there are fundamental qualities of understanding necessary to appreciate life
and bring peace in society. These matters are "touched upon" here in the
chapters that follow/ I do strongly suggest you read and learn.
Introduction, a simple discussion of purpose
Sex is a chapter about fundamental relationships, and how physical interactions define your life.
Work Is a chapter regarding the identity of basic interests and how they form our integration as society
Freedom by work Is a chapter explaining the composition and personal commitments required by duty
Thought Is a framework for the understanding and comprehension of fundamental experience and expression
Society Expresses basic social decisions required for peace and happiness
Review Enhances the appreciation of your participation
Living human Is a communication in basic behaviors
Now is the Time, is a basic advertizement
Prelude to Trial peace and competition.
Developing Identity are simple words
Summary is a true relationship that exists today.
The constant in life, is a requirement to understand how your participation is a consequence to all other life on earth. What you actually do, asserts a direct influence upon the lives of others. What you actually do not do, defines an interaction that causes others also to fail. And what you lie to yourself about/ not only hurts you, but everyone around you: your children, your relationships, or is a primary cause of why there are no relationships in your life.
THIS IS a deliberate and intensive attempt to
resolve the crisis prepared by humanity, as it has determined to exterminate
itself/ and MUST change. If this causes you to "run away"/ then
remember this: Weapons of mass destruction/ resource depletion/
over-population/ pollution/ genetic crucifixion/ and more, leave you NO PLACE
TO HIDE. Either we change this, or we die.
Written to conceive of the sexual integration of fundamental truths, as they apply to the demands of your experience. There are 3 fundamental sexual truths: the body requires participation, by creating chemicals/ the mind understands everyone was born to be sexual/ & the critical participant, your soul asks of you: are you willing to share & care as love/ or will you take and control with power for lust? Each of these body, mind, & soul establishes a boundary that will be met/ before a sexual act or relationship can occur; besides violence such as rape [this is not sexual it is violence].
There is NO difference between male or female with regard to male to female expectation or desire for sex/ but these boundaries only. Therefore discussion of all that is sexual becomes a discussion about what is a boundary, and why does this exist? Established therein is the critical distinction that the physical act of sex is little more than a tool/ while the sexuality of true love is an invitation into soul, for those who earn it with respect.
A relationship based upon sexuality is defined not by desire but by the responsibility assigned which demonstrates the purpose and the intensity integrated into the experience: to satisfy lust or love. Lust drives the mind, to experiment, use or abuse in ways that discard the identity of the other. Love defines intimacy of expressions chosen for each other and developed within the honesty of shared moments. Need expands the reality to confront each individual [male to female/ female to male: there is NO reference to the diseased mind herein] with a decision based upon tears & trust/ hope & the discipline assigned by the value you place upon friendship/ and the creation of boundaries allowed through mercy. These are the moments cherished because someone did care, "about me". Need is NOT "a blanket condition" for the use or healing called sex. Rather needs are the primary participant expressing the fundamentals which become the creation of boundaries. Therefore to understand boundaries/ you must first understand need.
A sexual need is the acceptance of a disciplined response to the chemicals of the body/ and the loneliness of the mind. A sexual desire is the acceptance of an intent to mentally exert the force necessary to initiate order and achieve sexual activity {there are MANY levels of desire}. A need for sexual contact designed by your soul, begins when love refines friendship as the understanding of happiness, and the honesty of what loneliness and caring mean to each other. Compassion is NOT to be an excuse/ rather love is a respect that does not hinge upon society or rules. BE CAREFUL how you read this!
There are miracles in sexuality, designed by GOD , These moments provide the foundation for a home, in this life: you will never doubt, if you experience true love/ even though freedom means you may choose against this love. Sexuality discovers the depth of your hope, while uncovering the purpose of your love, in the person you hold. Miracle means: created with JOY. Therefore to know the honor of sexuality is literally to experience a portion of that joy.
Critical definitions of human sexuality include the demand to buy or sell sex, for any reason/ thereby stealing joy from each other [chemical cannot replace love]. In these things the demand is to use or abuse or distort sexuality to accomplish a goal/ transform possibilities in life, as definitions of hate/ play a game/ or just degrade someone else by "buying them". The demand applied as a need in lust erupts from failure, to the integration of violence as a means to prove "the value of my life is greater, than the value of your life". The demand to induce righteousness, is a simple disguise for "these destitute whore's, to trample upon someone else, and parade around wishing for power". The demand for freedom which in turn unleashes a cascade of punishing realities, is simply a truth designed to teach you respect, through the dignity you lost. You chose/ the result of your lust or behaviors to control, are your reward/ therefore the pain is your result.
The human question of life: how does life value sexuality and define freedom? Becomes integrated with the value assigned by hope, within the reality of love, to discover the truth that conceives of our identity. Sexuality presented in love, conducts an investigation in evidence "factual discoveries", that grants to each partner a "composite view" of the other. Based upon the intensity called love, rather than sexual performance, of critical foundations inherent in each one that describe sharing and caring/ equality and compassion, an understanding if found within the framework and structures that design a human identity; then honesty tells the rest. Do not wish for "something else/ or demand more/ or entrap because this is more than you hoped for"/ instead BE FAIR, and remember asking for a lifetime from another is very serious "business". Sexuality allows people to confront each other or avoid each other, dependent upon the love allowed to be shared. If your purpose is respect/ then your ways are of love. Sexuality brings a shared change in all who find live sincere and worth a relationship for life. Caring is the evidence of compassion/ if you have no compassion; then you just don't care.
The human question in love: what does sexuality demand from me, and why does freedom stand in the way? Discusses the consequence of human chemistry as an understanding in addiction. Sexuality produces powerful chemicals, and demands participation to get those chemicals. This is a mental response rather than a physical one/ the body is not nourished by sexuality, the mind and possibly the soul alone benefit from the interaction/ the body pays. The quest to be free, now comes to compete within the relationship of human development and says: I have not completed a transition from birth to the fulfillment of my life yet/ HOW, can I stray from this journey: what shall happen to my life if I do? Love answers "SHARE THE JOURNEY"! Life replies, if it is not the same/ how can it be shared? Here begins truth or conflict, as both examine the passion that forms their own vision of life and the need for love. The illusion is that life is intended to be "perfect". The reality of love is that it shall prepare you to expand beyond these measurements into a relationship with miracles: IF you allow truth to decide. Here freedom is the destiny assigned by life/ that encompasses trust as the single experience of family. Trust forms a new relationship where honor decides what discipline shall be. Sexuality is the creation of questions, that reinforce the consequence of your passion/ it participates in understanding your needs and then asks: "what about me/ is this love enough/ or do you choose differently": hate is a possibility only in failure, when your goals, your sacrifice, and your pride are pretending you "bought him or her/ but didn't get the prize: thereby cheated". It is you, that was lying/ because love is none of those, and sexuality without love is stealing. Love can be stolen/ because it is a gift, therefore it exists "from him or her/ or her to him, as love it is to each other a multiplication of happiness and joy".
Here again begins the measurement of man or woman and the outcome of every measurement is simply a relationship based upon "to use or to abuse". Therefore the question of love as a definition of life itself is never divided "into bits and pieces"/ but shall always be an honesty understood as yes or no. the question called freedom submits: where does your heart choose to be, for love alone does not command miracles. The answer you give defines the relationship you will have. The human heart expresses a journey, in this life for love and the sanctity of respect for all life. The heart is not physical that you may obtain it from another, the "heart" is a precious gift created in the wonder of your love as it rejoices in the soul of another.
Sexuality properly conceived by those age has prepared for the consequences is a question called hope/ while romance is an understanding of mutual needs. The heart exists as the direction that every decision is meant to take, while the mind interjects the measurements of society and time/ to take away the love you feel, and remind you: time limits everything. The question is then WHY, should this be? The answer reflects the distance you are from the truth/ and asks of you: why do you sacrifice; when will each journey become as one; and what does the freedom to pursue life and the density necessary to investigate eternity mean to you now? Sacrifice is a word used to measure, thereby the question is "what does your mind have to do with your heart and soul?"
Distance is an expression used to clarify the relationship that forms our environment; if I am in need, do you know/ or shall you recognize only the consequence as it separates our worlds? It is a sacrifice to believe in fantasies that do not exist/ they are deceptions used simply to sustain an existence whereby you need not "learn or grow up or be, anyone new". Where 2 people a man and a woman, understand the creation of discipline as the order of their lives, the blessing of a shared existence conceals the messages of society, the failures of humanity" and they achieve the "wisdom of one". Wisdom is a relationship born in truth, but given life, as the passage between reality and truth. When these become as one, wisdom is born. Man and woman represent a greater expanse of reality and truth to each other, than separated, therefore wiser together as one. Here where honesty opens doors and grants access to many pursuits and passages, fundamental freedom ascends from the base behaviors of human existence to a relationship with creation itself. Therein thought distinguishes itself from love, and the basis for freedom becomes a decision destined beyond the boundaries of time, as creation itself reveals participation and love becomes "the message of life". Sex between a man and a woman can become the concession of body, to let the mind be free. More distinctly acceptance through love is a passage that forms your understanding of what caring is meant to be. Love allows your heart to explore the honesty of your hope, and if you are true, love grants the freedom "to see your soul". The body merely forms an introduction to your own heart: BUT never forget, WE are all important: we are not tools/ not toys/ not a price to be paid! We are "TREASURES, FROM OUR FATHERS' HAND" Given life to achieve the destiny called "Children of GOD" !
There are many ways to honor caring, through the acceptance of GOD'S OWN MIRACLES. Sexuality between man & woman is only one of these/ and only when SHARED through the honesty called love, and the blessing defined as an open heart; freedom does not allow these chains/ therefore you must choose between blessings and love, or absolute freedom and no more.
The quest between man & woman to conquer each other and thereby gain control over sex is a true failure, common to both sexes. You CANNOT own each other! You cannot abuse or disrespect each other and survive your relationship. You cannot sacrifice, and have honor. Therefore be HONEST ALWAYS! The existence of sharing applies directly to your own freedom/ to your own soul. The honesty of caring demands each person must understand what true freedom means/ NOT for or as a sexual act/ not for simple chemicals/ not for pride or any selfishness/ but for need as it explains compassion and the right of freedoms. When compassion demands this is truly important, "there are times when sexual acceptance removes suicide/ when even the suggestion of possibilities can change events/ when sadness has overcome" that honesty says sex is important/ even though reality says, there will be a price to pay. The fundamental difference is truth, because compassion is a part of love, and love cannot decide such things. Truth says, if you must sacrifice your body or anything of your life/ then you must not! However if life has given you enough to share/ if someone has not taken so much of your life at this time, that to share anything at all means "a death to you, inside"/ if you are willing because you do care: then sexual conduct [without the introduction of babies or disease] is allowed as your contribution to their life. You don't get it back/ you are committed in time, to understand compassion is not abandonment {irregardless of any other sexual encounter: you DO have to be a friend}. Understand first, decide first/ then commit as you are able. In a loving honest relationship, you will NOT have secrets! You will accept the responsibility and duty to share your happiness/ share their sadness or need/ be fair with sexual responsibility/ and honor your lover and your friend with compassion irregardless of any other dispute. You WILL provide warmth, comfort, and hope, because to do less means you do not care; your pride is ruling your heart; or the failures each has committed demand now that change is important, freedom is necessary, and respect must begin again. DO NOT PLAY, life is more important than that: belong together or depart, that each one may be sustained by freedom rather than hate. In failure comes divorce for many; UNDERSTAND this then, that a treasure hunt, a demand for revenge, or sacrifices just to hurt the other all condemn you to judgment as well in eternity "read the LORD'S PRAYER". Be fair/ live close to each other for the sake of any young children/ be friendly, did you lie when you declared "love"?
These words are then written not in the suggestion of sexual relations/ but to ascend beyond sexual relations through the grace love assigns to those who give their own live to "The treasure called love/ recognized only through JESUS". DO NOT believe "someone else is sexually necessary to achieve this" love works, when you do/ either in spirit or in heart because all love comes from GOD , and if you are true, returns to GOD. If you are lovers, then look deeply into your partner that you may find "miracles", or if you prefer by happy only in the miracle you are; and enter within the places only GOD'S CHILDREN may go.
Sadly but truly I will also say to you, if you are truly "too battered & beaten up, in your heart" from honest relationships that failed without cause, "the world got in the way"/ then ONLY if your heart yearns for someone physical to help you, because hope has ended/ then may you find healing as GOD Directs you to go: prayer will teach you. You will understand it is time only when honesty and truth have given you permission from the discipline of your honest relationship [if you still have one] and the courage necessary for this relationship to survive clearly shows. It is not to be seen as a blessing to do so/ instead "medical related" serves the purpose, but only where honesty and love are shared: anything else is just lust, and will serve to destroy whatever is left of any relationship you have. When you have loved someone honestly, compassion will rule/ even if life has separated you. You will accept wisdom in these matter, and NOT plot or plan or tempt or do more than ask plainly of what you need from any other person. Instead you will PRAY That GOD WILL be with you, and your honest relationship shall heal. If you truly seek your soul, honor will return. Understand this, that if you are asking another person to intervene in your life/ requiring their assistance, then they do have a right to ask of you; the things that will heal your life, such as behavior changes, sexual changes with your mate, humility, and so on/ they may not ask for anything that benefits them: if you do this, it is for the other person/ your reward is from GOD/ or if your behaviors are a curse, then repent quickly or enter within the curse. Remember this: love is neither proud or selfish/ love is the blessing that occurs when you desire to bond with miracles (this is not a sexual description). Sexuality at best is merely a key to unlock your own heart/ that you may explore your own soul, and if you are truly blessed, to expand into the soul of another. YOU MUST Belong to GOD, To experience this/ YOU must own your own heart to decide/ what is true for one sex, is true for the other.
The religious community is CERTAIN to "crucify anything to do with sexual concepts beyond their boundaries and rules". As to the christian religions, I do suggest you reread your bible and understand : JESUS slept in a tent with 7 women, while HIS disciples stood guard outside and became jealous. I will suggest to you, they served to heal HIS humanity/ because of all HE accomplished, that only took from HIM. Therefore I say to you, the rules you hold although useful to men and women/ the reality of one man married to one woman /and so on, is IMPORTANT because of all the things humanity is. Even so, reality and truth are defenders of freedom, while sexuality is simply understood as a gift love chooses to share, because GOD decided it shall be so. Honor, discipline, hope, life, respect, duty, and courage all come first, or you have nothing to share.
Reality states, humanity has been using sex for a very long time/ HOW should anything be different now? The answer is: YOU MUST quit using sex! The truth is, YOU MUST quit abusing sex! Instead honesty will allow your pride to fade, love will give you cause to be humble, and life itself shall share the joy, when you care/ rather than want. Nakedness is not a crime/ not a enemy or friend, it is simple nakedness and we are all naked, clothes or not. Be simple, not threatening. A naked body is considered a sign for sex/ it is not. Instead it is a sign, that we are human. Those who lust because of the body, do so because society teaches them to do so: stop it. This is "the selling of the body", whereas the allowances made for lust are societies intent to control. You cannot control life/ wherever you do, you change a blessing into power, and power intends to kill you.
As for me, my SOUL demands learning, to that end MANY realities were formed to separate my life from others/ things without truth, things of medical causes, words and misinterpretation and so on. My reality establishes in me, where there is pride, no wisdom exists/ therefore HUMILITY is not only mandatory, it is a war to be fought for and won. My own quest for truth examines all life, energy, & consequences as a beginning to the existence of order in life itself. My hope defines thought, and the discipline which examines it as possibilities and opportunities beyond life, demand order and truth. Therefore "my world" is not based upon a relationship with any person, or physical existence including my own/ rather it is the truth of "my CREATOR in me, that defines my world
We now begin simply in the truth of all humanity, male and female alike/ shared & honorable expressions become the basis of love, and love literally gives us life, because love IS the foundation life was built upon.
The human reality of want commonly destroys love by demanding failure and giving lies. Want is "like a disease", as it infiltrates slowly and then multiplies. Want is the demand upon reality to change order and disrupt discipline and "give this to me NOW" [it is the same theology as a prostitute/ they want the money, not the sex]. Love is the essence of caring, the intensity of sharing, the dignity of being equals and free, & the honesty of truth as it blesses our lives in reality: and it means, we are alone no more.
Even though you cannot understand it, I will tell you "JESUS IS The very best friend I have ever known". This saying comes from our relationship in soul, by spirit and truth. To examine and distinguish this saying further demands that you accept your own soul, that you may then encounter spirit as well. The purpose here is to tell each one/ if you cannot find a physical existence to call friend/ do NOT despair, for you are NOT ALONE/ unless you choose it to be.
Our human relationships with sexuality is intended to be similar ; it is in our similarity as humans that we understand acceptance/ because different sexes or not, being worthy of love is the same for all. We are worthy, whosoever chooses love and accepts the duty of honor; repent and begin again if this is not you. The reality of human behaviors are governed by mental measurement and social pride and pressures. Thereby honesty leaves and honor becomes displaced by the purposes of pride and the selfishness called want.
In consumerism want rules/ while truth, dignity, integrity, & love are measured as obstacles to success. Success means: I have controlled them/ and now they will serve me: either as money or other. Thereby success is a surrender of your soul/ because without equality and freedom for all, there is NO foundation in truth. Without this foundation, you will never be soul.
The question of death arises at any mention of soul/ the question called spirit resides at any crossing from life to death. Death is the destruction of lies/ it is not more or less, in reality: the body and mind merely trinkets to the consequence called life. In truth death conceives of a passage that reveals the consequence of energy and time: either you pass through/ or you are consumed by it/ or you enter hell. Hell, because you are not allowed to be destroyed.
Here the opportunity called soul decides which of these 3 shall be done for you or to you, as truth decides the place, soul decides the passage. The question of soul is not about truth, instead soul reveals the relationship you shared in life with the spirit who cared for you. Spirit means simply: FRIEND IN TRUTH! Therefore to encounter spirit, you must become true in your existence, & you soul to its creation. Creations means: LOVE SHARED! Love means: defined by honor, given as respect, sustained by honesty, designed by need, but most important of all "born in joy, shared for you"! To share means I have heard you hope, I have seen your need, I have felt your passion, "even if they were wrong". Love assembles freedom as the essence of every Identity, the quest of every soul / and therefrom, what is mine, that I know I do not sacrifice or have promised to another, I simply give to you. Freedom is then a sacred understanding of shared love, because you are worthy that it should be so. Life is literally about freedom/ therefore whatsoever is surrendered of freedom for the sake of another life, is sacred. Do not sacrifice/ this is not love, because it is not needed: JESUS SAVED EVERYONE, period ; no exceptions!
The essence of death is not "goodbye"! Memory demonstrates "the angel" that you became to us in our lives, by instilling us with things of honor and hope and dignity, even passion identifies you as a consequence of living that we cherish as our friend in the experience of life/ therefore angel is a proper term for all who changed your life or mine: it depicts a friend still with us/ because we have not forgotten, we have remembered love. Discipline says destiny cannot be changed in death/ because truth can no longer be redefined in you: thereby you are whatever you are. Death can be understood as a beginning/ when you accept that truth is itself eternal/ it cannot be destroyed. {but in the matter of sin, it can be covered up}.
Here the masses cannot conceive of truth as
the basis of life itself, yet uncountable evidence dictates that truth is not
only the basis of life, it is the essence of our existence and the reality of
our soul. Truth completes order and demands discipline. Truth declares the door
and opens every passage: but that which leads directly to GOD. (Only GOD controls
these). Truth defines the future and truth is the only structure that builds
through the creation called thought. we are separated from all other earthly
lives, by only the single virtues called thought: animals know love, fear, all
that you do, but to a different degree. Animals do NOT participate in
"heaven"/ rather their lives end here: THEREFORE you are allowed to
eat them/ but you are not worthy to disrespect them: stop this. If you read the
bible, there are animals slaughtered in sacrifice. The reality of such an
event, claims a food "party for people" came next: without
refrigeration the meat would only spoil, therefore it would be given away/ it
would feed the poor and hungry. Some say it is wrong to kill animals for food/
yet if we did not most of these animals we eat would simply never have been
born. It is instead VERY WRONG to kill a life of any kind "for
sport"/ this is destroying GOD'S WORK, And playing god/ you should be
ashamed. Reality says every life deserves the respect of minimum time before
humanity takes it away/ therefore all these animals should experience and live
"normally" at least up to 25% of their normal life expectancy, in
fair conditions, & WITHOUT your intrusions into THEIR sexuality. You do NOT
own any animal or plant or fish or insect or bird or other/ they are a gift to
you. Instead you should be thankful for the diversity they give to your lives,
the splendor of your own reality over theirs/ and PRAISE OUR CREATOR AND theirs
too, For HIS WORK!
Sexuality is a sacred act/ it is not for you to tamper with. Human sexuality is the basis of human deception, man & woman & even child all plotting, planning, tempting, expecting, and using and abusing sex/ simply for gain. Thereby it follows that your sexuality is NOT sacred/ but lacks respect. Sacred means: understood and held in reverence/ because miracles are worthy of such treatment. When you accept the miracles of life and body and mind/ then you will understand what sacred means. Reverence is not held to "quiet and stoic"/ but honest, wholesome, and honored as love/ a place to be happy and at peace.
This human experience teaches me, "I am among thieves, liars, sadness, endless whining, and many sexual frustrations: all because you compete for sex, and its so-called success or failure of a physical act". Sexual conduct is largely for show, for conquest, and for loneliness/ thereby making it without honor. Sexual need as well illustrates the basic experience of control and the power people attempt to maintain over the other. Sex is "the hope of love, the request for a commitment to my life, and my needs". Sex is the honesty of life cascading through the experience of body to heal the lies and soothe the soul. Sex is the meeting of friends (searching for life, happiness, and joy in each other) within moments only they can share. Sex is the intensity and passion of building a home inside yourselves, where love will share the expressions of your lives. Sex is the essence of a relationship between man & woman, because less that this becomes a mental measurement/ and that marks the end of any cherished moments, and the failure of all romance. Sex is not a toy/ not a tool/ not a game! Sex is your love, inviting "your soul-mate" to belong: this is the essence of family/ to be known in love and peace; to be invited as friend, and to share the honor and dignity of a common destiny.
The existence of love defines sexuality! You don't "make love"/ each one inherits love and then spends or cherishes, or shares that love according to their own decisions "it is as such, like money". Love spent is love gone, if no one returns it/ therefore love only GOD FIRST , that you may not be in poverty. Love spent in sexuality depends upon cowardice or lust, and the fundamental failures of people who choose want or pride over honor. Love spent is, your relationship with Creation and your CREATOR Lost: you shall not gain it back/ it is given away: simply not yours anymore. The destiny of your love and the reality of your life will now change. But do not despair, love multiples in honorable people, and returns greater than before where honesty, trust, and responsibility define life/ that choice is integral to each life. Love is a sacred relationship with GOD FIRST ! The loss of this relationship fundamentally & dramatically leaves anyone vulnerable to the destruction of values and hopes/ thereby demanding the lessons of pain and heartache. Truth therein teaches the lessons of survival and love, if you are listening and NOT plotting revenge or other destructions of your soul. Among the lessons: a thief knows no repentance until he or she destroys pride: pride is literally "like shit, in an outhouse"/ if you refuse to discard all your intentions and games for power, you are of very little value. A liar surrounds themselves with arrogance/ so that NO truth can be invited or known; change or die. Sadness states simply "save me from myself, & my life"/ while truth knows JESUS HAS already saved you, the respect necessary to accept this is what lacks in your life. People whine, cry, & display emotion for only one cause [apart from true pain and heartache], they desire to control you. The common human experience of sexual frustration is merely the evidence of a "life without GOD ". If you desire honest love, then there is only one GOD, fantasies will not help you.
The parallel path called "most marriages" understands these lessons only slightly different: a thief plots, plans, tempts, & controls and then claims innocense . A liar says to him or herself, "I want, therefore you pay". Where sadness comes, the blame can always be found within the other. When the whining starts it is always for power. The demand for sex chemistry left unmet, becomes "the cause, reason to measure you, the demand to disrespect you, and degrade you", that they may prove you are inadequate and must be replaced.
Love is the honor completed through a male to female relationship that knows NO selfishness. Love is the honesty learned through parent & child, lover and friend, life and death that teaches us the value of a living treasure called "my friend". This lesson prepares the journey into truth, unless you hide and refuse. Love is the discipline that gives order authority over the foundation called freedom. Without order, freedom becomes only chaos. Without freedom, happiness dies. Without happiness, there is only hate and sadness left.
Sexual attraction asks, is this one trying to attract me? Sexual games asks: does this one need me enough? Sexual passion insists "you are, the blessing that gives me life"/ sexual intensity merely a fore play to the decisions that will alter your futures [lust is not an intensity, it is a depravity: the difference is "the other person involved is irrelevant, except as a tool"]. Sex is a foundation of human behaviors, it is inherent that each one will be affected by the reality and truth of sexual behaviors upon their lives. Those who "fail to get some", are no different that the rest/ this too will impact their lives. The primary impacts of sexual behavior are; the initiating experience, the experience of intensity as it touches your life, the consequence of actual male to female intercourse, & the foundations that determine lifelong commitment or not. The initiating period is the human discovery of sexual possibilities and the consequence of "what to do with this"? Experimentation follows, and reality teaches: it is NOT a game/ this will control you, or you will control it. Control is the decision of you over your body/ while experimentation is your body in control over you: you will choose to be free or you will choose to be a slave to your body, "the middle ground is judgment". Judgment expects the adherence "TO RULES"/ while life expects you "to make up your mind". The body is essentially only action & reaction/ while your soul is thought and the foundation of love. These are opposites even though you exist as an identity conceived by both.
Intensity is the first and any or every succeeding interaction that makes your heart understand "I am alive today, and grateful for this experience, this union in acceptance". Chosen male to female, defined by hope, and laced with the compassion and dignity of 2 people in love intensity is the creator of hope. Love is the honesty of your expressions in happiness "shown, heard, and defined" that these may multiply into the experience called trust. Here where peace dwells, love comes calling/ to identify the truth in you.
Intercourse is asking the body to decide for you/ because you cannot commitment. Commitment REQUIRES a decision/ no distinct decision, means NO commitment can be made. Intercourse is then simply an EXCUSE to put off this decision to another day, or month, or year, or never. Commitment means: accepting the knowledge that this woman or this man IS going to dramatically affect and change my life. Therefore I must do my part, "and accept him or her into my life, my trust, and my time." Adjusting behaviors, desire, hope, and living to meet their future needs and happiness are all a part: if you are both, not ready/ then don't start. Remember this, marriage in this day is asking deliberately and without compromise for the rest of their lives: no exceptions granted. THIS is a very BIG commitment and patience is warranted and deserved. A lifetime is the distance your destiny shall travel/ therefore it is very important who shall travel with you, and for how long. The critical understanding conceives of an environment in freedom and equality where life grants identity the opportunity to build perseverance, integrity, humility, justice, responsibility, and a relationship with thought. To do this requires the respect necessary to at times "travel alone"/ the honesty to accept a different path that the others/ the dignity of living as if GOD Were watching you/ and your participation in abandoning what is untrue. If you fail to abandon what is untrue about you or your relationship/ then your relationship will fail, and you will be angry: because you didn't get what you wanted. Truth does not allow you to make demands of your mate/ rather love asks of you to share, care, trust, and above all RESPECT THE OTHER ONE. Those who choose to follow their lives in a relationship with GOD Will learn and choose love and the disciplines of a true life. Male and female are able to achieve a "greater density" of life together (as true lovers), therefore you may share your destiny together, if you wish. True life is the description conceived by caring. This builds a bridge between your souls/ true life is thereby the essence and reality of never being alone. To do so you must become as truth, as best you can. Truth provides the invitation to accept density as the understanding of critical destinations and accept the decision, the passion, the strength and courage, and the respect necessary to open these doors "to the realities inside". Once there, the WORK begins! Lovers completed by each other, share the view of each other, and work for each other in this process of "CLEANING and renewal".
The question posed by the term lovers, male to female/ female to male, si simply: what does sexuality or more correctly body interactions have to do with love, and then what does love explain about eternity?
The answers are: warmth & sensation are the consequences generated by the experience of human bodies. Warmth is the knowledge of a fundamental physical presence that demands you are not alone/ while sensation is the expression attributed to measurements of the mind. Our human experience is as love or hate, or somewhere in the middle. Lovers do not reside in this middle/ they have chosen, and intercourse for them is literally "without measurements from the mind"/ therefore together they reside in heart and soul. It is the density of your love that places you in eternity. Although it may be wrong to share anything of density/ reality says, humanity is so close to extinction it must be done.
Therefore density means "the refinement" of your truth within the parallel dimensions that participate with time. There are MANY questions here/ but I refuse! However we may begin in the understanding of energy itself. Very critical examination asks: explain the composition of BASIC extreme energy? The answer replies as a description of your designation called a black hole/ the gravitational area where NOTHING physical escapes except light at is axis. Critical truth applies density as extreme discipline defining an absolute order, where the light of this axis is the ONLY door to freedom. The relationship we share with this energy applies fundamentally to our human experience. Although many influences attack us, creating chaos & destruction at the "outer edge"/ our challenge is to become dense enough to establish only freedom as the light within ourselves. In fundamental dimension, energy is contained by environment, or it dissipates and disappears. Therefore in this existence as time, man represents the energy, & woman defines its environment: they are mutually necessary. In the consequence called life, one "step above" existence in our world, freedom demonstrates the escape from density and defines participation through love as an experience beyond simple self/ therefore an opportunity is born. The question of escaping from density is a purpose beyond order and discipline/ where love controls life. In this vein of wisdom, the human question arises: what is the value of eternity? Here people whine and cry and even commit suicide, because they are NOT fulfilled with their life. You FAIL to grasp and sustain the truth inside "I AM ALIVE"/ therefore you die inside, because you did not choose life. Therefore you failed to comprehend the miracle that you are! Miracles assign to us the possibilities eternity represents/ eternity is about your truth accepted within the destiny called thought. Thought translates your ever distinction as life/ thought allows knowledge of all kinds/ love is a blessing without end. If the evidence called miracles is not enough for you to conceive of life/ then you may enter the second death at your request, and dissipate and disappear eternally: it is your choice.
The reality of human sexuality is as a true expression of actual & honest acceptance, the mind quits measuring for a time (where lust is not involved) and life can be precious. As a real experience of fundamentally breaking down barriers erected to keep all people away/ it becomes a door, to the fragile world of a life inside. As a decision based upon trust the critical understanding called hope finds existence and love seeks value, that you may indeed be worthy of this grant of "faith". As the passion called faith ascends beyond simple relationships, the honor of love in an invitation from courage, To seek GOD !
The problem of human sexuality is, a complete lack of courage. As is true of so many things human, when reality demands an answer/ the vast majority hide. Sexuality defends life by asking: who are you? This question establishes several key definitions, they are: do you share, do you love, do you care, will you accept, do you respect, are you brave, and can you be responsible and discipline in duty? People hide because they know they do fail in these often. As lovers, openness & trust mend all these failures through respect, & this healing is dependent upon your repentance of failure, and the consequent reality that will change your life. Do NOT understand sexuality to be "anything" more than a physical act/ it is not. Do UNDERSTAND within your heart and soul are the keys to your destiny, but you yourself must find the doors and ope "the life within". Do understand physical sex [lust], want, selfishness, and pride all breed discontent, heartache, depression, & self-destruction. The physical dimensions of sex simply exchange chemical, excuses, lies, and failure used to cheat, use, abuse, and simply destroy the happiness life has given to your soul. This occurs because love is stolen or given away. No one enters physical sex without "paying admission". That price is innocense. "The treasury of hope, that knows no evil deeds". Physical sex is not evil/ instead the secrets, the intent, the passions, and the purpose of at least one will be; to gather and steal the values of your life/ thereby leaving you abandoned and alone. ALWAYS PUT GOD FIRST; This is to protect you/ not to control you.
In my youth, I was introduced to the reality and consequences of "all's fair in love and war". Little is more untrue. Nothing is fair in war/ the only thing fair in love is truth. Male & female fail badly at truth/ plotting & planning, tempting and selling, destroying hope and squashing peace; All for sex! Because you are bored and undisciplined, selfish and lonely because of it! To proud and determined to win/ rather than have a friend. These things present rape, and as a consequence produce fear/ and all reality deteriorates because of it: you should be ashamed.
When I was young, I learned "if I don't know someone is being attacked, I cannot help. If I am not there/ I cannot help. If I am too absorbed with my own problems/ then I have nothing to help with. As a result, all that can be done is to prepare someone to defend themselves/ before you can make this decision, you must understand the reality. This is a sad but true statement on society/ that we are reliant upon ourselves. Society must change, by understanding the consequence and intervening, it is time to use "fuming and marking" to deter and identify .
When I was young, I learned, If I have failed and gave away the love I cherished, the values in my heart/ and hid from the hope and respect in my soul/ then I was alone, I could help no one because of the poverty in my soul: even so, when it is critical you must choose yourself. IF you give away the very last part of what makes you the person you are/ then you can never return to being that person/ you must be something else. At time life and health crisis would not allow me to help even though I surely would have/ but to lie and even suggest I could would have been a serious injury to another. Reality teaches clearly to intervene and help another means: they will make plans for your life, even if you cannot commit and have made this clear. There are so many problems because there are so MANY wants. There are so many needs, because there is so MUCH selfishness. There are so MANY failed relationships simply because pride is more important to you, than the life you demand must lose to you/ so that you can win: WHAT DID YOU WIN?
The measure of man or woman is strictly limited to your mind/ if you are listening to "this little voice inside" measuring life for you/ then you are deceived. Life cannot be measured by humanity/ we are miracles, EVERY ONE. Violence, cruelty, rape, & evil ALL come from this "little voice inside". IF YOU are listening/ then you are dangerously close to "satan"/ satan means: to plot, plan, & measure your superiority by the damage you can inflict upon the other: by controlling, by power, by manipulation, or any other. Repent of this or be DAMNED.
Love & life are, a relationship born in eternity and given to you. Love is a wisdom conceived, while life is an energy transformed: both are children of thought. the questions designed to initiate true comprehension are NOT allowed to you. However basic understanding applies existence to the passage between life and death by examining truth as it instructs life in the blessing of love. Life says: soul is the construction enabling knowledge to express an action in the rhythmic concentrations of critical truth. Love says; in the examination of identity, "the flaw" is a critical relationship limited to the expression of truth. Where love and life FIND a shared expression, energy allows the transformation of an intense desire to bind with force itself, and alter existence into compositions which share distinct communication as energy experiences movement. Movement means a relationship in time based upon the knowledge of past and present/ the questions refined to simplicity is can energy "recognize transformation"? The answer is energy translates the basic reality of every action, as a reaction/ energy translates every feeling, every touch, every movement you command. Thereby energy is the basis of communication, and it refines knowledge by the variation of its expression. Truth then says, if energy is the communicator of a relationship with life/ then it resides where thought completes the foundation of life to achieve knowledge. Just as energy achieve the examination of its impact, by fundamentally expressing weakness or strength.
In the consequence of intimacy love & life share the knowledge of warmth as energy, this expression of a relationship constitutes an experience, & this experience illuminates the demand that becomes a decision. To share or not to share/ to accept a relationship or seek to destroy it, fearing it may do the same to you. The critical failure of violence is the fear, that if you don't pre-empt the strike/ then they shall have the advantage. Fear is always a failure/ there is NO situation wherein fear helps you to survive: fear is then a primary enemy. The consequence of an enemy, is the competition to control. The consequence of control is power, a manipulation intended to instill "fear me"/ rather than I fear you/ producing the consequence in reality: neither can be trusted. Power thereby transforms society by establishing "the class". Classes of people exist from the mind, whereby measurements of every kind seek out the excuse to belittle, betray, & abuse those who power can be attained over: greed is a primary weapon of this power. The masses cooperate because fear compliments the threats of starvation, imprisonment, abandonment, and murder/ therefore the critical acceptance of most for a need called society [I cannot live without them], allows the struggles for equality and against inequality to be drawn out into simple complaints/ rather than demands.
The essential truth required by equality is RESPECT. The failure to achieve respect means literally, nothing else matters, you will fail. Here the concept and reality of marriage is a distinct proving ground for respect. The loss of respect IS the determining factor of every failed relationship: whether you remain together or not; you have failed. The decision of a relationship is to examine & then testify to the truth you have accepted. Equality is a testimony that you have found truth and committed your heart to an experience shared/ not controlled. Here the question called heart erupts from the basis of knowledge, "that you do have a choice". The consequence of this knowledge being simply: will the mind or your heart define your truth? There are NO measurements in equality/ these are games! Games merely form "winner or loser" the end/ Except for the consequent ridicule and pride.
As this writing is based in sexuality, it is of interest that the common romantic symbol of love (heart) is "discovered by raising the legs of a man to reveal the testicle sack, does take this form and shape." the question then becomes to what degree is sexuality responsible for the distinctions of love & heart? This answer examines need, want, the foundation of love [critical loneliness], & truth. Need is the physical existence of a true desire to be accepted. Sexual needs are then based in the understanding of order that does not exist for you. And its response to accept the necessary payments to achieve that order. This Order establishes a human framework, where time forms a decision & you become its slave. Want exists as a lie, that sex is the foundation of my decision in this matter/ whereas truth says: you seek to play a game and lust to be "the winner, no matter how much damage you do. Thereby want is perceived as lacking a decision/ and replacing a true need with games. Critical loneliness constitutes the fundamental knowledge of "what if nothing existed but me? This question then notices I am alone, even though I stand in the presence of so many. Here we begin an examination of sexuality shared honestly by man & woman/ that proves acceptance and caring, demonstrates the honor, that you are a presence in my life. Sexuality transforms the measurements of the mind into the possibilities of the heart. Truth will then examine the relationship shared for the honesty and courage called love, while heart will form the structure that defines the "door" whereby souls may meet. Sexuality is then one path of many, but is reserved only for true lovers and the respect they share for each other. To learn means, to accept the consequence of vulnerability and find life. It is the living that grants caring, it is the soul that establishes the grace of MERCY, and its contribution to life, the truth called love.
The consequence of being human is the reality called sex. Sex establishes body & mind/ controls basic behaviors of the simple mind/ comprises complexity by spiritual possibilities/ and forms our relationship between man & woman by establishing a simple format for the resolution of interpersonal problems. Sex functions in reality, by demonstrating in pregnancy: DO NOT gamble, lives are at stake! The consequence of pregnancy is simply: leave you childhood behind! It is not "love"/ it is pregnancy and the clear responsibility that will demand your freedom, your time, & your resources for the next 20 years or more. Children ARE precious, IF you are ready! Children ARE precious as life, even if you are not ready. Those who discard a child/ discard their own lives: adoption is not discarding a child, it is the understanding of reality and the acceptance of a shared responsibility. Treat this KINDLY, and do not sacrifice the child for your pride or pity or insanity.
In reality abortion means: YOU and the male involved have failed badly. Then in failure YOU choose to hide, and make another life PAY THE PRICE of your failure. Abortion for rape, for critically known and understood physical or mental mutations/ and with RARE exception beyond once, "HELP ME, for I am lost": Are to be granted. Abortion is NOT birth control/ abortion induced within 30 days of conception, IS a simple human recognition of frailty and need: right or wrong is irrelevant/ the facts are simply the facts : do not be so righteous!
Reality knows women lie/ men lie/ both plot, plan, & conceive of ways and methods to gain power over the other: sex and pregnancy are primary participants in this war on life. Find someone honest, honorable, & understanding who is willing to work / NOT just dream. Love says; if the heart does not bring them back to you/ then your life has not found a home. BE PATIENT. Most go out with one or two and believe they succeed or fail based on these experiences by getting married. YOU ARE WRONG! Meet many more people, put pride and selfishness behind you/ "put your best foot forward, and take chances in courage/ NOT stupidity", and be friendly, be yourself, and be FAIR. If you absolutely must/ sexual contact is a pacifier/ BUT dating sexually removes the friendship and causes a lack of trust, because it opens the door and places needs at your feet. Dating without touch also sacrifices the intimacy of shared expression. BE FAIR, do not intimidate, do not tempt, do not bribe, do not force, DO NOT use violence or abuse/ BUT DO share hope, life, and the passions of your destiny: listen up, this is your opportunity to find a friend.
True love will never measure you, it cannot/ therefore understand when the other clearly says: you are NOT worthy of me/ leave! It means love has nothing to do with this, it is arrogance, pride, and selfishness. Abuse is "the soul on fire"/ if you stay, then you will share in their hell: WHY DO THIS? Do not "save anyone/ all are already saved" which means, they know love exists. Do not accept emotion as a foundation for your relationship/ it is "like a crocodile" and it will bite you, or may kill you eternally. Be free, and choose / not simply react.
Sex is a blessing, it is not "dirty or evil"/ but a gift from GOD to you/ it is meant for your pleasure and happiness: be wise, therefore be honest. A male vasectomy IS the end of the chemicals/ therefore the end of sexual passion. Passion needs direction/ therefore women do obtain considerable control over the lives of young men: be careful not to manipulate, or you may become alone. If you are wise/ then you will prove the value of your relationship to each other/ by loving each other properly: be fair, be helpful, be kind, be respectful, give freedom, be compassionate, allow weakness and strength, protect each other, and so forth. If you are lazy and proud/ then the day comes when you will fight to sustain even a little happiness between you. BE BRAVE, be happy, accept new faces, and understand love need not, "turn hope or sex" into a list of wants and expectations/ instead love accepts respect as the foundation of courage and strength to bind you together as one.
A reality among you is simply "the circle of games" you play. Best described by your obsessions with eating. The common cycle is : I WANT better, therefore I will lose the weight and gain the prize. The top of the cycle is simply "I AM WINNING". The mid-point opposite is "I HAVE WON, where is my prize: I WANT IT RIGHT NOW! The down cycle is, woe is me/ no one wants me, no one cares, why did I bother? The final phase is: self-respect is for sale, either do what you can or surrender and eat. These things hurt all humanity/ not just you: all the games of humanity are very similar to this/ sexual games etcetera. If you stop believing in the game. If you stop believing there is a prize to be won. If you understand you are the prize, and your life depends upon the decisions you make/ therefore make decisions and have the discipline to share them with your humanity (your body and mind); don't just try, do the best you can. Trying is just a preparation for failure/ an excuse, or back door to escape the reality of what duty means to you. Stop being so hard on yourself as well/ understand instead duty means not only to others but to yourself. Therefore be fair, DON'T lie; it is not the world that looks at you that matters/ respect allows, if you honor your life, then you deserve respect, because freedom and life grant you this opportunity. Learn the meaning of honor/ then decide who you are to be: for yourself, not someone else. All prejudice is about competition/ not the individual, but a means to limit competition, and thereby control their ability to compete with you. Teenage prejudice occurs as the intent to control access and communication/ fundamentally removing the victim from their rightful place. Prejudice is the use of an identifiable excuse to assume superiority/ it works because those who use it DO NOT wish to share; and they refuse to care, even if it means another person's life will be dramatically affected.
For the sake of honor, remember this: it is not your body, male or female/ that brings you marriage or happiness in trust and the blessing of a relationship. It is you, you are the person that someone must choose to live with/ choose to share a life with/ sharing the future with. Reality says, body represents only 2 compromises in this equation: first, are you a trophy, are you a prize to parade around and find jealousy/ therefore greed & lust? The second is does your particular body compete favorably with all or anything life may bring or desire may challenge us to do? The mind represents 4 distinct prizes: the goal of children, the preservation of ability, the sale of distinction, or the complexity that can be true or false to any society and its needs? These things are the evidence of what exists in the parallels of your mind, and they are commonly used to identify and measure you/ therefore "to judge". In the distance that is happiness and marriage between male and female, {the reality of marriage, not the game}, it is the discovery of your values, treasures, and the limits of your life that grant you unparalleled honesty: this is a person whom I know. It is knowledge that grants understanding/ it is love that seeps into wisdom and creates marriage. Marriage is then the pleasure of experience, within the reality of you; marriage is the expression of your freedom in the honesty of my soul: for love.
