They control the money, they control the direction, they control the response, they control the information, they control your freedom, they took over government, they control what you “think you know”, they took over your decisions, they stole the money, they presented anarchy (democracy does not rule anymore/ they do). Or more simply “they are your gods”; they own your mind/ your heart/ & your lives. Establishing: They are traitors, is simple: having destroyed the foundations which built this nation, and now threaten an entire world, by using you as their slaves. Is a proven fact! Gee, what could be wrong with that? Establishing the end of brainwashing is much more difficult, as you are “religious zealots” that cannot simply be told the truth/ because you believe what you believe, and anything less than what you believe is a blasphemy in your eyes. Consequently, in small doses: truth must simply chip away at the tragedy, of what you have become.
Recognizing the power, that has been used, to conceal truth, and hide all theft, etc/ the consequences and abuse of propaganda; to establish pride, “we can do this/ so we did”. And the clear and deliberate intent to gamble with all life on earth: the question must be asked: WHO THE HELL IS, “university knows”?
The answer is: the same kid who sat next to you in school/ got bullied, was a bully, or whatever. He nor she, “Ain’t no god”. How is that not completely obvious?
The answer is: you want to play god too! So you walk behind them, becoming fans; chanting “we are the foundation upon which you prove, we are responsible too”! SHAME on you both; you deserve what comes. Simple and plain; change or die.
Because it is reality, I state again: that having searched diligently for ten years, and finding absolutely no answer in man for how to keep this earth alive. Because no matter what is changed, men in charge will go immediately back to what or why, they have chosen before; as does history distinctly prove. This is the best men as a majority ruling, did do/ and we do stand at the very edge of extinction for this planet, and all its life. Simple and plain. We can argue, no one can do better in terms of human decision, respecting the fact that a small percentage of people throughout history, are fundamentally the true cause for directing this world to ruin, and most of its grief. But without true change, how can you expect a different result? Some say, that is insanity, to keep doing the same. Wherever there is power, there is failure. Wherever there is want determining what comes next, lies and liars rule. Wherever pride determines what society will be; life, sex, work, and money will be games. It is that simple, and women are just as susceptible as men/ BUT IN DIFFERENT WAYS. Which is why, just a few cannot determine a path into the future; because they will always be influenced to choose for themselves/ as do men. What women would choose, must be voted upon; to achieve what democracy demands. To rule ourselves by the laws that WE THE PEOPLE CREATE for ourselves. NOT a vote for someone to vote for me/ but a vote for myself, on the law and the realities of life, work, society, business and more as one citizen, casting one vote among us all. To determine what our future and our lives will be : for ourselves! What women would choose, is likely to be more “life efriendly”/ instead of competition based: which is absolutely necessary to our survival. At over 7 billion people and growing by over 2 million more mouths to feed each week, by the numbers: we already stand as one human being on every acre of agricultural ground in this world; to keep us all alive for a year, along with every other creature on land. The sea is nearly dead, believe it or not that is a fact, because of what humanity does: it feeds a billion people/ and we are already a billion people hungry, and children grow, which means they need more. Our water is under attack. Even the oxygen we need to breathe is under attack by the vehicles and furnaces and other choices made. Our biological world is being mutilated in every conceivable way. Living creatures are being crucified, just because you can “cut off a limb/ sew on a snake” guess what happens to you; realities that cannot be imagined for the IRREPARABLE HORROR they will cause. And so much more, it is beyond comprehension. Yet these “University diploma’s” continue to lead you to your death; by making rules, using language that is foreign, and controlling every decision/ and every job that makes a decision; for themselves. Open up your eyes/ awaken your heart; and fight for this planet, with law. Because war will only hasten our demise, and remove or destroy the very resources we require to survive.
Having searched the biblical book of Revelation , at that time in an effort to determine is this, the end of our world? Revelation 12, as an involved response within me: determined to ask women what would or could they do? That led to MANY complications, but the end result of it all is VERY SIMPLE: Women are different/ let them rule. Not as an individual, but by Their combined vote: to identify and create a different way, for life on earth; for us all to choose. They cannot do worse! Even if you believe what men have led us too was absolutely necessary as well/ that day is over, or as the evidence clearly shows: we will all go extinct. No one is exempt.
The disciplines of leadership DO NOT include, an outright gambling with all life on earth! Of all the critical failures, that represent the reality of “university knows leadership” in this portion of the same US supreme court/ US tax court case ; that identifies criminal corruption in all the highest levels of US federal government. The very worst/ most easily identified is: these leaders have decided they CAN bring the same fire here to this planet as is on the sun, a 9,000,000 degree F fire, that burns atomic bonds. Because the theory goes: “Not enough gravity here on earth to sustain the fire”/ so it will just put itself out. On a planet that is nothing but fuel! In case you missed it: that means when they are proven wrong, this entire planet becomes another sun. There are NO second chances/ once lit, either it puts itself out, OR we are incinerated . It is that simple/ no one escapes “being wrong”.
Of the various methods needed to prove them wrong/ it is also useful to understand. In terms of gravity failing to hold the fire to this earth/ the more critical reality is: just how much suction does a 9 or ten million degree fire establish, particularly in this atmosphere? Do you not understand a forest fire 3,000 degrees; sucks in air (a chemical bond fire)? It does so, because the expansion of heat creates a vacuum! The probable air speed of this atmosphere on earth being sucked into that fire at the base of its flame is roughly one thousand miles per hour. Or more simply “just like a candle sucks up the was to burn/ an atomic fire will suck up this earth and burn anything that is built with an atomic bond. Which is everything. In terms of fire growth, a chemical fire doubles in size every minute. An atomic fire will do over 12 times that. In terms of a candle and the room needed because of heat expansion: test it for yourself/ light a candle with full air flow. The flame will be roughly 7 times bigger than the wick/ the flame will rise roughly 7 times higher than the wick engulfed. A candle flame is roughly 500 degrees/ as we then multiply the effect of heat expansion which is the same regardless of the source or type of fire: a 10 million degree flame needs 140,000 times more room! That simple reality proves the flames you see on the sun itself (its visual size), are NOT the source of fuel/ but the reality of heat. The wick itself turns to ash as it is incinerated. The ash cloud of an atomic fire, is the simplest possible combination of atomic structure that is able to form after any possible “singular” components of atomic structureescape the fire. Thereby the hydrogen chemical signature of the sun is nothing more than its ash cloud. Everyday, the national ignition facility tries desperately to ignite an atomic fire on earth. The day comes soon, when that fire will destroy us all! No one escapes. Or, more simply the CULT of “university knows” will then be SATAN on earth. With all its believers assigned as “devils”. You chose to let them! You have NO EXCUSE, because you do understand a fire 91 million miles away, that burns your skin here in summer; is no toy!
The sites I provide are these. The primary information for all sites, for this entire work: is this portion of “trial after trial”: in both state of ILLINOIS and US federal and supreme courts. A FEW, of the thousands of links used upon these sites. The most powerful words for human society ever written. The question called life. The reality: those who say “debts don’t matter”; believe they are rulers, and never intend to pay. To even suggest media has not failed us entirely, is fantasy!
The purpose and desire very simply: we are threatened with extermination as a planet/ so says the evidence. That fact, cannot be left: to those who have made created the threats, and realities we now face. Download these html sites/ so they cannot be taken away, or hidden from you. Support this work, or it can disappear. Support “life for this planet must come first”/ or it, and we, will all disappear. You are not asked to believe: as was demanded of the courts; you are asked to investigate the evidence and prove what is or is not true/ because we cannot survive being wrong; not even as a planet of life. You are asked, as was the courts: to communicate these threats to “humanity” and let each one decide for themselves; as is consistent with freedom and democracy itself. As for me, I have proven and delivered everything in this work, I came to do. The decision, and the consequences of life or death for a planet: the investigation, trials, etc now comes to you. I have finished/ nothing else is required of me, for this work, or your decision.
Should the IL tax lawyers decide: after months of silence, to go ahead and accept the demands of the IL supreme court document filed; by certified mail: but again “refused, without a single word from the court or the lawyers”/ because they cannot win. I would return for that, or similar. As is consistent with your own realities; the work is not perfect/ it is simply the best I did do, for life, and planet; that will soon be approaching one tragedy or crisis, after another. The critical question is do you care, & will you share the information you accept as “too important to be wrong”; with anyone else?
Balance states; it should be recognized, that none of these sites/ all these words, represents the assumptions of an optimist (I believe everything I want, will come to me). Neither do they represent the assumptions of a pessimist (I believe everything I don’t want, will come to me). Rather reality states, that truth has a definable order, and the disciplines of thought are decipherable, if you simply apply wisdom/ honesty/ and a clear understanding of courage. Can you not predict: when you spent more than your checking account has in it/ what happens next? The same is true of more than “just counterfeit numbers”. Truth matters.
That said, the worst possible decision humanity could make is bringing the same fire here as is on the sun/ a fire that burns atomic bonds, here; where everything is fuel. There are NO second chances, a fire that cannot be extinguished/ just like the sun. The second worst decision is of course, the intentional destruction of life as a body in time itself. By mutilating and crucifying genetic structure; (the basis of all Creation itself, across this world), and spreading the foundation of pandemic disease. Which is genetic boundaries crossed between species. The third is the destruction of all resources that support life; as is constant and sure today. The critical question: where all leadership has failed, because they believe the universities are god/ can YOU find your mind in time, “to fight for this world”! All WILL certainly die, if you don’t! You are not asked to believe that statement/lain you are asked to investigate and examine the evidence, establishing a clear and certain response: CAN WE AFFORD TO BE, OR LET THOSE WHO ARE LITERALLY GAMBLING WITH EVERYTHING WE VALUE ON EARTH, including life/ planet/ survival/ and even the solar system itself BE, WRONG! That is a true and accurate statement, clearly establishing; this is not a game. Everything we are or need or value is threatened with extinction. The choice is yours; as I have done everything I could do, to inform and educate you. Only you, can change yourselves, or your world: or defend your future. Ask any farmer, “if you eat next years seed”/ you can be happy today: BUT, what certainly will happen to next years crop! To believe in your leaders, or your media to protect you, has been proven foolish. Clearly, they didn’t care about tomorrow, at all! We add one final reality, the prophecy called Daniel 12. It reads, “from the time humanity starts trying to ignite the same fire here”; NIF as is on the sun (worst possible decision)/ there will be 1290 days before that ignition occurs. That date coincides perfectly with the expected operation of the exo-watt laser= one million lightning bolts, all striking the same place at the same time. It continues at the 1335 day from this beginning/ all life on earth will be lost. Or, more simply: the fire will have grown, and the entire atmosphere of earth will have been ejected into space. For those who are certain this is just trying to scare you: the reality of coal/ oil/ gas/ as the fossil fuels we use, DO prove beyond any doubt, that a world wide flood did occur. Because there is no other way, to clump these masses of life together, and bury them under thousands of feet of earth or sea; in some places. Simple and plain, these things are, “life or death”; not a game. The destruction of a world, BY CHOICE: is called “SATAN”. Not a religious statement, simply a fact! Where then, do YOU stand? Eternity will remember/ there are no excuses; not for anyone, including YOU.
Stop a rape display, many rapes are begun by climbing through a window/ this is a simple motion detector, placed below or anywhere in the close vicinity of a window. It turns on a light, and a noise maker of some type by simply screwing in a light bulb socket adapter. Placed it could easily be hooked to a camera/ it could easily be hooked to an aerosol chemical spray, which contains an identifying chemical for tracing in court, an odor for tracing in a crowd, & some fluorescent paint; for seeing the perpetrator at night. There are a wide variety of types and kinds of motion detectors, the one in view cost $8.00. It is wired simply by attaching a simple two wire lamp cord, to the two wires in the motion detector base, and covering the base with a standard octagon cover plate. It can be set on the floor or hung on wall or ceiling. Victim defense jewelry is also a good idea.
In the building of a life/ the consequences of death, the reality remains: I am, what I choose to be/ within the environment that exists for me.
The elemental purpose of “no more tears” exists: but that cannot be conceived of, without an understanding of “who, I/ or you are, as the person we independently chose to be”. We must have tears, to prove where our heart belongs. To avoid that, people choose to play the game: I am winner, “look at me”. When asked what did you win? The answer is: I made the others lose, and I forced them to give me this prize.”
That means, more so than any other life or influence, I am the designer and greatest influence upon my own life/ I choose! Others come, some even conquer for a time, with temptations, manipulations, ridicule, etc; but there are no decisions made that do not account for the fact, I did or I did not participate. More simply, “I wanted/ I believed/ I let myself be tempted/ I was ignorant (failed to learn first)/ I was hypnotized, because you paid attention to me/ I was lonely, and needed a friend/ I was proud, and would not be “equal”/ I was abused or used, and accepted the consequences of that/ I was raped, “they stole my heart”/ I was threatened, “they tried to steal my soul”. There are more, but the end result of each is: even if I have no choice in the actions that take place/ I do, have a choice in the reactions I participate in. If, I have not been imprisoned and enslaved.
There are “hardship consequences in life, for many people”. Realities that were unfair; “not by my own cause”. Definitions that were not equal (not by my own cause), and those who did not choose respect for me; not by my own decision, they judged and measured: for the purpose called “ruler/ tyrant/ thief/ or oppressor”.
The quest for a life that has value, considers the truth: without love, the foundation purpose of happiness itself: there is no decision by which you may find joy. Joy exemplifies the expression, “I have exceeded my hopes, and been born into the essence of my dreams for life and happiness, or its true desire; as is love”. The critical definition which is love constructs the value of a life, and assembles the bonds of trust; by which we join in a cherished freedom; to search ourselves, and each other; for heart and soul, in this time. Heart lives wherever selfishness is abandoned. Soul conceives, of life beyond time.
Time is the base ingredient in human experience and expression/ thereby time is, “the fountain of youth (everyday it must come)”, from which all must drink to survive. Time is the essence of every discipline that achieves its own possibility/ the balance applied to every lifetime/ as a direct participant in the order of our progression: “from moments, into miracles”. The challenge, to be who you choose to be, without alteration by the others/ is neither simple or cheap!
Time is, “the structural timbers (the shape and size of our existence)” of every life/ without these moments, there are no identities. Therefore time is the basis of your identity, as a human being; irregardless of other factors, it is the one true unifying ingredient in every life. So the question is: what is life/ when death closes the door to time itself? What is old age, that it robs life, by discarding body or mind; as time disappears in each one? The answer: it is the critical learning/ the demand: we will enter into a different world, and must prepare. Thereby the human need arises, to understand: discarding this life is necessary, because it will be no more. The question is: what then? Discipline states: only truth survives/ only thought (a presence beyond ourselves) distinguishes life, from death. The question is then: what kind of presence is thought? The answer: if truth is a distinction that can be identified/ then thought is its foundation, or anchor. Not because truth does not exist without thought/ rather life itself does not.
The challenge is: to enter within love/ rather than hate; is the basis of life for all humanity. For that love to be true, “you must see yourself as saved”/ rather than lost to death or decay.
Our reality as life is, the body of work and living that becomes the evidence of: our expression/ existence/ and experience. The question returns: what is life, regardless of death. Life is a truth, as is death: and all elemental truth is fundamentally stated is: this reality now “exists” and it’s own truth is now an environment. Truth happens within a very specific set of circumstances, and that fact is directly tied to you or something real; therefore it cannot be separated. Truth owns its reality, thereby the consequences, or choices of your life/ own your future.
The question begins again: what does “fundamentally (a foundation participant, called WHY)” have to do with time? The answer is: we divide our time into two distinct concepts, “either truth, or lie”. All things truth are established by the directional responsibility: we must accept this/ in fact we cannot, alter or change the ingredients; it is now chained to our existence. Identities then demand: we MUST admit to the reality when it confines us; so that we may be freed from hiding or running away from what is real. To then be ourselves, as truth sees us all. Or more simply: humanity by its judgment; be damned; I am what I am. But make no mistake: there are consequences to being “who you are”/ so people hide.
All things lied about; construct the series of doors, and boundaries that separate us from ourselves! Lies always choose, the darkness of a failed reality; developing an image instead. The decision not to choose the direction called truth; is very serious. To accept the consequences of our choice/ or change it as life and truth itself demands; is to live within that truth, and become alive thereby. Lies, by any and all other means demands, the constant of your life shall: NOT “to be you”/ you shall be hidden or running away from life and yourself. Therefore you must construct an image of yourself instead of reality by its truth. That image must govern your mind, and its purposes become “the voice in your head”.
So then the first part of understanding life, as a relationship with truth: Is the expressions which give us an identity by creating the environment within which we participate as our own truth. This reality, governed by time becomes an individual life: Freed to be, who we choose to be. As best we can, in an environment that does govern our choices.
While the second part of dismissing life into lies, and images; so that we can avoid reality, and hide from or run away our own truth. Becomes a journey into the void of darkness (let no one see, the truth). That decision, deliberately hides our heart & soul/ as well as our choices; creating more lies. These things Exist: so that we might not be ourselves, but something less. Something “the others” might not judge, or consider foolish, or whatever it is you hide.
The quest to be alive starts then here: where truth separates those who can form an identity within truth, as life itself/ from those who cannot, because they refuse the consequences of their own reality/ and hide their own choices. Order demands: Without truth there is no life beyond time, only death; the end of your freedom to move and choose. The disappearance of even memories; at which point your life in time is gone. As is so extremely well proven in a dead body/ so that none can argue, death exists. What all argue is, the balance of truth itself: whether life itself can exist without a body or mind; simply because truth cannot be changed?
Death confronts us all as the means which does end time and body. Body and mind are the constructions; that gives us, a measured environment, a reality of personal choices. To measure means, “I have traveled, or journeyed from the point of my beginning experience/ to the length of my expression: and found the path to be lonely, by degrees (with rare exception)”. Or the road to be filled, with those who wanted to use or abuse; because they could. IF: they lied, or bought, or controlled, or hated; and I reacted or acted. Rather than accepted, my choice is my own; not yours to change.
The question of loneliness exists, because we confront ourselves; with judgment. Without that judgment, it is extremely hard to be lonely, because the world is filled with life. The consequence of all judgment is: I measured either for me/ or for you! The reality then: I had a purpose, and that purpose is “to love or hate”. The consequence of that purpose is: you used or abused, because it is not your right to manipulate or control what is or is not true; in any other person or life. Their life is their decision. When we are used or abused, we can easily become lonely; because even though life surrounds us, no one within my own environment, at this time: respects me, or my contribution to living or life! So I do judge/ because I have run away from “them all”. You must find “this one, was kind and did me no harm”; to return. I must not “judge them all”/ and in fact, I must not judge any: that is only for the law. Reality proves to do less, is a road traveled by so many, that becomes hate.
Death itself holds the question: why can we not live forever? Reality answers: why did you not enter into truth, and the value of your own existence? It is the loss of life, that becomes death. Therefore we must ask, what is life; to understand the answer? Life is: “as a flower blooms” the discovery, energy is more “than it seems”. You stand at the edge of complete destruction; or such descriptions as this would not be given. Energy is either dissipated or transformed/ once the potential has been released.
The quest to live forever based upon truth, must understand: truth does not care, who lives or who dies. It is not “love”/ it does not share a relationship; it simply exists, as an environment with, or within its participants. The combination of life and living will not be discussed.
We return to both truth and love, finding each is necessary to contribute to the expression of life beyond the wall that is death. Hate simply descends into chaos. Examining value as is love, the substance from which we grow into the identity we choose by accepting respect for life. Finds Value here means: to assemble truth and love into the treasuries that form, “my heart and soul”. These are not “body or mind”/ but consist of the elemental relationships that were born, in our own desire to participate with life/ rather than control it. Love is not a body or mind, to be controlled! Likewise, you cannot control either heart or soul, they are separated from your mind, and exist or form in the elemental transcripts of thought. But you will discover and decide if and how they may exist, in you: by the decisions that you make.
Truth is an environment, as well as an existence (because it cannot be changed (this moment is captured)/ it is, a reality separated from time: that must then remain the same). While love is an expression, which can only exist when another life is present. The consequence of love is: that our heart shares the essence of this life, in this time, as an expression which soars above ourselves. With someone, or some life defined in us exists, by our desire to share; we become able to care or share. If we refuse love, or our love is refused: it crashes and dies, because one or the other chose not to care. Or, we must accept that every life has the right to choose who and how much “they will love you”. The reality of love is: without caring, the elemental respect and dignity of life itself, in me and you shared; within our experience and our everything. There is no relationship inside to bind our love to. This is, a test of trust; trust controls all love/ defines every relationship, beyond self/ and discovers the base reality of our need to bond with each other or not. The element of soul arises, when you understand, that every relationship begins with life itself. To achieve entrance into that relationship, love must identify itself as more important than self; or you cannot enter soul together. That is true of our relationship with GOD as well.
Your own self is the existence of time, as a test of love, when time is given or refused: reality establishes “choose us/ choose me; or not”. When survival by all its definitions is accounted for; that time comes down too: when life in you understands and accepts, “I do, have something to offer you: I can trust”; should never be cheapened or reviewed. What I can give is a commitment to what we can be. Everything we can be in life, is constructed out of a relationship with life, as that life is conducted by love or hate. Love is the element of creation in time itself, proven by miracles. The reality “I live with the life that is in me”/ is consistent with the truth, we did not create ourselves.
Creation means: this is the spark, that ignites time. This is the foundation of order, balance, and disciplines required as given by love: to build the freedom that becomes true respect for the possibilities of our lives, or its failure. This creation is: the moment time and life are bound together.
The possibility in living means: we are free to choose, as best we can; from the available resources/ so long as we face our own consequences. Freedom means: that your decision will NOT be met with immediate rejection or judgment/ because then, you would not be free. Freedom allows for hate, because freedom gives you; the control over you. Freedom allows you to choose your own truth; even if that means death comes to another. To be an executioner of “GODS Creation” is a terrible thing/ with consequences. HE is judge/ you are not; but the law will have its due; as balance must be preserved for life to survive.
Death means: that time ends, and the foundations you have laid in life; must now be tested. The rejection of lies: is imminent, they cannot stand as truth; these decisions, you have made will be destroyed. Only truth will remain “as the possibility called life”. Therefore death now comes into focus as the means to judge those who have “crippled (brought, or caused to occur; undue hardship) life”, with undue control or judgment of their own. Every Life bears the marks of its own time and existence; the cost of each decision by or against you. Freedom learns the cost, of what failure and foolishness does mean. Death separates us from our freed expressions/ and demands a price for the damage done to others; to Creation. If you believe in “eternity” or life beyond the grave.
If not, then you believe “life is now over forever/ and nothing done, matters anymore. So the question is: what does this mean, “to be wrong”?
Creation is not “for you alone”/ but for us; therefore it is possible to accept the potential called eternity; as a means to collect from the miracles given! The question why are we alive: returns to the treasury of life itself, within the values of trust, truth, love, discipline, and joy. Or more simply, because love cannot be forced, “ONLY given”, from another life to you. Then our love can be given, to our CREATOR; if we so choose! Or, in the consequence and reality of this universe: nothing more precious than love exists. Therefore humanity exists: as a search for love, truth, trust, and what has value in living. Nothing else matters, because GOD can do everything “but be you”.
Selfishness matters, when you “are all that counts”/ thereby the decision to become the selfishness of your experience, and expression or existence; has consequences. Unless the grave is all that remains, as some say without the slightest understanding, except this is a “dead body”/ it has no value. Value considers Creation, as a gift of love/ because miracles prove the essence and reality of caring and sharing and respect for all of life on this earth. The reality of predator and prey is given balance and order by the consequences of their own choices/ the reality of their own environment: and that means the demand to control your own population is removed. Nature does it for you. Violence as is the reality of predator and prey does assign a distinct respect to life and living. It teaches: disciplines/ balance/ order/ and thought, even if only to a very limited degree. Those who discount the miracles of life itself, as merely the consequence of chaos: the religion evolution/ are fools, hiding from truth!
The quest to begin understanding life, hinges directly upon the question of miracles, and what you accept/ or believe.
Hate comes into being, as the result of a distinct decision: to abandon life itself, and demand slaves for me, I will be god; in this time. Hate conceives of: “This is going to be, ALL for me, the rest are nothing/ because in comparison to me, this one or that one: I am so superior, I am their god”. Violence extends that, as an act intended to prove “I am their/ your god”; you cannot deny me my right to control/ I have judged you. Or, “I think/ you obey; I own/ you slave; I am right regardless/ you submit and surrender, because I am more than you”: I am the superior one, therefore my pride is my power and your judge.
By these things, The mind then constructs its own prison; as the means, to remain alone. The choice; “Since I am god (you are not worthy of me)”. To remove you, or me, means: Thereby untouched by what or who you are, elementally defining: you must then be “the trash”. Or, I can do anything I want with you/ none should care. What you have chosen to do, with that decision; does identify those who murder, torture, control, and more.
Loneliness is a two way street. You cannot be lonely unless you participate in the decision that no other lives matter/ only those living creations; you wanted for yourself.
The question is: if I am willing to be friends/ HOW is it possible that I also participate in my own loneliness. When it is equally true; no one wishes to be friends with me? The answer is, in what you want! When your own path of living; is away from having friends, and into whatever desire it is that you pursue. The reality is, that you have given no real “door” into yourself/ so that another could enter. You have locked yourself away, so they cannot touch. Mental Doors are, the elemental boundary or limit of human freedom. The critical truth, which expands beyond this moment, and accepts what is true shall control/ rather than you. Then shapes the possibilities for a future, that includes love, or not. Until you reopen the door, between other life; particularly other people, and yourself: it is impossible to return as a friend. Trust is necessary, even in the most minimal of friendships. Truth decides trust. But judgment decides, BEFORE the evidence convicts or releases those who have done something or failed to do something; for which we must make a decision. Every lie matters. Every abuse causes the potential for friendship to be lost. Every intentional theft, of kindness or concern or compassion or trust or anything of value, means you used me for your own selfishness/ and placed the burden of mistrust for others upon my life. I believed/ and you used me for a slave. I trusted/ and you used me for sex. I cared, and you stole my heart to proclaim “winner”/ so that you could conceive “loser, of me”.
When other people enter as love and truth; their contribution is, “inside my own existence (I am reborn with you here). If love finds your heart/ and if honest love proven by trust exists: they may find your soul as well.
Unfortunately, they may also break your heart; if unworthy of that commitment made to you. Because love is an innocence (I will trust) given away in exchange for the truth of who you are, willing to be, to me. Passions exist, to construct an opportunity; but only you, can “open a door, and participate”.
Even so, you will remember this all generally begins with want: the reality of body or mind achieving the moments of recognition that we define as “chemistry”. Want is absolutely selfish/ and constructs the essence or possibility of every lie. Each person decides: if they will try to control, or wait for love to be born in each one. Want is the foundation of failure/ the decision erupts: if you don’t want this, or if you do; but cannot have it, because truth stands in the way; then LIES may come forth. Lies are deliberately intended to “kill a truth”/ you should remember that, because only truth can love. If you refuse truth, and accept a lie(s) will change my reality: then that answer in or by its reality, becomes your future; until something dies. What dies is, the ability to trust; because those who get what they want by lying; continue to do so. Each lie is a wound, truth then dies too; and you are left with “the reality of love or hate, as you desire it to be”. Even if love remains/ without trust the relationship is dead or dying or must be separated to survive.
So the question is: who can you trust, and why should you trust? The second question here is: can you trust yourself NOT to want? And does this mean: becoming acceptable to love. Identifying, only truth can decide? Without truth: manipulation/ control/ temptations/ lust/ and many more consequences of want, all appear. Therefore truth is the essence of trust itself.
Lies will never be accepted, “without a true cost to you”. But that is your own decision/ and you cannot judge the other, if you play the same game; even if it is on the complete “other side”. You both chose to participate/ even if it was a lie, accepted: because you wanted to believe. Belief is not enough, truth Convicts you too, and the heart dies a little/ waiting for the soul to heal. NEVER open the door “to the very best that love can be inside of you or anyone else”; THAT belongs only to GOD, it is your own gift returned; as the miracle of your love in life, ALIVE; “a relationship accepted”!
Who can be trusted? The answer is: very simply, only those who have proven to live in truth/ rather than want. That is: not a truth as many assume, which is the fantasy, “I can be mean to you”/ because I am saying what I think is true.” But rather a truth that exists in the moments of life, where value constructs a path: that does not ask you to open any doors (temptations). But instead lives, where the heart itself decides what our purpose may be for each other. If that is not to love each other, then you will not share. If love exists, the heart will choose the desire “I live for most”! A heart (I have removed selfishness from me) never constructs an assumption, or a demand. But lives in the moments we share, by respecting the reality: it is your decision to return my gift of love “as I/we/ you, do care.” Caring is proven in, and through: time. And the reality of time itself: should not be treated lightly. It is your best guide, to the future, by presenting reality as evidence.
The elemental decision that guides and determines the critical truth of our own lives is: WHY do you choose the things you choose?
The foundation of every choice is a freedom: the right exists to choose. Therefore every decision is based upon the critical desire, that builds within the basis of your mind/ as the evidence of your own heart. The functional desire of life is: to learn what truth is/ or is not! Critical to life in happiness is, a combination of freedoms, rights, and realities that construct friendship; so that we do not “feel alone”. A basis, is the mental compositions that allow friendships to begin. The search begins here, for purpose/ and this is controlled by the relationships we share with true desire, in time. Passion examines the intensity of our commitment, to find where the end of this, our journey into life shall be. Purpose then establishes the steps; that become our path into the truth we shall attain. Every truth creates knowledge. Every aspect of knowledge controls both wisdom and understanding. The question of understanding: is a decision to let both truth and reality teach/ while you listen. The quest for wisdom, is to participate in truth, while it teaches you. The foundation of all thought then becomes: my teacher, is my soul! Soul means: the relationship I share, with my CREATOR, as truth in life.
Or more simply, we choose what we choose, because the critical desire of your own life becomes, the elevation or descent of what can be achieved by your own choice. Belief assumes. Truth does not! What is personal to your own existence is the foundation upon which you build. What is “beyond self” identifies an anchor upon which you will or will not be lost. To be lost means: everything I chose as a critical desire for my own existence; has now become adrift, on the power, and its purpose/ that now controls me.
If you accept that GOD IS ALIVE! Then you do understand, that this relationship means, “I too” shall live, regardless of time. Because love exists. This is not a simple thing, “neither is it cheap, or free”! True love identifies the critical desire: “That I have abandoned my selfishness, and become alive in you!” Those who are selfish, “feel they are living, only when they achieve a reward”. Love is not a reward/ it is a gift. The difference is, “ it cannot be earned”. Rather trust can be, and must be earned: it is the trust that then leads to a bond, where love comes alive.
Death is the end of body and mind! It is not the end of truth, thought, or a relationship with GOD as soul. Because life itself, is an energy which can be transformed/ rather than destroyed. Thought however is an identity which you must create. No one can do this for you/ it is your job alone!
The critical question: How does society define itself, without money?
The functional answer is: “The block effect”. Or, when building the structure of life, it is fundamentally necessary to recognize what comes first is elemental need and the strength to carry what will come as “the load”.
Each level of raising the structure from its foundation to its elemental definitions in form and function are produced by one block at a time in “stone”. It is the recognition of these blocks, as the basis of our existence/ that gives form to our survival; and substantially creates the building of levels that include happiness, sex, children, love, and all that has value in living.
Therefore to assert: those who provide the basis and foundations for all of society SHALL have options, is to give them the respect they deserve. Each level of life in society deserves respect; but without the chain of our own existence providing support for all the rest; we die. Consequently the understanding of what is truly important in terms of work, and why; are fundamental to determining how this structure can be raised.
Critical to the determining and decisions that now give us life and substance to move on into the future; are the realities of nature which we cannot disturb. Which we owe to the future. Which control not only our destiny and fate/ but life as well. Nature is the source of every food, and our oxygen. Environment is the source of our resources, our happiness, and our hope for survival as a world. Chains of life, give us variety/ the ability to survive disease and more; by NOT making everything the same. Eco-systems keep us from going extinct/ and produce this unique world. Oceans are a substance and a system all their own. If you destroy any part completely; then everything dependent is “part of the living dead: NO future for us”; including you.
Therefore we have assigned the first level of blocks as these resources that establish our world of life, without humanity. They are first/ NOT last.
For simplicity; we give humanity “second string” rights. Or more simply nature and this earth can survive without us/ but we cannot survive without it.
Therefore we begin with full knowledge that literal respect for life on this earth is not only required/ but an absolute reality that must not be “just a trophy or toy”.
Humanity itself: must NOT be a trophy or toy! Because that makes life a game, and we are not pawns in your measurement of life; we are equals as life itself.
We now turn to measuring contributions by humans, and learn the following.
Your media has failed you in countless ways. Your leaders have chosen against you, in every way. Your resources are soon gone, and your options to survive end with them. Your environment is under attack. Your universities are living in the fantasy they can play god, and your failure to contain them promises extermination for the planet. Wake up or die. Go to court (force them/ they are just common citizens with a SWORN JOB to do. Or imprison them for failure of an oath), investigate every threat, and learn what is, or is not true! That is your job! That is your responsibility to life, and to every child/ even this planet. To refuse, ends the possibility of eternity in happiness. Because you just didn’t care enough/ DISCARDED or condemned. The planet itself, and all of life rest in your hands; every single human being. If you fail to show up and be counted/ you fail life!
In the complex descriptions of life shared between male and female, the fundamentals are influenced by the reality of what we do, and why or how we choose to live with each other. Without timing, there is no true relationship; when it is “right”, life assists.
Our critical existence is substantively “like a tree” in the following ways: if you do not bend when the wind blows strong/ you can be broken. If you do not continue “damaged or not”/ then you will die to the relationship that ties together your life in this place. Every tree has seasons, which produce; and seasons which will be dormant; because it is necessary to rest, and to review the progress or failures made. Every tree is an ecological environment all its own, because other lives depend upon it, and exist because of it. Those lives find shelter in its existence/ substance, or protection for their own lives. Trees grow or die/ can last for centuries, or are cut down by men, or fire or other. None of which is “their fault”; its life or death, for a tree.
In the fundamentals of gender differences, the foundations are much the same: people can erupt and be damaged, or damage others. Some are worth the cost/ some are not. Every relationship between men and women will have its seasons: men who are working hard to construct a life that will provide for the future, are many times just too tired or distressed for romance. That means it will have to wait. Women who feel used or abused by a lack of true respect for their lives often find their solution in “something else”. If they feel used or abused sexually, being less attractive pushes many men away. If they feel lost or alone, they will look to others; and if not children, then outside the relationship. Men who feel used and abused, or trapped in a reality they cannot defeat; thereby becoming “slaves” to their own existence/ are often times convinced, “the only thing that makes me happy is: the chemicals of sex”. Without love its only true reward is, the assumption “I win”/ or, I took what other men wanted. The existence of competition drives the reality: I cannot, because of this.
The more complex versions of male and female companionship and dating are more easily understood through examples. From my own life; comes the simple truth, that most young women are searching hard, for the stability and happiness that will secure their lives, and provide their happiness; early on. This becomes a reliance on: finding the young man who will make their “dreams come true”. This becomes a heartache that sometimes cannot truly heal, when the tears are real; even if it is not “meant to be”. Therefore we begin in the complex search for what is fair between the sexes.
ALL must accept: that we cannot own each other; not in dating/ not in marriage/ not in life. Each one is an independent reality of existence, a life that CANNOT be called a possession (that is slavery); rather we each choose, and none can make us love but ourselves.
ALL must accept: the foundation to every healthy relationship is, RESPECT. Respect includes the right and the acceptance between all parties, that I have a choice/ that my life, my future, my desire and purpose for the future, is just as important as yours/ that sex is a mutual decision and NOT “owed”; no hidden charges shall be kept. If chosen properly, we do this as one.
ALL must accept: dating nor marriage is a game. Sex is not a game. Pregnancy is not a game. The future is not a game. People are not a game. Nothing is fair in war/ only truth is fair in dating, marriage, sex, or life.
The foundations required for a healthy dating relationship are: you cannot buy me with sex/ you cannot own me with offering to be “my slave”/ you cannot tempt or manipulate and bring forth respect. The elevation of happiness as our existence shaped together, is fundamentally romance in and of itself. Happiness is the result of a freedom to surrender fears, and accept: that I am safe with you/ and you are life expressed without boundaries, to me.
The foundations for a healthy marriage are: always remember, I chose/ I was not paid, nor was I bribed, nor did I shop; you became my hope for a future that cannot be defeated by the others. We are one together.
The critical reality of every relationship is: we will damage each other from time to time. That requires distance and the opportunity to resolve this, “without a war”. The critical truth of every relationship that lasts is: you must listen to me/ and I must listen to you/ and when there is an impasse between us, only truth itself must be allowed to decide. While that truth can be viewed differently dependent upon what your values are: the reality of passion, and the consequence of being wrong/ the destruction involved are very real participants that must also be heard.
In dating, there is no such thing as “time for sex”. In life, sex is a tangible reality proving acceptance between those who choose to “say to each other”: I value you. Lust is: you mean little or nothing to me/ instead I value your body, to be used or abused by mine; as a toy. To date (to share time for the purpose of participating as friends) understands, that value is inherently earned by the proof of experience, and the expressions time will show. To want is the foundation of every lie: therefore whatever that other wants, and by how much, reveals the future, and where deceit will be found. To want each other, is lust. To work for each other, is life shared, because you cared. The quest to find someone who cares, and who shares not only their body but their time, is fundamental to marriage. Marriage is not a reward/ not a game/ not a legal right apart from what society demands. Rather marriage is the distance we will travel together on a journey which reveals our lives, and forms our truth.
The disciplines required of both of us, in any given relationship that is formed by truth: demands, what is most important comes first. Even if that is not what either of us truly wants.
The order that is required of both of us, in any given relationship that is formed by truth: assembles by reality, the definitions and distinctions of practice, expression, and existence that must be heard as a foundation for life by its need/ life by its joys and passion/ or life by its influence on others, or by the others on us.
The balance that is required of both of us, in any given relationship that is formed by truth: Understands there is no relationship unless we share. There is no true caring unless we listen and define a path together whenever possible. Where there is balance, a structure in that relationship will be defined that gives strength to all sides: thereby an existence that will defend against “all winds”.
There is no love unless it is expressed and experienced in all situations. There is no respect, when respect is mandatory and not given. Without respect every relationship dies, it is a fact of life and eternity. Love is the essence of acceptance, and the value shown because you cared. Love is not an ownership or the desire to control. Love is: the foundation upon which our lives may be bound together as one, because we chose this together. Sex is not an ownership either, but consists only within the boundaries of a life chosen together/ or a right to be “what you want, or desire to be”; because freedom is the essence of our existence. Sexual freedoms outside any relationship of value do not exist. Sexual freedoms outside of a relationship that cannot fully sustain itself, are a fundamental or exchange of, or for: what can we then be. Discuss it first/ because there is no going back, without “baggage”! Define reality, and remember until a true action takes place this is “just a question”/ but it will establish a doubt or cause for concern. Decide if you can trade something, do something, change something, etc. And if the price is too high for you either way/ remember this: that you did make your own choice. The foundation of all insanity is: “I didn’t have a choice”/ remove that from you. Make your own decision/ and prepare to accept the consequences, because they will exist.
We then turn to sex, the definitions which rearrange our lives, because it can.
Anything that can change your life, has power over it/ therefore to assert or pretend that sex is not important to you, is a lie. Respect demands: it is life itself that must control the demand/ RECOGNIZING: that what we do, or do not do; in a committed relationship DOES affect the other and change his or her life.
The elements of respectful sex are:
1. Passions rise, in direct relation to the desire to make each other happy. Or, the demand of want, which is to own, to control, or to manipulate: because it’s what I want/ and you “have no say”. I chose for us both.
2. Desire constructs the elemental decision to “throw want away”/ and be here, “just for you”, as the value of our existence together shares more than friendship. Sex in this defined destiny; is a decision based upon the elemental respect, that justifies trust.
3. Love instructs: the chemistry of every body is fundamentally the same; but the ability to control that chemistry varies widely. The consequence is: some can be trusted with “everything you are”/ while others can be trusted with very, very little, because the chemicals take over.
4. Life defines and demonstrates: “Kissing can ignite a fire, if you meet in the middle and search for love”/ whereas plunging inside throws chemicals at the fire, and it is extinguished in a hurry. The proper method is: to remove doubts one tiny piece at a time, until you both arrive at “the treasury together”. Which is, time removed; life exchanged; eternity measured within our souls combined with joy. Life, ALIVE!
5. Never forget, the life involved; not just body (parts and pieces), methods (I can so I will), or purposes chosen by you/ rather they must be, by us.
6. Disciplines will be expressed, or the lack of them will be found: giving the other person a much more complex understanding of you. That is not a small or insignificant matter, and must NEVER be considered a threat. You chose to do this, and accept its price: unless attacked by disease. Each one, is owed that information, and none are allowed to intentionally transmit or gamble with disease.
7. Chemistry buys you time, but if you fail to use that time in friendship/ whatever you build together will fail. Because the cost of sex is higher than simply being friends. Even if it is “substantially short of intercourse”; people have “expectations”/ and believe they paid, for what they want.
8. Do not forget, that time is precious, and since we cannot truly “make each other happy” for just a little while; one or the other will find true tears. The reality is: if you are not going to stay, then unless it is truly important, you should not interfere in someone else’s journey to find “the love of my whole life”, in time. Opportunities can be lost/ it isn’t fair. Therefore be certain your passions are worth the price/ because we all grow old or die; time passes by. To know, there will be “true tears”/ is to know, going farther is unfair. Just how it is.
The elements of life in time, require our assistance to establish change, to understand happiness or hope, and to build a new life for us all.
Download these html sites, to protect your right to know they exist. Open the zip files, then open the index file, and they will appear same as they do on the internet; but the links won’t work if they are outside that specific site. The individual files however will be there.
In the trial and tragedy that is Syria: World law means: ; We go get the leaders and bring them to justice, at trial based upon this law. Or kill them if that is necessary, to stop any aggression that cannot wait. No excuses, and NO exceptions. In the current case of Syria: the fundamental required of this moment is, “to distribute as many gas masks to the general population, and opposing forces; as is necessary.” Only then, shall you attack the chemical weapons held by the national army: equal to one bomb by them equals one bomb by you against their own chemical weapons [ which makes possession a distinct threat, to the soldiers who hold them ]. More.
A family in crisis MUST find for itself, an opportunity to change/ a demand that what is blessed and happy must not be affected. The reality of what is different, cannot rule/ nor can it be discarded; as life itself is “more important” than judgment or righteousness. GOD needs no one to defend HIM/ no one to “judge for HIM”; how is that not true? Therefore these are decisions based upon love or hate/ strictly human, strictly “yours, or mine, or ours”. The consequences a reality called truth.
Happiness in time, the elemental relationship between what we do, are allowed to do, or simply choose to do by the consequences of our lives.
Happiness without time is the critical essence of becoming what and who it is, that we have chosen, valued, and desired to be; with or without the consent of others.
Happiness in life requires a relationship with others, thereby our own existence is expanded beyond the boundaries of “simple self”/ to comprehend life, rather than “just me”.
Happiness as family demands: that respect for each member be transparent and justified by the evidence you do have value to me. Without respect there is no relationship/ without respect every relationship dies, regardless of the past. Respect is a two-way street: NOT just for you/ NOT just for me! Respect fundamentally means: that I accept the value you bring to me/ you accept the value I bring to you/ and we accept and understand, that our lives would be different without each other. Death will teach us that individually/ but reality knows the life we share until that journey begins is up to us all.
Happiness constructs the disciplines and responsibilities of all parties in relation to the boundaries we all place, or have placed: upon our lives, our time, our home, and our future/ the work we do, and the realities we are forced to live within. NOBODY/ even NO FAMILY “majority or individual” gets the freedom to decide “I want/ therefore the rest must accept everything I require”. Because that forces the rest/ the others, to do or be what they chose shall not be. When a clear and distinct separation of values exist, the foundation that serves the whole is: “You can be whatever it is, that you want or need to be; in the privacy of your own singular existence: separate from us” it is your right to do so/ because it is your life, your eternity, and the price or reward that only you must pay, or can collect. But when we are together what works for us all is the boundary that must be obeyed; anything less is a crisis of confidence, or desire that becomes a literal wedge to break apart all that holds us together. To be family, to be united in any honest way: is to understand although freedoms are the essence of happiness itself/ the liberty to demand your freedom CANNOT change my life, “I OWN freedoms too”; must rule.
Happiness is, the demonstration of values, the preparations of time, and the literal decisions that construct our own identity: the truth we have agreed within ourselves, is “my life”. There is a distinction in being human that is not simple: life in time is the existence of three variables. Being human/ being alive/ and being happy. Being human means time is a journey upon which we must travel to existence by the decisions that we make, or endure from others. Being alive means: that the miracle of our existence, the life which surrounds us, has a relationship governed by our respect with it; it is our choice to understand “this is more than we can imagine/ or not”. Being happy requires the essence of truth expressed or experienced by the freedom to understand, “I am, whatever I choose to be/ within the boundaries I cannot escape”. There are options for me, and I do so choose.
To become insane is to believe: I have no options, there is no future to be valued/ I am trapped, lost, hateful, or worthless to myself or any other. It is our relationship with other life, all life; that expands our world, and creates “options”. The courage required to live beyond ourselves is simplified as: if eternity (time ended) is real as an existence in life itself/ then nothing else truly matters including the date it becomes “mine”. To understand the miracles we live with/ the miracles we are: is to understand, recognize, and accept, ONLY THOUGHT can do this, with the power to control energy and its construction as “freedom, identity, and choice, through participation”. Thought is not a relationship to the chemical existence that is our bodies/ rather thought is the essence of life itself, that experience expressed as the freedom to make choices within these boundaries for yourself, as your own truth. Thought is the essence of “life in eternity through energy”. Thought makes it possible to understand “I am alive”/ without that, there are only measurements in time. The difference is soul.
The critical reference, that is happiness inside; comes from the distinct participation that is a life worth living, in your own eyes. Regardless of what others believe, what you choose to decide has value, or has not; becomes the road upon which you will live. That road leads to the realities of experience and expressions, that either plague existence or benefit it. What is called “worthless”/ becomes your failure, and attacks the integrity of your own life; because it is then an excuse to override reality, and pretend to be “their god (superior in every way)/ their judge ( measured by want or pride and reduced to less than ____, or useless)/ or their executioner (you have no value, therefore I can do anything I want to you, without cost to me)”. The path of life, which means only you, or the essence of truth accepted by the reality of wisdom and understanding; constructs the way into eternity. To believe expects, “I am right”/ therefore you are wrong if you disagree, or do not do as do I. To understand truth, is to respect that truth, and identify the disciplines that form our relationship within the order that is life alive, and able to survive. Of the critical relationships that humanity fails to comprehend this question helps: Of all the things that humans demand and desire for themselves/ rarely is the truth more clear than to ask of yourself, “if all the world was empty of life, except for you”/ then you could take whatever you wanted, live/ drive/ _____ wherever, etc. But without life, regardless of the fact you have nothing to eat: without life surrounding you, would you be happy? Some will contend yes/ because I am tired of humanity, they fail me. However that is not the same as no life at all. Think about it, for yourself.