More simply, let not your body be ;your guide or theirs. Fat or skinny is not a deciding factor in any relationship/ but these are, the evidence of an unhealthy lifestyle, an unhealthy mental decision, and reality does not like any evidence of "any disease". It is certain this statement will draw war/ however, the reality is clear, no matter what the excuse; there is a problem. This is NOT a condemnation of "body size"/ it is irrelevant, [soul proves you are equal, and valued] instead this writing is about sex, and sex asks for certain things: before it becomes "forever". In the matter of choosing a lifetime, for another human being (your baby, should that be)/ IT IS very important to remember vibrant, healthy, happy, and "equipped" for social success, are important characteristics. BE HEALTHY, be honest with your body and fair with your mind. The common excuse for "fat" is greed/ you can't get what you want/ so you consume what you can get: be honest instead, with yourself; life is not about things. The second and most damaging reality with over-weight is simply the loneliness and frustration consigned to a situation or a body that you feel, you cannot overcome. YOU are "looking in the wrong place"! You must accept your duty to expand your experience in this world, by meeting as many people as possible [do it, and keep doing it], work at something you find acceptable, something interactive, something of benefit to someone else, or at least of interest to others, and keep working in all ways. The only actual weight loss program is as simple as, eat only when you are truly hungry & eat only until you are not hungry: do not eat until you are completely full. The common excuse for "starvation" is lust/ if you can't get who you want/ then you kill the body you are given, or make it undesirable to the rest, so that you may "not have to devalue yourself"/ this is a blind experience. If you are looking for a relationship/ then be free, within the honesty of polite exchange, courteous replies, serious understanding, and sexual honor, if there is a price such as meeting many, or losing weight, or any small and insignificant reality/ then do it. If smoking is a problem for you/ then remember this: if you are only trying it means you have intentionally "left the back door open". If you are quitting, then you will do the best you can, period/ if smoking then defeats you, at least you did your best. The simplest truth about smoking is, you use it to "demand some simple control over your day, and the people around you"/ therefore to let this go, means you must redirect your life, to understanding you are in control: you do have choices. Sexual honor is the basis of any relationship that shall sustain itself, as marriage/ it means: do not buy, do not sell, do not offer slavery or expect it, do not use it, do not abuse it, do not control it, & don't pretend. BE HONEST, BE ALIVE, BE FRIENDLY, and when love is honorable and time creates "the crossroads of your lives", then decide. For more simple deliberations, a relationship survives because both choose: to listen, to work, to be free {because happiness is based in freedom}, and to respect each other. If you sustain these 4, it is probable you can sustain a marriage or relationship. If you desire love/ then you must choose honor and honesty, and the duty required of you. If you desire sexual intimacy and honest pleasure/ then you will remember that GOD Gave you these to enjoy, as you wish between consenting adults [male to female] to enjoy together/ PRAISE HIM.
In the truth of human life, this day demands the critical truth of over-population must be addressed. That means in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, that the majority of consequence falls to woman. There is no choice/ while a man, particularly with sperm donation could achieve 10,000 pregnant females in a single year. The reality is 10,000 men could not have a baby without a female, and even then if it were 10,000 males to one female, to odds are not even one baby. Women produce the babies/ they plot, they plan, & they desire children. Women are thereby responsible for babies and must bear the brunt of population control: like it or not. This is not about children or large families, both of which are lovely and wonderful when life provides enough. The world is however full, and there is already, NOT enough. Thereby if women do not accept the responsibility for their decisions/ then all die. Truth says, because they are "the decision makers" here/ it is also necessary to grant to them [when they prove it true, and according to time proven] something in return: they must ask for themselves/ I am not woman. Perhaps government positions, perhaps sexual, education, or business opportunities: negotiate! A vasectomy for men means only, "the chemicals are gone/ no physical need for sex remains: women lose too". Do remember your future is in their hands/ as to physical restraint by men against women for this purpose of population control: IF YOU TRY, hell will come for you. Power is a greater enemy than hatred, revenge a greater tragedy than death/ do not condemn yourselves. Negotiate, men do hold the key/ but women own the machinery; ownership does have distinct rights. Isn't that right ladies/ men don't own women? It is true, but women do not own men either. And the clear reality is: women do not own children either, not as "babies in the womb", not at all: you as are men, guardians of these important lives! As to women, the same holds true for you/ do not accept power, fight for life, peace, and happiness; not revenge.
In the reality of human life, the constant in every relationship is trust. Trust is not defined in humanity in the same way as soul. Trust in human terms is the ability to believe "we will be happy". To earn trust, you must then prove you will work, and play in the honesty required for truth, and the honor needed for respect. When you lose respect for each other/ the relationship is over. The issues of human love between two individuals is similar: love is the existence of trust in life and the belief "nothing this one does will hurt me". Love stolen, is the reality "this one intentionally hurt me/ and did not care": WHAT then is love? Truth says: love is the creation of family, the honesty of lives joined for the simple purpose of blessings. Blessings are the existence of shared honor, the expression of true care, & the hope of a respectful dignity that means "I am home". When someone steals the knowledge of all these things; because you gave (that is the purpose of love) or more correctly shared this love and these blessings: they "get to keep them". The reality is, then you "don't have a home of true security, a purpose in truth to honorably care [they left, and chose against you], or a place inside where friends meet anymore. You will cry. It does take time to heal these things! The path back to love is being able to give or receive love/ if you refuse, then you lose all relationships that otherwise belong in your life. Be free instead/ understanding simply: it is not "your job" to save anyone/ not your ability or sacrifice to "repair someone"/ it is your right and your responsibility to recognize and discipline all relationships, so that you give according to how you receive: give a "little more"/ not a lot more/ never all for nothing. Do not hope for them/ they must do it themselves. Do not "sell yourself" for anyone, not even your child/ because the only reality that exists here is your loss. They won't care/ because they do not recognize the lies/ therefore it will fail. Those who do not heal themselves, with honorable assistance/ are not prepared to receive love, friendship, or happiness: therefore you must wait until they are. Don't try to buy someone, either it will be too expensive for you/ or too much debt for them. To heal yourself means: I will now remove all the debris from my life/ and when the rubble that troubles me is cleaned up: THEN I will ask for help when I need it, and do what I can to accomplish rebuilding my life. This is not a small matter, it is simply putting honesty back into your life [there are NO voices inside your head, these are lies]/ and removing the lies. Do this and you will heal.
Romance cannot be bought, it does not come
with flowers, money, clothes, a job or car or house or anything else. Neither
can happiness, love, friendship, hope, honesty, honor, or duty: not dignity
either. Romance is a definition surrounded by 3 distinct variables. The first
is a door that leads from two people, into an understanding and focus on one
person (the other of the opposite sex). Here the second door allows faith and
trust and hope to enter within your worlds as happiness and the sounds of joy
multiply inside your heart: here is someone for me. The last environment begins
where measurements end, and respect is completed in each others heart/ here in
the honesty of an honor to exist, becomes an invitation in the destiny of souls
joined, romance defines your heart, and love becomes your home. You are family.
Even so/ balance will then test your hearts, and your will to find if you
belong to each other, or whether love is not enough for you. Many fail/ not because
they are tempted to fail/ but because want interferes, and pride demands
attention too. When these come, selfishness appears/ and if you fail: then
souls may die. Be careful of what you wish for/ find honor first, duty second:
love before all, and life will give you destiny. Do not be cautious beyond your
own experience, rather love and give love every chance/ but simply understand
the truth: that love does not keep you alive/ it makes life BETTER! It is truth
that allows us all to survive, and be well. Be happy, it is a blessing found
within the miracle "that I am alive". Be hopeful, it is the
honest way to be alive. Be romantic and let love lead, but do not surrender
truth: where lies exist, no trust can be found. Where trust exists; it is here
that all truths join to welcome you home. Have respect/ it is the only door to
happiness, and inside respect you will learn joy.
Of very little things, reality states that all fashion or the intent of fashion is simply to tempt the other. This is because "tools are desired to attract those who do not come on their own". Temptation alters reality by hiding some of the truth, with lies/ therefore the person subjected to your lies, cannot see for him or herself, with honesty the reality of you. You do love temptation. It is a game humanity plays all the time. You do love control, and the ridicule of others/ your intent is to rule the game, and change it "so they can't play". You hate nakedness, because it ruins the game/ and temptation does not work. Nakedness is not "anything important"/ it is simply our equality showing. Dimensions are irrelevant, reality says we are the same.
As to masturbation in men/ truth says, this is simply like a woman's period/ a necessary thing to keep the possibility of children, as safe from mutation as possible. I have waited without for years, but the investigation following disclosed this is a bad choice: the quality and condition of the sperm demanded change/ it is likely the deterioration evident from "too long", could easily result in prostate problems and other genetic problems for the man. A vasectomy is the end of chemicals associated with sex/ no feeling essentially/ therefore as in all animals, the end of sexual conduct: not desire, simply the act itself. The wife gets no sex either, unless she goes elsewhere. As to woman/ I am not.
As to gay men/ the reality is failure;
therefore they should not be allowed to teach, or to be "high in a
political structure (they will push for themselves)". Although this is the
purpose of a political party/ the reality is society requires and demands the
means and identity necessary to survive: homosexuality is a freedom/ not a
method of reality that survives; it is personal, and we ARE NOT involved. Tell
them when they demand " freedom /discrimination": THAT IT IS CLEAR,
the homosexual male brought us all, A.I.D.S. And the consequence of that is do
not push or we may get
The question of sexual values in this society and this world, is limited to the games people play and the perceived invitation to lust. In some parts of the world, the mere view of any part of a woman's body is an assumed invitation to sex/ therefore un-hidden is sufficient cause for rape or any other violence. THESE ARE EVIL/ no excuses, a cause to send you to HELL. In this society and many others, the use of "skin" to identify a cause for sex/ if allowed, is the open invitation to use temptation to "get what you want"/ it is a game. Games do not help society/ they hurt society, because people are misled, hurt, and left out; then they get angry, and others are slowly led into prostitution and various other forms of sexual misconduct as a result of these games: women are responsible/ not men. It is not the clothes or lack of them that matters, rather it is the fundamental test to men, "If you can see inside". Women not only choose to participate/ you do make the rules. Men do not understand women, because women intend to trap, confuse, and test. This leads to compositions of lies, and the failure to adequately communicate. Women do it because they know they cannot compete physically/ therefore to gain control, they use subtlety. If you want the world to stop selling your body/ then use pictures "without faces"/ of naked bodies and place them everywhere all the time. The actual effect will be to remove nakedness from the list of "have or think of sex because of this clue". You will have to be more direct then. For people whom society has abandoned / the reality is if you will get past the problems of the past: then you must be direct and interested longer than you think. Women do not like direct/ because it eliminates control/ instead you do "have to earn the right". Men are not "dogs, not the cause of all woman's ills or problems" you are an equal participant in all places not bound in evil. Women are not the only "givers of sex"/ you are equal, and you receive as well as give; therefore you obtain no "right of debts". You are not entitled to "possessions you did not earn/ just being there is not enough, you must contribute and thereby earn what you get". Nakedness is not "evil, bad, sinful, or whatever/ it is just nakedness: it is the mind that promotes the excuse, for sex, remove the excuse by making it undeniably common/ and you remove the sex from its description. Men should understand/ "just because the chemicals bother you, is NO EXCUSE"! Instead this is your decision to apply discipline to your life, and find order. To both sides, sex is not a bad thing/ but it can bring children. Easily half the children born today are about "I am so lonely I need you/ or I can control him or her, if only I have a child". These are mentally sick realities of retardation. You cannot have a child because you need them: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for becoming an adult with "things to share, and honesties which care"BEFORE you ask a child to join you. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR HONOR IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP, before you ask anyone to join you, or pay for your wants and pride. Children are a wonderful gift/ but again you must "earn the right"/ before you surrender your freedom.
Abortion is not birth control: THERE MUST BE LIMITS! Abortion is not a "woman's right"/ it is murder, and you know it. Abortion is however a reality of choice in limited reference to a right/ because the reality is severe (a child has many needs, and will alter and decide this future/ just as this future will decide the child's ). Therefore the first 30 days, IS a woman's right/ the next 10 days is for society to decide/ BUT UNLESS TRUE MEDICAL "tragedy" is involved, the remaining time belongs entirely to the child. Get over your righteousness, understand that reality is about reality/ it is not about "what you think". Instead your identity defines you/ not the rest of the world. Be content with who you are/ or change yourself. This is not a contest to see who wins! GOD HIMSELF knows how to intervene, HE does not need you. Neither is your own eternity determined by "their actions"/ neither is the child aborted or the possibility of the child aborted your concern. Instead there are many children abandoned across the world, in foster care without hope, and in true need with no one to help: BEGIN HERE. These are your decisions/ and you choose them not. What is true simply, is reality cannot support "this one too". The degree of failure involved, the reality of death involved, the consequence of life involved are all facts, derived from human abandonment of discipline and order: are you so disciplined? Do not be righteous/ be true. Therefore honesty knows: no matter what you say/ you do not take care of the needs of children that stand before you now: therefore you deserve no say in the care or reality of those who add to that number. When you have proven all children are safe, happy, loved, respected, and warm in the embrace of acceptance and honored as family: THEN you have earned the right to intervene. As this is about body and mind/ you are to understand that over-population, and your design to "rule over nature", have all led you to the truth that as a society you must now decide when it is time to die: EQUALLY FOR ALL [meet these conditions, and life is over]. This is not a game, you will soon face starvation {2 million additional human mouths are added each week, a sea that is dying, fertilizers that are running out, people who are consuming land} and MANY more obstacles/ you must decide for yourselves: because if you do not, then those who are healthy will die instead, because you did not act. Who will you protect, when life is failing?
Because of the need to understand how vulnerable we are, the issues of genetic crop engineering come into view. They have made advances in production due to the stripping of diversity from plants, and the abortion called animal advancements. The question apart from any complete genetic breakdown {a certain probability} is the reality: if diversity is removed/ then does that not mean the entire crop, the entire plant is in jeopardy and could be destroyed by one specific disease, or other organism? It does indeed! Their answer is simply we "will re-engineer"/ believing simply that DNA structure are little more than recipes and they are "cooks". But what if DNA has a distinct balance (and it does: THIS is a critical understanding/ and if you fail to stop the crucifixion of life/ then it will lead the murderers to their desire: to prove, they are god. Unlike their expectations however, the only reality they will get is satan: which means simply god of destruction/ or more correctly ignorance, stupidity, arrogance, and pride combined into violence it is the end of your life), which forms a barrier between this organism and breakdown/ because instead of infecting the rest and killing all: it is designed to fail completely? {Critical truth is necessary to understanding/ your need is not to know life, your need is to survive.} In this scenario all but a very few seeds will remain of non-altered plants/ and they WILL face a completely new enemy and likely will not survive. What if a complex combination becomes food for a new breed of bacteria, that turns the food poisonous/ or compliments a specific disease or bug or fungus or mold or other? These are VERY REAL POSSIBILITIES. Your potential to die from starvation grows in very real terms EVERY DAY. Because all the basic foundations that contribute to your own survival are under constant attack, every single day. Ignorance is not a blessing/ reality does not care, because it cannot/ and truth simply follows what is true, and makes no allowance for mercy. Change this or die.
This discussion ends with the very real
consequence of living in life. It is true, that reality proves life cannot be
found "sitting in front of the television, or listening to this or
that". Life MUST BE MET within the truth that you are a participant; you
are a miracle; and you deserve to be and are equal! The issues of loneliness
are kindled, whenever life feels abandoned. Sanctioned by the rest, for things
beyond my control. Therefore the true purpose of any society is to remedy this
fact, and produce an environment where people do know they are welcome/ they
may successfully compete/ and they are truly miracles. These things come from
the people of the society themselves/ they are not "voted in, or any other
exercise of government"/ this is a failure of the people or a reality of
life. The common expectation in
Descriptions useful and necessary for
friendship in honesty are these: be kind, be useful, be caring, accept the
reality of sharing, be helpful, be patient, be honorable, be respectful, and do
your duty. Additions to this list are, do not "do all the talking, or feel
you must/ quiet time is ok". Do participate by sharing something when it
is appropriate for you. Do not run away, walk if it is necessary. Treat all
people equally, you are not their judge. Accept people without judging body or
mind, not race, not color, simply as people; do not expect that meeting someone
is an invitation to intimacy/ you don't have to marry anyone. Be free about
meeting people in social settings, you might like them or their friends. Be
happy, not overcome with life [abandon your wants and pride]. Here is a truth:
the life you live, is the life you get/ the person that you are! All the
frivolous hopes and dreams to "be someone or something else"/ are
useless. Either change your life, or accept it and do the best you can: do what
YOU CAN DO, and you will be fine. The critical truth of most work is very
simple: you may do whatever you wish, and learn as you go/ BUT You
, MUST know what you must not do, before you start, or it can fail badly: do
not "pray for this/ LEARN THIS". I for one have considered; life
would be more fun, if it was simple, a pleasant personal family, just what most
want/ BUT that is not my reality, because duty requires a different plan for
me. As to your place in society as well/ sometimes life just needs you as well,
to do something else: lives are at stake, even eternities. It is not up to you
or me, to decide who is worthy! You will find little or none of these things in
american media today/ instead it is about lust, violence, pride, petty excuses,
foolish want, the gun will fix this, greed, power, devaluing life and ridicule.
People watch, don't they! Why? Because it is easier than participating in a true
society. Why do they choose to belittle life? Because the majority believe they
have been belittled by "people smarter than them/ doing things they don't
understand: and then come the experts to remove their knowledge of life/ and
demand follow me". Take a good look, at who and where you are! These
"smart people" have led you into a trap/ and now you will die unless
you do the work to fix their mess. It does NOT matter if this is fair or not,
it does NOT matter if you don't want to do the work, it does not matter if you
are NOT fully prepared/ either you WE THE PEOPLE Take charge of life, and
eliminate the destruction/ the slavery to want, and all the pride and power, or
you will die. GROW UP, and if not for your own life/ then save life for your
children and their future. This is YOUR
The words of love are these: I have found in my soul, the existence of a melody we shall share/ if only you will let me. I have learned in the truth of my existence, the meaning and value of another life as it delivers me from the tomb of simple existence to the world of honor, and all blessings called life. Life is not a measurement of body or mind/ it is a relationship bound in the simple truth, "what if you were not here". Love blesses the soul, our composition in discipline and order/ with the freedom to reveal things beyond ourselves, that expand the intensity of life, beyond life itself/ as eternity shall testify. Love does not alter truth, love invites the responsibility of life/ into the consequence of soul, and we are forever changed. Love means life, because love is the acceptance of faith and trust.
The words of acceptance are these: I have found in my heart, the honor of being alive/ I have existed, and known of greater things than me. I love without question, because it is loves' way, rather than mine. I accept the miracle in me/ that I may share the joy in me, as miracles must.
The words of trust are these: NEVER in the
experience of my existence, have I found more, than in being with you. Never in
the honesty of my soul, has there ever been a blessing greater than you. I have
hoped for lesser things, and received more/ but I have also hoped for greater
things, and you showed me life instead. Praise is an expression reserved for
honored respect, the opportunity to say : not only do I thank you, I trust you
as well. It is my heart that belongs to love/ my soul that exists in truth/ but
it is my life that grows and savors every day in you. I PRAY Please, let me be
In ending this writing, a little is added for the young. "High school" is a game of who can be leader, and where do you fit in. Therefore in a true society, your education would eliminate this game, and provide you with the honor of being alive. The education is: what is honor, what is duty, what is hope and its purpose, what is true love, what is RESPECT and why MUST it exist, and what is justice. The reality of sex is not an education/ it need not be taught. Instead it is a wonderful gift between people who are ready to share the problems, fears, doubt, and failures of someone else. If you don't care enough about someone else to do this/ then you are not ready for sex. Sex is what goes beyond "a little kissing, hugging, and touching with clothes on. Reality knows temptation will cause many to surrender/ and here the school in particular must be a participant. You will help them, as needs and truth requires. People will ask, WHY if sex is a wonderful gift, is it necessary to share all these problems that exist in another? What if, they act and say they are just fine/ not me? The answer is, being young is a time for innocense, a place inside that does not understand, what you do personally, IS GOING to affect someone else's life: perhaps permanently! Are you ready for that? Sex simply means, a chemical body desires a chemical meaning for life. Past the age of 40years or so/ where life has not been overly kind in matters of sex, I personally believe you are free. BUT until that time arrives, all sex is a decision to intervene in someone else's life, and there are always consequences: some good, some bad. Sex for the "over 40 age group" is understood to be simple, YOU HAVE lived long enough to know who you hurt, and whether the decision you make and the life you live is honest enough to accept the challenge this brings to you, and anyone who may be affected. Therefore it is your own decision/ not someone else's to make. BE FAIR, always choose your partner in life FIRST! But if they refuse, and life is passing you by/ then understand this choice and its consequences. Understand, talk FIRST to your partner in life; if jealousy sets in/ then find them "someone else"/ and move on: do NOT stay. This like all of parenting is NOT UP TO THE CHILD/ nor should they be involved, in any way. This is your life/ and you have a right to live it as you desire, IF you are willing to pay the price. I am aware, "the blood will boil" in a few, those who believe in religious doctrines or other "bill of sale" rights. But I am also aware reality in this day does not agree, with ownership/ no honor exists. I do not agree, that you can enforce compliance with your own doctrines on someone else's life. ALL MALE TO FEMALE COUPLES, that are in true love, will never have an issue with this/ because it shall not exist: unless health issues or the like close the door. Only those who live together in silence and frustration shall be involved: pray you are not one. Accept no one is allowed to dominate the other/ and learn freedom has a price.
Sex is the intimacy to believe in passion. Passion is a door into experiences that change our lives, and the lives of others/ it gives direction and grants hope. Therefore if you are not yet ready for this in life, or you are below the age of 21 years or so/ then you should belong only to the happiness of dating and beginning romance. I am fully aware, that many will not wait/ some believe they don't need to wait, and some relationships will break apart if you do wait. My answer to that is simply: if you have not had your turn so to speak, to fight for and find the life you desire/ if you cannot believe a time apart for any reason, becomes a lost love/ if you are unaware, that life is more complex than it appears. Then you will find sorry instead.
Remember this: there are 4 distinct realities associated with sexual behavior in the young. Simple chemicals, a demand for behaviors in sex rather than anything to do with love/ either side. Erectile dysfunction/ sexual dysfunction comes here, later in life (male or female), for the simple reality, "it has cost me too much/ I don't want this". Simple emotions, a demand for behaviors in sex designed to rule over you/ either side, but intent upon dominion instead of friendship. Complex need, wherein the beginning of love desires and searches for opportunity to find discipline, engage in freedom, and remove order from life/ to search for life, in sex. And truth: here in the wisdom of romance, life adds sexual relationships to engage honesty and refine companionship, so that differences and problems may seem meek in exchange for true desire. Truth requires a sexual intimacy, a sexual courage and hope, sexual innocense, that cannot be found outside of virginity, until this moment in time/ therefore it is "the marriage solution", as two people seek to define themselves as one. It is the sex, that moves and removes the problems that get in the way of love, when reality says, "this is our blessing"! I give you all, this advice; you will never hold a man or woman as lover with sex/ sex always becomes "known". Therefore it does not exist forever as a tool to conceal or control. The question of "being known" is simply this: what is "magic" in life, begins as the spontaneity of hope, the reality of joy in my presence, the honesty of love as it proves friendship, and the destiny of faith: the beginning of treasures beyond ourselves. If you are known/ then none of these exist. Do you see, how sex interferes? Physical Sex (rather than love joined in the honesty of sex, between lovers) is instead a tragic beginning to the end of your relationship: it is used, rather than loved/ it is abused and turned into lust as chemical passions are exchanged for conversation/ don't need to know you, just came for sex. If you desire a long-term relationship about more than sex, you must pay the price, and become desirable on your own: we are all desirable on some level to someone. The constant here in humanity is: "what if I am not enough/ what if I lose"? Instead I ask you, what if your life is lost to you, in a maze of lies/ in the hopelessness of failure and the agony of disrespect, all because you would not allow truth to lead you into life? Follow only truth, respect only reality, learn the distance of time is best lived in the honor of a duty you owe to yourself: the honesty of life, as you are/ or as you desire to change, and be. Anything less is a traitorous act unto yourself. Remember this, the problems and heartaches of many years are all set, in the hazards of your youth. If you will "be free" without disciplines/ then you will pay without honor. Do your best in life, this is the only life in time you get/ if you trade that for sex, all you receive is "bedroom walls"/ not romance, not love, not happiness: just sex, and it will end/ and you will cry.
To the younger set, I will only tell you BE BRAVE! There are no heros built upon fantasy/ no "sorcerers or wizards or any such thing". There are no primal tutors or educated tutors of any "magical anything/ not in religions, not in magic, not in science either". Instead, the only truths worth knowing are those worked for/ the only truths that can make you free, are those you exist for, and the discipline and duty they bring. Truth says: NO evil anything can ever achieve power over you/ because all evil can do is destroy, and your life cannot be destroyed unless you allow it to be. Life is eternal/ therefore do not be afraid of death. Death is the most extreme reality we face/ but it is not the worst. Hell means, those who have failed must now enter within their own lies, and the violence they have caused. Eternity means; NOW we begin. Respect your elders, they have provided your life, and take care of you. Respect your life even if you are alone/ because GOD IS WITH YOU Ask and it shall be given: means simply, ask and then believe GOD IS TRUE. Seek, recognizes that you must accept the honor of this relationship before it can begin. And knock, means literally, if your desire is true your soul shall come and grant you peace. While it is true and certain, your desire is for someone here and now/ the truth says, because humanity has so little respect/ this cannot be done: because the reality might kill us all. Do not listen to fears, do not listen to ridicule/ BELONG TO GOD !
There are secrets to men, but only a few. Courage allows tenderness, and honor creates the boundary necessary for love. The creation of limits within ourselves, is that boundary/ necessary because choices must be made to become a man. Man means; a creation in life, rather than time/ a discipline in order, rather than a freedom without liberty. Man thereby establishes the distinction of truth within our reality of chosen responsibility. Sex is not a holder of men/ it is a fantasy of boys/ if you as woman want a man, you must not use sex. Sex is a demand, not a freedom/ therefore it does become an enslavement of sorts. Men do have a need to be free, to choose and be chosen/ not owned or rewarded. Men do desire woman, not in the simple ways women believe/ but in the honesty that results in acceptance without a cost: friends, truly. Men know women by the things they do/ because like men, women hide their truths; but in different ways. Therefore if you want to join as life, both must come out of hiding and be real. Trust is not a gift/ it is earned. Therefore understand this clearly: you cannot earn trust by being wrong, or supporting someone who is wrong/ you must change, that you may choose correctly, and find your reward. Those who blindly follow/ end in a pit of stupidity, from which it can be very expensive to escape. Trust is not free, truth says it requires your decisions, to place discipline and order as primary truths first, and then follow their example. It is a "casualty of war"/ that women try to entrap men, buy men, or use men. A casualty because only pain and sorrow will be earned/ a war, because no one deserves to be used. It is a "casualty of war"/ that boys believe sex is a game, and the winner is he who has sex. It is a casualty because life is not a game, and women are not toys, trophies, or puzzles to be sorted out. It is a war, because life and hope and needs are NOT "little things". Sex requires a payment from men/ in body chemicals, therefore as time escapes the need to prove "I am still young/ versus the reality that exists in terms of cost" drives some "boys" to believe they must "conquer women/ by proving sex the game still exists for me, I am winner". Some use sex, to prove to themselves, I am still desirable, and not too old. Just as women use temptations to prove they can still lure men into their trap; it is done to test securities. In its simplicity a man is intended to be the essence of discipline "in himself"/ while woman represents and is expected to be the honor of order, that both "he and she" may fit exactly within the definitions of their truth. Men & women are not the same. Men require love, and exist in the hopes of sex and happiness/ while women exist in love, and require the hopes of happiness to achieve the blessing that is sex.
Men need freedoms to be happy/ not simple
freedoms, but complex relationships defined by honor in realities that respect
their contributions, and their life. Are women not the same?
The words end in this matter with the simple terms; be happy with your life/ do not tempt, you are better than that. You are what you are/ take a look, don't lie, don't hide/ accept the truth: IF you don't like that truth/ then change it. It is a violence to be encouraged to believe this is love/ when it is not: therefore in eternity there is a price. Marriage is no longer a vow to GOD Humanity has disgraced that rite. Therefore it is only a legal contract that determines who gets to fight, and for what. IF you are married, seeking a divorce, and intent on "destroying the other/ or making them pay", then know for sure/ you have taken whatever is left of the vows you made, and now claim "to hell he or she goes". This judgment is your failure, and clearly understand: REVENGE and HATRED are the doorway to HELL, a gate you stand before pounding to get in. To proud to calm down and be respectful; to the honesty in life that knows this is the only life in time we get. Then be aware, that mercy accepts no one with pride! Save your own life, abandon pride/ WHY be damned? In 1 Corinthians 6 of the bible/ "paul states: sex is how you become one with each other", a VERY SHORT-SIGHTED view of sexuality. It is not true. Rather it is the honesty of souls united that makes this come true. Simple sex is nothing more than a tool, with very distinct edges that will cut you deeply if you fail to understand discipline and the nature of life. Sex can heal, therefore it is not simple. Sex can be used as an excuse "to take your life away"/ therefore it is not a social decision: this is an excuse used by society itself, to gain control and abuse. Sex is not a moral decision/ it is a life decision, and the consequences are truly personal. Paul condemns the prostitute as well, claiming a superiority he does not deserve: he was a mass murderer. Instead the bible states in JESUS words, John 4 that we do not worship in the things we are familiar with/ but in spirit and truth. This is simply, the removal from society of any judgment that you may make. IT IS GOD WHO DECIDES, and HE does love us all. You will remember as well, when talking to this woman/ read her description/ JESUS did not condemn her, HE offered her eternity: YOU be the same.
The consequence of physical sexuality is defined by your age, if you are healthy and respectful to the opposite sex and your own, and the relationships you share. Since the other aspects have been discussed, simple sexuality is using sex to "stop the world, for a little while"and make life simple and pleasant for me. It is not more complicated than this/ unless it is deviant. Deviant means; you want control, or you want to be controlled/ therefore it is a variant of jealousy. Jealousy is your expectation, that someone else IS the cause of all your problems/ therefore if you were to "murder or cause fear in this individual" all your own problems would disappear. It is NOT true. As to jealousy, you are the problem/ you are the guilty one/ you are the excuse for bad behavior, therefore the truth is YOU must change. As to sexuality and this physical life, the only answer sex will bring to you, is an escape from yourself/ for a very short time. This is important on occasion, to let the problems disappear and review life a little more clearly/ if that problem exists in you. Sexuality and marriage is not an agreement to own: IT IS NOT! Therefore sexuality is not a guarantee, either in marriage or in monogamy. If your marriage is good for both of you/ it will almost certainly be monogamist. If it is not then reality demands, this marriage is not an enslavement. A marriage is an agreement to provide sexual relief for each other/ if you do not or will not, then it is you that has broken the agreement, and you have no say. We all have one life to live/ EVERYONE is given the opportunity to seek, ask, and knock so to speak/ in an effort to find the one person that truly makes them happy. If you do, then sexual relations are not a problem for either of you. Men are not tools/ women are not trophies. Instead we live together for the very serious respect of living and surviving life. If you honorably seek "your soul-mate" till the time past 30 years of age/ then you are more aware of the consequences of your actions, and reactions, and understand with basic awareness who is going to be hurt. Sex is a simple thing, yet humanity has used it as a religion since the beginning "I will make this my own". Religions are useful, but they are not life. Life says: "I am equal/ not owned". Therefore understand this carefully. Because life dies, it is important that freedom and happiness be primary experiences. For that to happen, people are required to accept the truth, that they own no one, but themselves. Sex therefore is up to the person involved/ unless disease or children result, and it is up to both to ensure as best as realistically possible that neither issue occurs. Love each other, is not a sexual saying/ making love is not a sexual saying: finding truth in each other to share, by expanding the destiny of both in joy and happiness, is. Sex is simple/ humanity can understand simply/ pride, want, selfishness, and power are the only things standing in your way. Lust is simply the demand to use another as your tool/ the consequences of that are the ravages assigned by consumption of what is important about you. The truth you are a miracle, OF GREAT VALUE, and the result of sexual lust/ that you have traded your soul, for nothing; because the person you have abused, may die [the harsh realities of lies, the surrender of love]. That makes you a murderer, and that opens the door to grave responsibilities.
do you think you owe nothing? Love is not a master, it is a friend/ revenge is
a master, thereby an enemy: who do you desire to be.
There are people who feel trapped by life, they moan & complain & discourage themselves from romance, freedom, & life. All because "the refuse to want something or someone else." Remember this: if you are constantly rejecting others for the way they look, or act or other/ then why are you so dejected when they do the same to you? Is this not your fault as much as theirs/ look in the mirror, and know simply; it is not your face or theirs that makes the difference in life, it is your heart. The face and form simply allows greater selection for sex.
The blessing of this life is the consequence called love. Even if there is no one else in your current experience, you can love yourself. You can love GOD ! You can love your neighbor, even if they don't love you. Order says; happiness is a creation found in 3 parts: love "the miracles inside become alive, to you"/ freedom, "the honor bestowed through the identity you have chosen to become/ & life itself, revealing existence through all that we do know, understand, and respect. These are the disciplines of soul! These examine the day in blessing, learn in the night of honor, & believe in your life where judgment never enters, & hearts concede, that man & woman belong together.
Children are beautiful, everyone! But romance is not for children, the consequences are too harsh. Man needs woman because sharing lives for a noble cause, gives him strength. Woman needs man, because caring deserves an "open heart", and here woman finds her strength for life. We are by nature, profoundly aware of each other, but we are by ignorance, stealth, disrespect, and just plain want, critically guarded against love, hope, and even life. The joy can be crushed/ the people can be made afraid, and then "love" simply cost too much. Even if you find joy in yourselves, the world so to speak will hate you, and work against you/ because you found the happiness they did not, and they are jealous. Are you a part of this world, of gossip and destructive behaviors/ THEN CHANGE, and honor your life instead of destroying it.
Romance speaks of eternity, because truth can join two people, that they may become as one. Do you understand or comprehend the passion found in them, to ask for such a thing? Passion, like romance is the existence of a "desperate desire, for your life, to make me whole! Therefore if loneliness has taught you discipline, life has prepared to teach you of happiness: if you do not measure, or surrender. Everyone has value/ but that does not mean "the same" or for sex or for marriage/ but who cannot be your friend? Love says, live everyday as if your last would be tomorrow. This in dignity responds with courage, acts with honor, and extends the majesty that is life, to your expressions as life. Love says, when "miracles collide, they express the stars of heaven/ because GOD put them there, that we might dream of eternity". Love says, eternity designs our future, not our past/ therefore in the day destined to separate our souls, dignity replies: with passions beyond moments, & time without end, our souls shall meet again.
People demand for themselves, "I shall not cry/ I shall not grieve/ I shall not allow love to conquer me". Honesty replies, a decision without love is a decision without truth, a life itself is all about love/ and everything else is about death. This is not in the evidence of simple humanity, but as the relationship of miracles all around define and reflect an honesty that cannot be anything but love. Therefore remember this; if GOD loves us, then surely we can love a little? Only remember one simple rule, and NEVER let it go: LOVE GOD FIRST, and HE Will remember you as well.
Some advice for lovers; men don't talk, because information is often used as a "club or tool" for the humiliation or control of them later. Women want you to talk, for the purpose of intimacy/ but if something goes wrong, that information will be the first weapon in their arsenal of abuse.
Women test on a regular basis, its called "choose me first, over any other interest in you life, period". Therein the degree of their own security and control is measured, by your commitment to their every whim. If you try to hard, as a male, many women will abuse you and then call you weak, because you didn't refuse. If you try "to little", then they will cry, & moan, and create emotional pitfalls to convince themselves to hate you, and that they must search for another. Good luck.
Women REQUIRE the same respect as men! Without respect you have nothing but lust or games.
Respect between lovers means; that I will be for you honestly, as you are for me/ I will love for you truly as heart & mind & body creates my soul to be/ I will work, because we must/ I will own my own destiny so that we may always have something to share together/ and I will express life together by creating the courage in me to accept and enjoy our lives together.
Respect as family means; respect assigns us, to the duty of our world/ to the distinctions we have made/ and the decisions we have cast together, for our purposes. Caring means I shall not abandon or abuse or use you, I shall NEVER seek revenge against you, I SHALL always be your friend, your confidant (in ways that shall NOT injure or hurt), & your happiness is my concern for we have chosen each other and it is unfair of me that you should need another. Family is the creation of HARMONY, through the decisions, discipline, & order we choose to accept. Family is the honor we present to all others, that therein respect for each other is our dignity, and our testimony of life. Family is the love that defines and welcomes us home.
Neither of these are for youth/ because freedom always aspires "to experience the world"/ before it welcomes and desires to experience true life. Life is then not a definition called time/ but more clearly an honor explained by duty that transforms the blessings, hopes, and dignity of being alive into the single true expression of soul: a place for love. Courage does not begin or end with force or with either sex, courage forms around the anchor of your heart and extends to all you truly love. Love thereby is the experience that cradles our identity in the knowledge of pure acceptance: without measurement or cost, simply you are treasured & welcome here. Love returns this truth, with the honesty of doing your part, in all ways.
The addition of parenting to any ones life is a question of : how do I become a guardian in respect/ now there is more than just me to decide for. The answer is simply; respect their needs/ respect their freedom/ respect their reality and provide the discipline required: NOT punishment, discipline. Respect your truth as well, that you are NOT an owner, you are a friend/ therefore if you will establish a true relationship, that shall honor and last a lifetime, YOU MUST listen with your heart, and respond with justice, not judgment. Do not fall into the trap, "I am the parent, and you must do what I say"/ this progresses, to take away your relationship and demand separation. Instead as a parent, you are required to assign boundaries, explain why this is important, require honesty and honor, and expect love in the simple ways of sharing and caring and life.
Respect between friends means; honesty
adheres our relationship together/ therefore I WILL NOT lie. Courage defends
& accepts the journey of individuals, as a time shared for our benefit and
our lives, because we do care for each other. A relationship is a decision to
care, an opportunity to expand discipline in new & possibly wonderful ways.
Respect does NOT allow measurements/ rather respect allows duty & honor to
decide. Truth says a happiness conceived describes one blessing freely given,
& then forms all others by the work of mutual or honored passions. If then
you have no passion, it will be hard for you "to find a friend".
Passions CAN be anything worth doing/ but love seeks people who respond with
love. If you are a "friend by desire" then you will help all who do
need you honestly: if they welcome you with respect/ if not leave them alone.
Friendship does sometimes require a necessary bluntness, but only at a time
where it is instruction and not vindictive or hurtful. Many mistakes are made
by everyone/ do your best to remember that. Forgive, but learn and respect the
truth of who has honor and who does not. Be brave, be life, and be happy; why
should you not!
3 Words, that describe
the "greatest living humanity" the world has ever known:
this is you/ either as the greatest for good OR the greatest for evil,
YOU cannot be both/ you will choose!
In the expression of words, the greatest irony is: we find both peace & friendship/ or the means to acquire hate, and the purpose of an enemy.
The web sites listed herein will reflect the reality that brings both of these compositions to your life, and demand you decide. Therefore I DO say to you, the purposes aligned & created herein ARE DISTINCTLY for peace, freedom, love, and respect. But they are also filled with warnings from reality, and the truth that currently carries us all to extermination. Some inventions are freely given herein/ some advise is provided/ some opportunities are designed in detail: all are for the purpose of your survival & eventual freedom through peace.
Those who use the perversion of an education to manipulate and control are chastised. Those whose weakness have contributed to all this failure, have had their jobs "redesigned". And in general the contributions of greed, lust, power, want, & selfishness are exposed/ by the fundamental relationships they form.
This is KNOWLEDGE, and presents the eve of understanding in humanity/ and a foundation for you to build wisdom upon. This is also about the judgment humanity HAS passed upon itself; and the critical information required for change and survival of the human race. These words do seek to exchange your "guilty plea"/ into the basis for mercy, and the understanding of life, eternity, energy, & thought. Therefore the common experience of humanity produced by emotion/ feelings/ loss/ or sex are all given voice and understanding.
Therefore I do say to you: DO NOT hide/ rather live and thrive, and change by all methods capable of allowing you to survive. There is still time/ BUT, no more than "moments". If you don't care/ then the evidence provided herein for Armageddon exists/ and is on display herein. If you think a "rapture" will carry you away to "your version of heaven"/ that too is discussed.
The critical information is conceived around your "CRISIS TO COME"/ and thereby selects the words that identify all the questions of humanity about life, eternity, energy, hope, and truth that will not endanger you further. These are secrets hidden from the beginning of time, given to you.
Of many herein, I choose this one to begin:
There are questions in human complexity: HOW do people change, from stability, peace, & love, into the insanity and consequence of hate?
The answer distinguishes failure as the inability to accept that the consequences of their decisions or the reactions generated by someone else's decision have distorted their expectations for their own future: they are "mad". Mad means: I now know/ that it was all a lie. Your futures are clear, dependent upon the choice given here. You will die/ or you will change. The relationship we share with life is, the passion we bring individually to the journey that constructs our future. Here complexity asks of you: IF you did not create your mind or body/ then WHY do you believe your body and mind are your life?
People reply: HOW could we believe otherwise/ our time begins with body & mind/ ends with body & mind/ and is measured literally & throughout as body and mind! NO one enters time without body & mind, NO one returns from death, because body & mind are dead.
These things are true, but their expression reveres time as life/ rather than life as the basis of experience in the environment called time. The alternate of a question is a definable action. Thereby humanity experiences the question of life/ rather than asks, "the question called life". This is a constant that must be divided by truth/ to allow the foundation of thought to exist. Therefore the journey of life and the journey of time walk together; but they are NOT the same.
Preliminary expression enters existence as the basis of life. Your expression is added by the development of your humanity and the consequence of your honor, respect, discipline, love, order, & harmony; OR the lack of these. Therefore your beginning quest for life is ALWAYS, the search described by miracles. If you fail to search/ then life cannot enter your humanity to teach: you simply exist thereby until time & energy destroys all your gifts. Death is NOT the end/ because time is not a true beginning. People will argue: HOW can we be, if we have not yet begun: time is everything to humanity.
The alternative to understanding is a definable reaction. Therefore the human experience is to express a consequence, rather than examine a truth. Truth extinguishes "the fire" that consumes from existence the basis of creation: the actions that gives us "the right" to explore freedom. These rights are: the acceptance of personal dignity, not human dignity [human characteristics are totally irrelevant]; the acceptance of personal duty, the kind discipline requires of order; the acceptance of personal respect, an honesty that knows restraint; and love, the existence of honor sufficient to survive. The action that allows these to form is life. Therefore life is not only a definable action/ it is FOUND in creation as the beginning of time: For true life, begins in freedom. Found means, a search has occurred, therefore an opportunity created.
Here question distinguishes a controversy: is life found, if so then HOW & WHERE: what is the meaning of WHEN (time), & what is the outcome of WHY, & WHO searched for us? It is clear we did not find ourselves. Each of these questions for the foundation of existence. Therefore each of these questions divide truth, as it applies to our life/ by the fundamental details of critical reality.
Critical reality asserts, that the 3 composites of truth: Energy, mass (organized energy), & space, MUST EXIST! Therefore existence is described within a physical consequence of basic relationships that determine each of these "things". A thing is the creation of a "participant" in the relationship that supervises truth. We will not discuss energy, organized energy, the consequence of a particulate, or space/ you have NO respect/ your failures prove it. We cannot discuss relationships that supervise truth/ you have NO HONOR, you would die.
But perhaps the division of truth forms no real threat to you.
Truth is divided by the development of thought. Thought is "the introduction of a guide", to the direction of a truth. Truth therein is a reality, while thought alters the relationship of that possibility called truth, by creating the existence of "levels in understanding". These levels define critical expression/ but it is ONLY A DECISION, that conceives & creates a destiny. Here in simple terms, it is found that truth exists in many levels of intensity, truth defines a reality with opportunities other than action & reaction, & truth is the environment that conceives & creates. It follows then, that if truth exists in many levels/ then the critical realities formed by that truth also exist in different levels/ or more simply energy, organized energy, & space are subject to the influence of these levels created by thought in truth.
It also stands, that if all existence requires energy/ then space has energy, for it does exist. The critical definition for freedom is: "to do what"? The critical demand of energy is: to act & react. The critical source of truth is: A PATH, that divides and balances consequence, that understanding "may bloom". This path then describes the journey toward an invitation to thought. Thought is by its first examination "a harmony". Therefore to be invited into thought/ reality and truth must both demand the decision in you, that shall grow as harmony.
We may now begin within the human composition of a decision/ the essence of love or the reality called hate. Complexity says: a journey without a destiny results in a weariness, fears, or dread. These are the emotions of organization without order. Therefore as time passes, the need to pick a direction grows. The foundation of insanity is built upon a "failure to decide/ then comes anger/ then comes reaction". The destruction of self relies upon hate to rule the decision, so you don't have to choose. The understanding of love gives rise to the questions of life, love, honor, dignity, & then disciplines all follow. When failure occurs instead, it is because pride has over-ruled love and your own heart stops "beating: a term identified with existence as time". Where failure exists, it is the intensity that decides the outcome.
A decision called human, resides in the alternative to accept a new and different level of understanding as complications occur/ or simply to refuse the lesson. To refuse means YOU have now chosen to "stay where you are"/ because your belief is, the life beyond is not as important as what exists here and now. Therefore a decision in human experience stops the consequence of truth and demands, "NO more". Where this failure rules/ WAR occurs as that human being demonstrates "I knew, life was better before". This is a failure because education decides the future, and your place in it/ when you choose to stop and demand no more/ then your journey is over, and your destiny found. These are true failures, defined by the result that truth does not lead you, and instruction is abandoned by you; for the games of ignorance. Ignorance means simply, "I refuse to learn/ I will believe my stupidity is sufficient": all respect ends!
If you will do no better than this/ then your opportunity here in these words is meaningless. If you do choose life/ then your search beyond self, begins now
PRAYER, reveals your life/ to you!
Throughout the existence of human life, are the competitions to sustain happiness or feelings of value, versus the constant demand of loneliness or the "understanding of death". It is this critical separation in the standing of life that defrays & confronts "the human instrument" called body & mind. The question why, asserts the imaginary goal of "why not". Reality then intervenes through the evidence called truth and states: energy is the basis of life, a building block critical to the expansion called Creation. As time, we exist as a chemical energy critically dependent upon the fluid mechanics of an active & vibrant relationship to the processes involved in dealing with those chemical needs. As life, we are critically dependent upon our relationship to discipline and order, as it functions within the barriers to our environment called time. Life, cannot be measured/ only time. Thereby the existence of life Creates an Identity with time, that then asks: WHY am I alive? This question divides and multiplies beyond the scope, or identity of our lives, and cannot be dealt with simply. Therefore only 3 partitions will be granted: fundamental structure, critical relationship, & foundation existence.
Fundamental structures are the beginning of eternity, as they produce & create an environment "married" to energy and the relationship with life called RESPECT! There is no such things as life without energy/ therefore only 3 definitions apply to eternity: life in freedom (you are married with energy, to be free), life in heaven (you are loved, and granted an environment for life), or destruction, energy is consuming you. What you should recognize here is the lessons you receive in time, for understanding energy & the preparations including death that demand: YOU MUST LEARN.
A critical relationship is much like the fluid dynamics of our bodies & minds/ we must enter within the cycles of expansion and fundamentally display our decision to express & experience ourselves. Without decision identity fails, conceived by decision our identity competes within the foundation of our existence. Here begins the compositions of thought that design harmony, and elect the consequence of our true behaviors, to the reality of our existence in truth. Only truth survives, only truth lives/ the lies of humanity are bound by time, only to be released in death: it is here, you pay. We then understand that truth will define us all, life confronts us all/ to achieve our decision and our truth. Reality conforms to the teaching and lessons necessary as an identity to recognize and accept harmony; or not. The relationship identified by the existence of happiness or loneliness is strictly one of freedom & the costs that can be measured for freedom. Freedom means, "more correctly", paid in advance. Thereby the existence of freedom is the right to choose as order allows, while value means, "the discipline required by order, lives within me"! Loneliness is a demand for freedom that cannot be achieved (at this time) because discipline has failed. Loneliness is not a personal failure, exactly/ rather it is more correctly a failure in order & the opportunities of decision & choice. That order, is defined in reality by very many factors.
Separation comes to divide lives & compete for position because instead of harmony, humanity chooses to measure. Life is then "a tiny existence, simply struggling to survive in time". This allows death to be judge, jury, and the "sound of tears in turmoil."
To stand in eternity, means to "shatter
& scatter the remnants of all measurements/ accept the value &
happiness of the miracles that you are/ and identify WITH RESPECT, THE CREATION
CREATION means here: destined to achieve the possibility called eternity/ found in "the light" that is life/ and given FREEDOM to receive from the passages in thought, an inheritance from
Of living life
Reality says, to conceive of harmony and live in happiness/ THERE MUST BE, critical decisions directly selecting the quality of life for all. That translates more simply as, we owe to each other the respect necessary to expand each others life in happiness/ rather than simply competing with each other. This is a broad range of fundamental social decisions, specifically intended to "PUT LIFE FIRST, not money, time, or ease." The consequence of industry is pollution and risk/ therefore the decisions that limit pollution and establish less risk, are preferable to those that do not. More simply, those products that are hazardous, produce more pollution, consume rather than provide, and so on are all within our social decisions. The reality of resource management is also a distinct right/ as these keep us all alive/ and nothing else will. Quality of life, is not found in "vacations, or a host of other excuses; for your most valuable contributions to someone else is your life". Who you are, is your most valuable asset! If you don't know who you are/ then it is time to find out. The most simple tool is also the most critically correct: you are what you want/ need accounts for everything else, and it is not a choice. Therefore consider carefully what it is you do want/ because life and want are against each other. Life desires happiness, peace, hope, courage, everything a miracle is or can be. While want can never be satisfied, because then it would be "nothing/ all done, its over". If you choose life, then quality of life is found in the honor of living, the relationships in courage and love, the respect allowed another creation, and VERY much more! If you choose want/ then all the world is nothing more than a means to your end/ and they are "in the way/ or merely to be used, sold, or abused." The influence of want on the American society is tremendous! Everywhere, the truth identifies a relationship with want that breeds selfishness, hate, lust, and greed. The power oozing out of the "life blood of the nation"/ its economy/ and its primary industries have found corruption to be tolerated so long as, the people are "blind, dumb, and mute". Therefore the rally is, "let the magic show begin". To that end, countless hours of pointless babble, tragic elections, and a court system in "rags" have become the standard. Rather than concession and compromise strictly for business. Or power shared among the so called wealthy/ it is time to return to life, hope, and the self-respect necessary to apply peace and happiness to society itself. It is time to quit being threatened/ quit being manipulated/ quit being a toy in some ridiculous game. If you will not choose life/ then want will continue, until it sacrifices your life and makes you extinct.
Change requires an understanding in the basic reality that determines the grounds that must exist for business and the basic requirements of society/ and what society may demand for itself, apart from business, or in conjunction with it. This concept is most easily explained in the matter of railroads, and the consequence that they bring. Trains are necessary, as tools of society/ therefore the complications they produce in doing their jobs shall be tolerated, because society needs this to be so. Trains also spend a great deal of time idling/ stopped somewhere on a siding or between moving cars, and so one. It is this idling that represents the basic question: who has a right/ the people to quiet, if the noise, the pollution, and the resource loss are for nothing of value? The answer is: while the train is moving, it does have a right to the space it inhabits, but must conform to reasonable expectation and honest relationships. BUT when it is stopped/ there is NO TRUE cause for an engine to be idling, and interfering with society and its environment. THIS is a choice, not a right. The complaint "doesn't start when its cold/ needs to warm up/ need electric or vacuum or whatever the complaint bears NO acceptable reality to the damage caused. People will argue, "the fuel consumed, is too small to be noticed". The reality is multiply by thousands of engines at idle and it is not. Recognize that the fuel is transported, refined, distributed, and all these require fuel as well, and I do strongly suspect it becomes a million gallons per year or so [although I have no facts to support this as I know of none to bear witness to]. Irregardless of the amount, it is strictly wasted resources, and that must not be done. As mentioned before, world population is growing at 2 million more human mouths to feed, EACH WEEK/ every week/ and will continue to increase unless humanity stops. This too is a decision. As to engine starts or warm up: FIX the problem, or get a fuel oil furnace to heat the engine or park next to power line cables for "an extension cord" or small "car size" engine with this purpose or whatever/ but NO EXCUSES. As to any other cause suggested due to a parked train/ it is clear and certain, because the evidence the train can be turned off without incident: means your complaint is mute. If there is a real problem/ then fix it/ NO excuses. Therefore the understanding is this: what a business or society needs in truth, must be tolerated; because it is needed. However what a business or members of a society does that is UNNECESSARY, and simply blind or don't care about the others IS A MATTER for the court to decide in favor of the citizen. That means simply: as in the matter of vehicle traffic on the highways: tire noise can be deafening all by itself when massive numbers of vehicles are involved. The elimination of all motor noise is impossible/ therefore reasonable reality requires this. However/ tire noise can be mitigated considerably by tire design, compound selection and size. Therefore although the noise is necessary from motors "within critical boundaries"/ the noise from tires can be governed by the needs of people and their environments. This applies in simple solution to virtually all the major conflicts between people and the actions of other people. It applies to behaviors, the definitions that freedom must allow/ and the respect required from life, for life. It applies to pollution/ whereas some pollution must be allowed/ while the rest that is non-essential, can be eliminated with the use of other materials/ is too dangerous/ or can be moved to other less environmentally damaging areas: DO come under the governing of RESPECT FOR LIFE FIRST! There are no areas of human endeavor, that does not translate in the same way. There are NO MACHINES or other that can be allowed to exist, that are fundamentally damaging to people or the environment of other people: these will not be built! Those already built must be tolerated if necessary/ but reality says, the limits are "the least damage possible". To that end: people may need to be paid to accept the reality/ or the people in the area, may need to pay to support the improvements that exist only for them. The demand to leave the area, can be no greater for the business than the citizen(s) involved. There are no machines built that will not conform to the simple command: within 3% of the least invasive machine built that does a comparable and reasonable job. This includes noise/ pollution/ vibrations/ risk/ or any other non "Life first" mandatory reality. This again is most easily recognized in noise pollution or smell pollution. People have literally invaded the farm area's as they have everywhere else. If you don't stop/ then you won't eat. However the reality where the concentration of people becomes high is: the noise must be contained to a minimal level/ and the smell must also be contained to a minimal level as best methods allow. The reality is, the people who have invaded the farm, owe the money for these primary improvements: unless there were none/ or these have eroded to a worthless value. The reality of forests and all that means is very simple also/ NO MORE can you cut trees mercilessly/ the forest earns respect and requires honesty: YOU WILL plant trees and harvest according to your crop. You will leave the forest alone wherever possible, you will be careful to leave the best, wherever you do cut minimally. The fish in the sea and all its other creatures are in great danger, you will stop the factory ships, and determine the size and type of nets and boats that will truly sustain life in the sea: smaller ships and more fishermen, not factory workers at sea. You will stop the factory farm, before you have nothing left of your antibiotics. And so on. Quality of life is not a money issue/ contrary to what you believe. Quality of life is an honesty of experience/ not of luxury or ease, not even security beyond a realistic level. Quality of life is not about consumption/ consumption is not about security or power. Consumption is the race to see who can keep the other from getting the prize. A little boys game of "king of the hill". If you believe toys are your life/ then you have no real life, it is a game. If you believe a vast military is your security/ then you are deluded about the reality of other weapons and militaries around the world.
Society does not remain at peace, when all its members do not have honorable access to actual qualities of environment that bring happiness and promote peaceful interactions. The issues of noise presented are in truth, far more important than they seem/ people do say "I can tune it out" and they do. The problem is they end up tuning everything out/ except what "hits them in the face". Ever wonder why people communicate poorly? It is because they are not focused on the person talking/ they are focused on keeping "the noise/ whatever they don't want to hear" out. Whether that is a person or a machine. Reality says: all the attention given to using your mind to control irritations/ assigns you to losing a large portion of your ability to focus on anything. Therefore we cannot communicate well/ because you cannot focus, without becoming agitated, passionate, or uncomfortable. BELIEVE IT OR NOT/ this is a very serious problem for any society. We must communicate, it is necessary/ the denser the population the more common the irritations, and the more common the lack of true communication. STOP IT. The reality of barriers built apply to children, to marriage, to work, and to society itself. EVERY concentration of motive that diminishes your relationships or someone else's, with life itself, ARE WRONG.
Relationships, means, & methods for altering and fixing all conditions which cause society to deteriorate are dealt with. in the bulk of and its links. New machines to help you avoid the brunt of your economic depression are allowed: some in trial for life, and some in . BUT if you fail to FIX THE PROBLEMS/ and simply steal the machines: then the tragedy of all your failures will fall upon you and civil war is immanent. The reason is, applied in simplicity to "you, primarily the university" have elected to separate yourselves from society and take control of the lives of the majority. Your intent whether planned or not, is to make them slaves, and your economy and the extreme damage you have done to the reality of all lives through all these lies demands: either bring back the truth/ or retribution will come. I WILL TELL YOU THE TRUTH: When it comes to revenge and mayhem, the passions you have instilled with your theft, arrogance, and utter careless stupidity will not save you from those you enslaved. You are in charge/ are you not? It cannot be denied! Therefore you are responsible, and that too cannot be denied: no matter who you are. The alternate reality to this is, "the majority" wanted you to save them/ therefore no one can claim superiority.
The damage of numbers in this economy is very
simple: anyone can have as many numbers as they want/ it simply does not
matter. The problems with numbers is/ sooner or later those with lots of
numbers, want work and things done for them: lots of it!
In every economy around the world, it is not money, not government, not business that keeps the people happy and at peace/ it is resources, access to resources, education, and limits to people who take too much. And then the removal of power and weapons without true cause, that bring people peace. It is power that damages all peaceful people/ it is weapons that allow this power to exist. We are now so many people, that as a majority we can control the few who are desperate for power. It is necessary to be organized for this purpose/ therefore every community must support and identify groups of people intent upon that support. This is NOT a part of policing, this is a reality of society: that there must be those ready to respond when a threat does come. This is NOT a vigilante group, you have NO RIGHT of judgment/ unless conditions are very harsh for all. This is the honesty of people who believe in honor and accept the duty and responsibility for there portions of society. To this end, you shall have agreed upon "by-laws"/ you shall require that all who define themselves by "this name" shall know and understand these by-laws and keep them. Then it is the court that must maintain peace and bring happiness/ therefore the people MUST always be directly involved in their courts. NO EXCUSES (this means you).
Before the weapons can largely disappear, an
international court system and methods of intervening in nations must also
appear, and find itself NOT governed by men/ women:
Truth says take a look at all your weapons/ take a look at all that has been stolen/ take a look at all the broken lives: AND THEN tell me what the outcome will be/ if you do not take the necessary steps right now, to deal effectively with these problems. As of this moment/ everything necessary to survive still exists. As of this moment/ failure is "knocking at the door"/ and every moment counts. There are no people who truly want to fail. Given the option to work together for every persons benefit/ they will do so: even the "university" is not so stupid, that they cannot see "the writing on the wall". The only question is whether your pride and theirs will kill you/ or if you can kill it? Pride will not let you survive/ therefore you will surrender its rule/ or you will die. Pride is the excuse to play games with someone else's life/ someone else's future/ someone else's hope or love. Pride is the demand to rule/ to take revenge for yourself/ to measure someone else's life or freedom or rights. Pride is the advantage used to instill fear and gossip in the others. Gossip is simply "the spreading of stories" in conversation, to belittle and demean innocent lives/ it is the use of irrelevant detail, to laugh and taunt at other lives/ it is your decision, that conversation means more to you than the life of another individual: and it is very wrong affecting all aspects of life. Your decision "to keep them in their place"/ is your decision to enter hate; hate is the only doorway to hell.
Do you still not understand/ this is not about me? This is about all the lies you have done/ all the failures you have made, because you are afraid of life ending: because weapons of mass destruction can do so. Well now your reality proves your fear/ and you do stand at the gate of extermination. Either slowly, or with unbelievable speed: with all the tools and ignorance "university" has given to a few to decide. You are now going to decide if you have what it takes to honorably take back your world from the edge of extinction/ or simply surrender it to extinction. This is not about me/ it is about YOU. If you fail/ then you will die. It is not a question, and there is little time left for you to decide; because soon your wanton destruction of resources will leave you with nothing, and then you fight. If you fail/ to remove the absolute disrespect of genetic mutilation/ and as a consequence remove the religion called evolution/ then you do deserve to die: and you shall. If you hide, you die/ because that too is a choice. I do wish for happy words, but reality will not allow it/ truth says, you are too close.
The simplest reality realized is "we don't have ANY money" not even a little/ therefore the question is HOW can we build without this resource? How can we survive if we accept the truth, that we have nothing? The answer is: money does not matter, "Once the screaming and yelling have stopped". The critical consideration is your expectations and their promises have disappeared, NOT your lives, what's left of your resources, or your abilities. Therefore it is your ability to communicate, to trust, and to define truth and act with wisdom that determines your fate. YOU MUST DO EACH OF THESE, literally well. Understanding recognizes everyone as equal! Doesn't matter if you were rich or poor/ it was all a lie, NOW you are EQUAL! IF you refuse to be equal and society does not correct you, war is coming. Equal does NOT mean; if your living on the street today; you will be allowed, to take over a rich man's life and throw them out/ or ANY such description. What equal does mean is "the american dollar is dead/ your pensions, social security, investments, stocks, bonds, and savings are all gone/ and the expectations for your future in luxury, are gone"! However, everything you need is still here, including your ability to work. A detailed list of how to survive and how to divide is provided elsewhere/ you may choose it or not: BUT if you spend all your time fighting for pennies, then discipline and order agree: your time will end for life, because You were just too foolish.
The question then becomes: first what is being done wrong/ what must we stop/ and then what must we do. The second is how can we be sure/ that we are all beneficiaries of our actions? The answer is, build only for everyone/ not for individuals. Such things as true public transportation/ and the changes necessary for a minimum 30% initial reduction in energy usage. If you fail to stop global warming, then you will not eat: you will go to war. Did you know, that at the rate your machines use oxygen from the air/ the addition of a billion more people, the damage they will do/ and the merciless cutting of plants that provide you oxygen: within an expected 7 years, you will be breathing as if you were on top of the mountain, at sea level {with NO possibility of recovering}? Did you know, the factory farms that use life, abuse life, consume life, and destroy the possibilities of continued food from life, are also destroying your antibiotics (without constant feeding of antibiotics, these farms cannot exist). No antibiotics mean no surgery, NO defense against biologic attack for you/ virtually no medicine: roll back the clock to the nineteenth century. Livestock are not your toys/ they are not simply your food (reality knows, they are an intended and important part of your diet) although complex mechanisms exist to suggest your attack of these creatures of GOD Will end in their extinction from you. But this is not the time for such discussions: END THE SLAUGHTER of these animals: treat them with respect! Ending "the slaughter", DOES NOT mean stop killing them for food, they are a gift for that end/ BUT IT DOES mean, stop abusing them, stop killing them without mercy, stop and let them live at least a little as life was meant to be lived by them. There are many changes to be made/ BUT just as important as they are: CHOOSING the society you desire, must occur quickly, and this means communication, and VOTE . JUST START, and life will take over. Humility is the door to all life and living that survives/ I STRONGLY SUGGEST you start practicing it. Humility is not a failure/ it is a decision to leave the others behind, and find life for yourself: it is the first step to freedom. BUT it is also the first step toward GOD And if you fail to bring respect/ you will be VERY SORRY.
The relationship we share with " the evil ones/ whose hate is consuming their souls: so that nothing of miracles exists in them anymore. Is very simple, hate demands an answer to why: must I die? That answer is; because you fell within the trap, and instead of climbing out in humility and asking for encouragement, guidance, and learning/ YOU CHOSE hate, revenge, and became a violent one. Therefore the death consuming you from the inside is your own. The questions of society, with regard to evil are also very simple: how do we find them/ how do we kill them/ how do we cleanse ourselves of this mess? The answer is: whether you like it or not, found in the skunk (consider the truth of his life in the forest or city/ he is left alone). The use of an offensive enough scent, will mark any person/ drive them away/ stop a rape/ and allow the rest of society to know WHO must be questioned and establish who had contact. THEN society can deal effectively with these problems. Therefore give the women, children, and men of a particular location [different smells/ chemicals] the necessary materials particularly in rings, bracelets, and necklaces. Where it is bad across the world, providing guns, training, and other weapons to the women, children, and appropriate men will; even out the harsh reality. The use of scent will alarm and inform calling the community. The use of scent will identify them in the light, and aid in tracking. There must also be useful police, resourceful courts, and certain justice: the world can help. Evil says: I/we will make them pay, for the tragedy that is my life: I am not happy, and I will not see others with more, than me. Peace says: I/ we will entrust our lives to the court; I/we must appreciate that fact. We must accept, that there are those who have failed in their lives, and we MUST therefore obtain justice by honorable men & women supporting and becoming police for us all. But in no way, shall these police have authority over us/ it shall be the law, as fundamentally agreed upon by our own vote that shall be the authority. The police are to be, the people of discipline and order/ assigned to the duty of educating, teaching, and punishment [when no other method exists]. Order is NOT a simple thing/ freedom requires order to bend sharply/ because people are the existence of life: therefore the right to choose exists beyond the choices of others. However, when that freedom significantly impedes or threatens another life/ then society has choices of its own. There are NO purposes for revenge/ instead reality understands : if taking the weapon away is sufficient [in violent rape/ that means castration], then that is correct. If proving in prison that you are not above the others, that humility has literally changed your life/ then it is time to be free, if society allows it, then that is correct. If the essence of your intent in pain and suffering is to mutilate, torture, or just prove you can produce fear: then death is our answer, because it is yours. In the reality of pedophiles/ the truth admits, there are only two types: one hides in the fact, that they are SO AFRAID or so depressed, from their relationships with people, that they trust only children/ and as a consequence cascade into the horror of deviant behavior: that we are not allowed true judgment/ therefore each case must be dealt with accordingly. The second type is a clear judgment made for us: they have chosen "society HAS HURT ME so badly, in their view/ that NOW THEY WILL HURT SOCIETY, by attacking what society holds dear". Revenge is not acceptable/ but neither is a predator among us. Predators with an interest in hunting people, are hunted and shot.
I am not "building a society for you, I cannot"/ even though the words are specifically intended to allow you to rebuild society for yourselves. I am not leading you, there is no interest/ and no point: these are realities dependent upon your desire, and your decision. Therefore you must do it. It is the arrogance and pride of those "with university degrees" that has given you all this trouble/ but they are not alone, truth knows: nearly every citizen has said "leave it alone/ I am making money". Even when they had to accept the truth, its just numbers and lies/ everyone confronted demanded "they don't care". Therefore understand clearly, "the same" will NOT work for you! You must accept the decision to participate in TRUTH AND REALITY and follow them for the rest of your lives. The people in charge could not see past their own wants, or pride; and still can't/ the people who followed did not see past "this moment in time". Selfishness became rampant, and you, believe it or not, have come to the day of reckoning. That means simply: your decisions here will become life or death to you. Prove me wrong! As is constant, all your lies, cause the problems to multiply substantially. The consequences are intending to destroy you, because you have been playing where you did not belong. There are many projects currently underway in universities and business that will destroy you, genetic, physics, economic, "just everything"/ if they are not stopped, nearly every one can. The issue of economics in these matters are irrelevant. Irregardless if you make an effort economically to be fair, and rebuild society from all the damage you have done with cowardice and numbers, these university and now business projects mentioned above will still kill you. The court does not wish to be informed, thereby you must make the court listen. The court or more correctly justice is the only true answer available to you/ And still the court plays, knowing it should not. The people hide, knowing they should not, just because they know not what to do, or when, or why; but mostly because they do not want change/ and they do NOT want to pay the price. They know what they believe they have, and do not like to gamble: which is odd, when you consider the ignorance and blatant treason with which evolution is taught/ and people submit to. And the reality continues to march to its determined end: your extinction. Therefore I tell you correctly, existence is a fragile thing. As in death, there will come a time/ when nothing else matters. As in life, the choices you make/ the things you do, will determine your existence.
I will "prophecy" life on earth is extinct before 30 years has gone by/ if you do not accept true change. I do not prophecy, but this is just too plain to avoid/ and too serious not to say. It is highly likely you have less than 10 years at best. Just your fusion experiments alone are due before 3 years have past: fusion is nuclear fire, and if everything nuclear is fuel/ then how will you control it? The answer is once started [doesn't matter how], you cannot! Fusion will consume the earth just as it does the sun. You fool yourselves thinking "we are improving plants and making them produce more: lets do everything"/ BLIND IDIOTS, while the breeding programs are improvements to plant production. Anything beyond is the coming holocaust of all plant life on earth/ because what you do to attain maximum production is remove the barriers, and OPEN WIDE the doors, to plant mutilation, biologic attack at a species level, fundamental alterations in insects, virus, mold, fungus, worms, and others: Leaving you wide open for a earth scale attack of everything you eat. BLIND IDIOTS/ STUPID FOOLS!
People "castrate" themselves [male and female] by believing they are either "too smart to be fooled/ irregardless of the evidence" or "too dumb to understand/ even though they are alive, and that proves a distinct level of competency". The rest "don't want to be bothered, BECAUSE NO ONE LISTENS TO ME ANYWAY"! BUT I tell you true, cast these things out and believe life is worth the fight: investigate the evidence, do NOT simply believe me/ and then work for your life and your future or you won't have one; and neither will your family or friends.
People will accuse me of intending to "take over leadership /of being the anti-christ, or some such thing". This is a diversion, simply to take away the reality of a crisis, and point to something else: change the focus/ and you can avoid the work! I am not going to contest with you/ beyond what the evidence already reveals. If you want to follow these goats/IF you want to be religious fools, then go ahead. It is not my "job" to convince you of anything! It is not even my "job" to care about the reality that you must choose. It is only my job, to do my best to see you get the message/ that you may choose and not simply die without warning. What you do with the evidence is "your business"/ but I will not be helping you to make me a scape goat, for the convenience of a few. As it is always true, people lie to themselves about themselves, and then hide so they don't have to admit the truth! Take an honest look at the lies surrounding you, and understand that YOU are the only person that can fix yourself: it is worth the price/ YOU are VALUABLE. Take an honest look at society, at the lies surrounding you, and understand we are the only people [NOT another generation, this one] that can fix ourselves. You will buy nothing with a gun/ guns are for war. The common lie is "I am not my brothers keeper/ I will not sacrifice my life, for his problems"/ the reality is we are now in this together, for we are too many for any other way! YOUR common reality is: you have lied and kept lying about all things/ you have consumed and desired to consume and over-populate, until now the entire earth and its ability to survive is in question/ and so on: because YOU didn't care! The time has come to understand life/ life says, if you don't care/ then why should I? Life says; either you live or you die/ by the choices you will make in the next 3-4 years/ and the work you do.
You will spew, "we are doing good" right now/ why should we believe different? After "the frothing at the mouth is done", ask yourself about tomorrow/ where will your needs come from? The answer is: It is your life or more correctly your death, when reality proves you wrong, that you will lose. You are not asked to believe herein/ you are asked to investigate the evidence and then decide. If you are too lazy/ then you deserve exactly what is coming. If you are too proud/ then surely "a god like you" cannot die? If you want an excuse/ never fear, someone will think of one for you, and you can whisper in your dreams, "how you were just kidding" when reality sucks the life out of you. Look at your big movies/ and all the fantasy. It has become your excuse not to accept reality, and just be blind, deaf, & mute/ believing in guns, violence, and make believe. Fantasy will not save you/ pain and suffering and blood will not prove me wrong. Reality allows no "second chances". This is it. Just because, your situation is at the door to a world wide crisis.
There will be those who accuse me of not being an "expert"[I could not agree more, I am a student/ or soldier/ or even perhaps a slave: because nothing I do is about a reward]. They will contend, because I am not an expert, nothing valid or true can exist in ANYTHING I write or say: content doesn't matter, it is their approval I didn't get. I tell you for real/ I am a "high school graduate/ middle c's" Surely you and your "big brains" can defeat me and my words easily/ aren't your experts UNIVERSITY GRADUATES? How could such big brains as yours [your description, not mine] be fearful or afraid/ simply come before the public and the court and make me "look small and pitiful, and weak". What could be the problem? How many more voices share your head? Surely you cannot be afraid. Do come ahead, I am waiting. But do understand, the language to be used is "common and real"/ the science applied will be qualified only in truth, and that does not mean: just because you say it is true makes it true.
Of the many lessons we all must learn/ the definition most crucial to a happy society is PATIENCE. Patience is a decision/ it is not more or less. Patience means: I CHOOSE to understand, I choose to support my own needs with character, & I choose to be forgiving of myself and others. Therein patience is an identity assigned to body & mind, of resilience & hope. An integrity & dignity without end, because it has entered soul and become the existence called myself.
The essence of life is defined by existence/ this constant refined by identity examines truth & portrays duty through behaviors we call patience. Therefore the ability to be constant in the explanations of ourselves/ by the decisions we make applies & binds the structures to the building that is our contribution to soul. Decision is a relationship enhanced by the expansion in composition that translates and transforms honor into work/ and work into dignity. Do you know what dignity means? It is not the human considerations of rules or robes or simple things. Dignity means, that you may stand before GOD And ask for mercy, instead of beg for life. Dignity means, that you have attained family, because life has made you worthy. Dignity is not a relationship with men or women or children/ rather it is the honesty of a heart that has chosen GOD And loved beyond the simple truths of men or women or children. Dignity is the beginning of life.
Above you see in "small, pitiful, and weak" the words portrayed as ridicule. Ridicule is the expectation of measuring by the rules, and victory by assuming superiority. These are the boundaries of failure/ because they speak not to happiness or hope, but the equations of destruction, goals, and the execution of a "right of be god"/ a judgment carried out. This example expressed in apathy examines humility and asks: Is it better to be true to yourself, and to life/ or is it more important to see yourself through the eyes of the world, and ask of life; please hide me. Honesty says it is necessary only to be "true to the truth", and all other realities of value and existence will follow you, all the days of your life. Humility works, by demanding of you/ that you see the truth, in you: and then choose whether it is truth that you will follow/ or society that you care about.
There are so many rules in human society,
everybody wants "a piece of the action"/ a right to tell the other
what to do; so it seems. People keep track of "how many times, did you
fail"/ so at a pre-determined level, power over you may exist. Honesty
asks: what is truly a right? When may I say to another, that you may not? The
answer to both is essentially the same: it is my life that gives me the right,
when it is your life/ then boundaries apply. In a society, this gives authority
only within the existence of damage done, or your behavior endangers this
other; applies liberty to life in society.
In every aspect of life, there have always been questions of "what does this all mean"? The relationship we share with eternity, is questioned by all. The purpose expressed by our future here, a question without end. One of the great lies, or every religion is: "you must surrender yourself, to find who you should be". The truth is: you must surrender who you believe you should be/ to actually find out who you truly are!
Our lives were not given to us as an enslavement to ANY ideology. Our lives were not given to us for the purpose of sacrifice, or any other method of devaluing any other life. Our lives are given to us to experience the essence & liberation of that very life, within us/ that we may know freedom and seek truth. Truth demands HUMILITY first/ the destruction of your own pride second/ and the dismantling of your righteousness third! Each of these defends the truth: IF you will learn something from GOD Then YOU SHALL remove the failure & debris & causes for shame, that stands between you and these lessons. Do you believe, you know what GOD Thinks? Do you believe, you are going to heaven or hell, just because YOU have decided, admitting to yourself, GOD has no say/ because "your little books" suggest to you, that you are right? This is clearly a road to HELL!
The most critical step into adult behavior is: who shall I be? The fundamental role of every true religion is, to give direction that you and the soul inside/ may begin the journey toward eternity. this PATH is NOT about any other life/ this path is strictly about creating the possibilities of a relationship with GOD In you! No one else is involved/ no one else can stop you; just you. REMEMBER THIS GOD IS GOD OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE does not need your sacrifice/ NOT your "enforcement of HIS PURPOSE OR WILL! Can you read GOD'S Thoughts? Whosoever pretends to be "GOD'S Weapon or tool or savior, LIES". AT BEST, we are servants, soldiers, students, or even slaves [not worth a reward, not for you or me to decide]. The difference is in the interpretation. If you are not humble, if you retain pride, or if you are righteous, "and know God's will"/ then you are a LIAR, if you claim any interpretation. Because you have NOT studied or learned the lessons of life. If instead you have chosen GOD and accepted the price of "Leave the others behind, and choose to learn/ or turn away", then the knowledge you possess is about life, and not some type of participation in death. The very first lesson is: NO life, including your own shall be harmed. If you get hurt or even killed, because you chose to enter where you would be hurt or killed/ then unless in truth GOD HAS sent you/ this has happened because you did not listen to reality. GOD Does not destroy. Rather when destruction has come/ it is because the "trash & disease" HAD to be washed away; to give those still alive, another chance.
How many of you, now say to yourselves, "I will kill them, I will remove the trash"? If you do, then understand this clearly: IF YOU JUDGE/ then you chose to convict yourself of revenge, hatred, violence, murder, & the destruction of GOD'S OWN WORK ! In more simple terms; HELL is waiting for you. DO NOT JUDGE, you are wrong. DO NOT sacrifice, You are GOD'S WORK TOO! DO defend life/ do NOT assume death is an answer, it is failure; unless reality demands this must be so. DO DILIGENTLY WORK FOR JUSTICE, For all of life. Remember this, if all you desire is time/ then you have no part in eternity. If all you desire is power/ then you have NOTHING to do with truth or respect. If all you desire is selfishness/ then hell "holds a special place for you"! There are those in power today, that believe "they know the truth/ they have found the enemy". It is simple! The more correct assertion is: it is you who are too simple! There are no front lines, there are no diplomatic threats or invasions that will secure any nation/ because reality has changed the world. Our threat is ourselves, for we are too many/ and humanity just doesn't care enough to choose to survive according to the ways of truth. Therefore unless you change this very thing/ you shall NOT survive: WAR WILL ENGULF, and end this world. Do not be so stupid as to entice the end to come more quickly, by picking fights. DO UNDERSTAND, that this is a decision for peace that only the entire world can make for or against together: and they surely shall, because no one has any other choice. Don't believe it, then prove it is not so! This trial for life, is for this specific purpose; that all may have their say; the evidence be presented to all; and all of life shall decide. Don't want to/ then reality will prove who is correct; BUT IT IS A GUARANTEE, there will be no second chances.
Remember this as well: if you will be honored with eternity, it is because you chose HARMONY, and lived so that mercy could grant you love and life. If you would be chosen for life, it is because RESPECT & TRUTH have granted to you, a right. If you would belong to GOD then HONESTY will testify, he or she is family/ because, The SANCTITY OF GOD'S WORK, and the joy of sharing life, was cherished in their SOUL. PRAISE HIM.
In the remaining words of these documents,
the fundamental existence of understanding is the critical assertion of
knowledge/ that knowledge is evident within these documents. Therefore all
assertion of "what does this mean"/ challenges knowledge with the
foundations called truth, that truth may decide/ not humanity. Should you fail
to accept truth/ then the words of Revelation 17 are prepared to fall
particularly hard upon the
We share life with eternity, through soul. Without soul, you do not exist! Therefore because soul exists, you exist. If soul shares life with eternity/ then everything necessary to share eternity as life, already exists in you.
Purpose means; LIFE EXISTS. Life is a revelation expanding before men, [I am not a woman/ I cannot speak for women] just as prophecies expand before men and women, to reveal the future by understanding the disciplines and order of prophecy. The prophecy called revelation, in the bible is given in parts and pieces/ not all at one time. The reality presented to the prophet, is not in the language, descriptions, or understanding of the future/ but is a revelation written in the language, descriptions, and understanding of his or her past. The images are like all images "a fantasy": the question is why? The answer is; as simple as men believed from an early time, they KNEW exactly "what GOD wanted"/ therefore they could consider themselves rulers. The book of revelation did not allow "we know everything", therefore the "we will make this our own", churches/ did not get to claim superiority: they could not interpret/ therefore they could not know or rule. The consequence of what can be revealed, where actual teaching or learning forms the existence of truth inside; is a SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE . This truth Establishes itself in fundamental speech; as these documents and others witness to. The fantasy of revelation then becomes a prophecy only when the soul accepts some level of truth exists. As does life, the descriptions illustrated some 1700 years ago/ DO have an uncanny attachment to today, if you allow the basic tenants: the writer can only reference and discuss what his language allows, the quality of the description is dependent upon his knowledge and fundamental applications of basic principles in real consequence. This prophet sought to explain his learning without any comprehension of "what he saw", and these are the images his mind created to interpret what he was given. That does not mean, "mentally unstable", but where a vison is concerned it does mean: you must be true as best you can, to what you were actually given. The fact you do not understand is irrelevant/ someone else is given that right.
I will help you understand a little of Revelation 16/ but then you must define the rest. The seventh angel, is the command to release the energy found in yellow stone national park. It is to be an enormous event.
I will help you understand a little of Revelation 17/ but then you must define the rest. The woman is The United States of America.
I do not desire to refine all the imagery of revelation to you, most is unnecessary/ and I deal only in truth, not in fantasy: therefore it is unpleasant to me, and unnecessary because in these very days, you will decide if humanity lives or dies; therefore the prophecy no longer matters. Like heaven or hell, you will choose one direction or the other; irregardless of the warning.
So you may for sure understand/ I am not a prophet/ I am just a messenger, taught to be a messenger. YOU must GO TO GOD . Some will accuse me of fantasy/ or under the influence of fantasy, as I suggest these matters are from OUR GOD . I say, the evidence of work in all these words, is real, the quality of understanding is deliberate and true, the consequence of this work is a life or death issue, and thereby the reality of Soul in me. HAS indeed led me to examine all aspects of our future, our lives here, and what influences future. The intensity of failure, should that occur/ IS the destruction of GOD'S WORK ! And thereby I tell you, HE MUST BE INVOLVED. Because no one, no society, not even humanity itself, will destroy this WORK Without HIS DECISION. The consequence of this knowledge is, a message delivered.
So it may be clear, the fundamental use of
language herein is not aligned to sacrifice "The university, the
YOU have your option, your opportunity. YOU
cannot refuse the truth, that this is YOUR CHOICE. There is NO ROOM FOR
EXCUSES, either you accept each other and work together for the sacred
environment of this earth, or insanity shall rule your lives/ until the day you
die, or the earth ends.
The journey to work is an ascension past the dim and elusive visions of freedom to the honesty and responsibility defined by the nature of life. Life does not "play games"/ instead it rewards the phases of plenty with calm & peaceful expressions to be contemplated & reviewed, a happiness based upon the integrity of a knowledge "I/ we will be OK". This is an understanding defined by "I need not fear". In contrast or balance to these periods are the ever-present complications designed to establish the necessity of learning about preparations, fundamental threat, and the absolute called death. Work is the reality assigned by truth as the preparation of foundations capable & willing to support the relationships you chose or received with your life. Work thereby is a response to your choices, and the education composed by what is true in you.
Work means: I have chosen, to understand the truth, that our survival is dependent upon physical relationships that require discipline and the order of an expression in acceptance; and the experience of moments designed by fate. Fate means: a critical failure in the understanding of boundaries has changed the dimensions of your position as life/ into a decision for or against life itself. Fate is then the exclusion of freedom and the demand to choose. Fate is the honesty of a poor or fatal decision for you or someone else, for which their was no direct intent. Truth demands, that we ALL make bad decisions, we ALL make poor judgments, we ALL live within the parameters that none are perfect! Therefore the current demand to "make someone pay", irregardless of "accident or not"/ irregardless of just plain ignorance or momentary stupidity , IS UNFAIR. Reality must intervene for the living, not the dead: tragedy of body or mind, must result in society helping legitimately/ the reason it is society, and not individuals is the honesty of our own actions, EVERYBODY is stupid sometimes. And people can be revengeful. The current actions targeting smokers and people who drink alcohol and drive, are useful tools in selecting what is fair: smokers are "doing the damage to themselves/ primarily" if you believe you harm no one with your actions/ then either you are a "couch potato" or you are simply wrong. As to people caught drinking and driving, it is unfair to attribute a greater level of ability to them than to anyone else allowed to drive/ old people, paraplegic, and other considerations all determine what that minimum should be. Otherwise, it is fair and reasonable, to require ANY VEHICLE to be driven by one convicted of abusing their freedom to drive shall have that vehicle identified to the public/ any police officer may stop and inspect for bad behavior at any time, without other cause. When two or three separate officers have identified abuse, the man or woman goes directly to jail/ the term set, by repetition. The reality is, you may not hold the person guilty for the impact society has had upon them/ BUT you may punish bad behavior within a manner designed to demonstrate our rights, rather than theirs. You may not alter and control their lives, you must define only what is socially limited to helping them change. In this particular instance, there are at least tens of millions of people who could have been charged and controlled with this offense. It is unfair to make examples of anyone/ or use them in an attempt to rule. I am NOT for drunken driving, I am for reality as it fits social truths/ not vengeful undertakings. As to uninsured drivers, a minimum level of insurance must be sold "with gas", included in the price. Consider the truth, that we do make good decisions/ sometimes save lives/ and act in good faith: is there some sort of reward for this? No, there is not. The critical question is simply: WHAT do you gain by compounding the truth, that we are not perfect? No one says, a death or injury is not important/ but reality states, it is a choice we have made, a consequence we have chosen for ourselves by selecting the things which can and do harm us, and not backing away. It is our truth.
Work enters within the compositions called fate, wherever the actions or reactions generated by that work challenge order/ the discipline / the relationship/ or the acceptance of life itself. Fate thereby assumes the identity of your lies, and distills the explanation of your purpose in making these choices. Fate thereby is the temptation that competes for control of your mind. It is fate that illuminates the bitter suggestions or commands that people use for instantaneous decisions of harm to others: YOU DO NOT need to follow/ it is presented and you must choose. The consequence of lies is the arrangement in the order of your life, of the moments when reaction shall challenge you. The method or means is the lies you personally accept, create the environment you personally must live within. Your decisions associated with these moments of fate, determine the direction and ultimate ending of your life. An environment means: YOU have constructed with the purpose of heart or mind, a place conceived by identity but controlled by purpose. Purpose means: the ability beyond choice has been achieved/ you are now "the creator of your own identity"/ a reflection of your own truth. Where lies control, the reflection is of whatever you have led yourself to believe/ or allowed others to develop for you. The mind works by processing either measurements which then must become judgments/ or by accepting true or false without measurements. Of interest is, the creation of "fat"/ the excuse to allow somber insecurities to identify themselves as your existence. You are NOT what you eat! You are what you allow yourself to be! It is then fate, which give depth to the ever increasing disciplines associated with lies/ the demand to HIDE and descend further into the lie, or be consumed, humiliated, rejected, or punished. As balance it is also these passages into freedom where all lies are abandoned and truth declared as leader or lord over your life. This truth of hope and life, give ascent into the "light" of an understanding called "I repent"/ which means literally: I NEVER INTEND to do this again, and am SORRY.