Within the variations of living for each and every human being, what constructs friendship fundamentally escalates the ability to know and be happy/ because loneliness is the opposite of happiness. Thereby we do understand, that “joined with life, and participating with people”, are functionally the path required for a relationship with this existence that is worth living by the value we do inherit from these who share our world. Those who refuse friendship commonly cause distress, among the needy. Those who choose hatred in all, or any of its categories such as pride: are guilty of damaging or destroying participation itself; and do so on purpose as a desire to harm and pretend superiority. Or, I am better than you, is their comfort for being “less than life honored”/ less than life chosen for its worth.
The critical elements of happiness are generated by a foundation upon which we build our existence, as the experience of a shared reality expressed in literally “a world of miracles”. Understanding, that each of us are literally the inheritors of a life, that no man or woman can create/ as such, a participant in relationships that cannot even be explained: because the life of all kinds, we share this world with; are at its essence beyond our comprehension. Therefore we are “wealthy” beyond all conception/ as nothing we could do, would ever create this world. Each and every one, simply “a rich man or woman”/ until humanity changes that to demand slaves, power, and all forms of tyranny and oppression.
The development of happiness begins with understanding the base formation that is VALUE! Value is the expansion of “my world/ my experience/ my expression/ my existence; or ours”; as it applies to the reality of our lives, and in particular my own/ our own. To attain value the foundation of an experience that is translated from “plain and simple”, into a relationship that is fundamentally cared about: becomes the single ingredient that we control, as best we can. Or more simply, unless you care about what happens to you, or them, or whatever it is that has affected your life with the shared sense of participation in an existence honored with your own appreciation for living/ there is nothing that attains value itself, including you. The functional relationship we share with body, is equally constructed: unless you care, about what happens to your body, the critical reality of your life in time as a relationship with that body will fail; causing undue and unreasonable reactions that risk it all. To care means: I accept, that my life is better because of this, or you, or whatever it is that you do find not simply rewarding, but worthy of a shared experience or expression that cannot simply be thrown aside. To care means: I have placed this person, this reality; above want or pride or all its constituents; and accept the disciplines required as respect, for the value given to me, by this existence, this experience, or this fundamental of life itself. Caring is an individual decision, it is not an elemental task/ none can make you care. Sharing is a critical influence upon the mental stability, and personal welfare of all who consider that friendship has value. To combine them both into a relationship with life means: that I have assembled the values of my life, into a joined participation with other life, and understand the basis of my own happiness comes from the existence of other living creations, participating with me. To accept, that happiness comes from my own existence being shared in a spiritual sense with “Our CREATOR”, is an extension beyond the limits and boundaries of time, which give us the grace of knowing, “life shall not end, with death/ only time”.
The fundamental tragedy of society itself is: that the vast majority of people are lost within a world of predator and prey. That begins at a very early age, when children find ways to exclude one or more, establishing power to control, and realities of consumption that is fundamentally a tragedy to someone else’s life: to enhance their own. That fact of human life clearly extends into the nursing home, which means nothing has changed but time, for the majority of human lives. Someone remains from the beginning to its end: that tries to “eat you alive”/ because they then believe “I have proven superiority/ I have attained participation beyond you/ or I have judged you unworthy, next to me; therefore I won’t share, and simply don’t care, about you.” Each of these is a form of predation upon those who cannot fully protect themselves against you; which does then make them a prey. In its intellectual form, this is simply a trap, used or abused. Stealing the possibilities of happiness for someone else, by abusing or using their lives for your own purpose constructs slavery. Slavery is not a form of happiness or a participant in life/ rather it is the forced definition of someone who has been conquered: where is your right? Those who then call themselves “great, we conquered”; are fundamentally responsible for the tragedies which ensue, there are many realities established in society from these simple diseases of the human mind. They infect many. This is called “the type a” personality; the reality of primary leadership expressed.
The cancer of society however is primarily arrogance, power, and want. These fundamentally create the foundations upon which humanity is driven to find fear in others, rather than contempt, as in you gave me this disease, or you used it against me. Fear is the existence of a reality or perceived consequence that will harm or destroy what you desire to sustain. Courage is the acceptance of : the price that must be paid, to guard or protect your world, your existence. Arrogance is the decision “I can play god, over these others/ or, I will gamble with life; because I want too”. Power is the decision to rule over the others because you can/ invading their world, and their lives, even their future and family with the rules that make power possible. Stealing freedom to support your tyranny and intent for oppression: I AM greater than you/ therefore DO what I say, or I will punish you. Want is the summary development of the human mind without the benefit of love, thought, or desires above simple survival and lust. Want moves society, because it is the expression of “me, without regard to you”. Thereby it is fundamental selfishness at its base level of consumption; which is give me MORE! This in and of itself alters the environment/ changes the base relationships of all humanity/ and constructs the basic assumption: I AM more valuable than you/ at least to me; therefore superiority gives me the right. These are functionally expressed as “the devil in society”; because the foundation event is, that they destroy the possibilities of peace and harmony. The “biblical serpent is”: an intellectual human being, because the traps they create form an intent to constrict or poison or harm the base level of our existence in this world. That is intellectual, the creator of traps/ not intelligent, the student of disciplines, boundaries, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
Thieves enter human existence with one simple demand: “You did this, or took this from me/ therefore, I deserve more. Failure and fantasy are allowed to lead, because I am unhappy with my reality; therefore do something, even if its wrong.
Religion experiences a participation among others that agree with me, or I am willing to accept their decision for my life. It is little more, other than “a message from the past”. That can and does have value, where it is proven useful or wise.
These then are the basic fundamentals of why people become unhappy, a necessity of learning prior to understanding what is, or is not true about happiness in time.
We then turn to the levels of experience and expression that interfere with the creation of friends, the reality of hope, and the disciplines of responsibility governed by truth. The most fundamental of these is an abortion; the critical decision that ends hope, destroys disciplines, and evades responsibility; sacrificing friendship as a means to control life. The critical issue of abortion is: that NO good solution exists for woman or child in a reality that does not include “I love you”. The tragedy of that statement, as a fundamental established prior to the decision: we cannot be together for life. Is the discovery of three distinct demands. That a child will change everything “to a degree” functionally shaping the future of the woman, and/ or man. That a woman will be required to endure and change herself, as the requirement for being a mother is absolute, even if not desired fully: the price is high/ the consequences are real. The elemental need for both to be supported, WILL affect other lives. These are the parameters which shape the elemental boundary called “this decision”. However they are NOT conceptually the reality of life, that exists beyond the human experience of time. No time is death/ to assume death itself is not functionally involved is fantasy. Happiness exists, where the beauty of life itself adores us all with the freedom we share as our experience in life, “with liberty to choose for ourselves”. Sadness WILL exist, where the elemental need to explain WHY did I do, or not do this; cannot fully be met/ cannot be understood, without tears. The relationship of our lives, to the reality of what we choose, as an entire society: not simply “a single person, or two”/ but all of us assembling what is fair. Is the only decision that unites as the ability to believe, “Our decision/ is justified”. Therefore to end the debate, and its tragedy of consequences: is to begin the reality of understanding, that before the fetus is recognizable as a child, or more specifically bears the resemblance of a child/ there is an element of mercy, that allows the woman to decide for herself, simply and without the consent of any other. This will be considered as if it were a seed in the ground, with great potential/ but no future. Let no one interfere, or be accused of an accessory to murder if they do. That includes the priests of religion/ regardless which one that is: it will be a crime to interfere and delay the cause that a woman is not ready, whether young or old. That exists for roughly the first forty days, or slightly more. Thereby during this time, the rule whether “fair to the fetus or not” is: do not interfere with the woman, who must endure motherhood if this decision is not made. Beyond that time frame, the consequence of proving you will not be a mother is subject to the understanding, this child inside has at least one right: that you shall not do this to any other. That is the price! The ability to bear a child will end/ critical medical realities excepted.
Which does bring us to the relationship between male and female, as sexual traps do exist. The most common of these in women is: “I am pregnant”/ whether true or not, by any and all means possible. The most common of these in men is: “Whatever it takes to have sex, by any manipulation possible”/ and no responsibility afterward. Each exists, because want demands it. Want is a liar: if you do not want/ then you will not lie! Women want a man that meets their “shopping list”/ as do men. Women want security, riches, power, and pride: mixed with love and sex. Men want a trophy, that will make the other men jealous; or will excite them with sex; or will become the elemental truth called a friend (rather than someone who will use me, to get what they want; as in making a trophy of me). Most avoid the realities of happiness in dating, because timing simply does not exist: therefore the decision to MAKE THIS happen rules. Timing is the essence of a relationship that is ready to blossom into something wonderful for each one. Want is thereby refused by both, and reality exists in the truth controlled by respect which each can and will contribute to the building of what will then become our lives together. Happiness ascends from the simple beginning: that I choose, to participate with you. Happiness descends, from the moment either decides, “that I will make this happen, rather than accept what truth can bring”. Therefrom it is learned: our lives, “live and breathe the essence of joy/ conceive the romance of hearts beating in the rhythms of soul” only when truth and trust are allowed to do their job. Truth is, the deliberate defense against all lies. Trust is, the determination: that my life/ our lives: must not be broken, by this relationship. The critical test of every relationship is: “I desire flowers”. Or more distinctly, the moments in time that prove we are more to each other, than merely friends. But that does not invite “forever”/ it only proves love. Love is the essence of everything valued, conceptualized or permanently chosen to be accepted within the limits and boundaries of you and me. Love is experienced and expressed by one/ but it exists only by the elements arising; called “two, or more”. Forever is the decision that time no longer matters to us, or at least to me: I have chosen, more than anything else in my life, that time is only truly about “you, or us”. That cannot and does not exist unless both choose it independently and freely for themselves. When time is more important than “us”/ our relationship will end, in favor of what we, or I, or you; desire most.
It is these things that functionally affect our happiness as human beings attempting to make this life/ this time, as if it were our own. Those who succeed will be happy to some extent. Those who do not, must accept the variations of “comforted in, or by time” instead. These include what you can do, achieve, hope for, or participate in. The spiritual world IS an entirely different reality. Those who enter without true acceptance of its cost: will be very sorry or dead. Just how it is.
This then is like the people who demand riches from nothing: shouting make me rich/ that cannot fundamentally be so. The desire to be happy is the same basic element: “Give me what I want/ right now, because I demand it: I WANT it. Happiness is not a demand/ happiness is a gift we give to each other. A gift we share with all of life/ and it shares back, to those who care. An elemental truth of happiness is, we all know what it means to trust someone/ even if you have never experienced it: you do know what it means to trust. Without that simple decision, “to let people prove, whether they can participate in your life honorably, and honestly: rather than judging them” is fundamental to creating friendship. Even though many liars exist/ there are many who desire friendship and need to know “I am valued/ or, at least given a chance”! Without a chance to prove yourself worthy, or at least willing to try; there is no hope/ therefore suicides exist.
We turn to needs, and the realities of time as they influence life: that begins with poverty, which then summarizes wealth as the means to make other people sad. The leaders of society, which are men will tell you that money is “just business”/ and they have no obligation to share; go get your own. But all business is about what people need to survive, or simply want. Creating wealth means: that you, or someone before you have found a way, to control what the other people need, and make them pay you more. Money is not a number. Money is the relationship humanity shares with need, shaped around the elemental task of dividing the resources/ protecting the resources/ and assembling a fair or equal exchange in work. When money is a number/ it is then used for the purpose of creating situations that do not establish justice. This is where competition (the demand to win/ or lose) comes from/ apart from hatred and sheer laziness.
Happiness is the elemental rise from living with justice, ascending from fair play and equality into the sense of true acceptance as a member of society and life itself. That participation grants the ability to understand: “This is, the best life can be”/ therefore the competition has ended, and the realities of resource determine what we the people shall do together or apart so long as respect decides for us all.
Happiness is built upon respect. Happiness extends to life and society itself, through truth and the developments that identify reality correctly; that we may all understand the choice, and make a commitment to life itself, and our future. Happiness translates the participation of sexual decisions between male and female adults, as the quest for JOY! Therefore the elemental rise from happiness, “a state of respected personal identity”; the feelings and values accepted, “that I am ALIVE”! To the definitions of joy, “an exchange of respect valued as the identity of my life shared with you/ which then becomes the participation of everything we can be together as one, where all forms of loneliness shall end. Because we are alive, in you and me”.
Happiness is the acceptance of life, given the grace of time and the opportunity to change/ the ability to conceive of different, by asking of ourselves: what can I do?
Happiness is not: the consumption of anything, which then does include sex/ food/ starvation (the reasons vary)/ work/ pride (the demand for trophies)/ control (which is use and abuse of others)/ or arrogance (the decision I am superior). These are participation’s that exchange what is easy for you; to avoid or instead of, what is possible for each one. We begin with sex as a desire exchanged for happiness, because it delivers chemicals and requires the body recognized as another life, even though that life is irrelevant to your purpose for sex. That is simply to prove you are alive, by using the chemicals inside your own body to recognize something is worth living for. Hatred also intervenes here, as the alteration of fear: into the cavities and crevices of the mind where life itself need not be recognized, only the decision inside, that power is more important than people.
The elemental decision to use food as an alternative to participation among friends/ rests upon the single consequence, that food for me, is easier than finding friends. People are not fair or kind/ therefore food is easier. There are a variety of extenuating circumstances that contribute here: taste (I like it, and want more, regardless of the consequences), boredom (I want something to do, that is not taxing), silent manipulation of others (stay away from me, I don’t want sex with you), loneliness (I CANNOT stand the silence, or lack of participation), sharing time (“this” is what they do); and so on. The most common demand is: “this should not make any difference”/ while each still contends, “not everyone will do, for them either”.
Starvation is the opposite side of the same coin, so to speak. People are not fair or kind/ therefore not eating is easier. Food is considered a social event/ therefore it is to be avoided, because people are involved. The elements of taste are discarded, because the reality of participation cannot be avoided. The demand for an excuse for starvation does not allow for simply discarding all people/ as that would be an excuse for suicide. Therefore the elements of sex are usually stated: I need to be thinner, to be attractive, or desirable. Without energy from the lack of food, you cannot be expected to participate much; therefore the intent to manipulate and control “don’t bother me exists. Loneliness, or the expectation of more sexual opportunities; is the primary cause/ because both are subject to the reality: I NEED more of something, for me.
Work elevates our contribution (I desire to share and care with you) or competition (I want more/you stand in the way) with others, by demanding our time and effort and minds in the clear confrontation to be “better” than before. Therefore it is the decision to abandon other forms of participation to encounter only the things that you feel a personal control over exists. Consequently work elevated to an obsession constitutes the decision to separate yourself from personal pursuits that involve other people without the boundaries imposed by work itself. Obsessive work constructs a barrier against sex/ “I am too tired”; although that exists with many forms of physical labor. It is also a mental equivalent when the demand to participate with other people in that work forms a competition, or battleground; the desire to do anything that increases the fighting, loses interest. The demand for extreme physical fitness is a similar reality; it removes the others, to gain control over self: or, no you may not participate with me, unless you obey the rules I impose.
Pride enters into each of the above realities in life (although not every life): the trophy is, that you could NOT stop me from doing what I chose to do. Or, I am god over me, and I won’t let you control/ which is foolish, because if you must defend what you decide with actions that are not in your best interest, then you are not in control, the others are. Nonetheless most believe: Therefore I win, if I do what you do not desire me to do/ look at me: you didn’t stop me, I am better than you. That demand or decision for control establishes all forms of addictions: or more simply, I do this because anything less means my world is out of control.
Arrogance is the elemental assertion, that hatred is not enough/ or more simply instead of plotting violence in the form of a physical act/ the arrogant practice extreme forms of manipulation to prove, I have beaten you, or I will take from you everything you desire, or I will kill you with tools created in secret under your very nose: to prove, there is nothing you can do/ to stop me.
The tools used to produce happiness are these: conversation (the ability to entertain or enlighten, thereby illuminating acceptance through a participation that benefits others), listening (the decision to let them, be as important as you/ or even more so, in this moment), helping (the opportunity to say, I care, and will share the work or your life if accepted honestly), respect (remembering we are equals, regardless of our station in life, abilities, beauty, or gifts). Every tool is an opportunity to do more than what we have to do/ therefore every tool is an opportunity for you, among the others to contribute to their lives; rather than a demand you must. There is a difference. A few will return that gift/ MOST will not. Therefore you must be immune to the honesty, “this did cost you something/ for which no payment will be made”. To do that, you must accept whatever you give, is given freely and without the demand for payment; it is strictly a gift/ even if it does construct a hope.
The common delusion particularly among the young is: that if you choose to be “like someone else/ then they will accept you as friend”. But that is a lie, if it is not your own truth. Lies are a foundation of failure, and a reality conceived by fools. Do not do so: BE YOURSELF! The demand to be accepted, or included; even among the old, is very severe/ and it includes the willingness to sacrifice others in the form of gossip, or separation, or whatever the majority demand for that privilege “to be included in their group”. The failure to do so removes you. The reality of being an adult is: the gathering places are limited/ therefore it is not easy to find “new acquaintances”. So the question is: what will you pay/ because we, or even “just I”, who leads this group, don’t want to change/ we or I want, what we want. The demand to be “desired for beauty” is also constant/ the recognition demanded is: that “I can have anyone I want”. Or I am special/ look at me, pay attention to me; is a very simple conclusion, that does not consider life itself, and ends with the price called time. To be “accepted and desired” is to construct the opportunity that learns, “this one, participates with me/ this one hears my heart, and accepts my life as it is”. The beauty of that is: a value that cannot be bought, or owned, it is a free will gift. Body is in itself, “a gift”/ thereby it is considered different than the life that inhabits it. When both are valued equally, there is beauty. The translation of body shape considered “lovely” is: that together we are, “as GOD intended humanity to be”. But that is only one part of what “GOD intended us to have, particularly in sex”; there is also heart, love, soul, desire, purposes which are kind and gentle, responsibility to each other, and a mind that understands and respects the value we provide as life to each other; trust is an elemental creation, within which you must participate honorably. To inhabit or inherit “a beautiful body or mind” does not mean you are, or are not worthy of the gift/ it simply means, that the translation of sexual intimacy, and the potential of all creation has met, to give you this chance. A body shape that is “less defined”/ is simply the truth, none of us are perfect, and we must all live with the reality of decisions that have been made for us. We are the inheritors of the body or mind as it has been given; or we have chosen it to be, through disciplines, balance, and work; or even just plain luck or fate. Doing the best you can with body or mind is, a reward established: because the human body physically fit and mentally sound is a participation with life that is honored, and therefore cannot be lessened, unless you yourself allow it. Or violence takes it away. Fear cannot keep violence from happening to you or me/ therefore it has no value: we can each only do, the best we can do, in any situation that arises. To be prepared means, courage exists.
Happiness in sex depends upon the desire of your heart. Without respect, the foundation of every relationship, whether friend, lover, associate, or whatever/ the ability to trust does not exist. There must be honest desire, a true and “friendship purpose” or only lust will control. Happiness means, that I have found true freedom of expression, and experience the honesty of a decision that is valued by me. That decision in sexuality is governed by the truth, “are we more than friends”? That reality of expression, is established only by love. That experience in truth cannot be exhibited or created without trust. In sexual reality: it is, as it has always been, that nature gives us the desire to find someone “who is, or potentially is”: a benefit to the child, should that occur. A child is not a gift, he or she is a duty; that you chose/ or that was stolen to some degree by want.
Happiness then depends upon our relationship with all of life, the specific form of life is not fundamentally limited to,“simply human”. Even a tree can be loved, for its contribution to all life, the many gifts it gives as in a places for birds, insects, mammals, shade, and a lot more. Even though most of humanity value it little, nearly everything created is a true miracle with many gifts. Which means it adds value to our lives/ each expands our relationship to life and time because of the differences, and so on. Although human time shared is a far greater reward, particularly with the opposite sex: because these can do for you, what you cannot do for yourself. They are the keys, which open a door beyond yourself/ because they reveal life itself, from a completely different view; expanding your own world. Belonging to a greater reality than self, is a happiness all of its own. Sexual realities notwithstanding, there are other realities that identify and expand the differences between male and female. These then expand our own lives, making existence more complex. Complexity is necessary, because without “awe and wonder” of our world as the translation of miracles beyond our imagination/ grants the respect necessary to conceive of eternity. The biblical JESUS adds to that, stories that assert and identify with clarity a love beyond our own/ and a definition of reality that truly does suggest: we are not abandoned/ we are loved. But this story also suggests we may indeed search for life beyond ourselves and even beyond time itself. The fundamental essence of soul: is a relationship born with life as the gift inside shared with our Creator/ because of respect, and therefrom love. The critical reality of “university knows religion” is: that they intend to take the miracles of life away, as they have done for perhaps billions; and fantasize that chaos builds, without any tools, without any knowledge, without arms, legs, etc/ NOT EVEN a brain! A greater lie has never been achieved: shame on you, for accepting any part!
Happiness is the construction of hope, the foundation of participation, the critical avenues of choice that become our destiny/ rather than our fate. Happiness begins with the ascension “beyond self, I shall go”/ but that does require courage; and courage is in VERY short supply. The consequence of cowardice is: “Instead, I shall play with my toys/ I shall gain trophies/ or I will hide and run away pretending, this does not matter to me”. With toys, you get to exclude humanity, “I DON’T need you”/ even when you play together. Because the toys interact with you/ and you with them; more than the person you play with. Trophies are the assertion, I WANT to win/ therefore you must lose. The elements of life such as these extreme threats Which OBVIOUSLY MATTER TO US ALL, are avoided only because the expectation of losing, or recognizing, “I cannot do this without risking my own life”: establishes fear. Fear is not conducive to happiness, therefore people hide and run away. Unfortunately, threats such as these cannot be avoided without an end to all life on earth: it is your choice, a future/ or death of a world. No point in fear, courage is required: this is the only home we get, either save it, or cry without end.
Regardless of that this writing deals with happiness, and assumes thereby that I should be “one of the happiest people on earth/ simply because I do describe what it means or takes to be happy”. That is only partly true however, I am happy; but the reality of threats against our entire world and all its life is extreme. The consequence of cowardice in you/ your complete refusal to accept truth, evidence, respect, and reality; opting instead for “university knows”/ let all bow down before the university and let them do anything they want; is insane. The endless excuses by you, to avoid reality, truth, and evidence in favor of a simple “brainwashing/ let the college diploma make this decision”: there is nothing I can do. So you surrender all life on earth, without even a whimper; is beyond shame, it makes you an associate, of the crime. The army of university demands it: steals it, mutilates everything, and gambles with our entire world; along with destroying the stability of your money, and now your lives: IS FAILURE. And so on, particularly greed has proven to be your downfall/ but the endless bribes have not helped! Your thirst, or “the mob” struggling to accept counterfeit money; is simply insane. I Have established evidence and knowledge over the years, presenting it to many was refused by all: truth does not matter. What I believed could not take long, because it was so well defined as a threat to us all, a need for us all to intervene. Has now taken decades, an entire lifetime, without significant distraction. Or only a few tiny distractions that do not last long, have been allowed. It simply could not be afforded, because the extreme threats against us all/ our very planet and its life: as has been primarily attacked; by a university diploma, and specifically as men; do to the fact, they are leaders. Is very real/ every biblical prophecy of doom is about to come true: so you run away and hide: but reality knows our entire world is threatened, and there is no place to run or hide. It is a lie, to consider it. Reality convicts the leaders of this day, particularly with their diplomas; as has been used to invade and destroy.
What can only be called “satan: destroyer of worlds” exists today, as these leaders do horrendous experiments designed and controlled by university; which gamble with our entire world/ and the evidence of treason in so many areas, against us all is clear. The reality of evidence produced in courtroom trials as I DO, present on these sites is without error: this is our reality. ANARCHY exists, the courts and your leaders, have destroyed a foundation precept of democracy itself: redress of grievances. The legal right, to call for an investigation of our employees, and decide the fate of our nation or state for ourselves as we the people.
Therefore happiness is relative to reality, by its truth/ this level of threat exists, or our reality demands change MUST occur. That reality is, we all will die soon, by failed experiments/ mutilated bodies of life/ destroyed resources/ children assassinated, because there is no future for them: YOU took it, or allowed others to do so. The description is then “assassin”/ or exterminator. Unless there is true and significant change in human society itself/ that demand is immediate, no further time exists to play and pretend. Simple, but true.
I did do, the best I could to limit or remove all the tragedies that we face as a world/ alas, all you wanted/ was what you wanted; and nothing could deter you from your want. Truth didn’t matter/ life didn’t matter/ the children didn’t matter: only pride. As the world begins to crash into an abyss; you will understand that fact too late. Change what you can/ do what you can do. As for me, for a short time I considered: “It’s their choice/ let them die; nothing more to be done”. But this is again, an entire world being destroyed, every child/ every life; back to work for me. A different approach. A world to destroy or save for you/ because it is not an option: these threats are life OR death for our planet, our very existence as life.
Expressions beyond a simple mind; the elemental task of assembling critical content.
In this day of university organization that has trodden down democracy, and invaded every aspect of our lives; are now grouped together, from the least to the highest levels: same. By stealing our property/ destroying our constitution/ corrupting our courts/ and flagrantly infiltrating every aspect of freedom, to declare “obey us, or we make you pay”. Regardless what that level of freedom is/ a rule for everything is a tyrant establishing oppression. The foundation of anarchy that is we the rulers (having discarded employment and equality) of this state, city, or nation will not obey constitutional law. As has been proven time and again on my sites; starting at www.justtalking2.info is merely the beginning of proof: we have nothing left of our democracy, but traitors, liars, and their lies. The foundation of theft so flagrant that we are now 200 trillion dollars in debt; as is depicted on the federal reserve site http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/current/accessible/l5.htm but does not include the 70 trillion or so of social security debt. The lies and liars who counterfeiting our money, still had not enough and gave away our business/ selling our nation to foreigners/ driving our opportunities away, so that we become beggars, or must accept the very limited realities of only a tiny few hold every job/ a tiny few control everything. Threatening our nation, and Destroying our world, as is clearly assigned by threats listed below
The assertion is, that you have a legal right to violate constitutional law, and infiltrate my life/ trespass upon my property/ and oppress and change the meaning of freedom, the virtue of liberty: and assume your rule controls my life. That begins the construction of a claim assembled within amendment 3, you have intended to take possession of the property, and install your soldiers to keep watch that my freedom may be crushed by your rule. Just because a handful of people made a rule which violates property rights and freedom to choose for myself; as held sacred and true by any and all citizens and all property owners/ has no meaning unless it does comply with constitutional laws. You do not. The elemental demand that is freedom/ a guaranteed right within constitutional law DOES construct the singular demand: I shall NOT be told what I can do or not do, unless these actions demonstrate a critical demonstration of clear threat that cannot be understood as consistent with biological laws and fundamental physical realities/ OR accepted by common practice in society itself. Without a clear and true need : Your taking control over my property, or my rights in association with that property, or my requirements of work as is consistent with job and life: is criminal trespass/ as you have no valid argument of threat. As established in the extra ordinary writ arising from 11 cv 2023; you have no respect for zoning or law or citizen rights or any part of the reality called governing in a democracy. The courts threw that away. Therefore NO authority to intervene, regardless of the fact that you may not like what I do, legally exists. You have established treason; your job is to establish and insure the guarantees of constitutional law/ instead, you have invaded democracy as traitors, and seek to rule over us as tyrants. Critical threats established is not subject to your decision alone/ you are not god/ you are not ruler/ you are merely employees who have gone to far, again and again and again without responsibilities or duties owed to a worm. The disrespect proven by you for life, for every citizen, for this world is without doubt. The failure is horrendous. The endless listing of your fantasies, criminal conduct as has been proven in court, failures in every aspect of society, use of every child as your slave or pawn is tedious and without purpose. Rather the primary threats of your fantasy and total disregard for life and planet in conjunction with all rulers, who have deliberately acted against the constitution of this USA,/ is treason. These actions chosen to destroy the securities of this people/ have defied all pretense and purpose of law/ and are now proven to seek to destroy life in this world totally. Fundamentally, that can only be proven as nothing less than a satanic cult, out to destroy life/ a religious delusion of “university knows” gone completely insane. These facts Are defined within the term by tragic, catastrophe, horror story; or in other words “a university diploma”. As is the singular constant among, “Those who led us here”.
The accumulation of threats, 237 U.S. 309. Its understanding: as is consistent with our legal right to defend and protect ourselves, your children, our future, our nation, and our world: 25 F 556, 558. are listed below. 329 N.E. 2d 880, 885. With the clear intent that an investigation must ensue, and the reality of our own decision, as state or nation: SHALL rule, what is or is not allowed. 167 P. 619, 620. That begins the fundamental called justice/ the legal right called ownership, of our lives, our planet, and our future. 203 S.E. 2d 739, 740. Or more clearly THIS IS OUR DECISION/ not yours, not theirs, not even this nation: because gambling with all life on earth, with the planet itself: IS NOT YOUR RIGHT! IT IS, TERRORISM.
THE EXTREME THREATS: WE CANNOT SURVIVE, not even as a world, WHEN PROVEN WRONG. A gamble we cannot turn back.
1. Because a tiny few said: "Let us bring the fire on the sun here TO THIS EARTH! The national ignition facility NIF (with 500 trillion watts of power), and 192 lasers all surrounding and focused on the same spot in space and time”. Quote: NIF will achieve....180 million degrees F/ .....only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions: the big bang, when the universe was a primordial fireball: the interior of stars and planets, and thermonuclear weapons. A supernova is...18-54 million degrees F....the extreme density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core-collapse supernova-an exploding star- or when two neutron stars collide. They continue experimenting today, which means at any time, life on earth can be lost forever.
Their theory is: "not enough gravity here to sustain it". Is enough to risk all life on earth. This is their defense for bringing that fire here/ that “ it will extinguish itself.”
Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire. That fire, will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days. They DO bet our lives on what is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back! We cannot put out a fire that is 8-10 million degrees hot/ with flames said to reach 12 times farther, than the distance of our moon to this planet. Which means we live or die, as a planet/ based upon their theory!
For threats, 2- 36 click here/ not all by a long way, but enough to understand.
Having done all that I must do, for the sake of life and planet/ the rest is up to you. Because it is your life too/ and very few fight for life. The essence of every heartbeat is dependent upon true change, without it you will die, "a horrific death": so says the evidence against you. Want DEMANDS NO/ but truth has nothing to do with want. Our world has changed, because 7 billion + people have overridden nature's ability to survive and defeat us. That means what we do, decides life or death for nature and ourselves.
The reality of a heart elevated, by the creation of love; learns what is true decides. In contrast to that, I do have a choice; your pride will demand "we are gods (our universities will save us)/ we don't have to change NOTHING". But reality doesn't care what you want or think, only what is true does decide life or death for us all. Lies always fail, and your leaders/ your societies/ your universities, and everything else are so corrupted, nothing will survive. Thought presents to me, the possibility of doing more/ but you continue to refuse even the most simple concept of them all: bringing the same fire here as is on the sun; WILL result in earth being a sun. You even refuse to investigate/ your media absolutely refuse to protect you; about anything: they are only "Sunday social news/ propaganda/ or its ok to fear".
Extinction looms; However I choose simply to continue teaching/ these are some simple lessons, as I desire it to be. You must change yourselves, I cannot do it for you, "its not my right or possibility". Whether you learn or continue to refuse, the opportunity was yours. Elements of the heart/ Rules for relationships/ fundamentals of sexual behavior/ bribery and life/ no tears. As to the traitorous conduct that denies due process of law in the US supreme court/ or the IL supreme court; there is likely to be consequences, simply because pride hates to hide, it is a thief/ just like want is a liar/ and "loser, plots revenge". Failure is consistent, wherever university goes: not as the propaganda teaches you/ but as the reality of consequences hidden behind the doors they refuse to open suggest. The university diploma rules government/ and government could not be more bankrupt. "Pride steals/ and people lie" as is clear and present in this tax case
BELIEF, the elemental search
The singular element within which "I WANT/ I WANT/ I WANT" is elevated too, "god/ or an assumption of the purposes of god/ or words in a book; etc". It is not without notice , that "I DON'T WANT THIS/ I DON'T WANT THIS, ETC" is the basis in fact for hate. Thereby they function together at opposite extremes. Want forms the assumption of love, in a simple mind; because it accepts that more of anything, particularly a trophy or prize will grant happiness: "I WIN/ or you lose". It is momentary at best. While "I don't want", forms the critical descent which then becomes an opportunity to join hate, and despise the world of life.
The religious expression of belief explained here, is then NOT, directly functional by association, with what is experienced by want; assuming that theory is more than simple want. The purpose being to discover what is worshiped without a right. But the reality of belief, is assembled by asking: what is MORE important than want? Want and belief are intertwined.
What is not a "witches brew, or a sorcerer's intent" about this / humanity has not changed, only its tools, and the possibilities now, of extreme tragedy, and complete death for this world.
When we consider the possibilities of a billion times a billion watts of energy transfer, all within a tiny area as is a laser beam/ the reality of lightning strikes do come to mind. It is said that, one lightning strike at its maximum can generate a trillion watts of power (although none know for sure). Nonetheless the exo-watt laser would then be equivalent to the release of one million= one trillion watt, lightning strikes all in the same place, all at the same time. That is what "the university is doing next". YOU know what lightning is. We know that the fire on the sun exists/ how it is possible, a fire so ferocious as this will not light this planet on fire? The university says, "not enough gravity here to sustain it"/ but if they are wrong, in this one time is enough experiment: this entire planet becomes another sun! How is that worth the risk?
As is consistent with the realities listed above, identified in these works; to be led where the consequence of wisdom itself, does not let you go: is a disaster waiting to happen for you. We must gain wisdom, to understand the consequences of knowledge. We must let truth decide what is commensurate with RESPECT for life and planet, rather than simply wanting "to be more" than truth itself will allow. Without respect every relationship dies, that includes marriage and friendship, OR our ability to live on this planet. Without value, the essence of discovery, and the foundation of discipline; the reality of opportunities for the future itself; simply die. That includes the people who commit suicide/ and the people who prove they don't care about life, and gamble with our own. Eternity is not without similar rules. More of this, the list of sites I provide.
THE LAW IS AN ARMY OF ONE; that represents all of us, as one law, one order of things, one decision for justice, life, and peace. That law, is then used against those who fight against us/ or to defend those who are attacked. "I want you to remember those words/ as you read".
life as is nature, planet and environment, the critical structures of discipline, balance, and order MUST BE PROTECTED AND DEFENDED,. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives.YOU must make them as a nation/ OBEY THE LAW; you must prove an oath has meaning. You enforce constitutional law with a legal tax revolt: insisting, DO YOUR JOB AS SWORN, or you don't get paid; same as us. It is a duty owed to the state and nation, and world/ it is a contract signed by oath. My demand in legal tax revolt (trials above) is a jury trial/ under the terms of democracy/ as is first amendment redress, it is the law! OR more simply my demand is: LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES, if they have been wronged. Let the evidence be presented to them. Let them assess the risk of these extreme threats, "IT'S THEIR LIVES/ THEIR EVERYTHING"! They do have an absolute legal right! The IL supreme court.
Your leaders and your courts and your media all say NO; the people SHALL NOT be informed or have any say. (they are cult worshipers) believers in "The university knows"/ university is a god, "can't be wrong". Believers that they are the superior ones and can make every decision for life or nation/ YOU cannot. They absolutely want power, and control over us as is consistent with organized crime. But established by extreme experiments is the truth: WE CANNOT undue, what will destroy us, when released. If the same fire as is on the sun, DOES NOT extinguish itself (as their theory goes/ not enough gravity here; but they don't know what gravity even is. Betting the entire planet anyway); we all burn with this planet; just like the sun. It is a true one time only experiment, once true ignition fundamentally occurs. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. They endanger and threaten us all, instead/ even the world itself.
Marriage is: the elemental reach, that discovers how far we can walk in trust.
Every participation in someone else’s life requires a level of respect that refines and understands the value of our friendship. This is then translated as the measure of respect, thereby the level of trust that we measure our lives with. Every measurement is a judgment/ every judgment is the decision to quantify or qualify the reality of our relationship with each other.
Ending measurement opens the door to establishing what is true between us, the search then begins: for what we will share, in the essence of our own decision to care. Finding a relationship that can survive examination, beyond the simple exercise of want or pride is rare. That is because want (I am the important one)/ and pride (I am the winner here) is never far away; from the vast majority of people.
Every true beginning is an ascension from where we are today, as an existence in time; to the assembly of what we will or will not be tomorrow. That value respected as the journey of both our lives, cannot be underestimated. That reality of composition translated as our own surrender of pride and want; becomes the building block or foundation upon which we will stand. What each then brings as the truth called “my life” and yours; disciplines the expressions we will experience/ and divides the boundaries we will create within ourselves. What is mine, becomes a relationship with what is yours; because hope and courage make it so. What is love, creates a rhythm that will not die; if it is “our own/ shared as one”.
Love is, the dance that lives within our heart and soul; not as one, but as the grace we each bring to life itself/ the dignity of an embrace that is worth more than the measure of time/ the reality of touch, that means more than life itself: because we are alone never more.
Death is a moment for which all of life searches to find/ there is no other more interesting concept, no greater journey; than what is eternal. Miracles suggest, an intensity beyond anything we can conceive of as real. Truth finds in thought, a dimension that shares freedom without the elemental need for mass. Life then becomes, an energy created between us, a reality searching for “new birth”.
Every relationship dwells within the dimensional realities of what freedom means to us/ what truth can allow us to create, within ourselves. Heart establishes time shared, only when we care. Trust creates the only bond we will ever know; even if love lives within our hearts, only trust finds and creates a home. Truth can never be underestimated for value, it is the essence of everything/ the foundation of law, that gives us life.
To care in love, means: moments are abandoned (we are for this time, in our own little world), because of you/ life is cherished, by the memories you create. Thereby passions arise, therefrom romance exists. Passion means: I have become courageous enough, to believe we can be alive in love. Romance means: we have shared, and know that is true.
Time is the invitation, to become “born again” as two who joined together as one. That is not an easy thing to do, because there is no exit sign or ramp to remove the elements of this life that will affect each other as heart “what weeps, or what sings, or what feels the essence no other can share”. Life is not a game. Life is a decision, that honors happiness, and understands sadness. Life is the beginning in thought, of what we are to become; because that is what we chose. None can choose for another/ each must choose their own walk, and their own way.
To walk together means, we have found value, we have chosen love. To discard that love means: nothing I can say, touches the single flame, of a light inside that must not die. Energy is the foundation of life, therefore it must not die. Love is the translation of life, from simple things, to the most eloquent and real possibilities we can express together, as one. The difference between those who can share forever, and those who cannot: is as simple as, “did you listen, when I said I must/ did you understand, when I said I will/ did you hear me cry/ OR did I” ? Without respect no relationship exists, nothing can change that. Without truth, no trust will come; therefrom no home can be found. Without love, all happiness dies. Find your soul, and share it: in the elemental journey, that is sexual. Where true love exists, it is, the treasury where hope is born. Hope remembers, “I have found, the meaning of my life in you”.
This is, about your fears. A necessity of review, because you fear me, “he’s different”/ we don’t understand.
The critical relationship between life and death is: a foundation built upon the single distinction, “Can you survive, without the acceptance of fear”? That is a development required for “independent living” beyond the existence of time. Energy is both friend and enemy, only a clear and distinct knowledge of what is acceptable and safe; creates a path for life. Mercy provides otherwise/ but it limits true freedom, because you cannot survive it. Some will argue, “he’s nuts” there is no life after the body is dead. But miracles that exist, without the slightest reality of human involvement, as is the human body itself: proves we do not know “everything/ or even a tiny little bit”. Although the body is clearly discarded in death/ LIFE exists because we understand it exists, by the elemental freedoms, and by its relationship to thought. A dead body is the end of freedom in time. Thought however is a relationship with energy, a freedom NOT associated with body; but considered an element of mind. The mind does NOT constitute “an essence of life”. Therefore the mind does not establish our relationship with thought/ but conceives instead of our relationship with time, within an environment capable of thought. Thought confronts the foundations of time to assess and predict, “our decision” in eternity. That element of your personal truth, becomes a relationship called destiny or fate. Destiny is a choice/ fate is a reality governed by the consequences of what you did or did not do. Failure is a distinction of mental chaos; the intent, to find a way, to deny what is true; as is consistent with evolution, a another religion “of witch doctors and fools”. Fantasy and perversion; is the pride of humanity wanting to play god; it exists only in “toyland”.
Fear is: the elemental decision, that to survive, “I must/ or I must not do, what I would otherwise not do.” Fear is: the critical composition that destroys, “a freedom to choose”/ because someone or something else is believed to control the possibilities you accept as your future. Fear is: the fundamental reality of consequences realized, that can happen to me/ therefore I must treasure and protect all that I have, so I don’t have to be like these. Fear is: the resolution of violence, that assumes and conceives of every want, because that want then builds a wall around you, no one else is allowed to invade; or “you get to play god” with your mind. Pride then establishes, “winner/ or a need for revenge (loser)”: if not destitution of soul, suicide, or depression. These are human decisions that present fear, or its result. The realities of fear established by nature, as a consequence to be avoided/ NOT generated by men or women; are a different element of life.
In these basic developments the reality of every human life, that is NOT given to love, hope, courage, and the disciplines of RESPECT, BALANCE, TRUTH, AND TRUST; are formed.
The question of fear, is then composed of “the color of your soul”. The color of your skin could not be more irrelevant. Biblical translation; a suitable source for understanding because soul means, “a relationship with GOD”. Grants, that there are four colors to soul: white, or the purity of love, treasured in respect, and found formed as the values of life itself that are everything “good”. Black, or the reality of righteousness, the reduction or life and everything of value to rules/ power/ control/ or manipulation; thereby temptation, etc; the beginning of we want to play god. Red, or the reality of violence hidden in the descent that goes from respecting this world/ to the decision, everything is worthless, but me. And pale death; the appearance of critical planning and war against life itself, so that all “may die inside, and to life, like you”.
Foundations that understand your relationship to fear itself, are as follows:
1. The failure of discipline in you, establishes want as the primary source of your own personal decision. Want means, “I WILL use or abuse anything or anyone to get what I want.
2. The removal of balance, thereby the essence of what is or is not fair in life/ is the predecessor of pride. Pride simply means: “I WILL NOT seek justice for anyone/ I WILL CONTROL YOU”. Because I am superior/ or “mine, all mine”.
3. The critical descent that is criminal, begins and ends with “I DON’T CARE”. The reality of criminal itself is: “I DON’T CARE, because you owe me”. The primary descent into violence begins with: “I DON’T CARE/ YOU ARE WORTHLESS TO ME”. The absolute failure of respect for anything living, then becomes “I WILL, be god”; which simply means, “murder and fear are the weapons of choice”.
4. All prejudice, bigotry, tyranny, manipulation, and a thirst for power, lust, or greed IS: “I WON’T SHARE”. Or more simply “mine, its all mine/ you get nothing, unless I so choose it”.
5. Survival is dependent upon “things that matter”/ which other people intend to control so they can and do: establish slavery, if not worse. THEREFORE I must beat them into submission/ before they beat me into slavery. If not “in charge”/ then at war until a truce is found; even if it is just a bribe; made with counterfeit money; let the others be slave to me.
6. Wealth determines the numbers of slaves, the resources I can deny to others, by playing god over their lives/ therefore I want all I can get. Or I take, everything they cannot defend from me.
7. Sex, established as fear; is the invasion of “their heart”/ which gives you the power, to take their happiness away.
Out of these seven, the reality of what shapes and controls human society is found/ until we turn to the elements of value, and life, that control the essence of LIFE itself.
Life itself is governed by, the resolution to be more than fear! That accomplished, opens the door to freedom, the acceptance of disciplines, the search for soul, the reality of respect that establishes justice, the courage that brings love, and the foundations upon which we build an experience through the expression of living conceived by the consequence called trust. As you search the list above, what is clear is: that these things exist in human society and life without exception/ they influence our existence. Therefore they are lessons in reality, that assert and contain the elements of what goes wrong: if you fail, what is “a superior life”/ established by soul “dressed in white”. Without respect for all of life, there is no soul. GET RESPECT FIRST, then search; nothing less will gain happiness. Happiness is, the existence of a fundamental trust, that life is my friend/ humanity as well. Happiness exists, whenever life itself, in all its forms IS RESPECTED by you. That means: YOUR DECISION to participate with justice, fair play, and equality rather than control, is required.
Disciplines are born in the reality of “what goes wrong/ is too important to play with”: thereby religion was born, and exists today as the first step in very many lives, to a more disciplined you. That does NOT assume “clarity or correct”/ it merely states the obvious contribution that religion makes; you must grow up, to extend yourselves beyond this limited “babies milk” control. To grow up means: you ARE able to differentiate what is law (DON’T disrespect this)/ from what is rule, “people say”. Thereby able to make decisions and investigate or search for: the processes of thought, within yourselves. Thought is the essence of life and soul, only energy matters more. Without energy no life exists/ but without freedom, and love the value of life deteriorates into nothing; alone is a distinct isolation. Thereby love surrenders direct isolation, and the possibilities of contamination; for the critical development that is a relationship beyond time. Time is the measure of all things. Life is the reality assigned by freedom, created by thought, and developed by decisions that become “I (a separated reality, called your own identity)”. You cannot be that (“I”), until truth establishes you, by your decision. You cannot be true love, until you have been separated into the reality of an identity that searches past the measurements of time, to experience and express the elements of respect, found within the search for what is a trusting relationship with another life, as its own-self shared. Or more simply, love is the opening door in me, that no longer defends, “Against you”. That is, the beginning reality of acceptance within the spiritual world/ a transition between what is beyond time, and our elemental purity to enter within any distinct truth. The critical discipline of any truth, elevated to its own dimension in the essence of life itself; is, you can enter/ but unless you truly understand so as to join that specific truth itself/ you cannot leave until you do.
To summarize the fundamentals of this work, WE ARE A THREATENED WORLD/ hidden in the sewer of university delusions, are a long list of threats that cannot be denied as an ending, a horror, an absolute disrespect, an assassination plot, and terrorism against this entire world: THAT MUST BE DEALT WITH. Or we all go extinct. Your leaders, your religions, your courts, etc; all say no. Your media covered under the shit of “cult worshiping; as is consistent with believing the university knows everything”/ cannot dig themselves out of their abyss. They want to rule/ and want is both liar, and abyss (there is no end).
I am refused the right to participate further in the delivery of this elemental need for humanity to be informed as to the consequences of what these threats mean. THAT IS YOUR JOB! Because you are the threat as the decisions humanity itself, or its leaders have made/ and you must change yourselves to stop these threats from exterminating your lives. Or you die soon.