The questions of fate, environment, & purpose are then related by the critical intensity of your desire. Desire means: I HAVE seen the lies in me, I HAVE declared the truth in me and follow it, and I HAVE accepted the miracle that is my life in reality. Therefore I DO choose to expand beyond myself, into creation and miracles, and beyond: this is a portion of the disciplines called thought. Critical to this order is the freedom called soul.
Here the opportunities of humanity designed by work begin; a quest for fundamental direction/ the knowledge of critical resource and responsibility/ the understanding of basic dimension/ & the refinement of fundamental impacts created by decision: into the intensity of assignments that establish truth through the acceptance of disciplines. Work by its most simple consequence is then about discipline and the design of opportunities. Opportunities thereby come to mean an acceptance of your own fundamental pathways, and the decision that becomes the foundation for either your heart, as love/ or your destruction as hate. Life is about these descriptions and your relationship as chosen by you, to them. Love is a direction completed by the destiny of time that becomes the identity of your soul. Hate is a direction established in measurements and moments which destroy the existence of miracles, to allow for lies/ and the severity of their impacts in hate. The consequence of lies here is the belief "you area a god/ you can impact their lives, and change their hopes/ even their eternity". A greater FOOL than this does not exist! This is an expression surrounded by "darkness: you cannot see the forest for the trees"/ it is an image supported in fantasy, ONLY by lies!
Work by the physical value of participating in the honesty of your own responsibilities assigns a dignity, & a comprehension which establishes the human foundations of compassion/ for those who will share with love. While those who choose hate, learn the compositions of revenge, that they might establish violence as a dominion and ruler over your life. Work is an experience in interaction, designed as a confrontation between who you believe you are/ and the truth about who you really are. Work thereby commits your experience to become an expression called your humanity.
In all these things the constant called death looms large over human development/ death changes everything. Death consumes without "justification". Death & the ever-present threat of aging fundamentally attack the basis of our human experiences and give us cause to "believe": I AM vulnerable too"! Therefore complexity arrives by our association with death and the effects of "knowing and confronting the truth, that we shall die"!
Respect enters within the "heart & soul" as miracles reveal the dignity, the intensity, & the truth: that we have NO valid explanation of how or why we are alive? Yet clearly WE ARE! Clearly we were designed well/ and with opportunities called hope of both great & small possibilities. The quest to enter within complex dimensions & form disciplined order is the assertions of religion/ since the very beginning of knowledge.
Knowledge assigns honor and honesty to those who understand the relationship if forms with truth. While knowledge used without order merely CONSUMES, the basis of our existence and thereby threatens every life. All violence is formed from the assertions: that order need not follow truth, that we don't need to follow truth, and that discipline can be avoided "if we want to" : this is a right in freedom. Death is an expression in knowledge/ an order based upon the discipline of reactions that must be obeyed. Here we see the human fear: we are NOT in control! Thereby the human demand for control, and proof of control, are established through the fear of death, and the true understanding "this physical life is over". The question that remains in death is : IF we know not how we got here [evolution and the rest are pitiful ignorance] / THEN how do we know what occurs in death? This is not a complex question/ rather it resides in the truth as critical respect grants this to be.
Some ask: WHAT is truth? The answer completes the understanding of order, by its associations in discipline and energy/ truth is thereby the foundations in universal law that complete and transform the compositions of thought, life, love, and the consequences called energy and mass. Truth describes and defines the relationship from absolute simplicity To GOD ! Idiots prefer simplicity, to these relationships revealed by truth that expands beyond death into the essence & will that conceives eternity. Will means: I believe "the ladder to my success in life", is held within my struggle to be free: as discipline teaches me to be.
Questions arise: PROVE GOD "Even exists"! The answer chosen: PROVE the miracles of your life, your existence, and this world could be from ANY OTHER SOURCE/ Without your lies and failure to accept truth!
The question: PROVE GOD Did not abandon us, leaving nothing but death behind to haunt our world, and drive humanity insane. The answer chosen is JESUS DO YOU expect another/ it will not come! NOT because this is the easy answer/ but because RESPECT FOR HIS LIFE Is chose from the descriptions above. HIS LIFE Translates love and duty into the basis of order & discipline that forms a peaceful and happy life, and completes our soul/ that we may enter eternity. The issue of HIS DEATH AND RESURRECTION / Allow the complex examination of critical relationships and how they work/ to be viewed according to the foundations of HIS LIFE !
RESPECT enters as the understanding of love, and the purpose of duty.
Love is a choice/ developed from the consequence of freedom as it refines our understanding of life and grants to us compassion and the cornerstone of sharing and caring: the belief EVERY life is or could be "a valued treasure"! JESUS Explained DO NOT judge! Thereby showing the whole of humanity for all time, "you, as bad as you are/ DO have an opportunity to share and to care, and to be loved!" Society in general will complain "as bad as we are/ who does he think he is"! Instead of a defense, I tell you ONLY TRUTH SURVIVES ETERNITY! How much then of you/ can survive? This is not a statement in perfection, but a reality in honesty and love.
The essence of duty is the relationship we achieve with HONOR, that we may choose discipline over freedom. This in the LIFE OF JESUS meant: that love had to come first/ humanity needed it. Some say: "JESUS was a pacifist"/ never defending HIMSELF, even though HE COULD! Our descriptions of HIS LIFE do not discuss any absolutes/ rather by the words in the garden of gethsemane (a passage in the bible) JESUS CHOSE DUTY! This was HIS contribution to our lives/ that very few could not come into HIS OWN descriptions of life beyond this world. The fact asserted that he did not fight, simply suggests that was not the purpose of HIS LIFE.
The question of death is then really the question called truth, as it interacts with the nature of miracles. Nature means: by the consequence of us all, we all shall live: this is a description of our interdependence with all life and earth. More simply, we all depend upon other life forms to feed us and so on/ they on another/ another/ and the creatures that clean up for us, ecosystems, and beyond. Miracle means: the complexity is BEYOND any evidence or composition or comprehension here on earth/ therefore a miracle. Truth allows understanding to participate in "the footprints of a journey past the boundaries we do understand/ that we may perceive of blessings and possibilities we do not understand. natural progression means "beyond being simple, this is the basis for another life to survive, the understanding of diversity and its roll in keeping life alive: these are purposes intrinsic with the reality of miracles and the destiny called love. We then "see the light" of our existence not as the object or purpose of GOD/ But as the LOVE OF GOD That provides opportunities beyond ourselves.
Some will deny the consequence of freedom/ to choose your own destiny. Some will demand "life is a battleground", even though it is the humanity you actually contend with most. Some will say, DEATH is the evidence of an "uncaring god/ he hurt me". Even though they can understand the consequences here on earth if no one died! The questions of pain, suffering, misery, and why me/ are plainly the evidence of no judgment against you: instead the demands for complete freedom , have indeed left you with the consequence of your gamble: you are subject to random reality, it is the price you will pay.
RESPECT SAYS PRAISE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The demands of this day review humanity at work/ by the truth that these things upon which you depend in this day, WILL CHANGE/ if you do not proceed to understanding and truth/ then you will become extinct.
The current human answer to all work related problems is: CONSUME MORE! The current human answer to not enough work for all is; kill the others, buy them off with welfare, "so that we can have more"/ or just plain abandon them.
YOU are now 7 billion people, and within 20
years you will be dead, dying, starving, or 8 billion people and preparing for
mass extinction by weapons of mass destruction. Your resources are ENDING!
Beyond a level quickly to be realized, there is no going back/ you will fight!
You can no longer kill or ignore all these people, because your machinery of
war and all these numbers of humanity will demand WAR. You will not "cull
the people/ or enslave them"/ you will die a horrendous death if you try.
You will not sell the others for food, when you are starving/ or you will
mutate beyond recognition. You will choose to live or die, by the reality and
truth of your decision within the next 3 years. This is not "fear
mongering"/ this is truth telling. The difference is in the evidence/
prove it is not so!
Therefore respect says some input is necessary,
in the assertion of this evidence. You will CAREFULLY recycle and use/ there
are sufficient resources at this moment to sustain humanity a significant
amount of time. You WILL accept the reality of population controls as you
decide; anything less is war/ therefore a curse. You will break up the
monopolies (currently called conglomerates, and the like) to re-establish
community based self-sufficiency. You will reorganize society by promoting and
minimizing resource usage by restructuring business and society to become
integrated, capturing all phases of production and utility cycles for their
greatest benefits [if you do not remove the toxic productions from society
centers/ then you will soon be very sorry]. YOU WILL SHARE THE WORK, which
means you will limit and adjust the hours and choose the machines which benefit
life. YOU WILL SHARE THE WEALTH, which means you will limit the effects of
money and possessions, you will allow "per person/ rather than by
possession, where this is necessary". You WILL change government to the
values of society by producing a true democracy [vote on the issues themselves/
do NOT anymore, vote for someone to vote for you]. You WILL limit government by
controlling the money, the financial institutions, and the medical institutions/
money will be linked to population counts without alteration: so much per
person/ and no more! You will examine what makes your life honorably better,
and then understand how to make changes rather than just reacting, you will
work. You cannot play anymore/ you will die. This is a saying from reality and
truth: it is up to you, to prove this is not so/ by the means of evidence that
clearly explain: EXACTLY how many resources/ how serious is the crucifixion of
ecosystems/ and what will you do: when these things are gone?
The questions of happiness are 3 sided: WHAT is true, honorable, & loving that happiness is its destiny? WHAT is evil, destructive, insane, and a lie that it destroys happiness and ends in destruction and despair? And WHAT is lost, confused, depressed, & selfishness; that these cause people to sell their opportunity for happiness/ because lust is allowed to remove the lives involved, to declare "this is mine". Your own happiness DOES depend upon the position you choose in regard to truth. Truth here assigns every "free decision" you make as either for love or for hate/ the in-between decisions are the lies called want and pride; therefore judgments. A free decision is one where your survival does not depend upon your action or answer.
Happiness is the association of your heart, with your soul. Happiness thereby means "we walk together"/ or more clearly what is body and mind as the miracle of humanity, now believes that life is a gift. There are now 2 sides to every decision: what is necessary and important for human stability and what is fundamental to the relationships we share with life. Human stability is limited by 7 individual compromises: physical need, biological need, sexual frustration, apathy or laziness, physical failure, WANT, and PRIDE. Physical needs are food, water, heat and so on. Biological needs are medical related. Sexual frustration plots, plans, and tempts to achieve lust, thereby restructuring the mind for purposes without honor. Apathy is a very simple failure, because you are not worthy of life: stop it: suicide lives here, it is any means to destroy the honesty of your life. Physical failure is the LOSS of movement or freedoms. Want is the demand for far MORE, irregardless of the consequences/ it becomes therefore the focus of all your attentions, your goal to remove all other life from its place of value in your life: that you may not need to care or share or love. Pride reduces life to a game/ thereby corrupting your mind with "winner/ loser" even though it is a meaningless waste: these games change all relationships to measurements associated with your goals/ they become the excuse for "fanaticism" the excuse to live in lies.
Each of these influence body and mind to alter
the balance and affect the outcome of your decisions as humanity/ therefore
each is important in your reality to come. A successful society will adapt
itself to limiting these effects. What is fundamental as life to our existence
is, the RESPECT AND DISCIPLINE required to understand order and proceed in
There are questions examining HOW does society become able to rule itself? This is a work/ it is not for free! The question itself involves 3 realities of consequence: HOW does government work/ WHY do we fight or get along/ & WHAT does the military of "weapons in the hands of the insane power devils" have to do with our search for peace?
Government is the association by which
society decides if has had enough, of lawlessness, abused freedoms, personal
failures, and the lack of opportunity. Therefore governments of people from
society (politicians) thereby proclaim "they will decide for you/ trust
us". A true government of the people establishes critical boundaries by
vote and by constitution. It means; this much IS NOT TO BE TAMPERED WITH: NO
politics here! A true government truly becomes the will of the people expressed
by the use of vote and the demand/ the future is important too. Government is a
group of people, like any other/ that controls either by the intention and
purpose of their minds/ OR by the intentions and purposes of their people whom
they do serve as employees. In reality and truth, there is NO hierarchy, NO
superiority, NO "royalty" either/ simply people working for people or
politicians trading lives and futures for treasonous behaviors, that bring
failure upon the lives of society and its future {such as today}. Simply put:
leadership is by the evidence of at least a 2/3 majority agreed upon/ OR it is
substantially an irrelevant excuse to cause trouble and discontent among the
people. Leadership is enforced by weapons of power [whether by economic means
or any other], thereby populations are forced to comply or pay a price for
their right to choose. The questions of weapons against society, thereby become
the truth of that society: take a look in history, EVERY expansion of military
might/ becomes a war. The choice today is be to believe weapons of mass
destruction will never be used/ or to use your mind, understand history and humanity
and know it is simply a matter of time. The
Every society tries desperately to avoid problems and "stay on the fence" as long as possible/ never dealing with the truth. Instead, merely reacting and confusing ease, and revenge; "With fixing society". THIS is stupid/ making enemies never helps. We fight because a need has arisen to force our point of view, and make the others listen. An enemy means: YOU have chosen to control and manipulate my life, an now because YOU have insisted, there will be consequences. We "get along" because MY freedom has NOT been tampered with by you, & YOUR freedom has NOT been tampered with by me. Therefore we do respect each other, at least to this minimal degree. RESPECT is absolutely essential for any relationship/ when respect fails, dignity is erased and life becomes measured: therefore of little value to me. A legal fight means; my body and my life are not to be at risk/ for long term damage; such as in a real fight. A real fight, is suited only as a last resort/ it can never be first. The loss of body or life is not a game, not a political question, not an ethical dilemma: it is real, and fundamentally tragic. Respect says: a life to protect peace/ a body to honor courage and the discipline required for duty: but NOT any portion of my life, for political stupidity.
Every military presence around the world exists to control people OR to enforce judgment upon any society it chooses. A military is not a creation for justice {that is for the police and courts}/ a military is a quest granted by society for the purpose of protecting itself from people who are considered worse, than these. The military achieves honor, wherever truth declares THE PEOPLE are for us, not against us/ and we are for them. The military achieves honesty when duty constitutes a purpose beyond society to become the creators of justice {it is strength and nothing less that becomes government} strength means: I belong to the truth for which I stand, and nothing less/ therefore I would give my life if necessary. The military understands duty, when justice, equality, respect, and dignity are all that needs to be said of them: they deserve the title protectors of life!
The alternate to a military are those whose demand for power drives them to insanity: they believe they have a right, therefore you as is all of society are MERELY an excuse to measure and judge. The insane thereby use weapons "to herd and capture", to confront and demand, and to terrorize so that FEAR may control you, for them.
The question of peace asks: HOW do we stop serving others, and provide for ourselves?
The answer resides in PROOF! Proof means: the evidence defends me, and I have conquered fear. Fear is the "devil" which allows society to descend from peace to war. It is the fear of starvation, fear of loss, fear of injustice, fear of weapons, of thieves, and more. Conquer fear and government will change/ this initiates by controlling the politician, rather than they control you: start with elections/ YOU WILL TELL THEM what they shall do for you, instead of they tell you. You will control their time and presentation of ideas, and the defense of failures, not them. You will demand of every media: today is for the people and our society and nothing else: NO entertainment, NO diversions, you must accept the responsibility and do your part. What is decided by 75% of all media interests become the format for all political campaigns.
Critical change demands JUSTICE FOR ALL, and the proof that this is true/ therefore it must be watched and carefully tended as a mother to a child. Critical change demands SHARING AND CARING so that each one understands: "Me too". Critical change defends the rights of freedom and the limits placed upon those who could otherwise attack anyone they choose: by money, property, or other. Critical change understands the use of weapons are defined by realities, therefore change the reality and the weapons also shall change. Critical change expects criminal consequence to be HONEST, FAIR, & TRUE/ then when punishment ends, kindness begins.
The use of the word "devil" simply means: an excuse exists, that society and its people use, to refuse truth and do "society our way": a lie is OK. Take a look in honesty at where you stand with your many lies: ready to kill the earth, kill yourselves, kill your biology, kill your economies, kill your respect for each other, and destroy your futures. MANY will be inflamed by such an accusation as this/ they will clearly tell you; we ARE in "better shape" than any other society in the history of the world: prove we are not! Therefore understand the demands of reality include a future wherein you will recognize your money is nothing but lies/ therefore the structure of your economy is literally worthless: and you must fix it or if you continue to lie, the people whose hopes and expectations, and work and futures that were stolen/ shall come looking for revenge. This is not a guess/ this is your future, and it is here today. Understand the demands on the earth are not without consequence; there are MANY truths you have not considered/ such as the trillions of tons of oil you have consumed, have left caverns and subterranean structures that are vulnerable to collapse: as to off-shore collapse, the ocean will recede dramatically until the cavern is full/ then comes the wave. You can protect yourselves from tsunami waves by fixing pressure sensing devices every foot or so upon the shelf that leads to shore [after a predetermined depth] each device that goes off, multiplies the sound: a very threatening sound [the float switches or pressure switches common to household sump pumps, would be fine] the collapse of underground reservoirs, should be the same, the height of the wave is all that really matters. This will tell you the height of the wave/ therein the threat. There are thousands of threats both large and small/ and none will be defeated by your arrogance, by your lies, or by your "power": only truth decides. It is TRUE: if you will not follow truth, and allow reality to decide permanently/ THEN it would be better for you to surrender your future now, and be exterminated without all the horrific consequences you have chosen against you.
It is certain some will want to war against me, they don't want change: no matter what! THEY SPENT their lives for the apathy of money, and the stupidity of pride: failure of these means they were idiots and are now vagrants. Some will faint and be depressed and useless. Some will ignore and belittle everything that is said/ because their wants exceed their ability to accept reality. Some will find courage from these words of life, and participate. Irregardless of your own designs, the intensity of your own wants, or the power of your own pride/ TRUTH WILL WIN, because it doesn't care: order decides. The reality of death by major event, is little more at this time, than the forestalling of murder by war that is coming due to your own decisions avoiding population control. This statement is NOT a discredit of the tears, pain, sorry, or loss; that event is harsh and "heart-breaking, a reality created by the desire to live at the ocean's edge". Instead of ownership, it proves "we rent"/ it is simple reality and the consequence called truth. YOU, choose the sorrow, and define the war whether it is nature or man/ because you scoff at discipline and disown order. The opportunity to help those who are in desperate need as you are doing, IS of value, and of honor/ if you are honest & if you choose to protect the investment of duty one life to another, from the thieves who are lurking around every corner. Be careful how you build/ choose first, then build. Understand then decide, and where it is possible build tall with special emphasis on sound control , so that less ground is used, and the people inside will be happy: YOU DO NEED IT. A lesson here is obvious in the american development of building for welfare. The people are completely frustrated when it is obvious to them, that they are pawns here and not true owners. That brings destruction, and destruction brings hate, drugs, and violence. It is not the size of the building that matters/ not the grounds, not the luxury [give too much and all the working class will hate you and be completely frustrated]. The university idiots involved, care very little about anything/ they just want to plant their own brand of ownership on the buildings and lives involved: they care less if anyone can pay for anything, "they're too smart to be concerned with that: bastard's". You want happiness/ give the people tools, give the people help, give the people understanding and child care, and give them a FAIR and honest job at the level and security of the rest: AND BE PLAIN AND SIMPLE better get real. As to tsunami victims, they need these simple things and a government that will keep the competition from overwhelming them and they will rebuild for themselves.
What is not so clear is your own final decisions, as you learn the truth of life or death and your personal decision that determines the future of all life on earth: GOD KNOWS. You cannot hide! You will remember simply, "I am irrelevant to you"/ THIS is about truth, and the realities you have chosen for yourselves. Choose or be condemned. In every critical sense, this is: GROW UP or die.
Prove me wrong/ or fail, not because I say
so/ not because of these words/ simply because the truth has declared judgment
upon you; that without change your days are now numbered and are less than 30
years. Change or it is a guarantee to you, by the year 2034 or sooner, you will
all be dead. Armageddon comes much sooner/ or you will change. If I could, I
would talk to you only about happiness and love and the respect and dignity of
an education in life. I cannot, because the pit you have dug/ the blinders you
have bought/ and the extreme seriousness of your situation allows only the
chastising of your failures, and some help. You must change before I can.
As to the social consequence of work, the primary truth may be understood as: our human identity is defined by work and possession. Therefore work is about 4 primary objectives: survival, pride, want, and "let me create/praise me".
Survival is a common need, proof of equality to all, & fundamentally important to each one. Therefore LIFE demands a fair & impartial opportunity to satisfy these needs. The time required of each one/ should be "roughly equal" thereby the pay should be similar in size and content. There is no room "for argument" in this: WE ALL need to survive. The voracious serpent currently in control, called an "education" {used as a right to disguise work, as an excuse for extortion} IS to "be killed": YOU are equal/ not superior. A education is a benefit to all who receive it, and to society/ IT IS NOT a right to extort: as to money, those who benefit pay/ if society benefits, they pay your bill for schooling/ if not, then you do. As to the others who gave you the right/ supported you and kept you alive/ built the reality of a possibility with their lives/ and so forth; consider yourselves lucky, therefore well paid in advance. Survival means, "the sewer sludge" of a government run by university IS "to be fumigated, to remove the parasites/ and then cleaned to remove the rubbish and disease"! These pitiful examples of human greed, lust, power, & selfishness can rule over you no more. Reality proves a serpent (hidden out of sight, like a snake only worse). A serpent is merely a disguise for the people who attack you, when they are completely aware and certain, you are unable to defend yourself [this can be seen everyday, "in the school yard" among the children/ TEACH THEM BETTER]. Of serpents in society, lawyers/ medicine, and most university derived traps have created the economic tragedy you face. Their greed & failure caused the lies to be formed/ their selfishness, drove the politics of selling the future, to a garbage dump. Reality proves the sewer laden idiots of government with their tremendous ego's and want for pride, HAVE engineered countless consumption of critical resources/ being directly responsible for tremendous damage from pollution/ and as BLIND AND DEAF as it is possible for them to be. As to the true needs of society, as "your big brain of an ant" could conceive: the world itself is at the edge of crisis. Not only did your university bring us to this moment/ they prepared the tools and set apart the means to exterminate life, from planet earth. NOT the education/ the arrogance, conceit, disrespect, and utter stupidity of a focus without life in view.
You will be careful, how you read this reminder: an education is NOT a right or a reason to rule/ nor does an intellect produce "the common sense" necessary to survive and attain peace. INSTEAD you the humanity of earth are clearly & critically warned: DO NOT select leaders for yourselves/ or you will fail to survive. Truth declares, and reality proves; the numbers are now too great/ to allow any leader. The direction of society, the purpose of society, and the future of society MUST be written clearly and with minimum words: AS LAW. Taught to everyone, decided by vote, FAIR TO EVERYONE. Your governments ( your employees) are then to insure the law is obeyed and assist the public in any way they need/ from suggestion to investigation and more. These are not to lead, or decide the final draft to be voted upon/ they are to help you, not control you. If the "educated idiots currently employed" refuse to be equal and fair/ then prove to them, they need work, just like you: throw them out, and set the terms of punishment as proof of your determination to survive.
PRIDE is in biblical terms "the devil", because pride "sneaks back, tempts, & suggests all manner of excuses & reasoning WHY you should be selfish, and not care. Pride suggests, you are the winner/ if only you control. Thereby you should understand, pride will never be far away from the majority. From time to time, pride will attack. PRAY literally, that you and your society are not defeated. Pride is a true enemy, because nothing of peace exists within it. Pride will measure you & them/ for the express purpose of declaring "you are better/ not equal". Pride will use prejudice, to refuse to share/ thereby revealing "you don't care". Pride will assemble its "soldiers" from time to time, to invade your world: defeat them, or they will use "divide/ separate/ & conquer" against you. If you will defeat pride/ then you will start understanding equality and fair play, means you as well.
WANT in biblical terms means "satan". More clearly want removes the lives affected by your decision/ and offers to let you destroy them, without concern. This is "take whatever you want/ why should you care". Selfishness is the degree you choose to immerse yourself in want & pride. Therefore it is the clear evidence of your destiny/ the design of your true purpose, and the investment of your soul [because you must sell your soul, to accept true want, power, and evil]. Be very careful how you choose/ ETERNITY IS WATCHING. Don't believe it?
Then answer this: if you refuse to participate in harmony & love/ then WHY would eternity accept you? Don't believe in eternity? Then answer this: IF you "built yourself, or any of the other religious versions"/ then why do you die? If you built yourself, then WHY did you let this happen? If you built yourself, then HOW did the rest of life come to be "the animals, plants, and things"? Adaption is no excuse/ it answers NO critical questions/ offers NO viable evidence/ and is used only "to suck the life out of those to defeated to fight". Prove me wrong.
As to our human experience that asks to create something for ourselves/ this is an honorable exercise in discipline. Duty comes, when honesty asserts, "only for the good of society". Our work shall soon change, like it or not, resource loss will demand it/ economic depression will see to it. There are 3 necessary steps for you to take, when reality demands change. The first is to keep everyone fed and survivable. You may do this with "credit cards" LIMITED TO one card only per person/ a specific and fair limit each day for food, for one year. No interest, government will pay costs only, on all other actual necessities FOR THE SURVIVAL OF SOCIETY/ to keep people working, for that year. For that year, the public will decide how everything is to be shared/ what work will be done, and how it will be divided/ and all shall intend to be FAIR, or you will fail.
The second, requires you as a people, to assemble LAWS/ define government employee work, and penalty/ become educated as a society, and then vote until you get agreement. You SHALL at this time investigate the courts/ the prisons, the police, and the universities to identify who is fair/ who is fairly treated/ and who understands "the law" truly chosen by the people, is our ruler: NOT some idiot.
The last step asks of each one, to define a society in harmony & truth/ and then live that life! It is not a life of poverty or pity/ rather it is the dignity of respect for all, the truth that we are all equal, and the hope & determination that shares every burden with honor and every duty as love declares it is to be.
SELFISHNESS will revolt/ but numbers mean: "The majority shall rule". To this, some will say: if that were true/ there would be no terrorists! In reply/ you are reminded, it is fear, pride, want, and selfishness combined with NO RESPECT/ that makes a terrorist: if you remove these, where will the terrorist come from? Others will reply: we are living among the insane/ they are crazy, we cannot trust them/ they are not like us! In reply, it is the distance you drive the individuals away, that makes them insane/ if you are polite, friendly, helpful, and kind: where will your enemies come from? The last line of defense is: I will not accept, these pitiful examples of humanity to be with me/ I am better! In reply/ you are the existence of evil/ because you seek to destroy the others with your insane pride. Therefore it is you, that is the enemy: IF YOU change/ then there will be peace.
Reality says: if you desire your life back/ returning from the brink of slavery and then a murderous revolt upon nearly every life/ then you will control the media influence over your lives as well. WE, is an expression "of fortifications", it means together the strength we have will multiply. Thereby joined as the majority/ the possibility to remove the intensive demands of constant commercials and control the video malaise of putrid vomit such as video games spew, and so forth becomes a human right/ that cannot be refused. There is NO issue of freedom or liberty in mass efforts to control the population/ these are fundamentally illegal/ even if not essentially illegal. It is a disgrace to manipulate, tempt, or otherwise intend to pursue a "free people" with the purpose of seducing them with want and pride. THIS IS an evil practice/ and bears NO good intentions. The need to advertize simply is NOT an issue. It is the subversive attack fundamentally repeated in the presence of even the smallest child/ with clear intent to manipulate that child throughout life/ that is distinctly and clearly a purpose called mind control: THIS IS a criminal act of tyrants. FIND YOUR VOICE/ protect your child, and demand this invasion shall stop. Explain to the visual media: you shall be content in reproducing society/ you shall not lead it: you are to help, not control. No more subliminal messages, no more brand recognition, no more "secondary sales": let the people alone. They NEED all they can muster, to define & decide as life or death requires of them to do: do not interfere, help them.
The primary ingredient in freedom & liberty is discipline. Without discipline chaos is literally "only a little time away". The reality of our time is found in the appearance of antibiotics. Suddenly "me/ my child/ my wife or husband/ or parent or those important to me, didn't have to die: humanity "was now a god in its own mind." Society praised science, paraded medicine as miracles, and was free "to party on, without any regard for change". Suddenly "science" could do no wrong. The reality of antibiotics [and they have kept me alive] is a dramatic change from random deaths to population explosion/ DEMANDS the discipline that sustains order, when nature no longer rules over you. In reality not only was discipline discarded, the human demand to ravage and rape order appeared with no one to stop it. Those who tried, expected religion to work/ but science created a new religion, and fed it to all the people and imposed it upon the government; evolution became the key to crucifying discipline and selling order to the highest bidder. Then came consumption, because nothing mattered anymore. You and your pride should be very proud/ already you have killed billions from the future, stripping them of what they did need to survive/ why? Well because your garbage dumps were just too empty, "your garbage is their gold mine of the future/ so you say". The tragedy of your lives is you do care/ but burdened with the images of pride, the demands of want, the control of selfishness, the incessant reality of power, and the futility of chaos (because you do not accept discipline) YOU HAVE traded your future, for armageddon. NOT because you had to/ NOT because you are forced too [AT ANY TIME, including right now, you can make different choices, and find peace]. But what you cannot do, is continue as you are! You will be exterminated. To survive you are required to find RESPECT, LOVE, AND LIFE. These will NOT allow pride, want, selfishness, hatred, or any other image or fantasy of your mind: LIFE RULES or you die.
You are free, to discount or discard these suggestion/ you are NOT free, to change anything truth has already established as reality. This means, "If you are one moment too late" then the body dies, and life on earth dies with it. CHOOSE CAREFULLY/ this is not a game. You cannot win or lose: life or death is the only option you have. The most powerful will spend their power to control you/ they will NOT accept the loss of their pride/ their want/ their selfishness/ or their power. Therefore YOU MUST control the government and change and control the law, the judiciary, the employees of government, and all who can achieve a ransom over your lives. YOU CANNOT be lazy, afraid, or without conviction: if you desire life. YOU CANNOT continue to massacre the future/ if you refuse, nothing else you do will matter: you go to hell.
What is clear & simple is: humanity lives to play god! At every level of human practice, a percentage of the people is using the influence they have or don't have as an excuse to say: FEAR ME. This humanity (our time) plays in the death trap of knowledge/ because they want to play god/ demand money/ and make fear. This humanity forces the existence of life to literally "begin the walk, that JESUS TOOK, to be crucified". Because humanity, the existence of undisciplined freedom and the reality of failed order, desires power.
The event soon to bring death and destruction
on earth is called C.E.R.N. a science invention in
Your intensive destruction of subterranean earth/ will surely result in major collapses that alter volcanic stability/ result in water and pollution redistribution/ and more: these at specific volumes and dimensions become vulnerable to seismic events/ which can then follow the stress fractures to new and different areas. In review of these realities/ it should be considered possible to "refill the structures with sea water", to limit destruction. You have destabilized the earth, with your consumption of materials/ moving weight from one location to another: irrelevant? How many trillion tons of earth do you move every year/ for how many years? You do know, the results of an unbalanced spinning object, such as a tire or a jet engine for example! How many thousand predictions/ absolute for sure doctrines/ and push the people decisions do you make on SO MUCH LESS? There are millions.
Global warming is very real {you know it is
true, so does your governments; you simply don't like the reality, so you hide
in confusion and simple denial}/ your only real solution is not to burn so much
oil & gas: NOTHING, less than this across society will do. In review of the
damages currently being done, and a response required immediately to survive:
is the containment of fresh water in a suitable reservoir, and its distribution
Your genetic crucifixion of all life, WILL SOON break down every barrier put in place/ TO PROTECT YOUR LIFE, AND THE LIFE OF THE WHOLE PLANET. Once this happens, you are exterminated. HOW DARE you even assume, or joke, or ridicule life by saying bodies that work/ arms and legs of the same size/ proper placements for all things/ realities dependent upon many things/ and just plain common sense [any working man or woman should recognize this truth] are anything but true planning and design, functional frameworks, and literal building from order, energy, and the discipline to make it happen. Choose to continue even slightly, and you are dead. This is a reality, not a joke, game, or threat: simply true. The bastard's and bitches and whore's of hell who are promoting this crucifixion and causing it to occur, will surely "scream and holler/ and hide their tools" for genetic mutilation. Be prepared, and be clear: anyone who does so/ or fails to report such behavior will be killed, within one year: all appeals done ! There are NO EXCUSES, not for medicine, not for food, not for anything but the critical examinations for crime. Your blessing is life, through time/ a chance to prepare for eternity. NO MATTER who you are, you will die: and eternity begins. Believe whatever you wish/ but know for sure, the consequences are eternal. Cry, bash life, whine, and curse life, by mutilating all life and using crocodile tears to get your way; and eternity waits to repay YOU.
YOU this generation on earth, ARE "the poorest, & most pathetic generations that have ever lived since time began. [OR YOU WILL CHANGE/ and choose to save the earth itself/ from yourselves.] NOT because you are different than any other generation/ but because through your university/ politics/ & greed; it is YOU that chose & formed the decisions that will bring Armageddon. YOU CAN CHANGE THIS/ but only if you repent of the belligerent arrogance, & the "froth at the mouth selfishness". An education is a good thing/ it is the pride that assaults the earth and its life. It is the want that drives the rest of humanity into being BLIND AND PITIFUL, living in the pit of stupidity. YOU are "a time bomb ticking", and the only escape is HONESTY, TRUTH, COURAGE, & RESPECT. If you fail/ you die. If you die, because you would not surrender your pride and want, to the reality of honor, love, & life: then to hell you go. PRAY OR DIE.
These few, are harsh & unfriendly words/
they are true, but even so: they are a clear use of language to insist you must
"WAKE UP". Of all generations on earth, this one communicates/ this
one has found languages to be less of a barrier/ and education has made
possible true democracy. Business & travel have been used to demand and
design language comprehension. Computers have given the people themselves the
right & means to examine and produce "news". We are prepared with
all basic necessities, for the reality of WE THE PEOPLE. Therefore we need not
be a "flock" anymore. The primary dissolution of centralized
government, where other decide for us, MUST END/ the proof is all around. It is
your numbers, that give you power over governments, and at no other time in
human history, has there been a greater need for no corruption/ no influence of
money, power, pride, lust, selfishness, or any other enemy of society. At no
other time in history has the ease & prevalence of all these things been
more intrusive to public life/ and finding someone to lead only means you are
all vulnerable to their death or corruption: it must not be done. Leaders
unwilling "to go along, will be removed": because the numbers say;
even at only one person per million people, there are still hundreds or more
prepared for evil. You have allowed the universities to take over/ they control
your employment, your government, your everything: THEY HAVE FAILED, CLEARLY
and without doubt. The cause is "one simple thing"/ because to be
able to manipulate they have learned only one simple thing: the entire universe
is irrelevant to them/ your life is irrelevant to them/ because "their big
brain" is too small to understand honesty, honor, or duty; and they cannot
find or will not accept respect. Instead an education is to be exploited, used
for all the money, power, & pride they can grasp. This becomes simply
"the explosion of I's: i,i,i,i,,........i,i,i,ETC" this is a primary
failure of life itself. You fail as well, in the realm of business/ whereby
advertizing is allowed to control you, abuse you, and make you slaves. Of the
many, walmart is a clear example of the desertification of cities and life.
They choose to monopolize the business environment by abusing the honesty of
their intent. The ignorance of letting even a small part of business be
subjected to the control of a very few is a disgrace to you. Possibilities in
human life exist because there are options/ there are NO options or
opportunities when a few control everything worth having: stop them all, now/
or lose what is left of your sanity. Freedom is the basis of happiness, without
options there is no freedom/ this is the order of things: and you are selling
your freedoms, for ignorance and pennies.
Thought demands of truth, that each distinction of life, MUST expand within the reality of light [not simply a distinction of "white of black"]. Our acceptance of life depends upon our ascension from consequence, into the environment of life. Thereby the first 5 dimensions of thought exist under the terms of energy/ the relationship we achieve with light, is determined by the next 7 dimensions of our expansion into thought. light defines your physical barriers as truth/ therefore it is the evidence that presents itself at the door of life & eternity.
{Light represents your soul, just as creation represents the spirit that is your life. A barrier here is your failure in trust/ an evidence that you shall journey NO farther; unless this is changed. A door explains, only by your respect, your request, and the reality of eternity inviting you, may you proceed. Soul surrounded by light means, YOU have entered into true creation! Spirit thereby PRAYS, "May GOD Have mercy on my soul".}
As humanity we are chemical beings, filled
with life in the 3rd dimension of energy. To understand the
consequence of failure & the true blessing of life, we are challenged to
expand into truth. The environments called thought, "lives by tearing
apart the exertion of energy, and calling this home." the expansion of
light that exists therefrom establishes & presents the reality of
understanding, wisdom, & all participants in life. Life at the level of
human existence thereby comes to mean: a definition created & defined by
energy/ assigned the obligation to participate in understanding, wisdom, &
life: for the purpose of freedom, and the desire called love! PRAISE
Here, understanding allows balance to describe "an ODD" consequence to our reality with energy/ we live in time, thereby consequences exist for every aspect of our humanity. Those who strive "the hardest, for perfection or an ideal", are also those who will be assailed with the greatest degree of an "extreme, from the other side". Balance does not "like extremes/ because the middle, is more peaceful". THIS IS "A great conflict" confronting the human experience. Because to proceed beyond simple existence where everything is measured/ INTO LIFE, where only miracles, creation, love, and GOD matters: requires a commitment BEYOND simple humanity. YOU must decide: "The treasure you seek, is worth the humanity you will lose". Balance is then a judge, or more clearly, "a courtroom" wherein you state your convictions "for traveling outside the center" and reality then tells you, if you are indeed ready or a liar.
These contributions to knowledge are indeed odd, because the human question asks: WHY should this be so hard/ to actually DO, what we were born to do? WHY should some fail/ when in reality the consequence of trying, produced the temptations that can be attributed to their failure? IF we choose to seek, knock, and ask/ and then enter the extremes and survive: WHAT THEN?
DISCIPLINE answers: energy MUST first be recognized according to the dangers that exist. The transition from one level of energy to another demands you shall leave "the safety" of what you have known, or you shall not go. Therefore balance, teaches you to proceed/ correctly. Freedom requires both the commitment and the ability & the means to survive. Therefore your integration in all truths required for freedom, is literally a request and a demand of humanity itself for freedom: mercy does not need for you to be free/ only those who truly desire freedom, need apply. BUT do bear in mind, heart, & soul/ this is about your eternity/ and there are NO second chances, this is it. The decisions that decipher destiny & compliment a journey toward life, are literally that paths you shall be allowed to take into eternity.
Here, people will say: this CANNOT be true/ we will not believe/ and close their invitation to life: by hiding behind the realities and reasons that make them feel secure. People will argue; why should I believe heaven is NOT a simple gift/ exactly what I want it to be? Why should I expect "to pay" anything, its FREE!
Order replies, the existence of thought can be understood by you/ it is not a fantasy; not a concept for you to imagine; not an assertion without evidence or a right/ it is truth. Thought exists within every miracle, every aspect of order, & every possibility of life: and YOU have NO viable argument against this fact, it is simple truth. The question of heaven, does NOT revolve around you! Therefore understand clearly & for sure: YOU are only a guest/ granted by MERCY: but YOU are clearly LOVED, and respected beyond measure. NO FOR SURE, you will never be "in charge"/ you could NOT survive, even if you were, which is why mercy must care for you/ because you cannot. MERCY MEANS; Someone else, HAS PAID! Mercy allows your life to exist/ even though reality says, "YOU were to die". PRAISE JESUS !!!!!!!! Because JESUS IS YOUR ONLY SAVIOR HERE.
Do not be so simple, understand energy DOESN'T CARE, therefore life survives and thrives; but only as truth allows, law dictates, and hope responds in love to display and create and define life itself.
Thought transforms the experience & expression of life, while life transforms and transcends the expression and experience of thought. These two, combined within the spirit of communication, conceive our world; with energy.
It is of some value to ask: WHY do people get lost in the pursuit of an alternate definition of treasure: rather than live and accept life itself? Humanity answers: I am bored, I want, I am forced, and I am needed. The question of life insists: if you cannot discover the values of love, thought, honor, duty, respect, and life itself all on your own/ then you are not worthy to continue on. The question WHY do people refuse this education, and choose to be lost in ignorance is found by the simple words: laziness & luxury descend upon the soul, like a huge weight. This burden cannot be fought/ therefore it must be discarded! Reality acknowledges, those who become lost, do so because they fight with every burden, believing they shall succeed and prove themselves "winners": therefore they strive to show the others "how powerful and wise they are". This is one simple version of STUPIDITY, a trap conceived through ignorance to contain and chain yourself to the burdens of your own mind/ or those taught to you. The use of "billions of dollars in advertizing" are allowed and desired by you/ that you may not have to prove you were wise: just follow the rules, and demand attention because "I achieved what they told me too". The incessant and serious demand to follow the advertizer's/ is without doubt the clear voice that describes your disability: YOU WANT them, to control your lives/ do you not pay them? Here the simple truth of understanding can be discarded: "you just have to believe in them/ or then blame them: its not your fault: THEY did it/ unless of course it benefits you; then YOU did it". These blind trenches, wherein you are opposed to life/ have taken you to war: instead of living life/ you have become the puppets of want, the pitiful expressions of pride/ and as a consequence the reality of selfishness. WITHOUT DOUBT, MANY will attack at such a statement as this: HOW DARE HE! You will point to acts of kindness/ political correctness/ the EASY world you have created and say: HE IS A LIAR. Truth replies: the evidence is before you, even if the tragedy is yet to show itself. What is kindness to you as a group is the spending of money [yet reality shows, you have no money/ therefore it is a lie, not yet revealed]. The "political correctness" of stupidity is just a lie, disguised as a virtue, because YOU do not want to deal with the reality and let truth decide. Your ease has brought you here, the devastating consumption of resources/ the massive pollution of all that gives you life/ the fundamental disrespect of all life, that you sold, so stupidity and arrogance could create the vehicles that will exterminate your lives: if you don't remove them. As to "liar", I suggest you remove yourselves from threatening me/ and find the means to survive. If you choose me instead/ your time will run out, and sorrow will have no meaning: for it will be EVERYWHERE!
There is no doubt, life will demand your attention and your time and efforts. You ARE expected to survive by your own decisions/ NOT because you forced someone else to do it for you. This kind of failure, LIMITS AND RULES over your destiny, and it is very unwise. EXAMINE your life, understand your world, recognize and contribute to the sanctity of life, or lose it.
DO NOT think of life as a test, it is commonly the participation in a wonderful opportunity. No money, NO fame, & No fortune can buy this right to enter within the possibilities of eternity/ you CANNOT enter without an invitation/ and you will not be invited unless you choose life, in the harmony of love & family. ANYONE can choose this, at any time in their physical life [not dead]: even those who have NO RIGHT to ask may do so and receive {your opportunity is NOT THE SAME}. But beware of this: the ONLY sin which cannot be forgiven is "to believe, accept/ and then turn away"/ even so, this can be covered up. Whether you believe it or not, it is the SACRIFICE OF
That makes this possible.
HE thought humanity was worth HIS PRICE!
We are then bought with "his blood (sacrifice)" and given new life on earth as well "by the waters or power of HIS LIFE on earth. These show us all, "the way home".
GOD be with you.
Critical truth arises in the understanding of your own decision, to understand the knowledge and the lessons you have now been given. Here the common delusion of your perceptions and guessing about the anti-christ, that you expect, and its relation to the number 666 is challenged. Truth says; it is your own decision that decides/ NOT some "derivative of evil". The message of these texts, described through has been granted to you as nearly complete knowledge, that you may understand your decision. These words are the education promised to you/ that you may accept the truth of your decision before you commit your eternity to the reality of your true desire. If you read & understand/ if you ignore or hide/ if you simply don't care: then your decision against life is literally your own design/ and those who join you, to be "the anti-christ". You have the information to know and trust better, you will make the decision either for or against the truth that JESUS CHRIST Stands for. It is this reality that decides. The 3 sixes, do represent the intensity of your, or their commitment to pride, want, & selfishness/ the reality of what these shall intend and do, is the mark that will be upon your lives; IF you do not have the majority. Their power will increase rapidly, if you are to die.