As to me; the basic consequence of this work is: Man could NOT find an answer, as to how men could change this world, and sustain that change on their own. Thousands of years of history prove that true, this is the best men did do; this is what they do, and the structures raised in human existence to make sure they don’t have to change further. That is an ending to this world. That simple reality did force the consideration and reality: “What would woman do”? That conceived of and became “asking the spiritual world of woman”, for an answer. That became entering a truth I cannot escape, without becoming female. Once female, there is no return to male; it is a quagmire. Nonetheless, the simple answer is: “Let women try to lead/ they obviously cannot do worse/ than to lead us all, an entire planet of life; to extinction”. Why, I could not find that answer on my own baffles me; “It is clearly simple enough”. The only answer found: “Just too male/ it just didn’t occur, to ask women”: until completely out of answers; man cannot save this world. Women don’t trust men, as a general rule.
That said, “how dangerous could I be”.
I do, complete this work with the simple assertion: miracles cannot be over-estimated. They are the existence of a clear and distinct discipline. The balance of our natural environment speaks for itself: it is essentially perfect across this world/ aside from all the damage men do. That is a fact. It is also a fact, that thought created us through order and laws discovered by a clear association with the truth itself. What is true, is elementally the foundation of life itself/ because without truth there is no future. Lies kill it, or you are stuck in the chaos you chose.
What is absolutely exceptional, establishes love was here/ such things as a true balance between men and women in numbers so that each could find a mate; would find a mate, if humanity was different. The endless greed of today is as simple as: “More things to buy”/ I want it all! That has brought you here today, in the abyss of bankruptcy as of this entire world. That established lies, which brought bribes, which became the power to rule; and that power led to extreme pride and arrogance; so much so, there are people allowed to threaten an entire world. Because your hearts have closed the door to life. Choosing instead “university worship”, and the realities of a greed that cannot be quenched. Only bankruptcy itself gives you pause/ nothing else could; not life/ not the end of life/ not the crucifixion of life/ not the end of the world/ not the war coming with weapons of mass destruction because you killed the earth with your destruction. Absolutely nothing but bankruptcy could slow you down: PRAISE GOD for it. Because the path to life ending on earth is certainly staring us all, in the face; YOU CANNOT survive the things that men are doing. It is impossible. Are they not your leaders/ are not the diplomas’ their leaders? Indeed they are.
The elemental discovery of eternity, comes with truth. Truth exists forever. The fundamental discovery of eternity in energy: comes with the knowledge, that beyond the limits of time, there are realities of energy such as are found in (left alone) atomic constructions: that do not react/ therefore an action does not need to represent the destruction of anything. The critical elevation of miracles to the essence of love, because we are literally given far more than we needed to be; just for life/ thereby “someone cared”. The literal existence of “JESUS” as the evidence presented suggests, “GOD LOVES US” still; gives essence to the consideration, that death is not an ending. Every sacrifice should be known as, “HE gave more than he desired to give/ MORE than anyone could have bought or paid for in any consideration or way/ MORE than was fair, or legitimate; because HE could find no other way, to prove to this humanity, even our humanity: that “love, is greater than death”.
This was known to be “long past” our beginnings as humanity on this earth. “GOD still here”. The essence of ourselves states: without thought, we would never know, life exists. Therefore thought is the single definition of life/ rather than body, which can only be considered a temporary house. Thought suggests, that love is beyond all other considerations as a value to living which cannot be bought, and cannot be made: it is “strictly given”. Because only freedom understands it. Therefore we must be free, to encounter love, and accept it as our own experience received/ and our own version of an expression given. Love is the single thing in this universe, that cannot simply be found. Love must begin with respect, build upon the elements of desire, share existence with the designs of purpose, and discover the destiny of a journey shared as one. All of these require your own decision/ but they also require the same decision from someone else. It is not free, you must choose. When you choose, it means you do “surrender something else”. Or it is not a choice. Love is personal: you cannot make me/ nor I you. Love is a distance traveled together, because we need this, to be sure. Love is the elemental truth, that recognizes, “eternity is real”. Our CREATOR, built this entire world “from nothing”/ you are VERY unwise, to limit what else: HE CAN DO!
I do, wish you well.
But without honest and real change
There is no future, for this world.
It is that simple.
IT IS TIME TO PUSH! To become, what we will be, “forever”! Make your decision: for life, and child, and world: “the essence of love”/ OR, want, selfishness, greed, and the rest “called hate”.
DISCIPLINE DEMANDS, That life should NEVER be a game/ that we, the people of this earth; have a value greater than theories/ more distinct than risk/ and more defined than those who believe “they can play god” with our lives. Reality demands: we must choose differently. Balance demands a new structural outlook, to what we do; In our relationships with each other.
The final analysis of this work is very simple: if we don’t recognize and respect the reality that is coming, the consequences of being WRONG/ we don’t survive. If we don’t respect nature, stop mutilating and crucifying it/ nature itself won’t survive, because we are now so many people, this world has changed, and nature can no longer defeat us all. It cannot defeat the horror’s inflicted if they don’t stop immediately. If we don’t accept our responsibility NOT to let people play with energies they cannot control; we all die, a horrible death. People say: I don’t care, and all run away to hide from all they fear. It will NOT help/ that changes nothing. Unless we defeat those who threaten us with extermination from this planet/ we die. It is not a hard concept.
The confrontation that is government employee versus law and democracy; constructs a literal demand: are we owners/ is our government, the constitution? How that is answered decides who rules the future! Currently our employees rule by bribes/ created with counterfeit money. But the reality is: having “printed” 200 trillion dollars of inflation; the national debt plus social security and state debts =$645,161.00 per 310 million people each. Did you get yours/ its all free: no reality attached! The answer is no, we didn’t/ but a few did, plus ours, plus whatever they wanted to loan with this inflation/ all covered over with lies by government and media: THEY DO KNOW. What is particularly bad however is this: that they take these counterfeit dollars, and they buy our real property with them. That means: they get it for free, someone got this money. But because there is no reality of payment attached/ consequently it is not a debt/ it is pure inflation, given to only a tiny few, who chose to inflate their salaries, benefits, pensions, etc by using our slavery. If it ain’t realmoney/ you didn’t get paid; they just kept you alive for the work, with bribes. Soon we the people will own nothing/ because you cannot compete “with a printing press”; nor out of control government employees. America will be, “like Palestine”: sold out; too late now. You must demand democracy rules, and enforce constitutional law, oath, and restrictions. As owners. Or you will be forced to abandon America itself.
Americans “have bought a gun”/ because they know its bad, and their options are few. But lets review: If you surrender ownership, and choose a gun: whose side are you on? If you say America or the United States, it cannot be so, because you have failed the law, and our democracy. We rule ourselves/ by the laws we create, the constitution that rules us all; including every law. The judiciary does not/ they are bound by oath in support of the constitution and its intent: that is their job, and its power to rule is strictly limited to constitutional rights and demands. What is important if you don’t use the law and democracy is: even if you win a battle in civil war/ you cannot change the ownership of property until you have created a new democracy to control and change that law, which then controls you and us. That means a new nation/ not this one: or more simply America itself, must be abandoned. it will be BAD. Particularly since it is unnecessary and irrelevant to the task of defining WHO DOES OWN THIS NATION/ and what is a legitimate claim over our property or not. That right, is justified and decided by law; according to evidence and its truth. Therefore whosoever controls the law, controls the future. YOU CANNOT control the law with a gun/ it is impossible. You cannot control truth, IT IS, whatever it is. You CAN control the law with democracy, BY YOUR VOTE. Not a vote for someone to vote for me/ but your own distinct vote on the law that governs our lives for yourselves. We need very few: short and simple, so we all understand/ and can use or enforce the law ourselves.
We can change our world, and our money/ by choosing LIFE, AND PLANET; MUST COME FIRST: for us all. If, you think for yourself! You are “smart enough”! We are at the edge of crisis in all kinds of ways: the cost and consequence of letting “the smart people” lead. THAT DID NOT work, they are lazy, as a group, living largely in fantasy and delusion; as the evidence does prove. We must ALL work together, not just you, me, or them. Learn more. Some basic links. Thinking differently;
Developments in democracy: HOW, we understand our lives, our duty, and our ownership of that democracy: within our state and nation or world: Preparations for redress, in ILLINOIS.
This is now, a legal revolt against what has been accepted practice in governing this nation and this state; by our employees. More substantially, this is the framework by which control as WE THE PEOPLE, who DO own this government MUST WORK to accomplish our authority as owners. There is no excuse for weapons or war; these are failures/ because they never then go away. This is law, by which the exercise of RIGHTS, as human beings united for a common cause: TO RULE OURSELVES BY LAW/ is established in peace, and with the maximum possible intent to be fair to all parties. It should be recognized in that statement: that this is NOT about everybody gets the same/ as that is completely unfair. NOT about there shall be no more wealthy people, that too is unfair; some do MUCH more than others/ and do deserve a reward. Rather this is about JUSTICE, the acceptance of limits, by the boundaries which control just how much more, or less; is fair. This is about governing ourselves; the ascension beyond being followers, to attain what is necessary in understanding and knowledge, for our survival as a world or nation. Whosoever makes the law/ rules the nation, because the law is its own army; when enforced. Therefore we must make the laws that rule over us all/ OURSELVES. A vote on the law itself/ rather than a vote for someone else to vote for me.
THIS IS more importantly ABOUT: REMOVING THREATS THAN CAN END OUR VERY WORLD; MUTILATE NATURE ITSELF; AND BRING HORROR INTO YOUR LIVES FOREVER. The change that is mandatory! Consequently the fundamental revolt is: that we must investigate our reality, instead of believing anything we are told. No more experts, we will decide for ourselves. We must establish as best we can our future, and design our society, lives, and economies around what truth defines as a consequence. A reality, instead of this fantasy: that will be in our own best interest as life on earth. NOT "just you or them/ ALL of us". Life for and on this planet, MUST come first. To keep us alive.
For this cause, and these reasons: these web sites have been created. This opportunity to gather as women to demand your own say, and your own descriptions of CHANGE in society; has been created. War is a man's way/ the game of money is a man's way/ the power to manipulate and control, is a man's way; each has failed entirely by the evidence of threat we do face. Therefore woman's way has been devised. Our leaders have been spoiled children, treating themselves to every form of disgrace and disrespect against us, that could be found. Failed, by their own decisions/ but also because of an endless supply of "beggars, cowards, and bribes to control too many people. As a "honest mother teaches her child"/ we will remind them: YOU have nowhere to run or hide. We the people can, punish you/ can deny you/ can force you to understand: THESE were bad choices. We are the military ourselves/ we are the police ourselves/ we are the nation, and without us nothing gets done. We do have the power, to surround you, and deny you food/ etc. We do have the power, to understand: we are the government, the owners/ you, are the employees! We do have the power to choose for ourselves, so long as we are willing to pay that price. It is not free. But we DON'T have the possibility to survive anyone of the major threats that exist today. This world has changed/ because we are now over 7,000,000,000 people roughly one per acre. One on every acre of growing land on earth/ and growing at 2 million more per week. That acre has to support every other living thing on land as well. The ocean nearly empty.
SO LET'S BE VERY SERIOUS/ the current supreme court case simplified. "Goodbye then".
It is, time to finish; time for you to decide your future and ours, as life on earth. I know, that all you want, is what you want, and more of it/ but that is not sustainable as life on earth with 7 billion people. We are growing at roughly 2 million more each week, with every resource, every food and water supply, even our oxygen supply as a planet in jeopardy because of humanity. Some say: "its GOD" going to end HIS creation/ and punish "them damn other people". But that is not our truth/ our truth is, that we are doing this entirely to ourselves. GOD is not your excuse, it is you lie, and intent to use "GOD" as your weapon/ a very bad plan.
Nonetheless, since this is humanity that causes catastrophe it is humanity that can stop that, IF WE DESIRE LIFE to remain on earth. I do so choose. I have spent a lifetime proving it/ paying everything that means: not a game. I ask you to spend a few minutes, to consider and conceive of what it means to be wrong: when our entire earth can be lost. The machines exist, the mutilation goes on everyday, the resources are attacked, and we grow beyond what any sane person doubts is unsustainable. It is NOT "a hard concept". And there are NO SECOND chances; what we do actually do in these days determines everything for our world.
I tell you true: at this moment in the history of our world/ you cannot simply run away or hide: it is the planet itself in trouble. We are too many people all wanting more than this earth can provide/ taking more, than life can allow. We are threatened by universities and others, who demand they can be god/ and are gambling with our planet, its nature, our everything. We CANNOT let them continue. Our leaders have failed us all; because they too, made every decision based upon want or pride or power/ NOT LIFE must come first for our planet. They just didn't understand: this is mandatory/ not discretionary. Didn't understand, that "the university knows" is reduced to a religion (they are NOT gods), rather than an element of truth that we can depend upon. They have made TERRIBLE choices, against us all; even threatening our planet, and every living thing with genetic chaos, for the sake of their religion evolution. Therefore what we do or do not do, demands we stand or we fall as a world. We live or die as a planet, by our decisions. Because we are so many people on this planet/ that it's nature cannot survive us anymore. We cannot survive without nature as designed, and NOT mutilated, by those who believe they can do better/ or just want to play god. It is not true/ nature knows better. It is not a guess/ that is reality.
Our new reality is, for human life on earth: we have made our future a choice/ not a guarantee as it had always been. Because we are so many people. Kill a billion people/ still 6,000,000,000+ more to go. War cannot help, we must choose for life first, or we will die. Because we now take more than nature itself can provide/ because the possibilities are now extreme, and people clearly insane. Your scientists, and more: mutilate nature. (it is, biological warfare against nature itself, which is DNA, the building of bodies called life). We are threaten as a planet (experiments to bring the fire on the sun here/ recreate the single most destructive event in the entire history of the universe itself; and so on). The machines are in use, more coming: they have created all that is necessary to exterminate our lives. The university, and its cult (can't be wrong); have literally become insane; drunk on the power, that you "believe in them".
You DO understand what that means: we are in trouble, as a world. We must change as best we can today/ or it will simply be too late. We cannot stand the complete collapse of anything we depend upon; we are too many people, and start to die immediately/ therefore war. Everything we depend upon is at the brink of collapse; DO investigate for yourself, and go beyond the propaganda. What any or all of us want, has become absolutely irrelevant: IF WE CHOOSE LIFE. Life first has no second chances, this is it; either we fix our troubles, and end our threats, and protect this nature, and its planet as best we can: or we won't survive. You DO need to investigate that for facts, and prove it to yourselves. But time has literally run out; we must work today and everyday for life. It is not a choice, it is our reality. Being wrong about that, or the experiments of university, or any other consequence of size can end our lives. Every single one. It is that serious. A tiny glimpse. The opportunity to work completes this writing. The choice is yours.
I remind you: that without discipline there is no structure to family or life/ without order, there is no foundation upon which we build or grow/ without balance, one dies, while the other becomes a true glutton/ without honesty, lies kill us on the inside. Without respect and truth for our world and our living, there is no tomorrow. Not a game.
The creation of new possibilities, ways, and means to change our current reality into "something better"/ something we CAN survive. Has been accomplished by this work and these sites. It is NOT perfect/ and needs the assistance of everyone; as best we can. That means, a new life has begun if you choose it. OR the old ways will soon destroy everything of value on this earth/ ending life here; because we cannot survive this as men have done. They are the leaders. Believe it or not/ these facts are true.
So then the question is: Do you desire life, MORE than your want, pride, and selfishness? It is a simple question: LIFE IS everything of value this earth and this existence along with its creation gives to you; as time, and freedom, and so much more. At the other side of living is the reality of what happens when want/ pride/ and selfishness attack humanity, and you lose your own identity fighting just to play games that do turn into "life and its struggle with death, selfishness, the people who won't share, and the people who refuse to care". The end result of that when taken too far: is a humanity prepared to war/ struggling to survive the liars, cheats, thieves, traitors, fools, and failures; the "utter disrespect (we are better than you), and a determination NOT to be equal". As is today.
BALANCE is the creation of methods and means that allow all life to survive with equal opportunities to share in the value of their own creation, and be blessed by time, because it does care; even though the reality of predator and prey is harsh. IT DOES have its benefits. As has clearly been proven by humanity and their antibiotics; which have now multiplied the population of people to the edge of extinction for every living thing. If it had been so from the beginning/ this earth would have been dead long ago. Consequently it is absolute and proven true: that humanity has no balance, and no desire to share by the consequence of their own actions. It is further noted: that humanity refuses to identify what is, or is not functionally necessary for life to be sustained. Proven true, the only thing humanity as a majority has consistently chosen to do: particularly designed by men/ we, are willing to: TAKE IT ALL/ OR KILL IT ALL/ OR be my slave/ we ONLY WANT one thing, let the rest be dead; absolutely DON'T CARE about any further consequences. Which always ends in war, desertification, and other historical facts.
DISCIPLINE, is the distance between what knowledge presents, and understanding will allow. The creation of wisdom is found only, through the diligent definitions, which construct the path to individual truth (each one) itself. Without discipline, all are structured into the maze that is simply want: "I CANNOT find a way out/ therefore make me happy here". Want is a road, "we all do this"/ that herds humanity into the consequences of its pride. Without pride, want simply constructs a life that does not care and will not share with the rest. However the cost of that is: some lose, and some win/ which then brings "most of the maladies that do afflict human life in society". Pride then rises from the midst of a game: I WILL win/ by making you lose; or I WILL have my revenge, because you made me lose. Both are built upon the very same decision: "YOU choose not to care or share with society/ YOU choose not to be equal".
ORDER is the framework of life itself, "this body MUST be built as a construction of parts and pieces assigned a specific time, material, and place to be assembled". Any deviation from order results in birth defects, other mutilations of genetic information, or death. Order is the essence of nature itself/ CHAOS is the contribution of humans demanding to be god themselves, and create evolution as the ending of life, called nature: on this earth. Little is closer to the destruction of everything, than are they: consequently religion (GOD is first/ even if it is so blatantly wrong, as to be completely ridiculous; at least they try.) calls them "SATAN". With good cause.
Religion is: the means to identify "something besides humanity did this". That is the foundation, and otherwise is asserted as, the functional reality of religion. Throughout millennia, tiny bits and pieces have been gathered. A major contribution to understanding was established through JESUS, as CHRIST. A biblical reference. JESUS did change one critical understanding: that life is intended to be about love, respect, duty, and a choice we each do make. To accept that miracles, are NOT simply "the past" and we are left behind/ but exist as the present and future, and we can participate beyond what is simply human existence. If we so choose, and pay the price. The price is: honest, LOVE/ RESPECT/ DUTY/ AND ACCEPTANCE, that we are not gods ourselves. Not so hard to do!
Every Religion establishes a duty, thereby a discipline that people need when they begin searching for "life beyond the grave". That path is individually recognized, and cannot be conceived outside oneself/ therefore each new generation faces the same dilemma: how do we recognize what is, or is not true?
Truth IS: the recognition of fate/ because these facts exist, with understanding we can predict the result. Therefore truth consists of knowledge, the deliberate and real assembly of facts with the disciplines necessary to construct order/ and the balance used to define, what must or must not be from these facts, and this knowledge. Thereby wisdom is the essence of truth revealed/ whereas intellect alone, can only believe in knowledge, and NOT find the journey, beyond simple or plain.
Simple means: without a covering/ it is not hidden. Plain reveals a fear/ the consequence "he or she ran away" because of this. Therefore when life becomes simple and plain; the elements that distract, and the realities that refuse to be identified all come "to light". It is, the beginning of a journey beyond yourself.
"The light" refers to soul. Or more simply, the elegant relationship between life as a human being, and the miracle of life that gives us this freedom, this decision, and this time; as an identity unto ourselves. As a relationship with all other living creation; as equals, we are all "ALIVE"! Therefore same in the construction of life itself; regardless of body, we are each one, alive.
Spirit constructs a union between time and life (the miracle of us/ and the miracle of life itself by truth). Spirit is then as an elemental grace, the participation in that truth. Without true respect you die/ or are devalued into the consequence mental anguish that is hard to recover from. DO NOT enter spirit unless it is plain and simple inside of you: that respect lives here; it is NO game. Neither does spirit allow for the lack of a true and complete decision in you: the price is, "you have completed your identity"; and are ready for "greater truths than self". If you have NOT completed every detail to your life's construction/ this will NOT go well. My own case in point: the demand was eject pride (simple enough to understand)/ but what I didn't recognize was, that replacing broken teeth with permanent false teeth. Was a reality I had not succeeded in accepting: as a RIGHT, or a wrong in relation to the body of life being a temple of GOD/ or a reality of our own that we can do with as we please. That ended badly/ BUT identified the practical path, that became my own spiritual life: NO GUESSING/ NO DENYING i MADE THIS DECISION, and so on. You have been warned.
"A footnote, your body is your own/ it is not the temple of GOD; rather it is your own house, and your own connection with the miracle that is LIFE THROUGH GOD." Our relationship with GOD, is the temple we create or allow.
Of spiritual things, that do exist; are the consequences we cannot control. Or more simply: once you have opened the door to any search of any truth/ that truth CANNOT or WILL NOT release you, until you have learned everything necessary to identify and understand its essence. Only then, can you return to what had been. Therefore it is absolutely critical to every human life: DO NOT open any door (a possibility beyond yourself)/ unless you are willing to, and CAN learn its essence. Or you will be trapped there. That is functionally the path to "heaven or hell" so to speak/ only GREATLY intensified in eternity. Therefore know, that apart from judgment: each will go, where their own truth directs them to go; and the consequences therefrom.
As for me, the simple truth of it is: having searched for a decade, and finding NO possible answer for survival of life on earth as male. Reading the book of Revelation, for the question: as a prophecy, "is this the end of life or not". I came to chapter 12, and recognized that as something to do with me/ which I absolutely could not understand: "I am NOT woman"; this cannot be true. Nonetheless, always intending to be fully prepared, I searched where the spiritual truth of woman exists. I just desired one simple and plain answer for how life on earth can survive; WE BOTH needed it. But opening that door (didn't intend to go in), did NOT allow for "plain or simple". And I have been trapped in a female spirituality joined to me ever sense. She continues to simply take over my life/ and I am clearly learning what it means to be female: but I tell you true, NEVER conceived of the idea in any fantasy or form that this could or would become a part of my life. I have lost the battle; things have changed: after a month of "beating me half to death (these breasts ARE going to grow)" with growing tits/ they are now growing more rapidly, with far less trouble. The chemicals however are starting to change my mind (something did change), and other parts of body as well; I have lost control against anything female does; can't stop her; believe it or not. The chemicals these breasts bring, are just overwhelming. Literally erased all "second tier" memory; but some of it is coming back in strange ways on its own. The memory filing system of male is absolutely gone; "everything second tier to being male is gone"/ no where to be found, I literally CANNOT find it back; its gone. I cannot understand "the new system"; something related to feelings. You cannot imagine the change/ DIFFERENT. Absolutely nothing I can do about it. Just one decision. Just one desperate need, to find a solution that was so obvious, "it is ridiculous" that I could not find it on my own: "couldn't do it". The answer is: Simply let women lead, they are different/ and different is at least change, and we absolutely must have change. THEY CANNOT do worse than assemble all the tragedies and terrors of extinction as have men done. It is impossible for them to do worse. Regardless what you believe/ that is a fact. I am truly grateful for an answer/ not a simple thing, even though it was a simple answer. Honestly I do, try not to complain; not as simple as it sounds either. Have to give up all the old ways I loved/ and accept "new"; ain't easy: unless you are just willing to pay the price. I don't know how to be female/ don't have the body for it, although that is changing. It is Not the same life, at all. I have fundamentally agreed with the price, "a world is worth that": I received my answer; it is correct/ which now means "owed". But it is hard to do. It is absolutely important, that NO sacrifice be made/ that constructs the law, rather than love. Love must rule, or the consequences can be harsh. NO concept exists as to "saved a world"/ that is ridiculous. The question was simply: how can we all save ourselves? Anyone truly determined, can ask a question. It is up to you, to decide if the answer will be paid. As for you, "power, pride, and want" will be surrendered/ truth decides instead. As for me, the evidence will continue to prove what is, or is not truly possible. It is not the life of woman that bothers me/ its just "the pieces don't fit". But they don't exactly fit male anymore either: Different/ complicated, oh well, one day at a time. Man and woman are EQUAL, that has never been an issue. This may turn, and become "an understanding between women and men"/ or who knows what? Complicated, life and eternity; not a game.
Women must lead life and society, in the ways of female; NOT the ways of men. That fundamentally requires a participation by all women to decide what is in the best interest of all life as one decision accepted by all (we agree, this should be done, for all life); as best they can. They do need to gather, and men do need to pay them for making these decisions; don't you demand a wage, need a wage? No playing! As for me, I am doing the best I can/ there is NO perversion here, no allowance for men or anything conceived of by men; apart from simple friendship, plain work and so on. OR: MORE SIMPLY, NO sexual anything is allowed between men and me/ at the cost of your eternal life; just don't. Hades is a horrifyingly simple place; it just takes your fears and multiplies them into terror/ you will never make another decision again; only react, with NO chance to escape. "Think" you do not fear? Not a problem, everything humanity fears will then attack you until deceased. THEN you will "return", in an endless cycle of deceased return, terror and deceased again.
Whatever will be of me, shall be decided between "women and me"; I just don't have a choice. Perhaps they don't either/ I don't know. But I do guarantee, it is not now/ nor has my life ever been "perverted", and never will be. Although it is true: that a damn "something invaded for a couple of weeks, irritating me significantly"/ UNTIL I accepted: "Leave the homosexuals alone/ it is their right to make this decision for themselves; even if it has consequences to society; it is still their own life". Leave them alone, it is their life NOT yours/ their choice; their eternity. Same is true for you, "leave them alone/ its their fate not yours". I do NOT know how significant the sin is. Clearly however it is NOT as GOD intended/ which does make it a sin. I have no concept or understanding of "lesbian"/ therefore not even a clue; good, bad, indifferent/ I just don't know. I DO recommend you leave them alone as well; it is not your decision, or mine.
I don't know, "why me"! "its complicated".
Disciplines are: the reality of your own decisions being portrayed for all to see. Courage is: the consequence of coming to terms with your own death, and understanding what will be, is simply going to be; it is not critically your choice, unless its suicide (murdering yourself). What you fear is NOT going to help; "its just a second form of death, so to speak". Bravery is: understanding, I did do the best I could for life. Anything less is not. Ascension means: to go beyond your humanity in search of life itself. Going beyond does mean: to discard the judgment of people, and accept the cost of learning your own identity; in a search that leads to a new destiny in you. "But why", was a constant feature in my own learning/ turns out, I would use the information collected for the purposes of this writing to you. At the time, "it was just BUT WHY"? Not that you would or will experience the same; each journey is personal, and requires your identity to be formed. Identity means: taken away from every influence but self/ this will remain true, it is YOUR "desire and purpose unleashed". Mine is simply put: LIFE on this planet MUST survive/ nothing else but eternity, GOD, AND JESUS matters more. Although the spiritual woman inside owns a place not yet completely distinguished, she is RESPECTED. She DID make it possible for me to complete this message: change is required of you/ or death will come. I AM thankful, and honestly happy for her presence in that regard; "the rest is hard; because I make it so. I DID, love male". Not simple to discard that. No idea how it all turns out.
Want is an abyss; "it cannot be filled". Therefore want becomes a liar, because it descends from life, into an endless thirst for more. Pride demands a loser/ therefore it is, the end of real friendship. Power contorts, and disguises everything, for the purpose of control.
Lust simply uses or abuses your body or theirs, for the sake of chemicals. The person involved, is merely a body, and little more: it is stealing, as is consistent with all addiction. A person lost to addiction MUST be required to "see themselves". In sexual addiction that means: "tie them up to something strong"/ and then let "what makes them hungry for the drug" be placed in front, out of reach. The face does not truly matter, "it is merely a trophy or prize"/ only body. They will quickly focus down. If you can record that image for themselves to see, do so. If you cannot place mirrors so they can easily see for themselves: what this "looks like, and is". No hiding/ no running away/ no excuses. Make a decision. But do remember this as well: just because a man looks down at breasts, does not make him lustful. They are, and are intended to be: the "outward sign and seal of woman". [The world does have "liars"/ not a surprise]. Often, if you could read his mind: it is a sign of "if only (a) woman could be here, with me; I would be thankful". Lust does this too/ but few women misunderstand that.
Beware of spiritual truth; it is a great blessing/ but one wrong or right turn (this one is both; right for the world/ not so good for male; but being male is not everything. Its just one form of life. Life is still a blessing), can change your entire eternity, and life on earth. DIFFERENT! You really cannot imagine; just DIFFERENT, hard to describe, or grasp. Different, not a clue male and female were such different realities. They do seem almost similar; I thought I could understand as male or life, if absolutely necessary. Not true, just too different.
Not your religious anything/ not your enemy/ certainly not your savior. YOU MUST "save yourselves" by changing what you can: proving LIFE ITSELF SHALL NOW COME FIRST FOR THIS PLANET. Literally because we do understand, there is NO other choice. We are too many people on earth, for any other way. Want, is irrelevant. But want has absolutely nothing to do, with a true or happy life/ it is merely a worthless disgrace, with consequences. Nothing lost of any value at all. Accept truth, and it will return you to life on earth. Anything less will end it. Truth will decide for life! What you believe, or your religions believe, or your universities believe, etc: has no bearing unless it is in fact proven true/ by life and time itself. Which does simply state, "you are not gods, nor is your religion or university".
"Just a plain man, with consequences"; no prediction how it all ends/ or renews into something else! BEST WISHES. Nothing here is condemnation of its own accord; just the reality of threats identified, that have NO right to be here. The demand for you to understand that, simply journeys where it must; as best I could. Perfection is a fantasy/ not here. This work is functionally written within "biblical style & concepts". SINCE they refuse to listen to simple and direct, or true. You just have to overload them with information; so much so, that they do finally discover some value/ somewhere in the text provided. Fundamentally, so they can call it their own. It is, A long, slow path to understanding oneself, our world, our humanity; but religion does prove, it is, as best we can.
Some, perhaps many will believe "they could have done MUCH better"/ and it may be so; not for me to judge. BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS: now it is, "your turn to try". It is NECESSARY for you, to make the rest of humanity KNOW; that unless we all change and protect life on this planet from humanity itself; we will not survive. It is NECESSARY for you to find the ways and means, to aid and abet that fact. It is NECESSARY for you to work as hard as you can, even if you must then discard everything else that would be good in your own life. Because life on this planet/ this earth IS WORTH that price. Not a hard concept/ but it is "expensive" on an individual level. However without a planet, its nature, its everything of value: nobody has life. Our existence has become "our choice". Because nature can no longer survive us! That fact, HAS irrevocably changed this world. We must change with it/ or we will not survive. Not a guess, just the facts.
A decision required of us all.
In the final analysis of what you need to do this work; I will add the following, demanding of you: that you do understand and respect my dad and I did love each other. The reality of this work however has lasted a long time in human years or life-span. My dad did his best to give me the freedom required/ the support needed. But a few years back, before he died: with every courtroom in the state and nation DESTROYING THE CASE I presented. He began to believe, "I MUST be wrong/ all these leaders, the best of the best DON'T believe this is anything to worry about. Therefore I must be the fool". That led to division/ that led to some stealing from my office when I was away; trying to discern what "I was up too"/ if not important to life. He did NOT understand. That led to MORE division and the edge of contempt. But I was never "perfect" either. Nonetheless, that had consequences for his eternity; "it just does". I let him decide just how far or how much his LOVE would choose for me. It was never in jeopardy, but we were both, a bit tired of the consequences of this work before your eyes.
But it is also true, that when death is at your door/ you must have abandoned life, and everything of value it represents; so you cannot be left behind. Each one MUST turn from those you love/ whatever you value in truth, and leave with the spirit inside; or be abandoned by eternity. Or more simply: it is necessary to give your heart (the essence of what and why you value life, and wish to survive) to GOD. Therefore he was prepared. It should be noted as well: "that dad was macho man to the end"/ the whole concept of "spiritual woman" in any form; was "lets say ridiculous, at best". Nonetheless, what is true is simply true, and needs none to believe. The reality of that existence in me; STOPPED passions from turning into wars (its too late for anything else). She made it possible to remain legal/ because there is no other way; war cannot change humans. They must do that for themselves. Truth stands alone, or with many; doesn't matter: because it nevertheless remains true. Even if I remain "alone/ too few to count"; that does not mean this message of life or death for a planet is untrue. It simply means, you will soon be dead; and wishing in terror; you had not done these things. Your children assassinated besides/ no future left. THAT IS NOT said to make you fear: it is simply, what the evidence says to me. Go search and decide for yourselves, is NOT an entire planet worth that? "Just by determination" it could be said: perhaps he deserves at least a short investigation about "fire from the sun or mutilating all of nature". Not a game/ you DO understand the potential consequences! You do understand the concept: NO going back/ NO second chances, LIFE OR death.
What is true of men is: that they will return to what they have always done/ as soon as possible; and that makes the future impossible. This world, as it is: identifies and culminates as, "the best men did do". This is their way, as a majority of men deciding for society and life on earth. Are they not the leaders in government, university, and everything else! Indeed they are; history is sufficient to know what they will do. Thousands of years cannot be wrong. Man has not changed, only his tools, and opportunities to destroy. If you read biblical history in particular (thousands of years ago; as accurate as you can get): you can easily recognize, "not fundamentally different" than are we. We now face extermination/ believe it or not: let the evidence decide. Be honest, not stubborn; let the evidence decide what is most important: "the price, of wrong; is TOO HIGH". In this particular case when being wrong is the end of our planet or its nature or its life/ environment etc. My truth is: WE CANNOT BE WRONG! It is absolutely necessary to fight, a legal battle. To fight FOR LIFE. That is the truth that drives me most. Being wrong as a result of these massive threats against our lives, is the end of life on earth. We must not be wrong/ we must NOT gamble with an entire planet, its nature, its everything called value as life or resource or time. Legal means: WE ALL have an equal right to make this decision/ IT IS NOT "yours alone". Our lives too!
That is different from the spiritual truth: NEVER decide, "I better not take any chances/ and error on the side of belief". That becomes a sacrifice; and it ends wherever your belief will take you. NEVER good. The trials and tragedy that come with it, are simply demands: TO REMOVE THIS TRASH! "It ain't polite/ just necessary".
What is or is not true, cannot be considered "a belief"! That is established by the fact this decision is yours alone/ you are the identity being questioned for acceptance within a specific truth. What is true identifies and understands, your acceptance as soul. What is not true, is thrown out: belief is neither true nor false, at its source, it is simply "I don't want to make a commitment bigger than this". But that leaves out, "a place for you" in eternity. An identity is your truth accepted or changed to be: now I am ALIVE, this is my truth accepted, until time runs out for you! The spiritual world does NOT accept anything less than truth/ it will be thrown out. There is no more time: no second chances to "try again". If the composition of you as truth, "is less than enough: IF YOU did not become a recognizable identity, by your decision, in time"/ then you are thrown out too. Just how it is. MERCY, IS EVERYTHING ELSE. Or not.
This war for life on earth is not over, it is just beginning with you. Power and pride are not just going to stop. Want is not simply going away. There will be costs you didn't expect along the way. Perhaps some surprises too/ I know I am surprised, with this whole "spiritual woman" thing; you can't imagine. Otherwise, As for me, many are the people I could have helped, or loved so much better; if not for this message, "our very planet is in peril/ all life on earth stands at the edge of extinction". You too, must choose what is "the most important truth of your life". The most critical purpose, desire, and destiny you are willing to accept. It is not a game. Life for this planet is now a decision. Even if you make that decision but fail to carry it through; the planet or its nature dies: you too, as well as your children, and everything else.
To combat power, pride, and want: it is absolutely necessary to produce a trial: that investigates carefully/ identifies our reality by the evidence/ and produces a true composite description of our future as life on this planet: if we don't change. Anything less leaves open the door for doubt/ and it is a guarantee power, pride, hate, want, selfishness, and every other form of failure to humanity will rush through. Even then, CHANGE MEANS DIFFERENT/ and different always has unexpected costs. People will become upset/ but life in society will benefit and grow in happiness as time goes on. Peace, and realistic opportunities will rule. If society itself identifies JUSTICE, and accepts the price of change through justice as best we can. You will survive and thrive after a few years/ to repair at least the worst of destruction evident or not evident as is needed today. It is your decision, and it will be your fate/ or destiny for life. Fate means: after that decision/ you had no choice. Destiny means: I have chosen for my life, a journey into truth; as desire, love, respect, and purpose in me allows. Regardless of the outcome; As best I can. Never forget: you cannot make a decision that changes someone else's life/ without changing yourself, without affecting their eternity. Or more simply "don't play god". They must choose for themselves. Even if its wrong. After that, the law decides. After time in eternity; if you have chosen the law/ then the law owns you, and every molecule so to speak that is not perfect: WILL be changed, by you/ or punished by law. It is not "happy"/ it is only "life, instead of death (forever lost)". After entering the spiritual world, these will greet you/ every single one, that has grown weary of trying to be "perfect". Pass them by/ their decision has been made.
I finish within this reality: although I have complained "too much" at times/ didn't do, what should have been done, at times/ and in general failed about as much as succeeded: I am "happy the spiritual woman did join me". She is responsible for helping me complete this work/ it could not have been done without her. That too, is true. I am, Happy this work is done for me, you DO have your chance to see within yourselves: a possibility to survive, and even do better than ever before. I am without doubt or expectation understanding and accepting that we the people of this earth WILL live or die by our own decision. BUT WE CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT: GOD, OUR CREATOR: TO HELP US SURVIVE. Too much damage is done. Every miracle of life, testifies to the fact, this is true. FIND your respect, and FIND your soul. It is buried under your pride, want, greed, lust, hate, thirst for power, etc! "Throw these away"/ or more simply clean your heart and mind and life. It is the price of survival. Some will refuse/ it is, "the people who do, that will decide if life on earth shall continue". You then, "have become a key"; make your decision, and pay the price. One way or the other/ there is no middle ground. Our reality is: either life for the planet/ or its death as a planet. No second chances/ and NO, changing your mind. CHOOSE!
Because this is so important, in every possible way; life threatened on earth. I will suggest one last time, with honest and real preparations: it should be in every way, possible. That any or all women can gather on this farm; to discuss their methods and ways for a future. To decide what democracy and law can do for them and this world. To decide whatever you choose to discuss. Everyone equal/ minimal organization; if you can all together a group, and hold their interest: you are a "focus group" for these purposes; leader if you like. Not fancy or anything more than just a place to assemble. It is my true opinion: this world/ we all need you to do that/ TO BEGIN, working for: LIFE FIRST, for our world! Since this is the only, or last "possibility" for me to suggest/ in helping you accomplish that as your reality, and your work. Trials are fundamentally over/ dependent upon the supreme court. I DO start the process, with or without them: asking simply, DO THE BEST YOU CAN. DO, whatever it is that you can honestly do, even when it seems perhaps too much in some ways/ and too little in other ways. Every form of survival is about doing the best you can WITH what you have.
This farm is owned today by my mom/ sisters/ and me. If they refuse, I will tell you quickly. But they will not be asked until at least some potential that you have accepted this gathering exists. If you begin honestly and with purpose, I do believe it will be accepted. If they refuse, an alternate location will be found if you choose to send the money digitally. It can be returned; an accountant will be hired, once the agreement exists. Or it is decided not going to happen/ therefore returned. That cost will be removed equally; a completely separate account already exists, for these web sites: it is the same as will be used for this gathering.
When this is a question in fact: their answer will appear here. "We begin: what and how". Is the essential construction required, and when sufficient people commit; a donation will be asked and collected, in advance of all work; there is no credit! For these purposes, with an accurate accounting based upon need; will exist. WHEN it is completely clear, this can and will happen. . The reality of "services, food, water facilities, electricity, waste, sewage, etc; are all dependent upon how many commit to coming/ and what donations are collected to make that construction possible. Simple temporary shelters if donations are adequate, and so on.
Assuming I am alive, I will certainly help you; etc/ if not this can still be done. I am not the important part. Life is/ your choice is! This is, my intent simply: better to at least begin, to create a moment, so NO excuses exist. Than to simply let life die without even a chance. You DO, have your chance/ even if it ain't perfect. "I cannot do that"/ How could that not be true.
I strongly suggest you do the same, in every conceivable way; create a possibility; do what you can, or at least potentially can do. Sometimes people do care, sometimes people do share, sometimes it "made all the difference" even if it was a small gesture. Doesn't matter where or how. None of the threats we face, will die of their own accord. We, or you: must make decisions, that are justified and fair, and will survive the realities of this world: and then, carry them through. Democracy means, by our vote we do rule ourselves: YOU DO, own your own vote. It is more powerful than you think.
I did suggest coming here before, once to ask women for help. No commitment, therefore no preparations/ the end. Once after to demand "I need to know". That was abandoned almost immediately, believing women are not going to tell me anyway. Its currently like that, between men and women most of the time. Not the best plan; but I was running out of options and time; "our world can literally end at any time, because of the experiments now running or coming".
If there was a better place I could suggest, I would. This is the only realistic possibility for me/ but not for you, you can organize anywhere you wish. This one is not free, you do have to pay the farmer (as necessary), and the family for costs/ and it will not be available, at best; until the end of September, for a large gathering. Which is generally too noisy for me to stay; dependent upon crop drying & trains idling (ears are damaged); I am not needed, so it doesn't matter. If it become truly serious very early, it is possible to repay the farmer and family; roughly $200,00.00 for the crop year. It is dependent upon price of crops/ grass/ and negotiations with the farmer renting. Additional costs such as insurance and returning the land to its original purpose are required as well. If you choose that: then, We can have the entire farm planted in grass, so as to eliminate the primary mud, and crop residue that will occur otherwise. I would highly recommend it. The land owed: is one plot around the house of 140 acres/ and another 18 or so, a mile away; half way between the railroad and here. More ground directly connected to the farm is possible/ if you pay; enough ground in fact, that a massive gathering can occur (this area is farmed ground; open); but not without preparations; again we must all eat, drink, and so on. You need to be making decisions, before planting and particularly chemical applications (kills grass); to make this work well: VERY soon. No later than, April 24 (money and people), if the farmer agrees. And NOT unless REAL documentation exists, that this can or will happen. One week before MAY 2013 begins, that option closes; IF, it is possible to delay that long. If you put up less, and designate it for grass/ the area around the house place can be extended; same deadline. Grass would allow for much greater preparations as well {that takes money in advance too}. That cannot be done, "without the money first/ and in time to make a difference". The money cannot be returned, unless the crop year can be maintained, with a fair expectation of no loss in yields. You do, have enough time. If you put forth enough money for a second year, and it seems wise: the farm potentially will remain open for this purpose at least another year; as honesty defines, and reality proves; this was worth the price. That money is not necessary until the end of this gathering. If you honestly and truly begin, this gathering will continue no matter what stands in the way/ it will continue as planned, regardless of permits or any other obstruction. Find a solution, that works/ not a problem or a delay! They are free to work with us, and invited/ but by no means shall they delay or deny access or turn you away for any cause, regardless what that is. No inspector/ no law/ no event/ no official: nobody, but an equal vote among us all as is your choice to come, being informed, on this site: shall decide. By your attendance or not. "Lawyers among you" should then be ready to file, and countersue for damages, as necessary, if attacked, or preparations are halted for any cause. The laws of civil procedure, etc: will demand "trillions" if you are very many/ and years of courtroom cases. THIS IS: THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE AND PREPARE, "TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT" FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. It is constitutional law! No right to oppose exists/ not in any form or manner! The opposition is reminded: THERE ARE A GREAT MANY WOMEN IN THIS WORLD. To be their enemy is not wise. This is not a game! Should failure and fools put up a blockade/ by the force of your numbers, it will NOT hold! With nobody but me in charge at this time; only I can be arrested: continue on with your work. Do, what you came to do! Assuming you do in fact, choose to work here. Those who wish too, can come ahead of time to decide what preparations will be done: one vote for me/ one vote each, for two distinct groups that you will compose as "the women here/ and the women on the internet forum groups, dedicated to this site". In some form or fashion as you desire: two or more votes; out of three decides. IF the work can be paid for/ there is, NO CREDIT here. Reality cannot be avoided.
I WILL do the best I can for you to prepare, so must you/ kindly do the same for me: may we all be "blessed by GOD". Let all do the best they can; everyone equal, without discussion. You must prove you are "a leader" to the women yourself, prepare as best you can. Remember this, even if it is a very successful gathering: YOU MUST still convince the world/ demand democracy, establishing change by vote/ communicate, and so on. To gather is to begin/ to change this world, is to unite and agree: accepting the price that will and must be paid. Not a game/ but neither is life or death for a world.
I am well aware "this ain't perfect": but, at least it is a start for you to begin considerations for "what CAN women do"/ for life first. HOW would women change this world; demanding survival, through truth and reality: as is the essence of LIFE MUST come first. Choices matter. This is about NO EXCUSES, therefore I begin for you; to establish and maintain: YOU DID have a choice. Please feel free, to find another solution/ it need not be this one: JUST START.
Not a game, everything absolutely necessary can and must be prepared as both money and people who will come: we must eat/ drink/ etc. Before a real land commitment begins; so all can be sure, this is worth the price. NO DESIRE EXISTS, for this to be less than, a real and true effort "for life on this planet comes first; a future we can all survive". Even if this place, or this reality is not "exactly what women want": this is our lives today. "Our truth" as a world, your truth as women: to find your voice, or not. We cannot survive what men have done/ your truth as women is determined by what you do, good or bad.
Men as a majority, have been proven to be: cannot or did not do what was necessary for life. THEN the only choice left is, Women must lead/ they must at least try: men want to survive too. Democracy is about a vote/ with your vote you can lead, even change a world. If your purpose is fair and justified, for all.
These abbreviated threats are our reality, this is what the best men did do is; and we cannot survive it.
We CANNOT WAIT, "For perfect"/ it is absolutely necessary to begin IMMEDIATELY; in every sense of the word. Our World is at risk. The date suggested here in October 2013, is to accumulate and represent your efforts PRIOR to coming. In other words, the work starts immediately; gather together, and come convince the rest: WE VOTE for this. Every aspect of life and society is in need of repair/ essentially NOTHING, cannot be significantly improved. Even if you don't believe that/ it is still possible to contribute to what WOULD be, "a better world/ that we CAN survive" for the future of us all. Even if you don't believe that, you should consider what it means: if you are proven wrong! There is no going back/ there are no second chances: most of these threats are "life OR death" for our planet, its nature, our future. It is not a game.
Initially I expected that those who could interpret "more than simple" would be better leaders, among you. Today, just so you know: there is none of that. Simple and plain are elements creating a foundation that stands strong against many things. Consequently there should be no "intellectual colorings". Just order, discipline, balance, and respect. If you can find these, you will do well.
As for me, not a clue really at how I fit in; life is so different/ I really don't fit anywhere. Will help if I can/ or leave if you prefer; not a problem. Not a game, honest. We must start, our time is literally running out. Believe it or not. The evidence of threats/ the catastrophe of failure, is real. Start anywhere/ start everywhere; just do the best you can. It is not a hard concept.