I DO believe humanity as the true majority
SHALL choose life, and these who have failed will then be separated unto
themselves. If this is not so/ then the truth of people demanding the extremes
of pride, want, selfishness; when they come to believe that humanity shall soon
end [VERY rapidly, after the decision is made], WILL very much indeed impact
the lives of all who have hidden, and lived in fear. As to earthquakes and
severe consequence, the removal of oil, gas, and all things mined have left
huge empty caverns & spaces underground that no longer support the earth
above. A small leak of sea water into these caverns presents the possibility
that an earthquake close by will open a large gap, and then swallow the ocean,
until "the ocean comes back". All this damage left behind and near
earthquake prone areas have a great potential to propagate greater damages/ flood
potentially with lava/ distribute energy that alters water flow, and changes
the reservoirs of your worst pollutants/ and more. Irregardless of what you
believe, everyone is aware of "the domino effect".
Time is a precious reality, lived in peace it prepares the soul and grants to you, me, and very many more the opportunity to grow, seek wisdom, & prepare for eternity. NEITHER pray for or against "the end of the world"/ that is judgment". Instead PRAY that your work and your life shall HONOR
And be willing and ready to accept the
outcome/ no matter what.
As to this message & me, I am only a messenger/ but there is one parallel granted in the bible. It is John the Baptist, who lived by himself in the desert, ate what was found, was taught by GOD, to do the work he was given to do/ and not by men. {As to me, "taught by GOD" means simply, placed in countless situations which literally teach all that people can learn/ taught by soul, which literally means, taught by all that people cannot learn. It is the place where truth divides, and time doesn't matter.} If we could have seen him, he would have been "uncouth, unwashed, and without civilized manners." I do not claim to be "John the Baptist"/ John had what can only be called a "miraculous birth/ a miraculous life (he survived the dessert). I am only a worker/ and this is my job.
Even so, I BELIEVE and have been saved by JESUS !!!!!!!
YOUR opinion of this fact/ could not matter less.
This is my testimony to you.
TO the Christian Community: I give you some advise!
What you refer to as "a rapture"/ is in fact a surrender. This event, should it occur means GOD Has declared humanity to be completely & irreparably lost for forever! Discipline as been cast aside, and those taken, are then the last remnant of value, that mercy can save.
This is your failure as the christian church
on earth/ as well as the human failure of stupidity and greed. Therefore DO NOT
"applaud and praise yourselves", for you are NOT worthy: you let them
die/ or you did your best, and they insisted: which means you are innocent.
Instead of concern for "victory", PRAY AND WORK, AND DO according to
whatever faith you have/ that YOU may not be left behind, with all your
unfinished work.
PRAYER IS the honesty of your soul, asking of GOD please by my friend, & teach me to be yours.
WORK IS the difference between expecting praise & other rewards, and knowing "this is necessary & important for our survival and theirs". Someone must do the work/ or all die: where is your love?
DOING IS The honor & dignity of a
"soldier" as he or she puts on the courage, strength, & bravery
necessary "to walk against the enemy", and support freedom and life.
There are NONE for you to kill. Rather your weapon is truth, and your enemy
arrogance, conceit, disrespect, and especially SLOTH.
As to me, I do not claim any religious
belief/ rather I do believe in JESUS AND IN GOD AND IN SPIRIT. Religion means
"the set of rules we believe together"/ I have come to believe
instead, "according to what is true, by the evidence I shall believe as my
heart and soul give me to believe: this is personal to me, it is not
"something shared with everyone". Rather it is a personal testimony.
Religion is "something shared with the others/ if we do not agree, then
YOU whoever you are cannot declare otherwise". While this is "the
safety of the herd"/ I do choose the path that honors truth, rather than
any religious expectation. It is a simple let the truth decide. Whereas with
every religion, it is "the leaders who will decide." I do not say to
you join me/ nor do I expect of you, to ask me to join. This is simply my way,
and my testimony, and my destiny: it is not yours. Reality says to me, every
journey is as an individual/ therefore every destiny must be chosen personally.
We die individually, NOT as a church or member of a sect/ therefore we must
also live individually and particularly make up our own minds. I do on the
other hand believe in organized religion as far as bringing up children goes.
And I would personally choose the Christian religion, for bringing up a child:
that they may not be asked to choose from my faith/ but from their experience.
As to the variety of other religions/ I DO suggest you look carefully at the "coming crisis"/ and understand simply: you cannot rule or lead the dead! I am sure all religions will find an excuse to limit reality, but truth says/ reality will rule. If you accept truth and follow honor and honesty and duty/ then you owe to your own religion the reality of investigating and examining and talking about questions that can destroy your lives/ your children/ your future/ and all life.
Some will insist the nation of
Understand me clearly, I am not your leader/ not your ruler or your priest. If you PRAY and GOD answers you, then perhaps HE will give you some assistance through me; I do not know the future. Rather I DO know this is about your life/ not mine, and as a consequence to your decision/ it is you that must decide to change and accept life, in its truth.
If you remain "welded to your bed, your pride, or your selfishness"/ then to "HELL, you shall go".
In ending this discussion, it is necessary to be blunt. Both women & men use children in some relationships to achieve objectives or goals as they pretend to be "in love". It is a truth, that women do make all the critical decisions for pregnancy, for infancy, and expect these rights to extend far beyond. They DO however largely fail to comprehend, life is NOT just about the baby. If you add to the work load, then you shall reduce your freedom. This is true irregardless of "a baby, a house, a car, or whatever." I you have added a list of true needs/ then you have also gained the demand to work harder than ever before, spend less on yourself than before, and acknowledge the truth, that your time or your spouses time and energy or both, have been spent to gain these realities. Therefore reality has accepted your decision and now you must also accept what has benefitted your life, must also burden it. These are decisions NOT meant for youth, because freedom is happiness in youth, particularly. Decisions always exact consequences, if not in time/ then beyond time. The relationship you share with honesty foretells the future & the consequences that will be your life. Decisions expend your energy, your effort, & your honor [if duty is not involved]/ therefore many people try very hard to avoid decisions. A decision is your participation in life/ it is your duty, not someone else's. A decision is not only a right and a duty, it is your life and your eternity: make your own decisions/ you will not be allowed to blame the other. Therefore understand wisdom is a friend, while stupidity is an enemy: when you use it to control your own life. We are ALL stupid, some of the time/ if you are lucky, nothing bad happens. If you are not, people die, become maimed for life, or simply lose all interest in life itself. It is very important for you to be wise.
The path to wisdom is found, in simple truths. Common sense is formed from this wisdom, and it accepts the burden of survival as dependent upon the knowledge called truth. Intellect is the simple formation of theories dependent upon the mind/ rather than on what survival teaches. Alcoholism is a decision that allows "simple pleasure, to become a simple mind; it is a chosen addiction, because life may then be lived as a child: until reality proves this wrong". Tattoos, piercing's, & all paraphernalia are just simple descriptions of "look at me/ DON'T ignore me"! Children look to rebellion as an answer/ life looks for wisdom and then becomes an answer when truth is found. Sex is an excuse, MORE than it is a reason/ the question erupts as to why? The answer simply; because my life is not "valuable enough for me/ I MUST be entertained"! Therefore obsession is truly about: HOW do I become valuable enough for me? Perfection is the common solution/ arrogance & control follow/ loneliness is next: therefore NO help here. Wisdom says: our value cannot be less than the miracles that we already are: can you make anything that competes with life/ NO, you can not. Therefore what is really meant is: how do we become more valuable to the people around us, or to another? The answer is, by giving MORE of yourself, than you expect from others. NO, this is not fair/ but this is life in humanity. Just remember to be gracious, polite, friendly, and NOT PROUD. Just remember people are free/ therefore you cannot "buy them, demand acceptance for any but those who are before the age of 13 years to play together/ or seek revenge against anyone [it will turn your life to hate].
If you face obsession, it is because you are lonely. If you are lonely/ THEN CHOOSE DIFFERENTLY. If you are sad, then choose GOD, That HE may lift your burdens & give you peace. In sexual matters/ do not do what you would only lie about! Either be brave, as it is necessary to be, or make different choices for your life. Riches are a potential crisis in your life! For those who obtain "everything they WANT"/ then find it VERY hard to surrender those wants for any reason, even their own life. People who want too much, do sometimes murder, or choose other violence to keep their wants and their pride. People dying look not to eternity & life/ but BACK through the tiny focus of want; that then leaves them chained to a prison in eternity they cannot escape. That prison is the defeat of hope. It IS an horrendous failure.
Death is NOT an end/ just as a sexual act is not the beginning of life: BOTH are merely the evidence of a change. Life begins, when the chemical factories that are body & mind proceed to the moment of CREATION, "the introduction of life". Death proceeds from the end of chemical factories called body & mind to the moment of truth/ when LIFE decides if you belong, or if you do not! Therefore life will ask of you: WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? It is this question, and your answer that declares respect, or arrogance. Respect proceeds, while arrogance descends from life, to the environment of your own making/ you are god aren't you. As to life itself, the question does not extend to: what do you think. Rather LIFE as it has existed from before you were born/ returns to CREATION, either with or without you. CREATION MEANS: "The place, where we meet
GOD !"
The distinctive language of life itself, CANNOT be used/ simply look, at the damage this society has brought to the NAME JESUS !
And know/ how very close you already are, To
History teaches, that people erect barriers to each other, for the demand to control and seek pleasure and luxury at someone else's expense. Time and again humanity is burdened by a very few with weapons or with hunger/ that then become enemies because they can. The first cause of action after achieving some degree of power is commonly to destroy the potential leadership, for those who would be free! The second becomes; control the opportunity of tools, that could cause a revolution, to set people free! The last is to spread out the plunder: that thieves, whore's, and prostitutes can be bought to help you sustain power, help you spy, and survive by murder or any other form of violence: this is very common throughout the world. Thieves are those who buy their power, with your freedom. Whore's are those who care nothing about what they do, because WANT has consumed them. Prostitutes are those who sell you, to buy your hate/ but win the game, because your reaction causes the disintegration of society: your hate turns to revenge, and then you are them. These little groups work by controlling communication in various ways/ they survive by doing violence to justice and all that is peaceful and honorable. They die, when the tools necessary have been given to the others.
The weapon of freedom is justice/ therefore the weapon of peace & life is THOSE WHO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE: NOT those who pretend. The demand to unite for justice is then governed by communication, and WE ARE able to communicate better than any generation that ever walked the earth. Therefore the truth becomes: ownership of freedom belongs to those who will not be led/ but ask of themselves: is this JUSTICE?
Wherever the answer is "less than justice/ less than truth/ or less than peace: then the people themselves must ask, HOW DO I make this better?" Every nation has a few of these people, which means EVERY nation has a majority who will fear: "these murderers will separate me from the rest, and kill me and mine".
REALITY THEN ASKS: if we cannot have a leader/ then HOW shall we fight and attain peace, freedom, & justice for ourselves?
The answer is, HIDDEN within the pride, selfishness, & want of humanity is the consequence of power/ it is THE FEAR of death, the reaction of hate. Even though those who are in power may not present fear, but they understand hate very well. The reality is their failures have stripped them of all happiness, and the result is " a death mask". Pride/ selfishness/ & want then work to devise methods of making you fear death, more than they do. The ways to make you hate/ thereby making you predictable and within control, because now they understand you/ and life is now a game. The meaning of this work, to live without leaders is very simple. If you cannot be pushed/ you cannot be defeated. Leaders control the flock/ it is truth that controls the individual, and the demands of duty. Fears exist to push humanity and demand actions be taken/ they are "not assigned to society", society chooses their own fears. Therefore your true reaction, to any form of power is determined by what society has determined for you/ until you stop it. The question is thereby what decides the fate of human society?
This answer too is quite simple, it is the refusal to become slaves. EVERY army is made up of "the public, and its sons; even daughters, and their marriages, children, and needs". YOU are the parents, the instructors, and more/ you teach them honor and duty, and apply respect to the truth of what they do. IF YOU DO NOT, then why should you be free? The reality of our time is numbers! WE OUTNUMBER those who would control, or who would work to control us all: by at least 100,000 to one! WE CAN choose, to watch carefully/ we can organize quietly/ we can be an army if we choose to be.
The terrorist REVEALS him or herself periodically (when relaxed especially), by "letting their temper go", and do their talking in violence or in words. The difference between a temper and a passion is quite simply: temper DEMANDS "I am ruler/ or want to be ruler over you"! While true passion describes need and the honesty that we must follow truth & respect reality. When there are terrorists entrenched in your midst, when power confronts your lives/ then reality says: TALK AND KEEP TALKING, {find a way} until the discipline of understanding causes order to find and remove these parasites: this is for the nation itself, not an outsider. When terrorists are entrenched in your government/ then your VOTE/ becomes your talk and your RIGHT to change. The military is society too/ do you defend your nation/ or their enemies? The demand for a vote cannot be ignored anymore/ demand with your work, it is your ticket for change. Work without weapons, quietly and in truth: society demands it must be so/ then when honesty proves respect exists in society, there will be no one to stand against you. The leadership HAS already insulated themselves against any work stoppage/ BUT REMEMBER THIS: we do outnumber them greatly/ many thousands, to their one! It is the existence of a weapon which can do great harm, that gives any terrorist a threat against us all. It is true, some are so insane/ they would rather kill everyone than surrender power. It is also true, soldiers must carry out these plans/ OR THEY WON'T happen. Therefore consider it very well what types of weapons you wish to retain for yourselves; the greater the damages/ the greater the control, and the more lives it will cost to remain free. You will know, when it is time to choose the weapons you will keep.
When the people become discontent because they are hungry from strike/ those who call themselves leaders WILL RESPOND. Therefore it becomes up to the military of any land to decide whose side they shall be on/ the leadership or the people. If the military moves against its own citizens/ THEN WHOSE sons and daughters are they? Respect them and they will respect you/ but do not let generals lead a society: It is contrary to peace. Our reality as a society is "sometimes we are wrong"/ therefore reality pushes us, and people must decide when they will let truth decide instead. BE FAIR, always talk carefully and discuss honestly. Then when it is clear by truth, what shall be done/ prove it by the evidence and let the truth lead. There are many people who cannot let truth lead/ it requires them to surrender and their pride will not let them. It is here that military influences become necessary/ when the truth is apparent, reality must follow/ even when the price is high. Therefore understand truth as the difference between an action and a reaction, a place where life comes first/ hope follows/ and love defines us all as equal and not afraid.
The method of liberty, is simply; do not let the dreamers decide your destiny/ their focus is "one simple thing"/ and their reality is less than life, for they do not understand survival. Do not crush the dreamer, they sometimes help/ they sometimes produce pleasant additions to life, and work. But beware they are not equipped to be leaders, but are blind to the reality of basic truth and fundamental discipline as it applies to everyday life. Do crush the dreamer that contends "follow me". Follow only the truth, and let the evidence prove the way in discipline and order.
As to the everyday efforts of business:
rule #1 find a product or service other people are willing to pay for.
Rule #2 convince a "bare minimum" group of people, that you can be trusted. And treat them at least as well as the competition.
Rule #3 expand your options/ understand simply if you can't sell it, the rest doesn't matter.
Rule #4 Remember to be visible, be direct, be confident: if you are not, you buyer cannot be with you.
Rule #5 BE HONEST, tomorrow always comes/ 20 years from now comes, or more/ or you die. People remember the dishonesty long after.
Rule #6 ADD YOUR LABOR, plus all expenses. If you can't make money, then it's a hobby/ NOT a business.
Rule #7 DO the work, and enjoy it/ if you do not, then you will fail; or you will be a pain and misery to everyone who works for you.
Rule #8 DO NOT take more than you give, not more than you truly need, because we are many/ and there are limits.
The rules for establishing your own business
rule #1 YOU MUST SELL, or find someone to sell for you.
Rule #2 your customer base must be able to find you, therefore if you do not establish business contacts and contracts before you truly start, you are very likely to fail. If you need a business location, the human traffic and its purpose in that area are critical to the numbers you need to pass through the door.
Rule #3 access is important to you and your buyers. Identify critical relationships that will affect you fundamentally and understand what you will do/ should problems arise. These are variables that do occur for many reasons/ even though you are sure it won't. A simple divorce, or bankruptcy by someone else can play havoc with the best laid plans.
Rule #4 MONEY is the fuel of business. No money means credit or failure. Credit means NOW, you must do at least 50% more business just to survive the credit. Figure money on a per year basis/ not per week or month: otherwise you will be caught without.
Rule #5 Employees have needs too! They are not tools for your business/ not supplies for your customers. BE FAIR, even if you are not forced to/ they are your equals, not your slaves or machines.
Rule #6 the machinery of success is simply: if you have the work, NOT just a promise/ then you can afford the machine, the materials, etc [unless you have failed to properly prepare the estimate]. Bear in mind, & plan for replacement, refinement, & the possibility of someone declaring bankruptcy on you. Prepare by solidifying the contract with bands, as personal debts, agreements with the end user, or whatever else lends reasonable relief to the possibility of failure without your consent or input. The input costs are otherwise irrelevant: IT IS ONLY the output receipts that matter.
Rule #7 the value of your product or service
is defined by your competition/ not you. It is not more complicated. If you
have no competition/ you will have. Therefore you must define real needs,
detail actual & honest expenses [check these with others]. Create honest
expense and replacement and labor costs. Think long term, and work at
identifying current competition/ to decide for sure you can compete favorably.
Thereby you must know exactly what your product or service will cost and what
you intend to sell for and how many you must sell to achieve this reality.
Compare these to the current competition, establish if there is enough business
to achieve these sales. And understand if you are a threat, then they will try
to run you out of business early: do you have the money for this, or the
clientele? If you cannot compete well/ then don't start, you will make more
money and everyone happier if you don't
The object of work is not to consume your
life. The object of work is to accept and encourage survival of us all, by
doing your share, or even a little more. The object of business is to
substantially influence society in a positive way for everyone. The reality of
work is simple, we must work/ because we must participate among ourselves or
die. The reality of business is also simple, without resources there is no
work, no economy, and no way to survive. Treat your resources with SEVERE
RESPECT, or you will soon be dead. That means you will share and care about all
life, including the future or you as well shall have none.
Pick a product or service you do understand,
for business.
The scourge of humanity is "gather all you can/ as fast as you can, before someone beats us to it". This has resulted in many deaths, many wars. And the desertification of many parts of the world. Deaths because hoarding causes starvation in others/ wars because groups of starving, or just plain hungry people will not be easily killed, or turned away/ and deserts because "you took the very last one": only to die anyway, a day later. You the humanity of earth WILL STOP THIS scourge or you will fail.
The horror of humanity is "a focus so small that life doesn't matter/ gives cause to measure all humanity as nothing, all life as worthless, and descend into "the inner pit of selfishness" where nothing escapes but your hatred. Hatred occurs when you are trapped by your own decisions/ when you have chosen to remove the love inside, and attach yourself to revenge. Selfishness occurs, because revenge takes all the good things away, and to survive, you trade life for things/ or you die, get depressed, or go insane. If you will not choose better, and establish peace and life as without measure, truly miracles. Then you are not worthy to continue living. I say this as a decision for the humanity of earth/ not an individual.
The failure of humanity is especially boredom/ wherein you trade all that life can be/ for the simple truth, that YOU are lazy. To fix the laziness inside, and find happiness: you will cast out all the debris that greed, lust, power, selfishness, hate, violence, and evil brings. When you have cleaned/ then you can look inside the miracle that is you, and find love. When you have found love, for yourself as well/ then freedom will bring you happiness, and life encourage you every day. Only loneliness is left, if you will believe/ then GOD through JESUS will show you the friendship called your soul.
The violence to society, apart from war/ is
one nation that does not discipline itself, must then invade another by
immigration. The truth says: fix your problems at home first/ then when it is
necessary and order allows, may you go elsewhere. These problems are
over-population, resource consumption and desertification do to resource
consumption, religious zealots, and fundamental bad behavior the result of
which is no law, no suitable government, and no opportunities. YOU have NO
right to populate the world/ no right to consume beyond what truth and respect
for all life allows/ no assertion, that you "know god, and what HE
wants" is allowed: this is a challenge to GOD HIMSELF, therefore not only
do you use ignorance and stupidity to challenge the world: you also state HE
thinks like you! A greater ignorance does not exist. If you have NO RESPECT for
each other, NO respect for the opposite sex, and NO respect for government,
life, or reality/ then why should anyone else want you? The reality is simple: choose
better, and when your done. Then immigrate peacefully and with hope. But
UNDERSTAND CLEARLY, if you choose not to learn the survival skills of their
"one language"/ if you choose not to become a citizen and choose
alliance there within no more than 7 years/ if you do not successfully
integrate yourself within 4 years: then at these time tables you WILL be
returned to your homeland. For the children given citizenship that are no less
than 18 years of age and have been in their adopted country for at least 4
years; they will choose for themselves. You may sell, what you have gained/ but
you may not keep any property as may have been allotted to you or bought by
you: married or not, you shall leave. This is "either one nation or the
other". Those who hide, and pretend to be what they are not, so they are
not deported/ SHALL lose anything they have achieved and shall not sell it, it
is returned to the nation they have visited. The immigrant comes to
"fulfill their wants/ and enforce their pride"/ this is not socially
acceptable: if you do not change, if you will not work for society itself/ but
consider only selfishness and greed as your obligation to this life/ then you
do not deserve to be among "us". Thereby this is true and fair.
Suddenly asking for citizen status in this day after spending more than 12
years among us/ shall not be done; your opportunity has ended. The reality IS:
we are sending you back, to fix your country/ you are now educated, either you
are prepared or you will find your way. They do need you/ or you would not have
left; it is your duty to help/ and it is clear this is where your heart is;
therefore you would choose it, if not for ease & luxury. If not for power,
and greed. Therefore before you go/ reality says the United Nations, must learn
how to help. Laws must govern, troops must be justifiable, and the laws must be
broken before any action can be taken. Then when it is clear help is needed,
HONESTY and HONOR according to law and by vote will send troops as required/ to
remove the leadership: but not to harm the cities, the people, or the land.
This is very simple: the leadership is what has failed/ not the people. Simply
go and take away the leadership/ do not "pick a fight, as the Americans
did in
There is great apathy in the world today, want controls selfishness and as such the world is nothing but your "empty bowl"/ it cannot be filled, because there is always something else to want. People do use pride to pasteurize, their failure as life/ therefore they must have power, to prove they are not a loser. All these things promote the lies that currently sustain your world. The critical question is not about power, selfishness, or apathy/ but why do these exist? The answer is common among humanity is "the demand, look at me". Common among humanity is the competition here is excessive, and the people left out/ fight back with "I will force you, to look at me". Critical truth therefore says: if you will not provide and present respect to all the people on earth, reality will never let you be free of these diseases in the mind. Accept your humanity/ accept their humanity, and stop judging.
The truth is "the money is gone/
essentially across the world". Money is not a number, money is not a
possession, money is not powerful. Instead truth says money is a promise, made
by one person to another that they will do the work, or sacrifice their
possession/ if only that person will do the same for them.
You have made so many promises, who could
believe even the infant could accept your lies; but because you all cooperate
to sustain the lie/ "that reality and truth should not come". You
have managed to convince the world to do the same. So now the promises have
multiplied to " a thousand years with all the resources on earth"
shall soon come do? Oddly immigration has sustained
HAVE POWER. If you do not/ then you are finished; you just can't yet see it.
The purpose of power is control, truth says: you are now so many, only truth
shall decide. If you think not/ then I remind you of "the weather";
irregardless of what you think, if you do not prepare properly, it will kill
you without a single tear. Your reality is now so powerful, because you are so
many that if you do not prepare properly, even slight disturbances can easily
result in your death. Get rid of all the weapons to destroy all humanity. Get
rid of all the "university dreamers" who assault the world and all
life: by taking away their tools. Get rid of all the pride and want/ because
the earth can no longer support arrogance, selfishness, or hate, If not you
will reap violence and death. Get rid of the apathy, the inferiority, & the
loneliness or you shall not share, you shall not care, and thereby you shall
return to insanity and its ending Armageddon. You are now as am I, given the
necessary information to support and sustain life in this world, BEFORE it is
too late. Like me, you MUST now make a decision on your own to use the
information/ or not. Like me, your eternity is at stake here too. I say to you
clearly, the reality of the evidence, the depth of the intensity, and the
consequence of the truth all say this is a LIFE OR DEATH DECISION for us all. I
do hope you choose correctly/ otherwise, you WILL be very sorry: this is a
prophecy to you.
In truth you should be glad, that economic destruction is at hand/ because nothing less, would stop you from consuming the world, and destroying yourselves in a very short time. Reality says, all these lies exist because you expect to be destroyed/ and you are right. This is a true consequence of your decisions: you must now decide if you will stand and stop this destruction, or become extinct? This message is in fact a reprieve to you: USE IT WISELY! In fact, the world you must rebuild for yourselves, will be far superior in every way; or you will simply destroy yourselves. Therefore you should rejoice at the coming turmoil/ it is not destined to harm life. Instead it is revealed to give you "heaven on earth". But only you can choose this/ only you will decide to die.
If you "could care less/ won't believe the evidence no matter what/ pride won't let you/ or whatever excuse you use" / then you do deserve to reap as you have sown. And as the saying goes: "All hell, will break loose upon you"! Why? Because when the last thread that holds creation as nature together is broken/ there is no choice left. There is no going back/ there is no mercy in going ahead as you are/ this is choose now, or be buried in your own failures.
Don't believe/ want someone else to deliver a different message/ want to many things, that your heart won't be humbled: then have what you want, you own ways, you own rewards, and the destiny you yourselves have chosen. Want your university to decide/ why not, they have prepared " your exterminators": go ahead.
Can't believe in GOD OR JESUS You don't have too! You are a god aren't you/ you can surely survive; perhaps evolution will rise you up: after all how many billion years would you have to wait? Just ask the people with bad joints, if they believe a few thousand years by your estimate without lubrication of any joint, would be something to look forward to? Surely you don't believe in "all the pieces at once": that would be creation, and evolution is just too smart for that? Want to return as something else: considering nothing on earth would be alive in a few years/ it seems unlikely, don't you think. Of all the religions in the world/ the desire to "make it your own" casts them together as the same. Reality says; only truth matters/ only the evidence decides/ only the compositions that support and identify faith define the possibilities that exist beyond this time. I do strongly suggest "you let truth decide/ not your mind, but your soul".
SOUL means: the life in me has become my
friend, and I worship the honor it bestows. Life is not a game/ life is a
creation that brings to each one the opportunities called destiny, and the intensity
of being ALIVE. Never underestimate this fact, Compared to "rocks"/
how great we are! Can you create life? Then do not limit the reality, just
because You are ignorant, LEARN!
As this writing ends/ some considerations about society and work occur. The poor are not inferior to you/ they largely just don't know how to negotiate or sell. Therefore the proper education for all people, needs to be in how to negotiate and sell/ from the beginning of school to the end of life. The wealthy become poor in spirit/ poor in reality, because the fail to recognize their position in society is to help, rather than to negotiate someone else into poverty/ greed is their pacifier. Do not do this. As to this day, it is important to pay fairly/ but it is also important to teach the art of negotiation: education pays the poor. Unfortunately as reality teaches me, sometimes teaching reality to the poor does not pay/ they are just too frustrated. Therefore instead of working to middle ground, it is perhaps more important just to start at middle ground, and allow a little more through negotiation. It is the art of negotiation, that presents you to business; in every theater of conflict, if you fail to present your needs/ you will be considered not to have any. If you present your needs well, with respect inherent to business itself for all/ then you will earn opportunities. You do "have to shop" to know what is fair/ it is important, that even the poor, learn in negotiations they too must share a little. Here the poor will cry out, "I HAVE GIVEN too much already"! Let someone else. Truth says; no matter what your position is in society/ it is your life that matters. Life participates by introducing, and just as importantly accepting, the honor that you present to the others. It is your duty, to be honorable/ it is their duty to be justified in their dealing with you. Irregardless of "what the others do"/ a duty is required from YOU. Be honest, be fair to yourself and the others. Understand simply, IF the greed, power, lust, want, selfishness, and pride are removed/ Replaced with respect for all life/ then "heaven on earth" will come. WORK FOR THIS! Because there is always a need for hope, if people will not be honorable now, then remember this. As an inventor, the real work is not in the "main idea"/ instead it is the last 3-5% required to fit it together successfully. Now look at your body and mind/ does it not work for you? Look at all the functions, all the possibilities, all the truth within which it was built for you. If you cannot see the love, defined by all the talent required to build a body or mind/ then you cannot see heaven either. BUT if you can "see heaven"/ then surely you must know, that GOD Who has given us this world, and all that we can be: HAS invited us to be with him. Who among you cannot believe, the miracles among us, are simply "A taste" of what will come.
The rich man or woman is just given the
responsibility to choose for society/ because they prove some aspect of work
that is necessary for society. They are not greater/ not entitled to
"everything they can get, or anything they want". The poor man or
woman is just poor, because they are afraid to take the risk, or just don't
fully understand the game/ and no one existed to help them get better. The
middle-income reality is work, and to "get ahead", it is too much
work: you are trading your life, for what has very little value/ mostly just
pride. Our responsibility to society is to do our part, whatever that may be.
Our respect for society requires us to participate without injury to any other,
this includes money. Some will demand: "I am not my brother's keeper/ I am
free, to do anything I want/ they must take care of themselves: I will
not"! This is the constant in human failure, that caring and sharing is of
less value/ than wanting and pride. You have achieved maximum selfishness
today, certainly in
Created for your consideration, rather than your understanding.
The consequence of life, IS your relationship to thought. The dimensions provided by body or mind are in truth, strictly a secondary experience. The quality of life is the reflection you conceive in the "heart, called your own destiny", here heart means: a desire that you would sacrifice your life for. This relationship, that you form with your life, is an expression of your own identity, among the people you do live with. The concept and development of life is, the critical relationship between truth, and the respect freedom brings to the expansion and breath of every identity/ love is the dimension created in thought whereby honesty learns the lessons of honor, and conceives of hope. Desires form and opportunity begins. Breath means "the pulsating rhythms between creation and its destiny."
The quest for blessings beyond time, understands that compositions in order are formed through the disciplines called wisdom. Therefore the possibilities of eternity extend from a relationship defined by that order and developed by that discipline. The formation of truth as the building of a distinct creation called you, is the request for an invitation into "this world". You shall NOT enter without truth/ you shall NOT enter without an invitation, and your acceptance of the consequences.
The human conception of a lie, is the refusal to let truth lead/ the demand to hide from reality and describe fantasy instead. The human reality on an individual scale is thereby as simple as: will you accept truth, will you accept reality, will you choose love: or will you lie? The choice is yours.
This document exists as the evidence of work, the participation of discipline, and the purpose of love, as it honors or seeks to honor OUR CREATOR! All the words of these documents together, are not more or less than this.
Understanding recognizes the question: why do people lie? And wisdom answers: because truth scares them and reality makes them fear. This in turn leads to fantasy, & therefrom the escapes called want & pride form the boundaries that sustain and become selfishness. Selfishness is the decision to be isolated, and choose whatever power that can be found: irregardless of damage to any other life or thing. These are FAILURES. The useless and tragic creations of man & woman to convince themselves they are in control. The reality is: truth is in control/ while freedom allows a lie to sustain itself for a time, reality will come and truth declare itself superior: therefore in control. Truth has no tears, it is only truth.
These documents are then about living, the compositions of "a utopia", because truth, compassion, love, respect, and reality all create "a wonderful place to live." if you would only cherish them! The existence of time is about friendship, an opportunity to prepare for eternity, and choose life/ it is not an enemy. Therefore we begin with time. The existence of an opportunity that expands comprehension & transforms experience into the basis of knowledge from which we grow, as individuals, and as society. Life and truth are then possibilities that exist in eternity. To participate in this adventure, time is then the essence described as "the building materials" for existence beyond this physical life. Life is truth conceived by thought/ formed by discipline through order/ and developed in freedom by the relationship we form or are given as form, to the comprehension of an experience we choose to express. It is this comprehension that defines the existence called an individual/ therefore it is this understanding of a decision that manipulates the outcome of a human life. The quest for eternity demands, it is not fair, or just that manipulation exists. Thereby you are required to surrender manipulation, & the deceit which surrounds it, or you die.
Here begins the development of time
as your friend, for time modifies your relationship as life, to your existence
as an individual decision to produce a journey called wisdom in you. Wisdom
allows you to understand the dimension & integrity of your choices. Wisdom
creates a structure that conceives of life, by building upon the foundations
which you accept as critical to your own existence. Wisdom refines the
experience of order, and gives you soul. Wisdom thereby reflects the truth,
that you have chosen a destiny called eternity and opened the consequence with
respect from your heart. Heart means, the expansion of life, from the basic
aspects of survival to become an experience generated within an understanding
of living/ rather than a much simpler description as life itself: the isolated
boundary of individuality. Living seeks the expression & dimension called
FAMILY. Family exists as a destiny formed from the journey you must take
between heart and soul: even if you fail/ mercy shall assist you, if this is
your true desire: be brave. Thereby family asserts this is a decision you shall
make, because the door is open and the path is in your own heart: meaning no
one can refuse you, or stand in your way/ you alone decide. Family means
designed by thought as a place beyond ourselves, this opportunity changes from
life by definition/ to the interactions of thought by its relationship to
freedom. You have entered "the living" and thereby exist within the
expressions of eternity.
JESUS is my teacher/ you may accept
or deny this, but there will be no discussion.
As to relationships formed as eternal, the composition is by RESPECT! Therefore it is your failure or your honesty and honor that decides. Here the question confronts all: WHAT is thought/ WHAT is eternity/ WHAT is living eternal, and HOW do we enter therein?
These are questions which transform existence and define life itself/ therefore all aspects of power must be removed: because humanity is NOT worthy [are there not those who covet power, abuse others, and seed violence/ I will not increase their damnation: Damned means: "I just don't care anymore"/ this is a judgment]. The answers are then expressed without comprehension and built without structure, that you may survive the impact and sustain reality.
Life means "the existence of thought", this is not a debate as to the intellectual [the ability of a mind to measure or compute distance]/ rather thought confronts action or reaction and resides in the expansion of law. Law is a defined interaction which develops energy by the definitions of boundaries. A boundary completes the dimension of assigned spaces in law. Law compliments energy by becoming a participant in existence created by order and discipline, as law directs it to be. There are 24 primary laws in this universe: they are not to be discussed! Do not ask.
Here begins the discussion of thought as relationships rather than comprehension. Critical to the existence of energy is "the placement of trust": or more properly the storage of energy as one entity combined to achieve one expression of energy as an action or reaction. Human physics declare "for every action, there is a reaction/ reality says: for every expression of energy there is a dimension in time. The difference is chosen, by the truth conceived within an action or a reaction. Eternity explains: where there is no reaction there is NO change, in the dimension created by an action/ therefore it is eternal. This is enough for you.
Living eternal means: entering ascension beyond the definitions of life, as the expressions of energy become the existence of energy by living as thought. these things are not within our abilities as life here/ we must be accepted and then invited. TRUST is MANDATORY/ NO exceptions.
Heaven is a place in mercy devoted to "the praise and worship of life." it is as eternal as GOD Allows it to be. Life here is designed to be about LOVE, RESPECT, AND THE HONOR of being ALIVE!
The question occurs, what then is life without ascension into eternity? The answer is "a creation in love". The difference is a limited freedom in heaven/ and a destruction that comes from your decisions to live in time, if you do not ascend. Because reality and truth are literally just as easily enemies as they are friends. This too is enough.
The comprehension that allow greater understandings also allow a greater disrespect. Therefore because of your extreme poverty [YOU are lacking truth, respect, and honor more than ANY other generation of humanity: you should be ashamed]. To give you more, may bring immediate judgment/ because of your disrespect. Even so, order demands more shall be given/ because you stand at the door of extinction.
WHAT is thought/ is not a question, rather this seeks the evidence and basis called critical truth: therefore an identity is involved. Where there is an identity searching for critical truths, there is also a relationship, with that truth. Relationship means, a portion or passion described by this truth has been accepted by this identity and the consequence is knowledge. Thereby in knowledge, the relationship formed becomes an understanding/ and it is that understanding that transforms "the reflection I have seen of myself"; this into the possibility of joining this truth to become as truth would have me to be. A relationship is thereby the foundation of a friendship. True friendships refine the intensity of life into the honesty of an honor born by the presence of your soul into the baptism called truth. Baptism means: I HAVE chosen, or been chosen by life, to experience a friendship that exceeds my existence; that I may expand from the prison of my body: into the expression of creation itself. Body is a truth defined by time. Soul is a truth honored by time/ therefore if you fail to choose honor or honesty, your soul leaves.
Soul enters creation as thought/ nothing less enters true eternity. Soul is your participation in friendship through your creation called trust. You cannot enter beyond heaven {described as "the pearly gates, if you will"}/ unless your trust is complete. The reality is simply: "The energy WILL consume you"! Therefore trust is the foundation upon which we anchor ourselves in hope, to concede the vulnerability of life, and present ourselves to Our
Here the opportunity asks, WHAT does living for an eternity truly mean? The answer simply: what do you desire to create, explore, hope for, or build, and who will you choose as family/ how will you share your freedom, when will duty and respect demand your work, and much more. JOY, is not a matter of survival/ rather it is the expression of truth as reality gives the owner, freedom without fear. Here concludes the descriptions sought by religions. Therefore make your own decision/ but do understand truth will NEVER accept lies.
Question begins: in life where truth conquers hope and recognition identifies law/ judgment comes. In law, order assembles action: reality concedes to energy, and truth refines existence to identify whatsoever remains. In life judgment assigns fate, the distance and dimension you shall be separated from love. In fate, the demand is not punishment, but the removal of intensity {being worthy of shared expression} and the dissipation of density {a composition cared for/ a reality composed of trust}. Order always seeks love, the expansion of disciplines that bridge the "chaos of death" and grant peace as the experience of life. In love discipline means a relationship defined by grace [the honor of being blessed]. A blessing demands shared expectations, it is the evidence of CARE. In love, that which is beautiful, assigns to memory the freedom we see within our hearts and soul. In freedom we can/ each one/ ascend into soul by the creation of our truth as love. Trust explains to ascend means: to abandon physical humanity to attain truth as "children of GOD". The essence of your ascent beyond physical boundaries is then dependent upon the evidence & purity of love/ trust displays this love, soul delights in this love, GOD Grants eternity through this trust.
In death the passage from soul to spirit DOES await your decision/ that decision is, would you sell your soul, for ANY possession: ANY consequence of pride; or for ANY purpose of power?
If you answer yes/ then to these destinations you shall go, they are from time/ therefore they end in destruction. IF THE TRUTH IN YOU answers no, PLEASE GRANT TO ME LOVE! Then mercy opens the door and energy completes your life as the passage into SPIRIT.
WHAT is spirit? The answer exists as the "Communicator With
love replies: how could I be worthy/ To communicate with GOD ?
JESUS Is your answer! Your life must be recognized as a reflection of HIS. If not, then love will complete your journey "outside the inner world of life itself".
To begin a basic procedural description of simple abilities within the outer boundaries of functional understanding it is necessary to review 3 distinct compositions applied to the nature of humanity: 1) the formation of knowledge; the critical participation of work to achieve understanding; and the wisdom to accept reality and allow truth to lead. 2) the development of reason which compensates for the lack of knowledge by attributing derived consequences to explained theory. Reason thereby contributes fantasy, and the majority of failure that occurs from it. Fantasy concludes "I DON'T need truth or evidence, i am a god". 3) the consequences of mind versus the reality of thought. this battleground functions to conceive of decisions, form identity, and control purpose, intensity, desire, love or hate, wisdom, soul, and idolatry.
Knowledge is a consequence of energy and motion, it is derived from the arrangement of steps you assemble between an action which effects your position and balance/ and the subsequent reactions that occur in varied resolutions, that then identify the environment of your world. To understand means, to participate beyond the energy & motion by removing the essence of your association in time, from the reaction as it occurs and progresses toward controlled consequence. A controlled consequence is a relationship between energy, mass, & movement that order demands discipline shall preform. Discipline is a captured energy contained by order, and defined by parallel [the existence of consequences not yet realized] environments that establish control [more clearly, captured energy is released in defined environments, once released boundaries are tested, and if the structure holds, time is created. The passages beyond time are an ascension, step by step, into freedom]. Work means to control the energy in time, that you may proceed within the creation of possibilities that form your identity and produce a relationship with knowledge that leads you to truth. Truth means RESPECT has entered your environment where teacher & friend, now conceive the creation of your soul! Many turn away, because truth requires the lies be left behind.
2. The acceptance of fear produces reason to modify the cowardice of poor behaviors/ thereby building an alternate existence confined to measured influence rather than known respect. The difference is a lie. Thereby lies are used as the bond, "that holds all the excuses together"/ when truth comes [freedom failed], all excuses fail. Here the failure of humanity is commonly attributed to "the devil, satan, and other names around the world"/ these are said to be evil. Reality says of time: these are excuses hiding the truth that your own fear is what you have chosen for yourself. Fear is "the development of control, by the use of power. Power is thereby a goal of fear, that the reality of life inside may control its own consequence of life: and those who choose power want from you, the right to control without cost to them. These things are NOT decisions but a relationship bound or chained to a hidden truth. That truth is you assume you can be god/ "if you just get far enough away from the truth, to accomplish dominion over life, and make them behave as if they were your own world. The suicide terrorist believes "life here is worthless for me/ heaven holds EVERY WANT, in absolute excess, FOR ME , alone [after all, "70 virgins to be your slave"] leaves nothing for the women". Do you truly believe GOD Has no respect for women? Do you truly believe, your lust and greed will be "not only tolerated"/ but provided for, as if GOD HIMSELF Were to be your slave? The final destination of a terrorist, before extermination is instead, THE FEAR Given by GOD HIMSELF To you.
Lies are common to all humanity, because the evidence says: you shall not control/ the human response is WANT, or I want to control. Particularly in this day of rampant intent to control, by any means/ the expressions are designed to destroy the sanctity of personal decision. The constant bombardment of media, advertizing, "murder and criminal intent or lust and greed, with power and selfishness all day long", the failure of politics [truly it has become for sale], religions [don't care, and won't share: just leave me alone], and the excuse and seizure of power by the "so-called experts"[a university degree expects leadership and wealth; doesn't matter what you actually do] , constitute a critical and intentional maze of confusion. Thereby preparing the masses for their own insanity, their own execution. And their own REVENGE against you. You are at the edge of insanity, you have contributed to your lives, "the potential critical collapse of ecosystems, the potential holocaust of genetics, the failure of compassion [without change you will choose WW3 ] and many more." All because of the lies you have reasoned will be or are at this moment, a "power for you". The truth is your power is about destruction, and the consequence is, it WILL consume you/ unless truth and respect and reality are chosen to lead you back to life/ rather than armageddon. Some will argue: blatant lies! In response you are asked to recount: exactly what happens when all these things fail/ or any one of them. Explain to us all exactly how you will intervene when genetics fail? Will you fix it? You cannot! Instead you will claim "evolution will fix it"/ will you not? You have no other defense. Let's assume for one second, that this lie could support you. By your testimonies, evolution takes "billions of years". Therefore if you damage one single reality/ then how many billions of years will it be before the lie of evolution can fix what you say will save you?
3. The mind exists to measure for you, that you may grasp understanding through the steps called order. Identity does not exist in measurements, because life is too complex to understand. Therefore reality [an environment completed in 3 parts] grants the questions: WHAT is a miracle; WHY does creation exist; and WHO am I, and what is my position in this truth called life?