You can "find me"/ the address is given (search these sites): the physical volume of letters WILL functionally establish evidence/ that can be investigated and proven. If you send a check, it could be lost; I cannot guarantee it won't. Regardless, it will not be cashed until a true commitment is made that "this gathering shall occur/ therefore property payment and preparations begin as well." If it does not occur and you sent a check/ these will simply be destroyed, in front of witnesses to testify; put a stop payment on it if you wish. For lack of better; if you send a check; make it out to "women begin/ James F. Osterbur" So that it can be cashed; held in a separate account for you to use in this gathering or for these web sites/ because they are necessary to your work. This is not tax exempt as of yet/ not limited liability or a corporation to take charge: that too is something for your female lawyers to do. Along with filing as necessary to control the air space above us all/ it is an unnecessary risk. If or when they do, all payment will go directly there instead: but it does require, a board of directors that women choose for themselves. Consequently not as simple as it seems. For now, this is the best I can do. The best your female lawyers can do is: DEMAND A LEGAL MORATORIUM ON ALL GENETIC EXPERIMENTATION/ ALL WORK ASSOCIATED WITH BRINGING THE SAME FIRE HERE AS IS ON THE SUN; and any other crisis we face as a nation, state, or world. UNTIL, the women have had their say. They are OWED, the safety and sanctity of their own decision/ NOT to be sacrificed by you, in the event of human male driven catastrophe. Let them have their say/ OUR LIVES ARE BEING GAMBLED WITH, ALONG WITH OUR ENTIRE WORLD. NOTHING, is more unjust. Lawyer payments will be, as women demand it to be; I will NOT be involved; "your lawyers, not mine". Which means, either do it free/ or wait, for the people involved to see what you have done, and charged. Different than all other preparations, because it is vulnerable to attack and interpretation/ although unlikely; it can have unexpected long term consequences: therefore they must choose. Legal is not simply NECESSARY for life; it is a blessing or curse. As it is with all other work done here: if you did a good job, and met the time & needs correctly; there will be a bonus at the end; in realistic numbers by today's standard. Roughly expected to be 10% over the agreed amount, if the work is not less than average "good" or above..: my choice. Suitable, because this is no ordinary job. I have now exceeded the possibility, that anyone will let me adjust work, by simply "being less accurate or reliable". That means, it can be an endless cycle of "you owe me/ I expected more". Consequently I will charge a realistic and fair amount for work done; outside the actual gathering (that is free); in preparations. I have to pay my bills too.
One hundred and sixty acres, is the farm: one half mile by one half mile: DOES hold a lot of people: even more ground is likely possible, by renting. Particularly if they park somewhere else. A major train line is one and a half miles away, two more twenty miles/ two airports for large planes are roughly 25 miles away/ a third at 30 miles can handle medium size. Another at 50 miles, is the largest. Airports at Chicago and Indianapolis are a 4-5 hour drive. One interstate is 7 miles, two state highways same/ the second interstate is 20 miles away; a third connecting interstate is an additional 5 miles: "roughly". And there is more than sufficient, proven water resources under this farm. If that will help you decide. IT WON'T, be "luxury". What is possible here, or anywhere; is entirely up to you. If you are serious, "we will all know"; the evidence will be posted HERE: as women committed to come. As it becomes available.
The absolute minimum that can possibly make a difference is one thousand women/ we need as many as possible: its your life too, your child as well. Starts October 1, 2013/ ends three days later, or less; if only a few interested. IF there are very many more, it goes until the majority of women decide it stops/ most likely a 4-6 weeks as much colder weather begins. Men are welcomed to help "set up/ and take it down". BUT, This is intended to be; a "woman thing" you cannot stay for, "their work". That DOES NOT include any invitation for: forms of perversion, disguise, mental illness, or ANY other excuse by male. This is, female only, there are NO excuses/ what they allow for themselves in not up to me. As for me: somehow I am exempt, if women desire it; I will stay. I really don't know why; its complicated.
Whether these women decide to let female press into their gathering, or even broadcast is entirely up to the majority of women here. It is not a right/ consequently let the female lawyers coming; design a legal consequence as well; prepared, if needed. Make a decision and pay the price. A forum link will appear here, to help you organize; if in fact, this does becomes a reality. That is your decision not mine. I do not give interviews, and it is very unlikely I would change my mind: everything I wish to say in that regard can be found on these sites, or some investigation/ but not me. Don't ask. You failed, therefore I refuse.
I guess, I am done. This is "the best I could, or did do".
YOUR CHOICE NOW! Your world too; if we don't save ourselves, with new and different ways/ it cannot be done. Believe it or not, the evidence says, then we all die. THAT IS NOT an attempt to make you fear/ NOT an effort to gain something from you; consider the work. Not a game: and you should know that is true without further investigation. It is our reality/ this is my reality based upon a substantial investigation by me, over decades. You are free to dispute, but please be prepared to justify that. You are free to believe anything you wish: however what is true decides our reality/ lies won't work anymore, nature cannot survive what is being done; being wrong about that is death for the planet. "You too". Fear demands a savior/ that fundamentally is its purpose when used to "excite you"; as do the media. I am not a savior, and nothing here is intended to make you fear/ ONLY EDUCATE, in a manner and method that is necessary, as all other "more polite methods, throughout decades" did fail. Your media refuses to inform/ your courts refuse to defend/ your government leaders refuse to protect/ your universities are a major contributor to the problems we face. Men and their methods DID lead us here. That leaves nothing left for a world, but what women will or will not do. It is not a game, this is a reality of what "being wrong for the planet or its life" will cost.
"Just a little tidying up, left to do", for me. I have done my work. I have delivered this message to you: change or die/ its not a choice, it is our reality based upon the extreme population rise of humanity itself. And the horrors presented by university experimentation and more. The ways of men, that are no longer valid/ they are, threatening every existence of life and environment on this planet. Because they lead! We must do better. We must find DIFFERENT ways; that is, the only choice left that we do have. Anything less is chaos coming, in one form or the other/ for all. We ARE, at the final edge of a world falling apart, financially and in every other way. Time is short. This is functionally, the last you hear from me; in my efforts to persuade you "to learn better/ wake up/ grow up/ and understand". Decades have past/ tens of thousands of dollars have been spent/ lives have been changed, impacted, or affected/ a lifetime lost, to this singular purpose: we cannot survive what men have done. It started with the Cuban missile crisis, (save us please, and I will devote my life to removing these things) and unfortunately escalated from there, to a crisis on so many levels it can only be interpreted as the end of this world, without true change. I have finished my work. But I will not abandon you in this chance, that your work must have, for our lives, our planet, everything. It is that important. After that however, fail or succeed beyond "the wildest dreams"; I do expect my life back; "something else for me, for a change".
Even if supreme court trial begins. Because I am NOT a lawyer I cannot defend or present your interests in trial. Functionally that means the attorney general from each state must do that, will prosecute/ the federal attorney generals office will defend. Within the state of IL, your own lawyers will have to prosecute; one from each judicial district; I suggest you pick them by vote. Because these trials are in fact: to be, a constitutional reality case: which means we are all involved. Therefore not my job, I merely present; YOU must enforce. The presentation of knowledge, the construction of understanding or wisdom is based upon: a gathering of the people prior to court/ wherein they will choose for themselves, what shall or shall not be prosecuted, or investigated/ examined, etc. "Our nation/ our state; equals our right to know." Not about me, about US. Redress trial is accountability to the people/ tell us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So that reality can return: so that we can rebuild our lives, state, nation, future, and world.
Noted: the Syrian conflict is a horror story today; and needs this world to tell them: find a truce. Because the power of humanity by vote is, that we can introduce WORLD LAW, and policing to go get the leaders and bring them to trial, for what they have done or not done. NOT an attack on nations/ a demand that will bring leaders to justice: with penalties. Stop now, or the most severe penalties will come. It is our choice. IF, you fail to stop; & WORLD LAW becomes true; we will come for you, even years later.
They are preparing for war with N. Korea; because in fear the leaders of these people chose to betray everything else for war preparations. That leaves them with few options, without war. WORLD LAW can intervene here as well. As a world policing force, we can limit weapons, removing all weapons of mass destruction/ enforce boundaries/ and demand peace. It is a choice. A choice that can be an entire world, for, OR against: "just you".
The reality is: that a financial collapse for this entire world is extremely close/ that is what your leaders chose. That is what the university did. That is what devaluing the money does. That is the reality you chose as well, with your greed. IT WILL end quickly in war for a world/ because people will be abandoned to starve, and that means either kill or be killed. WORLD LAW can intervene here as well. We can change the money supply, and divide the reality of what buys necessities/ and make this "only so much per person/ no exceptions". Same for all. Which makes us equal, in terms of our needs. We can do more. It is a choice. The only difference between an economic depression and not is: that the game of money has established too many losers/ thereby depression exists. Remove the money as ruler. Demand life is not a game: and things will immediately change, IF YOU ARE JUSTIFIED in your demands, and realistic about immediate needs.
Reality knows: many will consider me "too weird or extreme or whatever words you like". That is not fundamentally my problem or yours. THIS IS about "life first, for our planet" and is NOT about me. This is about, do you as women of this world, desire or demand a say in what our future is going to be? Or, are you just going to let men continue to decide? The evidence of threats CAN be investigated, before you commit. Do the best you can. But remember this: you DO have a direction established/ but are not firmly constructed by the order of a distinct decision. That leaves you open, to become a "mob/ hypnotically vulnerable to believe you are an army". You are not an army/ you are to be a legal rebellion: "we have a better way".
You are to discover what true democracy means, and find a future we can all survive. Which means that constitutional law rules/ and democracy defines. To assemble the words, the methods, or the means: to demand that "government" shall change. To provide the definitions and the human force to declare: WE WILL VOTE, as a nation or state; ON THESE DECISIONS, FOR OURSELVES. Our employees SHALL obey their oath, and do as democracy itself demands. WE WILL DEMAND, as democracy has decreed: "We the people" rule ourselves, by the law WE CREATE. By our own vote as citizens with an absolute right to control and change our fate, our government, our universities, industry, and everything about our lives, our future, and our participation in this world.
TO BE THAT for yourselves, it is absolutely necessary "to think for yourselves/ and NOT be influenced beyond: what truth itself can inform and instruct regarding reality. Truth MUST be your leader. Which means simply: after all the information has been gathered/ each side has had its say: to establish what your truth is. There shall be a one by one decision, regarding each statement that you assign for a vote. True or not true/ majority rules. When you have reached your truth/ THEN you are free to construct the disciplines and boundaries necessary to rebuild society and this world. Want is irrelevant, truth decides. But within every truth, are the means to choose a future/ so long as you pay the price. NOT "charge it"/ but pay the price. It won't be free. But neither was your greed, selfishness, or other. Unlike these however, honesty combined with truth brings happiness, hope, peace, and respect for all life. How is that NOT better?
Because it is true, I cannot save this world/ not a single life. We must do this together. WE, must save ourselves! I am NOT greatly concerned with society, just so you know. I AM CONCERNED ABOUT LIFE ON THIS PLANET FIRST. Everything else is secondary or irrelevant to me.
BY OUR DECISIONS/ by the truth we can commit to a future together. Reality demands it, or we die; if even one of the threats listed on these sites comes true; this world becomes in terrible trouble, or dead. I refused to let them be wrong, without a fight! THAT is the end of my story, that is the functioning difference between me and the vast majority. That is a decision you must make for yourselves; if you will let them be wrong, and gamble with all life on earth. I cannot "change your mind (even if proving, liars exist, or truth demands an investigation)/ it is something only you can do".
I literally do, refuse to be "just me" anymore. I did my job. I did do, the best I could do. Your turn, for life. Rise or fall, you have your opportunity. With the internet a humorous picture of other can find millions of viewers across the world within a week. You have then NO EXCUSE. You can do this, if you choose it, and work. It is that simple.
Any and all who have honestly done something for this effort are appreciated and thanked. Time has run out, "for just me, or whatever few have helped". Our world is in trouble. That is not a little thing; it requires us all.
I HAVE done the best I could do; therefore this is "the end of the road" either help or quit. With that said, the only thing left is, "to increase in joy as we work together for our future. Or abandon you, simply for me.
My path is now; to increase as joy inside of me; with or without you; as best I can. As the critical and true understanding "I did do, the best I could" replaces my own existence in: "I MUST"; do this for life and planet. It is my duty! You do have your chance, it is now YOUR DUTY. If you refuse it, I cannot help/ it is your choice.
I am not your savior/ therefore free of responsibility anymore; I did do my duty to life, child, planet, and you. You are free to believe otherwise! I will return to my own life, and leave you alone; it is your right to refuse working for this world, if you wish. You can say NOT now for a million reasons or so; BUT you cannot return this earth to survival once we pass the point of no return; "Moments away, or more correctly far too close". OR, I will help, if that is your choice/ as best I can. At soon to be sixty years old, it is time/ if not attacked, or murdered: for "look at me: sewage by any standard". By someone who believes in some religious concoction, or just wants to say "I won, because I am left standing; he couldn't stop me", insanity is like that. Otherwise, that is NOT likely to happen, "without as much publicity" as possible. That is because I am not needed here, "it won't make a difference". Therefore NO, real effect, unless the gathering is already started.
I am NOT hoping for sympathy, or anything else; its just a historical relationship to facts. There is work to be done if you want it; but reality knows simply, as is testified by history: "Should I become a target (as in more than noticed)"/ there is always someone who just wants to prove "they can do it". IT WILL NOT MATTER. I cannot save you/ therefore my death makes little potential difference to the end result. DO YOUR BEST.
However it is true, that the most powerful men in the world WON'T like what you are doing here: I cannot guarantee absolute security. It is just a fact of life. But it is equally true, if we do not stop the destruction and change what must be changed: there is no life for tomorrow. Therefore no cause to hide or run away exists/ "there simply is no place to go". The world itself, is at risk. We cannot "run to another planet". We must save this one! We cannot suddenly make men different, they led us here, because this is what they choose to do/ BUT WE CAN, "let women try". It is not a hard concept; you may be pleased; is that not possible? They cannot do worse, than threaten our extinction, even our planet and in fact this entire solar system (making this planet like the sun)/ how can that, not be true! Let women try!
It is Not particularly important, if I live or die soon: not up to me. Eternity will never notice a few more days or not: for an individual life. I WILL however remain steadfast, and without doubt; this is the work I have lived for/ and won't abandon it until completed. One way or the other. The same must be true for you; Live or die for anyone, is certainly NOT cause for change: do the best you can/ work hard. We have only one planet, and believe it or not: it dies only one time. Nature on the other hand, by being mutilated will suffer "ten thousand deaths", or more/ before it surrenders completely. It is HORROR without end. Surely that is worth your time. Because it is not a joke/ not a game: IT IS SIMPLY, the cost, and the reality of what is being done today. A second too late, is dead, for our world. I do recommend you PRAY TO GOD OUR CREATOR!
It is not, "a hard concept".
As for me; never did I have a desire to enter a courtroom/ never did I have a desire to spend a lifetime, working against threats, or living essentially alone/ never did it EVER occur to me, "anything female" could enter my personal life/ never did I expect to be dependent upon women as a final concept in: as in there are no other solutions. Pretty much, it is all "a big surprise".
Or more simply: follow your heart/ but understand, you really cannot predict where it will take you. Life is a journey, "pick a direction". Be content with your destiny, even if it is "a BIG surprise". That journey is, the reflection or identity that serves witness to the essence of your own life/ the truest desires of your heart: be honest with yourself. Change what you can, as needed; before time runs out. Change your world, because time is running out. So says all the evidence of life. Believe it or not is completely irrelevant; truth decides what is real, thereby predictable: about the future, present, and past.
THIS IS, "A SPECTACULAR WORLD"/ of clear and certain miracles!
At least what humanity has not already destroyed: How can you possibly NOT understand, DON'T threaten our world !
This is it for me, last time/ last chance/ last everything: which does include support for the web sites I have provided. Whatever you decide to do for yourselves, will be respected. IT IS YOUR CHOICE. This is my choice.
THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY, it is not mine/ I did my job.
If you choose to come/ then come prepared, fit (because it will be necessary), polite, kind, fair, and forgiving. Willing to listen, but prepared to talk and SHARE the discussion. Prepared to vote, for yourself, without being influenced by "all the rest". Vote for yourself. Prepared for "an outdoor experience"/ where the average temperature is roughly 60 degrees F. Do not expect "fueling stations" for electric or gas vehicles. If this is to be large, that is simply not realistic or wise. Otherwise, it may be so.
Just so its clear, for the religious who may condemn me:
The book of Revelation 19 prophecy of "a great prostitute who corrupts the earth; although it can be such a thing as university(parts or pieces, of the whole): she cannot be less than a nation". As is constant in men throughout history: whenever something goes wrong, "they blame women, therefore she". Prostitute here means: sold what had great value, "for little more than money, want, power, or pride". This prostitute is different than revelation 17. "I just interpret, I don't write them". I need not be "religious" to do that. It is however true, that I DO, accept JESUS, as biblically described; as my savior. Kindly remember that, and do NOT disrespect HIS memory; please. I have followed "his path"/ and that brings me here to you. GOD IS, our obvious CREATOR; although any other true description other than JESUS is beyond me. Miracles are not found in chaos/ they are found in order, disciplines, balance, truth, love, and respect. Simple and plain.
Fear OR Foundations for life, it is a choice.
When simple cannot be sustained/ more complex is required.
Of the various realities we face in life and time, the most distinctive is a relationship with fear or foundations that lead beyond fear into the creation of disciplines, order, and balance to achieve an identity respected as our decision to accept ourselves to limit and obey life.
Fear is the elemental reaction, demonstrating what we believe either with a factual basis, or merely as fantasy assumed. Belief is in itself, the display of what we accept as knowledge without facts/ or assumptions created with facts, that have no clear basis in reality itself. Thereby belief is the functional association, that gives fear its formula for success. What we know can hurt us/ what we don't know can hurt us/ what we believe can save or kill us. Therefore the elements of being right or wrong, both have consequences in belief. What you believe is not a foundation/ rather it is an association with personal acceptance: this is what I want/ OR this is what I don't want. Simple and plain, these are judgments about life, people, relationships, and every form of power and/ or pride that exists.
What is necessary to understand, begins as life itself. Elementally life starts with a question: will you, or will you not accept the price that is " being alive"? Or more simply, being given dimension, and time: as a relationship to existence/ will you turn back to "nothing"? The answer shall be "I will live, if possible". Which does mean, the next step in that process is a fight, to assemble and protect what has been given, in the construction of what is important for living. Or more simply, want begins life/ living requires "I won", and remain alive/ but then plainly the decision is required: "What now"? The answer: I will fight for what I want/ which is the elemental display of power. Thereby we are born in these three distinctions: you must want to live/ you must fight to survive/ and you must choose what is important for yourself: as is functional selfishness. Congratulations, you have begun/ but you have also learned to fear.
Foundations beyond elemental beginnings require: an acceptance of reality that is based in something other than simple want/ or you fail to achieve even one simple ascension into life itself. For most that begins with an assembly of belief's, what we can seek outside ourselves/ with our without the consideration of "complications"/ such as truth. Fantasy allows for the creation of multiple personality compositions. These become the basis for an environment created within self/ so as to discard reality, and prove "I can do this by myself/ I DON'T need anyone". Truth however cannot tolerate fantasy, beyond the limits of "just plain silly, or frivolous"; and the war then begins. The battleground is: "can I be god"/ OR, must life itself be "GOD" over me? Those who demand to be god, find themselves at the end of life itself/ abandoned to their own fate, "you, are god/ aren't you (a horrible mistake)"! Whereas those who believe in truth by all its relationships with life, are governed within those compositions, and must either accept the price that exists/ or learn to change what can be changed, because truth DOES allow it through knowledge and understanding. With wisdom and opportunity/ with courage, discipline, balance, and order; you get more. So then the question becomes one of two foundations are required of each one: either the fantasy world of "you can be god"/ or the real world of life is GOD, and you must develop a relationship governed by respect to live here.
Respect is, the foundation of every relationship that exists. Without true respect, there is no foundation, and with no foundation/ no relationship exists; it is a lie, a deception, or merely a convenience dedicated to taking something from you through intellectual traps. Every relationship is governed by respect/ none are exempt; even if you love someone, and they love you/ without respect you have no working relationship only the promise it will get better if respect comes first. Every marriage is governed by respect/ when respect fails, so does the marriage. Every relationship is governed by respect, including our relationships with life itself/ or in its more complex state "with GOD" Himself. Not as a fantasy, "we are buddies and pals; or you prayed and now santa delivers"/ BUT as is consistent with GOD OUR CREATOR and HIS creation (you). Faith assembles our relationship. Faith is: where only truth may dwell.
In this world filled with fantasies and human conceptions of "trash"/ the reality of explaining GOD does exist/ simply look at the miracles of life; is necessary! Even though it should not be. The reality of explaining: sufficient evidence exists in the historical record and the subsequent change in human existence to prove: JESUS did save us all, from believing we "must be abandoned by GOD". By establishing a life, that explained: NO, we are not! This too is a fundamental foundation. Now we have three: that truth builds a life/ respect governs all life/ and eternity is real, as proven by the elevation of thought. Real means: NOT restricted by belief/ it is then faith.
Thought then confronts all, who have ascended beyond the simplest stage of life called want/ pride/ and power. There is no thought in these, merely intellectual confrontations with the goal of proving "I am god". Thought begins in, the intentional elimination of "playing god"/ so as to encounter the comprehension, and RESPECT necessary to ascend beyond ourselves into a relationship with GOD. Life is, the elemental proof of OUR CREATION/ thereby GOD Himself. We are miracles, and unable to construct ourselves as bodies, beyond physical "did the best we could/ or not". We are however responsible for the building of thought. What we allow, create, and construct as our relationship with both time and our existence as self/ prior to any ascension further defined. Time is functionally pyramidal/ or more simply it creates itself as a point in space so to speak/ and then extends down and outward (as time goes by, to encompass more), in the four directions of humanity. Men have claimed "north" for themselves/ which leaves women "south". Reality states, that to the right of men (east), are the innovations and elevations of both religion and thought. While to the left of men (west) are the fundamentals of physical existence and life in body. Same is true of women, as she follows the lead of men.
Thought ascends within respect, as the identity chosen by self, to participate in the discovery of life. Identity is then critical to existence, because self as is consistent with humanity is not enough. Identity conceives of a destiny/ rather than a fate (I have no choice). Identity constructs a disciplined order, to the journey that becomes "life alive". Thought graduates from balance to beyond, ONLY when the environmental realities of humanity itself, are left behind. Thought then destructs what is NOT true/ so as to refine and express an experience that eliminates time itself. These are dimensional distances that assemble the passage between truth and life beyond ourselves. A dimension in thought is, the creation of a relationship with GOD. Although it is NOT functionally correct, as a direct relationship/ it is our beginning: the elemental knocking at the door/ so to speak. ALIVE (I have found truth inside, speaks) therefore GOD listens.
Critical to the elevations called thought/ are its associations with love: the only thing, this universe truly lacks enough of. Thereby the ascension of disciplines, that conceive of dimensional environments beyond ourselves/ is the expansion that is love: or more distinctly, "I have room in my life, for you, and yours". Love is a shared existence, a relationship governed by caring through respect and careful acceptance of the limits and boundaries which we both impose; or we both eliminate for each other/ as in the purity called freedom. Freedom in purity is, the right to know "I am enough"/ therefore I can participate as I am. Freedom is not, unrestrained fantasies. Freedom is clear and certain realities, understood as a gain to life itself. To gain peace, harmony, LOVE, and happiness; IS the purpose of life.
The elemental summary of all sites I provide: therefore on the top of each one; for continuity; so you may know. Establishes one simple thing. That I have done the best I could, for "we the people of this earth/ and this nation". Court trials that prove it is so. Not that you need to believe that/ it is simply true. Not perfect by any means; but adequate to describe a state of reality that can exterminate our lives: DOES EXIST. You are now dependent upon yourselves. To trust what has brought us all these threats, is unworthy of life.
The question presented is NOT: whether I am wrong or right/ that is fundamentally unnecessary. The question is: IN EXPERIMENTS, that literally endanger our very existence as a planet/ as the nature we require to survive and be happy/ as the reality of a decision that can take away our future, and destroy life on this planet: SHOULD WE NOT HAVE OUR OWN SAY? Your leaders and your courts say NO! Should we NOT legally be informed as to the risk of being wrong? Your media says NO. Should we NOT have a vote on the reality of an experiment that will turn this planet into a sun: when their theory is proven wrong. Your time to find out, to insist on that vote; will end.
They can create this fire, and they are mutilating all of NATURE ITSELF, which is the "factory and instructions and utilities etc/ that build the bodies of life" called DNA. Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire. It will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days. They DO bet our lives on what is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back! Which means we live or die/ based upon their theory! That along with mutilating every living creature on the planet by altering genetics: what builds us/ can easily destroy us instead. Is the reason for this work, and a lifetime commitment to ending the threats we cannot survive. Not even as a planet.
How is that, not your concern/ its your life; or your death. Because a tiny few said: "Let us bring the fire on the sun here/ while others said, lets play god". And still others said: "lets play with the single most destructive event in the history of this universe". Not a game/ by stealing your money, and controlling your government: they have built machines to exterminate us all. Can't believe it is true: consider the next big thing an exowatt laser: stated to be 1million times more, than 10 billion 100 watt light bulbs of heat, packed into a single laser beam. A fire so ferocious; It will ignite the same fire as is on the sun/ here upon this earth. IF the national ignition facility does not succeed first. The need to confront and establish full documentation, that will allow you, "the defenses necessary" to establish "university expertise is not perfect". Is on these sites, but they are extensive: download them/ so they cannot be taken away. Support them, when that is necessary. If not before, the exowatt laser does represent the single most likely event to destroy this world immediately: expected roughly 9/1/2015. Although the others, are equally dangerous. Time does run out/ this world dies only once. Are you willing to be WRONG? There is no going back, these are life or death for a world, each and every one that constitutes a real and true threat. US SUPREME COURT TRIAL
A supporting site for www.justtalking3.info
TRUE TO THE PURPOSES OF THESE SITES; the foundations laid by need, and the structures of peace and law built. Do testify and create, the final purpose of this work, which is: that women of this world, particularly this nation; SHALL come together to identify and choose, what would be "their solution" for this world's problems/ our problems and our future. Men have designed and created what exists today, and the consequences that will come, without change: threatening our very extinction, world war, and even more. We will NOT survive that/ not even as a planet. Through their leadership and courts: the opportunity to change, to protect, defend, respect, etc: was absolutely rejected, a criminal attack against our law, democracy, etc. They still refuse. THE NEED FOR CHANGE IS MASSIVE, our lives and even our planet are in trouble. THIS IS: for your decision: WHAT WOULD WOMEN DO DIFFERENTLY? And the expressions in law and reality that would give you as women the opportunity to make a difference, and lead this world by democracy.
A vote can be, a very powerful tool. JUSTICE is a clear decision, to share and care for ourselves, our world, and the future; AS EQUALS! It is a choice, men have failed severely. Therefore as women alone, gathered together as one: DO YOU, or do you not: DEMAND YOUR SAY! The purpose is true democracy, the reality is redress: an accountability governed by constitutional law. The consequence is: a legal revolution/ to resurrect our laws, our rights, our money, and our democracy as intended. Not a game, we are in trouble as a nation and a world. This is your chance as women: TO LEAD CHANGE, and demand equality for all!
A summary progression, establishing what I believe to be, the most important part: summarized as "LIFE COMES FIRST"/ No more gambling with life or planet.
In the elements of our time, the existence of grace is, "to understand and believe in the value of another human being". To express and sustain, that "I" will not judge or measure another human being; because they are equal to me.
What is beautiful reflects that truth, and adds in the freedom to decide simply "I am ALIVE" inside, where all life begins. Alive means, nothing in my soul condemns me; I have done the best I could.
The achievement that is woman knows: every possibility that is human life, "comes through me". Every desire that is beyond survival, is elevated through "me". The distance we walk, hand in hand as male and female; finds romance only through "me"/ the pleasure of our path together. Foundations called sex, reflect the essence of our truth, both male and female; but it is the destiny of female, and the reality of male, "only a woman decides, for life". Love expands the meaning of our existence, trust builds the soul and dedicates our hearts, to the desire and purpose we choose most/ but it is love simple and plain, that gives "woman her name"> built from a part of male he cannot be whole without.
Time is an element of grace, to find inside oneself a destiny created by the foundations we choose and hold most dear. Freedom is an understanding beyond the boundaries of body, that reflect the most sincere distinctions of our lives: to see ourselves as truth. Alive is the discovery, "I am not alone, my life lives with me". The difference is a truth that could not and did not build itself/ because miracles came first; therefore what is life came. What is life built. What is life gave the inheritance, that is "a little piece" of its own self, to me/ that I might, we each can, assemble ourselves as truth.
Love breathes through our soul. Soul means: I belong, I have accepted a relationship in true respect with GOD, my/ our CREATOR. The breathe of life itself is then NOT as body, but measured only by trust; life is, the essence of every moment we choose GOD.
It was said a long time ago, that you found "something of value in my shadow". Today, if it is time ending, a reality that cannot be changed, "I will remember or write these things, in your shadow".
May GOD, find you easily; because of love.
What is beautiful. The answer: everything that GOD did create.
A writing established, because I am simply tired of being forced to deal with your failures/ your fantasies/ your lies, theft, cheating, disrespect, disgrace, threats, and so much more.
In all this world, the essence of beauty means one simple thing: that the design or desire here is essentially flawless; even in a world of miracles, this does stand out. That beauty is NOT simply a measure of eye or ear, but of life. Because the desire that fills a heart with the elements of love, and chooses a destiny beyond oneself, is something that does stand out, in a world of lesser elements/ and greater things, than simple survival.
Our function as humanity is to discover and design our own identity, our own values that become the desire which surrounds us, and lives with us as the fabric of our own lives. That design establishing a human being who thinks. NOT as intellectuals think, BUT as life itself understands a relationship with GOD, our Creator; begins the journey of our search within eternity itself. The elements of our desire, purchase the decision we give our heart too. That heart demonstrates who we are inclined to be on the inside/ who we have chosen to be on the outside, as the grace to believe, we can be true to ourselves, even in a world so filled with greed and tragedy coming.
It is functional and necessary, to understand the primary elements of thought: or you cannot participate beyond yourself, in the essence of life. To understand life, it is necessary to be disciplined and create the foundations called value within yourself. If you do not/ you failed your humanity.
There is no greater value to life, than love! Love is a purity of purpose, designed by the desire to participate as one, instead of two, or more. Love requires truth to define it, respect to keep it alive, and happiness as is devoted to freedoms which keep our individuality sacred: so that "I, can be identified as loving, accepting, and choosing you" exists.
Therefore the search for life, elevates itself, by asking where shall true love, respect, and purity of purpose by desire and design be found? The clear answer begins with the biblical identity called JESUS. As no greater example of love, respect, purity or purpose can be found throughout the entire written history of human existence. Those who truly search for life itself, all begin here.
So then, the quest for knowledge all begins, with the measurements we can and do make with the mind or mental capacities given to each one/ but what is beyond human existence is spiritual, and spiritual cannot be measured. That leads to understanding instead, which allows for interpretations of thought as the value of CREATION itself. Human Understanding however does not extend to the foundation of elements called truth by universal law; unless documented by the existence of reality upon which we ourselves can depend. That becomes a dilemma, "a sea" in constant motion with the essence of life itself.
To stop the dilemma we must search within the spiritual context of truth itself, so as to identity the laws which serve to create and sustain existence not as a measurement/ but as life unleashed, into freedoms beyond existence, called an eternity. Spirit means: "I (an identity formed by your own truth)" have become a participant, in the sea of life. Sea means: an environment exists. Constant motion means: the journey cannot be stopped, or we die. The essence of life however defines an alternate version to motion as energy, which is thought itself.
Therefore the entrance of spirit and life, is thought/ by the value of love, purity, and respect: we find the elements of GOD. With lesser values, you search elsewhere, and end there.
This is a very limited discussion, because I say so.
Therefore we elevate the circumstances that assemble the various levels of thought, to an understanding that has nothing to do with intellectual reasoning. Rather life says/ therefore life understands, because you quit interfering and accept soul. Which means all can participate equally, through soul.
Thought asserts, that it is purity which grants the examination of truth. It is truth which occupies reality, as a decision. It is a decision formed by the elementally simple: "This belongs here/ or this does not belong here"; reality that becomes our description of existence. Thought is not an existence/ therefore the beginning journey is not "the destiny formed". Rather with an experience, we learn to express an opportunity; a design and desire found within self. With that opportunity, we elevate ourselves to the first level of disciplines necessary to formulate the beginning of thought itself. The existence of purpose. Purpose is not an "eternal conception"/ rather it is the composite drawing, of an environment within which we become the owner of our decision, as best we can. The critical contraction of truth, in eternity controls that environment, which then becomes as home. Therefore purpose is of primary concern to you; believe it or not.
The elements of thought as a beginning, are then these: to search for purity within every decision is a need. To participate in a journey toward your own true desire is a path. To use human life as an environment required to teach and assert; I have become "myself"/ is a necessity. But to be owner of life, requires more.
Destiny means: I have reached beyond myself, to encounter nothing less than a search for GOD. The elemental critical purity of that beginning, is nothing less than crucial; because GOD IS PURE. And we, are not allowed to contaminate that purity/ there are no excuses. Therefore NONE "get too close". But this type of search does allow, for a critical focus to be placed upon JESUS as an example mediating the difference between what is human and what is pure perfection. While it is possible to elevate your own purity (the desire is real, honest, and true to love, respect, and life)/ none are every going to be perfect (make no mistakes) here on earth.
Within the elemental design of thought, is truth. Truth is assembled around its own destiny, as purity of purpose, by design/ as is consistent with reality assembled as an identity observed. By critical construction, it is then necessary to bend or compress that observation into its "plane or dimensional element" so as to focus the light by which we "see". To bend or compress means: to discard all but the essence of its truth, and search therefrom at its source. This is then a door, through which thought may enter if it so desires. However once you have entered any truth by this method, you will encounter the fundamental essence of that truth; and cannot escape it, unless you DO fully understand the essence itself. Wrong door is death/ right door, even for the right reason, where you do not functionally belong is trapped/ true desire (I search to belong here) formed by respect and identified by purity of purpose, and you will be blessed. Your ability to survive, opening any door; depends upon respect.
The critical first level of thought is then: find truth/ construct the elemental essence by which it exists/ identify reality/ assemble the essence of life within. THEN prepare yourself as best you can, with purity as a desire formed within the purpose for which you belong here. The decision to proceed, is yours alone.
As a more "artistic" development: thought faces the light of each and every truth with the same purpose/ to identify and participate within the essence of law that is universal life. Thought selects, from the essence of "a million possibilities"/ that which it desires most; and asks to proceed. Therefore thought is not fundamentally owned/ but shared, as an existence beyond anything measurable. Which does mean it is by its own essence, eternal.
It is, the disciplines of heart, that make us happy.
It is, the boundaries of a life outside of self, that give us peace.
It is, the elemental purity understood, by the word called "miracles"; that assembles the base dimension called harmony.
It is, the definitions called thought, that uncover or discover: what is "right or wrong" in our lives. So that we can change as needed, for life.
It is, the essence of soul, that brings us JOY; the foundation upon which we do build our relationship with "GOD".
It is, friendship unfurled, as our gift to each other; released upon "the breathe of your life, and my life shared."
It is, an elemental respect: that joins family/ parent/ spouse/ and child. Without respect there is nothing called value, only use or abuse.
It is, value that brings creation its moments of pleasant expectations.
It is value that assigns the blessings of sex, as the means to belong and identify ourselves as one.
It is, value that brings discipline: the cherished order of definitions that truth understands, giving balance to life.
It is, balance that reflects the very nature of our lives, to ourselves/ that we may understand, life is truly a gift!
It is, the essence of a spiritual world: that all things truth shall lead to law.
It is then the law, that serves us in our time of trial, purpose, and desire.
It is, our desire that translates the very essence of our own identity, the life inside; as a truth conceived within ourselves.
It is, purpose that lives and accepts the price of this day; so that tomorrow, if it is necessary; may be better.
It is, JESUS that said: an eternity awaits those who are willing to pay the price called love/ assembled within the reality known as respect/ for or within, the very critical honesty "of a truth, that will not die". It is, JESUS that proved what faith actually does mean.
It is, our contribution to the miracle of life itself: when we accept, GOD is more than we can understand/ more than we can conceive of, or describe. Therefore our destiny is, to journey in the direction of what we cherish most. To assign ourselves, to the truth: we must respect, balance life with hope and needs, and find "eternity through love".
It is grace, that forms the path; but it is your own decision that then becomes the truth, of who you shall be.
It is, happiness that forms the boundary: the place we know, "I am safe here". But there are limits to happiness unshared. That elemental truth requires us all, to search beyond the boundaries of our own self; and become free.
It is, freedom that supports and allows the essence of truth, as a participation in life. We are a truth only when set free to decide what that truth shall be. We are, an element of the universe, only when we become "our own truth defined". (A truth, that will not die).
It is truth, that attains "an eternity"; only because it cannot be changed. Therefore what you have or have not chosen in life: decides.
LOVE IS, the ascension of happiness, settled within the environment called trust. Without trust, there is no true or critical respect. Without respect, there is no true relationship. Only the desire to use, or abuse. Trust is the fundamental expression of faith. Faith is, the elemental description of our truth.
It is, the reality of faith: that we have chosen. Our own decision has been made.
It is, the disciplines of heart: the essence of my own desire, is plain. That make faith possible.
Even though insanity rules this world/ it is still necessary to hope, some tiny fragment of wisdom can get through the arrogance.
Because of that need to hope, there must be developments given to resurrect society and life on this planet from the current "going to hell/ facing Armageddon": into peace, harmony, and respect. That requires participation by "we the people"/ because as it is plainly proven in this day, those who lead CANNOT comprehend life must come first. Before your greed/ want/ selfishness/ lust/ arrogance/ hatred/ ETC/ETC/ETC.
Nonetheless, if we will search for life first amongst humanity, there must be clues as to how changes shall be made. The relationships we require, to sustain ourselves because we chose to be friends, rather than competitors. That decision demands: only truth must lead/ and reality decide; because anything less than that becomes war. As this world under the leadership of men has proven time and time again.
So then the critical question becomes: how do we understand a truth that controls human behavior, if we do not recognize the values that create it? There are three forms of basic human behaviors, two govern this world/ one alone searches for truth so as to apply wisdom to every decision possible. They are participation as a flock or herd: which means, "we must all do this together"/ or the predators will get us, and that requires a decision among all "to be the same". If the herd does not all think alike, there will be failure. This can be viewed in animal behaviors whereby the same species of creature travels together, and works in very close harmony with each other, because they all know and do the very same thing: consequently the leaders either get them into trouble, or keep them out of trouble, in a very simple world of "don't let the predators target me". If a different species creature gets in the middle of this, the entire herd is immediately in trouble, because that creature causes discord in the flow of life that is a herd threatened. Or more simply; you need not become old, before you understand, "if I am the same/ they are more likely to like me"; thereby to have friends, etc. Or in a more grown up version: if I do what they do, if I hide what they don't want me to do or be, if I go along or lead in the direction the majority wants to go: then I can be in the middle of the herd, where predators cannot come. The primary reality required of me is: DON'T BE NOTICED, be the same. The elemental reward for joining a herd is simple: once we begin to move as one/ we do become an army that will trample anything living, in our way; including predators. The critical failure in terms of individuality is: unless you lead, there is NO alteration of the fact you WILL follow (no thinking required or allowed); or be sacrificed to predators. This is additionally the platform for the behaviors of a mob: to assert, this one is against us all. That requires a hypnotic suggestion: which is, "he is looking at you/ he is selecting you from the herd": "going to eat you; in one form or another", so let's get him instead; we are an army, together. The mob assumes no responsibility; but that is untrue. The leader assumes no responsibility: we all did it/ but that too, is not true. It is a choice.
The second human behavior, or alternative decision is as a predator to the herd: I will conquer them, I will be different, and thereby use the herd for my own purpose, irregardless of their complaint. This is a demand: I WILL be noticed/ be afraid of me. Although most times completely hidden and behind closed doors in human society, the list of predators runs throughout all forms and versions of society itself, from the least to the most influential; there are predators hidden or revealed: constantly trying to take what does not belong to them, so they can be "winner". Constantly trying to discover a new method of using or abusing society, so they can have more. Deliberately intending to steal a whole life, because that makes living easier. Most hide behind the banner: "its just business/ nothing personal". Which of course is never true; everything is personal that affects you personally. But everything is business, that affects the possibility for a business to survive as well; that is personal too. What is different is: demanding, I WILL TAKE MORE, than is fair, or legitimate in this day. The fundamental difference between a business and a predator is: a business works for society by doing what society needs it to do. A predator works against society by doing only what he or she demands is better for me/ to hell with the rest.
The third form of behavior is discarding each of the above as substantively lacking. And then searching for better in ways that elevate what truth itself can teach us about the decisions we make/ based upon the consequences of reality and how it has taught us to think. This is separating from behavior itself (what comes from "following your want, or the crowd " so to speak)/ to understanding, that what is best for life first as commonly described by consequences developed through the existence of a defined order and its disciplines. Can be redefined by a balanced approach to life itself. Or more simply: life is not, or need not be "noticed or hidden"/ rather life is about the decisions we make, the consequences we accept, the desire we pursue, and the purpose we give our life too. Each of these are individually an identity conceived by the combination of own unique demand: for life in us, as "I".
So then the first form of behavior is: to let the crowd decide for us, and if leader of that crowd to listen and do as the crowd desires us to do. The second form of behavior is: to "let the crowd feed us"/ because you don't want to belong, for whatever reason. And the third form is: to understand life has nothing to do with predator or prey aside from sharing this planet with them/ rather life is about the essence and eloquence of demanding an identity that says "this is me", and asserts by decision: our lives are better off, when we balance our need and desire with the proof, this is an order or a discipline that we can depend upon to lead our lives for us. Few choose this method, because it is not "filled with friends or things/ there is no trophy: rather, it is truth mixed with life itself". Truth grants more, but does not give trophies: life is life; which means we are the same, regardless what you do. But that opens the door to secondary behaviors, within the first two: which are primarily "love/ hate/ or survival".
Love establishes the elemental search, "please work with me, in a decision that benefits us both". Love knows that truth alone will advance or protect the essence of our world, the reality of our lives. Therefore truth is the eloquent meaning of our existence together, because as we search for truth as one/ letting it lead our lives: we do, become as one; equals. Truth makes it so.
Hate is the elemental opposite of love, therefore they do not share the same existence. Either love is apparent and real/ or hate hides in the background, or confronts to establish power, pride, want, lust, etc. Hate is governed by lies/ because truth is irrelevant. Anger is governed by truth, but can fall into hate; if you are not careful about what you are willing to believe. Nonetheless anger and hate are NOT the same/ it falls between, therefore elementally defines the vast majority of this human world. This is about hate, the decision to turn away from life, and search only for want. The elemental demand: I WANT (established by selfishness; you don't matter, only want does)/ becomes the foundation of every lie. Because if you don't want this/ then you don't lie to get this, or hide this; etc. Want then governs hate, because it controls the lies. Hate consumes love, because it wants to control "something better, than itself"/ thereby playing god, in the lie: I am now better, because power or pride, made me god over you: I WON. Or more simply NOT the same/ never equals.
Survival is simply what must be done, or we die/ therefore it does establish behaviors that would not exist, without this demand.
The secondary element of the third behavior is spiritual/ it is not known to the first two behaviors because it is beyond the simple terms of "constant life"/ and consists of, the experimental versions required to assemble what is beyond life. Experimental means: tested by the variations of elements known to create a difference in the outcomes expected. Or more simply, the foundation for understanding what is beyond "simple and plain" is examined in the critical nature called: "BUT WHY"? It is impossible to assess this as a reality of life, without experiencing at least some minor detail of the experiment itself. There must be true reference made. These do lead to a wide variety of "third tier" behaviors: the questions presented by, "it makes no sense/ or other versions of I don't understand". Many experiment/ many fail and find themselves in critical battles with sanity itself. Without a true anchor, in psychological terms; and a determined elevation of thought that requires only truth to lead; it will be you too. Hate is not an insanity/ it is a decision. Insanity is: a behavior that leads to destruction, or the dissolution of love and the basic elements of happiness that we all need. Insanity at its lesser scale, are the behaviors "less understood"; which then lets the majority say, "not like us". This lesser scale is then simply the judgment, or the gossip, that leads society to discard/ disrespect/ or disgrace one of its own. Both sides "equally insane"; if you prefer. Nonetheless experimental behaviors are not common, and rest upon an edge; governed by the intensity of your own truths.
The form and function of society itself is: that we all get what we want, or try/ UNTIL resources are found lacking, or we are attacked. In these instances, "someone will be sacrificed". Simple as that/ so the concern is, "NOT me"!
The herd understands this as: whosoever is weak or unfortunate dies.
The predator understands this as: whosoever is weak or unfortunate dies.
But the third behavior recognizes: we are, as we choose to be/ until the time that we must be, as life itself chooses. In the reality of resource loss, when it is clear somebody does have to die for the sake of the rest; that critical decision must be made in advance/ so that no-one can be targeted unfairly; applies to all. Therefore not critically different from predator or prey; when reality governs the truth "not enough." In the case of being attacked; the herd scrambles to prove not me/ the predator fights, to avoid starvation by being "meaner". And the third behavior turns to law: the critical decisions made, prior to a panic situation so as to govern ourselves by the consequence we chose at an earlier time. The difference is: the herd surrenders/ the predator fights/ but truth lets law decide for itself, NOT the majority or the strong; but the law we chose for ourselves. That law MUST be governed by order and disciplines NOT found in simple want or opinion. It is a reality, that certain types of things have far more value in terms of survival, than do others; and these are not "just because we want".
So then we come to order, the essence of what is important to life, because it is elementally true, "without these simple resources"; the rest will not matter. As opposed to, without these resources we will struggle and be pressed hard; but survive. To elementally define what belongs in any particular category: the functional description of an "ancestry tree" serves the purpose simply. Or more distinctly: to follow the trail or path, from what has become a truth/ to what preceded that truth, along its ascent or descent to better or worse for life. We can identify the basics or change through time, that give us a clear picture developing why this went wrong/ or right.
As an example: we use the basic known truths in American society today to distinguish a small selection of troubles here.
Since the herd can be reduced too: it fundamentally wants only money, power, and health: we will use the simplified versions of those.
World war 2 established a manufacturing base/ ruined a world, so that it required "products": and made America rich. That was possible ONLY because the resources were here/ and a period of depression arose: which then became the building of massive infrastructure projects that became the base of manufacturing for war. The atomic bomb: made the university "special"/ and became the basis for a cold war: because american military threatened an entire world. Clearly preparing to rule the rest, by fear. The rise of antibiotics made health "safe" (follow the doctors orders). It is fair to say, butchers existed for millennia/ wars proved human bodies much the same. The difference between the rise of healthcare today and in the past was then simply: antibiotics made it possible to open the skin, and survive with regular expectations. The university became "a god"; because it was given credit for antibiotics: thereby many people saved from death/ the end result a population increase that now threatens to kill us all. The power of a courtroom case called "the monkey trials" overran religion; religions then joined to keep from being extinct: and more power was given to the university; even though evolution is nothing but a pitiful damn lie.