Miracle establishes order as the foundation of existence and life/ therein the development of disciplines & the use of energy comprise the reality of our association with time. Miracle means a boundary imposed upon a distinct form of energy in order/ separated from all other forms of energy or order. Miracle constitutes the evidence of superior composition/ therefore it designs the integration of form within the reality of discipline to introduce the organization called an identity. An identity is found, rather than formed by examination in freedom of the function in miracle that produces thought.
Creation in terms of the human mind competes with death, while aging transforms any doubt, that death rules over this body. Therein creation is said to "be devoted, only to believers". Let us look instead at reality more clearly. Creation is the development of organized energy/ wherein our lives are represented by our freedoms, and our ability to survive. The laws of physics suggest energy never dies/ it merely changes from one expression to another, although dispersal results in an entirely different concept of order. If we are energy/ rather than body or mind per se, then our lives are about what the energy does rather than what the body or mind can do. Energy is the basis for all existence/ there is no life and no organization without energy: not even a mass. The composition of life is then not concerned with mass/ but with energy itself. The comprehension of foundations that support life, are not guesses: they are truths. Truth is "like a law/ that is also judge". Truth says: creation exists because disciplined order allows it to. Do you disagree? Truth says: all discipline is a result of comprehension/ and all comprehension is a matter of thought. Order is a reality of truth, given by thought. Therefore thought comprises our most basic foundation of life. Do you disagree? Reality says you do. Therefore answer the question: if you are willing to bet your eternity on a gamble of "quadrillions to one" [the largest recognizable number by most] rather than the truth of far greater odds: then "how smart are you"? Prove it is less/ prove anything about evolution apart from adaption [ for adaption is proof of perfect design/ and has nothing to do with fantasy or gambling or arrogance]. YOU LOSE!
Creation is "the curtain" held in place by GOD AND OPENED BY GOD, upon this world in the miracles we receive. A miracle is Only opened, to those whom HE CHOOSES. Creation thereby exists as a "reward" for belief. Creation transports the believer beyond the experience of time, where honor resides in JOY. And life resides in PRAISE GOD !
Here where creation, miracle, & truth meet to understand existence by the presence of "I am ALIVE". Reality completes this truth through the presence of SPIRIT. SPIRIT means "My friend, Is GOD ."
DO NOT begin saying these must be
voices or commands or any other human description. Instead spirit and friend
refer ONLY to the distance creation and all its boundaries, doors, and passages
are from the experiences of your life! To know SPIRIT is to communicate in
truth, and refine the reality of your identity by the purpose & desire of
your heart and soul. Here begins the creation of thought in you.
We may now begin again, within the possibilities of decision and the compromise held by behavior that competes with truth to isolate you from the integration of truth into your life. A decision applies consequence to your beliefs; it gives you freedom, and the honor to accept and build your own identity. Ability stands for "I can choose for myself/ whether right or wrong, matters not". The application of ability to behavior functions as the primary freedom of human intellect. We can be wrong, even if it kills us or another. PAIN teaches society of its error, and righteousness appears. Righteousness means: YOU are not worthy of your freedom/ therefore I take it away. Freedom replies NO/ but power says YES, and the battleground is formed. Battleground refers to "armies competing for space, and the power to control your decision". The opposing armies are freedom (the opportunity to decide) and power (the reflections of lust, greed, selfishness, and the intent to rule: that the mind illustrates, from the past either as history, something seen or heard, something done ), therefore it interferes with honesty, by presenting fantasy or measurements.
Human freedom is NOT bound together by truth, therefore all manner of "disease" exists. Human honor is bound by truth, therefore NO honor exists where the disease and lies come first. Human power attempts to consume the evidence through excess/ much like criminals throw the evidence (such as money) of their crimes away/ and return to need quickly. The critical battleground in every individual of life is not a social consequence, but an individual one. The battleground of your mind is a relationship based upon decision & how you interact with mental process. The mind measures thereby if you fail to produce a decision, then you shall be confronted with all the measurements a mind can make: memories are searched for comparative details, and what returns depends upon what has affected you mentally in your past. These are then integrated with demands for power, commands for revenge, and wants for freedom beyond the complications of "being right". These battles are not about control, rather they exist in the simple framework of being free, and asks you "To do what"? What is called morality thereby appears: as we are free, except for __________ you will decide: if society does not agree/ then you are called criminal or insane. The consequence of human conceived perfection appears here, and its intent is too control. Perfection reasons: "I am right/ therefore you must obey me". This is not about enslavement/ instead it is about righteousness, and the assumptions that "things are more important" than the people involved. YOU are wrong. The consequence of perfection is the relationship fails/ because you proved "the other one was not worthy to stand "next to you, as an equal". You were right/ they are wrong: it is very simple. The consequence of righteousness is failure, "not in the things you do/ but in your life, because you have tried so hard not to fail". The reality here is simply "life is hard/ because I cannot be fair". The truth here is simply: I wanted to prove myself, my knowledge, and my will to be honest and honorable/ the reality instead became simply pride.
The mind causes you to work, if you fail to work, for the reality of your life in all ways: then you will be consumed by the developments from that failure, that separate you from your soul. Soul is the distinction applied by truth, as the decision to journey into truth, and let truth decide. Decision is your opportunity to join that which you desire to become. Acceptance means, "I will participate within family, as desire allows". Family is the integrity of a similar desire. Desire means: creation grants freedom to every identity composed of courage/ therefore desire finds the strength to accept destiny.
Returning to the basis of human "thinking" common expectation points to a goal and humanity responds. Reality initiates the crossroads of intellectual comprehension, and the passages "to the left/ isolation, due to greed, lust, selfishness, & control:: to the right/ fear due to hate, revenge, apathy, and power. Want determines the level of your failure. IF or when you pass beyond the crossroads through an opportunity presented as truth/ then reality responds by teaching what is truth and what is lie. Your failure to accept the lesson results in your placement inside depression, suicidal compromises, and tears. These are NOT punishments/ they are lessons: it is up to you to respond with respect and discipline. Do you not know why, respect & discipline are important?
The common human excuse for failure is: I AM GOING TO DIE/ aging is not kind/ I WANT NOW! Each of these tie to distinct behaviors that undermine and tear apart the fabric that is society. Therefore death is the primary excuse to behave without discipline or order. Behavior is isolated to a physical body/ thereby behavior does NOT function to identify the "tragedy of a lost soul". Rather love grants mercy and hate demands judgment. More critical to life is your relationship with soul. Even if your "life is a shambles, a tragedy, and bound in tears" YOU still exist as a relationship born in creation, WITH THE RIGHT: to ask, seek, and knock, with your heart, at the door called soul!
Your body IS going to be destroyed, therefore it exists as a minimum of respect, to the comprehension's called life. Life distinguishes you, from existence as reality distinguishes truth from discipline and order. Life expands as the evidence of thought allows. Thought is NOT the evidence of intellect/ NOT the measurements of the mind/ NOT the influences of time/ & NOT the function of "I". Thought begins as the dimension between life and death/ therefore it describes the foundation called existence & becomes creation by the evidence of its truth. Dimension means: the displacement of all that is NOT thought, at every level not associated within independence and clarity.
NO true allowance will be given in thought to suggest you may manipulate and thereby be destroyed. The consequence that becomes life, is also held beyond your description simply because , you are not worthy. I say this not as judgment, but more simply as reality. The consequence of a life based upon "the plotting and planning of an action or the revenge, hatred, or fear of a reaction". You live for the excitement of "playing god/ I can do it". Abilities are not a consequence/ they are a discipline governed by knowledge & truth. An ability is your gift to society, not your right to play "king, queen, or any substantial amount more than just being human.
The earth is full of liars, thieves, & "bastards/bitches". A liar is anyone who does not work for justice & equality. A thief is anyone who sees an opportunity is anyone else's distress or injustice/ therefore a contributor to crime and failure in society. A "bastard or bitch" is merely slang, for those too selfish to participate in the future of society, the HONOR of life & love; and choose instead apathy, power, or simply don't care about anything but themselves. IS THIS YOU/ then repent.
WHY you make these choices, for such little things as pride, want, and fears is governed not by survival but by "the sound of applause"/ you care more about the conversations of other people, than you care about life.
LIFE is not about the other people. This is an important lesson. LOVE is about the other people, and your relationship to them. Life is the difference assembled by compositions called order that conceive of disciplines without end. Freedom is the "extra's" that make life grand. Love is about family, the understanding you are important too, and the honesty "I will make room for you, in my heart, and in my life."
Stop believing in things/ stop believing you are better than another, just because of _______/ stop believing an idea or a work or a title can make you bigger or better than you are. And start your personal journey irregardless of the others, into the eternity of your soul.
YOU will "be shown the way"/ even if all your questions are "BUT WHY"! The answers come when humility opens the door to your heart, and YOU clean out the darkness and the debris, left by humanity. This is a journey without pride, and that is why so VERY few, choose it. Even so, this is the beginning of eternity within those who do choose it and pay the price. These are the preparations necessary to survive the energy of eternity. By the reality of its existence, I do thereby warn you/ you will murder pride in you (NO ONE ELSE, is to blame for your pride, but you) Or your pride will murder you. These are the extremes that depict creation or destruction, as a simplified existence; heaven lies in between these, because it is where mercy controls and freedom is defined for you, instead of by you. Pride is thereby seen as the enemy of life, the consequence of failure and the end of your life. Prepare correctly before you enter into this war.
A paragraph for the few, not the majority: you will then understand that MERCY will greatly help you, if heaven is your desire/ only those who truly search for freedom and the eternity of life itself, and willingly give RESPECT, need enter the war.
Be patient, be fair, be alive in trust, and then accept only what is not a sacrifice/ but instead is strictly honest and not about pride. These are decisions.
Jealousy is your demand for rights & rewards you have not earned/ it is thereby the "sign of inner poverty", you are thereby worthless, UNTIL you change! To understand someone important to you, may be lost because of "gifts you do not have"/ is not a jealousy, it is merely the evidence of love and the value of friendship as it finds the treasure that is your heart. Where there is NO hatred, then this is true.
THOUGHT is an opportunity in is simplest form created through strength as the ability to "stand against the energy" and let it pass through. More critically correct, it is the courage necessary to allow energy to expand the definitions of your existence and create new and different understanding. The lack of order is by definition an expression & experience of voids, and spaces, and definitions without truth. Energy searches these out, and thereby demands wisdom; because energy without discipline becomes chaos. If you search, then you must control, struggle, and survive through wisdom against energy/ or become insane.
Here, the compositions of a decision are formed:
1) to allow possibilities beyond your control, by the definitions of your mind & body/ presents the consequence of energy.
2) to accept new & varied relationshi0ps that are not fully formed in you, within the direction you choose and have chosen in life/ supports the integrity of your position as necessary to the outcome of you.
3) to recognize the reflection you see as your life "staring back at you" lacks basic parts and pieces that you must work at, to assemble as your missing identity. This respects your life and the opportunity in truth you are.
4) discipline asks of existence, DO
YOU CHOOSE to learn of the evidence and ways of survival, freedom, love, and
the dignity of thought? Or do you hide & pretend life has no meaning,
therefore no consequence? The decision here is a separation from energy/ that
you may not be a reaction or action/ but more clearly the definition that
completes existence, for the purpose of eternity.
Some will continue to measure, let them go.
The path to life is literally a
relationship that cannot die! Thereby understanding reveals TRUE LOVE (truth,
because it cannot be changed) (love, because it is a relationship without end,
where honesty & respect make it so), is the path of life.
THE ONLY EXAMPLE, the world has ever known of
Therefore HE is this path.
There is no intent to create fear/
superiority/ or anything else certain to be suggested: These are the things
taught to me, it is my job to explain them to you as I see fit. You may do with
them as you wish.
The consequence of thought is life, the reality of life is "the experience", the truth of life is a decision: will you enter as a participant expanding honor & joy/ or will you fear the truth; that the intensity & extremes of energy MUST be dealt with, and therefore hide/ fearing death and waiting to be destroyed? Look at your life & your world/ energy can be dealt with, BEYOND QUESTION: Why fear? Recognize the miracles in life and know you are loved, be honest and be alive: WHY choose less?
Some choose "to be human"/ rather than children of GOD ! It is their right. Some become evil, because they believe in THEIR failures, rather than GOD?
The relationship we share with time is simply: time controls the energy that is our experience, thereby we need not, this is our key to freedom as humanity. Time also brings destruction, because "THE LAW of the UNIVERSE", says it must be so. We are born & live within the barriers of this body human. The consequence of a barrier, limits the expression & experience of life: we must INTERPRET through the physical barriers/ rather than as life in truth. Truth EXISTS: this is an important reality! Thereby the relationship we share with truth exists in the dimension of our reality, that truth shares with the expression & experience of this universe/ because what is truth crosses the boundary of every dimension. Life is "the foundation of truth", it exists because we as life CARE. [truth is only a consequence without life/ life is only a reality when thought exists]. This is the evidence called love, that life found truth and created a home within for truth, with friendship, hope, & the eternity provided by truth called freedom.
Here begins an examination of life & truth/ the consequence called purpose. What shall you do, with these gifts?
We live in a dimension beyond consequent
destruction/ time pauses energy, that we might comprehend life. Time is "a
world apart, from true energy" whereby desire can be formed, and identity
found. Desire is an opportunity/ identity is a participant. Desire is then a
door leading to the path called wisdom, wherein barriers are broken & soul
comes to mean an invitation beyond ourselves. Soul arises within order to
compensate discipline with the freedom "to be found, through
destiny". Here SPIRIT is, "the intensity of CREATION, looking directly
at you/ us": it means, we have journeyed into eternity. This is FAMILY in
SAVED BY JESUS CHRIST May now be understood more simply. HE allowed this journey into all things, to be "shortened". To the miracle of HIS LIFE/ to the understanding of love, duty, & respect/ and to the honesty that life is not so simple as "flesh & bone". Hope is the discussion of life without questions, therefore it reflects only passion and gives only grace. GRACE means, a new beginning, complete with the possibilities of a new life. Here, the recognition of a new life, discovers in existence a destiny hidden from time & experience. It is simply, "the passage called MERCY".
Understood, this is following JESUS, as seen in the passions of HIS LIFE! Those passions were LOVE, LIFE, DUTY, WORK, COMPASSION, HONOR, RESPECT, TRUTH, REALITY, AND GOD ! These are not religious behaviors/ they are the honesty of HIS BELIEF, AS SEEN IN HIS FAITH.
Some discount the reality of miracles performed, even though the testimony of JESUS On history/ demands a level of proof we would not demand of ourselves. The question of miracles, becomes dependent upon the reality of order, and the density of discipline as it achieves a decision over energy/ the fact that no other has achieved such things, grants HIS PASSIONS to be greater than ours.
In the concert that is life, the compositions sung are established by "the heart", whereas it is soul that gives life to the honor inside and sings the song: so to speak. Our existence is literally at risk. From a thousand different threats, this "noise pollution of human decision" has entered our human existence. Tragically displacing the symmetry of nature/ and stand ready to cause us grave consequences. Several times in the writing of this message to you, I have "guessed enough"/ only to be confronted again with the truth that this is about life or death for the entire planet. Therefore at a minimum the battle cannot be over until all hope is gone. The children, and those who do care and share through love, are too important. This struggle for life, or more correctly this "trial for life" cannot therefore be won/ IT MUST BE CHOSEN. Armies and all the rest matter not/ because as you see with terrorists, a few can do great harm. Communication combined with education & understanding: so that an honest & fair choice among all humanity can occur means simply: that every reader must do their part: this is you! The value of life, IS "the treasury called love", for love brings desire and life may then find its own song, with rejoicing inside. Desire accomplishes the single task of building for the joy that is life. While love accomplishes the complex task of fundamentally binding "spirits" together. There are those lost, who cannot conceive of this harmony or song. There are those hiding who cannot believe in love anymore. There are measures applied that disgrace all humanity and cause the dignity of body to fail for the entire human race. These are not questions/ this is simple and plain. The LIGHT OF LIFE Is the honor you recognize and respect in the miracle that is your body, mind, & you (identity). Arrogance & pride have demanded you to "bow down" to the ignorance and failure that has plagued mankind from its beginning: "we can be god too/ JUST LIE". This is simply not true!
I am not a religious man, instead I BELIEVE/ because I have been given the grace to believe. Therefore I searched, needing to understand/ as I grew, knowledge became immersed in reasoning: to remove this dribble, the mind was challenged and the game was over. Only then did life become an experience and expression in following truth, wherever it would lead. You have many wants/ they are not true. Accept life. This message is now yours, to deliver or to abandon because you would not do your part. The question of life or death is then in your hands (the reader, whoever you are), for my job is done. You cannot save the earth or its life/ just as I cannot either. But I have delivered the message to you, and now you must deliver the message as you can, or it fails. Choose?
In my own reality all who know me, know I do not write about little things/ so they hide, believing "they don't want to know"/ for they are afraid. Reality says: if you hide or turn away, then you will die. But it is not a prophecy against anyone/ but everyone. It is not a prophecy in spirit/ but a reality in truth: the evidence says it is so. Again I tell you it is not possible for me to save anyone from these disasters. You must choose to intervene for yourselves, I cannot make you/ nor can I lead: it is not my way. If you the majority do accept the duty and the dignity of confronting the lies honestly, and making decisions for life instead of selfishness, power, lust, or greed: then you will live/ if you do not, then surely you will die. I will continue my own work as I understand it to be. I do expect you the reader to do the same/ with grace & truth we will survive; as the earth survives. As to the question of why now/ it has not been my right to choose. Although errors have been made regarding the wait/ the truth produced the evidence in me that I must stop: because this is about life or death, and it is not my right to choose its beginning or end. Therefore I do say to you all, STOP/ consider the evidence & the consequence long term/ decide/ and then live your truth: as you see fit.
YOU are given the right, and the demand to choose life or death, for the entire human race: this is a respect for you/ THEREFORE BE RESPECTFUL AS WELL! Do not follow the idiots/ do not follow the ignorance/ do not follow the proud/ do not follow the powerful/ and do not follow the selfish. Do not follow the religious zealot: the evolutionary priests, who have taken their lies and produced your grave. They are directly responsible for all the major chemical, biological, genetic, and nuclear threats today. Let them prove on the merits that exist in time as proof, all the claims they have made. Let them prove by the evidence/ in plain english, that their assertions of bile and venom and fantasy can be viewed as science. Science may not be claimed for theory: is this not correct? Science may not even be claimed as accurate: take a look at history, and all the times "science from every generation/ HAS changed: all wrong". Instead of the bastard sickness from a diseased mind/ let evolution come forward and prove even a single detail. For if they cannot prove dramatic evidence/ then their impact upon the world HAS been a critical failure, and the results A CRIMINAL PROSECUTION! It ceases to be religion only, when power is applied. Therefore where power exists/ criminal documentation proves an "evil intent"/ or more simply the demand to extrude violence and pain. Have they not controlled, and changed lives/ changed the world, by producing the "reasoning" : Go ahead do anything to earth you like/ evolution will put it back together, nothing will go wrong. Go ahead and treat respect for life, by "throwing and causing it to be thrown in the garbage disposer." Should there be no punishment? Of course there should be: death is appropriate/ but in this "enlightened world of political correctness" Life inside the prison walls, will be tolerated. The meaning of this contempt about evolutionary priests is quite simple; I give you your choice, either surrender your lies and get out of all schools and government and business or accept the truth that you do deserve punishment: let the public decide. I do NOT tell you to change/ I DO tell you the religious rhetoric you have used to manipulate people is confined to a religious setting/ you may never use it in an attack on life again: satan worship will not be tolerated, in school, in books used for school, or in any other fashion beyond the ignorance of your tiny existence.
Do you know what political
correctness is? It is the idiots attacking the righteous/ and compromising:
that we will control the masses together. The absolute failure, attributed to
stupidity stops here/ where what is true, becomes repackaged "with little
bows and feathers, and little pink bonnets" to be their baby. Truth is
blunt! Truth does not repackage itself, to be prettier for you/ and it is a
failure not to believe or work directly with what is true. The demand "for
something else" is simply the ass talking to the head, and not the other
way around.
In the last writing for this purpose, it is plain and simple that the understanding that is: life without body, or mind, requires you to believe in life/ rather than in body or mind. To that end, the critical assumptions of time must end. Time is considered to be your life here/ death demands it is so. The question that thereby exists is WHY would GOD Want to "confuse us" into believing death is the end/ if in fact, life is about something else? The answer to this is more complex than it appears.
It begins with the need for YOU to
understand the reality into which you must proceed. Energy is not a friend,
UNLESS you control it/ and it does not control you. To that instruction, time
gives you the opportunity to appreciate energy/ and not fear it. Time creates
in you, the existence of an understanding in identity that requires you to make
decisions on your behalf/ and accept that there will be consequences
accordingly. Time allows you to experience freedom, as your participation/ but
it alters that reality of freedom with the duty necessary, and the
responsibility required to sustain, rather than destroy life with it. Time is a
friend, because YOU are born to the consequence of honesty/ and the truth of
happiness: if you refuse them, then you are not worthy of them. In simple terms
then, this life is about your preparations/ whether you like it or not. And it
is your judge, whether you like it or not/ because love does not desire that
reality of judgment: therefore you must choose for yourself.
To end the discussion of basic interests, culminating in the respect required for life: you are asked simply, what would you be without thought? Please consider and act responsibly in truth. There will be questions, desiring an introduction beyond the barriers of time/ they will NOT be given. Life in energy is not defined by life in time/ therefore no matter what is said, it would not be a communication to you. Instead, recognize the abundance of miracles that exist in your own life, and communicate to yourself/ that these things cannot be evidence of anything but true love and respect for our lives. Some will argue, there is evil, and pain, and suffering, and life is unfair. All true/ but the consequences of human decision, are required to teach you honestly, NOT teach you fantasy. The exception to these are death, &disease, & environmental catastrophe. Death is then simply, not the reality you suppose/ you MUST give up the physical bonds to time, to experience true energy/ there is NO CHOICE. The body & mind cannot survive the experience, and you will not want them. Disease is a relationship to our decisions as life, to use and abuse, rather than accept the limits of our freedom. This results in our own mutilation of various aspects of genetic makeup/ this allows heritage to cumulate "genetic problems" and the large variety of chemicals and so on push all these things into our lives: it is simply a result of pride and the damages of failure. Our environment shall be respected, our relationship with it is simply WE, NOT it, our responsible for the things that we refused to respect/ the warnings we refused to seek and understand.
There are choices in life; you as a large portion of humanity declared GOD doesn't exist, with your purposeful expressions of evolution. You chose to allow ignorance, arrogance, and apathy to control the last 70 years or so/ with nothing more for proof or evidence than a few words of stupidity: shame on you. This simple act, has given humanity the opportunity to treat the earth and all that is in it/ as if it were "a kitty litter box" for your most offensive acts: abolishing respect, discounting love, and throwing honesty away. Just so you could do anything you wanted, without people arguing NO.
You have had your time on earth to rule, now comes truth and the simple words: either you change and do what honor, duty, love, respect, and truth allow/ or very soon, the consequences of "your rule on earth" shall tear the very soul of life from this planet. CHOOSE as if your life depended upon it, for it does.
CHOOSE, if you will depend upon the
flock you have created/ or GOD and HIS CREATION. Choose, if you will be a herd
to the slaughter of yourselves, or individuals living the life, and
encountering the eternity for which you were given life on earth, in
preparation for. This decision is yes or no/ no middle ground/ just yes we will
do the work, and enjoy the life: or no we like it this way and we will rule,
even though the evidence plainly supports our extermination and the end of
planet earth.
Truth is a door, or more correctly a
crevice which light defines as an opening in time. Honesty & honor may
proceed through as only respect can define/ beyond this opening existence
begins! This is then the relationship created with time, that understands hope
participates to achieve creation. DO NOT lose this fundamental resource of
life: you will need it to survive. Measured not by human goals, defined not by
human expectation, the composition of life may be confined as simply as: a
decision precedes a destiny! Therefore what you do choose, conceives the
reality you do establish/ just as truth shall always define the outcome, when
its time has come. The decision of life or death is now.
Reality suggests this part of the web sites created by me, for you/ is necessary even though everything provided for your decision has been done previously. Order however applies the compositions of our time to establish the consequences known as our future. Therefore this last part is just about being human rather than controversy or political discussion/ it was intended to allow honesty and hope to design the greatest sense of our potential as human beings. Love grows from this , and peace, harmony, and happiness are next. Reality is relentless and truth doesn't care what you think, believe, or cry. This is because truth is the evidence of order & discipline the reality of an energy defined. Each of these are consequences to a decision or a reaction that occurs first. The meaning of life in this our reality is quite simply: the meaning you apply to your own life, and life itself. As you think about reality and its meaning to you, remember not only the pain, or loss/ but also the opportunity and love. There are relationships, these extend life into creation/ but also apply time as the destruction of ideals. Life is a building process, created from participation in the decision to live and the strength to survive. Time allows the slow progression of these 3 things: creation (the building process), participation (the understanding of freedom, desire, and decision), and strength (the separation of identities, to conceive of possibilities beyond ourselves). Life presents the need for bravery (an acceptance of reality and the truth about death): without bravery, fear rules the world. Bravery demands an acceptance of pain, and even loss where duty and honor command it shall be so. Therefore life is a preparation/ for each of these things completes or confuses are lives.
Our ability to survive as a society has become intertwined with our relationship to the various people & types of politics or science and experimentation that do cause change, and the serious damage to our reality as an existence. Time has thereby changed, because humanity can now literally destroy the earth/ by intervening in life cycles/ the integrity of food chains/ the relationship we have with all life/ and even the biology or our own bodies. We cannot simply dismiss or excuse these things, there impacts are too dramatic and disastrous/ you cannot kill the people involved either: if just one per million is guilty/ then in a world of 7 billion people; there are 7000 people just as guilty. We must do and work together as a world, or there will simply be no world for us to live within: we are too many, for any other way. That being recognized the truth of democracy, is NOT "The american way"/ BUT rather by whatever method truly defines a personal vote, and honors a personal passion/ without invading the rights and freedoms of the whole, that includes all life, not just people. We therefore require the personal passions of people with a will to understand, and a hope to make a difference. You will not find this by joining a group/ you must find this within yourself, and then joining a group willing to work for life on earth. This is not political by its reference, there is no compromise between life and death/ either in reality you are alive or you are dead. Therefore the expressions of change are not found in violence: they are found in heart, and soul. The so-called "wealthy and powerful" control every society, their primary means is a media saturated with confusion; the expressions "people are bad/ give up and hide: such as 200 or so murders a day on TV, and the like"; and the constant irritations of "give me your money, your vote, your future and understand you are too stupid to challenge my expert". They do influence you, believe it or not/ the violence used to pacify the young in video games, music, and their media are nothing less than parental surrender: you don't care enough, so they do struggle with a life saturated in futility: this is the breeding ground for "the measurements that lead to violence." It is common, that the media presents, you accept, and that's all there is. You will change these things, because failure is forever.
The honest method of understanding the possibilities is being educated about the responsibilities, and learning about the potential consequences before voting on the issues themselves: this REQUIRES WORK/ but your economy is failing, and you WILL soon have time. It is wrong, to elect someone to vote for you/ are they you? Harmony asks for your personal input, not someone else's for you. The level of commitment is a critical explanation of why/ BUT this depends upon knowledge and understanding: you are able! Simply put you must make a decision/ you may NOT blame the other ones: you must choose peace or there will be war. This warning is not given as "an end of the world speech", instead the evidence says it is true: believe the evidence or not/ it is up to you: this is your vote. To decide to investigate the evidence of truth, by your most educated efforts: IN HONESTY/ or just plain hide, and wait for disaster to come. The fact that the end of your world is possible merely describes the truth/ should I hide it?
UNLIKE the games of protest, riot, rallies, or marches, the honesty of accepting order comes from the discipline you create, in yourself. The world is NOT "all of them against you"/ the world is "WE ARE ALIVE, but to remain so, we must WORK". The political areas should never be filled with greed, selfishness, lust or power/ as it is today/ but instead be experienced as an opportunity to conceive and create the society we desire most. Led by truth and determined by reality; PEACE is then the result. These are all personal expressions defined by what you personally do/ by your trust in truth as respect demands, and your hope in life called love.
In contrast, in this current political experience
the wealthy decide, because they control the people [you might lose your job,
your healthcare, your pension: WHAT THEN]. The media is equally controlled;
just as you, they have been promised much: however the reality of all these
promises is a lie/ you are bankrupted by greed: that reality is close at hand
and you will accept it/ want to or not. It is then the promises and the
sacrifices to be made by separation from "the herd"/ that do apply to
the conquest of your fears. If you do not conquer your fears/ you cannot
survive. I know most will hide, from the consequences of these words "I
DON'T WANT TO KNOW THIS: PERIOD"! But I must tell you, it is my duty, my
responsibility, and my work: there is no choice for me/ honor demands it. I know
you will enter afraid and worried about everything/ you will rant and rave
about all you fear: but if you don't have an opportunity to defend your lives/
death means, you have an excuse: but truth says there are no excuses, only
realities excused or refused.
The personal existence of your vote, in a true election is real. A true election discards "what we are given"/ defines the intensity of the need and demands answers/ identifies the honesty, honor, & discipline of those who ask for the work/ and decides the truth about what "we as a nation" are willing to do in response to these truths. 40+ years ago, the vietnam war killed innocense about the government/ the result was and is seen in current day politics and life. You may not do this again: learn the difference between being led, and being free/ and then examine and prove the path to independence is laid between truth and courage. Be careful, not stupid. Stupid represents the failure to learn. While ignorance saturates the mind with arrogance, so that nothing matters but me.
The personal existence of your vote is a separation from want/ want is irrelevant or a lie/ want is not a political issue, right, or demand for any nation. Want is the expression of selfishness, and it does not belong in any aspect of government or any society. Not ever. Government means to design the environment of our hopes by personally working to encourage & sustain the opportunity of my vote. The relationships that exist in person to person, are as a society/ therefore whatever you do, determines the society you shall live within: good or bad. The reality of respect for each other, governs every society and determines every attempt at justice. Respect defines strength, and it accomplishes freedom. These are person to person realities, "the court finds its strength from society, not society from the judge/ but society disciplining the judge and refining the court". Truth is a foundation based in knowledge, as reality leads to understanding, and then to wisdom (we have found truth). The discipline necessary to discard lies and listen "to the essence of every aspect in order is up to you". Society is one person among many, choosing the essential truth & direction of all by accepting the honor of this work or dispensing violence and apathy. You cannot be brave and afraid at the same time/ these are not absolutes, but describe your decision, rather than your body and mind. You cannot be less than a human being [the errors of wanting, failing respect, afraid for nothing, & discarding the dignity of your own rights] and surviving as society, it will fail. You cannot judge yourself or any other/ because to measure them means you have become a god in your own mind. You are not! Leave them alone/ unless the damage to society is greater than it can bear, and it can bear much: individuality is precious, even if it requires considerable "looking the other way". Freedom is the path to happiness/ if society is not happy, you won't be happy either/ even though lies survive for years sometimes, they will always end. Do you not believe this? Freedom is not always "pretty", this was proven to me as fact/ in years past. Freedom is not always fair/ this is a reality of choice, and the need to accept that diseases [in the hearts of men & women & children] are a part of our existence. Freedom is always true/ therefore it shares because life itself is greater than freedom. Freedom is a blessing only because it gives the right to create ourselves, it gives the right to accept creation within ourselves, it is the basis and foundation for life in eternity.
Social integrity means, I give the discipline in my heart to the honesty of our order, that we may live in peace and justice. Social purpose defines the existence of life, " MAKES US EQUAL"! NO EXCEPTIONS! Social honesty understands that no matter how many tears present/ there are limits to what we can do, or the dangers or burdens that we should heap upon the rest.
These are each one, a personal decision, with personal and social consequences. YOU are responsible, whenever you have a choice/ to avoid important choices means you fail.
A question could be raised as to why I am not
a political person: why, am I absent? The answer is WANT rules
The critical understanding of power is understood by your weapons of mass destruction/ the demand to be "FEARED". The critical understanding of your FEARS, are understood by the relationship you choose with these weapons of mass destruction/ "we will end the earth itself". Can you be any more afraid? These wounds in humanity are common to this world: everywhere you look, society wants these weapons "cowering under these weapons, don't attack me: I will kill us all". Your fears are beyond sanity/ you are insane! If you don't attack your fears, and find your courage, then you deserve your reality to come: do not blame me/ YOU CHOSE! Fix this or die from this, no other choice exists for you.
Reality says, to deliver and demand to be feared/ always results in HATRED! Therefore the consequence of fear is the upheaval known as terrorism. This decision is primarily a consequence of fear, and a reality of hatred that defines an enemy has been born inside/ by consuming their soul. Your personal demand to kill/ even if the whole world dies/ is nothing less, than the impetus that creates revenge against you. REPENT OR DIE. This is not a saying, this is a truth/ when proven, you don't exist anymore.
It is true of the human experience that you invite revenge and hatred to come inside of your existence/ or it cannot stay, or participate in you. Therefore the evidence of revenge reveals a relationship exists with all that is destructive to life. Thereby revenge as your own creation, defines what satan means to you! This is a PERSONAL decision! Your own destruction, for your own ability to destroy/ this is a surrender from life.
By its consequence revenge by the evidence called tools of mass destruction, form a collective decision by members of society, who use fear & hatred to control the population/ otherwise these things would not exist, the society itself MUST FEAR, or they would not choose to threaten their own lives, future, and eternity. Those in control, thereby assume power when in reality, they hold the keys to nothing more, than their own personal HELL. The existence of death verifies, death is personal/ the rest don't count. Not to satan anyway, the power of your decision, over your own life, has come true. Hell is then your personal destruction by the revenge of all who you betrayed. Betrayal means: without remorse, you have closed the door/ and found yourself alone. Terror means, revenge is your constant and only companion: this is the price of "the soul you sold". As lies define your new reality, truth destroys your world/ and you will hide amidst what is most hideous, simply hoping you will not be found. It is a useless endeavor/ hell will eat you alive.
The common expression "death ends
everything" relies upon the body and mind being everything. That belief
requires that chemicals alone, created the existence called life. To achieve the
lie, evolution and its disciples were formed. The question to you personally: a
decision giving life or "other consequences" eternally in death: can
NOT be more personal or more real. A question to you is "what do you
believe reveals the existence of time"? According to the
Allowed is this summary of the descriptions in how your lives must change/ because failure to do so, is extinction/ and because selfishness, want, or power exist only as the evidence: that you have indeed discarded your lives/ for "the treason of treasures without merit".
What is life, as reality defines it? The answer identifies miracles BEYOND our comprehension! Therefore LIFE IS A GIFT. What is the honor of life? The answer articulates the experience, as possibilities we cannot even measure or imagine. What is the honesty of life? The decision to accept reality and let truth decide.
Our foundation as a society or as a humanity, builds upon the single relationship we attain with resources. Resources control human life, survival, death, and contribute as violence when order demands it: energy WILL be respected. The building of any civilization [the opportunity for many to share] is therefore about the fundamental truths society transfers from respect or disrespect onto the natural consequence of order and the disciplines of energy or truth. Currently the "rape and pillage of all things natural: the crucifixion of all things genetic" HAS driven you "the humanity of earth" to the very pinnacle of your success. YOU HAVE abused, ruined, maimed, or just plain trashed your own futures by consuming reality and discarding truth as insignificant to your lies. Pinnacle means: the only direction of this ordered march in execution/ by destroying the very things and resources you need to survive is down. Success means here: you DID do this on purpose/ for your own pride and glory. Reality means, the consequence of your actions shall be known. Therefore the future is about your survival and what you decide to do with the resources that remain. The population growth you chose, and will choose. The honesty of how you will share/ or the reality of how you will fight. Combined with the honor of how you will care, and why you have chosen harmony/ rather than war. IF that is indeed your true choice.
These are your decisions, not mine/ therefore judgment for what you have already done, IS LITERALLY in your hearts and hands.
YOU are NOT required to believe any of this is true/ you don't even need to prove it false: But you will encounter the consequences according to your choice. If you choose to live, you are required to accept the truth: either way. You don't have a choice in this, because you have come to far to survive as you are/ therefore without change, you are extinct: you just don't know it yet. The difference in reality is truth, and truth doesn't care: it will do its job, no exceptions.
Respect for your situation has allowed a constant review of what is functional or necessary to your decision. Consequently boundaries change as merit decrees more must be added. To that end, I will help you as best I am allowed, if you follow truth/ but you must understand SIMPLY: I DO belong to
Life is above energy, therefore fear death not.
I pray for you
may your search be ended/ your answers found and your PRAISE form the basis and foundation of your heart and soul
JESUS IS OUR LORD, when this is so.
The question called life, is more clearly the introduction of thought as the basis of life. Energy (enegy) as the critical resolution of truth and love as the consummation called participation in joy. That eternity or even life itself can exist beyond a physical reference is found as the evidence of atomic reality: a mass and an energy reside in intensity and without question, for extreme periods of time.
Even so, it is order within the mass that controls and conceives of energy, capturing the electron and sustaining its journey to complete the identity of its mass. Life is not unlike this arrangement; except light is its energy and thought consists as its "mass". This too is enough.
If you let your mind go free, let the body be
your lesson, allow yourself to be humiliated [that you may NOT interfere with
truth], and give your respect the honor it is due. Duty says, a society of
rules is hiding from the truth. Honesty says, the journey you must seek begins
in the moment when you are free of the chains society designs to keep you as theirs.
Be disciplined, be orderly, be kind, and be fair; justice is the evidence, That
you do indeed belong to GOD !
This is then respect asking you to ascend
from the politics of a herd/ to the government of man & woman, to become
the generation that achieves independence from fear, and the reality of
failure. May you learn that truth leads only those who follow in respect. May
you recognize love is the treasure of your lives. And may honor and honesty
bless your lives.
In the review of all these broad & definable terms, the decision to limit the discussion of joy and happiness/ marks the truth about your human situation, and the necessity of fundamental disciplines required by survival/ rather than harmony and the places in true hope of life.
The expression of harmony, is "I CARE". The experience of a decision is, "my faith, in this path I have chose is revealed. The honesty of love and passions in the heart reflect only the miracles of life/ therefore when you live in the miracle that you are, it is "being ALIVE" that comes true. YOU are the evidence of
GOD'S LOVE! The beat of your heart, the breath of your body, and the soul that lives inside, design ONLY "The reflection of GOD In you."
LOVE is the blessing that separates us, "from this earthly body". Therefore love is the knowledge of eternity, the destiny called peace, & the existence completed by thought. love therefore begins in the creation of life, NOT as a human experience, but more clearly "defined by THE COLORS OF A LIGHT SO BRIGHT, that we see our CREATION, as ourselves". [this is a spiritual saying, not a human one]
When you are sad or rejected, or defined by others rather than yourself, remember this: the human experience is our journey within CREATION/ it is not littered with body or mind, inside your heart or soul with anything/ BUT what you believe belongs. Therefore understand the difference between humanity and you (heart & soul), is simply what you choose to love & expand for hope to identify your life. Listen then carefully to your heart & forgive whatever truth declares you are sorry for/ listen carefully to your soul, and know you are forgiven as well. Be then GRACIOUS to all, for love has entered; and NEW miracles born. This is then, "A life, Conceived by GOD "!
The creation of love is an understanding in hope. First you must truly explain by the witness of your own life, "I AM ready to be more than myself". Hope then says: if pride and selfishness are all that stands in the way/ I will remove them. From this beginning, the blessing of destiny opens "your eyes", to reveal the possibilities of life. Destiny expands your relationship with life, into our relationship with THE UNIVERSE, and every life in it. Therefore the possibilities of family now exist. Love discards ALL measurement. Thereby the creation of love within you, begins as the understanding of EQUALITY with you, & you with them. People DO judge. The mind measures, therefrom the assertion of love, IS an escape from common mental experience to identify and correct the errors in discipline that remove us from the miracles of life. Order relies upon your acceptance of miracles/ because truth demands thought must be present for love to exist.
Here in the consequence of miracles, the blessing of our lives reveal "the bridge between our worlds", and we meet. Honesty says: it is the miracle of life itself, recognizing in another life, the "same" miracle exists in you too/ that transforms our experience into a choice, to understand each other. It is in this decision, that thought must enter. Thought thereby means "to inhabit the miracle, that is you". This saying conceives of the difference between mind & miracle and asks the question: HOW can there be a difference? The answer in mind, replies "this is body". The answer in miracle defines the meaning of life. Here in simple truth, every person that experiences love; understands "a portion of what gives life its meaning". Isn't that grand?
YOU are as life, "what GOD made for you to be/ as humanity you are, what you or others, have chosen you to be." Therefore it is the decision inside, that gives you destiny: your decision.
The question is: WHAT is your decision? This is more properly understood as, WHAT will you inhabit as the treasury of your life, "the mind with its measurements/ OR THE MIRACLE with its heart, soul, love, respect, honor, honesty, courage, and so much MORE? The mind speaks only of body/ therefore this is your humanity. Miracles speak of LIFE, CREATION, GOD, AND JESUS! Miracle thereby represents the 4 directions of life, while thought intervenes, as the rhythms of your soul in-between. Our ability to conceive of choice, is found through the consequence of love, as it is refined by the JOYS of life/ therefore life represents the soul searching for purpose. Purpose is a freedom beyond our experience that transcends "the barriers of a parallel Universe" and finds hope. HOPE is then a direction in life, that gives JOY.
Our understanding gives RISE to our ability to create. Therein RESPECT teaches & energy translates destiny into the environment that lives within your soul. Creation is the essence of your Identity, designing the beauty and the reality that shall be your world. Identity is then the direction, CREATION defines and gives us as life.
JESUS IS THE LOVE, that inspires soul to ask, "please, be with me". Thereby JESUS IS FAMILY, It is a direction found only in TRUE LOVE.
GOD OUR CREATOR IS MORE, than we could ever be: there are NO QUESTIONS here/ it is TRUE. SOUL is then a direction in "possibilities we could NEVER have/ therefore a true gift, BEYOND life. SOUL Is our invitation to be
GOD !!!
A direction so far beyond our comprehension,
there are NO words ever.
I am aware "the freedom" of these expressions will be hard for you to accept. The consequence of more complex relationships beyond the "imaginations of your mind". Therefore as you grow, these are opportunities for you to express/ and hopes for you without end.
There is NO battleground in true life, ONLY TRUST/ and the possibility of YOU!
What then is independence? It is the RIGHT and the inheritance, to accept within yourself, THE HONOR of choosing the direction, you do love. What then is love? It is a relationship formed in trust, that begins creation as a life born of miracles/ and then becomes "the light of this world"! Light is the evidence of a relationship with energy, that is "friend". JESUS as written within the bible and testified to by HIS LIFE, is evidence of this relationship/ miracles exist, because energy transforms reality. The love we know within ourselves merely reflects this truth.
The world as provided by nature is "littered with violence"/ every food chain, every competition, and every extreme. The value in this demonstrated, is the truth that food chains are used to create complex chemistry, from raw materials, especially the sun: FOR YOU. Therefore it is not crude, it is instead "the factory line, that gives you time". Competition always results whenever resources lack/ human competitions are primarily for pride and little more/ however, the secondary cause is a preparation for combat, a simple disguise. Resource loss is defined by "a lack of duty/ wherever there is or was a choice". Nature itself identifies truth and compensates for balance. If there were no volcano's for instance, the earth would spin "like a tire out of balance"/ and end in disintegration therefore necessary. Our relationship to pain is much the same; we learn because we are shown it is important to learn. These are compromises conceived within the demand to be free. Just as your ability to conceive children, irregardless of a right, a reason, or simply not at all/ you have demanded freedom, and this is a cost of that freedom; its reality to you is war/ as you fail to accept duty, and limit population growth to truth and reality. You demanded/ you received/ you must choose, and accept the consequence. Therefore the price of human freedom is the decision to "leave love behind/ in favor of want, and pride, and selfishness". True freedom learns that love is "the center of all freedom" and life is the discipline we share, to express and experience ourselves. Disease is a random predator, lurking where we cannot see/ attacking though we know not truly why. BUT our whole humanity has been held together by the truth: THAT THIS WORLD HAS LIMITS. Thereby the truth is, we are alive today, simply because people who came before us died/ to make our lives possible: think about it.