The Korean war established the first level of takeover, by American purposes/ we will remake the world "our way"; by helping these do what we want them to do. That failed when China became involved, which they did to stop the american aggression. The end result is N. Korea today: a land so fearful of its neighbors and the world/ that it cannot rise above stupidity and want; giving everything away for a military that cannot provide for its needs. The end result is S. Korea; which became competitive due to an influence from America. The end result is the USSR; which became isolated by its demand to be "militarily prepared"/ and then expectations of "superior". Which became the confrontation in Cuba fueled by actions, originally dictated from America. Which became the Vietnam war: a preparation battlefield for world war 3. Unfortunately for them, electronics became available which changed the battlefield/ and it was an experimental war ground. The rise of anti-aircraft missiles from the USSR is the probable cause of why world war 3 did not begin: the USA was not prepared for them. Which gave rise to the demand for intercontinental missiles and the entire lie, which was "going to the moon" to cover the expense, experimentation, and production of weapons for war. These things together combined to steal all the money that made America rich/ and it became poor instead.
That culminated in three things of importance: China was brought into the international arena; because americans still wanted cheap goods (more correctly their leaders did NOT want to deal with their own failures); but were used to higher wages; so the Chinese became suppliers of cheap, with and through the use of automation. Don't need skilled labor for this. The american dollar was taken off the gold standard entirely which opened the door to every lie, and every want, and every thief; that could think of a way to cry "give me more". Mobs and the masses could and did do that. Even so, without the critical deception that is president Reagan selling the entire gold supply and more/ giving away more to foreign nationals: the elemental lie could not have spread as it did. The critical participation that was media, "our press will protect us"/ another lie, absolutely refusing to do its job: made the theft of an entire nation possible. Making America bankrupt as it is today. It must be recognized: that money is NOT paper or gold/ but the reality and the relationship of what human individuals have done in support of themselves and their society. However, that accounting is kept scared by the money supply/ as the basis of trust between government and its people. Your leaders threw that away/ your press helped them steal: because they did not want to pay the price of what war does bring; and neither did this people, or you would not have believed the lies, so easily. Want led, our reality followed.
With the advent of changing America from paying its debts as established under president Carter/ to the reality of "debts don't matter"; as did occur under Reagan. Those who believed in America, and the expectation that we the people will pay our debts/ nearly all became victims of the inflation paying debts meant. Under Carter interest would be held high, because that is the price of paying the debt/ "less money available". People bought expecting this to be around for decades: therefore safe and wise in their estimation, to buy anything they could get a loan for/ because the price was certain to rise. Under Reagan interest fell dramatically, because if no debts are paid/ and in fact multiplied instead: the prices fell dramatically causing those who did invest believing reality would rule: WE MUST, because the money itself loses value everyday (buys less). All went bankrupt instead/ particularly hard hit was rural america.
However that opened the door to a need for cheap goods/ and a backlash against America by its own people; increasing the distaste and disrespect that the Vietnam war brought. Who then bought foreign goods, in protest, and because of need. That led to American manufacturing going bankrupt/ which led to a wide variety of wall street investment schemes to take over their property "and become rich". So the race was on; let greed rule; we are going to be rich; with numbers. Every union wanted in/ every citizen that could wanted in; and the influx of dollars or expectations had to be averted somehow; because no reality was left. Therefore these decisions of the masses to remove from themselves the power to control their industry and manufacturing: became the power to "let the world compete/ with us". It will be great. So America is flooded with cheap goods now/ and that ends the jobs Americans depend upon so they can buy anything; which then becomes a reduction in wages. Which then becomes a war, "we cannot do that"/ which then becomes a demand for automation: so we don't need workers. Which then becomes an all-out world assault on every resource possible/ with all the consequences that exist from extreme excess and no boundaries: a world in trouble. A humanity shifting from peace to war/ because trouble is real and coming very soon.
So then in this brief synopsis of american history, we find that lying (truth doesn't matter) bastard (nobody has to pay) leaders of fools (you knew better, but chose to do this anyway)/ sink into the abyss of want: and will end up burying themselves if they refuse to let truth and reality help them recover. By this short review of American reality: it is the leaders who failed most.
Yet the people say: Not fun/ and "we don't want: NOT fun; WE WANT TO BE RICH". Therefore, Let nothing stand in our way/ hell we are richer than we have ever been; let no one deceive you; we don't want to pay. These are the excuses, however: Except for the fact, that you have promised over $125 trillion dollars (1.25 million per each person, of one hundred million people)/ have said, that assets here are worth over $500,000.00 per individual citizen (308 million people) here if divided up equally. And have thereby proven a level of inflation, hidden from the people that cannot be overcome. Allowing the few to steal property, and change america from middle class to poor versus rich. Thereby Broken and disabled, because that is what you chose when greed ruled this nation, and this world (us too).
1. The failure of money leads to war/ either civilly or internationally.
2. The failure of resources as is the only possible conclusion of methods and purposes defined in this day: WILL LEAD to war globally, and with little doubt to weapons of mass destruction. Because "someone can"/ therefore they will.
3. The failure of society today, as is consistent with the consequences of power; which are manipulation/ control/ arrogance/ pride (damn loser you)/ hate/ temptations/ abuse/ use/ slavery/ and so on. Will become an apocalypse (extreme bloodshed): the herd has a gun/ and fear will rule it.
4. The failure of nature very soon: will be global starvation without the possibility of recovery. Because the base line realities of nature itself have been so damaged in every conceivable way: that only cannibalism is left. It becomes complete insanity (we are dead/ nothing can be done) across the world.
5. The failure of government; as in the people no longer believe anything they are told: becomes anarchy and chaos/ with all forms of work deteriorating into simple survival; which then leads to all out war on a very intimate level.
6. The failure of belief in religion becomes a HELL; let there be no more laws, no more cause to "look beyond ourselves". Let each thirst for war/ MAKE THEM DAMN BASTARD'S PAY.
7. The failure of a planet (same fire as on the sun/ catastrophe, in many ways) may in fact save you from the rest: by killing you first/ as is the university plan. "Can't get me now". They do fear you/ because they have been such extreme thieves.
So then, if you made it this far/ instead of running away or hiding within yourselves: the critical decision is very simple. Either YOU WILL face your truth/ accept that reality: and not want shall determine the future. BY NOT GAMBLING; But protecting what is important for life, we may survive. By Destroying the endless lies, and facing an uncertain future, with truth because that much damage has been done. You agree to accept reality, by its truth. By limiting your expectations for money, possession, and all other forms of greed, want, selfishness, pride, power, etc; there is a chance we will survive. Or, if you prefer to simply continue; you will die as a planet; in one form or another/ without the slightest chance for reversal; all dead.
To recover as life on this planet REQUIRES a relationship with reality that serves life, and not money, power, pride, or want. At a minimum, that needs true democracy wherein WE THE PEOPLE decide for ourselves, by creating the new laws that will govern our lives. Thereby "this is our truth/ not what leaders chose".
NOT BECAUSE I want it to be so/ NOT because I say it is so: but because the evidence will prove this is so. I do NOT desire to lead you: you chose this, utterly in every possible sense refusing to listen to reality, truth, reason, or any other part of sanity itself/ therefore, you fix this. Change yourselves, or you die.
I have spent a lifetime arguing with you, finding only ridicule/ costs to me (that includes true personal life changes/ even eternally, as well); and disrespect in return. Enough is enough.
It seems necessary, I don't know why; to write just a little about the differences in men and women. In particular, it is noted that men use their brains by creating "a filing, or library system"/ everything in its place, and I go here to find it. Woman however has no such thing, relying instead of whatever "feelings" find, and establish as memory. Feelings are not functionally a part of men/ even when they hurt, and describe it "feeling pain"; that is distinctly not the same as what female understands to be "feelings". These feelings are created in woman by their own bodies; in particular the growing of breasts, whereby the body does what it "wants to do", and women must simply endure it, feeling many emotions along the way. Emotions are the basis of, "the theater of life". They give rise to the many qualities and realities (both good or bad) that prove among other facts, that women are different than men.
Passions exist in men, that do not exist in women; the demand to "do something real"/ when all other things have failed, or seemed to have failed, or a completely different solution is desired; and so on. That Does become an excuse for fighting and war. It is the rise of "something must be done"/ that separates the fundamentals of male behaviors from female. Female also understands "something must be done"/ but the facts of her life, and the foundation of being physically unable to firmly contest a physical brawl, and win against men; proves the need for a different way. The reality of her brain; then does not allow for the fundamental designs called war/ but understands law establishes power instead. When passions do rise in women (I too, am betrayed) beyond anything "normal" in women: they turn to hate like men. But design "plots and plans" like women.
Hate can never be trusted. War CANNOT be continued; because the resources, life, and environments of this planet simply cannot be so abused anymore. The end of war requires, the beginning of women to rule.
Consequently, given all the facts: wisdom says, "women must rule". But not by the common descriptions of men/ as in "just a few rule, with money or weapons". Rather by the concerted efforts of all women, establishing by vote among all the people: what is, or is not fundamentally peace, harmony, happiness, balance, disciplines, and a purpose that includes TRUTH IS OUR LEADER/ AND JUSTICE IS OUR WAY; for life on this planet. Arises as the place where women shall find "their vote is power to rule".
If they do accept these limits and demands/ they WILL show you a new society, and a new different way of life. They are different/ therefore they simply cannot help but to create "something new or different"; than men have done. IF they think for themselves. Our need is great/ our time here on earth is limited: NOW OR NEVER, is the truth.
Of the various hopes and needs, which we must accomplish; one of the most important, is a proper relationship between man and woman. That begins with respect, establishes equality between the sexes, and fundamentally gives leadership to truth.
That said, the essence of this writing is, to introduce new methods of consideration between the sexes. That said, the reality of my own life has been changed so drastically, that I now can realistically say; I know at least 10 times more, than any man desires to know, about woman. Not a game, not a choice; just a consequence of opening the spiritual door called female (can't get back out; hard to describe). When I was, desperate for an answer to how this world can survive. Because men cannot find an answer/ I could not find an answer in male; because no matter what is changed: men will fight their way back to the things (the decisions, expectations, purposes, etc) they have always done, in a short amount of time.
Nonetheless, your need is extreme/ and your reality is at the brink of complete collapse as a world. Not because I say so, but because the pressures of humanity; the terrible decisions; and the consequence of threats we cannot survive; all conclude with the simple statement, "without true change, there is no hope for any life on earth". So says the evidence, that cannot be proven wrong. True change is impossible without different leadership. Different leadership is impossible in men; because men brought us here, as this is: simply the best they did do. And TRUE threats of extermination are everywhere. Simply investigate, believe reality: and you will understand.
Therefore the search exists for alternate methods of human existence/ different leadership that will at least NOT choose the same things as in the past: and the consequence of that is, "we must let women try to lead this world". That is basically, what the spiritual world says. I know/ all agree: "You don't know a damn thing about the spiritual world, and could care less/ and don't give a damn about me either; and sure as hell ain't going to listen to this kind of drivel". Ain't that so!
But lets review: men cannot refrain from war every few years or decades, because they do repeat the same offenses to each other. Thereby resulting in hatred or a loss of resources/ or a demand to fight, or steal; "just because they can". That has resulted in weapons of mass destruction: which they refer to as "your saviors"/ even though they do know, at some point all life on earth will perish because men could not resist killing each other, and it just plain went to far. The day isn't far away; just take a look at reality. Yet, this is the best men did do; simple as that. Not good enough by any standard of "life must come first". Which means to remove them, not only do we need law and law enforcement over leaders by the world of nations itself. NOT interference with nations; but deliberate actions and laws which govern ALL LEADERS equally the same. Get out of line, and we throw you in prison or kill you "the leaders"; one or the other.
While this may sound like enough to contain aggression in this world, it is surely not. Because men don't come to war, without its base cause: "The games men play/ the secret societies men make/ the background plans, promises, and murders men do exercise against each other/ and the constant pride that forces most to be servants or slaves, so the few can describe themselves as winners". The end result of it all is, as history clearly proves: somebody has to die/ to fix this, even for a little while.
The earth can no longer afford war, that is NOT absolutely necessary; as in taking away weapons of mass destruction forever. Our nature is now, barely able to even consider keeping us alive. We CANNOT destroy more, just because men want to fight, or cannot accept their own reality. That is, "just the way it is". Like it or not, is absolutely irrelevant. This is NOT about women are better, or any other such thing. This is about the extreme tragedy we face as a planet together as one humanity; and the truth, there is NO CHOICE outside of women, to replace men. Men have failed, proven extremely foolish as leaders, and cannot get past themselves to create a better world; as history, that cannot be denied. War returns, because men are men, and nothing has changed that to this day. When we were half as many people as today; reality didn't care, nature would survive. Today, we are so many people we stand basically on one acre of growing land per person/ and that does not include all the life besides humanity that depends upon the same. Nature is threatening to collapse, because the chains of life are being destroyed. One link missing MEANS: EVERYTHING dependent upon that missing link, is now going to die. Life or resource, attacked too harshly, and it will fail to recover, meaning extinction for us all.
You CANNOT war your way out of this, "kill a billion people/ there ARE still 6 billion more to go"; THINK about it, and understand the resource lost, the disease initiated; will insure your death too.
So then, faced with certain death, if we do not truly change as a world of humans; required to understand, NATURE DIES if we don't stop, what we are doing. I searched for ten years to find a way, men could make a change and survive: without doubt, that does NOT exist. Believe it or not. History knows; thousands of years cannot be wrong. Being wrong as humanity today faced with our reality means: we cannot continue to be wrong either, or we die. We must change; that is not possible without women as leaders. They may do worse, they may do better/ the only thing for certain is: THEY ARE DIFFERENT, and different means change. That is the only guarantee you get.
So we then come to the moment of truth as a world: can you, or can you not, accept the fact that without true change LIFE ON THIS PLANET will soon end. By the evidence, which you are welcomed to investigate, examine for facts, and determine for accuracy: BUT CAUTIONED, "time is running out". We must change now. It is not a choice/ this is our need.
Women in charge does NOT mean; "as men do". Women in charge does mean: gathered together, you must find the answers that are required of you/ by vote, which includes men; you will implement them: because you can as a united group, that searches for truth, peace, equality, and prosperity for all, NOT just women.
The disciplines are simple: do not play/ do not barter/ do not compromise: FIND THE SOLUTIONS, THAT CLEARLY BENEFIT NATURE, PLANET, AND PEOPLE. And make them law using democracy as your template. A legal revolution, is nothing more than being able to control the laws, and enforce them on your leaders. These sites I provide will teach you how, with or without me. If you own the law/ you own the nation. If you enforce the law/ you control every leader. Because the law is an army that does not see power in a man or woman. Rather it recognizes the power called WE THE PEOPLE SHALL RULE OURSELVES, BY LAW.
See to it, no one takes them away. Download the sites/ distribute the information/ learn what must be learned/ and add your own.
As to the basic confrontations between men and women; the most trouble exists sexually. The differences both fail and excite us. Consequently, it is necessary "to bridge the gap" at least a bit; and make life more respected for both.
Men, are born to be "passionate" in different ways than women. They believe, the world invites them to try/ the body trains them with controlled force/ the mind conceives of opportunities in this world among men. And women appear as important/ when that proves to be "not enough to be happy".
Consequently what is sexual to men, this is: "woman/ can't be denied". Not much more complicated than that. Some fail, and use violence.
Women, are born to believe; the world is a very different place than what men believe is true. Therefore they must study both men and this world, to understand where they may fit in. The body of women trains them to understand, the price of sex is a child/ but the reality of sex is: men are physically stronger, so their own options fade. The opportunities of women are largely governed by their relationship with men, or children.
What is sexual to women is: either give me what I cherish as in someone who DOES CARE about me, OR: DOES NOT just use me "for a damn rubbing post". The alternative is, give me what I want in terms of security, balance, or possession; without taking too damn much. To obtain these things women do plan, pursue, and use the forces and favors of human sexuality. It is "nature's way".
The reality of sex for both sides is: for joy to arise, and desire to either be maintained or elevated to new levels. BOTH MUST BE RESPECTED by the other. Respect yourself/ respect your lover; SHARE the experience equally; or you both fail; and live "limited lives". Just how it is.
The question of choice is: IF YOU participated in sex honestly, asked for it to be given to you, then if that request is completed/ you are owed nothing, but sex as provided.
IF YOU BOTH participated in sex honestly (we do, find happiness in each other, and choose to share it in this way). Then joy is your reward/ and you are owed nothing else.
If you steal sex: "both sides do"/ then you do owe your Creator. You are guilty of corrupting HIS world. You do owe the one you stole from, regardless of the method. Each body is an individual possession, and no one owns another/ nor can it be said, "marriage makes this other one; mine". It is not so.
If you use sex, or abuse sex, transmit disease with sex, or pervert sex: you are guilty of disrespecting both GOD and life. There are punishments, in eternity.
If you kill because of ANY excuse that originates from sex/ regardless what that is. You better be "perfect"/ or YOU will be judged inadequate. The reality of rape, is given over to law. The reality of abortion, is given over "to a woman's own heart"/ just once. After that, take care of this within 40 days of conception, or it becomes a murder/ unless your own life is threatened substantially by birth. The reality of end of life fundamentals regardless of age; is functionally determined by the truth: if you would not have this be "you"/ by the laws you create. Then, the plain and simple truth is, we are too many to play games. When it is "time"/ people on earth die.
The tragedy of sex with men is: they think its for free. The tragedy of sex with women is: they think its not free, even if they assert it is. Consequently both sides end up hurt and afraid of trusting the other. They begin to "manipulate and plan"/ to tempt and lie: instead of love and search for friendship, "with benefits, when appropriate".
The critical need of men is: I demand to be free, it is necessary for my own happiness. The critical need of women is: I demand securities, it is necessary for my own happiness. The patchwork of a life shared, is woven in happiness only by respecting both needs; and learning how best to aid each other, carefully understanding WHEN this is most important, to me.
The critical truth of sex is: that it is neither sin nor saint so to speak; it exists as nature intended, until humanity fails. Sex arises beyond the chemicals ONLY when love is evident and real. Love is not "made, during sex"/ love is shared only when each contributes something precious of themselves. Precious means: I have opened my heart to you, "at least a little". But people steal, and reality then hurts. So the better decision is: to let GOD decide. Or more simply: to understand, "when everything is special, the days are sweet and trust appears; when the timing is pure: LIFE has arrived to guide you through the rest". The difference between a lifetime, and "a day"/ can only be determined by truth. But do understand this, love is more than a measurement, it is the essence of life reflected as you, or the one you love, or both. That means, the journey that stands between you, ends; when love opens our hearts. No matter how long the time that is shared. The heart signifies "the rhythm of one life" & each moment given to us, by life. Not a game/ it is only for the brave. Love is not dependent upon any measurement/ but trust understands, "if I have no more value than this" to you; then we cannot be true lovers, even friendship suffers". The honesty of separation, particularly permanent; is the truth, "now I know, the value your heart meant to mine". Sometimes it is necessary, no matter how much you cherish the moments. The elements of time, share nothing; without love.
The spiritual truth of man is: when passion confronts life, and no answer is found/ men will search according to courage, "outside, or beyond themselves". Some will die, the spiritual world IS, a deadly & dangerous place/ for the unprepared. Mistakes can be forever. It is however, "a very interesting, and potentially educational experience". It is, a "black and white" world/ or more simply: "yes or no", with very little room for being wrong. The worst thing you can do, and still potentially survive: "is decide, I better not take any chances". Choose the wrong "door", and you're dead, or forever lost.
The spiritual truth of woman is: when life has no passion, the answer relies upon the quest, "to become born again on the inside". To attain this, life turns inside too. The elemental task of childbirth, is a discipline associated with the spiritual world/ but IT IS NOT, the beginning of this quest. Merely the experience assigned, as an expression defined: rebirth is NOT an easy task. It is however hard/ not deadly: "different worlds". The spiritual world of women, is "all color"; with freedoms, restrictions for me; and many things I simply don't understand. The difference is, "a reward, for bringing life to this universe; to all females"/ that do not reject their soul.
I know they meet; but I do not know how they meet, or anything else regarding that reality.
Regarding what is, or is not real within these two spiritual descriptions IS NOT necessary for me to prove: "you DON'T care about the spiritual world/ don't need to know": ain't that so! Not my job.
As for me, "its complicated". I spent a decade looking for people who would care about all these things that are now so obvious only a true fool will turn away. NONE cared: the answers ranged from "if the university doesn't say this is true/ then you're wrong; to the most common, I don't give a damn; to an endless "this is America, and things like that don't happen here"; to I do understand, but I am making good money now, and DON'T you do nothing to stop that, even if we all have to pay later: I DON'T CARE". Or more simply NO possible way to reach you/ until something dramatic interfered with your pride; "it was, the march of money/ without a heartbeat, an invasion of the soul". Which means: it was impossible to assist you in any manner that gave you a reprieve, from what you chose to do. If not for economic disturbances, you would only want more. So, you got what you deserved/ you chose, "we will pay later": time's up. And you will destroy life on earth, or now recognize: this is a game no more. The battlefield is in this nation, that means it is your responsibility; your failure or success for a world. To lead them to better, or refuse them a chance for life. How do you plead!
I Don't know how it all ends, just plain not up to me anymore. Life or death for this world is YOUR decision as humanity on earth. You are the problem, therefore you are the solution, or the source of extinction, as well.
I have entered into "the spiritual wrong door"/ and truly have been changed inside and out; not a game. Desperate to find an answer; female had to be asked/ none volunteered to help. It was just a question: "you (female) need the answer too". You can't imagine the change, I am "so surprised" at finding myself trapped, apparently forever (not the slightest clue, how to get out): in a female spirituality. Believe it or not; the experience is beyond comprehension/ and yet absolutely known by life; strange. Or something, can't describe it; just too foreign: too different. NOT "bad"/ but very different. Every day, a little more of the man I used to be simply disappears; only serious passion "reignites whatever is left of him". Just how it is, absolutely nothing I can do about it.
Don't know why, or why me. I just needed an answer; "how dangerous could it be" WAS the most serious or severe understatement of my life. Plain and simple, that is the truth. Although there was nothing truly dangerous or deadly about the experience; it became however "captured" with no way out.
Some will ask: WHY on earth would he write something like that? The answer is: I live "with a spiritual woman inside" that insists. I strongly suspect, it is to prove she participates directly/ and I do swear: without her influence, this legal battle, this message without war; would not exist. What was man had decided, "time has run out; before this gets worse, something must be done". It's complicated, not "possessed"/ but it is like being married (we desire the same destiny, so we walk together: LIFE on earth must survive), only she is in charge, and has her own agenda as well. Other than bringing women equality and respect; a reality I agree with/ I don't know what it is. Just how it is/ I lost control (never had it, a battle from the beginning; I lost), life is now; a little more female each day. I am guessing, " what is: is a constant reminder, man did not do this alone"/ the reality men do turn away from the law, when pushed hard. Whereas women primarily, only have the law to protect; so they turn to the law even harder. It is a fact of life. Not an option, not a game; the price of opening that door. Believe it or not. I don't know why/ apparently women have had enough of men in control, or something. I don't know: I lost, simple as that. The spiritual world is, powerful. Her truth just simply was greater than mine. Truth always wins. Like it or not. I opened the door to "the female portion" of our universe/ and simply could not compete; didn't know how; her world, her life, her environment and my need, for an answer. Simply "can't get out"/ don't know how; no control allowed.
Believe that or don't believe that; it is entirely irrelevant to me. I am NOT the question presented to you. I simply tell you, what seems out of place, because spiritually I must. Everything else is "free-will"/ my right, my decision, my choice: or more simply, this world is NOT going to die, without a fight. Plain and simple, man would have used force; to demand change. What is woman in me, demands ONLY law can save them; "they must choose for themselves". You will ridicule, you will reduce the reality of my life, to a game. You will seek any method you can to make yourselves believe, the evidence doesn't matter. But you cannot overrule truth, every lie is just another nail in your coffin, every day that you refuse to accept reality: is more lost life lost.
IT IS "your gain"/ not mine, that the spiritual woman joined with me. Or, it is my gain too, because force would have just caused the world to collapse in war sooner than now; instead of finding life. That is absolutely NOT, what I would have desired. The spiritual woman was, and is correct/ I know it, and you should too: not a game, a fact of my life. What you believe is irrelevant/ because only truth decides. The evidence does prove what is true for you: threats you cannot survive. What is important, and necessary IS NOT; whether you believe that or not/ but what is TRUE. What is true determines the future. These threats exist because of human decisions/ the only way to cure them, is to establish humanity itself must change. That is your decision. This reality of mine, understands: this is not a game either, LIFE is better than that. The result of female inside, remains true to the same cause, as male in me: LIFE here shall NOT die, without a fight. Combined, we simply returned to a legal battle. The cause and consequence of "a combined team; so to speak"/ has made the difference. Without this simple truth, "asking the female dimension of life" WHAT would you do; your last chance would have died. Today it exists, GOD has granted you a reprieve, only because woman (her right too) is now involved.
I DO NOT ask you to believe anything, except the need to investigate your own reality: the threats that WILL make you extinct soon. Then choose for yourselves, WITH your own brain; what your future will be.
That, is your choice, it is not me, or any description of me/ I am NOT relevant. You will change yourselves/ or you will not: that is your choice. Cowards and fools brought you here, that is what true threats of extinction mean: They don't arrive from duty, discipline, respect, or truth.
This chance to change: is for your life, our world to survive. I strongly suggest: you now make your own decision. Prove the evidence is wrong, or accept reality and do what life first needs to be done.
My job is done: YOU WILL CHOOSE & YOU WILL WORK. Or not/ its your choice. It is your future, and your destiny; good or bad. Even if I choose to work farther, my job is done; it is NOT required of me. If you fail to inform the others, and let them choose: eternity will remember you for evil. Terror forever is the price. Let them choose for themselves.
YOUR DECISION, as humanity; NOW REQUIRES OF YOU, exactly what you always wanted: "You get to play god, with your lives". YOU have been playing god with this world, the price of that is extermination: which you do face you now! There is no escape, without true change. Fail to make the right decision, and you become extinct. Fail to respect reality, truth, disciplines, life, "etc" and you will enter into HELL and ARMAGEDDON. Your leaders at the university do say: let them go to hell/ without providing a word or an option for you to stop it; throughout the years; they have treated you like slaves. This, is your last chance to make a difference for life and planet; and save yourselves, because they cannot. They simply refuse to surrender their power and control, to manipulate you. You will take that control and power, away by law; to save yourselves. That too, is a choice/ that requires true democracy to exist. Then: Make the law your own, and throw the rest away; it is sewage and graft. Open the courts, and let every judge be judged in every case: thereby assembling a record by which you will remove them from court/ or elevate them to greater things for society: because they proved justice comes first. Take away the tools, that have threatened you/ and enforce NO MORE of this; with severe penalty that leaves no room for doubt.
You are in extreme trouble, even if you don't know it: that will be proven true. But if you do choose life, and you do work to maintain the planet, its chains, its life honestly; only then can you survive. YOUR CHOICE/ YOUR REWARD.
Happy? Why not: you have become "god" over your existence! Just like you wanted.
On last thing; whether I live or die to this life any time soon, is not my decision. Which simply means, "it WON'T be suicide".
I have made a life out of searching for something better for human existence on earth/ a life, where we are not threatened by fools (they knew better/ but did it anyway). Did my best to keep you alive, and out of trouble. Spent a lifetime, on nothing else; apart from a few moments now and then. No matter what you think or believe about "this product, its message"/ it is, the best I did do. It is the reality of your truth.
Just how it is, "not perfect"/ but enough, to get the job done. IT IS: Your turn now/ but you don't want too. Ain't no damn trophy, in "staying alive, or sharing existence through friendship, justice, and love. That's just letting everyone be equal/ WHO wants that? Certainly not the majority or at least not the leaders of men/ whose only clear contribution throughout history is war.
Life or death for this world, exists as a decision humans caused for themselves: the word insanity takes on an entirely different meaning here. Since there is no other word, that properly defines it; it must be "satan, leads here". Not as a religious statement/ just a relationship with facts. As always you will lie. As always, that lie will end. But this time, TRUTH DEMANDS CHANGE; or everything we all value, everything we all cherish, everything life is: is destroyed, because of what people have done to this planet, and its living nature. How absolutely evil is that/ answer the question.
You want, what you can no longer have; nature to take care of you. Yet you mutilate, crucify, DISRESPECT, abandon, abolish, and exterminate both life and planet. And now, you threaten with energies that cannot be controlled; allowing the worst of the worst, to play games with this entire planet. To gamble every life on their fantasies! How insane is that/ answer the question: this is about your life/ your child/ your everything; and there is no going back to try again. No second chances. No anything left soon, but horror, cannibalism, and death. That is where your leaders took you/ where your own greed and selfish want, let them go. Without a mind that works, YOU'RE DEAD.
To reignite a mind that works, it is absolutely necessary to think for yourself/ instead of waiting "for university knows" to tell you what to think. They stole everything they could get their hands on. They threaten a world, and their greatest contribution to life on this planet: is even more horrifying weapons. Some will argue no, "its medicine"/ but the fact is, we are in such trouble as a world, near extinction as a planet of life; largely because we are simply too many people to survive. Under the reality of games, as men provide; as is clearly about to be proven without doubt: HELL comes. The cause: Money is a game/ pride is a game/ sex has been made into a game/ trophies are the means to tell the other "DAMN LOSER, is YOU". And so on. Life is not a game. Either grow up or die. Your choice ends soon.
This is not about being "right"/ that is ridiculous; another game. This is about realities WE, ALL LIFE ON EARTH/ cannot survive. TO BE WRONG, IS TO BE EXTINCT!
This is about games, and the universities playing god: with consequences that cannot be turned back in time. ONLY because they stand in the way of your survival. They CAN help, but only if they abandon pride and power. Fusion, the same fire as on the sun/ which burns atomic materials (EVERYTHING HERE IS FUEL); cannot be extinguished unless it does so itself. There is absolutely no valid theory, no human experience, NO RIGHT to gamble with this entire planet; and every life on it. To prove they were right or wrong. THE VERY EXISTENCE OF THIS QUESTION PROVES: YOU ARE HORRIBLY INSANE, and that applies to those who are unwilling to fight for their world. You do understand this threat: you have no excuse: isn't that you? What person did you ever meet: that you said this one is so smart, "they can gamble with our entire planet; your life/ your child/ every living thing". The university is not god/ they are you, and you ain't god.
There is no going back. No putting this out, and trying something else. No experimenting to find a better way: this experiment is LIFE OR DEATH for this planet. Everything is fuel, and that means: nothing extinguishes it. Wrong means we are all dead, EVERYTHING. Engulfed by fire, and without air to breathe; because the atmosphere WILL be ejected. That is the price of their experiment, the reality of being wrong. They are wrong/ just too damn proud to admit it.
Mutilating life, IS NO BETTER. It is UTTERLY EVIL. Crucifying living creations, just to play games; to make life a toy; is what your "scientists" do. And you let them. You buy into "we will wipe away every tear"/ knowing nothing about their truth. That has consequences that you cannot even imagine/ they are so HORRIFIC. And you participate with money or government or investment: DOES THAT not make you an accomplice? Indeed it does.
People are NOT "Governments"! People are individuals just like you, no better or worse as a group, regardless of the nation, purpose, or intellect. WE ALL, HAVE AN EQUAL RIGHT, a demand to SAY; yes or no. When it comes to everything on earth lost or alive! Raise your voice, stand up for LIFE. How can you be so apathetic. So willing to turn and run away; when there is absolutely NO place to hide. No one misunderstands FIRE: this whole world CAN be engulfed in flames, "a biblical lake of fire". Because that is the fire they try to ignite; and will. CHOOSE YOUR LIFE instead. Stop the living dead, from destroying your world. BE SANE.
I have talked to you for decades, in all manner of ways; with various people at various times, about a variety of things. Every conversation is the same: you don't want to know/ leave me alone/ I don't care, I WANT trophies, and proof, I am equal/ I am a winner. And the whole world dies, because selfishness keeps your head down (I want what I want/ the rest don't matter); pride demands (I am a winner too)you play the game of money, even if you have enough; and you cannot even see an entire planet dissolving because of human waste/ what comes out, that cannot support life. Even if I had bribed you, the result would remain the same: you want, and life is nothing more than that. You are insane. Your leaders are "the university"/ THEY BROUGHT YOU HERE, surrounded by threats of extermination from life/ an entire world lost.
Find your own mind back. MAKE A BETTER DECISION FOR YOURSELVES. Last chance, there will be no more.
If you fail to find your brain/ you might as well burn; its better than what comes next if you don't. That is the fact, that will be proven soon. Whether you like it or not: truth rules this universe. The earth is no longer an exception; you have lost your right to be a child. GROW UP OR DIE. Just how it is/ you stole, destroyed, mutilated, exterminated, or just plain threaten all the rest. Wake up, or go to HELL. There really is, "nothing left to say": Wake up or die.
BRING LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS WORLD TO COURT! AND PROVE TRUTH, as best you can. It's your job/ not mine. Mine, is to deliver this message: without true change, this entire world shall cease to exist. The message is delivered.
A foundation built upon the simple constructions of a system of called roots, which gathers the essence of what we need, or believe we need, thereby want; so as to survive.
Need is a relationship with reality, it thereby serves us as life in truth; dedicated to the disciplines that transform and sustain existence into thought, freedom, love, and decision.
Belief is the essence of a fantasy, the reality that what we cannot prove is real/ can exist anyway, because we want this to be true. That extends into a fantasy which declares, "we can believe" because we have found an answer to something else; therefore we are smart enough, to "interpret what cannot be proven, and declare it is real". Even though no proof exists; or more simply belief is the assertion that we can play god, "we are smart". The expectation we can speak for GOD, because we believe, we know.
Want is the construction of selfishness. Nothing matters, but me. Want is also the basis for all lies, the foundation for all theft, and the composite descriptions that become all cheating.
Thereby it is fundamental to truth, that we recognize anything beyond need, is a relationship governed by the consequences of either belief or want. Those who assemble their lives to understand and search for truth, accept the disciplines assigned by reality: to form the basis of thought. Thought has no place for want or belief. Thought is the essence of life governed by the laws which shape our universe. It is not free, until you understand, "what you must not do". It is not free, unless you accept the limits of laws which govern life itself.
Those that find thought grow in life to ascend past the elemental boundaries of basic humanity, to become an expression/ an experience dedicated to love. Because love grants to us all, the relationship with life and living that is called "blessed".
Those that disgrace themselves, by living in want or belief that is not founded upon truth; end their lives either by descending into hate/ or as an existence driven by fear. Aggression emerges in many as a means to believe: "I am not afraid/ I will make the others fear me, instead". But the foundation remains the same: a fear established by want or belief.
To grow in love, requires an anchor: you must trust!
To grow in trust, requires both experience and expressions that establish the truth: I will never hurt, use, or abuse you/ nor you me. Want is a lie, it is based in the assertion: regardless of the truth, or the consequences: I will attempt or try, "this is for me". Because you don't matter, nearly as much as "I, to myself". Want means: Not equal! Trust requires "equal".
Those who choose trust, will rise within that trust, to find love/ if they are not betrayed. Those who find love, grow within the elements of a proven truth, that can be grasped as our understanding of life itself. Not yours or mine; but ours. The most descriptive life of love, ever conceived: was called JESUS. Regardless of your acceptance, the descriptions allotted give an understanding of life that can be found no where else. Particularly because they include the conceptions of eternity, whereby life itself can be sustained simply because of love and trust. This brings the question into every life and every relationship, that discusses the boundary lines between what we can be for each other. The reality of trust assigned by love, that we can or cannot be, for each other. This asks the question: where will truth divide us by death/ and how will love itself survive?
Love is, the essence of everything. Death is, the removal of everything, called value. The difference is then, either a journey into creation itself/ or life as a creature "along for the ride". The difference is then, a choice that establishes the truth "called you, or I". What is true, has an existence. Therefore what is true, remains even if the substance of that existence no longer remains. Therefore a love that is true, shall not die; even though the body does.
The question is then: WHAT conceives of a love that is true? The answer returns to JESUS. By the content and creation of a story, that demonstrates by the evidence, what true love can be.
The question is then: what is love? The answer: love is the elemental boundary that exists between two individual creations, removed; so as to become life; as "just one". Consequently if you live, then so do I/ and if I live, then so do you. Thereby joined, into our eternity.
The disciplines assigned by the construction of "an eternity" itself. Are limited by the laws that govern our universe. Therefore the question regarding eternity, can only be understood by illuminating the law. Law is an undeniable truth, that has consequences. Therefore truth by its consequences; control "eternity". The first law that matters is: if it cannot be measured/ then if real, it simply exists. The second law that matters is: if an existence is so extreme, no reaction can be established/ thereby measured; it then cannot be stopped. It will extend as an energy unleashed, "forever". The third law that matters is: energy is an existence changed. The fourth law that matters is: everything identified as an existence, is created by "things that bond". The fifth law that matters is: a relationship is formed by acceptance. The sixth law that matters is: acceptance, is "balance respected"/ because what cannot be sustained, cannot survive. The seventh law that matters is: survival, is a decision. Assigned and accepted within the disciplines of truth and trust. As learned by processes accumulating into thought.
In the elemental path, between male and female; the realities of life cannot be avoided. Two women proved that to me, beyond any doubt whatsoever. One becoming wife/ the other choosing "only slightly less than hate", at the end. Both aggressively wanting to share my life, in the beginning.
Love is, "a many splendor-ed thing"/ it builds where nothing else can, it lives where nothing else is allowed; but it is also subject to want, if allowed/ and want is a liar, and a fool. In the construction of life, particularly between man and woman; desire reigns " as a path constructed between us". It lives as a search beyond ourselves, to find what can truly make us happy, and fill our lives with grace and understanding. Therefore want is not only a reality, it is a truth that we must learn to discipline within ourselves; so that love and not want, leads our lives. Want is: I am first, even though I say it is you/ because your, or their decision or desire is not considered as important as my own. Desire is: life and love are first, creating in me, sharing with you, the essence of who we can be together/ a truth existing in the simple reality: we are equal/ you are just as important as I.
Wife means, I will share my heart, my time, and my existence with you. True love means, where trust is absolute; that I will share my soul. Neither attained this level with me. Not because they did not try/ because, it was my destiny to work for this planet instead. As I have done. Every life has a right, and an obligation; to choose your own destiny. Wife means, if I have not truly shared "my destiny/ and made it our destiny"; then something has failed. Because this is the purpose of marriage. What failed was want, NOT because love didn't matter/ but because mine was and is a path that cannot truly be shared. She would not accept the limits of my decision: to work for this life on earth/ and realities were conceived, that ended in marriage. But the primary ingredient required: a commitment in time, a reality putting marriage first (roughly 40 years ago), and the existence of a life completely shared/ simply was not to be. Doesn't mean love didn't exist/ it simply was not as important as the critical truth of a world being threatened. That began, with the Cuban missile crisis; To me. Want won, we had to try. But marriage only lasted for two years. Then I suspect, we both paid a large price for that want, a choice to be what we could not be. Time and discipline were required to heal. Want is never free.
An alternate friend in need means: that I can share body and time with you, within limits; as we both do choose and accept as the price of friendship. A cost without obligation or debt/ a reality from the beginning demanding I would not stay. Nonetheless, in one single moment (you, DO NOT need to know), she convinced me that "this need was real"/ and I stayed far longer than intended, or expected. The question of want, or love: love respects the reality of every situation/ want only demands more, I want "everything, I want"/ just was not to be. Want simply means, "your life is more important than mine"/ or we would choose together as one. Love means, I will help; when the need is honest and true/ if I so choose, and am willing to pay the price. But it is important to understand, every decision has a price/ the time you spend with one, limits the time you are allowed to search for another: same for both. Therefore every need must be judged against the consequences of what that will change for the future of you both. To surrender time, is to surrender life; life is important to both. Want is unworthy, to either. There are no good choices/ but life and death are serious; make your decision, and live with the consequences. It is all anyone can honestly do.
The question of sex in either relationship proved that anything can be ignored for a time, if you allow sex. Once it begins, it is hard to stop; now to refuse is considered "you don't love me/ you don't respect me/ you don't care". And there are chemicals involved, that push both sides. Even limited sex, can simply control the time and the reality of your lives; because that does not build a relationship; it simply uses a body, or shares both bodies as one, for a need. Need uses, because it must. Reality shares only when love is real. Sex puts every relationship on hold; because it does not allow for the participation known as building a life together. Rather sex uses a relationship to avoid the questions of life, time, love, and happiness to create "time out". Sexual love, the essence of true participation in heart and soul, "creates, time in". The demand of simple sex is: to stay together without understanding, and accept moments that reflect the simple truth: we are not, "ready for more"; as man and woman together.
Discipline says: to remain in honor, you must complete the journey started. Respect says: to understand need ends when lust begins, is enough. Respect says: to provide the opportunity clearly desired, to present the chance to participate within the realities of my life as a journey, for the sake of this world: is enough. Reality says, such things break hearts, and cause consequences. My ex-wife has disappeared from her parents lives for decades (since divorce); causing them both heartbreak. I know not why, nor have I seen her for decades either/ but this has occurred. The woman in need recently "came into view"; and could not have looked "more butch (I don't want, no more men in my life; stay away)": Clearly "no love, or respect for me" left. Both are the experience of love (at different levels), compromised by the reality of want, and life itself.
So the question is: WHY does love, a reality filled with so much promise of joy and happiness, become contaminated to the point of sadness, and heartache? In the simple truth of marriage, is the fact: what we cannot do together as one, will determine the foundations upon which we live our lives together. What we want, need, choose, or desire matters; as these are the decisions that direct our journey in life/ our destiny; and they will not be easily changed. What we can do together as one, establishes the level of trust that will exist; becoming the path we share, into a future that is ours. Separate is the essence of life itself, because without individuality, there is "no you". Consequently as a human being, there will never be a day, when the essence of your marriage is not struggling to understand. Love however, binds that struggle to the decision, I will trust. Without trust, there is no union between lives. Without respect there is no future between you. Cherish and protect both trust and respect. Without truth, trust CANNOT continue or develop; therefore every lie, is a destruction of your marriage. Every want, is the foundation of every lie. If you do not want, or want to hide/ then you do not lie. As a reality want is the single most destructive element in every marriage, and every relationship. Therefore what you want, determines the direction and the reality, of every journey that does not survive each other. You cannot want, and realize trust. Trust demands only truth/ not selfishness or hate.
The difference between want and love is "critical truth". The reality, that my decision exists/ but it's truth, is based upon the price I have chosen to pay. People believe in their decision/ but until they pay the price for that decision it is nothing but a dream. The price of love is: that I will never hurt you, or never hurt you again/ as best I can forever. There are moments that will test us all. The price of discipline is: you cannot have, what the journey will not allow/ or you fail. The price of respect is: we are equal, we will share as friends.
The difference between sex and love is: the desire of your heart. The heart knows love as, "an open door between us". The heart knows need as, "my friend". The heart knows lust as, "something else, where people pay, and perversions begin". The question which separates all sexuality into its categories of human behavior is simply proven by want or love. Want begins as lust: "I will use your body/ you as a person are irrelevant to me". Love begins as friendship, which proves, "I would never hurt you/ not ever; let us be truthful with each other, and fair". Want ends as, the descriptions which fail the test of time, and cause people to deceive themselves into believing whatever fantasy they choose. Love expands from its beginning, to conceive of "a shared soul"; the reality of a union so distinct, and filled with hope, that we become as one.
Sex is not a sin. It is however "an opening door" to every want/ need/ reality of life/ purpose/ hope/ frustration/ and everything else that fundamentally exists in "You or her/ him". ARE YOU READY? Sex is also, the possibility of a life so blessed by truth and trust, that you are able to go beyond yourselves/ beyond time and humanity; to share the essence of creation itself. The elemental love, that gives us all life.
Sex between parties of the same sex, is a sin/ because this was never intended to be. That fact, does not allow you to disrespect them/ you are not their judge. However, it is true that the act itself ; is not worthy of notice. Let them be, it is their own life, their eternity, their decision/ not yours. Mercy is up to GOD, I know not, how grievous an error this is. Gossip, ridicule, and assumptions however, damage us all.
There are elements of our reality, that cause distinct truths to appear. Whether you are pretty, smart, athletic, and so on: all determine how many people will want you sexually. That is unfair to those who possess less, "than their honest share", as equals in life. It is however the truth of our reality, and it exists as species enhancement, and the reality of what is required to bring the next generation "a better reality". So the question is: if you have only "little to give"/ what is fair? The answer however is fundamentally restricted by the truth of what want can do; in us all. Want, is "the mother of all prostitutes/ perversion/ and failure as conceives of lies, power, and control or manipulation/ temptations". Therefore to want, what life refuses to give: is dangerous to your soul. The consequence of being human however is: we are born to want, a person of the opposite sex in our lives: we are given hormones, to insure this will happen. I cannot say to you, what you must or must not do/ I am not god, no one knows, because it is your body, your life, and your choice. As is true of us all! Simply be honest with yourself, and do the best you can; it is all anyone can do.
To understand this simple work, is to accept that life is complex, and reality is simple. One simple choice, can and does affect not only your life, and your future, and even your eternity; it will affect others as well, changing theirs. Reality however is as simple as truth: what really matters, becomes obvious and simple if you can remove the lies, and understand. Then it becomes simply "the price you are/ or are not willing to pay". That too however, does not account for the impact your decision will have on others. As is the case of my own life: knowing the evidence proves, WE WILL be exterminated from this planet soon, without change/ has brought "consequences". Everything else is abandoned, the work must be done/ the price must be paid. My dad, who is now deceased, did his best to understand and tolerate the work/ however his desire was "to isolate himself among friends: and let the world go by". It was a conflict of interests, that escalated when the courts refused to obey the law: which he interpreted as, "you must then be wrong". Which I demanded: the evidence does not lie! Which became a boundary line between us, and separation was caused. Irritation escalated, and his relationship between himself and my mom deteriorated all due to this singular need. That would never have existed without all these severe threats, about to exterminate our world. Investigate the evidence before you assume "he is wrong". Ask questions, before you make assumptions about anyone or their intentions, their "look of the moment", or whatever it is that causes you to judge or assume. Most have been completely wrong, about me, in every assumption/ are they not wrong about you too? Are you not wrong about them just as often? Could easily be.
These are singular events throughout, that become "a life of their own"/ because every decision matters. They have consequences. So many people avoid decisions "like the plague"/ because they don't want to take any responsibility for themselves. Let someone else/ so I cannot be blamed. It is a fools' decision: you knew/ you understood/ you participated or refused participation where you were needed; and you wanted someone else to be responsible for your own life. That is a sin! We must all make the decisions that reflect our own truth/ or change ourselves to understand, and become, what is truly better. As you can see, I am responsible for the consequences of my own actions/ the reality of my own decisions. NOT perfect by any means or possibility; just like you. We all make mistakes/ we all "could have/ or should have/ or would have" but did not. We all must choose what is valuable to us/ and live accordingly. Anything else causes depressions and suicide. We must live the life we choose/ if you fail to pay the price of that; then you are a liar inside. That means, you color the truth about yourself/ and make a fantasy appear; so you don't have to accept, "I won't pay this price". IT IS OK, to not pay the price you believed would be of value to you. It is NOT ok, to lie to yourself, about the truth of who you are. Either change and be the truth you are and choose to be/ or choose something less, and be the truth that becomes. Why should you lie to yourself/ it is failure. Be who you are/ be your truth! Or change yourself into the truth you honestly desire to be, and are willing to pay for. Life has a price. Pay it.
Just do the best you can/ nobody does better than that! Forgive and forget as best you can; because no matter who you are, or what you are doing: somebody is going to be affected, either good or bad as a consequence. Even for life/ its not a game. Remember to keep "a small group separate"/ if you are to be controversial. So as to keep "a reprieve" from the real world outside/ it will help you. Just like any other kind of sales, if you cannot sell your message to a stranger/ there is absolutely no point in going to your family: not going to work anyway, or an extremely small chance. Prepare first, so you don't become a casualty. Understand simply; that people will use you to further themselves in some way/ either with others, or for money, or for sex, or for ridicule, or whatever it is. Want does that. Without want, a life chosen to be, "as best we can"/ there is none of it. But few can or will discard want/ they just don't want too. Want allows you to always be first, regardless of the cost to others. People want to be first, the most important one, "winner". People abuse, when they do, "its because they measured you/ and found you or the other lacking"/ less than them. If they reduce you to "trash, in their mind"/ then they can literally do anything they want to you, because "you're trash/ and trash has no meaning, or value to anyone: isn't that so? But none are trash in reality, all are equal, because life "our free gift of existence" proves we are equal/ no one better than another. Just the law, and your own decisions decide, who is friend or foe.
Those who treat you badly, are either subject to the law/ or they are not worthy of your time, effort, or purpose. Fight for what you know is important. Respect all, until they prove to be unworthy, and unrepentant. Believe in your heart. Don't forget your future, unless you are willing to pay the price.
GOD "is not your copilot". GOD IS GOD! Don't assume prayer will take care of all your problems or get you out of trouble/ after all, if all you had to do was pray or ask: wouldn't that make GOD , your slave or servant? Not going to happen! You are put here to make your own decisions/ in a place where all humanity basically has said "leave me alone/ I want to be free". That is a decision with consequences, that affects us all. You chose/ now pay the price. Humanity chose, and we all now pay the price.
Happiness is the place inside, where experience discovers the expression "life is a miracle and I am blessed". To understand miracles are the essence of life, is to live the life of "an extremely wealthy man or woman"/ who can buy this: "its all free". Sadness is the recognition, even though life is a blessing, the reality of my existence is: without true love, critical respect or honorable purpose, I don't know what to do. Therefore I believe time, is not my friend anymore. To remove this, you MUST search beyond yourself! To find love, where humanity fails: do look to JESUS. Not as an image or religious icon or the rest, but as an example of love that would not be surrendered/ a life, that could not be conquered, or defeated. So they killed him. That is not a defeat/ it is simply murder; caused by greed, a thirst for power, and a failure to believe in life itself. Even HIS death had its own purpose, as life, love, and hope. Every living thing is a miracle; not just humanity. Every living thing deserves respect, not just the assumption of "good or bad". The animals we eat for food, need time, and reality for life; for themselves/ it is, the least we can do; if reality allows. Nonetheless, predator and prey exists for a reason; it is ok to eat: it is ok, to understand meat represents many complex ingredients that keep our own bodies in better condition than without. If we did not eat them/ most would not exist. It's a choice.
In the assembly of traits, that identify and control our human behaviors; few are more deliberate than sex. The consequence of these actions are extensive, and blamed by all religions in some form or fashion; as "the problem".
Therefore let us evaluate some basic concepts for truth:
1. Nudity is not a sin/ nor is it an opening to demand sex; it is merely body, a miracle of life. But that does not mean, it is a right to abuse that truth and demand to stand naked among many, or even a few. Purity of any kind, in the human mind is extremely rare.
2. Woman is NOT a temptation to men/ men tempt themselves!
3. Woman is equal to man, without question; simply different.
4. Man and woman need each other for balance; they do have a right to seek each other as they see fit. So long as it is FAIR.
5. Nothing is fair about war/ only truth is fair in love.
6. Without respect every relationship dies, including yours. Remember each other, and apply yourselves to a life assembled with justice, particularly for your lover.
7. Trust is the beginning, that allows love to experience "beyond myself, we share our lives". Without trust, there will never be "heaven on earth". It is the price you must pay, to achieve more, than you can be alone.
8. Love is, the blessing of time given just for you, the shared experience of life and expressions in freedom that prove: "you will not judge me". That acceptance, "I am alive" in you.
9. Romance is, the understanding our bodies are not toys, they are miracles shared for the pleasure of what only your company can bring to me.
10. The act of sexuality is governed by three distinct realities. Either its lust (you are nothing to me/ I just want your body). Or it's a reality formed by loneliness or compassion, that allows friendship to warrant the discovery of "various parts". Or its real love, whereby souls are joined in a discovery of who we are together as one; a path that is completed only when each realizes "beyond selfishness/ there is a life we can reach for together".
As to the act of sex itself, there are a wide variety of troubles and complaints; one against the other. So we begin with just a few simple examples.
1. Consider each other, a true miracle/ because you are. And remember who gives you that miracle: SO FIND RESPECT.
2. Kissing is an art form; "You meet in the middle, and gently discuss (without words) what can or will be done".
3. Sex is not a rodeo; it has absolutely nothing to do with how long "you ride". Sex is an opportunity to cherish the life within each other, and express yourself as, "I desire that you, shall be happy, too".
4. Nothing men or women do to each other arising from "just your own body" is errant or fundamentally wrong; so long as you agree. That also means, NOTHING is owed, for having sex with you; so long as you agreed.
5. The trials and tribulations of dating, are fundamentally changed when sex is introduced. That end getting to know each other, and produces the demand: "lets have sex instead". Love comes from the disciplines used to recognize; he or she cares about me/ shares with me. Sex hides that fact, altering reality/ by shaping a different conversation and experience that does not include: the frameworks of a life lived together.
6. You don't own someone, just because you dated them/ all are free, until it is clear BOTH have chosen to be otherwise. It is foolish to enter here, "too soon".
7. If you interfere with the opportunities of life, that are available to someone else; so that they feel forced to make a change to their own future, because you made them. They will learn to hate you, if they did not accept this as their own true choice. Consequently always be certain, without tempting fate: that the one you commit too, actually chooses you too. Sometimes, "time apart" is the only way to be certain or sure. Sometimes, then its too late/ so make up your mind, and don't blame the other person for your own choices. YOU DID make that choice yourself/ you could have said no.
As to body; a woman's breasts can be grown for her/ if it will make her feel more comfortable about her own body. Her choice not yours. The female nipple is surrounded by sensors, "the little bumps". These indicate where a child would be trying to nurse/ and as a consequence can then direct the nipple so the child can in fact be fed. By manipulating the bumps correctly/ dependent upon the direction you want the nipple to go: the nipple itself (center area) will extend. When it does, one quick and realistic suction pull with your mouth, will then cause the breast itself to react and grow. It grows about 3-7 % of its current size (dependent upon how this work is done); and can be noticed in 12 hours or so.
As to men and their penis: you can make it grow, if you simply do one exercise. Prior to sex, its called bounding in dance lingo/ that simply extends the correct muscle group to elongate; stopping causes it to expand. But you probably have to have an erection first; I don't know for certain. During sex, if the woman is "thin enough" so that your arms can support you over her; resting on your elbows. The reality is simply to use your toes for forward momentum; this stretches the same muscle groups; with the same effects. Both require physical fitness.
The function of these web sites which I do provide, as linked through www.justtalking3.info are then simply to educate you as to choices we can or must make. I invite you then to learn what you can; it is "your choice".
The reality of us all is very simple: our paths/ our decisions flow together as life in time to produce the effects and realities that we then find "downstream". We cannot evade this, as it is the definitions we have created ourselves, within the time given. Instead of an ocean, "where rivers flow"/ we are a destiny in and of ourselves. A place where thought constructs the passages of our time, and leaves our hearts as the journey we did create, within ourselves and our time. The heart is a human ocean, the place where others can anchor, but only is they come prepared. If not, the tide will sweep them away. Love is a journey together as one, it is not an ocean, it is a bond, sealed with respect/ but broken by lies. Love is an understanding, that needs no explanation, when trust has been formed. Love is an expression that resides in the sanctuary that is truth unbound, the place where we, are free.
I have spent a lifetime, I have chosen with all that I am: this world must NOT die. This life must NOT be mutilated. This time, and this planet must NOT, be the end for us all!
Those who hear, walk away. Those who understand, run away. Those who will not listen, turn away. But reality comes, whether you hear it or not. Life ends, regardless what you want, or who you are. Just because today is "good"/ has no meaning, when what has been done is equivalent to, "being a herd of sheep" in front of the slaughter house door. All say, just be happy/ all say, we can't all be wrong/ all say, tomorrow is just another day. All say, if you can't convince the court; then you must be wrong; even if they refuse law, evidence, and truth. All say, every tear will be wiped away, because we believe. But tomorrow you die, because the evidence is real/ not imaginary. What is true decides, not you, even if all agree.
So, after forty years of work, I have chosen to demand: "You must listen, you must understand the true threats we face/ the potential extermination we cannot avoid, unless we the people stand together and say no. Not a game, life or death for this planet. This is, the best I did do. This is, where my heart stops caring; because I refuse to watch you walk through "the slaughter house door". Too late, just means you're the living dead, nothing more/ there are no second chances.
I gave away "the life" I could have spent/ for this simple purpose; because nothing physical/ nothing on earth, is more important than this entire world. Including relationships, marriage, family, money, a personal future; etc.
Even so, an education is more, than simply threats/ as such I give you what I can, because gentle and kind is what I choose to be. It is important to know: life, is more than what others can do to you/ what is true, is the essence of who you are. The decision created inside establishes, who will you become: it is a choice, at every moment of your time.
As things of importance go, beyond failures so evident/ are the hopes and expectations of man and woman in their own quest, to be loved/ respected/ and happy. Consequently:
The fundamentals of male and female behaviors exhibited, are critically affected by the assumptions of both with regard to the opposite sex. Speaking from the male "side of things", the reality of woman is appreciated as "different/ special/ happy/ and so on; until the plotting and planning diminish that". But nonetheless critically understood by the vast majority of men very simply as "woman; don't need to know much more". I am man/ they are woman: why would I need to know about woman/ anymore than they need to know about men? Most then assume that woman are basically like men mentally; or more directly, can be influenced by the same reasons and realities than men are. Consequently they learn little of women, as time goes by. Women do NOT assist men in understanding/ because they like it this way.
Developments beyond my control, have led to "schooling" about women, that have changed everything with regard to the assumption: "they are woman/ I am man"; I just need to be a man/ and they just need to be woman; and we meet in the middle for happiness. Apparently that is NOT enough, from a woman's point of view. Consequently the lessons learned, have clearly redefined women are VERY DIFFERENT from men in countless ways. Can't understand them at all, until you see life from their perspective. Simple as that. It is important to recognize the difference, so that you can understand the influence: and reap the reward of an enlarged perspective as male about life in general. Not a small thing/ unless your only ability to live or think, revolves around war or want.
In the complex understanding of relationships, particularly between men and women, the foundation required is RESPECT. WITHOUT RESPECT, you have nothing but want. With the honesty that identifies clear and true respect, everything that is possible between human beings, can become real.
Respect is a decision to accept, the base reality of truth that identifies the purposes and desires and methods of another individual: creates an environment within which I can live too. The lack of respect isolates selfishness as the primary cause this one is here; and selfishness illustrates clearly, "no room for you/ or in the alternative no room for you, after I get what I want from you".
Sexuality is NOT so simple as: he or she got sex from me, but they did not give me what I wanted/ THEREFORE "they are bad". Do you not hear the selfishness, in you? Sexuality is: the fundamental exchange of "critical decisions"/ that become the elemental structures which contribute to the reflections, we believe this world, between male and female to be. Or more simply, every sexual exchange has a price: we see ourselves by the cost or consequence or reward of that exchange. The trust it generates or steals, from our heart. We see the world of humanity/ or of gender differences through the relationships which used or abused us; because sexuality is not a game. It is the cultivation of critical and distinct movements either toward the opposite sex or away from the opposite sex. Thereby we know, that every sexual encounter with the opposite sex DOES have a cost. Every lie an even greater cost/ every fantasy establishes a fool. Sex is not a game.
There are several levels of cost, and pricing associated with sex. CHANGED YOUR LIFE/ changed your future/ changed your acceptance of reality/ changed your reflection of yourself/ changed your perception of the opposite sex/ OR, increased the blessings you understand as LIVING/ increased or identified a relationship called love/ fundamentally changed living, "to being ALIVE"/ identified happiness, and built a home shared within you/ shaped a future, that will survive; inside a memory without cost/ assembled the grace, of being truly at peace with this world/ constructed the future by enabling soul/ and met each other within the spiritual truth, of complete freedom through trust earned by love, shared in sex. Every structured moment, participating in sex breathes (I am here), because of one of these.
If not a violence instead. That violence is not sex/ it is hate, released to bring fear and foreboding. To prove, I am a god, that will use or abuse life, or death; over you; because I want too.
Every level of intensity in sex; requires something from you as a gift to the other; and it is "non-refundable"/ if they refuse to return it, there is nothing you can do. That means the price of sex is dependent upon what you give away, that is not returned. It will leave you "bankrupt" inside, if you fail to realize, they do not HONESTLY, love me too. If you refuse to accept the honesty of love that is given to you, even if it is not what you deeply want: then you will learn to hate instead. That is a sin, because love is a gift/ not a debt. And sex is a decision that you participated in "the same"/ or it is rape. If you refused to accept the limits presented and provided clearly to you/ expecting more: then it is your rape, not the other, that is your violence here. Honesty does not owe you more/ it is the price of life. Your decision does all the rest.
In the elevation of human participation between the sexes/ our reality is: that we discover each other ONLY through accidental means. That is fundamentally NOT in our best interest. Therefore a much more deliberate method of creating opportunities to share our existence with each other must be formed. TO DO THAT: it is absolutely essential, that sex should not be used to sustain or create a relationship. It blinds the reality of choices that are being made; to refuse the reality of a search, and concentrate on a quest for chemicals, or loneliness abated instead. Sex is your choice/ sex is the decision of your own body and mind/ sex is owned by you, not anyone else/ sex is not a sin, unless you use it for what is/ sex is not a game, it is a personal decision. It is your decision/ and you must accept the responsibilities that go with your decision: because that is reality. Nudity is neither good or bad; we are all naked under the clothes/ and that is not wrong, it is our humanity. Our humanity is not wrong/ even if your decisions are. Nudity however is not necessarily a "safe choice"/ because there are many who cannot control themselves in this day; they have no discipline. That is their failure, not yours; but the plain truth is, we do live here with them/ and that has consequences.
So then, the question is: how do we refine and develop the means to meet and get to know those people who would contribute to our lives, and we to theirs? There are 4 fundamental pursuits:
1. To live free, and be open to all! You will soon be abused/ used/ and mistreated; unless very lucky.
2. To advertize, or assemble the moments necessary; "to meet and greet a large number of people". It is work, but time tested and used throughout all of history.
3. To work in area's and places or things: that make it possible for meeting people/ or next to impossible for them to avoid meeting you. There are consequences to becoming intimate here, as that too becomes impossible to avoid; if you do not wish to continue.
4. To buy and use things, etc as a means of bringing people to meet you. Or to buy, and use things, etc as a means of bringing you to meet them. It can be expensive, particularly if they have something to gain: they can suck you dry, "with lies, temptations, and flattery"; then leave.
From these four, we can assemble new and different methods, by understanding that a relationship IS NOT "a job interview". Rather it is, "a journey respected, and united". Or more simply: to find and build a true relationship, there must be an acceptance of the journey to which this leads! If you do not travel to the same place/ you cannot make the journey together. Is that not true?
So then the primary question, of every relationship is: WHAT is the destiny you choose/ and WHY is that important to you?
Here, the difference between want and desire becomes real: those who want do so, because they have a distinct demand intended to be: ALL MINE! They will most often make promises to those important to them, claiming "when I get mine"/ THEN, I will do something nice for you; cause next to you, "I will then be a god". DESIRE AT THE OPPOSITE EXTREME IS: love and life have formed what can only be shared. If you care about me, then we can join in a relationship toward the same destiny because we honestly do care; about life, love, and each other! Do you hear the difference?
The secondary question of every relationship is: WHAT is the primary purpose of your heart? The reality of "who/ what/ why/ when/ how/ and where" will the future be revealed for each of us: by the decisions that you will make?
Every purpose is a roadmap/ every desire is a destiny. Every want (I can be a god) is a lie [no relationship here], wrapped up in selfishness so its truth cannot be seen. Would you help them be a god (I am everything/ you are nothing) over you? No, so they lie.
Every discipline is a description of what living together will be. Those with strict disciplines for themselves will expect you to have the same. Those with "relaxed principles" will expect you to have the same. The difference between these forms or demands for living; DOES cause friction/ it is something to consider; when asking for a lifetime. Neither method is wrong, it is simply reality. Every reality does have consequences.
So then we ask the heart, rather than its presence as life: WHO are you? The answer forms as a relationship to our soul; the quest inside for an understanding of self/ in those who do have heart.. Those who have heart, DO have something to share with you. Those who do not understand the relationship we share with life itself, is evident and real; do not have more than sex or want. It is a fundamental expressed in living. The experience of heart is felt in love.
So the question is: what is love/ where is the evidence of love, or not/ why do some love, and others not/ when will love be proven true/ and how will I know these things?
We begin with love itself; the acceptance or trust established in a distinct relationship that defines us both as a shared existence; because we choose and have proven to care. Even if not willing to share a house, body, or other; love still exists, when we believe "this one/ I do, care". From that caring a shared existence erupts, because we belong to the same journey in this way, and that gives us friendship: I choose to walk with you. Some establish themselves by love/ and some refuse to allow any acceptance of trust: because that makes them vulnerable to the possibilities "you could leave/ and I will then be much more lonely than now". But even so, change comes to every life; and every moment will not be replaced by another. Every moment is new, and participation in that moment depends upon the decisions that came first. Love is proven true, when you know, "nothing can stop me, from missing you; if your gone". Nothing will keep me from believing your heart "beats because I am alive/ just as mine does for you." But love exists, in a world where truth demands. No matter what the level of our hearts: truth must come first. Without truth we die/ the world ends. With truth we can build a world "for happiness", by participating in reality, with honesty, determination, courage, and hope.
The disciplines required by truth are simple ones: let the evidence decide/ not you or anyone else, but reality itself has the last say, about what we can or cannot do. The disciplines of love are more complex; because there are needs, emotions, desires, and answers that can leave you empty; because the other needed this to survive. Because some are thieves, and don't care.
The reality of marriage between man and woman is a discipline between truth and love. Everything is not necessary to be known or discussed/ but everything not known or discussed shall be construed as love, lies, or hate. Therefore to keep it simple, always tell the truth/ be kind/ respect each other or fail/ remember bridges burned cannot be crossed again. In marriage, each does learn the other's secrets; because life and sex, will reveal them. Without respect these secrets are told, to gain superiority. With respect, even when the conflict is heated; others are not privileged to know, what is strictly between us.
Every living relationship, as it means to share life, by sharing space everyday: gives rise to the understanding that disciplines do matter. Or more correctly, the foundation of every discipline or lack thereof is bound to the purpose of your own journey. Some will be dedicated to "things"/ some will be dedicated to "foods"/ some will be dedicated to body or mind/ and so on: OR refuse it. Therefore what is important to you, must be shared, or there shall be a conflict that is hard to resolve; as time goes by. Love opens the door to many things, including shared existence from many different methods of life and doing/ but people measure each other, and that leads to conflict. If you can live without measuring each other/ then there will be only the trouble of other people measuring you both. If you can ignore that, your relationship will survive. If you cannot/ there will be trouble.
The elemental tragedy of most human failure is want. Therefore what you want is fundamentally the most visible enemy every relationship has. Want drives the essence of nearly every life/ it shapes their direction, and determines where, what, how, when, who, and why people do the things they do. Hate can erupt, when you interfere. People can and do despise, use, or abuse each other, when they allow themselves to believe, "its all your fault/ they did not succeed"
Desire is different: it is the fundamental essence of love and respect joined in a "valley, where life is easy to understand/ no great hills or controversy; simple". Or more directly desire forms a relationship without want or measurements, by simply allowing our individual identities share this moment as freedom and honesty allow. We are then, what we choose to be/ rather than what the world, or its treasures and tragedies, would make of us.
Always listen: to what people describe as worthless/ they do so in many ways. What is worthless, can and will, "be treated as the trash/ therefore they can and will do whatever they want with that trash; after all, its trash; its worthless, WHY should you care: MINE". That measurement, is then applied to people/ as the fundamental that leads prejudice and racism, bigotry and injustice. That measurement is: the foundation of a pedofile, or more correctly his or her excuse/ which then goes to "what can I do with this trash: TO PLEASE ME, it should have some value, to ME". If acted upon: disgrace erupts, ......then potentially even more.
Every new bride should know: to get ahead in this world, requires time and energy which then translates as, "I worked too hard to be romantic"; I must rest first, and if there is no rest/ there will be a lack of "good sex" as well. Every groom should understand: IF YOU use your bride as a rubbing post instead of "a respected friend who has joined you for the purpose of a shared expression in desire, happiness, peace, and love. A freedom that requires caring, honesty, and "REMEMBER ME"; not just my body".
To fail this means: You will take all the pleasure away/ turning sex into a job, that must be done; which then turns into a mechanism intended for control, when that is possible. Respect dies in this situation, with it love as well.
The definitions that go beyond ourselves, elevate the discovery of who we are. Those definitions create the substance of who/ what/ why/ how/ when/ and where as life brings us together in a common search for happiness through peace. Harmony exists to prove, this is a shared journey/ even if you walk alone; others walk the same path as you. The difference is, I know/ even if you don't understand. Or more simply: the search for happiness is NOT simple or plain; it reaches inside us all. So then the question is: how do we participate, in what is so clearly a design to make us investigate ourselves and our world? Why do we care, when the world does not? Where will we find our true happiness? And what will become of happiness if we let it go, for even an instant?
We begin with who understands the difference between life and its competitor called want, or pride? The discovery is a chasm between life and death/ because want discards life and living for a possession, while pride discards friendship for a trophy. These things are not fundamentally "alive"/ rather they are the essence of mental existence, where everything and everyone is measured. To be alive is to choose life itself, rather than measure it. Alive understands the critical moment is now, the present in which we survive or do better. To be alive is to acknowledge the value of our own existence/ to understand we are born into something far greater than ourselves. Happiness then begins where we leave our own expectations, to become something created. Within the essence of that creation, our soul is born: our lives are introduced to the meaning of life/ the value of creation itself, which is love.
Love is, a friendship unbound from measurement/ a reality achieved called equal. Because we chose it to be so; and we recognize by the constant source of life, and its ever present companion called death: now is a destiny created. Destiny means: I search for the value I seek. The value in life is living. The value in living is a relationship with those I love. Therefore what conceives of love, becomes our happiness. What searches for happiness understands friendship and respect shall come first. We give that opportunity only when the essence of our lives is shared. We achieve that goal, only where the purpose of our heart is a desire to be free. Love is a freedom constantly awakened, as the source of our desire to live life here and now. Love is a destiny awakened, when our purpose is defined by respect, cultivated by truth, and assembled within a friendship that will not die. Happiness then arises, as the tragedies of human behavior are "laid to rest". The hope of human existence becomes the path upon which we know, life is good.
The quest for life divides, at the gate between measured or equal. The reality of equal identifies the singular purpose of an existence that is ALIVE/ while the reality of measured is a constant competition to prove I am better, or even worse, for some. Alive means: I am free. Measured means: I will buy, I will own, I will prove: "the trophy is mine" or I will destroy whatever cannot be achieved by me/ because you don't deserve it either.
Do you see the difference?
So then the true question or quest for happiness begins with love/ struggles with freedom/ and confronts those who have failed to understand life: with a need to share/ a reality of participation that does not measure/ and a desire to belong where only the "living (alive)" may go.
Love is not a game, it is the treasury of what we value, shared! Therefore RESPECT is the single most important assembly of truth, that you can contribute to someone else's life. Respect identifies the right, and the reality of being free: is a decision that you shall make for yourself/ it is your gift as a living human being. Your decision alone/ even if its wrong.
Love is, the rhythmic acceptance of a challenge to belong in the journey taken "you must match them somewhat, to achieve a connection". If you cannot/ then regardless of love itself; you do not belong together. It will not go well, or last the test of time. The demand to achieve participation (I will walk with you/ you with me) by looking beyond ourselves to accept a relationship governed by the existence of soul, is simple. Love is not simple or plain. Love is a bridge between the realities of heart and mind. Soul is a bridge between creation and ourselves. What has been created shares our world! When soul is awakened in you, that call means you must share and care about this creation/ this life, and its truth called freedom for others as well as yourself. Or you fail.
Love is, "a many splendor, thing"/ NOT a grand illusion to be blamed on GOD OR JESUS; just because it did not turn out as you expected. The soul requires respect for Creation/ that demands sharing; but freedom is a human right/ and people do, what people do. Because that is what freedom allows; for you too. Love is, a decision of disciplines; chained to the reality every creation has value/ but only those who fit into the life we choose can reside with us. Therefore what you choose for your life, has everything to do with who you can spend it with. That is not the essence of love/ but it is the reality of love. There is a difference. The essence of everything happy about life and living is love. The reality of everything needed for life and for love to survive, is a definition that can only be granted by truth. What is true, establishes harmony; if you wish to participate, and accept the costs/ thereby the rhythms to be at peace with each other. Life is not built upon love/ life is defined by truth; love is built upon truth, through respect. Lies will kill love. Sloth will diminish or destroy respect. The refusal to learn from your mistakes, will cause an unwillingness to participate with you.
There is a price to life/ that price is "life itself, must come first for you to survive". Simple and plain, it is not a game or a joke; simply true. In this time on earth, our reality is: a reality of threats so extreme, to our very existence as a planet or life; those who cause it can only be called "satan". There simply isn't any other word that fits. To threaten an entire planet, is horrific and beyond. Therefore the price to continue living on this planet is: love will have to wait/ because life cannot: we are threatened. Doesn't matter who you are, we must "whosoever is willing", work to stop this, or we all die/ being wrong, ends life on earth. The reward is life, here on earth/ a place for your child to live. And it doesn't matter if you believe "one in a million chance" or not; gambling with the entire planet, or its life; is absolutely insane. So insane in fact; the only possible word that describes it is "satan".
What matters is the loss of this entire planet, its nature, its life, our environment, chains of life, resources, oceans, air, water, food, and opportunity to live in time itself; are being gambled with: SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE.
Many Descriptions are available at or through www.justtalking3.info
The critical question is: how many will participate, "to save life on earth"? Not a game. An excuse will not save you: ONLY TRUTH. Therefore what is true, is the demand of this work/ NOT "believe me/ you/ or them"; but find the truth and let it decide what must be done. Not a reward other than life/ but open your eyes and heart, your ears and everything life has given to you: is that NOT reward enough? To demand an investigation/ stop experimentation, particularly those completely insane, or without any real purpose other than play (we don't want to work), and a demand to stop the insanity of "we are gods". BEFORE it kills us all.
The elemental truth of this kind of work, begins in a courtroom/ but it must invade society to establish the reality of change required. The question of our very survival as life or world affects us all/ rich or poor; everyone is involved. Want to be or not, its your life too. You cannot escape mutilated nature. You cannot hide from fusion fire (same as the sun), everything here is fuel. You cannot find a way off the planet if or when it is about to explode. The air we breathe requires oxygen, as does every fire/ every motor/ every car: we know how much oxygen a variety of plants can produce= not enough. We know trillions of gallons of clean water are wasted. We know antibiotics are failing, and without them the confinement agriculture fails completely; they die by pandemic. We know our foods as plants all over the world are being mutilated, and reduced in variety tremendously. We know the pollinators are dying/ the ocean is nearly dead/ our population is unsustainable; and more. All you need to know about global warming is, "the ice" is disappearing. That temperature confinement of ice, gives us weather/ and keeps our world at a moderate temperature; without it, the earth only gets hotter, and more violent. The ozone not only protects us from radiation/ it is the storage area for planet oxygen, as generated over at least thousands of years. Once it is gone, we have only the oxygen this earth can produce in a single year; think about that. The production of air conditioning is a primary component of global warming: the heat of generating electricity, plus the heat mechanically produced to air condition. Change is required, not necessarily desired. But we can modulate our response to include GREAT increases in insulation, and less area to modify; and remain happy. Choices can be made/ but soon that too dies, and we are left with a dying world. Because you didn't care enough to even learn a little. That too is a choice. I am not the choice/ I am merely the insistence: we MUST investigate/ we MUST examine the evidence as a society and world/ we MUST make a decision for life first; or soon we end all possibility of making better choices for ourselves. It will be, "just too late".
If that isn't cause enough to learn what is or is not real about the future, for a majority; we lose our chance to change. The evidence points to "hell: there are no answers/ we die" and Armageddon (nature in chaos; genetic catastrophe); if that is so.
It is for me.
To be happy without want, you must learn to be friends. To recognize a future has great potential; you must learn man and woman live at the center of family, without family a very great deal is lost. Respect each other, its important!
The element of my own life is functionally lost on this reality/ as a description of my own personal "wife and family" type situation; I have been substantively alone for many decades. It is a choice/ but it is a choice built upon the singular conclusion: since I challenge all the most powerful, greedy, and thereby insane people on the planet, with issues and demands of "change, and be fair". The fundamental definition of "success" in this matter means: "I will be hated/ by those who want their power/ pride/ and possessions back". History has always proven this to be so. Even though it will do them no good; as a reality of existence, once people know how to claim their freedom and equality/ they will not let it go. Nonetheless, if successful in demanding YOU MUST PUT LIFE FIRST/ soon after it becomes "common knowledge, or at least a possibility of that"; I do become a target. Enough so, that no one particularly close to me; is allowed. The family that is, simply cannot be a choice. They have "helped me in this not at all"/ apart from simply being family. The point being; there is a reason why I did not get married, have kids. Stated; Just so you don't make up stories instead. A world facing extinction is far more important. Although to be truthful, if I had known this would take so long/ to the point of being literally at death's door for a world. The probability is, "I would have chosen a bit different". Too late now, simple as that. Every choice is a destiny/ every journey, a possibility that does include risk.
I wish you well. You are "GOD'S children"/ if you find it in your heart, to care enough about this world: to work, and learn "LIFE MUST COME FIRST". Never money again.
TO, each individual that may be introduced to these words. I the writer and sole creator of the entire documents, their descriptions, their claims, and their purposes; do declare All words and or rights to them or through them are given to the women of the world. There are no restrictions. As this is an information site, making it free to all; that is largely a gesture, but it is a fact irregardless. I do recommend you do not change them, but that is your decision.
I would like to say "the words, & realities of these documents" are all polite, kind, and dedicated to the development of love & are simple to understand. They are not. Instead the earth and all life are threatened by the factors outlined herein/ and that means change must occur. Therefore every intent of the documents is dramatically defined by our need to survive: I will prove it is true, as you read: but YOU must investigate, examine the evidence, and decide for yourselves. YOU will learn very many answers, to questions humanity has long asked. The book of revelation in the bible has been opened & understood. The consequence of these things is a decision must be made by you and every person on earth. To live for life, or to continue on and reap death: this is not unfortunately over-dramatic, it is true: do read on and prove it is not so/ if you can. The documents are lengthy, because every effort has been used to create understanding & minimize fears. That, because there are many errant idea's, fantasies, & delusions in humanity. YOU are NOT expected to agree on all matters presented: if you did, the writing would be pointless/ you would know & the decision already been made. Understand instead: YOU are desired to use the documents & information as an opportunity to discuss the relationships involved/ examine the possibilities, and establish this message for life by your actions or apathy. You must make a true decision, with your heart. This is the purpose of the documents on all 4 linked sites. Your only obligation is defined by how your own heart moves you to act, or refuse to act: There is NO middle-ground. YOU are either for the needs and lives involved, including yours/ or you are against. It is yes or no.
ORDER SAYS, the foundation of life is held within the balance of all extremes. The foundation of thought is discovered within "the outermost edge of every extreme". Therein what is life is complemented & held in excitement, by what is thought, & conceived as the passage that we do enter to create our existence between life & thought. The value of this specific site is therein created, by your participation within the possibilities defined, & the understanding held by your own heart, and the love of your own soul/ OR your "hate of the others". LEAVE THEM ALONE/ And claim your ETERNITY!
TODAY'S DATE: July 10, 2006
TO SAVE A ZIP FILE (Book form 1332k)
As promised, an update :Last warning
To review a quick foreword summary.
To read an ending summary to the entire work herein
The woman's trial The beginning of our trial for life.
The FEDERAL BRIEF, as defined for a beginning
the STATE BRIEF, as defined for its beginning
the interview, a simple end to media needs
the seeds, a developmental application of what to expect: from it the foundation of all 4 web sites is explained as { Your own desires form the basis and direction that will become justice or not, for us all/ if you fail, court is irrelevant and useless. If you choose equality and life/ then to court we will go/ and we will be using it: as the power and humanity of all life on earth dictates justice shall be. This is not a game/ this is your beginning: of life or death. This is YOUR CHANCE, to organize/ to network/ to exchange and develop information and tactics/ to establish foundations for the purpose of attacking the fundamental wrongs of society/ to design and prepare and decide if women will organize, etc: in other words, you have no excuse/ you will begin, or you will accept your failures, and its outcome.
Also, do not believe these are the days of glory for you/ as reality comes first; and man has done very many things wrong, and we must fix them to survive. Therefore be assured, and without doubt: this is critically and truly about work, and the needs of life and the hope of eternity for all. There is no place for pride, or flattery, or arrogance, or the rest of what has no value: either accept respect, truth, discipline, order, and reality Or do not come. That is not an order, it is a matter of respect for all!
I will warn you again: even though you grieve and feel sad for a few today, as are killed and maimed and injured/ because men are so proud. The reality of your future is billions to be killed/ and you will mourn for yourselves, if you are still alive. That is the truth, regarding the insanity of your war machines/ your population counts/ and your reality. You can play, you can be insane, you can fantasize about all your pride and the power of your ignorance: but you cannot change the truth. EITHER you will remove these weapons of your disgrace and disrespect for life/ or you will use them, and go to hell. This is your only choice. Either come and save this world/ or hide in the sewer of your own disgrace, and blindly eat the failures of those who disease the future, and propagate satan [the courage of lies]. Perhaps you believe in ALL the leaders of this world, "they would never unleash such weapons; not one of them"/ what a good fantasy, we can pretend, we can play, and when the game is over; someone else will change your diaper for you: won't they? Perhaps you believe the pride and overwhelming hatred of terrorists, CANNOT or will not find a nuclear bomb [nuclear because even the terrorists can understand biological weapons, can easily hunt them down, no matter where they hide, and will never be stopped]/ perhaps the insane/ the serial murderer/ and the pathological liar will not try to make you fear them: nightmares are UNKIND you know, so you can pretend. Perhaps revenge won't come/ after all america wouldn't fear, or seek revenge: would they? There are a thousand threats roughly, any one of which will be devastating: either get to work/ or dig your graves. If you hide, you die/ THIS is the only freedom you get, to assign to the world a different destiny/ because every other way, will not work: has not worked! And time has run out: WE MUST, FIX THESE THINGS NOW.
I do wish you well. PRAY FOR US ALL, AND BEGIN.}
THE PURPOSE OF ALL THESE WORDS, ON ALL THESE SITES is found in the few words complied in "Workrooms": this is the reality of an opportunity to change this world, as humanity recreating itself. YOU must do the work for yourselves, as you must accept the price of any change/ the reality of your own failures, if you choose not to survive.
a fundamental beginning to the creation of a new society/ by describing the parameters of basic public discussion & decision, as these pertain to basic realities and complex associations in politics, as will be necessary to accept.
A simple beginning to the discussion of fundamental social truths is assembled as the basic trial starting at the IRS and extending to accounting truths in civil court, as will be coming.
The critical question of issues & consequences as truth describes them, & reality presents them as to our world, is also held by the extremes of what exists, and the balance within which we must describe our life. Herein a partition is developed through consequence to assess & discover the relationships that divide our lives/ they are much like the differences of male and female. Reality states, truth is not only critical, but fundamental to life, therefore it MUST be held in very high esteem, or we fail. Truth counters, in the honesty & honor of life, there is more value, than mere truth/ life is first. The consequence being: that truth must be modified to ascend beyond the boundaries of "black & white"; and discover not only the essence of respect/ but the reality called LOVE. Here, beyond the simple comprehension's of life or thought, order achieves "the colors of life".
Destiny conceives of "gray"/ but GOD Graciously gives "colors", and love then understands the blessing of miracles. Love is creation itself, as one life gives of itself, to sustain the others. LOVE establishes respect through the understanding that miracles are NOT "accidents or disorderly in origin". They are creations in discipline, defined strictly by order, and conceived from energy (which must then be controlled). It is life, that gives us freedom/ it is time that honors us (humanity) in the relative simple framework of "a protected womb, time on earth"/ with its simplified consequences. It is our blessing to acknowledge thought through wisdom. It is "our colors" to achieve function & ability as understanding and trust allow. Some have more/ some have less, but all have life. Life represents the balance of our decisions to participate. Thought in human terms, represents the relationship we have "with miracles". Therein our human destiny is a journey between the balance of our participation, and the relationships of order, discipline, and all the freedoms we possess.
As you read the documents of these 4 web sites, established here for you/ what is obvious & real asserts, change IS COMING. Because the lies, the theft, the murders, & the disrespect have pushed all humanity to the edge of its own extinction. What is NOT clear is: YOU will need to understand BASIC reality & truth to conceive of a future beyond the simplicity of this moment in time/ ALL CAN, but few are willing. If you fail/ then the life on earth dies. Can you not understand this means you too? Therefore this message has been sent & given to you, in ways and language you can understand. BUT ONLY YOU OWN the freedoms of your heart & only you can choose to understand your need & respect your life. If you do not/ then you as a majority are UNWORTHY of your lives, & all humanity shall be lost. This is the end of disrespect/ you will find honor, or you will die.
Change is the relationship or lack of relationship that we do share with discipline. NO discipline, ends as destruction, every time. True discipline demands the "building of a life, an environment, and a destiny BEFORE, the true value of living can be appreciated". The building of life is an understanding and respect for freedom/ the building of a human life, the relationships we share with failure/ as it teaches us of truth. The building of an environment is established through boundaries that express and protect order, the foundations we need as life, and the honesty & courage required to sustain them. The building of a destiny experiences the consequence of miracles, and discovers honor, achieves trust, and understands RESPECT: NOT the simplicity of body or mind/ but the treasury of LOVE. love, like the whole spectrum of light, achieves from itself a density of color, expressed in the relationship of soul & spirit. These/ this light, cannot be invaded: it is as secure as its creation. It cannot be put out, expect at its own source/ even if "darkness" can obscure that source from all others: even then/ it cannot be put out, unless the source itself dies. Where light expresses itself as life: THE ENERGY itself, HAS BECOME LIFE. Complexity as truth begins here.
This is then the placement & beginnings of a NEW LIFE FOR YOU. the opportunity "to experience possibilities" otherwise unknown. The decision of life or death is YOURS! And you will make it/ choosing between new life/ and your current ways: if you fail to choose a new life/ your old ways shall bring to you Armageddon: this is the price of your failure. I DO pray, you will find wisdom, share it, and at least survive/ but it is your choice. It has also been decreed: the contributions of man, to human society, HAS been the battleground! The possibilities of WOMAN shall now control, or you die: the man is done.
Ridicule is certain/ but you are reminded: these are also the same people who not only intended to build the particle accelerator in texas, USA. Which by their own statements was intended to use "ALL the power of 2 or 3 large nuclear power plants" and accelerate this in the particle accelerator as fast as computers could make it go/ and then cause a head on collision between the two opposing energies. {the really smart people}. If they had not been stopped, the earth would be exactly like the sun today! But not to worry though, the french have taken up their cause/ and the american's and others have not surrendered their insanity and absolute stupidity either: for they still want fusion (atomic fire). And refuse to believe although everything on earth is atomic by structure, THEREFORE FUEL for the atomic fire/ they still want it even though it cannot be put out or controlled. It is beyond belief/ but true.
The most fundamental attacks against me will be based upon "who I am/ these are all functionally imposed to dissuade you from the reality of the message/ to consider only "I the person delivering the message of this work". It is to your own failure if you believe, that I am more important than the words involved and the reality in need of investigation. Do not do so. As to reality, my life is not about pride/ it is about eternity; and I have spent my life in search of it. Many mistakes have been made/ but you should also understand "you don't know the choices involved; so do not judge". As to the chapter "passions" it is included, not because it is necessary to the work/ but instead because it is a "comic relief", to escape the severity of the message, and find my life as human and not "something else" to be frightened of. I am not here to make you afraid. The journal is true, it is not made up/ simply written down because it was such a surprise, I wanted it to be as correct as possible for my own study. It seemed to me, correct to give you relief, from the intensity of your reality. As to all facts and figures herein, it is my direction to you/ that you must investigate for yourselves: no intent to provide any misinformation exists, to insure that/ you must do the work for yourselves. Don't be lazy; Do the work, so that you will be able to defend for yourself.
As to the coming attacks against me, what is not simply personal (some will be lies made up/ some not) will center on a claim: this message makes of me/ I do not. Rather the evidence convinces me, "that I am the messenger of Revelation in the Bible". I do NOT claim this title/ rather the evidence says to me: simply, that it must be so. YOU are free to decide for yourselves. It is your life, or your death/ choose carefully. We now begin.
The quest for a valued experience as life REQUIRES your participation. It is not more complicated that this/ YOU are an adversary or, a friend to yourself; apart from ALL other influences. Some believe "the consequence of an adversary, is excitement"/ and they then spend their humanity looking for ways "to safely, be a threat or an enemy of the others". This results as: FAILURE, RAPE, WAR, & DESTRUCTION/ the reactions solicited by the actions or expectations of an enemy, or threat.
Some believe that FRIENDSHIP is an action we express, in the experience of awe, as life itself reveals to us the honesty & honor & respect of a freedom, a presence, and a purpose called FAMILY. This is where trust compliments our existence with the passage of life called spirit, that shares and cares for us all. Here, as family, the intensity of love is far more than anything else as life! Love bears witness to the truth, and creates the discipline/ the order/ & the thought which then completes our environment as we choose. Love establishes the foundations of friendship that transform "The presence of your soul, as my companion for eternity." Soul therein comes to mean "the door" through which spirit and life join to become "the true miracle of you"! These words are extremely insufficient/ but it is all we can share.
As to the majority of humanity: they desire openly, to be both friend and enemy/ at their "whim of the moment". Never forgetting those who have been an enemy to them. Never understanding they cannot have a friend/ when they choose to treat them as an enemy, as well. This is the price & the description of pride.
Humility and/ or humiliation ARE required to destroy pride from yourself: IS NOT your life worth this price? The price of humiliation is RIDICULE, SCORN, & SHUNNING/ therefore the consequence becomes for many: a VIOLENCE, as their pride refuses to die, and become revenge instead. Those who face humiliation only in themselves DO FAR BETTER. Therefore leave them all alone, and be as compassionate as you can. Humility is better/ but the reality depends upon the consequence of your own pride: "too much pride, will not die/ it must be destroyed by your own humiliation."(like it or not). LIFE IS WORTH, "far more than your own shit"/ is it not? PAY whatever price you must, and be free.
Freedom in the consequence of friendship, searches for KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, & WISDOM. These "are the footsteps", to a new world conceived within the vision called thought. Thought is the blessing "that lives beyond time" and defines eternity as the "consequence of our lives." life then is a decision to participate within the existence of energy, as best you can! Life then is the transition from developmental possibilities/ into the expression & experience of LOVE, FREEDOM, ENERGY, AND THOUGHT as it creates the definitions and density of you.
The quest for JOY, is then a consequence of your own truth, a treasury of your own soul, and a foundation of your own purpose as determination proves the existence of respect in you. there is NO joy without true respect/ because entrance within the disciplines and order of energy is denied to all without sufficient respect. Without this energy you shall vanish/ therefore hades is the dimension that the destructive power of energy controls.
LIFE is the expansion of all possibilities in freedom & thought/ by the understanding of truth and the compassion of love. we cannot enter life apart from GOD!
NO POSSIBILITY exists that I would want to do that/ WHY would you? Thereby want constructs the failure of perfection in eternity/ by designing in personal structural faults & defects. Want is thereby & therefrom an enemy to eternity; and will never be tolerated. DESIRE is the truth & accomplishment of doing works together, for the safety and happiness of all. Desire is a foundation in love, & the expression of family. Family is the consequence of eternal life.
PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!
This document is about truth, as it compiles a responsible and balanced look, at the life and death of the planet, the future of humanity, and more.
There is only one purpose in sending it to you: simply the evidence declares the time for change is now or never/ because the earth is dying (let the evidence decide). Therefore upon opening the information, you will find descriptions that will lead us to war/ realities that will cause our famine/ and much more. Answers are also provided to questions that YOU have: and answers are also given to "life, behaviors, death, eternity, prophecies, etc: these answers are unlike you will find anywhere else. You will find them interesting/ but you will not find me defending them: you must decide for yourselves, if life is worth fighting for. You must fight/ because the planet is dying from your behaviors: therefore you must decide for life or for death.
The question to you is then quite simply: WILL YOU INVESTIGATE? If you do/ then will you do the work (the demand for trial, to decide our future, and our lives on earth) required?
The most fundamental we face, " IS life worth more than your wants, pride, and selfishness?" YOUR answer please! Because if it is, to you/ then you will initiate the work involved, and not accept the excuses even from yourself. You will accept the behaviors & the realities life will demand of you. and you will let truth be your guide, and demand the same from the others; that we may all live.
Humanity HAS built its civilization on a foundation of lies, that can no longer support you/ YOU are killing the earth at a rate beyond which it can recover/ therefore the end is inevitable and certain. Therefore reality now presents itself, with a demand for change or death of the planet: you will decide. If you fail, then the door to Armageddon will open. Thereby IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that the consequences of this day, of the reality and truth of our lives be extrapolated into the destiny that we do face/ without lies. That our decisions may be real, honest, honorable, and RESPECTFUL of our reality.