Some will insist: WHY NOT, more miracles from GOD, / let HIM intervene for us/ yet in the very next breath you say: LEAVE ME ALONE! You cannot have both/ respect will not allow it.
Do not judge this life, not yours or any other, rather respect the truth, that we exist because of ORDER, and the discipline that lets truth make it so. This order/ this miracle of life then surely has plans for us too/ BELIEVE IN LOVE!
Trials are coming (not simply legal ones/ survival trials), NOT because GOD is punishing you or anyone else/ rather this is the result of YOUR LIES, disrespect, & disgrace: you did this, NOT simply your leadership/ but your majority. Some will declare HOW DARE HE, accuse us of such things, are we not "the greatest nation, the most advanced civilization ever on earth", we are GREAT. It is true, humanity has more "things" than at any other time on earth. However if we review how you use these things, the reality becomes clear: are you safe/ is your world safe/ are you happy and at peace/ does your life represent the honesty of love/ or are you like your movies, video games, and government: violent/ waiting for war/ and without integrity, because money has gripped your very lives and made you worship it. If your pride will allow it/ then there are questions in you: HOW can we avoid all these problems? Is answered simply as either YOU work for life/ or you will surrender to world war extermination, and the slow death of mutilation and disease. This is your choice/ the only one you have! RESPECT FOR LIFE, is not a choice/ either accept truth, create respect, & understand reality Or you are going to die, and very soon. Respect will teach you harmony/ truth will lead you to peace/ & reality will demand that you must follow or fail. If you are unwilling to do these things to honor your life and the world of life/ then time will stop.
In summary, the people of
If there is happiness in our future here, it is because truth has led trust, and we followed as a world. Actually in truth, all the evidence says: if you don't attain happiness/ then war & death are the only other alternatives; and they will win.
In review, the relationship of an economy to a human society is defined by 4 major events/ sustain these and everything else will find its place: if you do not kill the earth, life, or yourselves first.
1) the issue of food, water, & utilities is as simple as sharing/ get control as a society and keep it: don't ever go back! Control does not mean power, control means care about the producers of these things, and support them honorably and honestly, BUT do not let them whine or control you.
2) the issue of health arises as a public utility, there should be so no such thing as a private enterprise in medicine [NO part of the industry, at any time]. All pay a little, those in need pay a percentage of their assets and or income. Drugs, as do all patents, become a property of the people/ NOT the inventor, and society decides: the inventor is paid according to the "good for society/ a percentage" but only up to a society chosen limit.
3) justice is defined everyday/ therefore everyday, you must watch & listen: this is something those otherwise unemployed should do: filing reports to those whose work doesn't allow involvement. There is NO PRIVACY ISSUE, in any court matter or public format/ NO CLOSED DOORS anywhere/ everything is about society and society demands the right to know and supervise: YOU are our employees, and we accept nothing less. The police shall NOT be controlled by the court/ they agree to allow law to decide, as justice provides. Where a difference between the court and the police exist, either the court or the police shall provide opportunity for the public to decide. The judge and lawyers SHALL obey the need for justice in society "NOT simply the written law/ but truth and justice": the difference is words are not lives, therefore they do not judge adequately. IF the judge or lawyers fail to support justice as society declares this to be/ then to jail they go: you will inform them clearly and with certainty. Prison is about enforcing either "YOU cannot be a part of society at this time/ or YOU must accept the realities of your life, and not punish society for your pride, want, or selfishness anymore."
4) work is "the strength" of every
society, BUT without resources your work will die! Therefore education, honesty
& duty, and the integrity to choose for life are all important to you. If
you fail to understand/ then lies come and reason enters as the excuse to avoid
truth and reality: to consume/ this is the end of your world, therefore the end
of you/ you are 7 billion people, and YOU no longer have the same options as in
a world that could support you: you must choose properly or you will die. A
teacher is literally defined by the truth they are able to teach/ no more lies.
Politics are intended to be "a dignity earned, for living for the benefit
of others; the hope of finding a participation with honor for all; and the
intensity of knowing these decisions do count.
The power of WE THE PEOPLE, shall be found in your acceptance or rejection of "the money". If you don't accept or allow their payment to the others/ then they have no money against you. If you control the water, food, and utilities/ then they too are vulnerable to you. Without doubt, there are plenty of weapons throughout the world, on every side. If you wish to survive, then you will care about the others. If you do not, then hate and revenge is going to rule this world. HEAR THIS CAREFULLY; as it is true of all power/ if you are lazy & stupid (refuse to learn or accept truth) these actions in democracy will turn your world to anarchy and failure. Therefore it is a friend or an enemy dependent upon you. The ONLY power available as WE THE PEOPLE, is to respect each other, the world, and the future. This is an understanding by investigation, and then vote/ this is your path to peace, only because you are in charge: what do you choose? You cannot continue in voting without knowledge/ the public must be informed properly: anyone who substantially gets in the way of truth, is thereby subject to penalty; including death. Do not accept this arrogance, it is anarchy. Let the military be silent as a force/ not as a people, in all democracy; they are about the order necessary to find peace, not the force to rule/ the discipline to sustain a nation. Let all people vote/ even down to the age of 15/ this is their world too, and by the time you implement the outcome of the vote, they will be old enough to go to war. This is about life or death/ therefore freedom has a right. We all survive by truth/ let there be no lies: to prison if the true intent is "the intent to sacrifice your lives, for their selfishness". As to employment, there is only 1 rule: teach all/ then share the responsibility. As to your debt currently/ reality demands your participation, but truth will allow forgiveness, if repentance is in your heart. As to the world view of America in this matter: do not forget, you were willing participants, even jealous: why not us.
Here the consequence & reality of power will threaten/ because neither pride, nor selfishness, nor power, lust, greed, or hate will surrender control of your lives without a fight. These all exist to make the others "slaves, to you/ or give you the reason and excuse to make them fear you, as you fear them". Therefore the question of weapons, criminals, & thugs all come down to: Who will help these make slaves of you/ will you support the corruption and degradation of your lives: if you will not choose truth, and let reality be friend not foe/ then you do indeed remove honor, and dignity.
The court is critical for peace, or violence is all you get. Wherever the people give up/ justice becomes a joke. Reality says: violence forms from the shadows of a corrupt or fearful judge/ and your failure as a society to support honesty and life. Therefore remove this arsenic of society, "a corrupt judge"/ and demand of your court truth and life. Do not surrender your courtroom: it never belonged to a judge/ it is yours. Neither are laws passed by the few, more than a representative of your rights and laws: RATHER you will find the words that reflect the honor of your society, and these will control life/ the others are an education, or a "useful tool, in the absence of your failure to provide for life in this society."
The politician is also critical for peace, instead of violence, where truth allows this to be so. These DO control whether your rights, your future, & your children's future shall be sold, ruined, a poverty, or a delight/ BE EDUCATED in all things (NOT with the vomit and ignorance of today's education/ but in the reality and truths that support life and happiness). Corruption is the "gall of a polluted mind"/ a polluted mind should not be teaching or a politician: in keeping with this truth, both politics and education should be swept clean of "the homosexual". Your freedom is not a right to distribute or enforce the insanity of simple frustrations, surrender, or your failure in courage to try again: these are not an honor to society and that is the purpose of an education.
Society itself forms the foundations for peace or violence, because these are the evidence of equality and hope/ or the disgrace of prejudice and the insane. The truth here demands respect: simply as a "minority or any such group" YOU are NOT welcome to invade with numbers or by any other means/ with the intent to change or rearrange another society: you came, because you and your nation failed to "find you a place". Speaking for all nations "our society" is the reality of our work, and our diligence to honor or not. Therefore come carefully and honestly, understand life is precious as is yours/ but work is also a right, and that right says: an inheritance is mine first. When you decide to become a citizen/ as every nation should allow in four years, WITH an appropriate grasp of the common language of the land/ then You inherit, but not before.
Every military either represents the people or power over the people/ it is not both. The difference is justice/ the reality is every soldier, not just officers or enlisted/ not just generals, but with the critical truth of basic rules that govern responses and the need to attack. Nation to nation, quarrels are for an HONEST "UNITED NATIONS" to decide/ this demands laws that govern, not people who decide. This demands the military required to "get the job done"/ all nations shall pay the cost. Alterations to the existing structures, "from all but useless/ to the single arbitrator between nations requires:
1) justice be set out by LAW, agreed upon by a 90% majority: all nations being equal/ THEN by honesty of secondary by-laws agreed upon by vote the law is set forth in more detailed form: the demand is by population the nation gets its percentage of the vote/ a 90 % majority rules.
So determined, this then becomes the law of nations.
2) Honor demands critical enforcement of every law accepted/ the defying nation is irrelevant, ALL WILL COMPLY. Or face military actions to correct the problems. There is no allowance for weapons, etc/ you will do it, because the earth demands it shall be so: If you fail to protect the earth/ the earth itself will fail, you die.
3) there will be shared assets, &
resources, made available to this type of UNITED Nations/ failure to share
properly will demand from the rest of the world: sanctions at every level, on
every resource, every work, and every movement. There will not be a security
counsel any more: NO EXCUSES! The LAWS ACCEPTED for the people of the world
shall rule, No exceptions/ NO favoritism/ and No fears. Do it. Sharing equally
does not mean the same.
In the consequence of mass media, humanity suffers from "a sea of mass hypnosis"/ every influence is draped in this: presenting a situation where you may criticize/displaying an opportunity where you may play "the expert or join the expert (thereby superior)"/ a discussion ensues to reinforce your superiority/ and an opportunity is provided to "pay the price of admission" into the delusion of absolute or fantasy control. Hypnosis uses these things to distort reality and define an image woven by your mind: as your own version of arrogance creates this to be. Hypnosis is then essentially the righteousness, of being judge/ and determining judgment. Hypnosis on a personal level is only a little different: it allows the image to attain "the hope this can be true". Both thereby exist because YOU have helped establish an image, rather than the truth. The american presidency is fashioned in just this way, it is not about reality but image, and the hope of being judge. It is stupid, and errant. The consequence of selling the image should be at the very least: the elected official cannot buy the party with taxpayer dollars/ with party dollars if you must. Instead if the taxpayer wants to reward the official at the end of term/ then they can deposit money for the purpose when they vote for the new replacement.
YOU WILL learn truth cannot be sold, to every
image and fantasy you find: this is a destruction/ and the lies always seek to
consume you. If you don't care/ then you won't live. The reality of JESUS and
HIS CRUCIFIXION was the mass hypnosis of a few/ who created an image in their
minds "of ruin", they would lose their power/ their place in society/
and their money: therefore HE "had to die". They did know exactly
what they were doing, the mass hypnosis, was merely the exercise of an excuse.
HIS murderers were merchants and bankers and priests/ not average people: HE
WAS executed in the night, simply hung on the cross to finish. It is true,
these people were about to lose their power. It is not true, they would be
ruined/ instead simply equal. Do you fail to understand as well, that your
money, power, position, or fame is not your life?
LIFE is a blessing of cold & wind & rain, of colors, gentle moments, creative touches, hopeful expressions, & brave decisions. Life is a freedom beyond human reality, because it touches eternity, & fills our soul with the "breath called love". Life is a destiny, conceived in trust where our journey discovers "the true existence Of GOD In us". Then quit hiding, from your life! Quit believing what "the other people say". Instead LEARN CREATION DOES Have an invitation for you/ it is waiting inside your soul! Let love open the door to your heart, and courage reveal YOUR honor: are you not a miracle? Can you make yourself, or any other life? Like natures food chain, the earth itself is merely a consequence of YOUR NEED for greater truths inside. That truth is:
I, have now finished the basic parameters of my work. There are no significant issues left to review or discuss for you. There are no "plots or plans"/ NO questions or intentions to lead/ you are given a VERY SIGNIFICANT knowledge base herein/ as I have been taught, for your understanding: I did not find on my own.
Whatever you do or don't do is entirely up to you/ but do remember "truth doesn't care, and reality describes only the order that exists, because discipline makes it so/ or lacks. In my opinion, "You are a world of whiners"/ constantly wanting instead of seeking an understanding with life. Even the religious radical, rarely seeks more than excitement. You worship body and mind/ and commonly discard the very means & relationships that keep you alive. My advise to you is learn. My hope for you is life. Discipline says to you: PRAY!
YOUR Critical learning demands you applaud those who "gather the most"/ irregardless of the damage they do. This will end or you will. Whether you believe this warning is also irrelevant/ truth decides, and truth says: the destruction YOU have elected to massacre the earth with/ will be your death. I need not prove it true, reality sits before your faces/ and your response is "DON'T show me this again". Change or die/ I cannot nor would not make you change, this is your decision. It is your death/ or will be your life to change. You must share or you will fight, it is a certainty.
Critical learning expects, your sexuality shall not be a game for you anymore/ this simple act alone dispenses a list of excuses, that commonly ends in wars, both personal and beyond. It is because YOU are willing to steal, kill, tempt, lust, greed, seek power, etc all just for simple chemical release (sex without life, just an excuse to escape your life, for a moment or two). Therefore the consequence of your need to escape examines your behavior, and says: you are not honorable enough, for marriage. You may not ask or control your lover. You must choose instead, to rebuild the dignity and responsibility of being a man or woman and let life decide until you do. When love has returned honestly, you will have no need for the rest. Dignity means: I have the resources inside to share my life, in the grace and friendship that has no measurements, and means no harm. Responsibility means: I have understood the intensity of my life, my feelings, my hopes, and my needs and I will care for you as I would respect my own life and my own future: in the honesty of love. You do not as a majority do these things/ instead you shop, you destroy without concern, you manipulate, and so on: why do you marry? YOU WANT To have a party/ to have sex/ to have a baby/ or because it is more convenient/ PRIDE then takes over, and you find all manner of measurements; These give you cause, and your lack of discipline removes whatever love that exists. NONE of these are worthy of the term "man or woman"/ because they are "gifts, not objects to be bought or sold".
Critical learning designs the future by following truth, and then letting reality decide. There are no paths to life/ that are not determined by truth: no reality of peace, happiness, love, or friendship not governed by truth. Reality adheres to truth, even when the lies are presented/ what is not obvious in nature to you/ is discipline: when you kill nature, it is dead. Lies are nothing more than your attempt to murder the truth: choose.
Critical learning will cause you to surrender power & selfishness: you choose to respect these "pieces of poverty", because you understand they will do you harm. Instead of this reaction/ you WILL RESPECT LIFE AS CREATION! Because anything less, will cause you to be damned. Damned means GOD no longer cares about you.
You shall understand, life is more than your fears, more than your wants, and more than your body & mind! You will learn this because respect demands it/ and without respect, there is no opportunity for you to live. LIFE IS, the expansion of your soul/ that you may create & build a destiny beyond your humanity. If you fail, then life, "your life, was sold to satan". Because satan means simply: "I chose, I failed, and now I am destroyed". This recognition of being destroyed is simply "the remnant of life" as it disappears into the wants that shall eat you alive. Hell is then the reality, while your own truth convicts you of your failures, shows you to your destruction, and reminds you of the decisions why, you are here.
HEAVEN is for life! Eternity is for those who created the intensity to survive and built a relationship that did survive. The difference is "the freedom"!
As for proof, it begins in the understanding: it is decision that gives you freedom/ it is love that allows you to desire life & hope for eternity/ it is trust that becomes the existence in your soul of thought/ and thought all by itself, convinces you of life. You have no life without recognition of life/ therefore thought exists as your life. In truth, the body lives to instruct the mind. The mind breathes "to experience the soul". The soul honors "your moments" or your moments disgrace the soul and it leaves your heart, to decide for you if you will choose life or death.
Here where decisions are born, the consequence of your truth, becomes your destiny.
It is understood that you do struggle, even drown a bit, & must fight to survive the earth, its people, & its reality. You would explain "money is my freedom, my everything"/ THIS is the way of "living human". You must understand that your ability to survive energy beyond this body and mind REQUIRES perseverance, determination, hope, and an understanding or appreciation for order & discipline/ this is "the way of life in energy/ rather than life in time." Money is your excuse for many things/ therefore it hides reality and allows you to lie, to truth/ thereby money is your tempter; because it allows you to descend from life, into the frustrations of want, pride, & selfishness and therein gives cause for all the problems of man/ woman/ and child. As such, sex becomes an excuse/ hatred a reason/ & revenge, violence, and all the rest merely the evidence of your failure.
It is also understood you expect of heaven, "to be a place where ANYTHING you desire will be provided in abundance without cost to you/ a life of EXTREME EXCESS or GREED/ LUST/ & POWER"! You could not be more wrong! Do you see anything on earth or in history that is the evidence for this? NO, because it is a lie. JESUS SAVED US, FOR FREE! So says the christian community. They too could not be more wrong/ JESUS PAID GREATLY FOR US, it was not for free! Even so/ where does it say "everyone shall come"? It does not/ rather there are disciplines and order and respect to be found, desired, and honorably loved FIRST. Some will say "the garden of eden" proves we need do nothing, all we desire is free: yet the garden of eden ended, because the one thing required/ was not done. I will tell you the truth, "once I prayed, let me share this burden for this one person/ it was done. The reality of "weight experienced" for a short time, until it could be discarded was very surprising: leading me to the conclusion JESUS SUFFERED MORE , than I or you could possibly imagine. This in real terms had to be, "more than a miracle"/ thereby it had to be "GOD WITH US". I say to you, HE DID "take away our sins"/ not by religious doctrine and other rules or lies, but by the honesty of HIS LOVE REVEALED. A sin is the demand for proof, where you are the evidence/ but refuse to accept it. A sin taken away is the honesty of acceptance, where JESUS is the evidence.
You are a miracle/ born to be invited into eternity, or mercy as in heaven if you desire, and "the Houses" Of GOD : for everyone, it is so. If you refuse to believe this simple truth, then you do deserve the reality, that you DO ask for. In death there is this warning for you: VERY MANY enter wanting sex/ this is the embodiment of lust, and lust cares nothing for you/ it merely expects and demands to USE YOU in any way it can. In destruction there are no barriers/ therefore YOU cannot say no. Do you understand this consequence? On earth, there are those who are attacked sexually/ this is NOT your fault if you are attacked, it is not to be your destiny, or your hell: begin again! Instead this is the evidence of true lust, given for everyone to see: want sex (lust) in eternity, prepare for continual rape/ man or woman! The evidence and truth of lust, that is rape completes a reality of need in humanity: you fail to recognize the eternal consequences, because life in destruction means no love whatsoever. There is an additional reality of some small consequence: a few are begging for an escape from suicide/ believing sex will save them: they will descend instead. Either way, if you are attacked, begin again. Pray and you will be helped.
Those who like war, do so because they expect to become important. Those who like to make terror, do so because they want you to be their slave/ and hear you say "fear them". Those who like money, simply expect to demand superiority. Those who "think primarily of sex" simply WANT To escape reality, defy work, and prove they are "winners": they got what they believe you want. The politician wants your praise. The religious want your money, so they can lead you, and make you follow them: some honestly work. Those who desire love, understand freedom and the discipline that gives life peace.
I do pray for you/ more simply GOD Knows my
I will give you some advise: excitement is nothing more than not knowing if you will live or die. It is a game for idiots! If you understand the truth and accept the discipline that precedes order/ then what occurs is expected and simple. If life is understood, then nothing of death exists: death is merely a moment captured in time, within which your life changes from "body to soul". Look again at your body, the eyes, the ears, even the seal of your gums to your teeth, and a reality of at least 6 billion individual instructions: all to give you a life here worth harmony. This CANNOT be an accidental occurrence! To think so, means you are insane, mentally retarded, and without truth. Adaption is merely the evidence of "perfect design" and no more. It is clear that some will refuse to accept any learning/ because they believe bravery starts where learning ends; they are "standing up, for themselves". In reality, they have been "run over" by the others/ because lies cannot stand reality. Bravery is merely the acceptance of pain and punishment/ because you do believe it is necessary for the purposes of your heart, and the commitment of your duty. Learning is your relationship to discipline, and it does design your destiny. NEVER forget mercy/ clearly and for sure, it shall become the most important reality of your life. An education expanded by soul, through spirit, is an opportunity to experience the various levels of a dimension through the various & consequent reactions that play or interrupt the order of your mind: granted only to those who do NOT hate, do not allow pride, and do not accept selfishness: It teaches by the intensity of reality, through the consequences of life, and by the terms of energy. Simply if you desire life, then "be naked with yourself"/ Meaning: do not lie to yourself, or cover up the truth, or change truth: instead clean your heart and mind and accept yourself and all life as equals to you/ be fair to yourself in life as well: why should you not receive the same? Do not expect sacrifice will buy you anything/ it buys only retribution for not accepting love, as the only truth you need. Remember tomorrow, because today will end, and the rest of your life begins again.
Money is just an excuse to hide in the simple associations, without honor. If you have money and honor/ then you use that money to educate and relieve the common stress and distress of life on earth. Being poor merely asks of you: to participate as best you can/ to learn and accept discipline/ and find happiness in life, rather than things: all are worthy realities.
It is clear to me, that I do have a need to educate you, as humanity as much as possible/ without doing any harm. While this sounds "arrogant"/ it is merely the consequence of a world birth rate of 2 million more mouths to feed each and every week. It is a consequence, that although you are not starving in the vast majority of the world today/ one of the main fertilizers for production agriculture is almost gone/ over-fishing and pollution is robbing you of seafood/ global warming is going to have a severe impact on food production as seafood and in land production of foods/ and your universities are doing their best to destroy everything in one big catastrophe. If you do not become educated today/ you and all life on earth will simply not be here "tomorrow". As such some things are added.
Time is a proclamation in sequenced energy. Thereby creation is a display in order, defined as a beginning and an end. Our energy as life has expanded to control "this our universe, called earth". NOW comes the truth, that if you do control, then fate is dependent upon your decision as humanity/ while if you do not control; chaos is not only imminent, it is your participation that requires it. Humanity lives by reacting, this results as the depression of continually being pushed which then is expressed in reckless abandon of life, and asserts a defined but finite reasoning in fear; these establish a selfish want, over love or life in all who have no strength. This is your description in time, and your future is written by it: as armageddon comes quickly.
HOWEVER life is still respected By GOD And YOU can change your destiny. LOVE, TRUTH, AND ALL THINGS HOPED FOR, PRAYED FOR and DESIRED for life can still be yours. You as a humanity and the earth and its life, can still survive/ but you must change.
It is certain people will demand a sign among other things, that proves "their expectations shall not be met instead of tragedy/ that these are the consequences of their ways, decisions, and actions/ that their lives are going to change: EVEN if they/ you choose to hide from the truth and lie about reality. That proof will be an economic depression, starting from America, & going literally across the world. While you fear this (and rightly so), it is a blessing to you/ because the path of consumption you have taken will quickly exterminate you. And you will not quit until you are required to stop. This is a reality! Therefore economic disaster is your chance to change, and to rearrange society and your decisions about your world/ before they declare you dead.
If you fail to take this message seriously
and design & decide for a NEW AND BETTER world, at this time/ then your
world, the world you now control, shall show you, "To your truth".
There will be NO MERCY/ because pride knows only war, when nothing exists but
I am NOT your leader/ I am ONLY a messenger/
do what you can, this is your opportunity for life, it is NOT mine. Again I do
say to you, by the quality, intensity, reality, truth, and the foundations of
evidence used, "That I am convinced these statements are true".
Therefore it is by the evidence of education, a message between life and death:
A place visited ONLY through an invitation from GOD HIMSELF That this message
is also true: you are in jeopardy of becoming extinct/ learn or die, change or
be lost forever.
Your "universities" will laugh & applaud, at a statement such as this one: all fool's do/ it is their way. But I do remind you, as the humanity of earth/ the evidence of your over-population/ the resource loss/ weapons of mass destruction/ and the coming storm of genetic mutilations {how pathetic you are, to squirm inside the delusions of playing god, and demand "you deserve to be here"} will prove the words correct. Prove instead, that your universities are not only blind and exceedingly arrogant/ but that they are not your executioner as well!
You are granted this message as your
opportunity to survive/ not because of me, not to punish you or get you to obey
(freedom does not allow this)/ rather because you are LOVED, and plainly this
is for your benefit/ not you subservience. The consequences of all your actions
are multiplying everyday/ and soon you will have done so much damage/ that the
cascade of failures in all critical area's of life shall condemn you to death.
This is JUDGMENT! And there is no return. Judgment means literally the END of
I am a plain man, simple in many ways/ I do
wish you well, and I will hope for your lives, and a time where only love, joy,
& truth will encompass us all. The games are over, even if you don't
believe it. The time to live or die has come/ therefore you must choose, to
have life.
I do not intend to give interviews/ although I will make an exception for the 3 people who granted me an interview: one tv, one radio, one print (even though, it was edited out) if they ask/ anything else is a matter for court. Court in the matter of trials necessary for you to survive, is up to you ! If you do not choose this, then my job is done. My face/ my form/ whatever is mine, belongs to me and you may not sell it, use it or abuse it without my written permission. Some will call me aloof or unsocial and worse/ because I am a bit solitary. This is necessary/ because these words DO challenge the greedy, the so-called powerful, the violent, and more: how can anyone be invited to participate in this? The words written for you, all that is for your social benefit is however given to you/ it is yours it is not mine: these belong to all humanity.
LOVE is an answer/ but only truth can survive.
As time passes in waiting, reality again returns with the consequence of your actions and decisions as humanity. You are "in crisis" and don't even know it. Therefore only a definition strong enough to cause you to awaken to the danger before you is apparently enough to help you survive. I have talked to society through these words, as person to person with more words, all that is left is parent to child. Therefore the question is: how can a child who lives to want, to destroy because they choose not to follow truth, and who hides from all things necessary to grow up/ be told your days of childhood are over: NOW, you must grow-up, learn to survive as life, and accept the responsibility demanded from life itself? That answer is always truth, therefore perhaps the essence of life itself describes the discipline that you must enter within. The danger is less, for you to know such things/ that it is for you to continue, or enter into life and future without heart & hand creating in time through love. [I found this discussion to be wrong/ the introduction is left only to clarify, love does have concern for you, and your life: there is no power intended here].
Instead the words will be more simple. Of critical errors is the disrespect you each show for your own lives: you allow a few to lead, a few to command & demand, and a few to convince you the majority/ that you are not as smart as they are. You are deceived by your own fears of failure, your own experience of self doubt, & your own expressions which have turned out wrong. Now I say to you, look instead at where you are: you are NOT "saved" by them/ you are simply waiting for tragedy, playing a game you cannot win (they will change the rules/ nature doesn't play)/ or proud beyond stupidity, that you can control the others. BE FREE TO RESPECT YOURSELF, find your vote as an educated participant: as WE THE PEOPLE. You are the vast majority, and you shall control/ it is your employee who must be trained to obey. JUSTICE shall lead you, truth shall declare what is right and fair, and reality shall decide. Anything less and all of society shall fail. If you are not equal with each other/ then you will war.
Of critical errors is the pride and selfishness which you used to defraud & destroy the faith and trust in America, that did exist as a expectation of justice, a place of peace and safety. How do you explain your debts/ your pollution/ your excess as anything less than a war against these things: your intent was and is "to take, and return nothing". This is the description of thieves. The question of motive, is NOT criminal/ instead truth allows it is an exercise in "I want to control too". Thereby "university" provides the key to most, but because only a very few can actually be "rich"/ the game exists, that many can demand much. The world plays too/ believing it is better to work within the lie, than not to work at all. But the game is "take mine from the others/ take mine from the future/ take mine from the rest of the world: but do not ask me to pay". This is a university decision/ because it is true, the working men & women would never have dreamed to create this debt/ they know, they would be killed instead: it is the university which led the way.
Of critical errors are the sexual games you play: sex is NOT a toy. It is the "working men & women" who conceived this game, and play as a means of controlling one another. By their definitions "it is something to do"/ even though MANY hearts are broken, and lives changed forever. Sexuality "bares the heart", rather than the body/ therefore between man and woman a bond must appear, or life changes/ because people hide. Deviant sexuality is used simply as a means of slavery: SHAME ON YOU! The sexuality of youth is either "discovery out of control, or a very specific design to experience adulthood now". Be happy with your youth/ it leaves soon enough. The honesty of work requires that disciplines be learned. The demand for freedom asserts, "sex is the only option I have, for freedom", IS nothing more than an excuse for selfishness and the pride of conquest [I planned, I maneuvered, I attacked, and "I planted my flag"/ WINNER]. Men and women are the same where sex is involved as a game/ the purpose is very similar. Thereby simple sex is not about "people"/ it is rather a tragedy driven by greed and tempted by chemicals, used to injure large portions of the people. Where love and respect exist, sexual interactions are a benefit to all adults/ love allows happiness to respond from being accepted as life and hope. People choose to make other bodies their property/ the purpose is pride. This is the tragedy, that pride is an enemy/ therefore you become an invader. Honest sexuality is an understanding in need, that honors the gift of life, with the blessing and evidence and benefits of being friends. The only other purpose of sexuality is "the sharing of souls". Sex can be used/ but only when truth says, "this loneliness has made the heart grow weak/ this one needs a life to say I do care: DO NOT sacrifice." Understand, that to care, "is not a one night stand, sex will not cure/ rather it is the evidence: help comes with patient acceptance, taught by kindness not sex". Be kind, be fair, but be wise as best you can/ stop the games and learn the difference. If you will choose love, then know the path between man and woman is created in trust, if you are not worthy of trust, then why do you seek another/ it is hell to you. Accept love, it is the blessing of honor, "wrapped in the dignity of respect, and found in the treasure of your soul." love is then an existence called eternal, an expression built within the structures of your own truth.
Of critical errors is the intensity of your dislike for learning/ without thought there is no freedom/ without discipline there is no hope. Therefore these two combine where truth desires balance, to create the order called life. Your balance allows life to establish your existence, & thereby support your survival. Without balance, you die in the world called energy/ because action and reaction does have consequences. The critical error of believing your body is your life/ rather than comprehending your life is defined and designed by your thought, and its contribution to the balance of your energy, is your failure. You have assumed with your mind, that reality is born with your flesh. In truth order creates the environment that demands energy to build. That order, and its subsequent control by nature [genetic instructions], of you/ is the evidence called your life. Its creation exists in thought/ its bond with energy is the honesty formed where balance controls the existence of time. Many will suggest time cannot be controlled/ HOWEVER time is the evidence of destruction, due to action/ reaction/ or the consequence of energy controlled. When these achieve balance, control and direction stop/ therefore time itself awaits your decision. The definition of life then begins within the consequence of "light"/ the relationship we have with creation that achieves question, advances freedom, & inherits the right to choose.
Of critical failures, the want to be superior/ to be greater than the rest; is the establishment of power. Power is the fundamental dysentery of a crippled mind. Pride follows through the vomit of displaced aggression. Want creates the destruction & disrespect of all things, all life. And selfishness defends all forms of violence as necessary to the survival and demands of life/ because "they are out to get me/ they cannot be trusted with anything". Here you have arrived at evil. The term evil means disguised by the body of man or woman/ but defined by "the inner voice" of hatred. Hatred explains, I will survive and thrive, even if it is by murder. Therefore the plots, plans, fears, fantasies, & paranoia all begin in the destruction of your identity: to complete the illusion of a living human creation. Instead, that which is truly evil has simply died inside, killing the humanity and leaving a predator in disguise. Evil is then your acceptance of "a dead soul: YOU killed / YOU decided/ and now only hell is left".
Of critical realities, what is prejudice and war results from the truth of over-crowding, & the consequent demand: someone has to die. Prejudice is the preparation of "reasoning", used in the mass illusion & hypnosis of those in the majority to design an excuse for why they intend to kill the others. it is a mental disease established by fear and competition/ where the truth of no resources becomes the battle-cry: they are different! Even so, the reality of no resources is "either them or us/ our children or theirs"; and truth accepts few other compromises. The world will soon face prejudice from all sides/ because the lack of resources will end your economies, and all the rest that you have done, will enforce your failures. Even though depression comes from lies in the economy, the end of economies are like the beginning of a desert/ there is no turning back: unless you truly hurry and pay the price. Hatred will come, [if you don't] and your decision will be made to fight for life or accept the encroaching death: death being the evil inside of you/ or more correctly, the reaction that destroys, rather than the decisions that sustain life. If you will not face population control, and the rest/ then you are simply "the living dead". In all these things the honesty of "how did we get here" is fundamental to the preparations to remove the lies and become "ourselves as life". The critical reality is image, the critical truth is want, & the critical failure is a lie/ that you can be what you are not. All this starts with want, want is the consequence of jealousy, the reaction of "I WANT" Whatever they have, only a little more/ so they will admire and look at me, and ask me. These things are about pride, and the open desire for an image greater than what you believe you are/ this is an image. Want says: if I find a goal, a way, or a method to make these things happen/ then I shall have their admiration, and they will accept me, in the way I want to be accepted: I PROVED I am worthy. Reality defines this as failure, because whatever you want is dependent upon "others wanting it to". If the others don't want it or reject it/ then no matter how much you have paid to get whatever it is: it has become a "piece of trash/ worthless and for the garbage". Your image is gone/ and the next worthless image must be found/ or you become depressed. These things are lies, because they are not valued unless the competition says they are. How can this be you/ it is their values in you, and your lie about what you honestly desire from life. The honest desire is clear: you want to "be somebody" to the others/ it doesn't matter how. The honest reality is you are a miracle/ therefore you truly are SOMEBODY period! The critical test is then why do these others not like you/ or why do you desire to be superior? The answer to both is found in your disease: you are infected with the intent to play god and make people be what you want them to be/ or make you what they would want you to be. Neither works/ it is a life that you possess, and nothing else can possess you; unless you fail to accept the integrity, and honesty of being a miracle yourself. Be who you are/ and quit "looking out the window of your mind" to see what someone else has, so you can measure yourself. No one can measure a life! If you try, its because you want power/ if you desire power it is because you have failed to find life.
Of critical truths, the foundation of every lie is want/ the reality of every thief is arrogance/ the expression of abuse & violence is simply selfishness, that cannot be satisfied/ and the experience of every terrorist, all types, is "I want power, to prove I am a god to them".
Of critical shame is the pollution of all things from the water you require, the food you need, the society you share, the noise, the environment, just everything you do. I find in you no respect/ or very little. From the little things to the big things all this must change/ in an over-crowded world everything counts.
Shame is a battleground defended by your desire for life/ but attacked by the intensity of your pride, as proof of who you choose to be: either as truth or as lie. What is evil is a true disgrace to you/ a disrespect to society, and a destruction to your life. If you cannot defeat your pride/ then you will die: it is that simple. All these and many more can be said to you, because you are children. You particularly your universities, are literally in such denial as to the damage you have done/ the true needs you have created/ even the miracle of your body & world, that you cannot be called "grown-up": you play games, and when reality comes you cry & whine, "how can GOD do this to us". Even though the majority could NOT be farther away, and still be alive as human. Look again at your own body, your skin which fits you/ your bones, to keep you from crawling like a snake/ your joints, your blood, your heart & lungs: EXACTLY WHAT, can you do without? Evolution says, "a piece at a time/ we have chosen ourselves". These false priests, and they are priests, because every religion says, "it knows"/ and no religion can prove: unless you believe.
YOU the humanity of earth are very lost and because you are in disgrace from all the arrogance: you do face a life or death crisis/ made by you. YOU are crucifying nature. YOU are mutilating genetics, the order and discipline of your body/ the reality of your integration with nature: you are too pathetic for words! YOU have made & committed to the heinous weapons of your worst nightmares "and call them your saviors". YOU are a sad expression of freedom without discipline, a life without respect, and lies without remorse. If you will not change, then to your own hell you shall surely go.
I do say to you, each one: it is time to grow up! That means simply, with honesty, it is understood that being human is an experience with time and the ending of time. Therefore you do strive to express & experience all that life here can offer. The result of this purpose is a temptation to make the others pay/ to decide before I die, I must! This is a child's mind, believing only what can be seen or touched/ reducing life to the simplicity of "me". To achieve the intensity of man or woman/ it is necessary to understand the pathways that extend beyond physical descriptions/ beyond mental conditions or measurements/ and communicate with SPIRIT. Spirit is a composition born within the embodiment of truth/ while truth is "the power" that represents eternity. To believe means, you have ascended beyond action or reaction to achieve a participation as truth/ while truth leads & you follow, reality allows life to establish a critical structure that bonds with energy itself. Truth & energy explain the relationship we share with life, both male & female, as the essence of knowledge expanded to complete the existence of fundamental separate entities (an identity formed) that must now be bridged together through the intricate care of love. Love shares the soul/ true love is the honor of life as it cleans and shapes the environment of hope and the essence of family. Family is our entry beyond the gate/ the barrier/ because of trust/ as it shares the honesty of experience and forms the basis of life. We explains growth as the discipline of family and we adheres to the consequence of responsibility.
You are not simply physical & mental/ because you are not alive until the reflection of your soul, establishes GOD to you. Life is then the understanding of participation in the UNIVERSE, and your honor to achieve that possibility. The work is complex and simple. Complex because it demands your complete attention at times/ simple because the primary reality is a desire to learn and a respect for all life, and the integrity to ask honestly for what you do need/ want is NOT invited. Pride is NEVER allowed. Humility is an opening door.
Our CREATOR is not simply gone/ rather life means,
defined by order through the existence of thought. thought thereby contributes
all that is freedom, love, hope, honor, duty, or any other part of living
beyond this simple existence. To be grown up is a challenge to you, to honor
life itself, that part in you called freedom. That reality in you called
choice, and accept thought/ as the environment that is your home, and will be
your home in eternity. Your ability to understand this statement is irrelevant/
do you understand your body or mind? Thought is the creation of eternity in
you. Here, you are now to understand survival as life in this universe is
dependent upon truth, thought, mercy, and the consequence called trust. If you
do not accept each of these/ then eternity shall be no more "than heaven"
at best. Critical to the destiny called trust, is the wisdom of truth. Truth
survives because it does not contend with games. Humanity designs and plays
every game, as the consequence of its reaction. You are to understand now,
there are no winners or losers in truth/ it is life, death, or loss: nothing
personal, just truth. Trust is the opposite extreme, there are still NO winners
or losers in trust/ it is however intensely personal, and only love matters.
Thought exists between an identity and the relationship freedom requires from
intensity/ this density compensates order within creation as the experience
designed by hope. You can gain nothing by playing games with life. If you
choose to react rather than understand and think/ then you have become the prisoner
of energy, and it shall do to you whatever truth allows. Mercy is the only
barrier to truth/ nothing else exists. Humanity then stands at the crossroads
of truth/ you will change directions as a majority, or the actions you have
taken will take you prisoner and truth will become the executioner of earth.
I deliver this message, that you may have a true opportunity to change/ that individually you may each one have an opportunity to change/ that life on earth may have the opportunity to survive. Anyone, who would suggest anything less is merely demanding "follow them", or don't change anything, "I have mine". Truth and reality agree, life on earth is about to change dramatically and forever. The only question is: if you, yours, humanity itself, nature, and all life on earth will live or die?
I am NOT your leader/ I am just a messenger,
and this is my job: to deliver this message From
Do not be so surprised, look in the bible; are
there not many messengers? I do say this is true, not by some voice or command
or any delusion, but by the evidence of its reality and the investigation of
truth. I have not been so taught, without cause/ therefore the only cause that
exists is this very one. You may disagree, it is your right. For my part, the
evidence is real and the honesty is sufficient/ to say this is so.
Critical humanity says: "Fear monger/
deluded manic/ egotistical religious nut/ and plain stupid bastard. Do you not?
Critical humanity says: GOD Does not care, does not exist, is just a crutch for
losers. Do you not?
For all the badgering that is sure to come, I remind you of these simple truths: Truth doesn't care whether you believe, or cry, or die/ therefore do not believe, if you wish. I remind you clearly, it is not my words but the evidence against you/ that I do report to you, in clear and unmistakable terms. If you despise truth/ as some do; then clearly what truth is about to do to you, is also irrelevant until it arrives.
The questions presented by "anything deduced as religious" irregardless of its origins, are common and certain to be ridiculed. Why should they not, because religion is simply "lets make this ours". Believe it or not, I am not a religious man. Instead my clear testimony here is as if it were a courtroom and given as is necessary in any trial, that those who are to decide may have full documented information/ before they make their decision. If however you do decide simply because of me: as I am not on trial, but the evidence of life or death is/ then you have cast yourselves adrift, and will be without anchor. I am only a messenger/ therefore nothing you can say or do to me, has any influence upon the outcome of the message.
As to "religious nut"/ my past will envelope the term and give it substance. The road to life is complicated, and only JESUS has been guide to me. As to egotistical: I say this kind of thing to you/ because it is true; and this is a trial. Again I am not on trial/ therefore only the truth as applied to the evidence matters. The questions that occur, are not your concern/ however if you must, then I say to you: that humility is an absolute requirement to proceed into truth and life. Nothing else matters if you are not humble enough to know your own identity is not worthy to be "in this light". An education is no small matter, and I give it my all.
Reality says, people will want a simple
statement to make them feel better. Therefore ignorance is best/ prejudice and
ridicule the time tested methods. As to "bastard", I just don't care
what you think of me/ so I will tell you only, "the information we are
given in the bible warns, of every word you speak".
Some will argue, GOD Does not exist/ or has left us adrift and without "supervision". BUT THESE will be the first to say: "Let me do it my way, GOD has no say". This reality proves it is in fact your decisions, your ways, and your arrogance that leaves this world with less supervision than it needs. You want it to be so/ until your decisions fail/ then you cry, but do not change.
Some will argue GOD doesn't care about us, or things like the tsunami in Asia would not occur. People were killed without warning, they weren't doing anything wrong! In reality GOD DOES care about us, or we would not and can not survive: believe it or not. The question of death is not a question regarding eternity: eternity exists whether you die early, quickly, slowly, in righteousness, or pain, or hate, or violence: it simply does not matter. Therefore the issues of planet upheaval and so on, are not questions about eternity/ and we are here to choose our eternity. instead these are questions about time, and the pain of being left, or having lost "so much". To that comes the question, why were you not taken as well? The answer can only be: it is not your time, as you have not yet chosen your fate/ or been dealt with because truth simply did not come where you stood/ in the same way as to the others. These are physical realities that are governed by actions and reactions without the consequence of decision/ they are defined by the elements of risk, and the "roll of the dice" did not claim you.
You do not want GOD In your life/ as so many generations before you. Therefore you are subject to the world HE GAVE to you. Which means simply, where predator and prey must apply the boundaries/ that life may continue on earth: You shall also be subject to these realities. It is the truth of this experience, that humanity has gained control over much. NOW instead of predator and prey (including war and disease) the reality has come, that YOU MUST NOW CHOOSE for yourselves. Critical decisions have eliminated the balance required by nature to survive/ and YOU must now make the decisions that shall keep nature alive/ or you will die with nature itself. As you do/ it is certain war, with all your weapons of mass destruction come with it. Or the truth says; it may well be, that genetic mutation, or a whole host of other truths/ which humanity has given birth to, shall come to exterminate you instead.
Don't like these truths? Too bad, you as
humanity have always wanted to be in control of life on earth. NOW YOU ARE. And
if you fail to be serious about living, you are truly very certain to die. The
evidence cannot be denied? Come against me, or the others and try! Are you
A direct attempt to apply person to person communication, without the fundamental need for concern as to why. Therefore the following words describe by association the consequences and development of humanity through the concepts of life, sex, work, thought, and a review of simple things.
We begin with life, the choice to conceive of discipline as the path to RESPECT/ or as emotion, the road to "success", through the manipulation and abuse of others.