We are 7 billion people (no one can deny we will be/ if not today). 7 billion people DO encircle the earth, at the equator (standing 3 feet apart, and touching each other: a living chain) 256 times . A continuous unbroken (standing on water) line of 7,000,000,000 people standing 3 feet apart= 21 billion feet, divided by 5280 feet per mile = 4 million miles of people touching people! And growing at a rate of 2 million more mouths to feed per week.
THINK, IN TERMS OF DAMAGE to this earth/ the demand to resources/ and the reality of hatred that will produce war. EITHER WE WILL FIND RESPECT IN ALL THINGS, or war comes quickly. Make your decision. This is not hard to understand, it is a primary reality, based in the simple truth of a world, a planet that is limited in both size and resources. There is NO "escape to another world"/ period, it is another illusion of stupidity. This world lives, or we die. Understand very simply then/ that the competition to "get it all before someone can take it", will die/ or you will. That is not a threat/ but a reality. We are dependent upon life systems/ eco-systems/ worlds of genetic structure not even discovered yet: more than we will ever know. But we do know, we are dependent upon foods, immunities, water, and respect: and each of these is entirely dependent today, upon our ability to accept each other as family/ rather than enemy. You are free to continue in all your disgrace and disrespect, but it WILL end in horrific circumstance. If you truly desire life/ then you will accept what truth shall decide for us all. If you truly desire happiness or peace/ then you will accept the fundamentals that bring bought. What follows is then the beginning to one path: either as life for humanity improved with honor and equity/ or death for humanity, as the measure of its own ways. There is NO turning back/ this is the only choice you will get: believe it or not!
This is the assignment of basic understanding to the critical realities of our lives. The formation of disciplined expressions necessary to the concept and creation of a tragedy which humanity has chosen to entrap itself. Is a very necessary bridge to the development of essential change. As is true of the entire writings on all 4 sites established for you/ the primary challenges are repeated as it seems constant with the threat/ but it is your choice to recognize truth, and accept reality. Therefore these are writings without judgment, without condemnation, and without measurement as to humanity/ they are instead realities chosen by human decisions and behaviors. The foundation of decision, the creation and limitations of behavior, fundamental thought patterns and more are examined for your understanding and knowledge, in the hope you will find wisdom therein and use it for yourselves. There is much controversy/ more conversation/ and limited personal expression (to establish, a plain & simple man). It is your job, to pass the words along/ if you find them valuable; if you believe, this is truly about life or death. To fundamentally develop a greater intensity of purpose, the words of Revelation are defined, and other biblical references herein. To eliminate the obvious backlash of human insanity, all reference to GOD Is limited/ that there may be NO easy excuses.
For the purpose of your own leadership, among each other/ the following is a brief, formed from the essential ingredients of the work. Therefore if you find these 7 statements an introduction to greater things/ then you must read and use the rest. It is your job/ it is about your life or your death, and this is to eliminate the very weak cowardice of those who will read only a little, and discard the rest as "to intricate/ to detailed/ to hard/ or just to much trouble": you are informed, and there is no excuse. You are deliberately warned: if you try to escape into suicide/ if you intend to hide/ if you fail by cowardice: then to hades you will go. Because humanity needs you today/ and if you desert life on earth, in its most desperate need: then you shall have NO part in eternity as life. Do not listen to your own insanity, declaring mercy for you/ it shall not be. life says, WORK for us all.
1. The change of perspective from ignorance & gluttony/ to truth & reality WILL bring depressions. These require honest acceptance of the simple truth: that we are not gods/ we do depend upon mercy / and without respect, there is no mercy. Therefore depression is literally the surrender of lies, and thereby the beginning of truth. It is the people who desire the lies, instead of the truth, that form the depressed. Help those who are lost, but searching diligently for respect. Leave the others to their ways. You will hide no more: at the risk of your very life and your eternity, you will accept the responsibility of life on earth; as it falls to you, or you will fail and end in Armageddon.
2. The change from abundance & the disease of arrogance/ the assault & consequent war against all resources, as is being waged: Will be surrendered to the understanding of life & death through the decisions we make. Resources keep us alive! This will then become a crisis of conscious reality/ therefore the fear and vulnerability of our lives to this truth, will bring a choice to follow truth, and accept discipline and order/ or to absolve all sanity, and hurriedly continue killing yourselves. The abandonment of lies therein challenges the depth of humanity to the very root of its existence here on earth. You are commanded by truth, to choose properly or die: the middle ground of ignorance, has been removed. YOU are responsible for the life or death of the planet itself/ thereby YOU.
3. The change from "peaceful ignorance, and lies", to the truth that there is NO peace in lies/ "they have now come to attack us". Requires a discipline, an honesty, an honor, and a respect humanity does not own: you sold it for your greed. The common description of man & woman is: "let the walls to my truth be close to me (even closed to all)/ that no one comes inside: let fantasy, be my friend." This is an extremely destructive behavior clearly defining an excessive lack of trust. That failure will confront every aspect of your potential survival here on earth. Therefore critical understanding says: YOU the humanity of the world must deal with your problems, confront deceit, define honor, and learn trust. What woman/ what man/ & what society, the earth, and life all need and desire, must be dealt with in its reality and truth. No excuses/ no limits, you must find a way to trust each other. That includes sex, the court, the limits & freedoms, the law, and every aspect of society: for the purpose of harmony.
4. What is work, the sharing of work, caring & the relationships of life, are all fundamentally the design and desire of cumulative human efforts and effects. American society says: give me money/ give me power/ give me greed, and it uses a forced diet of lust, to demand "give me that body". In other words adultry is the primary force consuming trust from you. Again, adultery is not simple sex/ but the desire and cumulative demand to "live their life, and have their possessions"/ not live or be content with yours. Therefore you consume work, & discard reality, time, & truth in an insane grasp to contain and control your "invisible money". You are guilty of stealing from yourselves, to prove "I am a winner too". Foolish is an understatement. YOU WILL understand life is the important part/ or you will be judged, NOT worthy of keeping it. YOU WILL find discipline and honor, OR YOU will die.
5. The validity of equality and freedom cannot be understated. Freedom is the removal of gossip/ judgment/ manipulation/ & control: granting to the participant an opportunity to express & experience life as the essence of their own creation, in all that they can choose. Freedom is the removal of humanity from an influence on "my personal life"/ so long as significant or real harm to the others, does not occur. Equality is the opposite, fundamentally demanding all of humanity MUST participate to insure each & every one has an equal share, an equal experience, and an equal opportunity to contribute as best they can. Neither equality or equal means "the same: we are NOT the same/ we are individuals". But that does mean limits and life first/ not greed.
6. The existence of our lives, LITERALLY depends upon the sanity of a very few individuals with weapons of mass destruction: WHAT COULD BE MORE INSANE? WHAT, if not the threat of terrorists; how many governments can cause world war 3: you cannot stop it? IF YOU DO NOT REMOVE THESE/ YOU ARE DAMNED. Literally condemned to death. Therefore you will establish world law/ an international police force/ and critical control of the basic elements in society, that do the most harm, or create war. Let there be no doubt, irregardless of your understanding/ failure means you will be exterminated and soon.
7. If you do not stop ALL that is a disgrace to your lives; From polluting and destroying the earth, to genetic crucifixion the destruction of nature (nature is the genetic code). If you do not stop ALL the extreme disrespect from evolution (an unbelievable ignorance) to all the other failures in your lives; then you will be abandoned.
It is clear and certain, that humanity has said "I will be god"/ from its beginning. Certainly that is the purpose of your ways in this day/ EITHER YOU WILL FIND YOUR RESPECT, Or to Armageddon you will go.
The list of books prepared for you to encounter the basic knowledge and understanding you will need to proceed in this work are as follows:
1. Building society; a discussion of governmental controls and various social discussions.
{those selected for this chatroom proved unworthy/ you may find another, if you wish}.
2. Distortions by fear; is a discussion on the
relevance of Revelations 11, & 13 along with an
assortment of various trial developments.
3. Growing list; is the creation of a dedicated
brief to the fundamental purposes of a trial, and the
reason it must exist.
4. Fair play; is a discretionary assertion,
primarily dedicated to the sexual predator.
5. Journal; is an association of personal
structures dedicated to understanding primary behaviors.
6. Miracles; is a discussion of basic religious and/ or spiritual understandings.
7. Passions; exists in a description that you will find interesting, as to the writer me.
8. Living changes; a discussion in various life issues, including sex.
9. Closing changes; it is necessary to participate.
10. Soul; a relationship in time.
11. Complexity last; a discussion for life or death.
12. Discussion; critical comprehension's. Both discussions are similar/ but not the same.
13. Discussion 2; critical understandings.
14. Duty 1; simple things.
15. Complex beginnings; simple things about love and life.
16. Iraq; a very simple reference sent primarily to the military.
17. Urbana letters; is a sampling for the purpose of integrating organization with the concept of we the people ARE the government: its usage is clear and forms a consistent approach to establishing power to the people. More simply, the failure of employees who believe "their rights, or their needs/ are more important than our rights as a nation or our needs for justice" shall be instructed through public participation: find your voices!
18. Oxygen statistics; are a reference to your future, a reality of your past.
19. Final paper; is a small statement of my
20. Final words, is a small statement to religion
21. Now, is about simple things
22. Now 1, is for the complainers.
23. Simple acknowledgments, is for you.
24. Changing colors, Will we survive?
25. Discovery, changing environments.
26. For women, suggestions
27. To foreign nations, primarily delegates to the UN.
The list of associated sites are,
that shall remain the same:
www.justtalking.infowww.federalreserve.gov A government accounting site, table L.5 (Currently Page68) total liabilities and assets of the United States.
Fundamental to the comprehension of all things is the assertion; that life is more important than possessions or pride/ duty is more important than selfishness/ and our responsibility to ourselves, the children, and the future is of greater value than all the lies, greed, lust, and failure in this world. LOVE is not an answer/ truth is an answer, love is the destiny of all who truly desire to live.
One of the primary foundations of human disgrace are oddly enough, the words; "I can do this". You have heard it said, and it is true; "a little knowledge can get you into terrible trouble". Well your science in particular, HAS grown a cult following that did get you, to the door of terrible trouble. These BIG BRAINS, have used the religious attributes of evolution (this is our god), to promote stupidity; did use everything they could find, no matter what the reality could produce; did intervene in process & procedure far beyond their comprehension or ability; DID sell your heart & soul, to luxury without honesty/ to gluttony without respect/ and to a mind devoid of life: "what is not a commodity to you, to be used/ sold/ or abused"? Governments LIE as fast & furious as they can. Business competes at a level nearing insanity. Education is a disgrace of anything but truth or reality. All aspects of medicine are saturated in greed. Your media fills humanity with the desperation of disease; "murders, mayhem, sex, theft, & all fears." And the public says to themselves "just hide me/ or leave me alone/ this is too much". Even so, reality knows: you won't admit to any of this because the lust inside, LIES TO YOU; and demands "I can do whatever I want".
And so you have! Clearly you & your BIG BRAINS, are responsible for the destruction of climate, water, nature, ocean, pollution of all kinds, and a thousand other horrific consequences "just beyond this door". "YOU are the man"! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!
TRUTH STATES: as there is absolutely no purpose in presenting a warning of disaster to humanity until the mind can literally "see the danger/ and sense the fear". Reality has waited until this day, to present the evidence/ and demand an investigation as trial, to the concept of Armageddon (humanity as god of the earth). For this reality has appeared. Even you, can see it in the distance! Even you, can begin to understand the consequences; although it will be impossible for you to comprehend what BEYOND TERROR honestly means.
The games are over, reality is here to stay. YOU MUST accept the responsibility, & work; That YOU created! And thereby YOU MUST do your best to repair all the disasters you have built: Or simply you will die/ and enter the most severe form of torture possible.
WITHOUT TRUE RESPECT, YOU WILL SOON DIE! Soul means the acceptance of eternal life, (heaven is slightly different), as the gift created inside of you, by GOD / through HIS ONLY SON JESUS. "Even you", can understand the concept GOD IS LIFE, and when or if life leaves (by your decision)/ then death HAS crossed the density of time, and WILL appear as "your anti-soul"! "To consume each and every human being, one small bite at a time." the number 666 simply means, you understand life itself will soon end (NO more opportunity for love)/ replaced with an eternal death (the clear certainty of hell is coming). This reflects an understanding within "your big brains"/ the number, is a demonstration of measuring by your own standards.
BE WISE, for once in all your generations of life! CHOOSE RESPECT, CHOOSE HONOR, CHOOSE LOVE, & DECIDE FOR LIFE; that "even you" may continue in peace & find harmony & the value of living for everything alive. Letting truth lead, & reality decide. In other words "what you can do/ is not nearly as important as what truth would allow you to do. Not even close, to what reality would command you to do, or not to do: these are life first/ NOT want or pride or any of the other failures which plague mankind. Simple acknowledgments are to simplify your understanding of me.
A writing directed primarily to the poor people
If you will not/ then what YOU DID DO, shall very soon, consume even you. IT IS YOUR DECISION!
BE BRAVE; As I have now finished the work, the passage in the Holy Bible given to me about this work is Isaiah 35
Do not surrender, GOD IS on our side: HE LOVES US.
From me, do read John 3: 16
BUT do remember this: today is the day/ now is the time; hide no more.
For a legal declaration of "free to do whatever you want".
For sealing the message the last words / you have received enough to find "heaven on earth"; or at least the possibility to survive.
Some letters, just because I think they are useful to you.
Mailed with the first set of introductions to the press
Mailed with the second set of introduction to women
THE QUESTION of the "human heart" is how "do I feel alive", all the time/ HOW do I become ALIVE inside, for all my life?
The answer: you shall journey through understanding until you find trust, you shall then believe until LOVE opens the door into faith, where acceptance reveals GOD'S LOVE For you. Here honesty & honor will rule the respect that forms your relationship and life, define the existence of your soul.
The human heart, searches only through body & mind. EXPECTING chemicals or excitement or winning, to be the essence or proof of life, the value of living. Therefore death takes this all away. What is then critically errant is the assumption, that a chemical mind can perform as the consequence of true life. It cannot/ rather the mind measures & relates a beginning & and an end to the tool that is your body, & becomes as "your house". The mind employs, "as an interface," between life & body/ but reveals the identity you chose to create.
The essence of "I AM alive" as strictly a human being is described by your expectations. Whatever you expect/ that happens to you, is then the evidence you seek & search for as life to you. the mind measures, the body demonstrates, & you as the freedom of love or hate design this as your life.
The true essence of "I AM ALIVE" AS LIFE ITSELF, recognizes creation in & through the miracles that prove "my expectations" are as NOTHING. Compared to the reality that exists before my very eyes, ears, touch, smell, taste, sexuality, & motion {my existence here}. I am in truth, a participant in a reality, beyond my imagination/ I AM ALIVE in a destiny beyond my comprehension. Therefore I WILL learn, and do my BEST.
Here, life itself asks of your humanity: WHAT DO YOU DESIRE? It is a fair question, and will decide the journey you are going to take, in life. Critical to wisdom is the reality of what living means:
"LIFE itself is not a function of your demands or desires! LIFE is the blessing that proves your separation from the constant called energy, has been real. LIFE is the fact, that you are now capable of freedom. LIFE is the truth, that this is less, that love or value; And you must & will seek relationships that decide for LOVE/ or for hate. LOVE IS a creation called BEAUTIFUL, described as worthy, and built on the honor of JOY!
Hate is an enemy, a failure to be removed or destroyed!
ALIVE thereby means, separated by time {the evidence of an identity created}, WE HAVE NOW, joined as one life, one love, one hope, & one destiny, For ALL WHO BELONG. It is by mercy you may join/ BUT it is by truth & respect that you will remain. DO ANCHOR THIS to your life.
What follows this writing below is what existed on this site before.
IN THE DISTANCE OF ETERNITY, the cause of value is destined to be the most important revelation in your life. Therefore the expansion of honor becomes the direction and the hope of life/ but what is more critical to you, is simply " the relationship with love you shall share". It is love that has value, little more than this counts in the terms of eternity for life is that basis of variety, complexity, hope, and all definitions in true happiness/ therefore love has more value than anything else in the Universe itself. GOD IS LOVE!
Your understanding of order is important to your survival in eternity, therefore we begin with the things of this world and progress as life and freedom allow. As we grow, the value of leadership is a wisdom that says, "teach me, that nothing bad may happen to anyone". This then is the function of a leader, to teach, to protect, and to allow "the children to grow". A proper leader allows freedom in discipline to determine the order that will most successfully achieve a specific result/ it is honor that gives the decisions to the student. Therefore all who follow are given the opportunity to achieve equality with any leader in this world. This in turn removes the leadership/ because life & truth & reality have taught the basis and foundation of a good decision. Our most worthless trait as humanity is simply: I WANT to be somebody! Because this asserts, "there are nobodies/ and that is a true lie". Every life is a relationship with CREATION/ thereby every life is a true miracle, and we as humanity cannot compete with miracles. For balance, the decision to desire participation as a fundamental truth, rather than a composite of basic elements directed before a goal/ is a wise decision. Wisdom is a friend/ but pride can make it an enemy, by confronting you with deliberate opportunities to go beyond your truth & play god upon the lives of others. Therefore as wisdom goes, contempt is close at hand. Contempt means: "I have solved the problem, it is you". For balance, wisdom assaults this contempt with the understanding of what facts, & evidence are influencing this person & their decisions/ WHY has discipline and order failed here? Honor then applies critical truth as the decision to ask for change. HONOR, DIGNITY, & DUTY are words rarely heard in human society/ because each requires work and a commitment to honesty that refuses to fail. Work means, not only do I have a right, I do have a personal responsibility. Responsibility is the dimension assembled from the consequence of your existence as it defines the relationship of your own life, to the boundaries you have chosen or broken: this is your environment, and you do "have to clean it yourself/ NO exceptions"! Honesty is then, HOW you choose to respond to the truth. Honor is then why you have chosen a desire for value, even if the price is "too high": this is your decision/ therefore it is your own honor; be careful what you choose. What people give as honor in society has no meaning in real life, because we are individual lives. No one dies beyond this world, who truly has honor. This is a spiritual understanding. Dignity is the expansion of life, beyond the focus of "myself". Dignity relates the individual expression of "I do stand among miracles, and blesses life because I share the experience". Duty is then the expansion of self, to include the discipline of caring about the experience of other life, the equality of our hopes, & the destiny of our experience together. We are not born to lead each other, or to be led. Instead we are allowed to help each other that we ourselves may gain the opportunity called eternity. NOT because we helped/ but grew beyond the chains of individuality to become free. The relationship we share in life with each other is divided between love & hate/ if you love, it is because you have found value in another life. If you hate, it is because you have only found value in your own life. If you have prejudice it is because you desire to close the door, & pretend these lives do not exist. Therefore leadership means & becomes "to envision the day of value, for us all". We are alive, by the GRACE OF OUR CREATOR ! Which simply means; the distance we shall travel as life, is conceived by the one who leads us: who do you choose? There are many stories in the history of humanity, the most poignant would be JESUS of the Bible[ because it is hard to imagine what the world would be, if HE had lived and not been murdered/ still HIS IMPACT is great upon the world today. The question presented by HIS LEADERSHIP is then, where does HE lead us/ and why do people scatter along the way? The answer is simply to a journey beyond this life. The question, why should we believe in the expansion of life beyond either body or mind or both? The answer, because order knows its destination, and life knows its truth. Therefore with confidence and security, in reality JESUS KNEW HIS DESTINY. The relationship you share in this day describes the destiny of order, by the lies you have submitted. Therefore unless you change the order you have arranged, your destiny and your truth can be seen as destruction and the end of life on earth: these are YOUR decisions. Therefore consider the truth, and understand true leadership examines destiny and says: WE MUST WORK. If you lead yourself, then know you must also examine your own soul, and decide who you are. When the time comes that honesty knows you well, then your own journey shall become an influence upon the rest/ if it is necessary, but not unless. JESUS Established hope in life, by the love HE taught. Therefore love honestly & without sacrifice/ that you too may bring hope. JESUS proved passion leads to greatness/ not among a human existence, but rather as a distinction in life. Life is the relationship we cherish WITH GOD As life. Thereby the destiny we seek as eternity is literally an experience WITH GOD ! Life is: the distinction of discipline, the intensity of order, the truth about love, and the trust that develops in respect for energy; becomes an inheritance in the complex universe of destiny. CHOOSE YOUR LIFE/ because you choose your eternity as well. Destiny therefrom comes to mean "The SPIRIT OF CREATION". Our inheritance is the possibility of life!
We cannot discuss this further/ however more simple issues and hopes are resolved in the simple words that follow BEING FAMILY, ALLOWS FOR HONESTY AND THE EXTENSION OF CARE, THE HOPE OF CONCERN, & THE HONOR OF A FEW WORDS IN WISDOM. As you perceive yourself to be wiser and more knowledgeable than you were 10 or 15 years ago/ I tell you for sure, in another 20 years or so, you will understand the difference time makes in every person's life. Therefore remember to listen & discuss [make them, if you have to] life, with your parents, & other family: those who do have your best interest at heart, ARE more reliable and thereby, "more sacred" than any other. Sacred means: established in value, because the love included is inherent, & beyond dispute. In life, RESPECT determines the relationship that exists, and forms the foundation of every possibility , destined to give you peace. Find respect first/ then choose love: not for such simple things as "money, power, or prestige: these are a trap"/ but instead, find honesty & honor will follow: " whether rich or poor". {in all those who care about you: the rest do not matter}. Life is about living, NOT possessing or doing or demanding/ the meaning of life is then: to perceive the beauty of hope, and build a destiny worthy of love. There are only 3 things, to be advised of simply: 1. Every choice is either an intent toward love, or a decision in selfishness toward hate: look at the effects, long term! Everything else is just survival. 2. Every life deserves RESPECT, Until, they prove by repeated offense, or severe distrust, to be unworthy. Leave these alone, or seek justice, not revenge. 3. Love measures no one. Therefore understand the meaning to be: I have become "a destination in someone else's heart, a HOME where life begins in the blessing of happiness, and the truth defined by the experience, says, I am worthy". If "love escapes you, either by choices, loss, or simple reality"/ understand this, that GOD LOVES YOU, and you are never alone, unless you choose this to be. Do your best, why do less? Remember this, "the very best of who you are, can only be given once/ therefore Read the 1st commandment in the bible, and know this is why". Let your own heart, lead you to your SOUL. May GOD BLESS. To my nieces and nephew, since it occurs to me, I have never given any of you, "some advice, as age provides"/ I will add this for each of you. HONOR is earned, it is never given/ BUT it is earned on the inside, where it cannot be stolen, and has nothing to do with other people. Rather honor is the wisdom of understanding your actions and decisions SHALL affect the lives of others, and because of this, the reality of honor in you, directs your decisions and your actions to be a blessing to the others/ rather than a selfishness to you. Honor understands, "I don't come first/ instead: we live as one on this earth". Even if you do not believe this is true/ because the actions & decisions of each person does affect their world; it becomes a reality that we live in that world as well. Love extends in the world as love/ hate does the same. My advise is then, to do whatever you can, for the sake of harmony/ because it matters. Don't spend your days crying "what about me", you are alive, and I know you live with blessings [look at the others: with less]. Understand life means: you are a participant defining whatever life means to you/ therefore you are free, to express love or experience hate/ you are free, to defend harmony & hope through peace, or to attack the others as revenge/ you are free, to recognize the messages of truth and be ALIVE. Life thereby means, "at least to me": an opportunity to participate in the inherent love & dignity of being alive, as well as encountering the journey beyond truth: into CREATION itself. You will find none of this in possessions or bodies or looks, or any human thing/ RATHER all that is truly sacred, "because it is without dispute", lives in the journey of your soul! I do not choose possessions/ I choose life. This as a reality defines as a consequence, the relationships that are honorable. We live in a world of much competition, where even the basic relationships of human to human, are trampled by want into "just another obligation". This is a lie, but it is real: lies often exist, because people want them more than the truth/ therefore all lies are human in origin. Be careful what you want, because want is a relationship with lies. Truth alone is a relationship with life. May you all find peace & happiness in your life, because love fills your heart: it comes in no other way! The distance we travel for love, is the journey into life. Love therefore is the desire to live, BUT NOT for the trivial pursuits of humanity/ for the honesty of a relationship which fills your whole soul with happiness, and gives you peace. Remember this as well, humanity causes most of the problems of humanity/ therefore we live with greed, lust, power, and expansive selfishness. These things will confront you, but they will never be kind, or helpful or friendly: even though liars can be convincing. If you allow problems in the world to control you/ then you are what the world makes of you! If you choose according to the love in your heart, even if no friend exists for long periods of time (I have known these times)/ then you are whatever your love shall make of you: you must choose. Because the world will tempt you, and life will demand an answer. Understand, that at this moment in time, the world is a place of deception and the realities that deception brings. Therefore a great deal of contempt exists, and a willingness to use rather than be friends invades society/ the consequence is people fail, because they are abused. Do not let this happen to you, instead be true to your life, the existence of precious moments that could never be bought, or built or sold: but more simply exist as an opportunity to enter within the order of the universe itself. The question of life, is not about being "human"; it is about being alive! The difference is purpose, you can be human without concern for anything but yourself/ BUT you cannot be alive without a desire to join family, within the eternal bonds of a decision that breaks freedom "into its many parts, and gives each one a possession of our most basic relationship: the opportunity to be who you are". Live you life with honor & passions worth a lifetime (your lifetime), for in the day of your death/ it is these alone that stand up inside of you, and give you hope. Beyond advice, you three are the future of this small family on earth/ Cole is not yet, because his life depends upon Derek, Christina, and all of you: Cole, as all children are, is the hope of life on earth. Steve is also responsible, to the degree of his own love. Because of this, your education is important, just as you are all important to me. Consequently, it is unwise not to correct you as necessary. Every life is tested by moments, places in time where you choose to live or to die, "in pieces", because life has been measured by you. Every relationship has a consequence/ therefore every relationship is measured by that consequence. Fear is such a measurement, it exists because reality can attack us, WITHOUT warning, and we have no say. This is true of many things. The question designed by fear, is TRUST! Do you believe the foundation of your life is built upon love, or do you choose to accept that your own hands create your own destiny/ your own mind the only value of your existence? This answer controls your life, this relationship controls your destiny. Love is the distance "your heart" shall travel in destiny to the one you love. Your hands or body, merely translate the existence of your time, through the expectations of your measurements. Destiny is "the existence of life beyond time, as it allows movement through the passages of thought." love never measures, love is a direct participation in the relationship you describe by thought. Therefore whatsoever exists in your heart/ becomes a journey within the passions of your soul. Heart expresses order, by expanding hope and defining creation; it is this creation that begins as discipline and becomes: your own decision, to be alive. Alive thereby means, a change has occurred, and you are now aware of Miracles! It is fair to allow a "lack of trust" to exist on your behalf, as to the validity of expressions that exists beyond time/ but death will convince you. Therefore life is designed to educate you anyway. Fear is a tool that separates you from body alone/ even though it is your body you fear for. Fear explains knowledge, as the basis of your existence/ therefore fear also directs you from the decisions strictly for comfort, ease, or pride/ to the reality of thought and the consequences of truth. We are the expressions of our own thoughts/ NOT the existence of a simple physical body. Here the questions expressed by "what about me"/ apply the distinctions of "who am I"? The answer is always the same: you ARE what you truly desire or want/ because everything else is need. Desire means, conceived by the discipline of order, convinced by miracles of truth, thought has become my world and love exists as the expression of my soul. Soul therefore stands with you, in hope, that love shall be my guide into the eternity of my life/ you have joined eternity, and need never be lonely again. While want gathers unto itself, whatever the measurements of mind & motion & environment will allow. The difference is VALUE. Value means: love has entered my life, and I accept it as the treasure of my soul/ the place inside where family is born! Here, in value, all things and all reasons, turn from want/ to the expressions of home, and the intensity of truth. Love and a home in the density of rhythms, the opportunities of thought, and the life of an experience designed within the freedom of true trust [trust is a home, where no barriers or boundaries need to exist], define the passion of love {To belong in JOY truly, without compromise, to those who accept me and share my peace}. What is then life? The answer remains, an opportunity beyond all others, it is the honesty of truth as the relationship of thought directs it to be. What then is fate? The answer remains, the truth applied to the disciplines of your soul, grants to you your reward. What is important? The answer remains: eternity, and all that it means, through the consequence of thought! GOD NEVER FAILS ! It is clear in each of you/ a relationship to GOD , or to JESUS Our SAVIOR; Is less than truly important to you. I will remind you then, that your bodies are a gift to you/ sex did not create them, it is merely a simple tool for the survival of life on earth. I will then ask you each to use your mind, and measure the truth: which of the billions of parts, or trillions of decisions, or the reality of your basic freedom would you choose to be without: what is unnecessary to your life? Evolution is a fool's paradise: where nothing matters, we built ourselves one piece at a time/ without a mind. Thought is the basis of all life. Thought is the truth of every existence. Thought is the description of you, the body is merely a reflection through which you may see yourself. Think about miracles, and then decide where your heart shall lead you. Think about eternity, and believe if miracles brought you here, miracles exist beyond your own understanding to create new and different worlds as well. Love requires acceptance, or there can be no participation, there will be no opportunity, and all that is left is what you can be without mercy. This is a description of hell. I am enclosing for you a list of things to be passionate about/ I am passionate, because they are truly important. These are important, because life can end and hope can die. Consequently it is necessary to fight for your life, to fight for all life. These will then determine a portion of your future as well/ therefore I do suggest your consideration and your decisions are as important as mine/ just as each one on earth is required to make this decision/ you are no different. If your own passions are limited to your own things, then how shall the world survive? As for me, these critical issues & more, require constructive resolution, IF there is honest participation/ then there will be much to resolve. IF humanity is buried by their treasures of want/ then nothing is left to do. There is no war to be won, either we live as a world by the truth that exists, or we will die because we were too selfish to think of anything but greed. This demands concession of power, the end of "the wealthy, by extremes", & a fundamental governing alteration. In simple terms/ I do intend to cause distress among the "rich & powerful". They will likely want me dead, as soon as possible/ if I am successful in this. I do have "opportunities". I, and you may however be certain that my life is protected until the day "nothing else matters"/ a decision has been made: so do not be concerned for me. Therefore since you are the future/ some small but necessary funds are held for the family: the whole family on both sides given for the days of trouble. If I should die, then look for instructions; that will require some deduction, in a safe deposit box at the bank of ogden. Everybody gets a vote, on how to spend the money/ majority rules. You each may have a "little bit more"/ BUT spend it wisely as time will demand much. Never fear, BELIEVE simply. This is not a question of life or death/ no one knows, what humanity shall choose. This is not a question of whether I have anything to say on a personal level. Instead this is simply about truth, and whether is shall lead and decide the future/ or if lies shall continue to destroy the foundations of what we need to survive. You too, must decide what is real, what is true, and what is necessary; and respond accordingly. The following pages give cause and honesty to the formation of these words/ do read them. By the intensity of fundamental needs, I also offer to you these words for your comprehension: {life is a dimension, encompassed by time in this experience. Time is therefore our relationship to the consequence of our own expressions. The question of life therefore asks: what is the destination of time, & how does thought expand from the development of a decision to comprehend an understanding of possibility? The answer is; respect is the density of truth itself, as it completes the reality of structured formations, as are necessary to life itself. Density establishes energy, and energy transforms possibilities into compositions capable of life. Life is then the disciplined expression of energy, as it obeys the definitions of freedom and the honor provided by thought. Thought IS the completion of truth, as it refines existence by becoming the consequence called you. The participation's within eternity are for another time; when your possibilities are more defined. } keep these words/ you will grow into them! In another matter, the consequence of independent analysis is generated by study, working knowledge, and then the relationships formed by independent truth, and its relationship to reality through the formations called discipline. If you wish to "invent"/ then you must be free of the interference of common knowledge/ but well versed in the compositions of "what we can and do understand". May love be with us all. As time has pasted, a chapter of life to often left unsaid or simply left out, do to the needs of survival, are the expressions of happiness, the hopes of joy, & the honor of friendship. Therefore I choose to revise & refine your journey, not simply for survival, but for BLESSING and the experience of destiny, as only love can describe it. Blessing means: HONORED by the relationship which formed the honesty of a gift to you. It is the relationship that matters, MORE than the gift! This is NOT a concept, but more simply a truth. Truth thereby demonstrates a composition, decreed to be communication. The critical comprehension is then, "a language called SOUL". Happiness expands from the dimensions of soul, to the place where you "surrender time", and become one with creation itself. More simply our relationship with this gift of time, becomes "naked" within the miracles of body, mind, sex, & hope. Happiness thereby is the expression of our simple truth, without the encumbrance of all that in not about life itself. Happiness exists within the honesty of our blessings/ the truth of our bodies/ the disciplines of our mind/ the dignity of our sex/ and the honor described by living within MIRACLES! Have you EVER, considered the freedoms of life? Have you never considered the intensity of failure, & what that truly means to any life? EVERY LIFE has dignity, no matter what! Because every life, is the expression of a truth SO MEANINGFUL, that we as human beings cannot ascend to its truth, & attain its freedoms. That expression of truth can only be realized when the veils of survival are lifted to reveal the relationship that is our truth. JOY enters here, for LOVE exists. Love is "the decision" to create & build the possibilities of FAMILY! Thereby all love is about family. Family means: We have RISEN, to the honesty of our truth/ we have chosen the shared expression of life/ we have learned the experience of trust/ & we have formed the dimension of an existence in thought. These foundations exist as "the HEAVEN" above/ but they are NOT the journeys end. Rather THOUGHT is "Like the stars of our universe"; simply too much to comprehend. Beyond heaven MEANS: TO LIVE IN THE GLORY OF GOD COMPLEXITY And the beginning of a new understanding, to PEACE, and the environments of our existence/ and our eternity, are applied through the expressions of thought. These are then messages without discussions involved, because it is your ability to conceive of thought that must be encountered; you are the center of the conversation, not me. Because truth allows it is your composition and not mine that interferes with creation. You must learn better/ therefore you must learn and accomplish an understanding beyond "look at me/ this is mine/ or I want everything". The purpose is then simply, to examine some minimal level of discipline by the existence of thought, and your ability to perceive this experience. It is not more or less. A minimum measure of fundamental humanity is first. The essential ingredient in society is "some level of complexity"! A "level" is the interaction in relationships that make communication possible between all members of the same dimension. It is stupidity and the simple mind that seek violence/ reality then pushes the others to be silent/ & the selfish mind that plots all manner of control & manipulation. Do not believe you know the meaning of simple or stupid, instead read and correct as necessary. We then begin with the only avenue of a lasting human peace, are those which exist as the definitions which alter the destinations of society itself [the whole people], and presents the people with decisions that create honor & happiness within themselves: all people. Stupidity means: to do something, even when you know this is or will be wrong, or you just don't care/ stupidity is making the humanity around you focus on your stupidity, by insisting on your own way irregardless of your competence to understand the outcome/ stupidity is allowing your own focus to be shifted in such an ignorant fashion, as to demand constantly "look at me": and for what, damage is all that will occur. A simple mind is: one that "focuses on one single thing, you and your interests"; or more critically the games society plays, the things society does, & the wants society demands". We are not stupid or simple as human beings/ we are described by the measure of loneliness we feel in ourselves, therefore the mind alters itself into "only me", and voices come as the gossip and other influences of life that establish themselves in us [it is less lonely that way]. The quest of most human endeavor is about loneliness/ the reality of most sexual conduct is a relationship to the need to feel alive, and not about to die, or get so old nothing is important anymore. The truth of simplicity is, it keeps the human experience within our control/ therefore most feel safer. The truth of sexual games is, it keeps the feelings of inadequacy at bay/ therefore most feel "saved by sex", when in reality it is only a very short term relief from the demands of life. The truth of stupidity is defined by the degree of passion with which you aspire or pursue things without value, such things as "athletic events as a fan/ such things as child athletic skills, as if they were your savior/ your vindication or revenge". The reality of life defends value as the clear and certain existence of life/ and all that life itself can mean. These things are not limited to social acceptance/ not social possession or acclaim/ life is about the experience of destiny, in the existence of you. Life is about the expansion of freedom in you, until the day not even time matters/ because life has given to you a new meaning and a new hope. Sexuality is not wrong or right, between an adult man and adult woman {adult means, to accept and be able to respond to the needs and realities of human survival/ this is NOT you unless, you are honest about the truth}/ it is a relationship between man and woman, which gives them both and experience into a separated world, where love exists when both allow it/ where selfishness will kill the expression of that love/ where life contributes hope and courage and dignity, and the most important of all RESPECT. That each may perceive with honesty, the blessing of trust: or the curse of failure [it does destroy, sometimes too much] . Therefore wisdom teaches ONLY GOD Can come FIRST! The destiny of love, teaches that love cannot judge/ therefore justice as truth and the discipline of order, are allowed to intercept love and dictate the value respect as it is in evidence. The reality of trust, builds the honor of both to levels, where courage forms in both, simply "I can trust". The truth of loneliness applies strength to the bond, where "man & woman exchange the blessing of warmth and the dignity of shared responsibility, including a respect for secrecy [do not make a toy of your relationship] where it is appropriate. The poverty of simplicity, always seeks to overrule respect/ "described as the devil" it is more clearly, a very simple truth of control and manipulation/ that you may be in control: in case something goes wrong/ therefore if anyone is going to sabotage your relationship it is going to be you. The failure of this statement, is clear: you are not in love/ the only reason you are in a relationship is do "to shopping/ what can I get: & how much will it cost". Satan is the poverty of stupidity, where instead of love and hope, the fear of failure accepts, the need in your soul; to ruin any opportunity in love, that you may never need to feel so very alone again. Satan is the excuse, to ruin relationships and steal the love offered to you; so that you may feel satisfied, even though the other is now in pain. There is no such thing as satan in this world, apart from your own acceptance of "things which destroy others, that you may benefit from their destruction, their pain, or their love: you are then a thief". Being alone is not wrong. Loneliness is the blessing of knowledge/ that brings with it the honesty called love: that we are life/ and life is the greatest treasure of all: therefore you are allowed to understand, it is the living that make life grand. The reality of society is, we want not to be lonely! The truth of humanity is, that once you feel safe/ the consequence of freedom is then humanity begins to assess how you can entertain them. The consequence of pride, want, selfishness, & loneliness (loneliness raped) is a humanity in love only with itself: no other life allowed/ "you can't be trusted"! The honesty of love is, loneliness begins the journey into love by creating a passion {this is worth my life, it is even worth my death} in those who accept respect as the building blocks of a spiritual being/ where these then become a benefit to all of life, and all of society. Being joined as man & woman is lovely if it fits you, being free is the essence of life, therefore freedom in every relationship is important. If you cannot trust/ then you must rebuild, wherever there is hope! If you cannot love/ then you must learn respect in yourself, that you may give of yourself to others, in the clear and unmistakable freedom of honorable acceptance: then you will learn respect . If you are not respectful/ then you are doomed to stupidity and a simple mind: or more correctly, to an existence without soul.. Therefore quickly no other option exists, but as described by that one single thing, the limits of your own mind/ or the limits society puts upon you, that you do agree to accept. This is not a person with limited mental abilities/ this is "the smart people" who never consider the reality by its complexity, they SIMPLY know what benefits them; "to hell with the rest"/ even though it is just one thing, and reality as everything else, is discarded . The consequence is failure, because the rest of the "universe, has been forgotten by/your own special little one person world": it is all that matters to you.. Stop being stupid, "fear rules the world: it is not hunting you down, your life won't end because you stop and recognize all the factors involved and understand the consequence of work, or waiting, or don't work when you know patience is better; or any of the myriad other relationships that come to every life/ don't be lazy either, or spend all your time talking and doing nothing: that is foolish as well. The ingredient called fear is your disrespect of others, multiplying into a demand beyond your control. It is very unwise, to assume anything you do will change the others/ it is yourself that you must change: or else you give them your life, and they do control you. Do what you can honestly do, don't be concerned with what you can not do, understand that if a battle of life or death does come: "heaven awaits you/ or more simply, you will either win or lose and all the worrying in the world will not change that." as a reality, it is in all probability less than one in a million people who would intentionally plan to do you harm (280 people out of 280 million people), is it really necessary for you to fear? People believe and talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer or fire fighter, or whatever: these are not the most dangerous jobs in america! The question is not fear, the question is reality: at least try to live by the simple rule "truth defines, and reality decides". It may sound simple, but it is very inclusive; truth will be responsible to you/ and reality will tell you when it matters what you do! Beyond that, life or death happens to us all. Stop wanting to be famous or grand or special/ because this one little thing, is responsible for rivers of tears in all of humanity and all of history. If this is your wish/ then like a drug addict, YOU ARE responsible for countless heartache/ YOU are NOT special for doing or not doing anything: WE ARE special because we are living miracles. If this is not enough/ then you have failed. Failure thereby turns to hate [I am imprisoned, or these stand in my way], while success or "winner", the essence of simple boredom commonly turns to pride [I am better, they must be less]. Boredom is then a relationship with the body and mind/ to achieve the consequence of a prize: the result is a game. The question of boredom is then, why are you unhappy? The answer exists in yourself, and the purposes you create. You DO want, therefore the need for a reason to proclaim I deserve, is hidden within the composition of an excuse: boredom is that excuse. Pride is the primary ingredient in disrespect/ the measurement of life:{ no life can be measured by you, irregardless what you think}. Therefore pride begins and ends, as the foundation of disrespect: that you have more value than any other, therefore you do have the right to judge. You must deal with this inside yourself, in its reality of stupidity, and remove it: because it is not true. How foolish you are to believe such things/ lacking the will to learn, boredom turns you to mischief instead. The question of want, thereby surfaces as a relationship between expectation and experience. The demand of want is not "for things"/ it is "for me, as the measure of my life forms the reason of my existence". The reality of want therefrom commits you, "to the measure of any man, woman, or child" is based upon you: thereby you are now god, and you are judge. Miracles are not competitions/ they are life. LIFE is not the sum of your experience or your participation, or your decisions; it is not possessed, or earned. Life is the freedom to exist and depart from simple truths, into the complexity of thought. This is not simple/ therefore you must study, and demand of yourself the commitment to learn. Simple is defended as "fun"/ because a freedom without concern for failure or survival, is a freedom given from the inside. Truth says, fun is more importantly a description in discipline, where order and life through the blessings of truth give you the honesty and courage of blessings beyond "abandoning reality"/ and do provide the expressions of life with honor instead. Fun is then allowed to be, the gift of life in me/ you! And if you are lucky, there will be those who share it with you. If you think fun does come with any other experience, I do suggest "you need to examine the experience to understand who is participating and why". Truth says, fun is not defined by sexual conquest or games/ rather "fun" is the existence of respect and the truth of love experienced within trust; this translates to the soul as family, and hope explains "I have found an honest friend". Sexual conduct, for the simple experience of chemicals does not express love or friendship or acceptance/ but exists only in definitions of conquest, "I won/ you lost"; therefore it knows nothing of fun, but only the difference between isolation and the distance you choose not to travel. The destination of life is love/ if you do not arrive at this destination/ then you shall not express a life beyond it. Love is the door, into order/ because love explains order that is real, as the disciplines and decisions necessary to survive and be at peace, through harmony. LOVE gives us the freedom in peace, beyond all understanding/ it is the truth, which gives you a home! The simple minded are content "with one single thing (such as money), it becomes their whole world, and this allows them to believe "if I grasp this one single thing" with understanding; the one simple thing the others need or want, then "I have become a god to them because they need me:" over this little tiny reality. How stupid you are, failing to recognize that we live in this environment together, and everything you have is dependent upon everything we have: your consequence is producing hate/ this describes your relationship to hate, "as its creator". People do know better, they know in their hearts, what is true: but choose power and pride anyway, because want & selfishness create reason. Reason establishes expectation/ thereby people do become impatient, and form hierarchies or classes, so that they can rule/ each over the other, throughout the classes. Rather like hazing, "if I can do this to the next/ then its ok". The constant source of war & strife in human society is seeded with this pride/ but found as power in the reality of reason, only with hatred, to give it the excuse. The reason is selfishness: I want more, but they won't give it! The reality is hate, because "they stand in my way: they are the reason, they caused me pain". Therefore the truth is, "you are too lazy or they are too lazy" to work and accept change, and do what you can to improve society: it is so much easier simply to complain, "I can't be humiliated, I can't be ridiculed, I can't be separated; if they don't see me". And what do you really want instead of harmony and peace? The answer is "give me more pride". This is really too simple, even if accurate/ because human reality is governed by many truths. The most obvious definition is/ survival demands specific truths in order, shall be met. Discipline occurs, only when life allows "the decisions which brought us here/ were for us all"/ therefore together we will work to achieve peace and harmony, because it is our choice. Selfishness works in direct opposition to society. Selfishness takes what we all do own/ the values we gave to ourselves/ and claims, "this is mine": therefore you are a thief, a liar, and desperately diseased. Selfishness is an inner decision to de-value the rest, and declare "you are inferior to me/ the reason doesn't matter/ nor does the life form": the purpose to design an experience measured by the rest. This gives pride its superiority, when others can be controlled, manipulated, or simply degraded into dust [I am, because you are not]. Whatever you call worthless is a judgment, and a judgment means you stand between GOD and HIS CREATION, to condemn HIS WORK, or HIS WORLD. I will suggest to you, little could be more foolish/ or dangerous to your own existence. Your excuse doesn't matter, because it always involves a game of winner and loser/ therefore pride erects the decision, and want demands it. The decision in pride is your acceptance of a direction [there are only two: either love or hate], your decision in want is an intent to separate yourself from miracles, by becoming their judge {in this way, you can do anything you want/ without fear of reprisal: are you not god/ if you can be judge, can you not be god}. For this: reason asks, if, You are judge/ then do you not own the right, to do anything you please? To anyone or thing you judge? The truth calls you a liar/ because you own nothing of miracles, therefore you are a thief hiding in the darkness of a simple mind, and your life turns to murderer as people loose their eternity through you. They will be the coals upon your head, in hell: for they will be given the level above you, and will rule over you: IN HATRED, AND REVENGE. The question of hell, is "something of a myth"/ for it is not a physical or mental dimension. Hell is instead, the existence of knowledge, as is described by the truth inside of you. Liar, merely hides your participation in murder/ as the truth convicts you: therefore you lie. Truth is eternal/ prove it is not? Life is a participation in truth/ therefore it can also be eternal, dependent upon the order and the discipline applied by these truths. The conceptions necessary to discover life exists in thought, are not for the weak. It is the inherent reality of a liar/ that YOU are weak: if this were not true of you, then you would not lie! Rather you hide, to keep people from discovering the truth! Hell is the measure assigned to your truth, that demands: IF you are revealed/ THEN you shall surely be JUDGED! When you are judged, it is your own war WITH THE RULER OF THIS UNIVERSE That you are demanding. You will lose! Complexity demands, that every aspect of life/ every consequence that lives in our future, shall receive equal & deliberate consideration prior to altering these compositions in time. Complexity assembles an entire universe/ is this not more than you? Complexity takes truth, adds life, & displays humanity according to its deeds. Complexity honors the relationships formed by truth, & finds family in the honest acceptance of the miracles that exist, and the destiny completed in our souls. Complexity creates harmony, by establishing order through discipline, and if you disrupt the order/ or cause the discipline to lose its honor, then harmony is displaced, and reality changes. In Iraq today, on all sides, stupidity has led the way, because pride rules, and power is considered the prize. Like hussein the orders were "take no chances, kill or be killed, trust no one", what is the difference? While this seems correct, to trust no one in a situation such as this/ it could not be more wrong. If you work like hussein, it is hard to tell the difference/ except the "others" are foreigners: why should you be trusted? In every theater of human competition, to change the reality means you must literally change the reality! You cannot do this by pretending you have a better reason than they had/ you cannot be superior/ you cannot be afraid. The question of reform is up to the people themselves/ the question of who does the work, is the people themselves/ the question of why, shall always be: because reality demanded it must be. In the case of Iraq, the probability of weapons of mass destruction is still quite high [simply well hidden], not because of any other reason than "people who covet power, DO covet all forms of power, and little is more powerful than holding these weapons" in the mind of a fearful and foolish man or nation. Therefore why should they not be expected to have such weapons? It is still no case for war today, only the evidence of a murderer allows you to intervene: for it is not true, a murderer should be left to rule any people or anything. In the current reality of fighting in Iraq, the truth does not allow for any justifiable cause: both sides are wrong. The americans chose not to properly include the Iraq people in the decisions and work/ therefore these actions of the people are "the winners, who have made their case: the americans will NOT help us to better our lives/ they just come to steal and rule our lives: let us fight". In reality it is simpler than this/ no job, no true hope, and to make themselves important they are fighting the "big guy", unafraid: therefore we are important too! In the case of America, "why are you better, that you deserve to hold these weapons of mass destruction over the world? Why are you in charge, instead of respecting your words and keeping their nation for them: not for murderers! Do you really think you succeeded? Give them their true voice, and help them with justice/ DO NOT do it for them, help them help themselves! Extinction is forever, why should you keep your weapons of mass destruction", you are not god, you are not judge, you are only foolish to demand your pride, and sell your world to the reality of execution by fools: are you not the biggest fool, because you started the world along this journey? Do you really think you are different? Instead consider how many islands, & how much arrogance the USA produced when it believed it alone controlled such weapons: arrogant bastard, does apply! You are pitiful and afraid, because you do believe these are your "saviors"/ while reality says: THESE ARE YOUR EXECUTIONERS! It IS necessary to remove these weapons from the world/ if you do not, then you will be extinct: only one insane person, can do terrible things: look at your own revenge. Do you think there are no insane {YOU are insane to hold these weapons/ you are liars, to say as Clinton did: the weapons in "Russia" are no longer pointed at us; just to make the people believe safety, while in fact, one key-stroke and the weapons were pointed directly at the USA, "a total less than a second delay"}, do you think you have a second chance to be wrong/ it is extremely unlikely/ ONE starts: who will not follow, when every minute counts: the orders are FIRE ? Therefore understand the work of survival, demands the removal of all these weapons: EVERY ONE! You cannot invade other countries, because you are not worthy: courage and honor are lacking. They lack because PRIDE says, "we are better/ when truth says, you are the seed which began this/ you are the arrogant who made the world want them"! But you can demand surrender of all weapons of mass destruction, when the majority of other nations, stand with you, or you stand with them. You MUST isolate and demand surrender of all that stands to deal, death and destruction of the planet [YOU FIRST], or you must change their leadership and yours/ that it must be so. Courage is the honesty, of knowing this is worth dying for: because the reality demands the decision (all involved). Honor is the relationship between your words and your deeds, which make the nations and all people trust that this shall be true. Not, the current excuses, the lack of respect, or the denial of truth: survival requires truth, a reality that cannot be denied, because life proves it! The true question here is, DO you desire life? If you do, then you must not tire until the work is done. If you demand change/ then you are also responsible to help in that change, by work and deed and whatever is necessary/ not with guns but with an understanding that truth leads and reality decides. Not with absolute authority, but with hope shared, and love in full view: this is not a "stupidity, where you become simple targets"/ this is a reference to the honesty of shared expression, and the value of every life form. Make the people understand, by helping them make their futures better. Show the people acceptance, by being strong enough to accept them. Help them, do not rule over them/ they must rule themselves, is this not their nation? Nothing BUT weapons of mass destruction/ and these do include genetic, pollution, resource destruction and so on. Weapons first/ destruction of life by ignorance and stupidity second. What is the meaning of happiness? Why are we not always happy? How shall we be happy? These are questions that must be understood to accomplish change in human existence. The question of why are we not a reflection of the miracles we are? Is simply, we are the consequence of a reality & truth, that must endure the relentless pursuit of an energy, "that our lives must keep". Without it you die. This forms the basis of discontent, and the fundamental requirement of discipline and order in our lives. To understand, means to accept the truth, that life and energy are one and the same/ they cannot be separated. Therefore we must understand, if we are to be alive here or eternally; the consequence and reality of basic truths/ are not options, you must understand and obey the order where there is no freedom to decide. Otherwise, you die anyway. The question of happiness is then one of freedom, & the consequence of a respect for your own truths, defined rather than owned by energy. The question then becomes: what are the definitions of life, and how do these make us happy? Reality speaks first, demanding simple ways be removed/ because you must always be "ahead of the energy" or it will consume you. {In more simple human terms, you need to know the consequence of your action/ before it requires a reaction or destruction from your life: you must think.