The critical development of a functioning relationship to life is applied by the nature of discipline. The alternative called emotion is designed as a replacement to order, thereby the essence of fantasy & image or delusion. The decision presented is then simply described by your participation in reality by truth/ or the lie of disrespect that is emotion. Emotion displaces or attempts to displace reality with a wide variety of tools; such as temptation, greed, lust, power, hopelessness, and many more. Emotion seeks to disable & compromise the creation of friendship by the tragedy of fears & doubts, & the fundamental slavery of a relationship entrapped by "the tears of a serpent". This expression defines ONLY a relationship derived by hiding the truth about what you really want/ and then attacking the other to his or her surprise: reference to the creature is merely a "hidden by the grass" illustration. The reality of entrapment means: something has been done to cause the freedom of choice to change. DO NOT ASSUME the responsibility for your own choices lies with the other/ whether tempted or not, the decisions you honestly make are yours. Rather the choice to cause another to make these decisions against their better judgment, judges YOU as less than humanity needs you to be. Enough said.
Discipline is the path that experiences respect, by its relationship to order. The quest for life is a gentle conception formed from your purpose to survive & the honor & honesty of your acceptance to die. BOTH must be comprehended and understood before true respect may begin in you. Thereby order says, this decision turns to life, and the intensity necessary to survive/ that you may experience the lessons required for understanding, and teach you to be capable of an informed decision. Passion is the evidence of intensity; the ability to choose a distinct direction and desire the destination NOT as a reward/ but rather as the dignity of a relationship formed from creation inside yourself, with truth. You cannot have what is not yours to own/ thereby a relationship with truth or creation is not possible unless you do the work to prepare for this as a reality in your life. Lies are merely fantasies, images, and illusions/ they are the death of passion & life. Instead creation means here, your own life has chosen to surrender its independence and accept a new and different you. Age teaches, that passions do have a price/ it is a choice, that limits or controls other choices/ based upon the descriptions of your own values. Value means, I HAVE chosen to love/ therefore my soul has allowed me to experience trust, and the expression of freedoms beyond my own boundaries. Time thereby surrenders to the truth: that friendship is born, rather than created; that respect defines a friendship through the discipline called hope; and love is the truth, that honesty reveals & destiny never allows to question/ because life is your answer. Love is then the value of living, the treasure that is life, therefore becomes "a friend, or lover, or miracle shared".
The patient building of life is an experience in discipline, not a lack of freedom/ but a responsibility to yourself and no one else. The treasure of life is love/ therefore the reality of money, "only a measurement of your own selfishness, pride, or the honesty of your work." HAPPINESS is the true honor found in being alive/ you are a miracle TRULY, therein you should always be near happiness. Loneliness is a passage prepared to achieve an understanding which brings love, by the truth that energy & freedom alone, cannot express the JOY of life. We must share the experience, or we cannot care about the outcome. Thereby survival in truth is about love/ even though humanity is more defined by an emotional attachment to things.
The quest for things is your relationship to pride/ the more pride, the greater your perceived need and desire for things: as they are the evidence of pride. If pride dies, desolation sets in, as there is no other measurement in you, for life. Suicide understands, "this is the end of me". While life says: THIS is the beginning of a new creation that shall become me! If you will not work, then you will die. CHOOSE WORK, AND REPENT/ because pride is the essence of your decision to escape life, and choose consumption/ this is the demand called selfishness. Selfishness begins as the displacement of your existence/ with the decision to remove caring & sharing, and then play the game called "I am god, to them". This disguises your reality & simply lies about your truth/ so that whatever you do, becomes a payment to the "grand illusion you have become in your own mind". LIES MULTIPLY, and decisions are the translation of what a life alone designs/ in this person, the race to the grave is the reason "all other life does not matter". This is a complete failure, and it requires your acceptance/ REPENT instead and return home to the wonders in life, the compositions called equality, and the miracle of forgiveness. These are the foundations of joy and happiness/ the consequence of love appears from these, and eternity forms only from respect: selfishness holds none of these/ even if you lie to yourself and claim them anyway.
Discipline explains nature is the experience of life and energy, granted the displacements of time & thought. Soul is the evidence of thought/ while death is the expression of energy granted the freedom to react, and overtake the boundaries which control your life. We are a composite of possibilities, we are an opportunity in light, we are a relationship formed from the honesty of our lives, to the truth that exists within our souls.
Your relationship with death is: body failure/ then truth as the description & identity of your time/ then trust as the placement of your respect within the relationship that is your hope!
Thought does not grant entry without hope! Therefore wisdom completes discipline by asking order to conceive and define hope. JESUS IS "The only hope, To be a child of GOD "! DO NOT doubt, simply believe this is truth.
The critical question formed by being alive is " now what shall I do with this life?
The critical answer applied through discipline is/ I shall complete this order and design my creation, as the truth of what my life shall become. To understand the nature of a decision, reality forms a classroom of action/ reaction. To understand the reality of your purpose in creating a decision, humanity forms a classroom in consequence and lies. To accept the truth of your identity, death shapes the distinction in humanity, that these things are VERY IMPORTANT. These contribute to the critical understanding between life and death, as the consequence of your desire.
Desire conceives of foundations that become your hope. Desire establishes the boundaries that confine and direct the essence of your chosen destiny/ and defines the treasures of your heart. Desire equals the purpose of your existence by expressing the purpose of your mind. Therefore desire is the recognition of your mental dimensions, and the outcome of your measurements in life. BUT, life cannot be measured by truth/ therefore ALL life measurements are a lie! Desire therefore becomes a creation in equality/ or you fail.
Life is the relationship given to us by our CREATOR , and is reflected through us as the existence of ourselves. Life is the honesty defined by the dimensions of your heart. Here, destiny is the presence of "your heart", admitting "I am formed in the presence of LOVE", or in the alternative a destroyed destiny by the reality called hatred. Therefore heart assigned by the transformation of mind and the consequence of peace or war gives to you the truth of who you are.
Peace means: a true and complete trust in the relationship defined by love. Hope extends, & life expands, allowing creation itself to fill your soul with respect and the tools of shared friendship and a reality that cares: because life is REAL. War means: an absolute desperation based upon the destruction of lies, and the loss of all hope; because humanity and all that lives is simply unworthy of you: you become a murderer. War applies hatred to the peaceful, forcing them to respond. Therein peaceful men and women become warriors, and life loses it value within the reality of no honesty, no honor, and a duty to survive. War is the work of leaders/ or the reality of resource depletion/ or simple laziness, that has taken advantage "one to many times". War is necessary, therefore being a warrior when truth applies the reality, we must: is an honorable job. However when truth says, "this is little more that murder and pride"/ that reality changes to a failure to respect the duty we owe to life. Be fair and serve justice/ not men, not women, and not selfishness or power either, or you will be sorry.
Understanding the basis of love thereby describes the heart of a human being, as the messenger to your soul. Peace alone gives freedoms to you, the reality of peace thereby becomes your answer to freedom and the responsibilities of life/ as the destiny you have chosen. Destiny expands your choice to become the knowledge of what, why, & "I"/ thereby giving to each one an understanding sufficient to know: innocent or guilty. Therefore judgment comes from within & without, to convict or release the intensity of your existence to the relationship chosen by you, as your truth. The question of life thereby becomes the honesty and acceptance of your most basic need: do you or do you not choose love? Love is a need/ because life is the expansion of distance into the journey of an eternity. The quest is not about how; but rather WHY?
The answer is, because JOY lives in the association of family, just as honor lives in the discipline of order and its companion called life. Thought demonstrates the complexity of expression & life comprehends the quality of experience, but love gives to each one the happiness of shared blessings. This is creation by the discipline required as respect. Without respect, life cannot survive: no matter who you are. The LAW OF THE UNIVERSE, leaves no one unchallenged: you will die.
As to the constant human comparison with death of the body, as an evidence of death to its life/ your struggle exists as the measurements of your mind/ or the words instilled by hatred, and its companion violence. The actions of any energy confined by reaction to the measurements of time SHALL always end in destruction: it is a universal law. The law of an energy SO EXTREME that no reaction can exist against it, is the definition of eternity. Therefore the question you should search for in your soul is: can we be an energy called eternal? The answer is NO, we cannot. Therefore truth comes and asks: can we be invited, and drawn into this energy called eternity? The answer is YES WE CAN!
The consequence of miracles, does not detail how or why you exist/ nor does it offer instructions that express miracles that you might understand them: these are realities that simply exist. To give us direction, HOPE, and the passion to live and look for life eternal JESUS CAME ! To help us present the HONOR & RESPECT necessary in the conclusion of time that is our death, JESUS DIED . To give us eternity JESUS DEFINED LOVE!
To give us SALVATION as the messenger of life JESUS Will join the evidence that is your truth, in the reality that is your soul THANK
To return to common circumstance, in our relationship with life is, "the feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, & the participation in rejection by others". The questions of eternity, love, & miracles all confront these "feelings" and the consequence becomes: why me, why does love fail for me, why am I alone, & why do the others lack respect for my life?
Examination begins with miracles, the essence of life/ because this composition tells us, no matter what the others say, we should be ecstatic about the great gifts we have received. Do not measure, either you have the dignity of life or you don't/ if you don't it is because you gave it away: stop and return to life and to your miracles. Miracles are the evidence so far beyond our capabilities of creation, that we as humanity do not even recognize the proper questions. Therefore why do we proceed to the expectations called feelings, and how do these support our concept of an existence? The answers appear as our inadequacy to understand, and thereby control the manipulation of facts. You want to be god. These are mental paths called measurements. Measurements define periods of time or energy which can be controlled (at least by conversation), thereby we are adequate, to establish power over these. Here pride occurs, as now, humanity has found the means to "make a difference" and become as a god to others. the use of ability conceives of possibilities without authority or any other alteration in human purpose. Humanity thereby abandons truth, to pursue a relationship with the measurements of its mind. Reality limits, but lies consume caution, destroy knowledge, and declare war on wisdom/ that the purpose of human existence may be "I am god over me, and maybe you to".
Love is the opposite of miracles [which are the complex descriptions of truth, as order & discipline allow], love is the simple variations of truth, as it expands in freedom to include the definitions of our soul. Soul is thereby absolutely necessary to the expression or experience of love. Soul is the beginning of a relationship with THE GOD OF YOUR CREATION!
Therefore love communicates beyond the definitions of self, & understands the boundary of fundamental gifts. Wisdom then approaches and life becomes the ability to express freedom as the gift of your life, and the opportunity to share other lives. This opportunity designs our world, our destiny, and our eternity.
Eternity completes the cycle of 3, meaning no less than 3 variables can conceive of a "circle" in which life may return to its CREATOR. The 3 variables in simple terms are, the expansion of critical foundations [you must develop learning/ as best you can]/ the ascension of thought [ you must use your learning to describe the dimensions of your heart]/ and you MUST UNDERSTAND the respect for all life and energy as it exists in truth IS LAW: NO EXCEPTIONS!
Here begins the opportunities called a decision. Decision means, the creation of my identity gives me the strength to test the freedom of my desire & purpose, and to proceed to the basis of fundamental intensity. Intensity means, the refinement of critical comprehension allows the definition of "my world" to be changed by the actions called my self. Intensity means, the reaction to myself produces & controls the consequence that is my life. Therefore creation allows/ but you choose.
Examination may now begin within the experience of feelings as loneliness allows; it is the expression that demonstrates "the dimensions of my life, are too small"/ in simple terms you are hiding from your desires.
The feelings called depression exist by the reaction, others or energy have visited upon you/ your perception of life and the choices you desired HAVE FAILED. Because discipline & order have failed in your body or your mind; this allows you to lie; "I have an excuse". The reality of depressions are however far more complex than this statement allows. The consequence of body failure refines existence, to the chains I must now wear/ the reality I must now deal with as my life. The loss of miracle abilities, are no small thing; the reality of life changed with or without my error a consequence without end. The mental definitions of an altered existence require a new range of disciplines and order not required of others/ it is a separation, and will serve you only when you are willing to live the reality and search for the truth that is life, and not body. As to the mental consequences of measurements that have multiplied into confusion and error/ these are lies, that you searched for and found: surrender them and return to miracles.
The feelings demonstrated by anxiety are the clear & certain evidence chosen by your ways and methods, which do not have the ability to define or compensate you for your life. The result is fear: you are without control, & powerless to change anything. Anxiety is therefore the essence of your failure to achieve a truthful identity, and participate in the strength of your own dimensions.
The feelings comprehended as rejection by others, forms the basis and boundary of what is or is not respect. ALL people who are rejected do participate in that rejection by their own failure to understand, to respect life, to choose wisely, have manners & courtesy, allow participation by others, or simply accept the consequences of being a friend [allow freedom to rule, & happiness to enjoy]. On the opposite end of "the balance of our lives" are all the other people whose SELFISHNESS, GREED, LUST, and a thousand other issues of disrespect, do cause. You should be ashamed.
Here the issues of being human reflect the opportunities other people shall offer to me/ the existence of equality gives to all who lack a happy life, the reality of "re-birth": You must and will begin again. Do not be sad, "I personally have began again so many times, there is no need to count". You will improve, unless you surrender.
Here the realities of why, examine love as the experience shared with happiness, a place in your own heart, where beginnings transform hope into the opportunities for another to join you, or you them, in the celebration of life. Love is NOT for the belligerent, NOT for the vengeful, and NOT for the selfish or proud. Love is the honor of a discipline which brings the order of harmony into the foundations that are your chosen life. Here the relationship of time to the consequence of being without an opportunity in the experience of humanity "to even have a true friend"/ becomes a journey into the descriptions of all hopes, foundations, love, respect, and the values of life itself. This is your education, and it is valid and important. Our lives cannot conceive of future until the examination of past has established the journey into creation itself; it does so by convincing you that knowledge is critical to your life, your survival, and your future. Be grateful for the opportunity and learn/ for very few are invited into the sanctuary called living in truth.
Here the consequence of "being different" always concedes, there is a price you must pay/ humility and courage go hand in hand. Disrespect is the assumption of a measurement in their minds, that disfavors you/ disrespect is the apathy and ignorance of your life, for creation itself. It is irrelevant what or why some people measure you as unworthy of them/ this is a sign of their failure, not yours; it is the introduction of evil to their lives, because life cannot be "discarded" without destruction occurring, and that is the essence of evil. Evil means: to choose power over life, and confront miracles with the measurements of your mind/ that you may control or abuse without repentance of concern. Repent of this, or you shall surely know, the death of your respect is the beginning imprisonment of your mind by the measurements you have made. It is your failure that controls your world. Some believe they are wise, a success, a star? If so then understand this: truth doesn't care/ only what is true matters. Reality beyond the boundaries of time is in direct confrontation with energy, and here anything untrue is burned away. Eternity is the evidence called thought, and miracles do NOT concede to stupidity: not even if all of humanity accepts the lie.
Of all critical learning, it is important that you should know love is the knowledge of freedom; the honesty of truth as it decrees "the possibilities are, & the basic honor of being hidden no more grants you rights". Reality says, "the problem with love as a human thing" is, the fears of failure overcome the passions of life. Respect says LOVE is a giving that cannot be measured/ therefore it is a priceless creation from one soul to another. HOW do you repay/ how do you define/ how do you accept/ and what does the comprehension of these miracles mean? The common answer in humanity is hide from truth/ because it threatens to take over your life/ if you follow truth, then no more may you want anything that is untrue! To hide means: the common experience becomes as the descriptions of lust (they can't recognize me here/ I am a "machine"), greed (if I control them, they will go away), power (I refuse their life, the gift of their dignity/ instead I will control and enslave), selfishness (I am ALONE, and safe from all who can hurt me). Even the putrid vomit of a pedofile is FEAR "stay away, because I am petrified of dying/ and I only care about excitement".
Each of these fears, feed upon the expression of an excitement/ this is an escape from the measurements of death which occupy their minds. Reality thereby mimics the consequence of love, by producing a passion for excitement/ RATHER than the honesty of building a creation, that binds & expands the freedoms of our world. Here the question exists: how can freedom be bound? It is an expression defined without bonds, or does it mean something else?
The answer defends freedom by expanding the opportunities of one existence within the truth of another reality. Although free, every existence does have a boundary. Some will demand here "He limits GOD "/ this is a blasphemy.
To those only, I say to you; that limitless expansion does not conceive of love/ this reality bears witness on the earth itself, where boundaries exist in everything. I do NOT "Limit GOD ", But merely accept a relationship "of FATHER And son or daughter, as the case may be". Therefore reality says: recognizable, even by me.
Love is "the creator of eternity, NOT by its existence/ but by its passions & hope to not only survive but share the experience and care about all participants: everyone. Love lives, because it is ALIVE in the presence of your own soul. This means simply, truth has given you a friend in wisdom, and an honor as soul. Wisdom is not a definition of intellect, not a measurement in time, but the creation of a home inside the energy that exists as your life. Without wisdom energy designs your experience as action/ reaction: therefore turmoil exists because peace results from the happiness and blessing that transforms energy, into the home we share with the expression and compositions of energy. Our lives are about energy and the essence of miracles/ which give us the existence of a boundary we then conceive as ourselves. Thought is the separation of ourselves from the energy which sustains us.
This is not a contradiction, but an acceptance based in the foundations of truth/ trust/ & wisdom that allows creation itself to exist. The compositions that give dimension & intensity to "parallel definitions" also give life, form, and structure. The question of thought, or more correctly the most basic description of thought exists as the illustration referred to as a pie chart. Thereby thought may be seen as 12 divisions of experience, where detail, expression, and examination select the boundaries but all meet in one central combination pinpoint of purpose.. The 12 divisions are a critical review from every possible angle of value, that comprises the central experience. We will not discuss what or how the composition of these relationships work/ or the complexity of parallel comprehension. INSTEAD this small insight completes the examination of human considerations; as defined by basic structure and the fundamental associations called work. In a parallel structure, love is a discipline that allows order to conceive of life: order rules. The human mind measures , but the soul reflects. Therefore the collage of our Identity, and our reflection as it exists in our relationship to life, energy, & time does become the basis of human behavioral development. We act the way we do, because of the way we measure lives: our belief in hope, honor, & duty: and the relationship we choose for ourselves with the distinctions, intensity, dignity, & discipline of what we choose to accept about ourselves.
Love cannot be measured, rather love is your participation in "the building of bridges", as each bridge then forms the foundation that becomes the intimacy of soul to soul. It is not the number of bridges, so to speak/ but more simply , the realization of honor, and the transformation love allows in truth as access to do your best/ here from life to life, comes the decision to include a door that identifies the truth inside yourself to another. Love is then a vulnerability unlike any other. Love is then an acceptance of the friendship that does not seek to bereave or berate or sell your secrets to any other: these are keys, and must be honored or thieves will break in, and steal your love away.
Here, as it is with miracles the essence of life, is the companionship with body/ beyond body it is the essence & intensity of miracles that becomes spirit, and presents the door within thought, as life. Work is the environment within which you participate to create opportunities for yourself . Therefore work is a foundation for building the destiny of your hope & the truth of your life. Work by its reality with eternity is not "for another to do for you"/ instead work is the dimension through which we begin to recognize GOD IS Participating in us! Joy, is recognized, in this understanding of friendship; WE ARE LOVED.
Here begins the 3rd parallel structure, that truth is an existence unto itself. It is an identity that we must enter within, it has definition, & it forms a relationship with energy & consequence that gives it "substance". Therefore we exist as an experience of that energy & consequence/ but are allowed to be "the substance" we ourselves create/ WHEN we are not contrary to truth itself. Wisdom removes the expression of "myself", & becomes equal or completed by the substance of truth. Purity is not an issue, as we are simply unable: therefore humanity shall always be "humanity".
In the more simple frameworks of human society the relationship we do share as survival is a complex disintegration of value, DO TO the competition an constant threat of being "pushed out"/ because society confronts reality and demands payment. Over population is the primary cause of desertification, because instead of admitting failure and changing behaviors/ behaviors increase in intensity, thereby stripping nature of its ability to survive. War then begins as a last method of population control. Over the last one hundred years or so, the natural predators used to keep human population pressures in balance have been removed, for a time. As a consequence humanity has more than doubled. This means, either 2/3 of the population of all humanity must die very soon (a reality that shall NOT work) to reestablish balance/ or very significant change must rapidly occur. Population control is first/ all other work is next. Change represents equality by the removal of competition [more correctly the death of pride]. Thereby a new order assigned by truth, ordered by discipline, and described by reality can occur. This DOES require the end of selfishness/ the replacement of want, with honor & the honesty of life as truth. And the beginning of courage, as understanding & the basis of life intensify to replace your grievous lack of respect/ with the truth about HOW CLOSE, you and all life on earth are to extinction. This is not a guess/ the evidence reveals it to be true: PROVE me wrong! Hide if you wish, but truth will not wait/ reality WILL judge you unworthy, & life SHALL descend into hell on earth. Because the decisions you are responsible for, do not share/ do not care/ and fail to respect ANY truth or life, but your own.
The fundamental truth of human existence is simply: what shall I do with this time, this body, this life? The answers are varied, but want consumes most, as the EASY answer to being "awake". Thereby it is fitting to question the purpose of being "awake" as {please me, entertain me, excite me, or just plain worship me}. These expressions participate as selfishness, and describe life as a purpose to seek power, pleasure, and pride. The demand is, compensate me for being awake/ or simply I will show you/ that I am better than you are. The real question in this very human response is WHY are you so simple as to believe these moments have value? The answer comes as "the others what to play the game as well/ therefore it must be a reward/ they must want to be me, when I win". The reality of value is then simply an association with who controls what. The question of human values then comes to mean: if no one wants something unless the others want it first/ then it has no value unless the herd declares it "tasty".
The question called truth sees life differently than the consequence of humanity. To journey beyond the expression or experience of body & mind requires an understanding of life. That wisdom does not come from the others, it is distinctly personal and develops through respect into the infancy of your own participation in & through miracles. Miracle means nothing less than truth, can define this/ nothing less than reality can give it value or meaning. There can be no doubt that miracles reveal spirit {the change from reality to life}. It is the beginning of this relationship in you that utters the words "I am ALIVE"; NOT simply a life, anymore/ but the creation inside the miracle called soul.
SPIRIT grants the possibilities called thought. SPIRIT participates in your journey as a friend. SPIRIT reveals in nakedness (NO HIDING in lies), what you do lack in trust; what you lack in humility, what you lack in honesty, and all that cannot be accepted because you are not being true to the miracle and the message called life. That message is BELIEVE IN MIRACLES, and the blessings of love/ that you may trust the evidence "that life can be beyond your imagination".
Life is a relationship created through compositions which comprehend discipline/ accept order/ and more. Thereby the message of life continues as, understand the basis & foundation of disciplines & grow in the purpose of order to attain the miracle that you are. You are not simply a miracle, you are created to be FREE. Defined by the essence of miracles but realized as alive in the virtue and intensity of spirit.
Spirit is a destiny, it is not an expression but more correctly an expansion of who you are, as you grow into the consequence of who you truly hope to become. Spirit does not follow/ you must choose to accept its direction. Do not believe you can be someone other than who you are/ rather understand you can be like someone other than yourself/ if you believe in the value you say, they have given to your life. This is as it progresses within the opportunities of thought/ an expression translated into the experience of friendship as understanding allows the "divide to close, between you" and thereby the compassion and humility of teacher and student appears. Here questions raised are considered within the boundaries chosen by what the student understands, and the teacher has shown.
The knowledge of value examines freedom by the essence of work/ expresses love by its relationship to loneliness/ interprets destiny by its meaning to life/ and submits respect as the consequence of our position within the reality of energy & death. Knowledge means order has assigned the steps of discipline as our ascension into the experience called truth. Truth reveals the fragile relationships that give us life, & value thereby understands the strength and courage assigned by possibilities we do not understand/ but have been granted anyway: through mercy & grace. The ability to choose and act upon that choice for the purpose of our own direction, destiny, & hopes assemble the basic concept of freedom as the understanding of an identity that meets the creation of its own world/ within the limits of reality & truth. You must decide for yourself to be free/ no one can do it for you: if you believe your job is your life, your money, your looks, etc are the essence of your world/ then your life is secondary to you: you lose. These things are important, but they cannot express freedom/ because you are more important than all of these/ people will say, being homeless and more is not a freedom! People should understand, being tied to your body and mind, is an anchor that may keep you from eternity. The essence of being human is to learn how & why, that freedom itself may be yours. This is a work because it cannot be a gift/ you must achieve thought to comprehend freedom, therefore your journey in this life is for thought. Consider the reality of freedom: how can you truly be free, if you are not in control of your own freedom: to do this you must learn.
The composition of thought creates within the existence of boundaries the honesty of love. Thereby the quest for expression/ the hope for experience/ and the energy for love are all combined within the journey toward thought. Love is like, the bonds which hold discipline to the order that is our lives. Without the critical links that complete an environment, existence will not form. Therefore love establishes an existence , while life examines that love as the consequence of formations which produce the pathways to energy and our relationship to it. Love is the only expression of energy which can exist as shared between environments. Love is the only experience of energy as freedom. Love is the shared building of a dimension beyond ourselves where we can be free.
Love is not a game, where one builds and another fails/ because trust did not accompany the beginning of love. Here live do become distraught, barriers are erected, and hidden fears control to replace the doors that gained insight into life before. It is a bad excuse to fail/ just because the "others" influenced you more than honest love: shame on you. It is a failure in you to expect an opportunity for love in any other life/ just because you choose it to be so. Love can only be shared, it cannot be taken: this is stealing/ shame on you. Loneliness exists because the links in discipline that define and create our lives as equals/ have been corrupted, soiled, & sold for things & people without honor: shame on you for participating in anything beyond equality: this is a cause that contributes to evil. You may NOT select, grade, or measure anyone/ ALL ARE EQUAL, but that doesn't mean without sin. You need not "love everyone"/ but everyone must be equal as human beings: that which is truly evil means simply: You cannot live among us anymore! It is fair, where NO DOUBT can exist: to remove this refuse from society, after one year for the sake of honor in you/ even by death if the cause is horrific.
SIN means, even though you knew, you still chose without honor or honesty/ even though you understood, you still chose without respect/ to hurt, destroy, or sell yourself to things lesser than you. Even though you were loved, the temptations of primal and belittling functions, NOT worthy of this creation in you: did overtake you and became your truth. Therefore you have failed, and the eternity planned for you, is now in jeopardy. These things are horrendous, by the truth, that now you could die to eternity. Repent if you can/ the truth is only pride stands in your way.
Where sin controls, destruction begins: because truth does not care about you or anyone else/ rather truth is a LAW, and it shall be obeyed/ because it conceives and contributes our universe. YOU are not greater than this/ therefore you shall be subjected to the truth of who you have become: OR
ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY May grant you mercy!
There shall always be those who fear the grave and demand, "life ends here". Leave them alone/ do not judge/ pray. As to the possibilities of life after body, the answers are in your soul. To retrieve you must trust WITH HONOR , respect, & honesty: by abandoning your pride. Nothing less will do. Destiny is the essence of your trust. If you fail to trust, then you have no destiny beyond your body and its grave. Trust means, life has given tome the foundations of heart, soul, body, and the freedom to create "me". I DO owe a debt, called RESPECT to life. I DO owe a debt called faith, to energy and its creation in me. I DO owe an opportunity in honesty to both truth & reality for the sake of my soul. The blessing of life is not in survival/ rather truth says, the blessing of eternity comes from the critical bond we share with our creation as life. This does not come with death/ it is not lost by death either: rather it speaks only of eternity: PRAISE GOD !!!
There are people who confuse creation with their own intellectual capacity or desire, "to bring it to their own level, for control". The purpose of this is to assign themselves power/ that they may do anything they please, without fear. These are literally insane: like evolution, you fail in every truth.
Reality does not compete with anyone directly/ reality reviews what constitutes a primary influence, & thereby produces a consequence derived from the evidence of that truth. It is truth that confronts, and demands your choice. Truth does not accept a lie/ rather freedom allows the intensity of desire to control specific instructions, that lessons may be learned. Truth therein waits and conceives of order as those instructions alter destiny & change existence within the meanings of life. We live in a world, and at a time, where truth waits for us/ thereby reality is covered by darkness, as your lies hide the truth: even so, the consequence of truth as it builds a destiny conceived by lies will mean terror comes. GOD OUR CREATOR IS EVERYTHING CALLED NATURE, or natural. The discipline, the order, and all the possibilities for good in this world are through and because of HIS PRESENCE HERE, in this world we live in. Ignorance & pride present the excuses of all who accept insanity/ arrogance & hatred produce the failures & fools of humanity as they try to compete & consume GOD From this world. You the vast majority of humanity, are their prize: for you are loved BY GOD. Therefore all deception is directed against you/ all evil a direct intent to make YOU hate. A few will ridicule & jeer at these words/ after all, they cannot defend themselves, so they must distract or be ashamed. If they cannot destroy your faith/ then they are defeated: these are the children of "satan", because they curse their own life, by destroying yours. The word satan means [in time]: the living dead, because time has measured them and time destroys all things.
The relationship we share with eternity is not built upon time, our human body is built upon time/ which is why it cannot enter eternity. Many in the christian religion will demand: our bodies and minds enter eternity/ it is what they believe. Truth says however, that which is based in time cannot travel into eternity/ not to mention all the body needs, that simply are impossible to fulfill. Therefore I say to you/ the ascension of "the BODY OF CHRIST"/ was to assure all, that there is no point in looking, that BODY is not here: if it was, take a look at the turmoil surrounding "anti-christs already here and dead/ and what their followers do with these bodies: be at peace/ this is not a confliction with what you believe, merely a refinement in reality. Therefore the question called eternity is simply: what is real, what is truth, & why does love exist? The question called soul is simply: WHAT gives us life?
Truth answers, the examination of these relationships cannot be done/ because of the utter poverty of your spirits. Spirit exists to examine and reveal all relationships/ but the common human desire is called WANT. These are opposites to what is life, and thereby cannot be "the same". Here is a question we can review, because life has knowledge of "the same". The question is: why are opportunities bound, within the compositions of order, as the comprehension & evidence of fact. The fact is, same delineates from an understanding in companionship as seen in the growth of substance, "an identity formed and defined like me. This relationship of similar order respects the basis & foundation of similar truths as formed from the creation of life. Therefore truth makes us, as the beginning called family/ love instructs these beginnings ans discipline arrives at friendship, as if honor conceived a child, "one like me". The concept of truth is thereby given the expression of honor and the experience called love, while reality responds with the expansion of your own existence; to destinies understood, as similar in kind: the alterations in skin and various other traits are designed to show you that variation is certain to exist in eternity. Wherever humanity discards want and chooses SPIRIT, we do become reborn, as discipline begins to distinguish the essence of our lives, from the rest by the honesty of our souls. These are not answers by examination, these are developments as they transcend time to complete the existence called truth and you. This too is a relationship that must be achieved before any opportunity "To be like" OUR FATHER Can exist for you. It is not too much to ask. If you belong to spirit/ then you will inquire of all truths, that you may be invited as truth and achieve harmony within the freedom of your soul.
The human quest to "measure up"/ is ridiculous: we cannot in terms of love or eternity/ it is an insult to suggest it: do NOT be so foolish. Rather accept that mercy alone/ through your humility, is your invitation to life beyond the grave, and be grateful you are alive! No measurements means: no one is excluded/ rather all choose, for themselves/ therefore do your best, in the presence of your soul and trust JESUS HIMSELF. This may sound foolish to you, saying someone who died over 2000 years ago can be trusted today. The consequence of trust is an understanding of basic elements that you have accepted as truth/ as you follow these with your heart, the outcome "will be similar". It is doubt that consumes participation, therefore understand that you must be willing, you must accept truth as it exists, you must accept faith as it is provided for us to be.
Reality says; again we must proceed from life, to the topics of human insanity such as they are today. The questions presented thereby are of what shall you choose, for this life we accept as human/ for it shall NOT remain the same as in this day. The quest for survival here on earth shall then include: resources must be protected and cherished. Population MUST respect the limits of the earth, in both numbers and life. Peace and honesty must build trust. And work must be shared. These things are NOT negotiable, they must be done to survive. The questions beyond survival allow: you will share everything/ if you do not, then you will have very little of anything. The existence of work is for the benefit of society/ therefore what is a benefit for all of society determines the possibilities. Children are BLESSINGS/ but YOU are cursing them, if you demand in selfishness to have more than 2/ this has become disrespect and a failure in society and in you. BE FAIR. What is constant in american society is "the schools from beginning to end are unfair/ you teach MANY worthless and pitiful things". You fail to respect society by demanding your words are more important than their lives/ you lie and state a "university graduate is somehow better"/ they simply accepted different possibilities of work, and all workers are equal; even if the job is not. You fail to respect peace, to teach honor, to understand your role in honesty, or your duty in building a society in harmony is more important than any other learning. You fail at respect for life, and target money instead.
The disciplines of food will be taught to you, because if you refuse "to let the ocean recover" and support it/ then you will war and die. The poverty of your want, as it multiplies your behavior toward food shall end/ or the only fat you will see, shall be the curse of starvation, as it expands to consume you. Starvation is a curse, because you have chosen it to be: you have made antibiotics and imprisonment a staple of your methods/ pollution because you want EASE/ and pride because you just don't care: pray or you will be sorry.
There are questions in sickness/ questions in medicine/ questions in discipline & the sanctity of life: these you shall choose on your own/ as to what you are willing to pay & when it is too much to ask of the others, you must accept death yourself and die.
There are no questions in genetics and the relationship we share with the structures of living organisms: YOU WILL surrender "your vomiting science" in these matter COMPLETELY, and touch them NO MORE; Or all the consequences you do deserve shall fall upon you quickly "like warriors in the night".
Your money shall be tied to population, and there SHALL BE LIMITS upon all individuals, governments, trusts, and any/ every conveyance you can think of: or you will grow hate, and foolishness shall overrun your souls: As it has in this day for the americans: look at your debt, the lies of your treasury, and the hiding of your government in "make believe war [because their cause is a fantasy]". Terrorists are not governments/ and they shall not be controlled as governments: it is however a blessing to the people of Iraq to remove their murders from control/ it is a curse, that you know so little about how to live, about justice, or even what is fair. Money is generated by the need to work, but it is found by the truth of resources available. Find the resources/ you found the work. The fact it may not be exactly what you wanted is irrelevant. You must learn to vote! That means the media failure, and social apathy must end and true discussion about the issues at hand be held before all of society: close all other diversions, PERIOD. The BASTARD politics of this day, wherein nothing but "soft questions, about next to nothing issues" are to become, " cause for imprisonment". A vote is about ONLY WHAT IS IMPORTANT, and nothing more. Those who stand in the way are traitors. The world resources DO BELONG TO EVERYONE/ they are all of humanities future/ they are your life or your death, and everyone that is yet to be born as well. To take and discard as the americans of this day is to "MURDER someone of the future/ as if you made them starve yourselves! You should be ashamed!" If you fail in this, to respect the future and do your part for their needs, then hear this warning: you too shall KNOW what mass murder means!
LIFE IS AN HONOR, believe this and it shall come true. The quest for a valued life as humanity the individual, explains consequence is a composite of what you value, what you choose as a purpose for your life, the discipline you accept, & the love that allows family and soul to participate in your life. Family need not be "by blood, or skin color, or other". The quest of society for a valued life, explains order as the acceptance of equality, places truth as the foundation of justice & reality as the basis of an education: that we may know honor and accept duty. The existence of value is the basis of life. Without value life shall not begin. The question thereby examines value as a participation in creation and a virtue that develops from the essence of energy to the identity of man or woman; child or baby. The answer is a definition in order. Critical to the ascension of order is the basis of discipline/ discipline is NOT about rules; rules are assigned only for control, and control exhibits power. Power is the end of life/ because it sucks the freedom away. Discipline is about our journey into life itself. The quest for life cannot describe time/ for time is the destruction of life. Rather life conceives of passages & doors, the honesty of pathways, the opportunities of hope, and the destinies built upon existence in truth, as the environment of your own soul. Discipline is a decision to encounter truth, and be led by reality into the cathedral of thought. Order defines the boundary of thought. Thought distinguishes energy from existence and applies decision as the essence of transformation/ from simple to complex. Without complexity, you shall not survive energy/ you can only remain in "heaven" where you are loved and cared for and happy/ but not completely free.
We live upon the existence of an energy
controlled by time. Eternity examines the discipline you have chosen BECAUSE
purpose demonstrates desire/ and desire seeks, asks, & knocks, at the boundary
of wisdom, to achieve the dignity of thought and inherit the intensity of
possessions beyond time. These are relationships in energy/ rather than on
energy, and they provide the density of spirit necessary to bond with
truth. The critical existence of power in the lessons of life, is about the
intensity of energy, and your ability to translate destiny into life. Therefore
the destinies beyond heaven are refined by your own relationship, created by
you, with energy and its truth. This is perhaps hard to understand/ therefore
consider the existence of your years here on earth, as merely a "second or
two" as defined by passions. More simply, take the intensity of all your
passions from first life, to last breath, and conceive of energy as the
environment that knows no other relationship.
History teaches, that people erect barriers to each other, for the demand to control and seek pleasure and luxury at someone else's expense. Time and again humanity is burdened by a very few with weapons or with hunger/ that then become enemies because they can. The first cause of action after achieving some degree of power is commonly to destroy the potential leadership, for those who would be free! The second becomes; control the opportunity of tools, that could cause a revolution! The last is to spread out the plunder: that thieves, whore's, and prostitutes can be bought to help you sustain power, help you spy, and survive by murder or any other form of violence: this is very common throughout the world. Thieves are those who buy their power, with your freedom. Whore's are those who care nothing about what they do, because WANT has consumed them. Prostitutes are those who sell you, to buy your hate/ but win the game, because your reaction causes the disintegration of society: your hate turns to revenge, and then you are them. These little groups work by controlling communication in various ways/ they survive by doing violence to justice and all that is peaceful and honorable. They die, when the tools necessary have been given to the others.
The weapon of freedom is justice/ therefore the weapon of peace & life is THOSE WHO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE: NOT those who pretend. The demand to unite for justice is then governed by communication, and WE ARE able to communicate better than any generation that ever walked the earth. Therefore the truth becomes: ownership of freedom belongs to those who will not be led/ but ask of themselves: is this JUSTICE?
Wherever the answer is "less than justice/ less than truth/ or less than peace: then the people themselves must ask, HOW DO I make this better?" Every nation has a few of these people, which means EVERY nation has a majority who will fear: "these murderers will separate me from the rest, and kill me and mine".
REALITY THEN ASKS: if we cannot have a leader/ then HOW shall we fight and attain peace, freedom, & justice for ourselves?
The answer is, HIDDEN within the pride, selfishness, & want of humanity is the consequence of power/ it is THE FEAR of death. Pride/ selfishness/ & want then work to devise methods of making you fear death, more than they do. The meaning of this work to you is very simple: Defeat is truly HELL, therefore these fears exist to push this humanity and demand actions be taken/ they are "not equipped" to face a true reaction. The question is thereby what decides the fate of human society?
This answer too is quite simple, it is the refusal to become slaves. EVERY army is made up of "the public, and its sons; even daughters, and their marriages, children, and needs". YOU are the parents, the instructors, and more/ you teach them honor and duty, and apply respect to the truth of what they do. IF YOU DO NOT, then why should you be free? The reality of our time is numbers! WE OUTNUMBER those who would control, or who would work to control us all: by at least 100,000 to one! WE CAN REACT AGAINST THEM. When it becomes plain, simple, & clear that those who choose to terrorize us, shall surely die/ then fears will cause them to disappear.
The terrorist REVEALS him or herself periodically (when relaxed especially), by "letting their temper go", and do their talking in violence or in words. The difference between a temper and a passion is quite simply: temper DEMANDS "I am ruler/ or want to be ruler over you"! While true passion describes need and the honesty that we must follow truth & respect reality. When there are terrorists entrenched in your midst, when power confronts your lives/ then reality says: TALK AND KEEP TALKING, {find a way} until the discipline of understanding causes order to find and remove these parasites: this is for the nation itself, not an outsider. When terrorists are entrenched in your government/ then your VOTE/ becomes your talk and your RIGHT to change. The military is society too/ do you defend your nation/ or their enemies? The demand for a vote cannot be ignored anymore/ demand with your work, it is your ticket for change. Work without weapons, quietly and in truth: society demands it must be so/ then when honesty proves respect exists in society, there will be no one to stand against you. The leadership HAS already insulated themselves against any work stoppage/ BUT REMEMBER THIS: WE ARE NOW Millions to their one!
When the people become discontent because they are hungry/ those who call themselves leaders WILL RESPOND. If the military moves against its own citizens/ THEN WHOSE sons and daughters are they? Respect them and they will respect you/ but do not let generals lead: It is contrary to peace. Contrary to peace is the attainment of weapons/ but contrary to peace is the weapons that are not answered with similar weapons: pride demands competition, or it quickly moves to rage and insanity.
Guns will buy you no peace. They are merely the tools for survival, under extreme conditions. Guns containing rubber bullets, are useful tools for all who desire peace, but need a weapon. Devices containing marking materials suitable as evidence in court, are the preferred tools of a peaceful society: weapons of pain, are not.
The critical tool of any society for peace is the ability to ensure all its members get access to all its benefits. That means, all members must share: not only the work, but the benefits of life in society. Resources and education determine what you can receive. A peaceful society will be one of self-sufficiency. Not one of "world dependency". There is no such thing as an efficient frenzy of manufacturing/ the consumption of resources must deliver truly useful items important to society: you have no resources, to throw away anymore. That means jobs will need to be shared/ futures will need to understand respect for all/ and lives require the wisdom that cares for the next generation. You can do this. It is certain many will not want to! But you are lucky, you have NO MONEY, NO CREDIT either/ if you choose not to accept the terms of life, you will have no life. Believe it or not, because reality says so/ not me.
I have come with the tools to recreate yourselves in peace. I am not otherwise necessary to the process. Therefore no matter what the outcome to my life/ your decision remains the same. Let no one threaten you! If you do not find the correct answer/ then you die, Therefore no threat exists to control you.
It is certain, people will want to take my life, in an attempt to change the consequence of these words: should these words achieve recognition. That is not up to me! It is of no concern to me, but that does not mean "I would simply surrender/ beware if you try". The question to you is a very simple one: do you desire life enough, to save it for yourselves? For your children? There is only one way, to recognize reality and follow truth/ and be respectful of all life and
Redress according to the 1st amendment of the Constitution of America is defined and enacted by this citizen. The critical moment is not created by the court, this is determined by WE THE PEOPLE.
The issues of sovereignty certain to be held by the court and the government official are waived, due to the truth that WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE GOVERNMENT and they are our employees.
The examination of reality, the proof of evidence, the purpose of discipline and duty are all derived for the single purpose of survival or better/ and change from the order that directs our lives from extinction and extermination toward life instead/ there is no place to hide.
Further legal innuendo is unnecessary/ this is your opportunity to choose for yourselves the life or death you shall have. I will provide what you hide from, simply the truth someone must do this work. I will help you to find and complete your truths as respect and honor allow/ but you will provide and assert the evidence. You will make your decision. And you will suffer the consequences and gain your life back and beyond if you do change.
IT IS BEYOND DOUBT, your fears shall cause
you trepidation! I cannot make this any easier, it is not possible/ because you
yourselves are the problem. Your want, your pride, your selfishness and search for
power will have to be dealt with/ it cannot wait. This lawsuit is now, you have
no choice.
The truth exists in the evidence/ the reality of what is fought for is the life of this planet. The words used, little more than the consequence of what it takes to simply get your attention. Either you will accept your duty, and prove your honor by stopping the insane desecration of life on earth and find respect: OR prepare your graveyard for the entire planet because you will not survive.
So there can be NO confusion/ this is NOT a threat, not from me/ not from GOD either! This is your reality, and you do stand at the door of Armageddon. This trial is about you/ it is NOT about me.
The time has come/ I do say to you plainly, that if you survive till 2010 it is in that year "the anti-christ" shall come, [BUT ONLY IF YOU FAIL]! It is then, without mercy/ without opportunity or chance for change the door to hell shall open, and you shall fall in: if you fail. I tell you true, not one life on earth shall then doubt