} Therefore we begin in the ways of eternity, that you may understand the composition of basic need. Eternity says, energy exists but we are determined and designed, by our connection to thought, the basis of life is then refined to understand energy is a relationship to our existence, while thought is the relationship achieved by our life. The distance between these environments is the place where souls are formed. Soul in eternity means: between life and existence there must be a decision, therefore you do belong to one or the other. The question is examined in detail, as the identity of your truth, refines the composition of your purpose. In this way, truth defines your position and direction, and then your destiny. This is the most basic experience in life/ and it does determine the distance happiness shall be from you. Many will question this description as invalid or false/ you are asked, when freedom calls to you: how will you answer? Because happiness never hides, your life knows the answer. This is your opportunity in freedom, to design your inheritance, if you fail/ then begin again. Many will question, how can this be life, how can this be eternity, how can we trust? The first part of life is the recognition of existence/ the second the honesty "I am alive"/ and the third, where did I come from. The answer, you shall not trust existence is explained by death/ the answer you shall not trust "I" because, experience teaches you don't know/ the answer of eternity, is only between you and GOD No one else/ we may discuss, but only you may form an answer, and only for yourself. As to eternity, without energy how shall you be free/ without thought, how shall you know, that you are free. The answer in life is, miracles demand that thought existed first (do you not say to a baby, I know better: this is because you do recognize thought exists), miracles cannot be mere illusions, they are complex truths based in reality and governed by order through disciplines called truth, as defined by reality. Therefore life is reality defined by truth, designed by order, and governed by thought. As we begin in this concept, the development of a decision is paramount to our understanding of any critical participation in this knowledge. A decision means; an anchor has been placed in the formation of our identity, this anchor reveals the blessing or the curse of our desire and purpose. This anchor explains the foundation and function of our experience is governed by the intent to replicate "follow the path", of what has gone before. Decision then comes to mean, HOW shall we design happiness or life, in the expression of our experience? The answer is formed by the anchor we have chosen to rely upon as the evidence of our trust. Therefore as you accept the responsibility of your own existence, the trust you have in the GOD That You chose; comes to define and determine the inheritance truth shall give to you. Truth thereby comes to examine a question: are you (truth) my CREATOR? The answer is NO! Rather truth applies freedom to the experience of our lives, and gives to us the expression of that energy, that we might know the relationship we have chosen to form. If you have chosen poorly "anchored, in things that cannot stand/ because their truth was insufficient for the test of time" then you will have your experience "destroyed"/ because you cannot stand the test of time either: your foundations fail you. You must then begin again/ or simply be destroyed. Choose critical truths, NOT love/ because love cannot judge for you: therefore it cannot make you stand. Those who choose power, receive destruction; even if they don't recognize it immediately. Those who choose selfishness, choose to understand the limits of their own reality, and find themselves lacking: therefore they steal or even kill in the extreme. Those who choose pride, accept the anchor of fundamental failure, as the games they play cannot sustain them. These things are a destruction because, they shall lead you to a consequence of truth, without meaning. The evidence of such a truth is destruction, because energy doesn't care, about you. The meaning of happiness is more simply the purpose of happiness/ that purpose begins with honor, it describes mercy to all, and it knows the discipline of respect for all life, including your own. Happiness is then without measure, the trust of an experience in respect that a miracle owns [it is respect that gives you ownership, without respect, you have nothing], with their CREATOR. You have "bonded". To own here means simply, you do have the right to enter the relationship, and experience the truth/ but not by your dimension, by the realities shaped in truth: these are a true expression of "1st purpose" and if you put anything before your CREATOR, then you lack the respect necessary to experience this truth. This is a spiritual saying, and needs soul to understand it. Truth says, there are only 2 kinds of reality/ either you belong to one or the other; {such relationships as either alive or dead/ love or hate/ hope or fail}. The first reality is formed in the appreciation of thought, the blessing of a participation in miracles/ the second is formed as an experience in energy. People will commonly disagree with this broad statement, as most of humanity believes itself "in the middle" of these extremes. It is not true; because you will choose either one or the other when pushed hard/ such as in your death. Instead the differences called humanity, between the extremes are inflicted rather than chosen, the reality more of a disease than a symptom. Our ability to sustain either extreme, is subject to the reality of our existence. Therefore truth says, because of the random nature of energy, in a comparatively free state/ the consequence of being human, it is impossible for an extreme to exist, without constant healing: we may only come close. The question of healing is guided by your ability to forgive/ the question of forgiveness is dependent upon repentance: therefore the heart sets aside any matter "in the middle", until repentance is achieved, or forgotten. Your "heart" is the place where you choose what is a blessing and worth your effort/ or a curse, and therefore an enemy to you. The "heart" is then fundamentally spoken, as the curator of your house (body). It decides the level of your commitment, it speaks in the moments of triumph or tragedy, it develops the composition of your humanity and gives you character. This relationship between you and the life you live, called your heart or more correctly your humanity, is assigned by your existence and educated by your environment/ the question of value occurs/ but it is not your heart that decides value. The question of happiness occurs/ but it is not your heart that decides happiness. The question of love occurs/ but it is not your heart that decides love. Instead your soul decides all of these. The soul here comes to mean then: how love achieves its creation in me. Where love fails, the soul fails. Here, failure means: you shall consider life of no value/ love of little value/ and happiness little more than excitement, power, or sensual pleasures (these end); you are existing. Whereas love is ALIVE. The question of existence is examined only by thought, therefore you must choose "ask, seek, & knock"/ or you cannot encounter the first participation's beyond the boundaries of time. Time is the expression of energy/ therefore it is the basis of any relationship with energy. Time answers only one question: what will happen to us when our bodies die? Time says, the energy will be removed from you, and destruction begin. Thought begins beyond time, therefore it cannot be contained by time. This is not an hallucination, this is an understanding created by the answer: if time does not identify me/ if it is not the meaning of my life, then what is my soul? Thought explains: the journey of energy cannot sustain you forever/ the body is merely a deposit of materials in the formations of a composite in truth. What forms the basis of life, is the relationship thought gives to the functions of that truth, by the reality of its freedom. Therefore [in its most simple function] thought produces the order, that disciplines the existence of our time/ freedom however, produces its own version of discipline. We begin here, beyond the simple acceptances of preliminary consequence/ and ask the question: how shall thought, the expression of things beyond my experience, become the experience of my soul? The answer relies upon our participation within the relationship of thought, a participation we cannot control/ rather we are invited to become the expression of what our souls can attain. We are allowed, the introduction of blessings, beyond time. This is defined by our purpose, the existence of our freedom, & the trust that only love can give. Love is thereby a most critical experience, because without love there can be no trust/ without trust, the experience of freedom is very limited/ but without freedom, love cannot be sustained. Therefore it is a "circle of life"/ even though eternity cannot be a circle, it is here you are to learn the benefits and abilities which are most important in the expressions of harmony. Harmony explains: WE ARE ALIVE, thought has entered our world, thought has given us an understanding of dimensions without time; and we are able to encounter them. Harmony is: without expectation, a home where we may live in the honesty of our thoughts, and the freedom of our souls. Thereby thought now becomes a dimension of discipline wherein, you have considered and chosen the order of your own "universe". Harmony is the builder of all things, it develops through the compositions of truth, by the demands of order/ where reality is "the boss" and life is "the treasure allowed to be free, within the confines of honor." Honor explains, that respect cannot be removed/ if you fail/ you fail because respect failed in you. Therefore honor or the acceptance of foundations and anchors which give your decisions eternity, must never be lost. Decisions are eternal, but they are not bound by eternity. The difference is truth is eternal/ but thought is the evidence of life. Life exceeds, the boundaries of evidence, therefore time and truth. LIFE thereby becomes a partition of the UNIVERSE itself. Life is the ascension of an identity, beyond the boundaries of all things/ where soul becomes ALIVE! Soul means, we are shared by the destiny of light, because inside the reality of discipline, harmony comes to mean "the same". Love allows the grace to be called equal to OUR FATHER Because we share HIS LIFE AND MIRACLES, "As HIS children"! Here begins, questions which we have no right to ask. Therefore unless the understanding is in you/ you may not know. Rather what we are given is THE LIFE OF JESUS AS OUR CHRIST! Therefore the evidence allows, and life applies the existence of an experience unlike this dimension/ in very many ways. We are separated by the evidence of HIS LIFE in the reality of wisdom, honesty, honor, trust, truth, love, forgiveness, mercy, hope, knowledge, and all things called thought: HE KNEW, we do not. FAITH is then a relationship created in trust, that provides to us all these things we lack, as we are able to accept them. Faith is then an understanding in HOPE, that we too are more than body or mind/ that we too, are loved, and will see the blessing of MERCY. This truth displaces the constant experience of body, and asks where is this path beyond simple existence/ where love explains not only the evidence of life, but a relationship beyond miracles where freedom allows order to be first; therefore trust exists beyond our own description of life. JESUS Proves by HIS LIFE, That the human body is not a "temple"/ instead it is a tool, for the education of ourselves, and the others. Therefore the composition of eternity, cannot be about body or mind. Rather we are instructed "or guided" to the door of thought, and given the authority to "ask, seek, & knock". Many will be disturbed by this/ believing instead that what they do as the body is their invitation to eternity, or to hell. You are reminded, of the punishment and death of JESUS And asked, if "This were the temple of GOD (this human body) ", would this be allowed? Or would we be dead. Clearly the body is a tool, the life inside " the temple Of GOD "! Reality speaks of this, through the relationships formed by want/ which then produce those who hide their intent, those who lie of their intent, & those whose selfish intent, can lead to all manner of violence. Reality says, those who declare themselves "smart" in this world, are those who accept the relationship with pride/ which then allows manipulation/ demands control, chooses disrespect of others for they "lost the game", and form the constant descriptions of measured value, rather than miracles/ everything turns to "what good are you to me". This is the source of the "human predator", because the game turns boring, because the measurements turn to unworthy of me: "you thereby describe yourself as god". The simple are those who follow, disrespecting the consequence clearly shown/ because in their minds, they have believed themselves "worthless", therefore abandoned by the true GOD! They are wrong, the simple truth is freedom creates differences, and differences are not less than/ they are different than. Most of the rest, simply fight just to survive the others. LIFE is not a description of body or mind, it is the clear and certain existence of freedom, and the honor of a choice. Reality states: to exist in time, there MUST be boundaries, the definitions of an identity which can be isolated from all other things/ to become an experience unto its own truth. This is important for you, because without your own truth, you cannot conceive of an opportunity To surpass time: it is truth that is eternal, not a body, not a description/ but truth. Truth is an inhabitable experience, as thought proves by explaining consequence and allowing order and discipline to erupt because of it. Truth asks for your participation, or it takes what order and discipline will allow from your reality/ it does not ask, where you refuse it takes. Truth replies; freedom is the participation in life that become a door into all experience from within or without. The boundary of an existence is then removed by the message: life, "the expressions of what has true value in me" has begun. Reality describes body as time & soul as spirit. The difference is the existence of a boundary (body) & the value of an expression that becomes our experience (life). Truth says: the human experience lives in the middle of these two extremes. Here the question called choice arises. Choice means, "I have found a participation that changes the truth of "my/ our experiences". Therefore wisdom must exist or reality shall change in the consequence of order that only truth can describe. Wisdom cannot fathom want, for only reality itself can define existence/ wisdom cannot accept pride, for only truth can discipline order and conceive of consequence. Therefore wisdom is a relationship; received only where life rules: that an aggression is merely the lie that accompanies want & pride, is a dimension within stupidity/ where a decision is the difference between hope and the understanding of an action rather than a reaction. To accept less than truth or to describe less than reality is simply accepting destruction comes, of the environment that is you or us or the earth. Life rules wisdom by ascending beyond boundaries, where freedom & hope teach relationships in true value, without measure. Therefore value is the foundation of human life, because without value destruction is certain to come & rule over you. Value means: respect HAS revealed the miracle of my own participation, and order has applied wisdom to creation itself. Value accepts the integrity of a relationship defined by miracles and gives discipline its honor; to achieve foundations capable of anticipating eternity. Value thereby dignifies life, by removing time, to allow "spirit" the honesty required to ascend one more step, beyond the boundary of simple humanity, into freedoms without human comprehension. Eternity completes the creation of life/ but it is NOT a goal, a measurement, a value, or a description! Eternity is an inheritance of possibilities which existed in the life given to you/ from your beginning. Here the question asks: WHAT shall life bring to me? The answer assigns the question to you: WHAT SHALL YOU bring to life? This is the distinction of 2 distinct dimensions. They are not boundaries, for those are enforced limits. Rather these are descriptions within the realm of consequential thought, that shall interact to perform "the concert of critical truth". Critical truth assembles the definitions of a relationship, & grants to you, the possibility of a "3rd dimension in you, or more". What is happiness begins, as the development of value/ is transformed by the relationship to miracles, that then become the blessings of life. Therefore happiness is the 3rd dimension, as it integrates WHAT are you, into WHO you have become. The 4th dimension is therefore honesty, and the compositions disciplined thought shall bring to it. It is CLEAR, thought is the cradle of your expression/ NOT by the measurements of mind or body, but as the relationship you yourself forge with life. Thought translates the expression of SPIRIT, into the energy of life/ therefore spirit is "our proposed union, with the UNIVERSE, itself". Our relationship with SPIRIT is governed by the freedom of HOLY order in our own soul: holy means, without the intent to corrupt. Here, we may now begin as to this war against happiness on earth. Reality states in human terms, "one persons' happiness, is another persons' jealousy or even hatred", because "they have more". Therefore the constant degradation of all things joyful, is accomplished : to calm the frenzy of all things burdened by the call of inferiority, intolerance, or fundamentally experiencing destruction on the inside. To accomplish a HAPPY society, these 3 must be surrendered. The ability to remove them, relies upon a personal acceptance of your own reality/ your own "thinking" rather than the social rules and definitions/ & your own acceptance of true worth as An HONORED LIFE, are you not invited into eternity, as a member of GOD'S OWN FAMILY? You are indeed. The human experience is NOT a decision of "the majority/ unless you allow it to be"/ rather it is an experience shared by the majority: what you decide is irrelevant/ what you do to each other and the earth is your truth. Consequently whatever functions to limit the extremes is commonly used to demand the behavior, "that calms the beast" of societies lies (decisions not kept). This is called human peace (as best we can do) until the inevitable rise of destruction in human "souls (: the possibility of a relationship lost, with GOD / not against humanity)" due to inferiority, jealousy, and hatred has risen to demand violence against the rest. These exist only because you wanted more/ NEVER understanding the miracle of eternity awaits those who claim it: you failed to trust! The 3 functions of a aggression are: lie about life by pretending to prove, "want, pride, or isolation" are making you inferior/ these others, they were given MORE & they used it against me, subjecting me to the hatred I feel/ and they deserve to die, because I cannot respect them or me, anymore: they stole too much. Each lie, is dependent upon your want to achieve its destruction in you! Without want, forgiveness enters and life begins again. You cannot "live through the others"/ this is simply not a truth, therefore it will fail and eternity end for you. Therefore you must end the lies/ that you may become a truth: or you shall die. This demand for truth, IS A LAW OF THE UNIVERSE/ none can escape it. Truth replies, life makes us ALL EQUAL, and eternity levels ANY description of more! The human response is commonly: I AM STILL JEALOUS! I WANT MORE! This initiates the lie, "I deserve to be jealous, & angry" because these others HAVE chosen to hate & belittle me, THEY DO have more: do I NOT, have a right to defend myself? Is this NOT honest, to admit they do have more & better life than me? WHY should they be allowed their happiness, AT MY EXPENSE! WHY should I not have as much or more than they? Truth replies: from the beginning, humanity demanded its own freedom, without order for itself. The complications of that freedom is the loss of discipline, in the human experience. The consequence of fundamental disgrace (your loss of discipline) in human society is NOT up to you to judge/ are you not human. You are life, not god/ not judge/ & not eternal UNLESS, MERCY Allows you to be! Mercy explains your reality by the environment of your own truth. Mercy NEVER allows judgment in you/ mercy destroys corruption in you, to leave you with the truth within your soul. There are many people who complain, "this is too hard", yet if they would learn, stop insisting on ignorance first, and change, the burden would go away. Therefore be at peace with your position in human existence, because mercy IS "A true friend"/ be at peace with your situation, because it is teaching you how to survive in eternity. Do NOT be concerned with your body, it is just a tool and no more. The physical existence of sexual honesty, that becomes an expansion into someone else's life is more/ but most will never know it: you simply choose not to/ for there are responsibilities involved. Truth says, "to the beast" of human hatred: REPENT OR BE JUDGED! Judgment means: the lies inside of you, SHALL be left to consume you, the hatred to give you NO peace, & the message you bring to humanity of terror/ SHALL be a fire within you, that has NO END: until the consumption of your truth is consumed/ it WILL be horrid/ it will be HELL by universal standards, not yours. Society MUST accept the honesty of equality, the needs for human support in every life, the honor of helping each other, and the respect that TRUE MIRACLES Do demand of YOU! Are you not equal/ do you not PRAISE GOD Because of the gifts in you: why would you not recognize family, and be helpful? If you do less than this, you shall not heal/ therefore Armageddon comes. The question: WHY are the demands of life, a struggle rather than an experience in happiness, & the fulfillment of love without end? The answer begins as, the expression of life is a freedom. The DEMAND for RESPECT is a critical relationship with SURVIVAL! If you fail respect/ then you die: the end. Respect is the experience of truth, as it defines reality & creates order through the demands of critical expression. Discipline is achieved, rather than chosen/ because truth gives no choice/ but destruction only. Life is allowed to understand the consequence of time; which is to allow & define a decision through the gift & blessing of consequences that expand our knowledge of participation, through the understanding assigned as measurements/ therefore we have a brain. And time achieves for us, what nothing less can: the experience of energy slowed to measurements. The body is a vessel, through which the intimate relationships of fear, love, pain, virtue, & honor all collide into a composition designed by the density of our relationship to thought as respect defines and decides it is so. Density thereby stands in eternity, as the beginning structure from which life aspires to family: the quest or journey beyond life, is as our own relationship with thought. Therefore honor represents the value we represent or bring. Virtue the descriptions of intensity & fortitude we provide. Pain the understanding and integrity of love. Love as an expression of the SOUL, the constant desire of everything true, that exists for life and happiness. And fear, presents the boundaries of where, what, & why, "you cannot". Our relationship to humanity is then, not so simple as "why not just make us happy"/ rather our relationship with life, begins as the critical foundations of eternity/ the anchor of our destination, as the identity of where we do belong; as soul declares. Just as the body is defined "by parts & pieces", the family created in thought explains life and experiences freedom: as your portion is "to find your answer" and bring your participation to us. As you do, "family changes, and so then do you". Discipline says; life is not an assessment in energy (as time represents)/ time is therefore a participant, that conceives of a journey. Order says; the boundary between time & eternity is formed, by the door: "I am NOT alone". Therefore the foundation of "I" suddenly recognizes & comprehends that existence is simply the evidence of greater compositions. Destiny thereby ask so each one, WHAT do you desire? The answer your soul grants to you, defines the truth & gives reality its decision: "YOU are"! Questions in truth are not subject to relationship in mind or body/ these exist only through the purpose of the heart. That purpose will be either love or hate. Here begins "the building or the destruction of you". LOVE builds by introducing the compositions called family, to your soul. These are the relationships in thought, that transcend time to become a distinct part of your identity. Thought translates the environment of family as life. Energy is an expression/ thought is a destination in the density of critical truth/ while life is the freedom of participation as designed by soul. Soul completes the evidence of our existence in eternity, thereby soul is "the heaven, we seek"! SOUL means: having accepted the SPIRIT "of a communication" that delivers us from the isolation of self, and the loneliness of existence/ "we" has been formed within the expression of "our heart": sharing has begun! HONESTY is the primary value of your participation in the sharing of soul, while an introduction to the intensity & honor of thought is the experience of "an education" that you will receive. Soul develops from "I am not alone, to the MIRACLE, I AM ALIVE"! THIS IS "joy", realized in you. This is the very beginning of compositions shared through love and the harmony of peace. The question called MERCY, is then not a consequence of judgment, but rather the meaning of life as it completes the search for those who believe in the values of soul! This is refined to complete our relationship To Our CREATOR , as faith! Faith means: I have chosen, "To be WE, not I"! This is NOT A description in imagination/ not voices in your head/ or visions in the night/ it is not a "religious anything". Instead this becomes a new composition & life within the boundaries of you; as friends. Many people will ask, if GOD is real, where is he? While we cannot discuss such blatant disrespect, (I UTTERLY REFUSE) there are things you may know. Within the dimensions that dignity allows, the comprehension of the very first passages in the Bible have been given to us, that we may recognize them. Understanding begins, in your achievement of realities beyond this planet/ the things of distance and time and stars. Examining the concept of deep space pictures, where you describe "light billions of years old", said to be remnants of the big bang effect. You are asked to consider the light itself. Next in the reality of today, the atomic bomb exploding makes one thing perfectly clear: first comes the light, then the energy, then the effect. The question you are to ask yourself is if this light has escaped the energy which followed it, what then is it? Do not be simple, but understand the basis of an energy found, but not attached to consequence/ is a beginning in thought DO NOT say to yourselves "this is god"/ the rest is irrelevant to me. Rather this is an example of an energy, "if not eternal, certainly close"/ the second statement is like it; this is an example of captured energy, as it remains the same after billions of years; the third is also true: if this is light, can it be only focused at us, or is it spread throughout the universe itself/ even though you cannot distinguish it clearly without "tools". This light that invades the universe is everywhere and does account for the "dark energy" you talk of. In other disciplines of time, order conforms to complexity by the values conceived & created therein. Complexity begins as the roots of all knowledge: the ascension of critical truth as miracles declare them to be. Complexity initiates understanding through the comprehension of relationships as these bind our existence into developments in energy and motion, & the distinction called action & reaction/ where beginning environments of "I" take part in energy & conceive the manipulation of motion. Wisdom transforms all of these fundamentals into the foundations of who we are. Wisdom thereby exists within the 7 assignments of "me": by completing the individual tasks of each barrier, the expansion of boundaries allows the presence of thought to begin. Here the competition of "thorns" will begin, for as you proceed beyond reflection, eternity will make demands (these are about your pride/ and somehow it must be destroyed). The question of price, is your relationship called soul/ the honor of hope is directly tied to the truth called respect. Therefore the price is an honesty generated through the your trust in miracles. To begin, you MUST accept the dimension of miracles as a reality/ as its constant expression and participation in your body/ as is called your life. Life is not a product of the body or mind/ LIFE is the miracle which gives to you, the presence of your body in time. This transformation from thinking in terms of body first/ then life: to the decision, of "life first/ then body"; applies and corrects the assumptions of order / to a NEW and better comprehension of life. Life then changes, & you are RE-BORN. Life first, means that common experience is the miracle of your/our creation/ thereby it knows no limit as to the boundary of body or mind/ these are vessels, and substance in time: instead freedom has become the experience of soul. Soul here means, "a home, created in the warmth of a relationship granted by love, but given by the order of fundamental values." Value thereby achieves the path that becomes the composition called our soul. The question of life asks: who are we really? The answer of eternity states: we are the blessing time created, an opportunity assigned by the measured experience of a fundamental being: in order to prepare the structures of hope, to the bonds of love, reality, & truth! Here the dimensions of universal wisdom conceive of possibilities that accept our participation & create an order beyond all barriers/ to attain the essence of thought as we ascend from the gift of life to the expressions of freedom. This quest is NOT a "game"! This reality expands the development of your freedoms past the edges of your comprehension, to complete an identity expressing creation as your own experience: you own it. BUT, to remain "IN THE HOUSE OF GOD, You must prove harmony, respect, trust, and love": Or you shall NOT stay! Thought does transcend the barriers of time just as soul may seek, ask, & knock at each or any relationship which we have, in miracles. To begin in these first steps of an education in the 7 assignments of "me/you", it is necessary to allow participation by stopping "the constant, I know" and learning: these are the 7 sides of each identity: they are "the 4 direction of the wind"/ the top/ the bottom/ & the inside. Their purpose establishes the discipline & gives order to the life you design. Therefore each is dependent upon you, & you are distinctly & forever affected by them. RESPECT YOUR LIFE! In its interpretation of these things, wind represents the interchange between a participation because of the environment/ a participation in the experience of the environment/ or a description called fate, due to environmental factors (reality) and their influence on you (truth). Directions refer to the 4 sides of the body, that environment acts upon: the bottom or soles of our shoes, so to speak, represent an impact or reaction to our existence upon this world, rather than an action upon it. What comes at us face to face, is life & the destiny of choices that we have made. These are encountered with the 3 questions common to all assignments: what is your intent/ what shall be my intent/ & how shall this influence or affect the environment of my existence? In face to face confrontation, the true question is "for love or for hate? From behind us, "death approaches, describing things of fear or salvation/ selfishness & want, or hope & the trust of eternity are examples of the choices declared. From the "left" comes all descriptions of games, and the essential truth, that you must participate in something or you will achieve nothing. From "the right" comes all descriptions of religion, and the essential truth that we truly are, MORE than simple expressions make of us. From the impact of our own lives upon the dignity of this existence: we do learn of tears, & joy, and the honesty of our own choices. From the top or these consequent measurements in time, we then do choose values or worthlessness. BUT from the inside, all that is life, seeks to define the intensity of our honor, & the density of our love. Here love searches for the participation of your soul, and joins the progression of your time forward, as the SPIRIT of your own passion to accept the miracle of CREATION. You have begun, in freedom and thought. Complexity also encounters sexuality, NOT as a game or sensual response/ but only in the existence of 2 hearts [one male, one female] living in the essence of hope, where life grants to each one, the honesty that is their own miracle together, joined as one. More simply, the expression of a truth is completed when love has opened the door, & souls collide. There is joy here, if only just a little while. For every expression in happiness, "the escape of time & measurement", there ARE "thorns". These are the reminders of a competition among all of humanity, "to win the race", that collects the most cherished possessions and life. Happiness CANNOT be bought or won/ joy can NOT be described or possessed/ love CANNOT be taken or achieved. These are GIFTS, that can only be shared! Therefore every attempt by competition to collect these gifts WILL always fail/ and the human reality alter itself to believe, "things that can be collected, controlled, or possessed" ARE proof of pride: that you have won! Reality states these are a composition in destruction, for none of these allow harmony or peace: they are not true. There are many compositions in complexity, density, dimensions, love, thought, and VERY many more! However it is your turn to prove, that the honor of shared expression can be found in you too! The questions of life, are not simple or for disrespectful people/ perhaps someday. I will give you some advise, like it or not: STOP believing you are less, just because someone else has knowledge or ability superior or in competition to you: this is an irrelevant issue of no value. What each one has is "a true gift of GOD", Therefore understand it simply as a gift to you as well/ when it is shared, this is true. DO NOT insist upon proving "I can do it too, when this is only pride trying to compensate for want"/ the reality is more simple, understand your blessing is the wisdom to accept what is good or right or beneficial to you: if this is stated by someone else, it does neither any good until the people who must accept it are willing and knowledgeable as well/ we do live and work together. DO NOT be so stubborn, that you refuse to recognize your failure, and only listen to the voices that instruct you about their failure: BE WHO YOU ARE, not who others make you/ rather learn from all, and appreciate those who are helpful and kind: REMEMBERING ALL, because we live in this world together, and how the others "feel" will impact your life as well. Remember that "voices, inside your head" are really no more than all the gossip and strife and bickering and pettiness, that goes on around you, it infiltrates because this is then what they say about me: therefore in any situation these voices are, "I KNOW, what they are saying/ and it makes me mad". It does not need to, it is irrelevant in most cases to your own life/ do you not do the same to others? Learn honesty, and leave the voices to history. Be honest with yourself, do not regulate your neighbors to ignorance and toys, for your own pleasure/ BE KIND TO ALL. You have no right, to use anyone: not by marriage, not by parenting or child, not by employment or employee: there are no rights to use another life/ share life. We do truly NEED each other in this day, every one. The competition to change our situation/ to change ourselves/ and to accept the discipline and order necessary to survive in a crowded world, IS entirely dependent upon "individual vote", there is NO TOOL to make humanity listen, not to work, not to do anything required for the sake of life. EACH ONE must produce and decide his or her "vote", and then allow the identity of your life to prove in your work and decisions that this is indeed so. Failure is the result of a vote without meaning or honesty/ or it comes with laziness: YOU just wouldn't pay this price, no matter how much you want it. If you listen to voices, in your head/ then you will listen to countless versions of "essentially stupid fool", of the others, and then yourself as well. If you desire LIFE, you will choose honesty, and let the honor of your own choice and the purpose for which you made it answer for you. Let the voices die/ you do not need them. Loneliness establishes "voices", pride produces hate (if you aren't a winner/ then you are a loser), hopelessness alters reality to say: if only I were someone else! All these things and many more are coming to your existence/ if you do not defeat them/ you die. YOU are the difference between life and death of this planet! Not your neighbor/ not your military/ not your "government"/ no one but you: because we do live in a crowded world, and if you cannot find the courage, the dignity, the honor, the honesty, the truth, and the love necessary to "find family" in this existence/ then you cannot accept the disciplines necessary to survive. Order is not your enemy, it is the simple truth of basic harmony/ while freedom is the primary ingredient in all happiness. The essential truth of every society IS: when population becomes a burden, and life means a competition that no one truly wins [even though the liars & thieves appear to have more], the reality is we now face the decisions of all history. Their choices have been nearly always: push the people away, "a fact that no longer works, we have filled the earth"/ or create war, by selecting a weaker identifiable population among us and killing them: {someone has to die}. These choices have failed you at this moment in time: you have no place left to go; if you create sufficient war to remove the problem "half the people dead"/ then you have created a war of weapons of mass destruction, and it is a guarantee to you, that NO ONE shall survive! Therefore before you have destroyed every environmental system of order that allows you to live here on earth {a fact that comes easily within 20 years} you must choose better: every one. If you fail, humanity fails with you, and your eternity fails for all but a few: when you choose separation/ you choose to be abandoned. The question of "what can you do"? Is not a measurement of participation in society, not a question of personal work, not a question of government: rather the only choice before all humanity is literally to change yourself. There are NO crusades to be fought/ NO great battles to be won/ NO people to change and redirect to your better ways; none of the asinine measurements of your pride! Instead, the question before you, is literally: will you surrender your pride, that all may be family to you? Will you surrender your selfishness, that the earth may survive, and harmony may come true? Will you accept discipline and learning, instead of want and consumption? And will you experience love as the beginning of your journey into respect and the dignity, courage, and honor of trust? Or will you hide in fear, and simply wait for satan to come get you. Satan is "nothing more, than a reflection of who you were meant to be/ when life says to you, your opportunity has past: you are dead." THIS is your moment in eternity, because eternity will remember your contribution to life or death for humanity. Therefore be wise, even helping yourself, although there is "no pay" for what should be done/ WHY do you expect praise or thanks or rewards in other ways for being the person you are honored to be? DO NOT "look at the others" and say, I am better/ this is a judgment, and you will be sorry for it. BE HAPPY, that love has indeed brought you to life, and mercy shall take you to a better life. Be who you are, NOT who you "want to be", rather understand honesty will make you who you truly desire to be! Learn to live, "in the nakedness" to which you were born. This is not a statement of clothes or no clothes, this is an honesty created in the participation's without fear/ the honor of a trust completed by acceptance and Known by love: the simplicity and honesty of a child who loves the one who loves them. Order does NOT allow for goals [these come with games], rather it is truly a step, by step process into a different experience, a different life. Life is not a game, the things you do, impact life. Therefore accept the truth, that your honor matters, your honesty changes things, your hope gives others a new beginning, and your love compensates for the many who are failing badly. DO NOT fail for such little things. Fight for justice, it is important for us all. Fight for government, because it does affect us all/ not your way: but for the benefit of us all. Fight for the environment, because you will never live anywhere else: this is all we get, period. Fight for life, because it is important/ but remember death is not entirely an enemy: it gave you this place of yours on earth, because if no one died, there would long ago, have been no room for you. Do not despair about so many things, remember instead, life is far more complex, than any of us understands: and GOD Is on our side! . We are equal, to each other, because the life inside is the same/ only the choices can remove or enhance this life! We ascend from this life only by mercy, no one earns mercy/ therefore no one can say "I am saved". Rather we are saved, by the courage and honor of JESUS OUR CHRIST, OUR SAVIOR Because HE gave us a decision and an example to learn from and believe in. The importance of love, discipline, honor, hope, life, eternity, forgiveness, honesty, and wisdom cannot be undone. It is your decision and desire, and truth that are important to you/ but it is your relationship with GOD that determines your eternity. This message is part of those things, as taught to me, and given to you: even so, I truly am "just the messenger". Life is no small thing, while it is true that we must learn to be complete within ourselves (that we may be a blessing and not a burden to others), it is also true that joy does come out of such things. Peace is not simple, it requires the evils of pride and want and selfishness to be dealt with effectively, and not simply brushed "under the covers". These are evil because it causes the destruction of harmony in the whole of humanity, if your life has no value to you, then this doesn't matter/ but if you appreciate the honor of your existence, than having it destroyed for little things, does matter to you. You cannot force each other to obey, rules! Rules are arbitrary therefore always a means of contention and disappointment. Rather you must learn the truth of why these decisions are made/ and understand the consequences to each or all if they are not made: this too requires work, education, perseverance, and hope. Some will never learn, therefore prisons will remain/ but you have made prisons an easy excuse for not dealing with people, thereby ruining lives where you have no right: learn better, and do what you can to honestly repair the damage. There will always be accidents/ you have no choice! There will always be victims who were innocent and victims who were not/ you have no choice, but you must be honest with the outcome/ not revengeful and vindictive. You cannot whine all the time/ justice fails, when the people use the court for petty purposes: any case of something that needs to be changed, is about the need for change NOT your compensation/ NOT the lawyer gold rush/ NOT forcing anyone to be more than you are. Instead apply your knowledge to protect the rest, and be honest with reality. Do not lie to yourself about military realities, being a soldier does involve death/ NO ONE signs up to die or kill for you, OR be irreparably injured for life! Instead people believe or they have few choices or they understand that discipline is a real, not an imaginary composition which requires assistance at times. Honor those who are honorable/ be careful about those who are not. Be at peace, if your courage comes with honor: you will be remembered. We do die/ no one is exempt. Therefore only the reality of what shall happen next is important. Some will refuse to believe in anything but "dust to dust", they are certain: yet they cannot explain their lives, they cannot explain how the existence of a mind or body came to be: so they make up lies. Leave them be. These are those who also use their time to gain power over you/ and bring destruction to you/ that they may be your superior, that you might beg them because you need them now. Where hope fails, sorrow consumes/ therefore beware of all who threaten you, and remove their tools to do so. Beware of your own discipline, and do not confuse threats with freedom: "I for my own self, began the intent to return the homosexual to his closet/ for my passion, before violence came, I was given a homosexual curse to deal with: UNTIL the day 4 weeks later, that I finally agreed, freedom is freedom, I will leave them alone." [a curse is; the consequence of a zeal, deliberately placed in the path of a truth: when you stop intending to be a murderer or a martyr or something in-between/ then the curse goes away] Therefore understand the difference is not so simply as "they are wrong"! Instead it is a matter of freedom, and even that allows for some minimum damage done/ like it or not. There is nothing true about homosexuality, except that we are given personal freedom, and like it or not/ the others do not have a right to punish them for it. Freedom is more important than right/ life is more important than death. Therefore like so many things, "we endure, not because it is fair to us/ rather, we demand our freedom and because we cannot judge, it is necessary to give theirs." Do not be like them/ do not allow contempt for all/ do not give them authority: simply leave them be. In the opposite definition of freedom, is the clear & certain failures of the Israel government/ by choosing to be "nazi"/ they curse themselves. Faced with the same population pressures, as the Germans of that time: They believed they fight to protect themselves, and would exterminate Palestine if the world wouldn't watch: because it is "us or them", our lives & our children or theirs. They are not entirely wrong: the simple truth of over-population in any area creates this demand. Religious zeal always creates an expectation of "we are right/ they are wrong: and dangerous". Religion needs an enemy, without it/ there is no one else "but you" to attack for all that is wrong: it really doesn't matter who, as long as they can be identified, and are militarily weaker. The Jews were persecuted in this history, therefore they want to be in charge: not underfoot. Their religion says "we were here first/ therefore we have a right"/ the German Nazi, not the common citizen said the very same thing, but make no mistake the common citizen needed an answer "right or wrong". NEITHER had a right/ BOTH realities face severe consequences. The reality is, our humanity across the entire world, faces this very real situation in every nation/ soon it will be us or them, my life & my children or yours: resource depletion will demand it/ and people will take. As in Iraq, the simple minds will believe (this could be to our advantage) "we should RULE, because they WANT yours too, greed is like that/ and war means you don't need a reason, just a method"; to hell with the rest. The complex mind says: if we are to survive, then we must all accept the limits of the earth, and our place in it: as people not rulers or slaves. The only method of survival due to the violence of any other way/ is, a relationship in justice, equality, hope, sharing in harmony, and peace. If you are unwilling to do this/ then war will come for you: we grow by 2 million humans to feed every week! How can you believe anything else will be true? The choice is yours, but the reality is truth and you will not "wish it away"/ the order present says, you are certain to die within 30 years, and probably much sooner. To change this you must change yourselves. AND YOU must change your expectations of the world and your place in it. Lying to yourself or the others, will not help you: the earth is being consumed, and if you are not true/ then your whole world will collapse around you. This is not a game. This is the beginning of your life as a world in harmony and peace/ or it is the end of humanity, by all methods of horrendous reality. Truth will prove this correct/ not me. Today, you do have everything you need to survive, for a long time IF you choose correctly, and do the work, and find the forgiveness in your heart. IF you fail, it is not because you had to/ it is only because you could not find the courage in your life, to be honest with yourself. This is a cowardice, an unfortunate reality of human desperation to be hidden from the discipline of courage, by escaping into fear. Companion text is: www.trialoflife.info or www.trialforlife.info (These are the same). And : www.criticaleconomics.info
" the price is too high"/ so say humanity, at every juncture of Faith (that we are loved), Belief (that eternity exists), Love (as respect requires love to be), or HONOR, the responsibility to give back "something of value" to CREATION & TO LIFE & TO GOD , as it has been given to you! In human existence the comprehension of value means; you must now make a decision that will now affect your life, either for good or for bad. The human experience comes with the intentional ridicule of a few, "therefore the price goes up", and this addition to the decisions of value, turns a complex relationship as either with life, or with arrogance & the disease called ignorance. Our ability to survive now & eternally is rooted in VALUE. To turn away from value brings death, therefore the purveyors of ridicule & ignorance are granted title as devil, and your own descent from grace, is given the comprehension called "satan". Satan means (not is)/ the destruction of your values for life. It is applied as the destruction of your eternity and becomes simply "the road" to desolation because you are choosing to abandon the foundations that give you life. It is the "easy way"; a focus without life/ a relationship described by failure to appreciate life/ a destiny consumed, rather than loved and respected. SPIRIT stands for "the beginning of our journey beyond time, AS LIFE/ not as a destiny called death." SPIRIT means, enveloped in eternity by the relationship that HAS conceived of our soul. Here the price is, an understanding designed by love, and anchored through respect. YOU shall not go beyond the relationship that has given you soul/ therefore the possibilities that exist for you in eternity are defined by the honesty of " WHO or what, has become your SAVIOR". Savior means; an environment created within thought, to allow you the grace to enter eternity, rather than death. THOUGHT, TRUTH, & ENERGY provide the foundation for existence/ but love, respect, & honor give life. Thereby you must learn to live with thought, truth, and energy HONESTLY/ & you must accept a destiny that expands love, displays respect, & inherits honor that you too may belong to life, as family. Thought IS, "the beginning of life" and transforms the existence of a life, by participating as the energy of life. Energy is "the medium" of reality, therefore it initiates truth. Thought extinguishes the repetition of action & reaction, by the "elegant introduction of harmony". Harmony thereby comes to mean, the interactions of disciplined experience to the concept of order. Thought therein accomplishes the "7 methods of hope". You can do this, no matter who you are/ for eternity has nothing to do with body or mind/ only soul. These are: to participate, to gain opportunity, to accomplish an introduction, to be passionate about the experience, to make an appropriate decision, to value an expression of life, & to derive LIFE from the building of HOPE. Formations beyond these are NOT, for a humanity without wisdom [you worry only about tomorrow/ and badly discard eternity for nothing; you are NOT wise]. The experience of hope is then "the new temple" described/ promised in Ezekiel 40/ Or more simply, this is the description of HOW you are to participate in your relationship with OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do wish you well, I do pray for you/ and expect you to pray for me as well This concludes the written message to you
As for me, & your questions called why & how, or what & when: I need NOT explain, more than is already written. Therefore do not ask! The past is the past, and I do not "live there, nor will I return for you". The present must be respected/ the future must be protected ; by us all! I am the messenger/ that makes YOU the reader or listener, the recipient of the message: WHAT do you intend to do/ WHEN do you think it necessary to begin/ HOW will you proceed/ & WHY will you spend your life, where the only true evidence is within your own ability to "think"? These are questions you must answer, not me. The word messenger means only: one given the work, to deliver the message/ because of the content and severity of this message, I do believe an influence greater than mine is in evidence here/ it is irrelevant to me, if you agree. YOU ARE NOW in possession of the most important human decision in history: because communication & education exist sufficiently to engage the entire population of humanity/ that they may decide for themselves. THE QUESTION IS: WHO, SHALL YOU BE?
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